What will happen to your body if you fast for 3, 7, 21 and 40 days?

Each of us has heard something about the beneficial properties of honey in one way or another. Some people eat a spoonful of honey in the morning to “wake up” their stomach, others treat a cold with honey tea. But how many have heard about the beneficial properties of cinnamon, and also that water with honey and cinnamon is an effective way to lose extra pounds?

This article will talk about the beneficial properties of the drink and its help in losing weight, how to prepare and take it. We will also dwell separately on the contraindications of honey-cinnamon water.

Useful and medicinal properties of the drink.

Before we talk about the medicinal properties of the drink, let's pay attention to the ingredients themselves, because they deserve attention individually

  • Useful properties of honey.
    Honey contains a large number of useful elements that are completely absorbed by the body. It is useful for improving metabolism and normalizing the functioning of the stomach and intestines, and has healing, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. Helps with colds. Taking into account all the advantages, it makes sense to give up sugar and sweets in favor of honey.
  • Useful properties of cinnamon.
    Cinnamon is not only an aromatic spice, but also a folk remedy to combat colds, arthritis, kidney and liver diseases. It improves metabolism, activates the work of internal organs, and has a tonic property. The spice is also rich in vitamins A, B, C, PP, iron, magnesium, calcium, zinc and phosphorus.
  • Benefits of honey water with cinnamon.
    So, we see that both honey and cinnamon have similar beneficial properties in some places, so they will complement each other perfectly. If you prepare honey water with cinnamon, you will get a drink that not only has medicinal properties, but also promotes weight loss. Yes, drinking 2-3 glasses of water with cinnamon and honey a day can help you lose extra pounds. This drink will be an excellent addition to any diet.

Moreover, water with cinnamon and honey is not only healthy, but also extremely aromatic and pleasant to the taste. Lemon juice and ginger can add charm to this drink.

What is the harm of autophagy?

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Why is it impossible to seriously talk about artificially starting (or stimulating) the process of autophagy in our body in the name of healing

through fasting? Perhaps due to little understanding of how this process occurs in our complex organism?

Quite the contrary - thanks to the knowledge of the autophagy process! The fact is that autophagy is a direct participant in a huge number of

harmful and dangerous degenerative processes occurring in our body. Here are just the days of them:

— the process of damage to the cellular structure as a result of oxidation (so-called oxidative stress);

- pathogenic processes occurring in the liver;

— processes affecting decreased immunity;

— neurodegenerative diseases;

— aging processes in the body;

- cardiomyopathy;

— processes of spread of viral or bacterial infections;

- cancer and so on.

What do people advocate for fasting, which supposedly stimulates the process of autophagy?

? Obviously, they advocate stimulating all of the above and many other murderous processes.

What can you achieve with the drink?

  • Normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.
    Honey and cinnamon are natural antiseptics and help restore intestinal microflora. In addition, this drink helps digest food and promotes gentle cleansing of the intestines.
  • Reduce weight (up to 5 kg per month).
    Cinnamon honey water helps convert glucose into energy instead of fat. It also reduces the feeling of hunger, especially if you drink it on an empty stomach.
  • Boost immunity
    . The ingredients of the drink increase protection against viruses and bacteria, and also cleanse the lungs of mucus (it helps well against bronchitis and runny nose).
  • Improve skin quality
    . Consuming honey water adds smoothness, firmness and radiance to the skin.
  • Normalize the functioning of the kidneys, liver and bladder
    . Honey and cinnamon remove excess water. In addition, cinnamon stick has a positive effect on the enzymatic barriers of the liver.
  • Improve overall well-being
    . A glass of honey-cinnamon water in the morning will start all processes in the body and provide a boost of energy for the whole day. The drink is indicated for people with increased fatigue.
  • Improve joint health
    . Drinking this water daily relieves inflammation and pain.
  • Strengthen the heart
    . The combination of honey and spices has a positive effect on the functioning of the heart muscle, lowers cholesterol levels and prevents blood clots (prevention of heart attacks).

Features of fasting on water

That's it, the rules are over. Now I would like to write about some not very pleasant moments during a 36-hour fast.

First moment

– psychological. How to hold out? Oh, scary! What if it doesn't work out? There's nothing scary. It didn’t work out now, but it will definitely work out next time. If it doesn’t work out, the main thing is not to reproach yourself, otherwise it won’t work out later. You love yourself, which means you love your body. And if you want your body to serve you for up to 120 years, then you will definitely try again the delicious cleansing one-day fasting on water, which will make your body healthy, strong and beautiful, strengthen your spirit and pour an ocean of energy into you. By the way, it would be more correct to say it differently: after fasting, energy does not flow into you, but your energy is released. While a person lives an ordinary life (breakfast, lunch, dinner), most of his own energy goes into processing food. It’s not without reason that after a hearty lunch, the average person really wants to lie down and relax.

Why? Yes, because the energy went to the digestive organs in order to quickly help it cope with the processing and assimilation of the lunch eaten. It has also been noticed that after a light lunch we do not feel tired, since the body quickly copes with a small and easily digestible amount of food. And finally, during fasting, the human organs involved in the digestive system rest! And the internal energy now released can be spent on more serious goals. It is noticed that the next day after a one-day fast on water, the energy level jumps so much that in one day you can do more than in the entire previous week.

Second point

– some people freeze during a one-day fast on the water, I am one of them. At first I just dressed very warmly these days, and then in some literature I found information that an excess of water in the body leads to hypothermia. I solved this issue simply. I started drinking warm water. Surprisingly, I stopped freezing. So not only hot tea warms, but also simple warm water.

Third point

during a one-day fast on water, there are some unpleasant sensations in various parts of the body. For example, my head starts to hurt very badly. But all this is also strictly individual and does not happen to everyone. The scientific literature on fasting says that such ailments occur mainly in a very polluted body. Moreover, it can even be an absolutely thin body. But over time, the unpleasant sensations disappear to almost nothing - the cleaner the daily diet and the more regular the one-day fasting. There is no need to be afraid of these sensations, no need to take any pills. Everything will return to normal as soon as the digestive organs start working again. The presence of unpleasant sensations during a one-day fast just means that you are on the right track, that fasting is working, and toxins are leaving the body. But I want to repeat once again that everything is strictly individual. And during a one-day or full-day fast on water, you can feel simply wonderful and wonderful. And this is very good.

Making a drink with cinnamon and honey.

Recipe for water with cinnamon and honey for weight loss. Making this magical weight loss drink is very simple. For a glass of hot water you will need ½ teaspoon of cinnamon and a teaspoon of honey. First you need to add the spice to boiling water and let it brew a little, and then add honey. Just do not put honey in too hot water (max 60 °C), otherwise it will lose some of its beneficial properties. A slice of lemon (lime) or lemon juice, as well as ginger, will add aroma and spice to honey water. Ginger is added to boiling water along with cinnamon, and citrus fruits are best added at the end. Please note that ginger should only be fresh; in the powder version, the necessary properties are lost.

This drink can also be used to fight infections and boost immunity. In this case, the ratio of ingredients should be different: 2 parts spice and 1 part honey.

Is it possible to trigger autophagy and how to control it

One of the arguments made by proponents of fasting to trigger autophagy is that aging researchers recognize cellular starvation (or cellular stress)

the most important moment in the operation of the mechanism that prevents aging. But then a simple question arises: why do we still grow old?

In fact, science still cannot identify absolutely all the mechanisms associated with the aging of the body. Numerous studies have shown that mechanisms that intensify the autophagy process actually affect lifespan. However, they can both increase it and slow it down!

So how do you control autophagy?

“Do you want to live long? Fast and autophagy will help you!” People who promote this theory claim that fasting for 24 hours stimulates the intensity of the autophagy process.

three times. But who counted these times? How was the growth of autophagy measured (or rather, the increase in the intensity of the autophagy process)?

Is it even possible to measure this? And who can say unequivocally that you, for example, are hungry enough?

, stimulating the autophagy process in a way that brings benefit to your body, but not harm?

From this point of view, the research of scientists affecting the field of education and the development of oncological diseases

. And not only foreign ones, but also, for example, scientists from the Russian Cancer Research Center named after. N.N. Blokhin at the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences.

And as part of this, scientists have come to understand that autophagy (along with processes such as necrosis, keratinization and apoptosis) is part of the so-called programmed cell death

. In other words, certain conditions can be created under which the cell does not cleanse itself, but literally dies.

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To greatly simplify all of the above, we can say that moderate autophagy promotes cell survival, and strong autophagy

provokes its destruction. But this phenomenon can become decisive in the fight against cancerous tumors, since the death of cancer cells will contribute to the survival of the body?

Other drinks with honey and cinnamon.

As an alternative to water, you can use tea, coffee and even kefir. However, keep in mind that hot drinks can cause headaches and increase blood pressure.

  • Tea with honey and cinnamon.
    The recipe is no different from the version with water, only instead of water we take brewed tea (any kind). If desired, you can also add lemon and ginger or low-fat milk. If you are pursuing the goal of losing weight, the tea should be cooled to room temperature before use.
  • Coffee with honey and cinnamon.
    Brew coffee, cool slightly, and then add honey and spices to taste.
  • Kefir with honey and cinnamon.
    For ½ liter of kefir or other fermented milk product, add 2 teaspoons of honey and a teaspoon of spice. Do not store the finished product for more than a day. This recipe is great for fasting days.

When choosing ingredients, give preference to pure water, natural honey, cinnamon sticks (instead of store-bought powder), fresh ginger, loose leaf tea and natural coffee.

Benefits of dry fasting

Its supporters argue that abstaining from food and liquid is very beneficial for health. It supposedly promotes:

  • rejuvenation;
  • increasing intellectual abilities.
  • relieving inflammation;
  • increasing immunity;
  • cleansing from toxins;
  • fight against neoplasms.

In fact, it will bring health problems, because dehydration will also be added to exhaustion. A 50 kg woman needs to drink 2100 ml per day, an 80 kg man needs to drink 2700 ml.

If a person fasts for one day, by the end of it he will face the first consequences of dehydration. A week without water can result in death (at summer temperatures this will occur within two to three days). It is especially dangerous for sick people with already weakened health to experiment in this way.

How to drink the drink correctly?

To maximize the effect of the honey-cinnamon drink, you should take it:

  • On an empty stomach to reduce appetite and activate the gastrointestinal tract.
  • 2-3 times a day (half an hour before meals or before bed).
  • Take the course. When the weight stops decreasing, take a two-week break and then repeat the course.
  • Store in the refrigerator, best to drink at room temperature. If we are talking about fermented milk with honey and cinnamon, then it is better to prepare it every day and not store it in the refrigerator for more than a day.

How to fast correctly: analysis of schemes and protocols

  1. Alternate day fasting (ADF) 36 12 - every other day (36 hungry/12 fed hours).

    With this plan, you eat every other day. So, for example, on Monday you eat from 8 am to 8 pm. Then you fast overnight and Tuesday. Again, eat from 8 am to 8 pm on Wednesday and fast overnight and Thursday. And so on. On the day of food consumption, it is recommended to select “healthy” foods and eat what you want.

  2. Meal-skipping - random skipping of meals.

    Some proponents of GHG believe that it is necessary to act according to evolutionary principles. Exercise and food are taken without a strict schedule. Appropriate food is offered, caloric intake is varied randomly, and breakfast or dinner is randomly skipped once or twice a week. The rules are very flexible.

  3. Eat Stop Eat 24 - eat or don't eat (fasting 24 hours, 1-2 times a week).

    The plan is that you fast for 24 hours once or twice a week, eating high protein and low processed food, etc. the rest of the week. You can choose any 24 hours. For example, have breakfast on Monday, and then have breakfast on Tuesday or dinner on Wednesday, and the next meal is dinner on Thursday.

  4. Leangains 16 8 - lean mass (16 hours fasting/8 hours feeding).

    In addition to the 8/16 hour diet, there are several basic rules: a high-protein diet, cyclical consumption of carbohydrates, training on an empty stomach, maintaining nutrient timing (the bulk of calories are consumed after training).

    According to the plan, you fast from 21.00 on Monday to 13.00 on Tuesday. You can train until 13.00 on Tuesday, taking 10 g of BCAAs during training. After the class, you eat 2–3 times until 21.00, the largest meal is immediately after the class. The fast begins again on Tuesday evening and continues until 13:00 on Wednesday. And this happens every day.

  5. Fasting 18 6 is a more severe version of the previous one, aimed at quickly losing extra pounds - the eating window is only six hours.
  6. Warrior Diet 20 4 - Warrior Diet (20 hours fasting 4 hours eating).

    The plan requires you to fast or eat only a limited amount of recommended foods for 18 to 20 hours each day. 4-6 hours are allotted for meals, for example a family dinner. Train before the feeding period. Meal times can be adjusted to suit your individual schedule.

Benefits and harms for losing weight

In the article Dear, I accelerated my metabolism or myths about “hyped” metabolism, we discussed that the number and volume of meals does not affect weight loss in any way. It's the same here.

We have already rubbed calluses on our fingers to write this, but alas, for weight loss, the only thing that matters is how many calories come in during the day and how much energy is spent by the body during the day: if there are more calories, then you gain weight (even with PG), if less, then you are losing weight (it doesn’t matter if you are on PG or not).

Those. even with intermittent fasting and regardless of the number of meals you need to keep KBZHU .

Second point. For some reason, many people believe that IG helps to lose weight precisely by burning fat, and thus allows you to preserve precious muscles (of course, compared to regular calorie restriction).

In fact, there is not a single convincing study that would prove this fact . But there are those that, in comparison of weight loss with and without the use of PG, show that people lose approximately the same amount of weight.

A study using dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA) found no differences in body composition after comparing 14 days of an Alternate Day Fast diet with a chronic calorie restriction diet..

Proponents of the GHG utility myth cite a famous review study by Varady, K. A. (2011). Intermittent versus daily calorie restriction: which diet regimen is more effective for weight loss? Obesity Reviews. 12 (7), 593-601, in which the author concludes that under comparable conditions, losing weight on a calorie deficit using PG allows you to preserve 15% more muscle than with simple calorie restriction (without PG).

But analyzing the research, we understand that there are too many questions here to say that this is true:

  1. Most of these studies involved overweight or obese people, and there is no data for people without these problems.
  2. There was no physical activity.
  3. The biggest fail: the subjects were taken at their word regarding food intake, so it is unclear how accurate the data on the amount of protein and calories consumed by those participating in the experiment was.
  4. There was a major difference in the length of time those on intermittent fasting (maximum 12 weeks) and those on daily calorie restriction (maximum 24 weeks) were under study.

    Due to the fact that PG studies are quite short (most of them), body composition and weight (and don’t forget that they are measured by bioimpedance ) are strongly influenced by water (which drains out quite quickly, especially at first).

    That. The shorter the studies, the more impressive the evidence base they can provide, but the results must be assessed in the long term.

  5. In general, in principle, most studies on this topic were carried out on animals (rats and monkeys). Those experiments that did involve humans were often conducted with a small control group.

    In addition, the data obtained from the studies provided more questions than answers regarding PG. Of course, if you force people to starve for 12 hours, they will beat you like hell

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