Calorie table of nuts and their beneficial properties

Nuts are a storehouse of vitamins and mineral components. Therefore, they need to be consumed on a daily basis. Considering that the product is not lightweight, it is recommended to reduce the quantity to a minimum. During the day, according to the recommendations of nutritionists, consume no more than 5-6 kernels. More information about what nuts you can eat while losing weight will be discussed in this article.


To determine which nut is the most nutritious, it is advisable to study their nutritional value; this will be discussed in more detail below.


Wondering what the nutritional value of different nuts is and how many calories they contain? Check out the table below. The quantity is indicated per 100 g of product.

Nut namekcalBANDU
Brazilian nut56414665
Pine nut63012,86119

Features of nuts

When you determine the daily dosage of nuts, consider their calorie content and nutritional value. Take into account your body type, age, gender and level of physical activity.

According to research, nuts help reduce the level of negative cholesterol in the blood and also speed up metabolism.

Today, healthy nuts can be added to various dishes. These can be salads, snacks, pates, pastries and hot dishes.

Beneficial features

Nuts are on the list of the most useful and necessary foods for the mind. They contain polyunsaturated fatty acids, which are necessary for humans under severe stress on the brain. Thanks to their energy value and the combination of light fats with vegetable proteins, they will become an indispensable product for people involved in sports. They can even partially replace meat and eggs.

Due to their rich composition, nuts will be useful for men, women, children, as well as pregnant women and the elderly.


Peanuts have anti-carcinogenic properties due to the presence of large amounts of vitamin E and other antioxidants. This prevents the appearance of cancer cells. With regular use, the product is able to replenish the deficiency of missing elements in the body.

The beneficial properties of peanuts include:

  • lowering cholesterol levels;
  • improvement of memory, concentration;
  • reducing fatigue and increasing stress resistance;
  • improvement of the hearing threshold;
  • the occurrence of a choleretic effect;
  • increased blood clotting;
  • stabilization of the immune and nervous system.

Peanuts are capable of producing the “joy hormone” - serotonin, which is a strong natural antidepressant. A similar effect is caused by the presence of the amino acid tryptophan in peanuts.

For women, the benefit of the product is to slow down the aging process and stabilize hormonal balance. It is recommended to use it during pregnancy, as it reduces the risk of developing pathologies in the fetus.

For men, the beneficial effect relates to the reproductive system: increased testosterone production, sperm formation, increased libido and sexual activity.


Vegetarians love hazel fruits. They replace meat, because its kernels contain natural protein.

The beneficial properties of hazelnuts include:

  • cleansing the body of waste and toxins;
  • strengthening and increasing the elasticity of vascular walls;
  • normalizing blood sugar levels;
  • increased blood circulation to the brain;
  • strengthening hair follicles, dental and bone tissues;
  • increasing immunity;
  • building muscle mass;
  • increasing stress resistance.

Hazelnuts are recommended for use by older people, because the product can enhance regeneration processes in the body, strengthen bones and increase the body's resistance. It also reduces the risk of Alzheimer's disease.

For women, eating nuts will help give elasticity to the skin and make hair shiny and strong. For men, the product will be useful during physical activity, because it quickly replenishes lost strength and helps build muscles.


Most of the useful elements are in the shell, so it can be consumed together with the skin.

Almonds have the following beneficial properties:

  • participates in cell renewal;
  • strengthens the osteoarticular apparatus;
  • relieves inflammation and cleanses the kidneys;
  • improves brain activity;
  • relieves migraines;
  • brings the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract back to normal;
  • helps fight depression;
  • increases hemoglobin levels and enriches blood with oxygen in case of anemia;
  • helps with insomnia.

For women, almonds help combat dry skin and enhance hair shine and growth. It is also an indispensable product during pregnancy, because it saturates the female body with all the necessary elements: vitamin E, iron, zinc, magnesium, phosphorus, calcium and folic acid.

Men are recommended to consume almonds for baldness. To do this, milk is mixed with almond crumbs and used as a hair mask. This product stimulates the growth of hair follicles.


Walnuts provide irreplaceable benefits for a growing body. Its use will help the child easily adapt to the school regime: it will be easier to concentrate, memory and intelligence will improve.

The beneficial properties of the product are:

  • increasing immunity;
  • increase in hemoglobin level;
  • strengthening the walls of blood vessels;
  • resorption of sclerotic and cholesterol plaques;
  • improvement of intestinal function;
  • lowering blood sugar levels.

For women, the product is indispensable during menopause and menopause. Due to the high content of vitamin C, hormonal levels are stabilized when consuming the product.

For men, the product is recommended to be consumed with honey or dried fruits. This dish enhances potency and significantly reduces the risk of prostatitis or adenoma.


People who smoke should eat cashews more often, because they can reduce the negative effects of nicotine on the human body. In addition, cashews have many other beneficial properties:

  • helps to recover faster after a major operation or long-term illness;
  • strengthens the immune system;
  • frees blood vessels from cholesterol plaques and promotes the rapid production of red blood cells;
  • relieves fatigue;
  • improves memory, fine motor skills and concentration;
  • normalizes blood glucose levels;
  • strengthens bone tissue;
  • prevents the development of cancer.

For women, cashew is a natural aphrodisiac. It stabilizes libido levels, which affects libido. Cashews can increase the likelihood of conception, normalize the menstrual cycle, and relieve depression and emotional exhaustion.

For men, the nut prevents impotence, improves sperm quality and enhances sperm motility.


Pistachios contain a lot of fiber: consuming 30 g replaces a full serving of oatmeal.

Useful properties of pistachios:

  • have a tonic and strengthening effect;
  • improve lipid metabolism and strengthen the walls of blood vessels;
  • lower blood pressure and cholesterol levels in the blood;
  • normalize the activity of the digestive system;
  • strengthen the muscles of the eyeball and enhance visual acuity.

Women who love to eat pistachios will look younger than their years, because the product contains a lot of vitamin E and phenolic compounds. Products based on pistachio oil eliminate fine wrinkles, increase the tone of the epidermis, and help get rid of rashes and acne.

Nuts contain arginine, which helps men get rid of impotence and improves sperm quality.

Brazilian nut

Brazil nut is a good preventive measure for diseases of the cardiovascular system, thyroid gland, as well as atherosclerosis and cataracts.

Useful properties of the product:

  • strengthens the immune system;
  • improves digestion and cleanses the intestines;
  • neutralizes elements of heavy metals in the body;
  • slows down aging and the occurrence of chronic diseases;
  • reduces cholesterol levels;
  • prevents the appearance of cancer cells.

In women, the fetus prolongs reproductive function, prepares the body for pregnancy and reduces the risk of developmental defects in the baby.

For men, regular consumption of the fruit will prevent infertility, and the presence of selenium will reduce the level of development of many male diseases.


Nutritionists recommend including the product in your regular diet, because it has a general strengthening effect on the entire body. The beneficial properties of pecans include:

  • reducing the risk of heart attack and coronary disease;
  • protection against tumor formation;
  • cleansing the blood of toxins;
  • relieves fatigue;
  • increases appetite;
  • normalizes the activity of the gastrointestinal tract, kidneys and liver.

Women will love pecans for strengthening hair, improving skin and restoring the nail plate. The product is necessary during breastfeeding, as it increases the nutritional properties of milk.

Men will appreciate pecans for increasing testosterone levels in the blood and normalizing the functioning of the reproductive system.


Nutmeg is generally used only as a seasoning. You can consume no more than 1 gram of it per day.

Beneficial features:

  • eliminates bad breath;
  • relieves headaches and toothaches;
  • copes with fatigue, tension;
  • increases concentration;
  • improves blood circulation;
  • normalizes digestion and gastrointestinal activity;
  • removes harmful carcinogenic substances from the body.

In women, it will relieve unpleasant symptoms of menopause, restore the menstrual cycle and prevent the development of varicose veins in the legs.

For men, the product will prevent premature ejaculation, relieve general fatigue and improve blood circulation in the pelvic organs.

Is it possible to eat nuts while losing weight?

Doubts about the safety of this product in relation to the figure are raised by the amount of fat and calories that are not at all inherent in dietary food. However, nutritionists are confident that nuts have so many benefits, especially for women, that throwing them out of the diet is unwise. Fatty acids (especially Omega-3), vitamin E, polyphenols - these elements are vital for the body. Is it possible to eat nuts while losing weight? With caution is the doctor’s answer. You will not lose weight slower if you find your dose and understand what is best to combine them with and when to eat them.

The healthiest nuts

If you take a fresh product - not fried with oil, not salted, not covered in glaze - it will only work for the benefit of your health. However, doctors also highlight the most useful nuts for weight loss, of which there are only 5 types. The rating, according to experts, looks like this:

  1. Almond.
  2. Walnut.
  3. Cashew nuts.
  4. Pistachios.
  5. Pine nuts.

Sesame (551 Kcal)

The tropical plant has been known to mankind for more than 3.5 thousand years, and its beneficial properties were first discovered by the inhabitants of Babylon and ancient Egyptian healers.

The caloric value is 551 Kcal per 100 g, and the copper content is 163% of the daily value. A distinctive feature of sesame is the presence of unique substances sesamin and sesamolin, which prevent aging. Doctors advise taking a small amount of this product every day to prevent heart disease, cleanse blood vessels, and also prevent cancer.

Sesame is useful for both the male and female body, but TopCafe does not advise girls who are watching their figure to abuse the healthy and tasty product.


How to store

When choosing fruits, you need to pay attention to the shell, smell, color. If nuts are sold raw (walnuts, pistachios, Manchurian), then the hard shell must be intact, without cracks or darkening. The smell of dampness and mustiness is a sign of the appearance of mold or fungus; such kernels should not be eaten. The seeds themselves should not be black, wrinkled, dried out, or, on the contrary, unripe, green, or bitter.

Each type has its own storage temperature and optimal conditions: lack of light, air humidity, regular ventilation of the container. Nuts do not like heat, direct sunlight, mustiness or condensation in the packaging. It is best to store the fruits in shell (up to a year), in linen or canvas bags, stir periodically, cleaning them from dust and pests. Before sorting and packaging, the grains are thoroughly dried.

Peeled and roasted seeds cannot be stored for a long time; purchased in plastic packaging, it is better to pour them into a glass jar and put them in the refrigerator. Shelf life – 30 days. For long-term preservation, you can pour honey over the nuts. They practice freezing the kernels in a thick plastic container, this way you can extend the shelf life by 2 months.

Doctors recommend introducing nuts into the diet from 4-5 years of age, but in small doses: crumbs in baked goods, an additive to cocoa or other drink. If the fruit does not cause a negative reaction, the volume can be increased slightly. Regular consumption of kernels strengthens the bone, nervous, and cardiovascular systems of organs, develops intelligence, and accelerates metabolism.

When is the best time to eat nuts?

If it is advisable to eat this tasty product separately from the rest or not combine it with heavy foods (vegetables instead of meat, no bread, etc.), doctors do not argue among themselves, then when is it better to eat nuts - in the morning or in the evening, from Each of them can obtain diametrically opposed information. It is recommended to leave high-calorie foods for the first half of the day, but at the same time it is better to drive away acute hunger before bed with a couple of nuts rather than candy.

A few tips for safe weight loss:

  • Mix nuts with oatmeal during breakfast and you will forget about hunger for 3-4 hours.
  • Try replacing your afternoon snack with a handful of almonds - you'll eat less for dinner.
  • A few nuts in a green salad without dressing in the evening - not high in calories, but satisfying.
  • You should not eat any nuts at night, even the low-calorie ones.

How to use it correctly

The kernels must be cleaned from the hard shell, and less often from the inner husk. They are eaten raw, fried, dried, in soups and porridges, as a side dish. Chefs recommend soaking nuts in water; this procedure destroys gluten, removes harmful enzymes, and awakens active substances. In addition, the fruits become softer in texture and taste. The harder they are, the longer they need to be kept in water.

The optimal time for use is the first half of the day. Athletes are advised to eat a handful before training or make a protein shake. Adults can enjoy the seeds daily; the limit for children is no more than 2 times a week.

The main indication is the absence of allergies. Contraindications – individual negative reactions (constipation, frustration, nausea, dizziness). Nuts are allowed for both pregnant women and the elderly. They stimulate brain function, strengthen the walls of blood vessels and bone tissue. Nuts are introduced into the diet from the age of 3 with the permission of the pediatrician, taking into account some features:

  1. It is better to consume all nuts without roasting, which takes away beneficial substances, but this rule does not apply to cashews and almonds (processing removes cardol and hydrocyanic acid from the fruit, substances that cause burns and poisoning);
  2. Nuts are high-calorie and tasty without chocolate sprinkles or additional confectionery refinements; frequent consumption of such treats leads to weight gain;
  3. Moldy seeds provoke the growth of tumors and the development of cancer;
  4. Peanut protein is the strongest allergen (more than 70% of allergic reactions are to this fruit);
  5. In order to harmoniously combine nuts with other products, you need to take into account the proportions of the compounds: the kernels are rich in proteins and fats, so in addition you need carbohydrates (vegetables, fruits, cereals, but not meat or fish).

The norm for an adult is 20 grams per day (up to 50 grams), for a child - the volume that fits in his palm. If this limit is exceeded, severe poisoning, liver enlargement, diathesis and allergies are possible.

Chestnut (166 Kcal)

The fruit of trees whose homeland is considered to be the Balkan Peninsula is also a nut, since the hard kernel is covered with a peel. Archaeologists find chestnut fruits and pollen in the burials of Sarmatians and other nomads.

There are two types of chestnut growing on the globe - horse chestnut, the fruits of which have medicinal properties, but are not edible, and noble chestnut, the fruits of which can be eaten. Chestnuts are low in fat but rich in carbohydrates. 100 g of fruit contains 166 kcal.

In addition, they contain large amounts of vitamins A and B, as well as mineral elements - iron, calcium, phosphorus. While other nuts are only slightly fried, chestnuts are eaten mainly fried.

Pecan (736 Kcal)

A distant relative of the walnut, the pecan is the fattest nut in the world, and the fruit is also shaped like the human brain. It is noteworthy that the tree can reach 40 m in height, and North America is considered the birthplace of the pecan.

The energy fat content of 100 grams is 736 Kcal, so eating a small handful can easily fill you up, and such a lunch will replace your daily fat intake. The kernels contain zinc, manganese, phosphorus, as well as vitamins A, B and E.

TopCafe warns! Pecan consumption is contraindicated for those who have liver problems, as well as for obese people, because with such a composition it is an explosive calorie bomb.



Protein : 6 grams per 30-gram serving of pistachios ().

A serving of pistachios contains as much protein as one egg ().

These nuts have higher levels of essential amino acids than most other nuts ().

Essential amino acids are those amino acids that must be obtained from food so that the body can use them to create the proteins needed to perform important functions ().

If you like to eat pistachios, try mixing them with nut butter and eating them on toast, apples or crackers.


With 6 grams of protein per 30-gram serving, pistachios contain as much protein as one egg, plus a large amount of essential amino acids.

Hazelnuts (704 Kcal)

Large hazel, or Lombard nut, is eaten, used in the confectionery industry, and also for making butter.

There are 704 kcal per 100 grams of hazelnuts, which makes them the most nutritious among the relatives of the world of nuts. As you can see, in terms of caloric content it is much superior to basic products such as bread and milk, and even chocolate. As a dietary product, it is widely used to prevent cardiovascular diseases and treat varicose veins.

It is an excellent source of energy, and therefore is included in the diet of athletes and people whose work involves heavy physical exertion, or who work in northern latitudes.

By the way, about the healthiest nuts that are used for food, read an interesting article on the website


About the composition and benefits


It would seem that nuts are nutritious and high in fat, which means they cannot be used as part of a dietary diet. In fact, cedar kernels include various beneficial microelements, vitamins and minerals. With regular consumption of walnuts, pine nuts, pistachios, almonds or cashews, a person significantly improves immunity and activates the mechanisms responsible for rapid recovery from various diseases.

Nutritionists note the high content of vegetable protein in cedar kernels. This component is similar in composition to animal protein, which we get from meat, eggs, and dairy products. However, vegetable protein from nut kernels is completely absorbed by the body. Thanks to this, after eating a small amount of nuts, it fills you up faster and relieves hunger.


Speaking about usefulness as an indisputable fact, it is necessary to mention the harm that nuts can cause.

Firstly, many nuts can cause allergies. Secondly, their high calorie content when consumed in excess causes an enlargement of the liver, and this natural filter of the body must be protected.

Thirdly, everyone knows that some types of nuts lead to obesity, so their daily diet should be strictly limited.

And lastly, nuts should be chewed thoroughly to avoid problems with the stomach and intestines. However, doctors advise chewing any food thoroughly.

Cashew (554 Kcal)

The evergreen plant, native to Brazil, has a nut-shaped fruit with an edible kernel. Due to its fruit and wide distribution in the Asian region, it is also called Indian nut. It is in this South Asian country that this is one of the most cultivated plants.

The fruit consists of two parts, the pulp, called the cashew apple, and the hard core itself. All this is covered with a hard shell. There are 554 kcal per 100 grams of cashews. The fruits are also rich in vitamins A, B2 and B1.

Of all the variety of nuts, they are the least likely to cause allergies. It is noteworthy that cashew shells are used in the preparation of medicines. It is also one of the most expensive nuts in markets around the world.


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