Intranasal growth hormone releasing peptide GHRP-2

Main effects:

  • Stimulator of growth hormone secretion;
  • Increased appetite (due to activation of ghrelin receptors);
  • Reducing fat mass and increasing muscle mass (that is, increasing definition);
  • Reducing cholesterol levels;
  • Strengthening bones;
  • Improving skin properties (rejuvenation effect);
  • Protective effect on the liver;
  • Anti-inflammatory effect.

GHRPeptide-2 is the most powerful and at the same time safe stimulator of somatotropin secretion of all those currently existing on the sports nutrition market (its potency can be compared with growth hormone preparations), which is confirmed by a number of independent studies.

Effects of the course on mass and strength for 2 months GHRP2

If you have not used peptides before and want to buy a course for mass and strength for 2 months GHRP2 for the first time, then information about the possible positive effects will definitely be useful: • The endogenous level of amino acids is stimulated. • Strength parameters and performance increase. • Appetite increases significantly, which is very useful during the period of weight gain. • Has fat burning properties. • Cholesterol balance is normalized. • The condition of bone structures improves. • Increase the activity of the body's defense mechanisms.

Thanks to all these qualities, the drug became popular. More and more often, bodybuilding fans decide to order GHRP2 for weight and strength for 2 months. Please note that this can be done profitably in our store.

Doses and regimen:

Studies have determined that the growth hormone stimulator GHRP-2 has a dose-dependent effect, that is, the increase in somatotropin levels directly depends on the dose of this substance taken, and regardless of gender, age and amount of fat mass. Later, another study was conducted on children where the dependence of the concentration of growth hormone on the dose of GHRP-2 was clearly determined (see graphs).

To obtain an effect in bodybuilding, GHRP-2 is used in a dose of 1-2 mcg per 1 kg of body weight, 2-3 times a day. That is, the average single dose of the drug in bodybuilding varies between 100-200 mcg. Most often, 2-3 injections are performed every day (15 minutes before meals, after training and before bed), 100-200 mcg intramuscularly. There are reports of the use of the substance at a dose of 1000 mcg 2-3 times a day, without the development of adverse reactions. However, we do not recommend increasing the dose, since the rate of increase in the effect of the peptide is significantly reduced at doses above 200 mcg, and at the same time the concentration of cortisol and prolactin may increase.

It is advisable to combine this peptide with GRF (1-29) or CJC-1295 to achieve maximum (synergistic) effect, save money and solve the problem of desensitization.

Presumably, due to the short half-life of GHRP-2, there is no significant increase in blood IGF-1 concentrations, despite a high but short-term increase in growth hormone. Therefore, it is recommended to combine this drug with other peptides with a long half-life (CJC-1295).

Intranasal growth hormone releasing peptide GHRP-2

The synthetic drug GHRP-2 belongs to the group of growth hormone releasing peptides. A significant advantage of GHRP-2 is the possibility of its intranasal administration. GHRP-2 can stimulate muscle gain and possibly accelerate growth, and is also used in the treatment of anorexia nervosa. This review covers a number of clinical studies on the use of the intranasal form of the peptide for the treatment of growth retardation in individuals with growth hormone deficiency and eating disorders.

Peptide growth hormones (GH) are known for their cytoprotective properties, which means they can protect cells from all kinds of damage. Various representatives of GH-releasing peptide molecules (growth hormone releasing peptides, Growth Hormone-Releasing Peptides, GHRP) differ somewhat in effectiveness and mechanisms of action. GHs are associated with insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1), and the cytoprotective effect caused by the use of GHRP is more effective than when administered directly by GH [1]. This review will consider one of the brightest representatives of the family of GH-releasing peptides - GHRP-2, which has such an important advantage as its suitability for non-injection administration by the intranasal route, i.e., carried out by spraying a spray onto the inner surface of the nose.

GHRP-2 (Growth Hormone-Releasing Peptide-2, Pralmorelin, CAS 158861-67-7) is a synthetic peptide first obtained in 1992 and comprising six amino acid residues. GHRP-2 is a potent stimulator of GH secretion [2]. The peptide formula is described by the following sequence: D-Ala-D-2-Nal-Ala-Trp-D-Phe-Lys-NH2 (A(nA)(DA)WFK-NH2, molecular weight - 817.4 Da). Two amino acids included in the GHRP-2 molecule do not occur in nature, but are obtained only by methods of organic synthesis - D-β-naphthylalanine, (nA) and D-alanine (DA); The C-terminal lysine is amidated. Although the peptide has no structural homology to GH-releasing hormone, in clinical studies its effect on pituitary GH release as a ghrelin receptor agonist appears to be similar.

GHRP-2 (5 mg)

GHRP-2 is effective when administered orally and intranasally. However, when GHRP-2 is administered orally, there is only a slight increase in serum GH concentration due to food intake, digestive enzymes, acidic environment, etc. For children with growth hormone deficiency, non-invasive treatment methods are the most preferable. GHRP-2 is one of the most potent GH secretagogues of the GHRP family, as demonstrated in human clinical studies [3]. It is noted that when GHRP-2 is used in combination with arginine, a synergistic effect is observed and stimulation of growth hormone release is significantly enhanced [4]. GHRP-2, under the trade name Pralmorelin, received clinical approval in Japan in 2004 as a diagnostic drug for GH deficiency in adults [5].

The largest number of studies have been carried out on injectable forms of GHRP-2. Thus, it is known that the peptide selectively protects isolated rabbit hearts from myocardial stunning and post-ischemic dysfunction; in hamsters with dilated cardiomyopathy, an improvement in the impaired parameters of the heart ventricles was shown; in a hamster model of cardiomyopathy, GHRP-2 reduced myocardial dysfunction and fibrosis; cardiotropic effects have been demonstrated in cardiomyocytes and isolated hearts; in a mouse model of acute myocardial infarction (AMI), the peptide protected ~70% of ischemic myocardium from death; in cultured aortic smooth muscle cells, GHRP-2 suppressed the generation of peroxides, inhibited the IGF-1 receptor and cell death; with atrophy of striated muscles - had a myoprotective effect, which is associated with anabolic or trophic mechanisms of action; GHRP-2 reduces the inflammatory response in the liver and arthritis; During anticancer chemotherapy, GHRP-2 increased appetite and survival time in rodents [1]. However, injections are not the optimal form of administration for many patients, as they require certain skills and a lack of fear of injections. In this regard, the attention of scientists was attracted by the convenient and simple intranasal route of drug delivery.

The acute effects on growth hormone production of intranasal and intravenous administration of GHRP, GHRP-2 and oral administration of GHRP-6 were studied in 1995 in adults and short children caused by GH deficiency [6]. Because the diagnosis of GH deficiency is usually based on the results of challenge testing with agents such as arginine, insulin, and L-DOPA in combination with exercise, children were divided into two groups based on their response to these agents. Group A consisted of children who had at least one GH response greater than 10 μg/L to arginine, insulin, and/or L-DOPA; Group B consisted of children with a maximum GH response of less than 10 μg/L on all three tests. All children demonstrated a peak growth hormone response of at least 20 μg/L to intravenous GHRP-2. Children were then administered intranasal GHRP-2 at a dose range of 5–15 μg/kg [6]. Children with a GH response greater than 10 μg/L were invited to participate in a further study. Of the 16 children, only one had a negative reaction to intranasal GHRP-2 <10 μg/L in the dose range of 5–15 μg/kg; this child was excluded from the experiment. There were no significant differences in the mean growth hormone concentration responses to GHRP-2 or GHRH administration between the groups of children with GH deficiency according to standard criteria (GH response less than 10 μg/L) and the group with a maximum response greater than 10 μg/L. To identify subjects most likely to benefit from therapeutic use of intranasal GHRP-2, children who had a significant response to GH injections were selected. Twelve children had a significant growth hormone response to intranasal GRHP-2 in the dose range of 5–20 μg. The mean maximum response was 31.3 μg/L, which was observed 40–60 minutes after intranasal administration of GHRP-2. The dose at which the maximum GH response was obtained varied among children, with the highest mean peak response at 15 μg/kg of the drug being 23.5 μg/L. There was no statistically significant difference in the maximum GH response between the four doses in 5-μg increments. In children with multiple pituitary hormone deficiencies and/or a history of cranial radiotherapy, responses to GHRP or GHRP-2 were moderate [6].

The study [7] aimed to evaluate the safety and effects of daily intranasal administration of GHRP-2. The authors studied the effect on growth rate, biochemical parameters of GH secretion, blood chemistry and the concentration of thyroid hormones. Fifteen children with short stature took part in the experiment. All had below average height for their age, low growth velocity, delayed bone age, and low serum IGF-1 concentrations. These children were tested with standard GH production stimulants such as arginine, insulin and L-DOPA. Fifty percent of the children had growth hormone deficiency and the rest had idiopathic short stature. Children were tested for response to GHRH and GHRP-2 with an acute intravenous bolus of 1 μg/kg; all children in this study demonstrated a GH response >20 μg/L. Each child also showed a GH response >10 μg/L to intranasal GHRP-2 over the dose range of 5–20 μg/kg. Children included in the study were administered intranasal GHRP-2 at 5–15 μg/kg twice daily for 3 months, and then three times daily in the same amount. Parents were instructed to administer GHRP-2 doses in the morning, afternoon, and bedtime, with at least a 1-hour delay before or after meals or other medications. GHRP-2 was administered for four-week periods, then GHRP-2 was discontinued for one week. Patients were initially seen monthly, then every three months, and blood tests and serum chemistries were performed at each visit. All 15 children tolerated intranasal administration of GHRP-2 well and easily took the corresponding spray. Three children sometimes complained of a bitter taste in the mouth after GHRP-2 administration. Parents reported that the amount of solution absorbed varied from time to time, especially when children had symptoms of upper respiratory tract infections or allergies. No children had significant side effects. Fifteen children participated in the study over a 6-month period; six of the children participated for 18–24 months. During therapy, growth rate, serum concentrations of IGF-1, IGF-binding protein 3 (IGFBP-3), and GH-binding protein (GHBP), as well as GH responses to GHRP-2 delivered by intravenous bolus and spraying an intranasal spray. The growth rate increased from 3.7 cm/year to 6.1 cm/year after 6 months, reaching 6.0 cm/year after 18–24 months. There were no significant changes in IGF-1, IGF-PB3 concentrations, or acute GH response to intravenous or intranasal administration of GHRP-2. The GHBP concentration increased significantly from 439 pmol/L to 688 pmol/L. In conclusion, intranasal administration of GHRP-2 was well tolerated and resulted in a modest but significant increase in the growth rate of patients [7].

In a 2014 study, the authors examined whether thearpy with an intranasal spray of the GH-releasing peptide GHRP-2 promoted growth in patients with GH deficiency (GHD) [8]. This study included 126 prepubertal short stature children (81 boys, 45 girls) who were diagnosed with GHD based on GH stimulation tests and whose serum GH concentrations increased to 9 ng/mL after pretreatment with intranasal GHRP spray. -2. Subjects enrolled in this double-blind study were divided into three groups: 44 children were assigned to the placebo group (Group P: 30 boys, 14 girls), 41 were assigned to the low-dose GHRP-2 group (Group L: 25 boys, 16 girls) and 41 in the high-dose GHRP-2 group (group H: 26 boys, 15 girls). Subjects weighing less than 20 kg received placebo (Group P), 50 μg GHRP-2 (Group L), or 100 μg GHRP-2 (Group H), and subjects weighing 20 kg or more received placebo (Group P). , 100 mcg GHRP-2 (group L) or 200 mcg GHRP-2 (group H) twice daily (morning and evening) for 48 weeks without interruption. Standard deviation estimates for age and height at baseline did not differ significantly between the three groups: 7.5 years in group P, 7.3 years in group L, and 7.5 years in group H. Of the 126 patients, 44, 40, and 40 subjects in groups P, L and H, respectively, completed 48 weeks of treatment. Peak GH values ​​obtained in groups P, L and H after pre-application of GHRP-2 intranasal spray were 16.2±7.5 ng/ml, 14.6±5.3 ng/ml and 16.7±5.8 ng/ml, respectively, and therefore there were no significant differences between the three groups. Initially, mean peak serum GH values ​​were 4.5 ng/mL in group P, 13.2 ng/mL in group L, and 26.4 ng/mL in group H, and thus significant differences were observed between the three groups . After 24 weeks of treatment, mean peak serum GH values ​​were 3.4 ng/mL in group P, 10.7 ng/mL in group L, and 17.8 ng/mL in group H—at this time point, significant differences were observed between all in groups. However, the mean peak GH values ​​of groups L and H gradually decreased, and after 48 weeks of therapy, the mean peak serum GH values ​​were 4.0 ng/ml in group P, 12.0 ng/ml in group L, and 14.6 ng/ml in group H; thus, there was no significant difference between groups L and H. Changes in mean height deviation (mean height velocity) after 48 weeks of treatment in groups P, L, and H were not significant, and no significant differences were observed between the three groups. There were also no significant changes in blood IGF-I levels at baseline or after 48 weeks of treatment among all groups. Side effects were reported in 76 subjects (60.3%), and most of them, such as acute upper respiratory tract inflammation, tonsillitis and otitis media, were incidental and not related to the drug. This study showed that in patients with GHD, increased endogenous GH secretion resulting from GHRP-2 supplementation did not enhance growth. It has been suggested that the increase in serum GH concentration following administration of GHRP-2 spray is too small to produce the desired biological effects [8].

On the other hand, in 2015, the first report appeared on the therapeutic effects of long-term intranasal administration of the ghrelin agonist GHRP-2 in an extremely malnourished female patient with long-term anorexia nervosa (an eating disorder caused by the mental characteristics of the patient and characterized by a significant decrease in body weight) [9]. This case report involved one year of intranasal administration of GHRP-2, which resulted in increased body weight and decreased hypoglycemia. The researchers chose this peptide because GHRP-2 had previously been reported to exhibit ghrelin receptor agonist effects and stimulate food intake. A patient with a 20-year history of anorexia nervosa was administered GHRP-2 to determine whether GHRP-2 treatment increased food intake and body weight. GHRP-2 was administered intranasally before each meal for a year. The aqueous solution formulation of GHRP-2 had a concentration of 1 mg/ml and contained 0.05% preservative (benzalkonium chloride). GHRP-2 was administered to the patient as a nasal spray four times daily, 30 minutes before each meal and bedtime. Approximately 100 μl of GHRP-2 solution at a time contained 100 μg of GHRP-2. During the first week, 100 mcg was administered (one press on the spray can), then the dose was increased to 200 mcg (two presses) before each meal and 100 mcg was used at bedtime for 10 months. The patient's subjective symptoms improved dramatically after using GHRP-2. The patient complained of hunger, and 30 minutes after administration of the peptide, the feeling of satiety noticeably decreased. Body weight, muscle mass and fat mass gradually increased, along with a decrease in fatigue, an increase in muscle strength and daily activity. Over 14 months, muscle mass increased by ~20%, and adipose tissue by ~30%. Levels of GH and IGF-1, as well as retinol binding protein and albumin (a nutritional marker) were also improved. Following GHRP-2 administration for 10 months, the amount of desacyl ghrelin and acyl ghrelin increased when measured in the fasted state, and the desacyl ghrelin/acyl ghrelin ratio decreased. The patient initially suffered from hypoglycemic symptoms with observed glucose levels below 70 mg/dL. After taking 100 mcg of GHRP-2 at bedtime, the patient no longer complained of hypoglycemic symptoms after meals and at midnight, but further increasing the dose of GHRP-2 from 100 to 200 mcg did not provide any additional benefit. Although the patient reported decreased fear of food and decreased feelings of satiety, she was unable to significantly increase food intake or body weight due to gastrointestinal dysfunction. Postprandial vomiting, caused by delayed gastric emptying and intractable constipation, was prolonged, and subintestinal obstruction and hypoglycemia were observed. GHRP-2 increased hunger and desire to eat, decreased early satiety, and decreased hypoglycemia. The patient's total body weight gradually increased by 6.7 kg (from 21.1 kg to 27.8 kg) 14 months after starting GHRP-2. With long-term intranasal administration of GHRP-2, no obvious side effects were observed in this patient [9]

It is worth noting that GHRP-2 is included in the list of prohibited substances of the World Anti-Doping Code [10], as its use for gaining muscle mass has been documented in the bodybuilding community. GHRP-2 has been found in unlabeled pharmaceutical products, and there is evidence that the peptide is sold in the “lifestyle” drug market [11]. According to the results of the analysis of GHRP-2 samples purchased from various online stores, the substances studied were structurally consistent with GHRP-2, but the presence of numerous impurities was observed; in a number of commercial samples, GHRP-2 was detected in products labeled as another doping agent, PEG-MGF [12]. Once administered, GHRP-2 in human urine samples has a detection window, using mass spectrometry, of approximately 4.5 hours as GHRP-2 and its major metabolite (D-Ala-D(2-naphthyl)-Ala-Ala -OH) [13]. When combining solid phase extraction (SPE) and subsequent LC-MS/MS analysis after intravenous administration of 100 μg of GHRP-2 dihydrochloride, intact GHRP-2 was detected after 13 hours and the aforementioned metabolite after 24 hours [13].

The potency of GHRP-2 as a growth hormone (GH) secretagogue, coupled with its ability to be administered via intranasal and oral routes, makes it perhaps a highly desirable alternative to daily GH or GHRH injections. On the one hand, it is reported that treatment with intranasal GHRP-2 led to a significant but moderate increase in growth rate in children when well tolerated, on the other hand, there are also opposite results demonstrating that growth acceleration cannot be caused by a temporary increase in the secretion of endogenous GH. This raises some doubts about the effectiveness of this peptide. For patients with a long history of eating disorders, ghrelin agonists such as GHRP-2 may be promising drugs for the effective treatment of chronic severe anorexia nervosa. At present, the factors contributing to the moderate increase in growth rate have yet to be determined. Thus, further research is needed to explore possible factors that may enhance the effectiveness of GH-releasing agents.

Growth hormone and its replacement with peptide stimulants

Peptide growth hormone stimulators

Growth hormone releasing peptides (GHRPs) and cytoprotective properties

Intranasal composition for anxiety, sleep, regeneration and immunity. DSIP, Selank, Epithalon

1. Berlanga-Acosta, J., Abreu-Cruz, A., Barco Herrera, DG-d., Mendoza-Marí, Y., Rodríguez-Ulloa, A., García-Ojalvo, A., Falcón-Cama, V ., Hernández-Bernal, F., Beichen, Q., Guillén-Nieto, G., Synthetic Growth Hormone-Releasing Peptides (GHRPs): A Historical Appraisal of the Evidence Supporting Their Cytoprotective Effects. Clinical Medicine Insights: Cardiology, 2017. 11: p. 1179546817694558. DOI: 10.1177/1179546817694558.

2. Bowers, C.Y., G.H. Releasing Peptides—Structure and Kinetics. Journal of Pediatric Endocrinology and Metabolism, 1993. 6(1): p. 21-32. DOI: 10.1515/JPEM.1993.6.1.21.

3. Bowers, C.Y., Momany, F.A., Reynolds, G.A., Hong, A., On the in Vitro and in Vivo activity of a new synthetic hexapeptide that acts on the pituitary to specifically release growth hormone. Endocrinology, 1984. 114(5): p. 1537-1545. DOI: 10.1210/endo-114-5-1537.

4. Veldhuis, JD, Keenan, DM, Bailey, JN, Miles, JM, Bowers, CY, Preservation of GHRH and GH-releasing peptide-2 efficacy in young men with experimentally induced hypogonadism. European Journal of Endocrinology, 2009. 161(2): p. 293-300. DOI: 10.1530/EJE-09-0270.

5. Chihara, K., Shimatsu, A., Hizuka, N., Tanaka, T., Seino, Y., Kato, Y., A simple diagnostic test using GH-releasing peptide-2 in adult GH deficiency. European Journal of Endocrinology, 2007. 157(1): p. 19-27. DOI: 10.1530/EJE-07-0066.

6. Pihoker, C., Middleton, R., Reynolds, GA, Bowers, CY, Badger, TM, Diagnostic studies with intravenous and intranasal growth hormone-releasing peptide-2 in children of short stature. The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism, 1995. 80(10): p. 2987-2992. DOI: 10.1210/jcem.80.10.7559885.

7. Pihoker, C., Badger, TM, Reynolds, GA, Bowers, CY, Treatment effects of intranasal growth hormone releasing peptide-2 in children with short stature. Journal of Endocrinology, 1997. 155(1): p. 79-86. DOI: 10.1677/joe.0.1550079.

8. Tanaka, T., Hasegawa, Y., Yokoya, S., Nishi, Y., Increased Secretion of Endogenous GH after Treatment with an Intranasal GH-releasing Peptide-2 Spray Does Not Promote Growth in Short Children with GH Deficiency. Clinical Pediatric Endocrinology, 2014. 23(4): p. 107-114. DOI: 10.1297/cpe.23.107.

9. Haruta, I., Fuku, Y., Kinoshita, K., Yoneda, K., Morinaga, A., Amitani, M., Amitani, H., Asakawa, A., Sugawara, H., Takeda, Y. ., Bowers, C.Y., Inui, A., One-year intranasal application of growth hormone releasing peptide-2 improves body weight and hypoglycemia in a severely emaciated anorexia nervosa patient. Journal of Cachexia, Sarcopenia and Muscle, 2015. 6(3): p. 237-241. DOI: 10.1002/jcsm.12028.

10. International Standard: Code, World Anti-Doping. Appendix 1. Prohibited list. 2020; Available from: D0%BD%D1%8B%D0%B9%20%D1%81%D0%BF%D0%B8%D1%81%D0%BE%D0%BA%202020.pdf.

11. Mottram, DR, Mottram, DR, Chester, N., Drugs in sport. 7 ed. 2022: Routledge. p. 431.

12. Zvereva, I., Semenistaya, E., Krotov, G., Rodchenkov, G., Identification of peptide doping compounds distributed via the Internet. Analytics, 2014(3): p. 58-70.

13. Thevis, M., Schänzer, W., Analytical approaches for the detection of emerging therapeutics and non-approved drugs in human doping controls. Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis, 2014. 101: p. 66-83. DOI: 10.1016/j.jpba.2014.05.020.

What are peptides

Let's figure out what these peptides are and what doctors' reviews about them are. These are molecules that are found in every living cell. They have different biochemical properties. A peptide molecule is two or more amino acid residues connected by an amide bond.

The number of amino acids in a molecule may vary. Based on this principle, they distinguish:

  • oligopeptides containing up to ten amino acids;
  • polypeptides containing more than a dozen amino acids.

It is worth noting that polypeptides are divided by quality into:

  • homomeric, consisting only of amino acid residues;
  • heteromeric, containing non-protein components.

Based on how amino acids connect to each other, peptides are divided into:

  • homodety, in which amino acid residues are connected only by peptide bonds;
  • heterogeneous, in which disulfide, ether and thioether bonds are present.

Proper nutrition during courses

Don’t think that taking peptides is a panacea that helps build muscle. Before taking them, you should definitely adjust your nutrition system. You need to eat 5-6 times a day. The basis of food should be proteins and nutrients.

When taking peptides, you need to eat approximately according to this plan:

  • the first meal at 7 am should include oatmeal or buckwheat porridge with milk, which will fill the body with energy;
  • the second meal at 10 am should include foods such as cottage cheese, nuts, bananas, kefir and cheese;
  • the third meal at 2 pm should consist of dishes such as meat soup, boiled rice or potatoes with meat. For dessert you can eat an orange, an apple or grapes;
  • The fourth meal at 5 pm is during the pre-workout period. Consequently, the body requires a lot of energy, which can be provided by oatmeal, bananas, cottage cheese or milk;
  • the fifth meal at 8 pm occurs after training. Therefore, you should eat egg whites, buckwheat with meat or fish. You can supplement your diet with vegetable salad;
  • The sixth meal at 11 pm should consist of low-fat cottage cheese or a protein shake.


Of course, it is now possible to build muscle mass using artificial growth hormone. However, peptide stimulants have several significant advantages:

  • are cheaper than growth hormone;
  • different mechanisms of influence and half-lives make it possible to individually adapt the course to obtain optimal results;
  • different effects on appetite and metabolism make it possible to choose more suitable substances;
  • the production and distribution of peptides is not regulated by law, so they can be freely purchased;
  • peptides are destroyed very quickly, leaving no trace behind. Therefore, you don’t have to worry about doping control.

How to prepare and use

Before use, you need to warm the bottle with the peptide to room temperature. After this, the rubber cap of the bottle should be wiped with alcohol, and then the solvent should be poured into the bottle. This can be bactericidal water, water for injection, novocaine, lidocaine, vitamin B-12. Most often, water for injection is used.

Under no circumstances should you shake the bottle to speed up the dissolution of the peptides. It's better to just put the bottle in the refrigerator. After some time it will dissolve on its own. In a dissolved state, the drug is usable for up to 10 days. This time is quite enough to use up the bottle completely.

The drug is administered by injection according to the standard regimen or in accordance with the instructions.

The most effective courses

There are several courses that have shown pretty good results. Let's figure out how to take peptides.

1 course

This course is based on taking two types of GHRP-2 and GHRP-6. Pour 2.5 ml of saline solution into both ampoules. For injections you will need insulin syringes. You need to dial 9 units into the syringe on a scale of 100 units and inject the drug into the fold of the abdomen. GHRP 2 is administered first, followed by GHRP 6.

After the injections, you need to drink 2.5 g of aginine and 2.5 g of glutamine. After this, you need to wait 10 minutes and drink 10-14 g of BCAA with plain water. After 20 minutes you can eat cottage cheese, porridge or protein.

Injections should be taken in the morning immediately after sleep, during the day on an empty stomach, and in the evening half an hour before meals. Instead of an evening dose, you can give an injection an hour and a half before bedtime. In any case, injections should be done at the same time in the morning, and it is not necessary to observe the same time in the afternoon and evening.

2nd year

This course involves the use of only GHRP-2. You need to do 3 injections a day of 100 mcg. Injections should be given 40 minutes or 1 hour after meals. After the injection, you should not eat carbohydrates or fats. To prolong the effect of the drug, you can combine it with taking glutamine, arginine or D-Aspartic acid.

3rd year

A course of joint intake of peptides such as HGH 176-191, GHRP-2 and CJC1295 is aimed at “drying” muscles. The duration of the course is from 25 to 50 days. The daily dose is 500-1000 mcg, which must be divided into several doses - from 3 to 6. Injections are best done on an empty stomach. As a result, the muscle relief will become more distinct.

How to store

Peptides are usually sold in powder form, which should be stored in a dry and dark place. It would be better if it was a refrigerator. At an air temperature of +4 degrees Celsius, the shelf life of the peptides will be from 1 to 2 months. Do not store bottles of the drug in the sun. Light can have a destructive effect on powder.

If peptides are stored at -20 degrees Celsius, their shelf life will be several years. You can only freeze the drug no more than once.


Once the diet is determined, a training plan should be developed. When taking a course of peptides, you need to exercise 3-4 times a week. But even here everything depends on the individual characteristics of the organism.

Note that three-day training programs have proven themselves to be excellent. So, on Monday you can focus on your legs and shoulders, and on Tuesday – on your back and biceps. On Friday you can work on your chest and triceps. For each muscle you need to perform 2 exercises in 4-5 sets with repetitions. Every workout should end with abs pumping.

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