Calorie content of chicken broth, chicken broth: benefits and harms

Chicken broth is one of the ancient dishes, better known as “European penicillin”. A low-calorie decoction filled with vitamins and microelements helps restore the body after severe injuries, operations and illnesses. According to legend, the first broth was prepared in the 3rd millennium BC. done by accident.

A slave who stole a chicken threw the plucked carcass into a cauldron of boiling water to hide traces of the crime. The guards brought the caught thief, along with the broth that proved his guilt, to the pharaoh, who liked the unknown dish so much that he decided to have mercy on the slave, at the same time appointing him as one of his main cooks.

The medicinal properties of “European penicillin” were studied by the famous Avicenna , and the ancient Greeks, before the Olympic Games, always cooked broth from chicken sacrificed to the gods, thereby restoring their strength before important competitions.

Chicken broth: composition

This first dish of chicken broth contains so many useful substances that it becomes clear why it is included in the menu of those who have suffered a serious illness or surgery!

Just look at this list:

  • selenium;
  • copper;
  • iron;
  • magnesium;
  • calcium;
  • B vitamins.

And your body can get all this without much time or physical effort!

Harm that the product can cause to the body

In some diseases, the same extractive substances may not be beneficial, but, on the contrary, harmful. Such diseases may be:

  • Stomach ulcer;
  • Duodenal ulcer;
  • Gastritis with increased production of hydrochloric acid;
  • Gout;
  • Acute pancreatitis;
  • Inflammation of the lining of the esophagus;
  • Urolithiasis disease;

If you have these or accompanying diseases, you should consult your doctor about using chicken broth and dishes made from it. In some cases, its use is contraindicated, in others it is limited or not recommended. In any case, a specialist should decide whether to establish a strict diet in this particular case.

Chicken broth: calories per 100 grams

Let us immediately note that to answer the question: “How many calories are in 100 grams of chicken broth?” - difficult.

After all, it is of great importance here:

  1. How many times have you drained the water when preparing a dish and poured in new water?
  2. With the lid closed or open, a decoction was prepared;
  3. How much water did you use for cooking;
  4. Which part of the chicken did you use to make the soup?

At the same time, the average energy value of chicken broth is 15 calories ! Approximately this amount is contained in 100 grams of the finished dish. But, in some cases, you may get much more calories than the number mentioned above. That is why it is so important, before you start losing weight with a decoction, to familiarize yourself with all the nuances of the product.

For example, broth made from fillet will have a minimum amount of calories. This is not surprising, because this meat does not contain fat. It only contains protein . The breast, together with the bone and the skin not removed, gives more fat, and therefore, the energy value of the finished dish will be higher. But from the wings and legs (or offal) you will get a very rich, but useless (literally) soup. Why? Yes, because in this case it will not contain the protein necessary for the human body.

How, haven’t you read our new article about the calorie content of boiled pasta? Follow the link and learn about the benefits and harms of this flour product in losing weight!

Broth for diet soup

Fats are the basis for the preparation of many dietary soups: cereal, vegetable and meat puree soups. Strong meat extracts are necessary for weakened patients to stimulate appetite, and mushroom extracts are used for reduced secretion of gastric juice.

Sea fish soup is useful for iodine deficiency in the body.

Vegetable decoctions include water-soluble vitamins and minerals, which are essential for hypertension, atherosclerosis, and obesity. Any broth does not contain enough nutrients necessary for the body. Therefore, they are not recommended for long-term consumption as independent dishes; soups are prepared on their basis. You can read about the calorie content of various soups in our publication.

Chicken Broth Calories: Nutrition Calculation Formula

Quite often we need to know what the nutritional value of the broth will be in the finished dish even before cooking begins.

This is where the universal formula comes in handy, which looks like this:

Calorie content of broth = energy value of other accompanying products (noodles, meat, liquid, herbs, etc.).

After thinking a little, the site “” simplified it for you and now it’s:

The energy value of the dish = the value of the chicken meat used for cooking x 0.9.

At the same time, we take the calorie content of purified water (and it is from such water that it is recommended to cook soup) as zero.


Chicken bouillon


Table 1

Kura 2 cat.269 ​​g57.0322.060
Carrot13 g0.170.010.9
Parsley (root)10 g0.150.061.01
Bulb onions10 g0.140.020.82
Water1300 ml000

Calories in chicken broth: how much meat should I put in the water?

For a liter of water and 1 kg of meat, the nutritional value of this dish will be 175 calories per 100 grams of product , calculating 0.9 x 195.

This is exactly the nutritional value of the first course you eat. The energy value of chicken broth in its pure form (without meat) is approximately 11 calories. Thus, you just need to subtract the nutritional value of the latter from the calculated energy value of a dish with meat.

Now you see that in fact, chicken broth is a fairly low-calorie product that can really help you lose weight without any unpleasant sensations, such as hunger, nausea, or headache. In addition, such a dish will nourish the body with useful substances and charge it with energy for the working day.

How to calculate the calorie content of broth with different ingredients

A simple way to calculate the nutritional value of the finished chicken broth is to multiply the nutritional value of the raw part of the carcass by a factor of 0.9.

To find out how many kilocalories are in a pure broth, subtract the calorie content of the boiled part from the calorie content of the raw part of the chicken, multiply the result by the mass of meat and divide by the volume of water.

If other ingredients were used, the formula will help calculate the nutritional value per 100 g: (kcal of raw meat + kcal of vegetables + ...) / (weight of meat (g) + weight of vegetables (g) + ... + volume of water (ml)).

Chicken broth: beneficial properties

  • The so-called extractive substances contained in the meat of this bird are able to coat the gastric mucosa, which allows the soup to be absorbed by the body much faster. A decoction made from chicken fillet will give your liver a break from fatty foods. And dishes prepared from seeds and legs, according to research by scientists, strengthen joints and bone tissue.
  • At the same time, regular consumption of this first dish provokes increased production of gastric juice (as you know, gastric enzymes can only work in an acidic environment), which is very useful for those who have digestive problems. It is worth noting that meat, on the contrary, absorbs acid.
  • The substances contained in chicken broth prevent the formation of stagnation and blood clots in the circulatory system. They improve the lumen of the bronchi during colds and normalize blood glucose levels.

  • Also, it is worth recalling that due to its low energy value, chicken soup is included in hundreds, or even thousands, of weight loss diets!
  • Calcium, contained in abundance in the dish we are considering today, is necessary for the human body to tone muscles (for example, one of the most important muscles in the body, the heart muscle). In addition, this element acts as an activator of a certain group of enzymes, for example, the hormone insulin. It's no secret that calcium is the main element for teeth and bone tissue. It is also involved in the process of blood clotting. Able to prevent acidification of organs.
  • Magnesium from chicken broth is also responsible for healthy teeth and bones. Together with calcium, it regulates muscle function. Important for conducting excitation along the nerve fiber. This element also strengthens the immune system and normalizes the functioning of the nervous system.
  • The copper contained in the dish, together with iron, can prevent the formation of anemia and promote hematopoiesis. This chemical element is also incredibly useful for the digestive system.

  • One of the most important chemicals in chicken soup is, of course, selenium, which is considered an anti-cancer element and has an active effect on the process of synthesis of red blood cells and proteins. Selenium has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the reproductive system, and is also part of hormones, the so-called enzymatic systems.
  • B vitamins help deliver nutrients to the retina. They also normalize the performance of the nervous system. These substances are needed for the health of the gastrointestinal tract, for the process of hemoglobin formation.

The benefits of chicken broth and dishes prepared with it

As you know, chicken broth contains a large amount of extractives. When cooking meat, they mostly turn into broth. Having medicinal properties, they stimulate the production of gastric and bile juices, and also stimulate the pancreas.

Also, this decoction normalizes the process of digesting food and thus increases appetite. Due to its beneficial properties, it is allowed to be consumed quite early after operations performed on the abdominal organs and digestive system.

The dangers of chicken broth

In principle, speaking about the dangers of chicken broth, we can note only two negative points:

  1. Surely, many of our Dear Readers know that sometimes poultry farms raise birds using additional artificial growth stimulants. As a rule, chickens are deliberately kept in cramped cages and not allowed to walk so that their meat is soft. Of course, all harmful substances contained in meat pass into the broth during cooking.
  2. As we mentioned above, regular consumption of chicken broth can increase stomach acidity. For this reason, people who have ulcers or suffer from high acidity should not include this dish in their diet.

Is it possible to have chicken broth while losing weight?

For those who decide to include chicken broth in their menu because they want to lose a couple of extra pounds, we recommend following the advice of a nutritionist:

  • Carefully remove all skin.
  • Trim the fat from the carcass;
  • Do not pre-cook the meat;
  • Place poultry meat only in cold water, because then when heated, the water will draw out harmful substances from it;
  • After about 20 minutes, it is recommended to drain the water along with the foam formed in it, because it now contains fat and cadaveric poisons;
  • After draining the liquid, rinse the carcass under running cold water.
  • Next, immerse it in purified water for cooking;
  • Soups are usually cooked not in the first, but in the third water;
  • By adding onions, you reduce calories;
  • If you want the lightest possible soup, add more water;
  • You should not cook meat on the bone for a long time, otherwise the joint will begin to secrete gelatin.

Chicken broth is a low-calorie , but quite filling dish. It’s hard to even imagine how many important processes in our body are responsible for the microelements, vitamins, and amino acids that make up the meat of this bird. This tasty, aromatic, healthy decoction is the key to your excellent health and the health of your loved ones!

Tell us in the comments about your favorite recipes, share your impressions of what you read - your opinion is important to us! And, of course, stay healthy and beautiful with the “Calorie content of foods” section!

Useful articles about calories:

  • Boiled rice: benefits and harms, composition
  • Bell pepper for weight loss
  • Boiled chicken breast
  • Watermelon for weight loss
  • Apples for weight loss

Calorie tables for foods used in preparing first courses

Meat, meat by-products and poultry

Meat, meat by-products and poultryCalorie content per 100 g (kcal)Meat, meat by-products and poultryCalorie content per 100 g (kcal)
Fatty lamb316Pork liver107
Lamb meat206Lamb kidneys76
Ham365Beef kidneys59
Beef udder172Pork kidneys79
Boiled lean beef110Beef sausages215
Fried beef170Pork sausages332
Fatty boiled beef205Fried pork275
Beef stew180Pork is fatty390
Brisket300Pork lean315
Goose490Stewed lean pork245
Turkey205Pork chop265
Boiled sausage250Pork skinny259
Diabetic sausage254Pork stew350
Krakow sausage382Lamb heart76
Amateur sausage291Beef heart87
Moscow sausage463Pork heart89
Sausage separate193Sausages266
Semi-smoked sausage380Roasted veal150
Ukrainian sausage404Fatty veal148
horsemeat143Boiled veal115
Korean469Skinny veal89
Boiled chicken135Chickens146
Fried chicken210Chicken egg (1 pc.)157
Boiled fatty chicken195Beef tongue165
Lean boiled chicken135Pork tongue208
Beef brains123Chicken raw189
Lamb liver100Chicken thigh raw181
Beef liver87Chicken breast raw111
Chicken wings raw186

Fish and seafood

Fish and seafoodCalorie content per 100 g (kcal)Fish and seafoodCalorie content per 100 g (kcal)
Gobies144Cod liver610
Pink salmon147Blue whiting72
Chum salmon caviar245Cancers75
Red caviar256Saber fish110
Breakout bream caviar142Caspian fisherman98
Pollock caviar130Carp121
Granular caviar250Saira182
Sturgeon caviar punched235Salaka119
Black caviar (beluga, sturgeon)280Stellate sturgeon137
Flounder87Atlantic herring57
Fried flounder75Salted herring261
Smoked flounder90Sardines in oil275
crucian carp87Pickled herring155
Boiled carp95Smoked herring218
Fried carp145Fried herring180
Chum salmon138Salmon219
Canned fish in oil320Whitefish143
Canned fish in its own juice120Mackerel153
Crabs68Horse mackerel119
Bream105Boiled pike perch30
Fried salmon145Cod75
Smoked salmon385Boiled cod44
Lamprey165Tuna in oil300
Pollock69coal fish157
Sea kale17Sea eel93
Navaga73Boiled trout45
Marbled notothenia155Sprats in oil250
Sea bass117Pike81
River perch82Fried pike95
Sturgeon163Boiled pike45

Milk and dairy products

Milk and dairy productsCalorie content per 100 g (kcal)Milk and dairy productsCalorie content per 100 g (kcal)
Acidophilus (3.2% fat)58Sour cream 10% fat113
Cow cheese260Sour cream 20% fat204
Yogurt (1.5%)5130% fat293
Full fat kefir60Dutch cheese357
Kefir (1% fat)38Lambert cheese377
Low-fat kefir28Parmesan cheese330
Curd mass345Processed cheese501
Acidophilus milk83Poshekhonsky cheese446
Milk (3.2% fat)58Russian cheese371
Milk (1.5% fat)44Sausage cheese268
Whole cow's milk68Swiss cheese433
Skim milk31Curd cheeses380
Condensed milk137Cottage cheese (18% fat)226
Condensed milk with sugar329Fat cottage cheese223
Whole milk powder485Low-fat cottage cheese80
Ice cream220Cottage cheese semi-fat153
Curdled milk59Cottage cheese with sour cream260
Ryazhenka85Cream 20% fat205
Cream 10% fat118

Vegetables, herbs and mushrooms

Vegetables greens mushroomsCalorie content per 100 g (kcal)Vegetables greens mushroomsCalorie content per 100 g (kcal)
Swede38Bulb onions43
Fresh porcini mushrooms25Carrot33
Dried porcini mushrooms211Fresh cucumbers15
Boiled mushrooms25Pickles8
Mushrooms in sour cream230Olives519
Fried mushrooms165Parsnip38
Fresh boletus mushrooms32Sweet green pepper19
Fresh boletus mushrooms31Sweet red pepper28
Fresh russula mushrooms15Parsley (greens)47
Honey mushrooms20Parsley (root)50
Green pea75Radish16
Green bean33Radish25
White cabbage23Salad11
Brussels sprouts12Beet40
Red cabbage27Dill30
Jacket potatoes96Cheremsha35
Boiled potatoes120Garlic60
Baked potatoes215Spinach16
Green onion18Sorrel27

Cereals and legumes

Cereals, pulses and legumesCalorie content per 100 g (kcal)Cereals, pulses and legumesCalorie content per 100 g (kcal)
Beans58Wheat groats352
Hercules371Barley groats343
Green peas280Cornflakes369
Whole peas316Cereals305
Wheat flour 1st grade346Millet350
Wheat flour 2 grades346Millet351
Premium wheat flour346Whole wheat262
Rye flour347Rice337
Cocoa powder375Rye330
Corn grits344Oatmeal374
Pearl barley342Barley flakes315

Oils, fats, eggs and sauces

Oils, fats, eggs and saucesCalorie content per 100 g (kcal)Oils, fats, eggs and saucesCalorie content per 100 g (kcal)
Rendered beef fat871Corn oil900
Rendered animal fat897Olive oil824
Pork fat871Sunflower oil900
Rendered fat930Vegetable oil899
Pork fat821Butter750
Ketchup80Soybean oil900
Mayonnaise625Nut butter570
Light mayonnaise260Ghee885
Milk margarine745Protein powder337
Creamy margarine745Dry yolk624
Sandwich margarine670Egg powder544
Margarine for baking675Chicken egg157
Quail egg167

What not to add

When preparing chicken breast broth, many people add potatoes or noodles, believing that without this the broth is too lean and insatiable.

But the calorie content of a prepared treat, for example, with potatoes, will definitely exceed 100 kcal. Even if there are very few of these potatoes.

If you decide to go on a diet, exclude noodles and potatoes from your diet. At least as frequently consumed dishes. Be content with the broth (of course, we are talking about one meal per day). It’s better, for example, to cook a couple of small croutons for it or boil carrots, beets, or eat sun-dried tomatoes. This will be much more useful when losing weight.

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