Long-term saturation of muscles with amino acids - casein protein during the period of mass gain and drying

Greetings, lovers of sports and an active lifestyle. Today I will talk about casein protein, which is used to burn fat. This supplement is classified as a slow protein, as it is absorbed gradually. Casein protein is ideal for weight loss. It reduces appetite, saturates the body with amino acids, and protects muscles from destruction.

I will tell you how to use the supplement correctly so that it brings only benefits and how to choose a quality product.

Who is casein protein suitable for?

Casein allows you to both reduce body weight and build lean muscle mass - the effect depends on the regimen and method of administration. Casein protein helps burn fat while protecting existing muscles from catabolic breakdown, so it is relevant during the drying period.

This is not the only thing casein protein is needed for. It is introduced into the diet when there is a high need for protein - for example, during high-intensity training. Bodybuilders and powerlifters typically consume up to 1.8 g of protein per 1 kg of body weight. It is difficult to obtain such quantities from ordinary sources.

By compensating for protein deficiency, caseins suppress muscle breakdown during training and support muscle growth outside of training.

Cooking rules

If you decide to drink casein, you must know exactly how to properly prepare the product. Here you need to consider the following recommendations:

  • We can use anything as a liquid. This could be water or, for example, milk. The total amount of liquid may vary. A lot depends on mass, muscle development and energy levels;
  • Cook the cocktail until the lumps are completely broken. At the same time, try not to leave the already prepared product “for later”. It is advisable to take the casein product immediately after preparation - this will be much more effective;
  • a single dosage is usually about 30-45 grams (on average 1-2 spoons). This volume is enough to supply the body with amino acids for 7-8 hours.

How is casein obtained?

3% of the volume of fresh milk comes from small casein particles suspended in the whey. In liquid it is not in a free state, but is combined with calcium (calcium caseinate, caseinate).

The white color of milk is due to the dispersion of light on casein micelles and fat particles. Whey (skim milk and milk purified from casein fractions) is yellowish.

Suspended casein is sometimes called caseinogen.
When milk sours, it curdles, casein becomes paracasein, forms a curd and precipitates. Such a clot, as Wikipedia says, can remain in the stomach for a long time, gradually being broken down by pepsins. Curdling of milk and precipitation of caseinogen occurs by acid or enzymatic methods. In the first case, milk is affected by an acid (for example, lactic acid), in the second - by rennet enzymes.

To obtain casein on an industrial scale, cow's milk is sent to a centrifuge to remove fats, then a weak alkali solution is added and the mixture is run through the centrifuge again. A weak acid is added to skim milk to form a curd. The precipitated clot is washed and dried.

Dried casein protein is a tasteless white powder that is used to enrich foods with protein components. Such products are needed not only by athletes, but also by patients with severe burns, long-term illnesses, and fever.

Interesting fact. Previously, casein was used exclusively as a component of construction materials: adhesives, paints, plastics for buttons - and only much later began to be introduced into food additives.

Casein accounts for ~80% of the proteins in dairy products (milk, cottage cheese, cheese). For whey protein, respectively, about 20%.

Comparison of casein and whey

Manufacturers produce three types of whey protein:

  1. Concentrate – contains 30-89% protein, lactose, and has a characteristic milky taste.
  2. Isolate – above 90% protein, low fat and lactose, pleasant taste.
  3. Hydrolyzate - absorbed the fastest, cleared of lactose, bitter, expensive.

Key features of any whey protein:

  • High digestion speed. Absorbed literally in 1.5-2 hours.
  • Contains all essential amino acids.
  • Collapses when heated.

Casein does not denature when heated, but is poorly soluble in water. Very satiating. It is recommended to take it at night. Whey protein is drunk every 2-3 hours, usually immediately after training and in the morning.

Release forms: which casein is better?

There are three varieties of casein on the market:

  • Calcium caseinate (caseinate) is the actual caseinogen of milk, a complex protein from the group of phosphoproteins. In addition to amino acids, it contains phosphate groups - bridges that bind calcium.
  • Micellar casein is a casein protein with better solubility and a more pleasant taste. Costs more than caseinates.
  • Hydrolyzed casein is a protein broken down by enzymatic hydrolysis into di- and tripeptides (fragments of 2-3 amino acids). Dear, with bitterness.

Bitter taste is characteristic of all casein proteins. If you choose which casein protein is better based on taste, the answer is clear - undoubtedly micellar.


  • lack of digestive enzymes necessary for the breakdown of proteins;
  • gastrointestinal diseases;
  • individual intolerance to casein;
  • pathologies of the liver and kidneys, because When consuming casein, there is a strong load on these organs.
  • It is not advisable to use during pregnancy and breastfeeding
  • If constipation or colic occurs, you should stop taking casein.

Before taking it, women need to know their hormone levels. If it is exceeded, care must be taken so that the exchange of potassium and sodium in the body is not disrupted. The best option is to consult a doctor.

Rating of casein supplement manufacturers

Casein is not difficult to obtain, which is why it is available in many brands. However, it is better to buy from brands with a good reputation, carefully checking the composition.

The TOP 5 best manufacturers of casein supplements include:

1.Optimum Nutrition

– 100% Casein Protein. A well-known company from the USA produces a product with a high protein content and excellent quality. It dissolves well even in water. Contains soy.

2.LG Sciences

– Lipotropic Protein. Quality sports. food with an increased content of BCAA is enriched with polyphenols, ensures fat burning.

3. Dymatize

– 100% Casein. A supplement of decent quality with a relatively pleasant taste.

4. Universal Nutrition

– Casein Pro. Choose from three flavor variations and 24g of pure micellar casein per serving.


– Casein. 80% protein to stimulate muscle growth and combat catabolic breakdown at night. Contains enzymes and probiotics for better absorption.

In addition to pure casein supplements, the market offers complex proteins with several types of protein - concentrate, isolate, hydrolyzed whey or egg white and calcium caseinate (caseinate). Proteins in mixtures are good because they quickly supply amino acids and nourish muscles for 5-7 hours.


Many athletes have experienced the effectiveness of casein-based supplements. Most of them speak positively about their effect in losing weight. Negative reactions occurred only when purchasing a low-quality product.


Anna, 25 years old:

“I cut regularly and buy casein from Optimum Nutrition and Dymatize. I’m pleased with both products, I can’t make a final decision, so I use them one at a time. In a month I managed to get rid of 10 kg of excess weight. The taste of the supplements is pleasant, there were no adverse reactions.”

Maxim, 39 years old:

“I periodically take Casein Pro from Universal Nutrition. This is the best casein that tastes good, accelerates fat burning and helps maintain muscle. I tried the additive with vanilla and chocolate flavors, they are not cloying, just moderately sweet.”

Natalia, 32 years old:

“I took casein from Optimum Nutrition. I drank cocktails at night, diluting them with water and sometimes skim milk. At the same time, I regularly exercised (cardio) and gave up fast carbohydrates and fats. In a month I managed to lose 8 kg. The product reduces appetite and tastes good.”

Benefits for the body

The main reason to choose casein protein is to protect muscle tissue from cortisol, the stress hormone. The muscles become most vulnerable at night, when they do not receive nutrition for several hours.

To prevent anabolism from stopping, it is advisable to take whey protein during the day and casein at night. This combination:

  • Resists catabolism.
  • Accelerates muscle protein synthesis through activation of the mTOR agent.
  • Supplies high protein, BCAAs, calcium and low fat.
  • Can be used while working on relief or gaining mass.
  • Helps get rid of excess fat.
  • Suitable for weight loss.

The latter is a consequence of the ability of calcium caseinate to suppress hunger for a long time.

Reducing fat mass is possible, first of all, with a low-calorie diet, which leads to protein deficiency and is dangerous for a number of diseases. For example, a decrease in immunity, loss of skin turgor, thinning hair, etc. In addition, the body tries to make up for the lack of protein in the diet through muscles, since it considers them the least important tissue.

30% more energy is spent on digesting proteins than on carbohydrates or fats, which means that the actual calorie content of casein is 1/3 lower: not 4 kcal, but less than 3 kcal per 1 g.

With a sufficient supply of proteins to compensate for energy costs, the body uses fat depots. Fats are consumed - weight decreases.

Not only does protein take longer to digest, it also slows down the absorption of carbohydrates. As a result, the overall glycemic index of food decreases, and normal blood sugar levels are maintained longer. This is how casein helps you avoid feeling hungry for longer.

Indications for use

Casein promotes muscle mass and strength gains. It is a complete protein (contains all essential amino acids), is well digestible, and is suitable for people with allergies to egg or whey protein.

What is casein shake used for?

Muscle building

Milk casein is especially useful for gaining weight, as it suppresses catabolism by almost 30%. But it must be used in parallel with other sources of protein. During the day, drink whey protein and casein at intervals of 2-4 hours - before bed. This will minimize the effect of cortisol.

After training

Some trainers do not welcome casein after training. However, there are studies confirming that a casein cocktail is also needed immediately after exercise. In the first few hours, muscles need carbohydrates, not proteins. Muscle building will begin after a certain period of time and will support mass gain.

Casein for weight loss

Micellar casein is optimal for weight loss. It is absorbed within 10-12 hours and saturates for a long time.

Combination with training

To train, you don’t have to buy a gym membership, just provide yourself with good shoes and fresh air.

A prerequisite for obtaining the desired result when using casein protein for weight loss is exercise . Active training will help speed up the burning of fat reserves and replace them with muscle tissue.

If you simply take casein for weight loss, the results will be poor. When combined with intense training, casein should be taken at night in the amount of 30 g. As a result, pain after training decreases, and muscle mass grows faster.

There is another form of reception. The first portion of the cocktail is consumed in the morning, the second - a couple of hours before training, the third - an hour after physical activity. If you take casein an hour (rather than two) before playing sports, it will only be absorbed by half and will not bring the desired result. An hour before training, you can eat an apple or orange.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Casein Protein

To summarize, casein shakes are useful in many situations:

  • Supports anabolism.
  • Promotes muscle growth.
  • Suppresses appetite.
  • Protect existing volumes.

Disadvantages of casein protein:

  • Typical bitter taste.
  • Poor solubility in water.

Another drawback, judging by the reviews, is the inflated price of mixed proteins from some companies. In such cases, it is better to buy casein separately.

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