16 ways to burn fat faster at home

Try our 16 tips to burn fat faster this summer.

Everyone would like to look good in beachwear, but not everyone has prepared their body for the summer season. If you're on the latter team, that means you're looking for ways to burn some fat before pool parties and barbecues become a weekly occurrence. So, you're in luck!

These 16 ways will speed up fat burning before the upcoming beach season.

Apply these tips and you'll soon discover that you look damn attractive in shorts.


Believe it or not, water is the best fat burner on the market. Your liver, which processes fat, needs a lot of water to function properly. Dehydration reduces the rate of fat burning and is bad for muscles and joints. If you want to stay hydrated, drink more.

We're sure you've heard the advice to drink 8 glasses of clean water a day. While this is a good start, your weight, diet, activity level, etc. will affect your water needs. Judge how much you need to drink by the color of your urine. If it is pale yellow to clear, then there is enough water. If it is deeper yellow, you should drink more water.

If you drink enough, you won't feel hungry. “Thirst is often confused with hunger,” says Team Gaspari athlete Ashley Kaltweiser, IFBB Bikini Pro. If you feel hungry, you may simply be dehydrated. If you suspect this is the case for you, simply drink a few glasses of water before eating.

Foods that speed up metabolism and burn fat

Now let’s look at what foods burn fat and promote weight loss by saturating the body with nutrients and accelerating metabolism.


Is it a fruit or a vegetable? Does this have any significance? All you need to know is that tomatoes contain many useful substances, they help you lose weight and not gain it back. They are low in calories and at the same time give you a feeling of satiety and contain fiber, which allows you to stay on the move.

Like every truly healthy food, tomatoes help not only with weight loss. Research shows that lycopene contains antioxidants that are extremely beneficial in the treatment of many diseases. Next time you're at the store, don't forget to add tomatoes to your cart.


Rich in vitamin C, oranges will help your body function at optimal levels, but if you want to lose weight, don't forget that oranges contain sugar. There is no escape from this, they contain quite a lot of sugar, which can turn into fat and not be burned. But they are low in calories, and the fiber helps regulate blood glucose levels.

For oranges to help you lose weight, consume them in moderation while also satisfying your need for sweets with oranges.


While Paleo dieters will disagree, many others will say that oatmeal helps with weight loss because the fiber it contains speeds up your metabolism and helps you feel fuller longer. Everyone from Mrs. Hutson to doctors say the best way to start your day is with a serving of oatmeal for breakfast.

Antioxidants and other minerals make it a good choice, and not just as a source of fiber. Oatmeal is a great food for those who want to lower their cholesterol levels.


When you're trying to lose weight, you don't have to eat bland food. It's time to experiment with seasonings from different countries. Many of them have thermogenic properties that speed up metabolism, in addition, mediocre dishes with the addition of spices will become like dishes from a restaurant.

A few examples: mustard seed will enliven your dish and speed up metabolism, ginger will improve digestion. Ginseng will give you energy, and black pepper will help burn calories. Do you like Indian food? Turmeric also burns excess weight.

Yam (sweet potato)

Oprah loves sweet potatoes and believes that they once helped her lose weight. But can you actually lose weight by replacing baked potatoes with their sweet cousin? It turns out that sweet potatoes are great for dieters because they contain fewer calories and keep you feeling full.

If you love potatoes, sweet potatoes can be a great food that you don't have to avoid during your diet; you can replace regular potatoes with them. Sweet potatoes contain fiber, vitamin C, potassium, and vitamin B6.


It's hard to imagine that eating an apple will make you lose weight. They are so sweet that they can overcome sweet cravings - it's easy to see why they are included in many desserts. Apples are low in calories, fat, and sodium. But they have a lot of fiber.

Fiber gives you a feeling of fullness and prevents you from going crazy from hunger between meals. It also helps improve digestion. Chew your apples thoroughly and buy natural ones so you can leave the peel on.


This is one of those foods that is included in almost every diet out there. Nuts are part of the diet of vegetarians and Paleo followers, and it takes effort to find a diet that does not contain nuts. They can be eaten raw, and a small handful of raw, natural walnuts, almonds, or pecans can serve as a tasty snack and keep you full for several hours or more.

If you don't like eating nuts on their own, try chopping them and sprinkling them on your main dish or side dish. You will also extract nutrients and get a pleasant aroma from the dish.


Previously known among vegetarians, quinoa is now becoming increasingly popular. The benefits include switching from high-calorie foods like rice and potatoes to quinoa. You'll also get everything from your food with the added bonus of the vitamins found in quinoa.

If you haven't tried this culture yet, what are you waiting for? Quinoa will help you feel full, it's low in calories, and it has a low glycemic index. And this is a plus!


Beans are a staple of the 4 Hour Slow Carb Diet. They are praised for their ability to regulate blood sugar and improve digestion due to their fiber content. Try adding a can of natural black beans as a side dish to your next meal, especially if they can replace higher carbohydrate foods such as bread or rice. Many restaurants serve black beans as a side dish, and they are also a great solution for those who go out with friends and don't want to show that they are on a diet.

Egg white

There is controversy surrounding eggs: some gurus say that yolks are harmless, many others argue that egg whites should be preferred for weight loss. Where did the dispute come from? Eggs are a good source of protein, but the sticking point is whether the fat and cholesterol in the yolks are worth eating.

Play it safe with yolks and get the benefits of protein without worrying about the yolk's harm. When your weight reaches the desired weight, you can return them back to your diet and consume equal amounts of whites and yolks.


You don't have to be on a weird grapefruit diet to reap its benefits, but for most people, grapefruit may be a new grocery store purchase. Grapefruit isn't on the must-buy list, but it should be included. When it comes to weight loss, there is a long-standing myth that grapefruit helps you lose weight, and it has been proven in clinical studies.

You don't even need to buy the fruit itself, you can just buy grapefruit juice and drink it instead of eating the fruit. Tim Ferriss, in The Four Hour Body, talks about drinking grapefruit juice on his “free days” in an attempt to avoid weight gain.

Chicken breast

Although chicken breast would not be a vegetarian or vegan's choice, it is often consumed by dieters and bodybuilders due to its high protein content and low fat level. Dark meat chicken doesn't count when it comes to protein quality. Most Americans have no problem including chicken in their diet because it is one of the most popular meats in the country.

Just remember - the meat must be skinless. Try adding different spices, such as those mentioned above, to make it even tastier. Combined with strength training, chicken breast will help keep your muscles toned and speed up your metabolism.


Perhaps eating bananas seems natural to us because they take us back to a primitive past. The more research is done on the effects of bananas on humans, the more confidence there is that they help us stay in shape. They can easily be consumed throughout the day due to their versatility. Add a slice of banana to your porridge when leaving the house, take a couple of bananas with you in case you want something sweet, or just eat on the go. It is best to eat 1 banana per day as they are a source of sugar.


The pear is often judged superficially as the apple's oblong, forgotten sister, but pears have their own unique flavor and health benefits, including fat-burning properties. They help you feel full and have a different composition from apples and other fruits, making the fiber they contain even more beneficial.

Pears can be found in many delicious recipes. If you haven't used pears for cooking before, or simply haven't eaten them, now is the time to start.

Pine nut

Pine nuts contain phytonutrients that help suppress appetite. This means you don't have to buy expensive diet pills with harmful chemical additives that are also supposed to suppress your appetite. All you need is to have some pine nuts on hand.


Choosing mushrooms over pepperoni or sausage on your pizza does little to help you lose weight, but eating more mushrooms with your other healthy foods will yield better results due to their low calorie content and abundance of vitamins.

Try a new type of mushroom, one that may look a little strange, don't settle for the ubiquitous button mushroom. Each of them has its own unique qualities, but they all have one thing in common - they promote weight loss.


Lentils are becoming increasingly popular as a healthy crop and a crop that helps get rid of extra pounds. The fiber it contains will help you feel good between meals and prevent your blood sugar levels from rising.

If you are a vegetarian, lentils are a good source of protein, or you can eat them as a side dish. It will keep your cholesterol levels normal and help you digest carbohydrates better.

Hot peppers

If you are a lover of spicy food, you will like hot peppers. Hot peppers like habanero, jalapeño and chipotle can really help you lose weight and add flavor to almost any dish. They contain capsaicin, which is beneficial for those who want to lose weight.

If you're worried about hot peppers burning a hole in your stomach, recent studies have shown that hot peppers actually help prevent some stomach illnesses, such as killing bacteria that cause stomach ulcers. Do not be afraid!


We'd be remiss if we didn't include broccoli on this list, although you may be fed up with everyone's stories about broccoli. It turns out that your mother and grandmother were right, broccoli is really healthy, and in addition, it promotes weight loss.

How? Broccoli gives you a feeling of fullness, and not only that. Broccoli contains many nutrients and fiber that will keep you in shape. Season it with spices or pepper, but beware of broccoli and cheese soup as it will not work for weight loss.

Organic dietary meat

Diet meat contains protein and no fat, but make sure you choose natural meat if you want to lose weight. To make more profit, the meat of cows, pigs, and other animals is pumped with antibiotics and growth hormones. Such meat can harm your weight loss process.

Meat raised without the use of chemical fertilizers does not contain any more nutrients than regular meat, but the difference lies in what it does not contain. If you can't find organic meat, choose grass-fed meat or one with minimal chemical additives.

Cantaloupe (cantaloupe)

They say that by eating cantaloupe, you burn more calories than it contains. Whether this is true or not, melon still helps you lose weight. It is sweet, but not high in calories, like most sweets. It also contains fiber, although you can't tell by the taste.

It is often added to fruit salads, with fruits such as winter melon, strawberries, or on its own as a tonic or as a snack. Another positive fact: cantaloupe makes your skin look great.


Children often leave spinach on their plate, but adults understand how useful it is, including for weight loss and good health. It can be consumed in different states: fresh as a salad, canned and frozen. It is effective for weight loss because it gives the stomach work, and at the same time contains few calories.

We advise you to buy natural spinach that is not grown with chemical fertilizers.

Green tea

You may already know that green tea is a powerful source of antioxidants, but did you know that it can help you lose weight? This is due to the content of catechins. This is the part of green tea that burns more calories and fat.

Compared to other teas, green tea is better than the rest because it is not as processed as others and therefore retains more valuable qualities like antioxidants, phytonutrients, which make it one of the best among our list.


Don't underestimate the quality of cinnamon; it's useful for more than just baking. Cinnamon promotes weight loss, 1 teaspoon of cinnamon per day will give positive results. What is the magic? The thing is that cinnamon helps keep blood glucose levels normal. It plays a significant role in how you feel during the day, how energetic or lethargic you are.

Keeping your blood sugar levels normal also helps you avoid feeling hungry. Just make sure there's enough cinnamon on your bun.


Asparagus has many beneficial properties, and each of them plays a role in the weight loss process. The first is to help eliminate toxins and other waste. It also helps with digestion and maintains good bacteria in the intestines. It is worth noting that this is a healthy food, which means it contains many vitamins and minerals that can help you.

Many dieters love the taste of asparagus, it is very easy to prepare, it combines with herbs and spices, and makes a good addition to regular meals.


Even though fast food chains have started adding guacamole to everything they eat, avocados are a great food for weight loss. For many years, avocados were not recognized as a weight loss food due to their fat content, when fat-containing foods were considered unhealthy. Then we wised up and realized that not all fat is created equally, and good fats actually help you lose weight.

Try adding avocado slices to sandwiches, or make your own guacamole. Try to avoid guacamole in restaurants because you won't know its exact composition.

Peanut butter

Among foods that promote weight loss, peanut butter deserves special attention because it is a good fat that will help you lose weight. It has an amazing taste, it satisfies the feeling of hunger and even dulls it. The book The Abs Diet describes peanut butter as a very healthy food and recommended adding it to smoothies.

Mild-tasting almond butter is also beneficial for weight loss, but it generally costs more than peanut butter. In any case, choose organic foods to only consume peanuts and perhaps sea salt.


Salmon contains omega-3 and some diets are based on it. At first glance, it seems that it is too fatty to qualify as a useful product for weight loss, but it does not have a lot of saturated fat, as, for example, in a fast food hamburger, where the omega-3 content exceeds all acceptable standards.

Salmon is a food that you will want to add to your diet to see how your body reacts to it. If it works well for you, consider eating it more often throughout the week. Fortunately, there are many good salmon recipes that will make the dish low-fat and tasty.

Organic Unfiltered Apple Cider Vinegar

The enzymes in apple cider vinegar help with digestion and gradual weight loss. It is recommended to add it to distilled water and drink it before meals. Apple cider vinegar helps digestion and your body will extract all the nutrients from your food.

It also suppresses appetite, so if you find yourself hungry between meals and are looking for something to quench your hunger pangs until your next meal, apple cider vinegar is a great help.

Greek yogurt

Greek yogurt is gaining a reputation as a healthier yogurt. This is because it contains more protein and less sugar than regular yogurt. But you don’t have to give up regular yogurt right away, and there are many products that can be replaced with Greek yogurt.

For example, you can use it as a substitute for sour cream and cut down on a lot of calories and fat. You can also use it in baking as a substitute for other fats and oils, but it may not work at first and will take a few tries.

Olive oil

The reason olive oil helps you lose weight is because it can replace other foods, such as salad dressing or other oils, that are considered unhealthy. Even if you don't change anything in your diet or lifestyle, but start using olive oil, it will still have an effect in losing weight. But most people notice that the results will be more noticeable if they start a Mediterranean diet.

Almost any diet that replaces the Standard American Diet will help you shed pounds, and using olive oil can provide many benefits.


The remarkable property of blueberries in the field of weight loss is that with them you burn fat. It helps the body get rid of fat and sugar, besides, this berry tastes wonderful and can improve homemade food. It also goes well with other fruits and fruit salads. Just don't eat blueberries with sugar.

We've highlighted blueberries for their fat-burning properties, but many other berries can help you lose weight, so broaden your horizons and enjoy your berries.

Turkey breast

Turkey breast is a great food to have on hand because it's great for when you're feeling weak because it's a great source of protein. Thanks to this property, the menu of no-carb and low-carb diets is full of turkey breast and other meats. Those whose diet consists of a balanced amount of protein and carbohydrates will also find brisket healthy.

The protein it contains will also help during intense workouts or when trying to build muscle by speeding up your metabolism. This happens due to an increase in the number of calories burned per day.


You can sprinkle flaxseed on almost anything, and it's a better way than many of these diets that keep popping up. The reason for this is the content of flaxseed substances that are beneficial to the body, such as omega-3. It also contains fiber, which will help you feel energized.

An important property of fatty acids is their ability to speed up metabolism. A side bonus is the ability to lower bad cholesterol levels in the body, which is why they made our list of healthy foods for their benefits to the body and ease of consumption.

Eat fresh!

It's best to use fresh ingredients whenever possible, especially for the healthy foods listed here. It loses a lot of antioxidants and reducing properties during cooking. Keep it as close to its natural state as possible.

In addition to keeping foods in their natural state, choose organic foods whenever possible. The absence of pesticides, herbicides and genetically modified ingredients will allow their beneficial natural properties to manifest themselves, and will not serve as a counterbalance to the benefits of the products.


Making soups from these healthy foods is a great way to reap the benefits and make them more edible. Soup is an excellent way to lose weight and helps improve digestion. Plus, you can combine many foods for a real, vitamin-packed meal that helps you lose weight.

Soup can be served before a higher calorie meal, or it can be the main meal when it is too late for a large portion to be digested by your stomach. It is easier to digest food when the ingredients are finely chopped and cooked until soft.

It won't be news : compare healthy and good-for-you foods with processed foods sold in supermarkets, fast foods and restaurants across the country. On your next shopping trip, fill your cart with these healthy foods and start filling your body with food that will keep it lean and trim!

Don't go on fad diets

While fad crash diets such as the grapefruit diet or the cabbage soup diet may help you lose weight quickly, they won't last long. Once you return to your normal diet, you will look worse than before you started the diet. What's more, these restrictive diets are deficient in key macronutrients that are important for health.

Kaltweiser says the best way to burn fat is with a diet that you can stick to for a long time. Sticking to the diet for longer than a week or two will help you burn fat faster and allow you to stay in shape for a long time.

How to burn fat without dieting

Most of the above 16 ways to burn fat faster will help you achieve your goal without resorting to different kinds of diets. Abdominal exercises help develop abdominal muscles, but do not burn fat. During aerobic exercise, the human body only increases the density of adipose tissue capillaries and learns to effectively use existing energy reserves. In addition, keep in mind that body fat is the result of poor nutrition. To avoid strict diets, adjust your daily menu and select exercises that you need to do regularly.

What to eat and drink before training

After checking out 16 ways to burn fat faster, pay attention to your pre-workout nutrition. If a long workout is coming up, add carbohydrates to the menu. Before strength training, you need to add more protein. Fats take the longest to digest, so you should consume as little as possible before exercise. Pre-workout nutrition options:

  • Oatmeal. The recipe includes half a cup of whole oatmeal and 1 scoop of protein powder. Eat before endurance exercise – 1-2 hours before exercise.
  • Omelette with vegetables. To prepare you will need 2 eggs (whole), 2 egg whites, mushrooms, onions, peppers. Suitable for use 1-2 hours before exercise to develop muscle mass.
  • A classic bodybuilder's lunch. Before training to build muscle mass (2-3 hours before it starts), eat 150 g of baked chicken, broccoli and sweet potatoes.

Burning fat after a workout

After good physical activity, the body continues the fat burning process. An hour or two after training, you can eat protein foods that help restore muscles faster. The diet may consist of:

  • boiled chicken;
  • omelette without egg yolk;
  • meat, fish;
  • low-fat cottage cheese (a little);
  • any salads.

Eat often

It may sound crazy, but increasing the frequency of your meals helps you lose weight. But don't get us wrong: the frequency of meals is not as important as the quality of food. Another Gaspari athlete Colin Wasiak, IFBB pro: “The basis is quality. Complex carbohydrates, healthy fats and low-calorie proteins, distributed correctly throughout the day, cause your metabolism to speed up, which leads to fat burning. If you're only eating 3 meals a day, it's time to rethink your routine."

Bodybuilding legend Rich Gaspari knows exactly how the frequency and quality of food leads to body transformation. “When my goal is to burn fat, I make sure I eat 6-8 times a day and eat small meals. Eating more meals speeds up my metabolism so I don't end up eating so much food that it gets stored as fat."

When does weight loss start?

You don’t have to complete a course in dietetics to understand that we only lose weight when we experience a calorie deficit. That is, if you eat food with a total calorie content of 2500 kcal per day, but spend only 2000 kcal per day, then the rest will go into fat accumulation and weight.

People who consume as many calories as they expend maintain their weight the same. And only those who have a calorie deficit will lose weight.

Part of the calories is spent by our body to ensure vital functions - this is our basic metabolism. We spend some calories during physical activity, and this indicator can be influenced.

Thus, to maintain a calorie deficit, you need to either reduce your consumption or increase your consumption during physical activity. The most ideal option: do both at the same time. By bringing our nutrition back to normal and increasing physical activity, we can easily achieve the desired calorie deficit and begin to lose weight.

But there is also one nuance here - the calorie deficit must be adequate, in other words, the calorie intake should not be below the level of basal metabolism. So, if your basic metabolism is 1400 kcal, then you must consume no less than this norm, otherwise the body will go into “hunger” mode.

What does "hunger" mode mean? But nothing good. With this regime, your body is absolutely sure that hungry times have come, since you have begun to eat so little, and you urgently need to save resources. As a result, your metabolism slows down, calories are burned more slowly, and it becomes very difficult to lose weight.

Even if you force the body to share its accumulated fat resources (and fats will have to be burned to meet the body’s basic needs), then immediately after switching to a standard diet, the excess weight will return and even more than it was before.

After forced starvation, our body will begin to accumulate even more excess fat and it will be more difficult to force it to share what it has accumulated each time. This is why many diets don't work.

Hence the conclusion: for effective weight loss, you need not to lower your calorie intake below your basal metabolism and ensure an adequate calorie deficit.

You can understand what is a deficit for you only if you know exactly your daily calorie needs and the calorie content of your daily diet. Expending energy through physical activity will allow you to lose the calories you eat and make it easier to maintain a calorie deficit.

How much fat can you burn in a day?

We have already explained to you how and under what conditions weight loss occurs. Now let's figure out the real speed of burning fat and losing extra pounds.

When teaching dietetics, nutrition consultants are taught that during the oxidation (breakdown) of 1 g of fat, approximately 9.3 kcal of energy is released.

Using simple mathematical calculations, we find that to burn 100 g of fat, you need to spend 930 kcal, and 200 g of fat already costs 1860 kcal. Now imagine how much physical effort must be made to ensure such energy expenditure.

Note that during fitness classes you can actually burn about 500-800 kcal in an hour. This means that for such fat burning you need to sweat in the gym for about 2.5-4 hours a day. Please also note that we took this fat burning calculation without taking into account nutrition and glycogen reserves, which are used up first.

In a word, you don’t need to torment yourself with calculations to understand: you can actually burn no more than 100-150 g of fat per day, and this is subject to proper nutrition, a calorie-balanced diet (with a calorie deficit) and regular physical activity.

Accordingly, the rate of weight loss per month (provided that you remain healthy) is approximately 3-4.6 kg of fat. In reality, your weight may decrease by more kilograms: the thing is that our excess weight is not only fat accumulation, but also fluid stagnation, intestinal congestion and other troubles.

That is why practicing nutritionists who have completed high-quality courses in dietetics advise their clients to undergo a good cleansing of the body before starting weight correction.

As a result of such cleansing, you can easily lose a few extra pounds, as the clogged intestines will be cleared, food digestion and the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract as a whole will improve, and excess fluid will leave the body.

Lift heavier weights

You've probably heard that in order to lose weight, you need to do more repetitions with lighter weights. Wait, do you think that 20 repetitions with a five-kilogram dumbbell are better than 10 repetitions with a ten-kilogram dumbbell? This doesn't make any sense. The more muscle mass you have, the more energy it requires. Light weights are not the answer.

The weights should be a challenge for you every time, but don't sacrifice your form for heavier weights. If you don’t also work the muscle mentally, then you will simply perform the exercise without causing the muscle to grow at all.

Eat after your workout

Post-workout nutrition is critical for normal recovery, muscle building and energy replenishment after a tough training session. However, you can't just rely on food to accomplish your goals for you.

What you eat before your workout and throughout the day is an important factor in losing weight. In other words, if your diet is poor, a protein-rich post-workout meal won't help your cause.

Do cardio

When Wasiak wants to accelerate fat loss before a competition or photo shoot, he uses cardio to do it. “Do cardio after strength training, not before,” he says. “Cardio after lifting helped me increase my fat-burning potential since my glycogen stores were already depleted.”

Doing cardio after strength training is also beneficial because it helps you conserve energy for when you need it most—during heavy compound exercises.

Gaspari, on the other hand, operates differently. “I prefer to do cardio in the morning on an empty stomach. When I want to get lean, I do 20-30 minutes of cardio 5 times a week. If fat burning slows down, I add 10 minutes to each session."

Everyone should have their own approach to cardio. Choose the method that best suits your plans.

What tricks during training will help you burn more calories after it?

To ensure that calories continue to be burned long after exercise, it is important to maintain an accelerated metabolism. “To do this, it is enough for many of us to visit the gym about three times a week,” advises Maxim Oborin. “On rest days, try to move more: do light cardio and walk.”

Increase the intensity of your fitness session. Yoga and Pilates are considered the lightest exercise, followed by cardio, followed by interval training and weight training.

Keep an eye on your technique. By performing Pilates exercises with high quality, an experienced athlete will spend more kilocalories than a beginner who will not complete half of the elements. Another example: when riding a bicycle, an untrained person will spend a lot of energy and quickly finish the movement, while a cyclist will stay in the saddle for several hours, using only the necessary muscles and relaxing them as much as possible in the rest phase.

Train all muscles, do not neglect exercises for strength and muscle size. If a person has large muscle mass, his metabolism proceeds faster.

Increase the load from workout to workout. If your main goal is weight loss, then combine high loads with low loads and switch to interval training. “This can be done, for example, by increasing and decreasing the speed on the treadmill, as well as through functional and strength exercises,” says Maxim Oborin. - Under higher load, the body experiences muscle stress. It is important not to cross the line: excessive stress will overwhelm you and lead to a state of overtraining. With prolonged stress, the body begins to secrete hormones that act as catalysts for various processes, including metabolism.”


Shorten your rest periods

Gaspari simply lives by this rule. “The way I work with free weights is to reduce rest periods and use compound exercises like supersets and dropsets to build muscle and burn fat.”

“The important point here is to keep the exercises hard and challenging—don't feel like you have to do high reps with light weights. If you try, you can maintain the same weights as with longer periods of rest.”

Wasiak also uses this technique to burn fat. "High intensity with short rest periods increases the effectiveness of your workouts," he says.

“This worked really well for me when I was preparing for a show and just couldn’t shake off those last, most stubborn pounds.”

When it comes to fat loss, intensity is everything.

Eat BCAA's

The amino acids leucine, isoleucine and valine are super important for muscle building and recovery, as they are absorbed in the muscles, bypassing the liver. This means they can be used as a source to build proteins for energy!

Wasiak recommends taking BCAAs before and after your workout to turn your body into a true anabolic powerhouse and better burn fat. BCAAs also help with recovery and indirectly help with dehydration.

BCAA's are the best choice for anyone who wants to be slim as they are calorie-free. So add a scoop to your shaker of water and enjoy!

Less stress

Too much stress leads to overeating, drinking and other unhealthy habits. Stress also releases the hormone cortisol, which promotes fat storage. If there is a lot of cortisol in the body, it causes fat to be deposited in problem areas.

To combat stress, add some relaxing activities to your daily schedule. Take a bath, read, talk on the phone with a friend, play outside, walk, exercise, sleep. The better you control your stress, the better you will feel and the faster the benefits of exercise will be seen.

How to burn fat quickly - 16 ways

You can achieve the desired effect only when you combine sports, proper eating behavior and a generally healthy lifestyle in your efforts to lose weight. Don't expect to lose weight quickly. Burning fat is a complex and lengthy process that requires a thorough approach. To achieve results, take a closer look at 16 ways to help burn fat faster.

Water for burning fat

Pure water is the best fat burner. The fat-processing liver needs plenty of water to function properly. Dehydration reduces the rate of fat burning and negatively affects joints and muscles. As for the amount of water you need to drink during the day, the recommended amount is 8 glasses, and this means only pure still water, and not tea, coffee, juices and other drinks.

Refusal from express weight loss and mono-diets

To burn fat effectively, you shouldn't go on all sorts of fad diets like the grapefruit diet or the cabbage soup diet. They will help you lose extra pounds quickly, but the effect will be short-term. Moreover, such restrictive diets lack key macronutrients that are very important for health. It is best to use a diet that you can stay on for a relatively long time. In this case, you will not be able to get rid of excess weight so quickly, but you will maintain your shape for a long time.

Balance of proteins, fats and carbohydrates in the diet

You can burn fat at home, removing it from problem areas, using the optimal balance of BJU. In its most general form, this ratio should be 1:1.2:4 (for people doing moderate work). To lose weight, you will need to limit the amount of complex carbohydrates, and reduce simple ones to a minimum. The ratio of BJU for weight loss can be different (depending on the individual characteristics of the body), for example, a good option is the proportion 30%:10%:60%. Try to get the bulk of your fats from unsaturated fats.

Fractional meals

Increasing the frequency of meals speeds up metabolism and helps in weight loss. Although what matters more is not how often you eat, but how high quality the food you eat is. Low-calorie proteins, healthy fats, complex carbohydrates, properly distributed throughout the day, help speed up metabolism. This leads to fat burning. It turns out that if you eat 3 times a day, you need to increase the number of meals to 5-6, but at the same time significantly reduce the portions.

Slowly digestible carbohydrates in the diet

Carbohydrates are the most effective and primary source of nutrition. They act as fuel for mental and physical work. But their excessive use leads to the appearance of extra pounds. A low-carbohydrate diet (one of the best tools for losing weight) has gained considerable popularity, but you cannot sit on it for a long time and without breaks , because. it can slow down your metabolism and lead to other negative consequences.

To lose weight, you need to eat complex (slow) carbohydrates. The fact is that they are not chemically ready for absorption, so they need to be broken down. It takes an average of about 2.5 hours for them to release all the calories and sugar. They are completely converted into energy for cells, even if you did not exercise that day. Calories will be spent on daily physical activity, mental work, breathing, digestion, etc. Complex carbohydrates are found in:

  • buckwheat;
  • beans;
  • oatmeal;
  • cabbage;
  • zucchini;
  • turnip;
  • sour apples;
  • pineapples;
  • spicy herbs;
  • nuts

Green tea and natural juices

Replace your usual cup of coffee with green tea in the morning. This drink helps speed up metabolism, which will help in the fight against extra pounds. Green tea has an antioxidant composition that helps the body recover after intense workouts. Additionally, it helps cope with dehydration much better than coffee.

As for natural juices, they should not be purchased. It is better to use them not as a diet, but as part of a healthy, balanced diet. Drink juice when you feel hungry and it’s not yet time for lunch or dinner. In addition, you can consume it half an hour before meals. Thanks to this, the amount of food during the meal will be smaller. You can lose about 2-3 kg of weight in a month. Among the 16 methods, this option is the simplest.

More healthy carbohydrates

You can ensure effective fat burning with the help of healthy carbohydrates. Consumption of foods containing simple carbohydrates leads to a constant feeling of hunger, as a result of which a person often resorts to snacking. In this regard, preference should be given to complex carbohydrates, because. they are absorbed more slowly and do not cause a sharp rise in insulin levels in the blood. If you are on a low-carb diet, plan to eat carbohydrates at least once a week. This will help the fat-burning hormone Leptin act more effectively. Prohibited products:

  • sugar;
  • beet;
  • corn;
  • buns;
  • bananas;
  • pasta;
  • chopped cereal;
  • alcohol;
  • sweet soda.

Stressful situations and depression

Try to avoid stress, because... it can lead to overeating, drinking and other unhealthy habits. If you do not burn calories, the existing subcutaneous fat will become even more voluminous. Stress releases the hormone cortisol, which can lead to weight gain. If there is a lot of cortisol, it will force the body to deposit “reserves” in problem areas.

To combat a stressful situation that slows down your metabolism, add some relaxing activities to your daily schedule. For example, walk, exercise, read, take a bath, talk on the phone with friends, etc. The better you learn to control stress, the better you will feel and the faster you will see the effects of the chosen exercises.

Regular physical activity

To achieve the desired result, do not forget about physical activity. Do both simple basic exercises and complex ones, because... this is a great way to use muscle mass more effectively. Include deadlifts, bench press, and squats in your workout routine. overhead press. Don’t miss classes, trying to devote at least half an hour a day to them, or better yet, an hour and a half.

The benefits of interval training

Set goals, adjust your nutrition program and don't forget to do cardio exercises. Give particular importance to interval training. This method of fat burning is considered one of the most effective. It consists of changing running modes or working on a machine, from a slow pace to high-intensity exercise. It has been noticed that after a couple of minutes of high-speed running, the body cannot understand for another 5-7 minutes that the acceleration has already ended. It continues to release the same amount of energy as during acceleration. This method can be applied to any type of activity.

Effective fat burner

If you are looking for an effective fat burner, then pay attention to BCAA. The amino acids Leucine, Isoleucine and Valine are very important for the structure of muscle tissue and its restoration, because These substances are absorbed in the muscles, bypassing the liver. It is recommended to take BCAA before and after training. This is necessary for your body to become a true anabolic powerhouse. BCAAs also help with recovery and indirectly help with dehydration. In addition, such amino acids are non-caloric.

Time to sleep

A normal and full night's sleep is a primary and important rule for losing weight. Those people who don't get enough sleep face the problem of slow metabolism, feeling hungry during the day and insufficient testosterone release . The latter is very important for men for the fat burning process and to a lesser extent for women. If you are trying to lose weight, but you sleep very little, then you will have to face all the problems described. In this regard, try to find 7-8 hours of sleep per day.

Motivation and determination

Try to be more persistent and purposeful, because... This is the only way you can achieve weight loss as quickly as possible. Constantly motivate yourself, set some attractive goal, which can only be achieved if you can lose a certain number of kilograms. Perseverance will help you stick to your chosen training program and proper nutrition. If you show your willpower and stick to your weight loss plan for at least one month, the results will pleasantly surprise you.

Strength training with heavy weights

There is no point in training for a long time with lighter weights in hopes of losing weight. This method will not work to quickly pump up and reduce the layer of fat. Light weights are not the answer, do not forget that the more muscles you have, the more energy they will require. Try to lift heavier weights, which should be a challenge for you every time. Strength training using heavy weights can be a good way to shape your body. At the same time, pay attention to nutrition - the quality of food plays an important role in losing weight.

Increased cardio loads

Among the 16 ways to burn fat faster, there is a method that involves the use of increased cardio exercise. Do them after strength training, not before. This approach will help increase the so-called fat burning potential, because... your glycogen stores have already been depleted. Additionally, doing cardio after strength training is beneficial because it will help you conserve energy for heavy compound exercises. True, if you want not to lose muscle mass, then it is better to avoid intense cardio training.

Increasing training intensity

In the process of fat burning, the intensity of training is of great importance. To achieve the desired result, try to reduce rest periods. Increased training intensity will speed up your metabolism and your total daily calorie consumption will increase significantly. This will lead to impressive results. Try to increase the number of repetitions. Due to the fact that the body, especially the cardiovascular system, is not yet adapted to long-term, high-intensity loads, it is best to carry them out at certain intervals.

Hit the scales

Even if your goal is to look good in a top or bikini this summer, the scale isn't the best tool to measure your progress. "For most women, the mark on the scale is just a game," Kaltweiser says.

Instead of focusing on the scale, look in the mirror, at your clothes and how you feel.

“Don’t let the number on the scale determine what kind of day you’ll have today.” Remember, we're trying to reduce stress here, not increase it.

Worrying about your weight and its changes can have a negative impact on your diet and exercise plan.

If you don’t see any changes on the scale, you really want to give up everything.

Instead of focusing on the scale, look in the mirror, at your clothes and how you feel.

If your summer shorts fit much better than they did two weeks ago, that's progress, no matter what the scale says.

More carbs

A low-carb diet can be a useful tool for burning fat. On the other hand, sticking to a low-carb diet for a long time and without breaks is harmful, it slows down the metabolism and leads to other negative consequences.

If you're following a low-carb diet, plan to eat carbohydrates at least once a week. This will not only help the fat-burning hormone leptin, but also your mental health.

Attack on fat

Of course, without physical exercise, the fight against excess fat is impossible. After all, the calories received must be spent somewhere.

. And people usually move so little.

Experts consider cardio training

. Exercising at 60-70 percent of your maximum heart rate increases the body's oxygen consumption, trains the cardiovascular system and uses fat reserves in the process of obtaining energy. This type of exercise includes brisk walking, cross-country walks, cycling, gymnastics and swimming.

During strength training

the muscles work much more actively, and the metabolism goes faster than with cardio exercise.
But during such activities, the body uses carbohydrates rather than fat reserves for energy. True, recovery after such loads takes longer, which means that calories are consumed for some time
after the end of classes. And since the muscles no longer need carbohydrates, the body uses fat. Strength training includes exercise on weight machines, with weights (for example, dumbbells) and sports games that require muscle strength.

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