How to take gainer correctly: time, dosage, recommendations

Almost every athlete knows that to gain high-quality muscle mass, a gainer is needed. Perhaps you have already chosen this sport drink, but do not know how to drink it correctly to achieve maximum effect. Despite the fact that recommendations are indicated on the packaging of each product, they are quite general and are not suitable for everyone. In this article we will tell you how to drink a gainer correctly, what you can combine it with and what supplements are best for weight gain

First, a little educational program for those who have just started playing sports. Gainer is a sports nutrition product designed to increase muscle volume and increase the calorie content of the daily diet. The basis of the supplement is proteins and carbohydrates, which can additionally be enriched with useful components that improve health and enhance athletic performance.

Important: Gainer is not a nutritional substitute. It is recommended to take it as a supplement, between main meals.

Depending on your goals, you can take a protein-carbohydrate supplement at different times of the day:

  • You can drink a portion in the morning if you cannot have a full breakfast
  • Drinking a protein-carbohydrate cocktail 30-60 minutes before training will prepare the body for heavy loads. The muscles will be saturated with amino acids and will receive a supply of glycogen for endurance and more intense training.
  • A post-workout gainer is a good way to close the so-called protein-carbohydrate window, when the body requires additional nutrition to recover after physical activity.

You can also drink a cocktail on days without sports. It is important that this is not a meal replacement - you need to take supplements between meals

What can you take a gainer with?

By combining this sports nutrition with other supplements, you can significantly increase the effectiveness of sports nutrition:

  • Creatine will accelerate muscle growth and increase endurance. Carbohydrates are a transport system for creatine, accelerating its delivery to muscle fibers
  • Combination with vitamin and mineral complexes allows for faster recovery after physical activity
  • Amino acid supplements provide a powerful anabolic effect and rapid increase in muscle mass

Sports nutrition gainer can be combined with protein to increase the protein content per serving

Important: before taking a protein-carbohydrate shake with other sports nutrition, you should study the composition. It may already contain creatine, a vitamin complex or other components

Nutrition while drying

During cutting, it is necessary to reduce carbohydrates by 2 times, but not eliminate them completely, since in this case the body will go into a state of ketosis and begin to produce a large amount of ketones. Ketone bodies burn fat and use it as an energy source, so it is necessary to consume carbohydrates to maintain their deficit. If you exclude them from your diet, you will experience a lack of energy. The main thing here is a reasonable balance.

The main source of carbohydrates should be vegetables.

It's also important to eat more lean protein (with each meal) and fat to replenish lost "carbohydrate" calories. Consume unsaturated fats such as olive oil, avocado and nuts. Whitefish, chicken breast, salmon, turkey, tuna and eggs are suitable sources of protein.

Eliminate sugar and sodium

Eliminate most sugars from your diet. Always read product labels carefully to identify their contents. Stay away from foods that contain more than 5 grams of sugar per serving.

Consume no more than 2000 mg of sodium per day. When it is highly concentrated in the diet, the body begins to retain water, which makes it difficult to lose fat. Additionally, too much sodium can cause high blood pressure.

How much to drink gainer

A cocktail for gaining muscle weight can be prepared using water, milk or juice. Do not use hot water as it may cause protein coagulation

To understand how much to drink, you need to know the daily dose of the product. Portions are calculated for every 10 kilograms of body weight, and depend on the number of meals per day. For a man, three meals a day requires 16-20 grams of product. A woman with the same diet will need about 15 grams of the supplement for every 10 kilograms of body.

This portion is not taken at one time, but is divided into several doses. The optimal amount is 2 times a day:

  • on rest days in the morning and during the day;
  • on days of physical activity - during the day, and you also need to take a gainer after training

This approach allows you to reduce catabolic reactions in the body and protect muscles from destruction.

Please note: Eating sports nutrition without physical activity can lead to a significant increase in body fat.

Top 10 Supplements to Accelerate Cutting Progress

The most effective sports supplements for drying the body and burning fat, which not only help speed up the weight loss process, but also support the health of your body in this phase of training.


Working out takes a lot of strength and energy, and often, trying to maintain the desired weight, we experience a deficiency of vitamins and minerals. Sports nutrition for drying must include mineral and multivitamin complexes. By supplementing your diet with a multivitamin, you will provide your body with a wide range of vital nutrients needed to maintain good health and a lean body.

For better absorption of vitamins, take them in the morning during or after meals.

Whey Protein

Protein is integral to stimulating muscle growth before and after workouts. Unfortunately, many people struggle with eating before or after going to the gym. This is where whey protein can come to the rescue. It is made from whey and is considered a complete protein product, containing all 9 essential amino acids that our body needs.

Protein plays an important role in rapid muscle recovery. When consumed throughout the day, it increases metabolism and energy levels, allowing you to burn more calories.

Protein also promotes muscle growth. Whey is a milk protein that is quickly digested and delivers amino acids to muscles almost instantly, which helps accelerate muscle growth.

In addition, protein improves performance.

Experienced athletes and many nutritionists recommend taking about 2 g of protein per 1 kg of your own body weight during cutting. Protein should be taken in the morning, before and after training, as well as between meals; you can also take casein protein before bed. To prepare a cocktail, you should not use more than 1 scoop of the product.

How to take protein while cutting

Take it at the rate of 2 grams per 1 km of body weight. This dosage helps combat muscle breakdown and support muscle growth.

Also try to consume protein from whole food sources throughout the day.


Glutamine is the most abundant amino acid in the body. It increases the natural production of growth hormone, reduces pain and prevents catabolism. Glutamine can also stimulate muscle growth by controlling glycogen levels. It is able to slow down the destruction of muscle tissue during intense training, increasing strength and endurance.

Glutamine supplements help preserve muscle tissue and allow the body to burn more fat. Don't forget: the higher your lean body mass, the more active your metabolism is. Studies have shown that such supplements provide positive results in strengthening the immune system. This is very important, because during intense exercise she is exposed to serious stress.

Glutamine promotes muscle tissue repair and supports overall body health. It is also known for its ability to increase plasma levels of growth hormone.

How to take glutamine while cutting:

To avoid feeling tired after workouts, take 5 grams of glutamine 2-3 times a day, for example, before and after exercise.


Creatine is naturally present in skeletal muscles. It enhances energy production, increases strength, improves muscle performance during high-intensity workouts, stimulates the production of growth hormone, and also improves post-workout muscle recovery and promotes muscle growth. Which makes it an excellent supplement for drying out the body.

How to take creatine while cutting:

Take 2-5 grams of creatine per day.

Conjugated Linoleic Acid (CLA)

Not all fats are bad. Conjugated linoleic acid (or CLA) contains omega-3 fatty acids, which are known as good fats. Researchers have found that CLA helps reduce body fat and helps maintain muscle tissue. You can also provide your body with omega-3 fatty acids through diet.

How and when to take conjugated linoleic acid

The best results can be expected when dividing the daily dose into 2-3 doses. The optimal form of release is gel capsules. While cutting, take 2-4 grams of CLA per day.

Branched Chain Amino Acids (BCAAs)

The BCAA complex consists of three amino acids: valine, isoleucine and leucine. They play a key role in stimulating protein synthesis and regulating its metabolism.

Taking BCAAs before and after training while drying your body will significantly reduce muscle damage and reduce muscle pain. The complex also helps burn fat, reduce fatigue and promote recovery.

BCAAs provide energy during exercise and replenish nutrients lost during intense exercise.

How to take bcaa while cutting

To get the most benefit from BCAAs, take 5-10 grams between meals and before and after workouts.

Don't forget that most proteins and pre-workout shakes contain varying amounts of BCAAs.

Green tea extract

Green tea extract has numerous beneficial properties. It is rich in antioxidants in the form of catechins, which lower cholesterol, help prevent cancer and support healthy bowel function. It has also been proven to help with weight loss. If you want to boost the effects of caffeine, try green tea extract, as it is considered one of the best fat burners.

Green tea extract contains caffeine, which stimulates metabolism, which is very useful during “drying”. When choosing a brand, always read the label to find out how many milligrams of catechins are contained in each tablet. Most green tea extracts contain about 50% ECGC (epigallocatechin gallate) and appetite suppressants.

To safely include the extract in your diet, you need to drink enough water, since caffeine, as well as some other components in tea, are diuretics. The pills can be taken with or without food. To increase the effectiveness of the intake, it is necessary to combine green tea extract with supplements containing fish oil and quercetin, or with similar foods. As a dietary supplement, take 1 capsule daily . Do not take this product on an empty stomach.

Fish fat

Fish oil contains omega-3 fatty acids, which have many benefits, including lowering LDL cholesterol (aka bad cholesterol) and improving mental function. They also help fight inflammation and use fat as energy when drying out the body.

Inflammation is a common problem faced by people who strength train. Choose fish oils that contain eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) to docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) in a 2:1 ratio. It is he who has the best anti-inflammatory effect.

How to take fish oil while cutting

For weight loss, consume 3-4 grams, divided into 2-3 doses per day. Best consumed with food.

Nitric oxide donors

Research shows that nitric oxide stimulates natural growth hormone production, increases strength and improves circulation. Combined with branched chain amino acids and glutamine, it allows you to train more intensely. However, it is worth noting that these results were observed during a study that lasted 90 days.

How to take nitric oxide

  • Take NO on an empty stomach
  • If your weight is more than 100 kg, then you can immediately start with double the dosage (on average 2 scoops).
  • After two weeks, you can double the dosage (for everyone).
  • The total duration of NO use should not exceed one month on average.

Joint Strengthening Supplements

Joint pain may occur after exercising with heavy weights. You can alleviate it by taking special supplements in combination with fish oil. Most joint strengthening supplements contain methylsulfonylmethane (msm), chondroitin, glucosamine and other beneficial substances.

Caution: If you have a seafood allergy, glucosamine should be avoided.

All of the supplements listed are scientifically proven to help you lose fat quickly and safely. However, when taking sports nutrition while cutting, you should combine it with a low-carb diet and training, and not rely only on sports supplements.

How to choose a gainer

The modern sports nutrition market offers a large selection of gainers for every taste. Bright labels and loud calls can confuse even seasoned athletes. We have prepared simple instructions, following which you will select an additive that will help solve your problem.

  1. Start by choosing a goal. This may be an increase in muscle weight and an increase in caloric intake, rapid recovery after physical activity, especially in aerobic sports, additional support for the body during high-intensity exercise.
  2. Let's move on to the composition. Gainer sports nutrition differs in the percentage of proteins and carbohydrates. Various manufacturers offer products where the share of protein can be 15-35%, and the share of carbohydrates – 50-80%. The ratio of the main components should be taken into account when choosing a supplement based on your goals: weight gain and increased calorie intake - high carbohydrate supplements, body support, rapid recovery - high protein gainer
  3. Choose the flavor of the supplement. Taste preferences are important to some people. Today you can buy a gainer with chocolate, strawberry, vanilla or other flavors. The choice is quite large. It is important to understand that the quality of the product, as well as its effectiveness, do not depend on the taste, so you can choose at your discretion

The online sports nutrition store Sportfood offers a wide range of gainers with different compositions, tastes, and at competitive prices. If you have any questions about choosing a supplement, experienced consultants will be happy to answer your questions and help you choose the best supplement for your body

For your convenience, we have prepared a selection of products that are most often purchased by our customers

Mass from R-Line

Mass gainer is a protein-carbohydrate nutritional supplement that was developed specifically for those who seek to build muscle mass. The thoughtful composition provides the body with not only carbohydrates and proteins. It is additionally enriched with amino acids, vitamin and mineral complex

The protein matrix makes up 30% of the supplement, and contains ultra-filtered milk concentrate and soy isolate. Different rates of protein absorption provide muscle fibers with amino acids for several hours. The supplement is rich in BCAA and glutamine - important components for active muscle growth and rapid recovery.

The carbohydrate component is presented in the form of fructose, starch, dextrose and maltodextrin. The different glycemic indices of these substances provide the body with energy for a long time

Affordable price allows almost everyone to buy Rline gainers

Mass Gainer by SPW

Russian companies are actively entering the sports nutrition market. The 30% protein product was developed to meet the needs of athletes who have difficulty gaining weight. A domestically produced supplement provides the body with energy and additional nutrients for active muscle growth

SPW Mass Gainer contains 30% whey protein, which saturates the fibers with amino acids and other beneficial substances to maintain a high anabolic state. Slow carbohydrates replenish glycogen reserves in muscles and increase the overall energy potential of the body for several hours

Mega Gainer by Maxler

A protein-carbohydrate supplement from the popular manufacturer Maxler, it contains a large amount of fast and slow carbohydrates to support the body during physical activity. Maxler gainer contains dextrose and maltodextrin, which provide energy potential and help increase productivity during training.

The supplement contains a powerful vitamin and mineral complex that replenishes the body's losses during high-intensity training. The product is recommended for those who want to quickly build muscle mass and increase the effectiveness of training

R1 LBS from Rule 1

A great product that contains an incredible amount of carbohydrates and protein per serving to make your mass gain effective. Each serving contains 203 grams of carbohydrates and 40 grams of high-quality protein. The body receives more than 1000 calories, which gives a powerful boost to weight gain

The carbohydrate formula is represented by maltodextrin, rice bran, and pea starch. These components gradually release energy, significantly increasing performance and recovery speed.

A complex of whey proteins, based on concentrate, isolate and hydrolyzate, provide muscle fibers with a complete amino acid profile for growth and protection against catabolism

To create optimal conditions for muscle growth, the 1Rule gainer is additionally enriched with creatine, a vitamin and mineral complex. This is an excellent sports supplement for those who aim to improve athletic performance and increase body weight through high-quality muscles


This type of sports nutrition is one of the most popular and effective . A distinctive feature of the gainer is the high concentration of carbohydrates, however, the protein component in the dietary supplement is present in sufficient quantities for muscle gain.

Depending on the manufacturer and type of gainer, the carbohydrate content in the dry powder can range from 50 to 75%. This allows you to provide the body with the optimal amount of energy needed for intense training.

Gainers can be used to solve different problems:

  • before starting a workout, a carbohydrate-protein mixture helps create a reserve of glycogen in the muscles, and after intense exercise helps restore muscle fibers;
  • The gainer can be used to completely replace the diet if it is not possible to maintain a sports regime in the usual way;
  • Taking this sports nutrition is useful for closing the protein-carbohydrate “window”.

You can buy a gainer at any store that sells sports nutritional supplements. Before use, you must consult a specialist and take into account the advice of doctors, as abuse can cause digestive problems.

Gainers with high protein content

True Mass from BSN

If you're looking for a high-protein supplement to bulk up without adding excess fat, BSN Gainer is a great option for serious athletes. This popular sports nutrition has a balanced composition, which includes carbohydrates, proteins, dietary fiber, important vitamins and minerals for comprehensive support of the body during training.

The basis of the carbohydrate matrix is ​​slow carbohydrates, which provide a long-lasting energy effect. The protein complex includes five types of protein with different rates of absorption. Your muscles will receive amino acids and other nutrients for several hours after consumption. Each serving contains 50 grams of protein and 75 grams of carbohydrates. This combination is perfect for those athletes who quickly gain weight.

Pro Complex Gainer from Optimum Nutrition

A high-protein product from a well-known sports nutrition manufacturer. The composition of this supplement is unlike others: each serving contains about 80 grams of complex carbohydrates, 60 grams of high-quality protein, 25 of the most important vitamins and minerals for the body. At the same time, you will receive only 5 grams of sugar at one time. This is a real find for those athletes who want to gain high-quality muscle mass without excess fat

The basis of carbohydrates is maltodextrin - a slow carbohydrate that gradually releases energy to nourish muscles. The protein formula consists of whey isolate and concentrate. These types of protein are highly digestible and saturate the muscles with amino acids almost immediately after consumption. Added egg and casein proteins to release nutrients over several hours

You can choose the appropriate size and favorite flavor of the supplement and buy weight gainers in our online sports nutrition store Sportfood. We have a wide range of protein and carbohydrate supplements at competitive prices

Fat burning: protein or gainer?

Not everyone who decides to buy a gym membership is concerned about the problem of gaining mass; many, especially women, are concerned about the issue of reducing subcutaneous fat.

The following conditions are necessary for fat burning:

  • calorie deficit;
  • cardio exercises;
  • moderate strength training;
  • balanced amount of nutrients (BJU) in the diet.

In this case, it is recommended to opt for protein and reduce the amount of carbohydrates. However, you should not go to extremes. Low-carbohydrate diets only work well for a short time and are not suitable for ordinary people. If you drink a portion of a gainer before training to increase energy (provided that this portion is included in your calorie plan), then this will not stop the fat burning process, but will give you strength for a more intense workout. It's more a matter of convenience and personal preference.

But you should pay special attention to protein. In a calorie deficit, adequate protein intake reduces hunger and increases metabolic rate (metabolism).

Pros and cons of gainer

Undoubtedly, if we talk about taking any supplements, you should always keep your head on and not overdo it with dosages. The carbohydrate mixture itself is made exclusively from natural ingredients. Which makes it almost completely safe for the average person. On the contrary, gainer is more useful, due to which it has gained mass popularity and prevalence in every country.


  • Inexpensive price compared to other types of additional additives;
  • Saving time and effort when replenishing energy;
  • An excellent tool for recovery after physical activity;
  • High calorie content of the product;
  • Increased strength and endurance;


  • The main side effect of giving up regular food in favor of cocktails will be disruption of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • Intolerance to individual components in the composition is also a disadvantage and contraindication to taking a gainer;
  • Most often it has inexpensive soy protein on board, so additional feeding with a protein with a wider chain of amino acids is required. Therefore, choose a gainer that contains only animal proteins and slow carbohydrates;
  • The appearance of excess weight due to non-compliance with diet calculations.
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