Anabolic steroids for muscle growth in the pharmacy - what kind of pharmacy steroids are they?

Masmedia dictates its own rules to us and sets standards of beauty, those parameters to which girls and boys then strive. This refers to the fit and pumped up guys on the covers of glossy magazines and the cute athletic girls who stand next to them. Everyone wants to look beautiful, but how to build your body? There is a slow and fast way. The first option is a long workout in the gym, following proper nutrition. The second way to use drugs that stimulate muscle growth. Next, we will talk about which anabolic steroids for muscle growth anyone can buy in a pharmacy without having a prescription from a doctor.

What are steroids?

Promotion of a healthy lifestyle has reached every corner of our country. Playing sports has now become fashionable. Wherever you spit, you’ll end up hitting a turnstile athlete, a bodybuilder, or a crossfitter. Over the past ten years, society has changed a little in terms of the number of people involved in sports. Young people are actively storming the fitness halls, the courtyard sports grounds don’t look so empty, and sometimes there are kids there who are trying to learn something.

In order to look beautiful, give their body aesthetics and be pumped up, athletes often cross the line between sports nutrition and everyday food and neglect to use various types of supplements. Anabolic steroids for muscle growth

- this is their name among the common people. These additives are used in medicine only for medicinal purposes and under the supervision of medical professionals.

Anabolic steroids are taken for serious illnesses, problems with internal organs, blood diseases, and so on. However, even constant monitoring by medical staff does not guarantee safe treatment. In any case, there is a possibility that the patient will become dependent on the drug and will not be able to exist without its dosages in the future.

Cost of drugs

The most affordable anabolic steroids from the pharmacy are Tamoxifen and Potassium Orotate. The price for 1 package of each of these drugs does not exceed 120 rubles. From the list given in the article, the injectable steroids Methandrostenolone and Andriol in tablets have the maximum price - more than 2,300 rubles.

When choosing a hormonal drug to increase muscle volume, its cost is critical for many, since long-term use of anabolic steroids will be required to achieve the desired result. When leaning in favor of cheap medications, one should not forget about their toxicity and side effects.

When planning to use anabolic steroids for muscle growth, you should carefully study the features of both medications from the pharmacy and special drugs for athletes. In addition, it is imperative to consult with your doctor about possible contraindications and risks of such use.

Side effects of anabolic steroids

Let's fantasize and imagine what will happen to an ordinary person or an athlete who takes anabolic steroids for muscle growth in unlimited dosages, does not control the lines and generally does not monitor his health or changes in the hormonal system. Impotence and infertility are a mild trend of consequences that an athlete can get away with after taking such drugs.

Regular dosages are fraught with rapid wear and tear of the cellular structure.

After all, the result of taking steroids is accelerated muscle growth, which stimulates the work of human cells at an accelerated pace. After completing the course or after several such courses, the human body begins to age quickly; it is not able to independently produce the hormones necessary for life. After all, before this, anabolic drugs helped him perfectly.

This is if we talk about strong steroids, which are strictly prohibited for sale and use. Getting a good product is very difficult and expensive. However, there is another option, to find their substitutes. Next, the conversation will focus on what anabolic steroids for muscle growth an ordinary passerby can buy in a pharmacy, and how to find and obtain pharmaceuticals in medical institutions.


When using anabolic steroids, you should adhere to the fundamental principles. Otherwise, improper use of hormones will cause serious damage to health, which may be irreversible.

Anabolic steroids directly affect hormonal levels, and any disruption can cause the development of severe pathologies of the endocrine system and radically change appearance, causing obesity, excessive body hair growth or hair loss, and acromegaly.

Anabolic steroids for muscle growth (pharmacies do not sell drugs directly intended for athletes, but they contain substances similar to prohibited doping) should not be used by persons under 25 years of age.

It is also worth noting a number of diseases for which taking anabolic steroids is unacceptable:

  • chronic failure of the heart, kidneys, liver;
  • nephritis;
  • prostatitis;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • oncological diseases.

Steroids are strictly not recommended for women, especially during pregnancy and lactation, when anabolic steroids, which are highly fetotoxic, can cause muscularization of the female fetus. Such drugs for women are unnatural, since most of them are created on the basis of modified testosterone molecules, the male hormone.

If you have diabetes and a history of heart attack or stroke, taking steroids is not prohibited, but this must be done with extreme caution.

Anabolic steroids for muscle growth in the pharmacy - legal pharmacy

Pharmacological drugs should be separated

for those that are
in closed access
, they cannot be found on the open market and for
free anabolic steroids in the pharmacy
, or rather drugs intended for the treatment of serious diseases in patients. But when used correctly in combination with proper training, they can easily replace the steroids we know. Before purchasing any supplements, consult your doctor; do not think that you know more than a qualified specialist and that you do not need his opinion.

What anabolic steroids for muscle growth can be purchased at the pharmacy for anyone? We will tell you which supplements are absolutely safe for human health, without taking into account personal intolerance to the drug, the use of which will accelerate the growth of muscle mass several times.

Who are the drugs for gaining muscle mass intended for?

Anabolic drugs from the pharmacy have various indications for use, which, as a rule, have nothing to do with the need of bodybuilders and bodybuilders to build muscle.

Such hormonal drugs are prescribed for:

  • cachexia;

    Anabolic steroids for muscle growth in the pharmacy can be prescribed for cachexia.

  • disorders of protein metabolism caused by severe injuries, postoperative syndrome, radiation therapy;
  • severe autoimmune and genetic diseases accompanied by protein loss;
  • progressive muscular dystrophy;
  • glucocorticoid-induced myopia;
  • angiopathy due to diabetes mellitus;
  • slow growth and development of children against the background of Shereshevsky-Turner syndrome;
  • pituitary dwarfism;
  • delayed puberty in boys and girls;
  • encephalopathy caused by hepatitis;
  • malignant bone marrow diseases.

If we consider steroid drugs as stimulators of muscle tissue growth, it is worth noting that they also retain calcium in the bones and help increase bone mass. In the absence of the above indications, anabolic steroids are used by bodybuilders and athletes for muscle growth.

It is important that steroids are not universal drugs that act the same for everyone. The same anabolic steroid can help one person achieve the desired results, but not another. The effect will largely depend on the athlete’s nutrition, the regularity and intensity of his physical activity.

Insulin is the best pharmaceutical steroid

Insulin in the scientific literature is called a transport hormone that regulates blood sugar levels and reduces glucose levels. This hormone has gained some popularity in the world of bodybuilding due to its unique property of enhancing the process of protein synthesis. More than one experiment confirmed this; a positive effect of the transport hormone on stimulating the growth of muscle tissue was also observed.

Pros of using insulin:

Ø Insulin is an anti-catabolic Ø Stimulates muscle growth Ø Accelerates protein synthesis in the body Ø Increases the production of fatty acids

Thanks to insulin, sugar levels in the liver decrease, it stimulates the production of glycogen enzymes, increasing their total volume. The merit of the transport hormone lies in reducing the rate of protein breakdown and reducing the level of fatty acids that go into the blood.

More on the topic:

Pharmacological preparations from the pharmacy for weight gain

What types of insulin are there in the pharmacy?

Athletes and bodybuilders inject two types of insulin: short-acting and ultra-short-acting. The second type begins to manifest itself after 15 minutes and reaches its peak 2 hours after the injection. Removed from the body in 3-4 hours. It is recommended to take insulin both before (10 minutes before) and after meals (immediately).

Short-acting insulin activates its work in the body after half an hour. The dosage is administered under the skin 40 minutes before meals. The maximum is reached after a couple of hours and completely disappears after 5-6 hours.

Pros of insulin

For muscle growth in the pharmacy

It is difficult to find a better drug than insulin because it:

Ø Available (easy to buy at the pharmacy) Ø Inexpensive (cheaper than steroids) Ø Very high quality (there are almost no counterfeits in the pharmacy - 95%) Ø Non-toxic Ø Minimal set of side effects Ø Has an anabolic effect Ø Compatible with all drugs

Disadvantages of pharmaceutical anabolic steroids

Ø Blood sugar levels drop Ø Propensity for fat deposits Ø Not so easy to take and formulate courses

Side effects of insulin

Insulin, as a drug that occupies the first line of the “hit parade” of legal steroids called “ anabolic steroids for muscle growth in the pharmacy

"has its own side effects on the body, and more specifically:

Ø Possible itching at the injection site Ø Risk of allergic reactions Ø Imbalance in the production of your own hormone

Anabolic steroids that can be bought at a pharmacy without prescriptions

Anabolic steroids for muscle growth in the pharmacy and those drugs that are not publicly available often have similar active ingredients and compositions. When used correctly, official medications in combination with sports training can replace doping agents.


Initially, this drug had indications for use such as the presence of a malignant tumor in the breast in women and men, prostate cancer, and melanoma. The active substance of Tamoxifen is the steroid of the same name in the form of citrate. It is a natural estrogen antagonist with physiological sensitivity to female sex hormones.

Tamoxifen can be used in combination with other steroids to prevent hormonal imbalance. To significantly reduce estrogen levels and increase testosterone concentrations, the optimal dosage is 20 mg tamoxifen per day for 5-10 weeks. In addition, the drug helps reduce cholesterol levels, which is an important advantage during the period of taking anabolic steroids.


Unlike the previous drug, this steroid has tonic properties and helps accelerate protein biosynthesis. Taking Ecdysterone ensures an increase in physical endurance, speed and strength parameters of athletes before competitions. This medication can be taken by patients with cardiovascular disorders.

The average dosage of Ecdysterone corresponds to 5-6 tablets per day, the course duration is 15-25 days. The drug should not be used by patients suffering from insomnia and nervous disorders. It is recommended to drink this anabolic with extreme caution for hypertensive patients.


The combined medication consists of plant and biochemical substances that have a positive effect on the human body.

Safinor contains:

  • potassium orotate;
  • Manchurian aralia extract;
  • Siberian swollen carp root extract;
  • inosine

This drug helps achieve the desired increase in muscle volume due to its ability to activate metabolic and neuroregulatory processes. The regimen for using Safinor tablets is as follows: 1-2 tablets 3-4 times a day for a minimum of 7 days (maximum 6 weeks). If it is necessary to repeat the course of taking the drug, it is important to take a 4-week break.

Plant-based anabolic steroids in the pharmacy, including Safinor for muscle growth, can cause itchy skin, insomnia, and mood swings.


Alvezin is a source of essential amino acids produced from plant materials. This medication is not available in tablet form and is administered into the body via intramuscular injections or intravenous drip infusions, which are considered the more preferable method of administration.

The dosage of protein Alvezin is 400 ml. This volume of medication should be divided into 2-3 days. With a single infusion of 400 ml, the next manipulation should be performed no earlier than 3 days later. The steroid Alvezin is used to dry the body and gain muscle mass without fat. It should not be taken if you have liver or kidney diseases or high levels of potassium in the blood.

Liv 52

The main purpose of the drug is hepatoprotective and choleretic effects, however, the combination of the following herbal components gives the drug an anabolic effect:

  • prickly capers;
  • common chicory;
  • black nightshade;
  • terminalia arjuna;
  • cassia occidentalis;
  • yarrow;
  • Tamarix.

To create a strong and strong body, you need to take Liv 52 2-3 tablets 3 times a day. The drug can be used during the recovery period after long-term use of powerful steroids, as it helps normalize liver function and cleanse it of harmful chemical toxins.

The optimal course of use is 20-30 days. The herbal components in the composition can cause side effects in the form of pain in the right hypochondrium and digestive disorders.

Potassium orotate

The anabolic steroid supports the normal regulation of endogenous and metabolic processes in the body, helping to increase muscle volume and increase endurance. In addition, a steroid based on potassium orotate has a positive effect on the functioning of the heart muscle and liver.

The steroid drug is available in tablets. The maximum daily dose of an anabolic steroid for athletes should not exceed 3 g of potassium orotate. The specified amount must be divided into 3-4 doses. You need to take the tablets 40-60 minutes before meals for 6-7 weeks. Exceeding the recommended dose can lead to allergic eczema or dyspeptic disorders such as nausea, vomiting, constipation, and diarrhea.


The active ingredient of this steroid is one of the protein amino acids involved in the growth process. Without methionine, the natural metabolism of fatty substances and the full synthesis of vital hormones (adrenaline, creatine, norepinephrine, insulin) are impossible.

Methionine tablets should be taken half an hour before meals. No more than 5 g of active substance is allowed into the body per day. Anabolic steroids for muscle growth (most of them are sold in pharmacies without a prescription) based on methionine can provoke vomiting and nausea. Such adverse reactions are grounds for discontinuation of the drug.


This steroid has been produced for more than 25 years. Andriol is a medicinal complex based on testosterone undecanoate, which is a fatty acid ester of the male hormone of the same name. The main advantage of an anabolic steroid is the absence of its effect on the liver. If you believe the reviews, it does not cause acne, does not provoke the development of gynecomastia in men and does not contribute to obesity.

Andriol tablets do not interfere with the natural production of testosterone if the recommended dosages are followed. The minimum dose of an anabolic steroid for muscle growth is 6 tablets per day. Andriol is strictly contraindicated for women.


Among dihydrotestosterone-based anabolics, this drug does not stop the progestogenic effect of nandronols, despite the fact that it belongs to the group of progesterone antagonists. Stanozolol does not provide a significant increase in muscle volume, but at the same time provides the muscles with the correct relief. The medication helps remove excess water from the body, reduce globulin levels and increase the athlete’s endurance.

Unlike other anabolic steroids, which provoke gastrointestinal disorders, Stanozolol, on the contrary, improves appetite. You need to take 30 mg of the drug per day, which equals 1 or 3 tablets. It is recommended to continue taking the steroid for 1.5-2 months. It is worth noting that this hormonal drug cannot be used when preparing for serious sporting events.


The medication is a synthetic and modified substitute for male testosterone, which allows you to gain muscle mass in a short period of time. In official medicine, Methandrostenolone is used for fractures, burns, growth retardation in children and muscular dystrophy.

This anabolic is available not only in tablet form, but also in the form of an injection solution. The safe daily amount of Methandrostenolone is 20-30 mg. It is advisable to take the steroid 2 times a day after meals. Experts say that the body quickly gets used to it as a significant disadvantage of this drug.

Methandrostenolone often causes adverse reactions:

  • blood pressure surges;
  • increased heart rate;
  • disruption of digestive processes;
  • gynecomastia;
  • acne on the skin.

Testosterone propionate

This anabolic steroid practically does not retain water in the body, which does not allow athletes to quickly gain the required muscle volume with its help. For this reason, testosterone propionate is often used in combination with other steroids, for example, Winstol and Primobolan.

The active substance, having penetrated the bloodstream, is quickly activated and leaves the body just as quickly. After using this anabolic, athletes do not encounter problems during doping control. It is recommended to take Testosterone propionate at least 3 times a week, 100 mg at a time. In an amount of 50 mg no more than 2 times a week, this anabolic can also be used by women.


The methyl group of the molecules is responsible for the effectiveness of this steroid, which allows the drug to pass through the liver unchanged. Boldenone helps stabilize androgen receptors, allowing oxygen to be transported to muscle tissue. Boldenone is in many ways similar to testosterone in molecular composition, and therefore also ensures the growth of muscle mass.

Anabolic steroids for muscle growth are sold in pharmacies not only in tablet form. Boldenone is an essential substance that, when released into the bloodstream, remains in it for up to 30 days. The drug should be taken once a week, 400-1000 mg of Boldenone. A smaller dosage may lead to a complete lack of results. Unlike analogues, the drug does not cause adverse reactions.


This steroid drug, which is available in the form of an oil solution for intramuscular injections, contains several types of testosterone:

  • propionate - 30 mg;
  • phenylpropionate - 60 mg;
  • isocapronate - 60 mg;
  • decanoate - 100 mg.

In addition to hormones, Sustanon-250 contains peanut oil and nitrogen with benzyl alcohol.

The classic scheme for using this hormonal composition to increase muscle mass looks like this:

  • during the first three weeks, administer 250 mg of the drug on Mondays (preferably in the morning);
  • fourth week – break;
  • the fifth and sixth weeks - injections in the same dosage should be given on Thursday evenings.

Riboxin and bodybuilding

In second place on the hit parade is Riboxin, a drug that bodybuilders use for muscle growth and can be bought at a simple pharmacy. The supplement is considered an excellent source of energy, which cells use to build new muscle fibers. Thanks to Riboxin, restoration processes occur with greater intensity, tissues receive energy, and internal systems do not suffer from a lack of oxygen.

The positive aspects of taking Riboxin are:

Ø Plays a key role in the synthesis of proteins and nucleic acid Ø Prevents tissues from starving and lacking oxygen Ø Prevents our heart from contracting coronary disease Ø Positively affects recovery processes Ø Creates a balance in energy processes Ø Controls the work of the heart

Thanks to taking Riboxin, the athlete increases endurance, accelerates the growth of muscle fibers, and strengthens the immune system. Regular use of the drug allows the athlete to stay in the gym longer and recover faster after a hard workout.

Riboxin form and dosage

At the pharmacy, anabolic steroids can be purchased in tablets, solutions and capsules. The price per record is no more than 40 rubles. Ampoules are more expensive, 70-140 rubles, solution 60-150 rubles.

If we talk about tableted Riboxin, athletes take 3-4 tablets 3-4 times a day before meals. To begin with, the normal dose is 1 tablet 3-4 times a day. A unique course of taking Riboxin can take from a month to 90 days. Next, we give the body a rest for 30-45 days and you can re-use the anabolic steroid.

More on the topic:

First course of steroids

Side effects of Riboxin

Side effects of Riboxin are subtle. This can only include personal intolerance to the drug or those components that are included in the composition. If you take more than what is indicated on the package, you can get an allergic reaction, your heart will start beating faster, your blood pressure will rise.

Drugs with metabolic effect


The active substance is pentoxifylline, an angioprotector.


  • Improves microcirculation
  • The blood is more quickly saturated with oxygen and nutrients and delivers them to the muscle fibers more quickly

Recommendations for use:

  • Dosage: 2 t. 3 times a day
  • Course – 4-6 weeks

Cytochrome C

An enzyme preparation obtained by extraction from the heart tissue of cattle.


  • In bodybuilding it is used to activate tissue respiration and oxidative processes in muscles

Recommendations for use:

  • 20 mg 4 times a day or 60-100 mg simultaneously, 2 hours before training
  • Course – 5-10 days

Glutamic acid

Replaceable amino acid.


  • Stimulates protein and carbohydrate metabolism, oxidative processes
  • Improves skeletal muscle activity
  • Prevents a decrease in redox potential

Recommendations for use:

  • Usage rate – 4 t. 2-3 times a day

Clenbuterol is a powerful fat burner and muscle mass stimulator.

Anabolic steroids for muscle growth in the pharmacy do not end there, and the next drug on our list is clenbuterol. The main objective of the supplement is to increase the athlete’s endurance. But the drug is prohibited for use; it is used to treat asthmatics and people suffering from lung diseases. There are cases when anabolic steroids were administered to animals in order for them to gain muscle mass - that is, used in agriculture.

Clenbuterol, as an anabolic for muscle growth, has all the properties such as accelerating protein synthesis, recovery processes and fat burning. Studies conducted with clenbuterol on animals have shown that the drug perfectly burns subcutaneous fat; it has no analogues.

Clenbuterol has the following benefits:

Ø Prevents the destruction of muscle tissue during periods of drying Ø Accelerates anabolism Ø Removes subcutaneous deposits Ø Appetite disappears Ø Maintains muscle tone

Dosages and release forms

Steroids are available in both tablet and injectable form. Clenbuterol is available in liquid form. In the first days you should not inject more than 20 mcg of the drug. For 5 days, take 40 mcg. From days 6 to 12, divide 120 mcg into two doses. Then in two days lower it to 8 mcg, and then 40 mcg every day. Then we take a two-week break and repeat the procedure.

How to get maximum effectiveness from clenbuterol?

In order for a steroid for muscle growth purchased at a pharmacy to give 100% impact, it must be combined in tandem with ketotifen. The additive will enhance the interaction and give a pronounced result. Ketafen should be included in the course at its completion stage.

Side effects of clenbuterol

Anabolic steroids, which are used for muscle growth and are freely sold in pharmacies, do not have strong side effects compared to steroids that are prohibited for sale. However, you should know the following about clenbuterol: improper use of the drug can lead to death, cells may begin to die, there is a risk of hypertrophy, arrhythmia, and so on. Side effects are considered to be:

Ø High blood pressure Ø You may feel dizzy and have a headache Ø Nausea and vomiting Ø Sweating begins to actively appear Ø Seizures Ø Potassium is lost


Most steroids consist of components that, under certain conditions, are transformed into female sex hormones. Tamoxifen interferes with this process and blocks the conversion. Athletes and bodybuilders take tamoxifen in order to gain muscle, and some claim that without a “miracle drug” it is impossible to climb to Olympus.

More on the topic:

Hybrid steroid cycles

Pros of tamoxifen

The main result of using tamoxifen is that female hormones give back and show themselves in a man’s body as excess fat deposits and water in the body. The drug increases cholesterol levels in the blood, and accordingly the risk that you will develop cardiovascular diseases is reduced to zero.

Disadvantages and side effects of tamoxifen

Tamoxifen is the ideal steroid that can be purchased. It has no disadvantages, except for minor side effects:

Ø You may lose some hair Ø Your body temperature may increase Ø Slight dry mouth Ø You may feel nauseous

How to take and dosage

Taking tamoxifen promotes good muscle tone. 20 milligrams is your daily dose. The course generally lasts three weeks. On the first we take 40, on the second – 30 and on the third 10 milligrams of the drug.

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