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Growth hormone and peptides in bodybuilding[edit | edit code]

Review of peptides (Y. Bombela, Y. Spasokukotsky)


(Greek πεπτος - nutritious) - a family of substances whose molecules are built from α-amino acid residues linked into a chain by peptide (amide) bonds. These are natural or synthetic compounds containing tens, hundreds or thousands of monomer units - amino acids. This class is very diverse and performs a wide variety of regulatory functions in the body. In this article, we will consider only those peptides that are used in sports to correct physical performance.

The circulation of peptide products, including growth hormone, in the Russian Federation is not controlled by law. Therefore, anyone can stamp their own bottles, apply stickers and sell freely.

Types[edit | edit code]

Currently, peptides that are growth hormone (GH) stimulants are becoming more and more common on the market. The most popular peptides in bodybuilding:

  • From the
    Ghrelin group (GHRP) :
    (create a pronounced peak in GH concentration immediately after administration, regardless of the time of day and the presence of somatostatin in the blood.) GHRP-2
  • GHRP-6 and Hexarelin
  • Ipamorelin
  • From the group of
    growth hormone releasing hormone (GHRH) :
    (introduction into the body causes a wave-like rise in concentration, which will be weak during the hours when the natural secretion of GH is reduced due to somatostatin, and high during the natural rise in GH concentration (for example, at night). In other words GHRH enhances GH secretion without disturbing the natural pulsatile curve.) GRF(1-29) Sermorelin
  • CJC-1295
  • Tesamorelin
  • HGH Frag (176-191)
    - fragment of growth hormone (fat burner)
  • Benefits[edit | edit code]

    Blood concentration of growth hormone after administration of GHRP (100 mcg), growth hormone (7.5 units) or CJC-1295 (3 mg/week)
    Many people ask why use new peptide substances if artificial growth hormone exists? The answer is simple: peptide stimulants have several compelling advantages:

    • Peptides are much cheaper than growth hormone. The cost of a similar course will be several times lower.
    • Different mechanisms of action and half-lives allow manipulation of the concentration curve to achieve optimal anabolic response.
    • Different effects on hunger and metabolism allow one to give preference to one or another substance.
    • Currently, the production and distribution of peptides is not regulated by law, so they can be safely ordered online.
    • They are destroyed quickly and without a trace, so you don’t have to worry about doping control.

    Peptides, as well as classic GH, are easy to check for authenticity. To do this, it is enough to take tests for the level of somatotropin in plasma after administration of the drug.

    Reviews Do4a: (GHRP2 and GHRP6)

    Do4a reviews of peptides: DSIP, Melanotan, PT-141


    A sports career is a constant stressful state:

    1. Workout.
    2. Good and bad indicators.
    3. Injuries.
    4. Acclimatization.
    5. Air travel with time zone changes.
    6. Number of events.

    An athlete experiences much more in a week than an ordinary person experiences in a year. Accordingly, reserve forces are used for restoration and the amount of energy calculated for use throughout life is consumed.

    That is why the use of sports peptides approved by medical regulatory authorities is a very important element of caring for the health of a person working in difficult conditions. And people themselves should think about this, especially in countries where medicine has not yet matured to the level of universal provision of citizens with the necessary drugs and assistance.

    You can buy sports peptides on the website of TD Peptide Bio or in pharmacies, knowing the composition of the drugs included in a specially created set.

    Be careful and stay healthy!

    Other peptides[edit | edit code]

    • Melanotan 2
      - tanning and libido enhancer
    • Bremelanotide
      - increases sexual desire and erection
    • Gonadorelin
      - stimulates testosterone secretion
    • TB500
      - for the treatment of injuries and joint rehabilitation
    • SARMs (selective androgen receptor modulators)
    • Growth hormone stimulants
    • Insulin-like growth factor (IGF-1)
    • Mechanical growth factor (MGF)
    • Erythropoietin
    • Delta sleep peptide (DSIP)
    • Follistatin
    • ACE-031
    • Irisin
    • Long lasting peptides

    Joint health during bodybuilding

    It is very important for bodybuilders to protect their joints and ligaments from possible damage during exercise. To do this, we have developed the BCAA IPH AEN peptide complex , which is designed to ensure the synthesis of cartilage cells and bone tissue regeneration.

    Peptide IPH AEN is a short peptide responsible for the condition of cartilage at the cellular level. Taking this peptide in tablets for bodybuilding is especially important during strength exercises, when effective functioning and protection of motor joints is required.

    Reviews from scientists[edit | edit code]

    Research has shown that growth hormone secretagogue peptides (GHRPs), as well as other non-peptide secretagogues, do influence growth hormone production.[1][2]

    These observations served as the basis for the development of growth hormone stimulant nutritional supplements (e.g. amino acids, pituitary peptides, Macuna pruriens, fava beans, choline alfoscerate, etc.). There is currently evidence that growth hormone secretagogue peptides and some non-peptide substances can increase levels of growth hormones, as well as insulin-like growth factor (IGF-1), both at rest and during exercise. However, there was no observed effect of these substances on the growth of lean muscle mass (however, this study was conducted among men and women over 60 years of age).[3]

    Effect on the body

    Like all pharmacological drugs, peptides have both pros and cons.

    Positive and negative properties

    These substances are involved in all metabolic processes. Therefore, there is no point in listing all the positive properties. Name any function of the body and you will not be mistaken - peptides will definitely be present there.

    From the point of view of application in bodybuilding, we note the following positive properties :

    • Muscle gain
    • Strengthening ligaments and tendons
    • Increased appetite
    • Suppressing the production of cortisol (a hormone that breaks down muscle tissue)
    • Participate in the synthesis of testosterone (the hormone responsible for muscle growth)
    • Have a fat burning effect
    • The cost is an order of magnitude less than growth hormone
    • Less side effects

    It is worth saying right away that one peptide is responsible for only one or two of the listed functions.

    Hence the minus - narrowly focused action. To get all the positive properties, you need to use several types at once.

    Another disadvantage is the quality of the drugs . Almost all peptides are produced in the form of dietary supplements (BAA). Here, product quality control is low or non-existent.

    Today this is the main problem, because it turns out that most people take these drugs at their own peril and risk.

    There are also difficulties in storage and use . This is a capricious drug when it comes to injectable forms.

    To get the maximum benefit from taking it, follow all the rules, from diluting the drug to the protocol of administration (for example, daily injections, or even 2-3 times a day).

    The method of administration is mainly injection. Even with an insulin syringe (the injections are painless), but for many this is a strong deterrent.

    Possible side effects

    Peptides are believed to be a safe and cheap alternative to growth hormone. However, there is very little serious scientific research into the adverse reactions of these substances. This means it’s too early to say anything definitely.

    The practice of using peptides shows that there are still negative manifestations. But they are all minor and completely reversible after use.

    The most common side effects:

    1. Redness and itching of the skin at the injection site
    2. Allergic reactions
    3. Mild nausea
    4. Rarely – severe fluid retention in the body and an associated increase in blood pressure

    Peptides do not suppress the production of your own testosterone, as happens when taking anabolic steroids.

    On the contrary, they are often recommended to be taken at the end of a steroid cycle to help the body quickly restore male hormone levels.

    However, there is an opinion that long-term use of species that stimulate the production of growth hormone may negatively affect its own future production.

    Information about the negative consequences of taking it comes from the users themselves, posted on the Internet and thus forming a database.

    But in general there is still very little information on this issue. And it will probably take more than a decade until a clear overall picture emerges.

    How to dilute peptides and store them properly[edit | edit code]

    Dilution and administration schedule

    Recommendations from Yuri Bombela, relevant for all peptides:


    A peptide solution obtained with bacteriostatic water (water for injection with the addition of benzyl alcohol) remains stable on average 2-5 days longer than a solution obtained with ordinary water for injection. If these days turn out to be critical for you, you can try to create bacteriostatic water yourself. Almost all laboratories use bacteriostatic water as a solvent.


    It is recommended to store the lyophilized powder in a dark, dry place at a temperature of about 4°C - if we are talking about a short period of time (1-2 months). At a temperature of minus 18-20°C, the powder can be stored for up to several years.

    Tightness and light

    Light can destroy powder, as well as oxygen, although peptides are not affected to the same extent by the latter. In any case, you should not break the seal of the package - air trapped inside will slowly lead to the destruction of the peptide.


    Yuri Bombela believes that “the resulting solution can be frozen once (no more), but only if its pH exceeds 8. That is, only the one prepared with saline.” The author's mistake is that saline solution, like water for injection, has a pH of 7.

    Storage of the solution

    It is best to store the solution at a temperature of about 2-4°C, let’s rise to 8°C.

    Preparation of the solution[edit | edit code]

    • Before preparing the solution, the temperature of the bottle should be brought to room temperature.
    • Direct contact of the solvent with the powder should be avoided - the solvent should flow down the wall of the bottle.
    • It is not recommended to shake the bottle to speed up dissolution. You can shake it with slow, smooth movements from side to side, but it is best to put the bottle in the refrigerator - after a while all the powder will dissolve.

    Administration is performed using standard subcutaneous or intramuscular injection techniques.

    Use case[edit | edit code]

    How to use Ghrp + Cjc

    Diluted Ghrp + Cjc peptides with regular water for injection (2ml per bottle)

    We get Ghrp = 5mg = 5000 mcg and cjc = 2mg = 2000 mcg, in vials

    Don’t forget the solutions: Ghrp, cjc, after dilution, store in the refrigerator at a temperature of +2 to +8 degrees.

    Before use, disinfect the rubber cap and the injection site (with alcohol). It is prohibited to mix peptides in vials.

    How to put Ghrp + Cjc correctly.

    Calculation for an approximate weight of 75 - 85 kg (for convenience, we use an insulin syringe with 100 divisions)

    Approximate course for 8 weeks. But first take not the full volume, take 5 bottles of Ghrp, and 10 bottles of Cjc. Then buy more. Here we are pursuing 2 goals, economic feasibility and tracking the result (perhaps even that much will be enough, since the body can give accelerated progress).

    In one division of an insulin syringe, Ghrp solution will be 25 μg, and Cjc in one division will be 10 μg.

    For a weight of 75 - 85 kg in Ghrp we take 300 µg/day and Cjc - 240 µg/day.

    We divide the dosage into two doses (morning and evening) Ghrp 150 mcg and Cjc 120 mcg.

    We place the peptides in the abdominal area at an angle of 45 degrees. Can be taken into one syringe.

    About application

    As in the case of side effects, the dosage regimen has not yet been formed. Therefore, each manufacturer indicates its own dosages and cycle durations.

    All recommendations are based on the theoretical part of the known information and it is often necessary to select the dosage regimen individually.

    If you decide to take peptides, start with the minimum recommended dosage and frequency of injections. In the absence of the desired result, gradually reach the maximum recommended.

    In any case, you cannot exceed the upper dosage limits for at least two reasons - firstly, it will be quite expensive, and secondly, no one knows exactly what this will lead to.

    What are they importing to us?

    The following text is information from a sports forum from a person who was not too lazy to read the “Terms and Agreements” section on one of the sites dedicated to sports nutrition:

    “...Honestly, wow! I have highlighted some parts of the text here in bold (although every line is a gem), and below I provide a short Russian translation. This is fine?

    Quote, TERMS AND CONDITIONS The products we offer are intended for laboratory research and use . Upon purchase, the customer acknowledges that there are risks associated with the consumption or distribution of these products . These substances are not intended for use as dietary supplements, drugs, cosmetics, household chemicals, or other inappropriate uses . The listing of materials on this site is not subject to licensing of its use or infringement of any patents. All customers represent and warrant that they use, in their own reviews and research, that they are fully aware and aware of the following: government regulations, laws regarding the use and effects of all products. Health and safety risks associated with the processing of the products they buy. The need for adequate warning of health and safety risks associated with any products. Super Peptide LLC reserves the right to restrict and/or prohibit the sale of products by unqualified persons if we have reason to believe that abuse will occur.

    All customers must be at least 18 years of age to purchase our products. Under no circumstances will Superpeptide LLC or any related affiliates be liable for consequential damages, whether buyers claim in contract, negligence, strict liability or otherwise. Upon the sale of any product to a buyer, the buyer agrees to indemnify and hold us harmless from all claims, expenses, damages and liability of any kind arising out of the buyer's handling, storage and/or use of the product alone or in combination with other substances. Any sale otherwise will be rejected.

    I will translate into normal language what is written here:

    Quote, “Boys, we cooked something here (or maybe it was left over from the production of paint, plasticine or shoes), but since it takes a long time to do tests, research and other stuff (and in this case it’s useless), and we want the dough now, we We simply pour it into underdeveloped countries as materials for research. So you explore. And if anything, then firstly, we warned you, secondly, you are using it incorrectly, and thirdly, we are Americans, and a priori we don’t care about anything.”

    Do you think I’m hitting on these guys specifically here? But no. The main thing I want to say is that all others are not better, but most likely even worse. Because these are some kind of Pindos, and first of all they are not interested in our fucking market, but in the countries of the golden billion, which is why such documents appear. But no one knows or controls the fact that numerous Chinese are driving here. Naturally, you will not find any warnings or cautions about their products anywhere - just pure incense. The money is crazy. So just attach this document to any jars, read and think whether or not it’s worth experimenting on yourself.”

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