Dukan diet: menu for every day, phases and food tables

  • Sequence of actions under Dukan.
  • Dukan diet: attack.
      Sample Dukan diet menu during an attack.
  • Dukan diet: menu for every day at the alternation stage, tables.
  • Stage of consolidation on the Dukan diet.
  • Dukan diet at the stabilization stage: nutritional features and recipes for every day.
      Recipes for the Dukan diet: menu for 7 days for attack, alternation, consolidation and stabilization.
  • Every modern girl dreams of a beautiful, slender figure, but she doesn’t always have enough time and energy to exercise in gyms, fitness centers, and constantly following the principles of proper nutrition is often costly and financially difficult. Over time, extra pounds still accumulate, and fitting into your favorite dress or jeans is not as easy as before. Maybe it's worth buying something in size? No, it's best to work a little on your figure!

    The Dukan diet is a real lifesaver for those who do not want to put in a lot of effort, but want to get excellent results within a short period of time. The famous French doctor created a unique technique, which, thanks to its amazing effect, has gained incredible popularity all over the world. By following it, you will quickly lose unnecessary pounds, consolidate the result without serious physical activity and hunger stress. But more about everything.

    Calculate and lose weight on the Dukan diet: what is the essence of the method and its principles

    Why is the French method of losing weight so popular? Why is it preferred by most women and men? The diet is based on the formation of a strictly protein diet and the almost complete exclusion from it of foods containing a lot of carbohydrates and fats.

    After just a few days, a person begins to feel lightness in the body and notices how unnecessary centimeters literally melt away before our eyes. It’s not for nothing that most world-famous stars prefer to lose weight according to Dukan, acquiring ideal shapes in the shortest possible time.

    The basic principles of this dietary system:

    • Any vegetable or animal fat is the enemy of a person who decides to lose weight. Without eliminating foods high in fat from your diet, you will never get rid of your own fat accumulations on the body. For this reason, any fatty foods are completely removed from the menu.
    • It is strictly forbidden to consume foods with fast carbohydrates - they are immediately absorbed by the body. Rapid saturation does not provide the required amount of energy.
    • Protein foods are the basis of the entire menu. Products with protein contain a minimum of calories, while the body requires much more internal resources to process them. Following this dietary system, you must consume at least 60 grams of this component daily.
    • Unlike other ways to lose weight, in this case there is no need to count the calories of the food you eat.
    • The amount of salt used in cooking is greatly limited.
    • Strict adherence to the drinking regime. When protein foods are digested, uric acid is formed, which is easily eliminated from the body if you drink at least one and a half liters of liquid daily.

    Dr. Pierre Dukan created a unique diet that is suitable for “special” people who are categorically against dietary restrictions and are not ready to give up their gastronomic preferences.

    The principle of protein-carbohydrate alternation

    To completely deplete glycogen reserves (in muscles, liver), low-carbohydrate days are used. At the same time, fat reserves are consumed to cover energy needs. There are usually two low-carb days, and at the end of the last one, fats are burned most actively.

    After this, there is a sharp decline as a result of stress caused by carbohydrate depletion, and the body, due to increased cortisol production, will burn protein cells for energy. This is why low-carb days are abruptly replaced by high-carb days to restore glycogen reserves.

    But the secret of the BUTCH diet is two factors:

    1. Maintains calorie intake on a low carb day.
    2. Avoid fatty foods for the day.

    Therefore, the body, receiving plenty of carbohydrates, continues to consume fats without stress. However, it is impossible to compensate for all energy costs in one day, so a moderate day is introduced with an equal amount of nutrients.

    The “Alternating” stage of the Dukan diet, on the contrary, causes the body to experience stress, hunger and burn everything, including muscles. At the same time, due to the reduced amount of fat throughout the entire period, nerve cells are destroyed.

    Negative consequences are:

    1. Constant predominance of protein foods.
    2. Low carbohydrate levels, not reaching 1 g per kilogram of body even on carbohydrate days.
    3. Completely free of fat.

    If, when following BCH, fat burning is stimulated by changing the composition of the diet, then on the Dukan diet, adding carbohydrates through foods with a minimum amount of them does not actually affect the metabolic rate, because the muscles are starving.

    Sequence of actions under Dukan

    How to properly lose weight using this method? Its founder thought through everything to the smallest detail. The modern system provides for a step-by-step passage:

    • The attack is the most important phase, which lasts up to ten days. It is at this time that the bulk of the weight leaves.
    • Alternation - then a combination is carried out, a combination of two diet options, in which a person continues to lose weight until the desired number on the scale is reached. The duration is often several months.
    • Consolidation – the acquired weight is fixed and maintained at the same level.
    • Stabilization is the final stage at which the results obtained are preserved and maintained throughout the future.

    Dukan Diet: Attack

    This is the shortest (up to ten days), but difficult phase, which involves completely replacing the existing diet with a protein one. It is during this period that the most active fat burning is observed. You can prepare dishes from 72 products. The most popular and affordable, which can also be used for a protein fasting day:

    • Low-fat fermented milk products, milk with minimal sugar content. In addition to kefir, fermented baked milk, milk, cheese curds are allowed. Everything else is prohibited.
    • Low-fat poultry and meat: chicken, turkey, beef, veal, rabbit. When buying whole carcasses, large pieces, we make sure to get rid of the skin.
    • Fish and fish preservation. The fish can be eaten either fresh in sashimi format or after it has been smoked. Canned food is allowed without vegetable oils.
    • Seafood. The restrictions are minimal - you can eat all kinds of crustaceans and mollusks.
    • Eggs. We eat only proteins. Yolks are allowed in limited quantities. They contain a lot of cholesterol.
    • By-products: kidneys, liver, tongue, ham.

    Sample Dukan diet menu during an attack

    How is the menu compiled for each day during the attack phase? A competent start to the dietary process is a guarantee of successful weight loss in all other phases. We offer several options for the right menu that you can successfully include in your individual option and start losing weight.

    Allowed products according to Dukan for “Cruise”

    The list has expanded to 100 items compared to the first phase:

    1. 20 types of meat (chicken, rabbit, beef, turkey, veal, tongue, low-fat basturma, offal (liver and kidneys), lean poultry ham, quail, guinea fowl and others.
    2. All types of fish, from hake and sprat to tuna, trout and mackerel;
    3. Variety of seafood.
    4. Low-fat dairy products 1-2% without sugar and additives (cottage cheese, kefir, yoghurts, cheese curds, milk).
    5. Chicken and quail eggs.
    6. New in the phase are vegetables (tomatoes, radishes, peppers, asparagus, beets, eggplants, carrots, all types of cabbage, celery in the form of roots and herbs, cucumbers, sorrel, spinach and green lettuce, turnips, pumpkin, onions, zucchini). Other plant foods with more protein include mushrooms and soy.
    7. Natural seasonings, garlic, vinegar, soy sauce, tomato paste without sugar or chemical components.
    8. Sugar substitutes.

    Cooking rules:

    • For salad dressing, use products that do not contain fat: natural ketchup, 10-20 g of soy sauce, corn starch up to 20 g.
    • Allowed are low-fat cheese up to 30 g (fat content up to 20%) , a teaspoon of low-fat cocoa without sugar, chicken sausage up to 100 g , rhubarb, sorrel up to 100 g . You can choose only one pair of products per day, but no more.
    • When cooking, focus on mustard, gelatin, zest, and vegetable broths without vegetables.

    Dukan diet: menu for every day at the alternation stage, tables

    A start? Are the first results already visible? The second most important stage begins - alternation or cruise, during which a person alternates pure protein days with protein-vegetable days. Now in the diet, in addition to 72 “types” of proteins, it is allowed to use 28 non-starchy vegetables, which go well with the main items.

    The huge list of permitted products provides several options for creating an economical menu for the week, etc. There are three alternation patterns: 1/1, 2/2, 3/3 and 5/5. The choice of one or the other and the duration of the procedure depend on the desired results. The more you want to lose, the less often you alternate days. In the following table you will find a sample menu.


    The biggest difficulties for those losing weight at the “Alternating” stage arise due to the complete absence of desserts and various “snacks” on the menu . This stage is quite long, and if at the “Attack” stage it was quite easy to withstand 3-7 days without sweets , then at this phase the risk of “breakdown” increases many times over.

    Quick navigation through the article:

    • Milk sweets according to Dukan
    • Dukan Jelly Coca-Cola
    • Vanilla ice cream according to Dukan
    • Lemon-egg dessert
    • Oatmeal muffins in a slow cooker
    • Quiches
    • Video

    We have already written recipes for desserts that are suitable for purely protein days in the “Attack” phase. These same recipes can be safely used during protein days at the “Alternating” stage . In this article we will talk about what other desserts you can prepare from the products available at this stage. It is also worth noting that at this stage some additional, not listed, products are allowed, such as corn starch, olive oil, 3% sour cream, etc.

    Print a list of allowed foods on your refrigerator

    Milk sweets according to Dukan

    These sweets have a pleasant milky taste . They are good for satisfying your sweet tooth on hot days, as they are stored in the refrigerator.

    To make sweets we will need:

    300 ml skim milk, 25 g gelatin, sweetener to taste, vanillin and cinnamon.

    • Heat milk over heat and dissolve sweetener and gelatin in it;
    • Then add a little vanilla. Leave the milk for about 10-15 minutes until the gelatin is completely dissolved;
    • Then sprinkle small silicone molds with cinnamon (you can do without it) and pour the mixture into the molds;
    • Place the mold in the refrigerator until hardened.

    Dukan Jelly Coca-Cola

    This jelly is similar to the lime jelly recipe we described in one of the previous articles. It is also very refreshing in the heat and practically does not add extra calories to our body. To prepare it you will need:

    • 0.5 l Coca-Cola Light;
    • 10 g gelatin;
    • 3 tablespoons of boiled water;
    • sweetener to taste.

    Dissolve gelatin in water according to the instructions on the package. the resulting hot clear syrup into Coca-Cola , stirring. Pour the jelly mixture into molds or glasses and place in the refrigerator until hardened.

    Vanilla ice cream according to Dukan

    Another summer recipe that will appeal to ice cream lovers . Preparing diet ice cream is quite simple. You can store it in the freezer for a while to enjoy from time to time. We will need the following ingredients:

    • 1 glass of skim milk;
    • 2 chicken eggs;
    • 150 g creamy curd;
    • sweetener to taste;
    • vanillin.

    First of all, separate the yolks from the whites. The yolks are thoroughly mixed with milk, vanillin and sweetener using a whisk. Place the resulting mixture on low heat or a steam bath and stir constantly. The vanilla mass should thicken slightly. Once thickened, remove the container from the heat and place in a cool place to cool.

    The whites are beaten very strongly using a mixer so that they have a fairly dense consistency. Add the curd and egg whites to the now cooled vanilla cream and stir well. Pour the ice cream into molds and put it in the freezer. Every 15 minutes, beat the ice cream with a blender so that there are no pieces of ice in it.

    If desired, you can make chocolate ice cream with a small amount of cocoa, which is allowed at this stage.

    Lemon-egg dessert according to Dukan

    To prepare this dessert we will need:

    • 3 chicken eggs;
    • lemon zest;
    • a few tablespoons of sweetener;
    • 50 g low-fat kefir;
    • 0.5 teaspoon of soda;
    • vanillin and cinnamon to taste.

    All ingredients must be blended with a blender until smooth. Then pour the resulting mass into a silicone mold and bake for 20-30 minutes. Sprinkle cinnamon on top of the finished dessert.

    Dukan oatmeal muffins in a slow cooker

    These muffins are perfect for breakfast or afternoon snack . They can be eaten with tea, coffee, kefir or milk. Ingredients:

    • 1 tablespoon oat bran;
    • 2 tablespoons wheat bran;
    • 1 tablespoon oat bran flour;
    • 2 tablespoons cornstarch;
    • 2 tablespoons skim milk;
    • 2 eggs;
    • 4 tablespoons of creamy cottage cheese;
    • 6g dry yeast;
    • sweetener and vanillin to taste.

    Grind 1 tablespoon of bran in a coffee grinder until it becomes flour. The second spoon of bran is not ground, but poured with hot milk for 15 minutes. The bran will be saturated with milk and become softer and more tender. In a separate container, mix bran flour , corn starch, wheat bran, sweetener, yeast, vanillin and bran that was soaked in milk.

    The sugar substitute can be pre-dissolved in a small amount of warm water. Mix all ingredients thoroughly. Then add eggs and cottage cheese to the resulting mixture. Divide the dough evenly into silicone muffin tins . Place the molds with the dough on the bottom of the pan and immerse them in the multicooker on baking mode for about 1 hour. The cupcakes can also be baked in a regular oven for 30-40 minutes until done.

    Dukan custard tarts

    These diet cakes are very tasty and satisfy the hunger of your sweet tooth. To prepare the cakes you will need:

    For the test:

    • 2 eggs;
    • 50 g cream curd with 0% fat content;
    • 1 tablespoon cornstarch;
    • 1 teaspoon yeast;
    • Sweetener, pinch of salt, vanillin.

    For the custard:

    • 1 tablespoon cornstarch;
    • 250 ml skim milk;
    • 2 yolks;
    • sweetener and vanillin.

    The dough is prepared as follows: the whites are separated from the yolks. Then the whites are whipped with a mixer until a strong mass is formed. Add 2 yolks, cottage cheese, starch, yeast, sweetener and vanillin . The dough must be mixed very thoroughly, rotating the spoon in one direction. The mass should be homogeneous, without lumps.

    Place the molds with the dough in an oven preheated to 200°C and bake for 15 minutes. The cream is prepared as follows: vanillin is added to 200 ml of milk, and the mixture is placed on low heat. The yolks are mixed with 50 ml of the remaining milk, starch and sweetener. The resulting mixture must be gradually added to the milk, which is heated over a fire. The cream is constantly stirred and cooked until thick. Then the cream is removed from the heat and cooled . The cooled cakes are cut so that the cap can be removed and filled with ready-made cream. The most delicious dessert is ready!

    Video recipe for “Profiteroles Du” according to the Dukan diet:

    Stage of consolidation on the Dukan diet

    The third phase is the process of maintaining the results obtained, accustoming yourself and your body to a new schedule and composition of nutrition. During this time period, the diet becomes even richer. In addition to the protein and vegetable component, you can eat:

    • Bread made from rye flour.
    • Cereals.
    • Fruits with low sugar content.
    • Legumes.
    • Potato.
    • Lamb.
    • Low-fat pork, etc.

    Also, according to the rules of the diet, you can eat your favorite unhealthy dish on one of the days, for example, a salad with mayonnaise, pastries, and sweets. As usual, a menu option is available on the sign.

    Dukan diet at the stabilization stage: nutritional features and recipes for every day

    This is the end of the dietary process. You can already forget about strict restrictions on the products you consume. However, you shouldn’t immediately pounce on your favorite “snacks”. We all also drink our quota of water, move actively and eat 3 spoons of bran every day.

    We strictly follow the basics of PP throughout the rest of our lives and maintain our results. Moreover, there are a lot of delicious recipes that will allow you to constantly maintain your figure in perfect condition and avoid numerous stresses.

    Pros of the third stage

    Pierre Dukan is appreciated precisely because the process of “exiting” a grueling diet is carefully thought out. Dukan not only described a menu that will ensure the loss of kilograms, he made sure that you could adapt to new eating habits painlessly and as comfortably as possible. The main thing is that if you follow all the recommendations of Dukan, the kilograms lost at the cost of enormous efforts and restrictions will not return. The Dukan diet helps not only to quickly lose weight, but also to learn to think differently about food and choose the right foods.

    Duration of the stage

    First, you need to calculate the duration of the “Consolidation” stage. To do this, multiply the number of kilograms lost by ten. Let's say you lost 10 kilograms. In this case, the “Consolidation” stage will last 100 days. The menu for the first 50 days differs from the menu for the second part of “Finding”.

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