Everything about Danabol in bodybuilding: what it is, how to take it, are there any contraindications + reviews from users and doctors

Danabol is the trade name for methandienone, the most popular oral steroid. The production is carried out by SC Balkan Pharmaceuticals SRL, popularly known as “Balkan Pharma”. The drug is produced in Moldova, where this steroid is still legal and allowed for free sale. It is worth noting that in the Soviet Union, “methane” was sold in pharmacies, which explains its high popularity among experienced athletes. Today, this drug takes its place in the training of weightlifters, powerlifters and bodybuilders. Its advantages are low price and significant anabolic effect.

Description and brief history of appearance

The drug is an anabolic steroid and is taken orally. Produced in Moldova by the manufacturer Balkan Pharmaceuticals.

Muscle mass increases against the background of stimulation of protein and amino acid synthesis, fat burning effect, and enhanced anabolism. The athlete becomes resilient, his body recovers faster after intense training.

Back in 1956, this drug was called Dianabol, it consisted of methandrostenolone. In 1960, the drug was used by athletes who participated in athletics.

John Ziegler suggested using it in big sports. The drug retained its leading place in bodybuilding until the end of the 70s of the last century.

Since 1972, the production of Dianabol has been stopped, but other brands of this anabolic have appeared that are produced in our time. Previously, the drug was produced in Eastern Europe and the Soviet Union. It was used by athletes in athletics and weightlifting.

Strict anti-doping rules prohibit the use of methandienone in professional sports today.

Danabol: description

Danabol is also known as methane (the active ingredient is methandienone), a well-known drug that every bodybuilder has used in my practice, be it in Russia or the USA. Not only is Danabol a popular drug in various sports, it is an effective steroid. A small tablet or capsule of methane is an anabolic steroid that suppresses catabolic processes, which increases overall anabolism and leads to a rapid increase in muscle mass (this directly depends on nutrition). Danabol is used by both experienced and beginner athletes. The information is provided for informational purposes only, without calls to action .

How it affects the body

The product is popular among bodybuilders and athletes because it has the following advantages:

  • Rapid gain of muscle mass when combining an anabolic steroid with other steroids. Thanks to the androgenic, anabolic effect, the athlete will gain from 10 to 15 kg of muscle.
  • Protein synthesis is stimulated, since “methane” interacts with globulin, with the help of which sex hormones bind to different cell receptors.
  • Appetite will increase, so myofibers will quickly grow, and the desired muscle relief will be formed.
  • Strength will increase. When taking steroids for 1.5 months, working weights in basic exercises will increase by 50 or 90%.
  • Glycogen is quickly restored after hard training.
  • The level of cortisol in the blood will decrease. The anti-catabolic effect will preserve myofibers from destruction under stress.
  • The process of protein breakdown will stop.
  • Bones will be strengthened and joint pain will be eliminated, since fluid is retained in the joints. Phosphorus, nitrogen, sulfur, sodium are retained in the body, and calcium is deposited in the bones.
  • Athletic performance will improve.
  • The athlete will have increased self-esteem and improved mood as dopamine levels increase.

About the drug "Methandrostenolone"

The drug methandrostenolone (in bodybuilding slang - simply “methane”) is one of the most popular (and maybe the most) anabolic steroids. Essentially, it is a synthetic and modified testosterone hormone. It was originally released in the USA in 1958 under the name "Dianobol". It is a powerful doping and helps to actively increase the muscle mass of athletes in a very short period of time. It is used both in sports medicine and in secular medicine - for the treatment of a number of diseases, such as:

  • Fractures.
  • Burns.
  • Kidney failure.
  • Muscle dystrophy.
  • Drug myopathy.
  • Protein metabolism disorder. Protein deficiency.
  • Infectious diseases leading to protein loss.
  • For sprains and injuries, to accelerate tissue recovery.
  • Retarded growth, as well as physical and sexual development. In particular, in children and adolescents.

Available both in tablets and as a solution for injection. It is most effective for those who have recently started using it. For seasoned bodybuilders, with long-term use, the effectiveness decreases over time. Methandrostenolone is sold in pharmacies only by prescription, but purchasing the drug in other places will not be difficult, but more on that later.

Pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics

When medicinal components penetrate into the cell nucleus, the cellular genetic apparatus is activated. The production of RNA, DNA, and structural protein compounds increases, and the enzyme chains responsible for tissue respiration are activated and enhance it. Metabolic processes intensify, in which the energy generated during the oxidation of nutritional compounds is accumulated in cellular mitochondria (oxidative phosphorylation), which leads to the synthesis of ATP, high-energy molecules.

The hematopoietic effect is associated with increased erythropoietin synthesis. Low androgen activity contributes to the manifestation of secondary male sexual characteristics.

Pharmacodynamics is characterized by rapid and complete absorption in the digestive organs. The amount of the drug component reaching the site of its action is low. In the blood, binding to globulins reaches 90%. The biological transformation of the drug occurs in the liver, inactive metabolites are formed, and the drug components are excreted through the kidneys. The duration of exposure is 14 hours.

Benefits and harms

The effectiveness of the anabolic drug in beginners or experienced athletes will manifest itself quickly. After 7 days, the athlete’s vitality will increase, the muscles will become more voluminous, and strength parameters and weight will increase. The person will feel invigorated, he will not be burdened with everyday activities, and the quality of life will improve.

If the dosage of the steroid is not observed, the man will be temporarily infertile, his testicles will atrophy, and female sexual characteristics will appear. Such manifestations are observed with long-term use of an anabolic steroid and a greatly increased single dosage. When using Danabol, the body “believes” that the volume of steroids has been increased, so testosterone synthesis is suspended.

Indications and contraindications

Never take any medication without consulting a healthcare practitioner in person.

What benefits does this steroid give to athletes?

Steroid anabolic is indicated for:

  • Diffuse toxic goiter.
  • Cachexia of various origins.
  • Disturbed protein metabolism.
  • Surgical intervention, after surgery.
  • Past infections, after radiation therapy.
  • Muscular dystrophy.
  • Kidney and adrenal insufficiency.
  • Injuries, burns.
  • Osteoporotic, osteomyelitis changes.
  • Inflammation of the liver.
  • Bronchial asthma.
  • Anemia of various origins.
  • Tuberculosis therapy.

The steroid is contraindicated for:

  • Cardiac ischemia.
  • Prostate cancer.
  • Breast cancer in a woman with high calcium levels in the blood.
  • Atherosclerosis and other vascular pathologies.
  • Pathologies of the kidneys and liver.
  • Acute, chronic prostatitis.
  • Individual intolerance to the components of the product.
  • Under 21 years of age.

It is prohibited to use steroids during pregnancy and breastfeeding. When drinking alcohol, the liver will experience double overload. Anabolic steroids and alcohol overstrain hepatocytes and retain fat in the body. A rollback effect will occur, estrogen will be synthesized instead of testosterone hormone, and gynecomastia will occur. The risk of side effects will increase after a course of anabolic steroids.

Possible side effects

If you use this steroid excessively, you will experience unwanted side effects.

The glandular and adipose tissue of the mammary glands hypertrophies (gynecomastia). The manifestation of such a side effect indicates the transformation of part of the anabolic into estrogen. To prevent this effect, you need to be treated with Nolvadex and Clomid.

The toxic effect on the liver is associated with the methyl group at the α-17 position, due to which the drug is not destroyed in the liver. To prevent this effect, hepatoprotective agents are used after steroid use, PCT. The best option for unloading the liver is a combination of methane in tablets with an injectable steroid, for example, Nandrolone is used.

Fluid retention will manifest itself in the form of enlarged muscles. When the course of taking the steroid is completed, the liquid will drain and the weight will decrease. This rollback phenomenon is reduced by antiestrogens and competent post-cycle therapy.

The woman will experience masculinization. This anabolic steroid is not suitable for women. They will exhibit secondary sexual characteristics characteristic of men:

  • Body hair will increase.
  • The layer of fatty tissue will decrease.
  • Muscle tissue will grow.
  • The voice will become rough.

If you abuse the steroid, the clitoris will enlarge, the volume of the mammary glands will decrease, the monthly cycle will be disrupted, the level of calcium in the blood will increase, and other endocrine dysfunctions will occur.

Other side effects are characterized by:

  • Arterial hypertension. It will be eliminated with antiandrogens and antihypertensive drugs.
  • Increased libido during the course, decreased libido after the course.
  • Pimples.
  • Hair loss.
  • Myocardial hypertrophy.
  • Testicular atrophy.
  • Edema.
  • Dyspepsia.
  • Impaired liver function.
  • Atherosclerosis.
  • Painful sensations in the bones.
  • Tendency to hemorrhages.


No cases of overdose have been identified. It is forbidden to take the product for more than 10 weeks. In case of an overdose of the drug, side effects will occur.

Pharmacological properties of Danabol

Below you can briefly study the steroid profile of an anabolic steroid, for example, what is the anabolic activity of methane, its androgenicity, tendency to aromatize and other features and properties of the substance that distinguish it from other anabolic steroids and will help you in choosing when creating your steroid course.

  • Anabolic activity – 200% of testosterone.
  • Androgenic activity – 50% of testosterone.
  • Progestin activity – no.
  • The ability to aromatize is high.
  • Dehydrotestosterone derivative (DHT) - no.
  • Water retention is high.
  • The effect on the liver is moderate.
  • Blood pressure: high.
  • Acne – below average.
  • The release form of methandrostenolone is injections and tablets.
  • Duration of action – up to 5-6 hours.
  • The detection time for doping control is up to 3 months.

What can these numbers be useful for? For example, some people are extremely unsuitable for high androgenicity due to health conditions (prostatitis, baldness, other endocrine diseases) or they want to avoid maximum aromatization, while for others the most important thing is the maximum anabolic index of the drug and everything else does not bother them much.

Be that as it may, this data exists and can be considered useful in training situations and conditions. I personally find these parameters especially important.

How to take it correctly

How to take this steroid, when to take it, before or after meals? First, be sure to consult with a sports doctor. The instructions for use indicate that Danabol DS is recommended to be taken for 6 weeks. Methandienone (the active substance) breaks down in 3 or 4 hours. Therefore, you need to take the product 30 minutes after eating.

Directions for use and dosage

During the first 7 days, the athlete should take 20 mg of the medication every day. Starting next week, take 3 tablets daily, which is 30 mg. Experienced bodybuilders can increase the dose to 50 mg; the person’s body weight should be at least 100 kg. For those who are professionally involved in sports, it is permissible to take 100 mg per day, which requires the supervision of a trainer or sports doctor.

Dosage regimens

The initial course for beginners with Donobol solo is 5 weeks. In a month you will gain 6 or 7 kg of muscle mass. Donabol + Proviron are often combined, the advantages of which are that the likelihood of weight loss after completing the course decreases, muscle tissue acquires relief and elasticity. This effect will last for a long time. Proviron is taken one tablet at a time throughout the course, starting from weeks 2 to 4.

It is forbidden to take Denabol for more than 10 weeks, otherwise the body will get used to this drug, the muscle response to the active component will not manifest itself, liver dysfunction will occur, and muscle mass will not increase.

Experienced bodybuilders recommend the combination of Danabol and Stanozolol to beginners. Such an initial course will allow beginners to gain 6-10 kg of muscle mass, they will not accumulate excess fat, and water will not be retained in the body.

For the first week, Danabol with Stanozolol is taken 20 mg per day. From weeks 2 to 5, both drugs are taken at 30 mg.

There is another scheme - Danabol + Stanozolol + Tamoxifen. It has its pros and cons. Its disadvantages are that it overloads the liver, but athletes are satisfied with the resulting effect. These medications are taken for 25 days, then a course of rehabilitation therapy is required.

  • From days 1 to 25, first take Danabol, 4 tablets per day every 4 hours.
  • From days 26 to 50, Stanozolol is taken 4 tablets per day every 4 hours.
  • From days 51 to 53, post-cycle therapy with Tamoxifen is carried out, one tablet in the morning and one tablet at night.
  • From days 54 to 87, take Tamoxifen 1 tablet in the morning.

A popular combination is using Danabol Balkan and Deca. Anabolic steroids are taken for 6 weeks. Danabol is taken 4 tablets (40 mg) every day and Deca is taken once for 7 days in a volume of 250 ml. From the 6th week Stanozolol 40 mg is used. To reduce the synthesis of the prolactin hormone, which affects the sexual sphere, it is necessary to drink 0.25 mg of Cabergoline every fourth day after a two-week course.

"Methane" can be combined with Sustanon, Anadrol, Turinabol.


Special dietary nutrition tones the body and supplies it with energy. It is recommended to eat high-calorie foods that contain a lot of protein. The use of food additives, creatine, and essential amino acids is acceptable.

Post cycle therapy

When the course of taking anabolic steroids is completed, post-cycle therapy is carried out after 2 or 3 days. Tamoxifen is used from 10 to 20 mg per day or Clomid from 25 to 50 mg per day for 3-4 weeks. In the last week, the dose should be reduced slightly, then completely stop taking the drug. During such therapy, the use of testosterone boosters, zinc, and omega-3 unsaturated fatty acids is indicated.

Such therapy is necessary in order to restore your own testosterone synthesis; sports nutrition is also used.

The effect for bodybuilders from consuming “Methane”

Among jocks-“chemists” (those who like to stuff themselves with all sorts of chemicals for greater effect from working out in the gym), where this anabolic is very popular, there are rarely any doubts about whether methane is good for muscles. It’s not surprising, because with its help you can turn from a stunted and homely goner into a pumped-up and brutal athlete in a fairly short period of time.

Here are its most effective qualities:

  • Active and rapid muscle building.
  • Increase in strength indicators.
  • Acceleration of protein synthesis.
  • Strengthening bones.
  • Increased appetite.
  • Slowing down the process of protein breakdown (anti-catabolic effect).

As you can see, the effect of methandrostenolone is very noticeable for bodybuilders, so many find it difficult to resist the temptation to start using it. Whether this is good or bad is a personal matter for each athlete. Indeed, this substance provides a number of advantages over those who do not like “chemistry” and prefer chicken breast to some kind of chemicals. But methane also has side effects, which will be discussed now.

Side effects from methane

Like any other medicine, methane tablets (or injections) have their side effects:

  • Increased blood pressure due to water retention in the body.
  • Tachycardia.
  • Stomach and intestinal upset.
  • Production of the female sex hormone estrogen. As a consequence, the appearance of secondary sexual characteristics.
  • Iron deficiency and associated anemia.
  • High load on the liver.
  • Skin rashes. Acne and pimples.
  • Excessive concentration of calcium in the blood.

And this, alas, is not all the side effects of this drug.

There is also a myth that almost all “jocks” who are on steroids supposedly have something wrong with them (well, you understand what exactly). However, the athletes themselves refute this myth and believe that it is complete nonsense. I am inclined to agree with them, because many athletes who are on anabolic steroids and use methane for muscle growth have couples, are married and somehow even manage to reproduce. So whether to believe in this myth or not - think for yourself. But if you still decide that you cannot do without steroids, then in order to avoid such a scenario and minimize the harm from the “side”, it would not hurt you to find out what the instructions for using methane look like, read it carefully and follow it exactly follow.

Instructions for solo use and dosage

The optimal daily dose of the drug is 20-30 mg. It is best to take methane twice a day, morning and evening, from 6 to 9 am, and 18-21 pm. It is better to take after meals. Frequent and long-term use is highly not recommended, as the body becomes accustomed to the active substance and its effectiveness decreases over time, or even disappears completely.

Therefore, methandrostenolone should be taken with regular breaks. The duration of one course should not exceed one and a half months. The pause between courses should be approximately the same.

It is also worth noting such a scheme of application as a “pyramid”. According to this scheme, the dose of the drug is first gradually increased, and then just as gradually decreased. But there is an opinion that such a scheme is extremely ineffective and does not justify itself. It is better to use methandrostenolone, or its analogues, twice a day, 10 mg per dose, and do not change the dosage throughout the course.

An important point: some bodybuilders, for the sake of greater effectiveness, sometimes significantly increase the dose of the drug. This is strongly not recommended! Otherwise, at a minimum, the myth about sexual dysfunction may well become a reality for you! And in addition, new growths such as horns, hooves and pig's penny may appear. Jokes aside, but you definitely shouldn’t expect anything good from this. Don’t become enemies to your body for the sake of extra pounds of meat on your body! It’s better to read real reviews about methane and other “chemicals”.

Analogues and substitutes

Each medicine has its own analogues and substitutes. Methane is no exception. Here is a list of the most famous analogues:

  • Oxandrolone.
  • Primobol.
  • Strombafort (Stanozolol).
  • Danabol, Methandienone, Dianabol, Nerobol are other names for the same good old methane.

With the help of methane, you can increase, on average, 9-10 kg of “meat” in a course of 6 weeks. However, you can subsequently lose it very quickly if you do not take into account and neutralize the so-called. the rollback phenomenon, which we will discuss in more detail below.

The rebound phenomenon and combined use of methane with other drugs

A separate line is worth mentioning about such a phenomenon as the phenomenon or effect of rollback. It lies in the fact that after finishing the next course of using methane (as well as any other steroids), the muscle mass gained by the athlete during this time begins to rapidly decrease, practically negating the entire positive effect of taking the drug.

It is impossible to completely get rid of this effect - it will catch up with you in any case, but it is quite possible to minimize it. To do this, you need to correctly select the course of use, post-cycle therapy and the combined use of steroids with other drugs. Here are a number of important recommendations and methods for mitigating rollback:

  • The so-called “bridge” between courses of taking methandienone. Its essence is that during the break between doses of “metashka” your body still receives a certain dose of testosterone. For this you can use other steroids made from testosterone esters. Such drugs as: Omnadren; Testosterone cypionate; Testosterone enanthate; Sustanon.
  • Since such an important male organ as the testicles is responsible for the production of testosterone, the course should be selected with an emphasis on restoring their functionality, which will noticeably decrease if you abruptly stop taking anabolic steroids. As a rule, in such cases, the use of the hormonal drug gonadotropin is recommended.
  • A significant reduction in training intensity will be required. No excessive loads. During this period, training will work against you and your muscles, in particular. Of course, you shouldn’t completely abandon them either, so as not to lose shape and tone, but you should train in an energy-saving mode.
  • You should saturate your diet with protein foods, but this is not enough. You will have to use protein supplements or homemade protein shakes.
  • During the cycle, it will also not be superfluous to use a combined intake of methane, together with other steroids, for example, with stanozolol (Winstron) or the usual supplement - creatine. If you correctly create a combined course, the rollback will not be so noticeable.

Post cycle therapy

During pauses, after taking anabolic steroids, to restore the hormonal system and eliminate negative consequences, it is recommended to carry out post-cycle therapy. Before this, you need to visit a doctor so that he can prescribe all the necessary tests for hormones. Based on these tests, a PCT course will be individually selected for you.

Most often, athletes are prescribed medications such as:

  • Gonadotropin.
  • Proviron.
  • Tamoxifen.
  • Clomiphene.

In general, anabolic steroids for hormonal balancing. Methane has a bad effect on the liver, so it is recommended to help it by drinking hepatoprotectors - Essentiale or Essliver Forte. But only a doctor should prescribe all this for you!

Where to buy methane and at what price

As mentioned above, it is almost impossible to buy steroids at a pharmacy if you are a healthy person. Therefore, most often, athletes look for such products on specialized websites, visit forums, and also find out through friends where methandrostenolone and other anabolic steroids are sold. So this is already a black market.

In many countries, anabolic steroids are now considered far from harmless drugs. Their production and sale are considered illegal in the Russian Federation and are equivalent to drugs. But, if you wish, you can still buy methandrostenolone. Prices may vary between regions and different suppliers. The cost on the “black market” currently ranges from 1000 to 1500 rubles for 100 5 mg tablets.

The most popular methane producing companies

The following brands that produce methandienone and its analogues are most popular among athletes:

  • LA Pharma srl. -Italy.
  • "British Dispensary" - Founded in the UK, later moved to Thailand.
  • "Body Research" - Thailand.
  • ZPHC Zhengzhou Pharmaceutical - China.
  • "Global Anabolic" - Hong Kong.
  • "ERGO MRC" - Belgium.
  • "British Dragon" - Thailand.
  • Axio Labs is a subsidiary of .
  • Kubera Pharma - India.
  • "Rajjay" - India.

Reviews of methandrostenolone

Andrey Mizin. 35 years. Zherdevka city:

I don’t know who writes about all sorts of horrors from using metaha. Of course, if you eat it in batches and without a system, then horns can actually grow. But I started taking methane when I was 23 years old. I took it according to the system, not anyhow. The meat grew, the rollback was minimal. Everything is worth it and we already have children. Don’t exceed the dosage and chase quick results, to the detriment of your health, and everything will be fine. Now I’ve been clean for a long time and don’t use chemicals, but I don’t observe any consequences.

Aslan Isymbaev. 55 years. Kizlyar city:

I am a professional endocrinologist. I can confidently assure you that using any chemicals, especially hormonal ones, nothing good awaits you in the future. Hormonal levels will be disrupted and unbalanced. If you don’t want to become disabled by the age of 40 (and I’ve seen plenty of such would-be bodybuilders in my long medical practice), then look for other, preferably natural, ways to increase muscle mass.

Sergey Uzov. 36 years. Anapa city:

Many years ago I took 2 methane courses. It's a completely normal thing if you use it wisely. If you have no brains, then it’s better not to. Those who, while consuming methane, also do not hesitate to drink and smoke, may especially suffer. Here, for sure, the liver can fall off, and the penis can fall. Personally, I took the course under the supervision of masters of sports, and for almost 15 years I have not had any serious health problems.

Instead of an afterword

Are you a regular gym goer and love exercise, barbells, weights and machines? Are you in good health and think that anabolic steroids for weight gain will not harm you? Well, each of you has your own body and your own head on your shoulders. You have read enough information here to draw conclusions and make your choice. The article in no way calls for either the use of anabolic steroids or their abandonment - this is your health and life. Good luck with your training and more “meat” on the bones without chemicals!

Feedback from hosts

Yuri, 24 years old.

I conducted classes with a trainer, he recommended taking a course of Danabol to increase muscle mass and endurance. At first I hesitated, but then I decided. I tried a small dose, the trainer constantly monitored me. I am satisfied with the effect obtained, since my body has simply transformed, which was not observed before after training.

Artem, 23 years old.

A real bomb! The course was carried out with one "Methane" 20 mg per day for 6 weeks with pauses for 2 months. If you look at my photo, you won't recognize me! After each course I gained 10 kg and lost 3 kg. In total, I gained 14 or 15 kg. Worked on a reduced schedule. Every 2 days I did 2 exercises and posted the video on YouTube. Working weights increased by 25-40 kg.

Danabol reviews

During my work, Danabol showed itself only from the best side. My clients were satisfied with the results; each set a specific goal, which we accomplished with a bang. Being an experienced consultant, I can name the reasons why you can find negative reviews on the forum: uncontrolled and prolonged use of methane, dishonest sellers selling fake (counterfeit) pharmacology. Companies I currently trust: Balkan Pharmaceuticals, ZPHC, Ultrapharm, SP. Regarding these companies, I have not yet heard a single negative review, which I cannot say about the Olymp company; sometimes not a single seller in online stores selling steroids had to blush for this manufacturer.

What doctors and studies say

Nikolay, sports doctor.

Danabol (Vonabol, Vanabol) is an effective steroid. I prescribe it in rare cases so as not to harm the patient. Everyone wants to get results quickly, but this requires a careful approach. If I prescribe a steroid, the athlete must be strictly under my control and not overdo the dose.

Svetlana, endocrinologist.

This is a strong steroid, I use it for pathologies of the thyroid gland. I thoroughly study the patient’s medical history and test results.

Reception features

Danabol is a serious steroid drug that should be taken taking into account the following recommendations:

  • daily dosage - no more than 30 mg;
  • portions for the first few days - 10 mg with an increase in dose after three days;
  • simultaneously with the start of the “methane” course, you need to start taking Clomid or Nolvadex (dosage - 10 mg);
  • after 2-3 days of use, you can take Danabol at a dosage of 30 mg, divided into three portions;
  • the last seven days of the course, the dosage should be reduced gradually until the “methane” is completely eliminated;
  • Norvadex should be taken within 14 days of stopping steroids;
  • It is important to keep your blood pressure under control. If it has increased, then you should reduce the dosage;
  • The “methane” course should be supplemented with a testosterone booster for the last 7 days and take the drug for another month. This will allow you to quickly restore normal testosterone reproduction;
  • If you additionally take sports nutrition, the effect of “methane” can be enhanced.


Danabol substitutes are different, this steroid can be replaced:

  • Alphaball.
  • Methanoplex.
  • Metomax.
  • Anabolom.
  • Dianogedom.
  • Pronabolom.
  • Dianabolosom.
  • We'll help you.

Anabol or Danabol: which is better?

The active component of both anabolic steroids is methandienone, so they have the same effect, but Anabol is more expensive. The daily dose of Anabol should not exceed 30 mg, the product is produced in Thailand. Anabol, like Danabol, is used in combination with other steroids.

Danabol and women

Danabol is not the optimal choice for a woman, since it has a high androgenic factor, and the risk of masculinization (acne, facial and body hair, clitoral enlargement, deepening of the voice) from taking it is also high. However, this steroid is used in professional weightlifting and powerlifting. Dosages of about 5-10 mg daily are used, and short courses are used, no more than 6 weeks. This drug is not recommended for amateurs, as well as those wishing to perform in bikini and body fitness.

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