For those with a sweet tooth: the yogurt diet, its features and disadvantages

Lose weight up to 5 kg in 7 days. The average daily calorie content is 700 Kcal.

Yogurt is considered one of the healthiest types of fermented milk products. Many people, young and old, love him very much. If you belong to the category of yogurt lovers and want to slightly transform your figure, you can turn to one of the options for this diet.

The three most popular options are for 3, 7 and 10 days, respectively. Your choice depends on the number of pesky pounds you want to say no to. Weight loss during a diet-time ranges, as a rule, from 2 to 6 kilograms.

General rules

bifidobacterium diet is considered one of the most beneficial.
A diet based on fermented milk products allows you to get rid of extra pounds in a short time, while enriching the digestive tract with beneficial microorganisms. The systematic inclusion of yogurt in the diet has a positive effect on the functioning of all organs and tissues in the human body. The fermented fermented milk product is rich in nutritional elements, which gives it a special uniqueness. Compared to cow's milk, the digestibility of yogurt is 60% higher, and it does not contain milk sugar , which slows down the process of weight loss. It is known that bifidobacteria act as catalysts in the process of calcium absorption, which is often taken into account when treating patients with calcium deficiency.

The yogurt diet is also suitable for those who suffer from lactose intolerance and cannot drink plain milk (there is no lactose rejection when consuming fermented protein).

The list of minerals and vitamins is simply amazing for such a low calorie content:

  • calcium, fluorine, chromium, iron, zinc, sulfur, iodine, cobalt, sodium, chlorine;
  • B vitamins, retinol , vitamin D;
  • lactobacilli , bifidobacteria .

Lactobacilli actively populate the intestinal lumen, blocking the development and reproduction of pathogenic microorganisms. Yogurts are good for digestion after antibiotic therapy. When taking a fermented product, stool normalization is observed, gas formation , and the severity of pain in gastrointestinal diseases decreases.

It is known that lactic acid is capable of lowering pH and acidity, creating an obstacle to the proliferation of putrefactive microflora, which secretes toxic products of its vital activity in the lumen of the digestive tract. There is an improvement not only in digestion, but also in the general condition of a person.

In persons prone to instability of blood pressure, normalization of blood pressure . The balance of blood cells ( erythrocytes , lymphocytes , cytokines ) is also restored.

Regular consumption of yogurt leads to the growth of gamma interferon and killer cells, which are responsible for blocking the development and reproduction of viral units. The high calcium content and its good absorption help prevent osteoporosis .

It is noted that regular intake of yogurt-containing products also has a positive effect on the vaginal microflora, preventing the development of candidiasis and thrush .

Neutralization of toxins in the intestines has a positive effect on the cleanliness of facial skin, preventing allergic rashes and pustules.

Can you eat yogurt on a diet?

Yogurt is obtained by fermenting milk immediately after pasteurization, during which all potential pathogens are killed. Sourdough is added to the resulting product, awaiting fermentation in a warm environment. The thickness and acidity of the final product is affected by the exposure time in heat, because... Lactic acid is produced as a result of bacterial activity.

The best option for a yogurt diet is homemade natural fermented milk yogurt . On the second day after cooking, the number of beneficial microorganisms is reduced by almost half. Therefore, on a diet, you can drink yoghurts no older than 3 days. At home, the product is prepared in a slow cooker or using a yogurt maker. Yogurt can also be prepared by maintaining the optimal temperature in a thermos or a carefully wrapped container.

Self-preparing the product guarantees its high quality. Store-bought yoghurts do not always meet the requirements, because... preservatives and stabilizers are added to them to prolong shelf life. When using fresh fruits, souring occurs, so store-bought products are filled with canned berries and fruits. In the worst case, flavorings and syrups can be used, as a result the product becomes allergenic and loses all its beneficial properties.

Useful video

To learn how to make homemade yogurt, watch this video:

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Curd and yogurt diet

It is designed for 3-7 days and promises to get rid of 3-5 extra pounds. The diet includes low-fat cottage cheese (600 grams per day), low-fat yogurt (500 ml per day). Food must be taken 5-6 times a day. In the first half of the day you can eat the largest portions of yogurt, and in the evening - cottage cheese.

It is allowed to pre-grind the components in a blender or mixer. The body is saturated with proteins and calcium, allowing you to lose weight without harm to health.

Drinks you can consume in unlimited quantities include green tea, herbal infusions and still water.

Kefir-yogurt diet

It is considered the most effective and no less popular method of losing weight. Most often it is prescribed as a fasting day, because... has a fairly strict set of products. Guarantees loss of 0.5-0.7 kg per day.

For breakfast you can drink 200 ml of low-fat kefir. For second breakfast - regular kefir (also 200 ml). At lunch, lunch and dinner - 200 ml of natural, high-quality home-made yogurt. Before going to bed, you can consume 200 ml of biokefir. Fluid reserves during the day must be replenished with green tea and still mineral water.

Yogurt diet for 3 days

It is a strict variation of the yogurt diet, and is more similar to fasting days. You can lose up to 1 kg of excess weight per day. For 3 days, you should drink 1 glass of fermented yogurt for breakfast, lunch and dinner. For lunch, afternoon snack and late dinner, eat 1 large apple. It is recommended to dull the feeling of hunger by drinking water (up to two liters between meals). Water speeds up metabolism and replenishes fluid levels, preventing dehydration. Despite the meager diet, the feeling of hunger is weakly expressed during the diet, because... fermented yoghurts are able to coat the walls of the stomach, preventing irritation of the mucous membrane by pepsins.

The second variation of the three-day diet is based on the consumption of not only a lactic acid product rich in bifidobacteria, but also fruits, which accelerate the breakdown of fats.

First day of the three-day diet

  • natural yogurt (half a glass);
  • melon (400 g).
  • fruit salad (orange, kiwi, strawberry), dressed with yogurt.
  • boiled chicken fillet (200 g);
  • half a grapefruit;
  • cabbage salad dressed with yogurt.

Second day

  • muesli on yoghurt with berries.
  • a glass of yogurt;
  • a third of a medium pineapple.
  • boiled turkey breast;
  • 3 tangerines;
  • leaf salad dressed with yogurt.

The third day

  • 3 cups natural yogurt;
  • watermelon pulp (300 g).
  • Apple juice;
  • strawberry and banana puree.
  • grilled fish from low-fat varieties (200 g);
  • 1 glass of yogurt;
  • 1 serving of boiled Brussels sprouts.

There is another variation of the three-day diet and it refers to mono-diets. Its essence comes down to daily consumption of only yogurt (600 ml for 5 doses). Every day you need to drink 2 liters of still water. This radical method of losing weight promises quite good results.

Ten day diet

This diet can be carried out no more often than once every 2 months. Otherwise, the weight loss process slows down due to getting used to the diet. A ten-day diet allows you to get rid of 4-6 kg. This diet is balanced and does not cause harm to health (daily calorie content - 1100).

Physical activity is encouraged, but it should not be exhausting. It is preferable to exercise outdoors. Protein, which is present in abundance in the diet menu, is a building material for muscle tissue, which will allow the muscles to acquire additional tone.

The diet is rich in fruits and vegetables, but it is worth limiting the consumption of grapes, watermelon, pears, melon, banana, beets and potatoes, which are rich in starch and sugars that slow down metabolism. The general condition for this diet is to drink a glass of yogurt half an hour before meals. It is recommended to have dinner 3.5 hours before bedtime.

Yogurt diet for weight loss: basic rules and recommendations

Reviews about whether it is possible to lose weight on yoghurt suggest that it is possible, but subject to certain rules. The result will be noticeable if you follow the following recommendations:

  1. You need to drink at least half a liter of natural fermented milk product per day. A smaller dose will not give a good effect.
  2. You need to drink a lot of clean water. Yogurt does not replace water, it is rather food for the body. You need to drink about 2 liters of still and unsweetened water per day.
  3. If a breakdown occurs, the next day should be a fasting day, with a minimum of food and plenty of water. Then you can continue the diet.
  4. It is not necessary to completely give up salt, but its amount should be reduced. You will have to avoid highly salted foods.
  5. You need to eat portions no larger than the palm of your hand, but every 3-4 hours. This will reduce the load on the digestive system and prevent you from overeating.
  6. After completing weight loss, you need to wait 1-2 months before the next course, otherwise the effect will not be so noticeable.
  7. You can and should do physical activity. But if the diet is very strict and accompanied by fasting, it is better to give up active sports for a while, as the body will be depleted.
  8. You don't need to fast after 6 pm, but you shouldn't eat later than 3 hours before bed either.
  9. It is acceptable to eat fruits and vegetables (it is better not to eat potatoes), boiled eggs, chicken, lean beef, turkey, rabbit meat, drink unsweetened compote, tea, and natural juices. The best fruits to eat are citrus fruits; they help burn fat.
  10. While losing weight, you need to completely eliminate alcoholic drinks, baked goods, fast food and processed foods, bananas, grapes, smoked and highly salted foods, sausages, store-bought sauces, and powdered juices.

You can find reviews and results of the yogurt diet on the Internet. Many have noted noticeable weight loss, but it must be borne in mind that each body reacts differently. If the weight does not go away, you need to consult a doctor and determine the reasons.

Authorized Products

In addition to yogurt, other foods must be included in the diet during the diet.

Fresh fruits

Fruits can be consumed not only raw, but also made into salads dressed with yogurt. Making smoothies is also welcome. But the yogurt diet also has restrictions on certain types of fruits. It is worth giving up eating watermelons, pears and grapes, i.e. all fruits high in sugar. The consumption of citrus fruits, which are known for their anti-cellulite properties, is encouraged. You can eat no more than 500 grams of fruit per day.


During lunch, you can eat lean meats. It is undesirable to eat more than 150 grams of meat products. During the yogurt diet, preference should be given to chicken, veal and rabbit due to their low calorie advantages.


Vegetables can be served with meat in any form. Preference should be given to bell peppers, herbs and tomatoes.


Do not forget that the basis of almost any diet is sufficient fluid intake. Advantages should be given to mineral, still or regular water. Herbal tea is also good for weight loss. The consumption of juices is allowed, but only freshly squeezed ones. Store-bought juices in packages are contraindicated. The choice should be made in favor of freshly squeezed juices prepared at home. The process of losing weight can be accelerated by drinking apple and citrus juices. Good results can also be achieved with pomegranate juice.

Table of permitted products

Proteins, gFats, gCarbohydrates, gCalories, kcal

Vegetables and greens

salad pepper1,30,05,327





Meat products

chicken cutlets18,210,413,8222


chicken breast23,21,70,0114
chicken drumstick19,38,70,0161
chicken thigh17,315,30,0211
chicken liver20,45,91,4140
chicken legs16,810,20,0158

Fish and seafood


Non-alcoholic drinks

mineral water0,00,00,0
green tea0,00,00,0
black tea20,05,16,9152

Juices and compotes

Orange juice0,90,28,136
pomegranate juice0,30,014,564
* data is per 100 g of product

Which to choose

By fat content

Low-fat ones are not the best and most useful for weight loss, as many people mistakenly believe. Manufacturers add starch to them, which inhibits fat burning processes.

Therefore, from the point of view of fat content for weight loss, the best option is yogurt from 1% to 4%. You should not consume more than 4% - too much fat and high calorie content.

By composition

In terms of composition, you can eat the following yoghurts when losing weight:

  • live (another name is bio-yogurt) - with special bacteria, which are designated on the packaging as Streptococcus thermophilus, Lactobacillus acidophilus or bulgaricus (or something similar);
  • natural - without dyes, acidity regulators, preservatives, flavors;
  • no sweeteners;
  • without pieces of fruit, berries and other additional ingredients to enhance the taste.

Ideally, for weight loss, you need to choose those that are made from only two ingredients - sourdough and milk.

Other types


Most people, planning to lose weight, buy drinking yogurt. Indeed: convenient packaging, you can take it with you and drink it anywhere. But this is not the best option. To verify this, simply compare the calories and weight with a regular thick product in a plastic container. Both points will be much higher.

The process of drinking any drink is quite fast. We drank without waiting for satiety - I wanted to have something else to snack on. Firstly, we didn’t notice the volume (200 ml, or even more at one time). Secondly, they took cookies as a snack, thereby increasing the daily calorie intake.

The process of consuming a thick product is much slower. By the time you scoop out the entire container with a spoon, you will feel full. Both volume and calorie content are almost 2 times less.


It differs in the production method. During filtration, the whey and all excess liquid are drained. The result is as thick and homogeneous as possible (tender, soft). Good for health and weight loss. Low in calories. Manufacturers: Bio Balance, Savushkin, Laktika, Emmi, Ehrmann, Lukomorye.


Natural, no additives. The peculiarity is that it settles without whey, so it turns out thicker and more pleasant to the taste. In this it is similar to Greek. But it has a salty-sour taste and lack of sweetness. Quite suitable for weight loss. Manufacturers: Yagotinsky, Valio, Milbona, Baltais, Onur, Mis, Natige.


Contains an increased amount of protein. Ideally fits into a protein diet. Recommended for weight control and during cutting for athletes. Promotes weight loss as it is low in carbohydrates and fats. Manufacturers: Activia, Epica, Valio, Fruttis.


Close to natural, but it is not fermented live, but directly in the packaging in which it is then sold. The beneficial properties of lactobacilli are only partially preserved.


It is produced by heat treatment, so there is not much benefit. But it can be stored for a long time. Ideally, the manufacturer should release it with the label “yogurt product,” but not everyone does this.


The only solution for those who are lactose intolerant, but want to lose weight this way. Made with soy, not milk. But the beneficial properties will be completely different.

Lactose-free yogurt

Other criteria

  • Shelf life: no more than 2 weeks, ideally a week;
  • famous manufacturer;
  • minimum calorie content;
  • the amount of proteins and carbohydrates should be approximately the same (with the exception of protein);
  • the taste is sour.

Based on all of the above, it is not difficult to conclude which yogurt is the healthiest for weight loss: fresh, natural, with live lactobacilli, with a fat content of no more than 4%. If possible, it is better to cook with your own hands at home. Then there will be no doubt about the quality.

With the world - one by one. The Spanish-Turkish doctor and entrepreneur Isaac Carasso put production on stream, founding in 1919 a company that is still known today - Danone.

Fully or partially limited products

The ban includes ready-made yoghurt products from stores and various types of sweeteners. It is not recommended to drink alcoholic beverages. As an exception, you can drink dry red wine from a trusted manufacturer in which you are confident.

It is necessary to completely remove sugar from your diet. Sweet fruits are also prohibited (watermelons, melons, etc.).

Table of prohibited products

Proteins, gFats, gCarbohydrates, gCalories, kcal
dried pears2,30,662,6249
pear jam0,30,270,8273
pear jam0,10,156,8215
boiled sausage13,722,80,0260
smoked sausage28,227,50,0360
smoked sausage16,244,60,0466
pear compote0,20,018,270
pear juice0,40,311,046
* data is per 100 g of product

Menu for 7 days (Meal plan)

The main requirement of the seven-day yogurt diet is to consume yogurt 30 minutes before meals. It is unacceptable to drink yogurt with hot drinks, because... Bifidobacteria are thermophobic and die when exposed to high temperatures.

Restrictions are also imposed on the drinking regime: you need to drink water strictly 30 minutes before taking yogurt. It is strictly prohibited to drink food with water. These restrictions allow you to suppress your appetite and calmly wait for the main course. The rest of the diet differs little from similar ones: limiting fatty, smoked, sweet, fried, salty foods. For drinks, the priority is herbal or green tea. If possible, you should avoid coffee.

Diet effectiveness

The main advantage of a yogurt diet is that nutrition based on this product is comfortable for digestion. Weight loss is observed within a few days, and the result at the end of the 7-day course is from 3 to 7 kg. The diet regimen is balanced, does not harm the body, daily consumption of fermented milk product has a positive effect on the gastrointestinal tract, the condition of the skin and hair improves. Fruits, vegetables and yogurt are healthy and tasty, making it easy to follow your diet.

Example menu


  • fruit and berry jelly (150 g);
  • weak tea.
  • pomegranate juice diluted in water in a ratio of 1:1 (half a glass).
  • cucumber salad with yogurt sauce;
  • yogurt soup;
  • boiled navaga (150 g);
  • Apple juice.
Afternoon snack
  • yoghurt-based tomato salad;
  • 1 glass of still mineral water.
  • boiled asparagus beans with yogurt;
  • diluted pomegranate juice.


  • 2 plums;
  • herbal infusion.
  • muesli with yogurt;
  • sauerkraut salad.
  • yoghurt-based tomato and cucumber salad;
  • vegetable soup-puree from zucchini.
Afternoon snack
  • clarified freshly squeezed juice.
  • 150 grams of cod;
  • cucumbers;
  • a delicate dessert made from pieces of fruit on yogurt.


  • a handful of dried fruits;
  • berries (100 g).
  • pineapple (3 rings).
  • boiled beef (150 g), yogurt soup;
  • currant and apple puree on yogurt.
Afternoon snack
  • boiled vegetables seasoned with yogurt.
  • grilled pollock (150 g) with boiled broccoli;
  • grapefruit (half).


  • apricots (3 pcs);
  • rosehip infusion.
  • lettuce dressed with olive oil;
  • a handful of dried fruits.
  • grilled chicken fillet (150 g);
  • salad of tomatoes, cucumbers, herbs and onions on a yogurt base;
  • a cup of chicken broth;
  • Orange juice.
Afternoon snack
  • fruit salad;
  • mineral water.
  • apples 2 pcs.;
  • vegetable stew;
  • green tea without sugar.


  • half a grapefruit;
  • herbal tea.
  • dried fruits (200 g).
  • boiled chicken fillet (200 g);
  • chicken bouillon;
  • vegetable salad (300 g).
Afternoon snack
  • nuts (20g).
  • buckwheat porridge without oil and salt;
  • tomatoes 2 pcs.;
  • Pineapple juice.


  • plums (2 pcs.).
  • yoghurt based muesli.
  • yogurt soup;
  • 2 pieces of cheese;
  • a fresh vegetable salad;
  • Apple juice.
Afternoon snack
  • kiwi (2 pcs.);
  • green tea.
  • cabbage salad with lemon juice;
  • diluted orange juice.


  • dried fruits (100 g);
  • raspberries (100 g);
  • herbal infusion.
  • 200 g boiled shrimp.
  • lean rabbit meat (200 g);
  • vegetable soup;
  • arugula and tomato salad on a yoghurt base;
  • diluted juice.
Afternoon snack
  • fruit salad.
  • low-fat cottage cheese (100 g);
  • vegetable stew.

Fasting day with kefir

For those who do not like to torture themselves with grueling diets, there are fasting days on yogurt. The benefits of these are due to the high content of vitamins, minerals, pectin, enzymes, lactobacilli, and probiotics in the fermented milk product. Such days are not recommended for people with weak immunity . Menu options for yoghurt unloading:

Option No. Breakfast Dinner Afternoon snack Dinner
  1. A glass of low-fat yogurt.
  2. 1 boiled egg.
  3. Bread.
  4. Green tea.
  1. Dietary vegetable soup.
  2. Drinking yogurt.
  3. Tea.
  1. Apple.
  2. Mineral water.
  1. Low-fat kefir.
  1. Yogurt with muesli and dried fruits.
  2. Apple.
  3. Tea.
  1. Vegetable broth.
  2. Yogurt.
  3. Grapefruit.
  1. Vegetable salad dressed with yogurt.
  2. Tea.
  1. Yogurt dessert with berries.
  2. Rosehip decoction.


Diet yogurt cake

A delicate yogurt cake can be served to anyone who is watching their figure and trying to stick to proper nutrition. Due to its low calorie content, dessert can be consumed not only at lunchtime, but also for dinner. You can diversify the dish by using yoghurts with different flavorings in the preparation. This dessert can be an excellent substitute for ice cream, benefiting from its low calorie content.

Making yoghurt cake is quick and easy; no special culinary skills are required. 100 grams of dessert contains 101 kcal.

Main components:

  • natural yogurt in a volume of 250 ml;
  • fruit yogurt in a volume of 250 ml with a fat content of 1.5%;
  • gelatin 1 sachet (25 grams);
  • sugar (4 tbsp);
  • raspberries (200-300 grams).

You can speed up the cooking process by using instant gelatin. 25 grams of gelatin must be dissolved in 100 ml of hot water. If desired, water can be replaced with hot fruit juice according to your taste. For preparation, you can use yoghurts with various flavoring additives, their combination is allowed. You can use frozen berries.

Wash fresh fruits and berries thoroughly and cut them before adding to the fornication. After complete dissolution by desires, you need to wait until it cools down, then pour it using a strainer into the whisked yogurt and whisk the resulting mass again until smooth. Place cling film in the prepared cake pan. Add raspberries or other berries and mix gently. Pour the resulting mixture into the mold and put it in the refrigerator to cool. It takes about 3 hours to harden, after which the cake can be decorated with pieces of fruit and berries. The finished yogurt cake must be removed from the mold and placed on a beautiful plate.

Which yogurt to choose for an effective yogurt diet?

To answer the question of whether you can lose weight on yoghurt, you need to clarify which fermented milk product you mean. Nowadays there is a huge selection of fermented milk in stores: with different percentages of fat content, with various additives in the form of cereals and fruits. Products taste different depending on the aging time.

To lose weight on yogurt, you need to choose low-fat products with little or no sugar. Homemade fermented milk is considered the healthiest. You need to eat it within 24 hours after preparation, since at this time the maximum of nutrients are retained in it.

To prepare the product yourself, you can use a yogurt maker or a multicooker. In this case, you can be sure that the fermented milk was prepared from proven fresh products and does not have unnecessary additives.

Store-bought products often contain lots of sugar, additives, flavorings and preservatives to extend shelf life. But all this reduces the usefulness and dietary effect. In the store, it is better to choose plain natural yogurt without fillers. Also, dyes and flavors can provoke an allergic reaction.

Of course, it is very important that the product is fresh. Expired, low-quality products can cause severe poisoning, vomiting, diarrhea, and lead to dehydration. The expiration date of fermented milk must be monitored very carefully.

It is important to remember that it is impossible to abuse fermented milk products and eat them in large quantities during pregnancy, when the load on the kidneys is already high, in childhood, with disorders of the central nervous system, with vascular diseases, and oncology. If you experience abdominal pain, diarrhea, or nausea while losing weight, consult a doctor immediately.

Advantages and disadvantages

  • Nutritional balance during the 7- and 10-day diet.
  • A varied diet that includes berries, fruits and vegetables.
  • No debilitating feeling of hunger. Yogurt has a coating effect, protecting the walls of the stomach and creating a long-lasting feeling of fullness.
  • Increased immunity due to the high content of beneficial microorganisms (lacto- and bifidobacteria) in yoghurts.
  • Prevention of fungal infections by improving the condition of the intestinal microflora.
  • The high content of magnesium, potassium and calcium helps prevent the development of not only caries, but also osteoporosis.
  • Yogurt has a positive effect on the absorption of other substances from food. Yogurt contains lactic acid, which enhances the absorption of calcium when consuming milk and other dairy products.
  • Pronounced cholesterol-lowering effect.
  • Rapid weight loss.
  • The length of cooking time and the need for a long stay in front of the stove, because... You need to make your own yogurt every day.
  • There is still a slight feeling of hunger in the first two days, and it is felt especially strongly by people who are accustomed to a plentiful and thorough diet.
  • An irresistible desire to continue the diet, seeing positive results in the process of losing weight. However, exceeding the recommended periods can cause harm to the body, which is associated with metabolic disorders and disruptions.

Benefits of the Weight Loss Method

The presence of yogurt as a main product on the table has many advantages:

  • This is delicious weight loss;
  • different diet options include other healthy foods;
  • the feeling of hunger is almost not felt;
  • cholesterol levels are normalized;
  • the diet helps improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • The immune system is strengthened, the condition of teeth and bones is improved, and blood pressure is stabilized.

We recommend reading about strawberries for weight loss. You will learn about the beneficial properties of strawberries, rules for eating berries for weight loss, options for strawberry diets, and recipes. And here is more information about the cucumber diet for losing extra pounds.

Comments from nutritionists

According to nutritionists, this diet is one of the safest for health in the fight against extra pounds. The diet has several significant and undeniable advantages and virtually no disadvantages. Nutritionists do not recommend getting carried away with the yogurt diet, having seen how easily excess weight is lost. The maximum period is 10 days, the frequency is 1 time per month.

It is recommended to start with a three-day version, after which you move on to a longer form of the diet. The use of store-bought yogurt is not allowed; the product must be freshly prepared. Diet yogurt from the store is also not suitable for this diet.

Is it possible to lose weight on yoghurt?

Natural yogurt for weight loss is a product containing proteins, fats and carbohydrates, so the body does not experience stress from limited nutrition. The product contains probiotics, vitamins, and minerals . A tasty fermented milk product has a beneficial effect on the gastrointestinal tract and digestion, helps cleanse the body of waste and toxins. Due to its low calorie content, the natural product promotes healthy weight loss. Nutritionists say that with the help of a yogurt diet you can lose 5-7 kg in up to 10 days.

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