Light kefir diet for weight loss - menu and weight loss results

Kefir is a low-calorie fermented milk product that is a dietary and affordable drink. It’s not for nothing that many diets based on kefir have been developed. This is a quick and easy way to lose a few pounds. Despite this, kefir mono-diets have their drawbacks that you need to know.

  • Why is kefir good for weight loss?
  • Basic principles of the kefir diet
  • What to expect from the diet How to make diet kefir
  • What products can replace kefir?
  • Options for kefir diets
      Kefir diet for 3 days
  • Fasting one-day kefir diet
  • Winter kefir diet for 3 days
  • Kefir diet for 5 days
  • Diet for 7 days
  • Kefir-apple diet
  • Hard kefir diet for 8 days
  • Diet for 9 days (3+3+3)
  • Striped kefir diet
  • Fruit kefir diet
  • Diet from Larisa Dolina Menu for the week:
  • How to get off the kefir diet
  • Cons and contraindications of the kefir diet
  • Tips and tricks
  • Reviews and results
  • Why is kefir good for weight loss?

    One hundred grams of one percent kefir contains only 40 kcal. Considering that this calorie content is a measly 4g of carbohydrates, 2.8g of protein and 1g of fat. There are few products with such a proportion of BZHU, which at the same time remain satisfying and healthy. Therefore, kefir diets quickly lead to weight loss due to a lack of daily calories.


    Kefir is an excellent product for those who are tirelessly trying to get rid of extra pounds. It contains a minimal amount of calories and fat, as well as a large amount of amino acids, carbohydrates, and lactobacilli, which perfectly restores the intestinal microflora.

    The 5-day kefir diet is a good way to get rid of several kilos in the shortest possible time, requiring effort and giving up many foods.

    Important! The more extra pounds a person has, the easier it will be for him to lose weight.

    Minus 5 kg on a kefir diet is a very real result, but you will need to adhere to certain restrictions related not only to nutrition.

    The kefir diet provides the following rules:

    1. Limit physical activity. There will be enough walks in the fresh air;
    2. Don't eat fatty meat;
    3. Eat exclusively lean meat;
    4. Eat every two hours, avoiding snacks between meals;
    5. Do not eat foods for breakfast that are intended for dinner (and vice versa);
    6. Eat exclusively according to the menu;
    7. Forget about vegetable and animal fats;
    8. Eliminate salt, sugar and any salad dressings from the menu;
    9. Drink as much water, green tea, mineral water without gases as possible;
    10. Have dinner no later than 10 pm;
    11. Drink a glass of kefir a couple of hours before bed.

    What to expect from the diet

    In a short period of diet you can get rid of 3-5 extra pounds. But you shouldn’t relax, the diet still has a temporary effect, and the weight may return after you lift strict restrictions. However, it is strictly forbidden to eat this way for a long time.

    How to make diet kefir

    Making kefir is quite possible at home. Unlike factory-made kefir, homemade kefir will have a short shelf life, which indicates the naturalness and level of lactic acid bacteria in the product. To prepare low-fat 1% kefir, you need a liter of 1% cow or goat milk. You can buy a special kefir starter at pharmacies, or you can add 1 glass of ready-made kefir to milk, which in itself is already a starter.


    1. Add kefir to milk heated to 40 degrees;
    2. Immediately pour the mixture into a jar and place it in a warm place, for example, near a radiator or just in a towel or blanket;
    3. After a day, kefir is ready for use.

    Note! For further preparation of kefir, you can use 100 ml of the drink you prepared as a starter. It is recommended to consume kefir one day in advance.

    What products can replace kefir?

    For people with high acidity, kefir can be replaced with low-fat yogurt or sourdough. Since the absence of milk fungus will not increase acidity.

    Reviews from nutritionists

    - There is not a single advantage in such a diet. It is absolutely inferior - there are no fats, no proteins, only carbohydrates. I am against any long-term mono-diets. In the active stage of weight loss, one day a week can be used as a fasting day in order to avoid a plateau in the future (when body weight stands still and does not move down). But not a week or two. This can be life-threatening,” says nutritionist Irina Yablonskaya. — I can recommend a fasting monoday, provided that the person has no contraindications, no anemia, latent iron deficiency, any serious diseases, heavy physical labor, etc. That is, for relatively healthy people who need to lose weight and lose a large percentage of body fat. The buckwheat diet is folk art from the Internet. To lose weight, I recommend contacting a dietician rather than looking for diets on the Internet that can be harmful to your health.

    Options for kefir diets

    Nutritionists have developed a huge number of kefir-based diets, all of which will be presented below. Their main differences are in the timing and degree of severity. The stricter the diet, the less time is allocated for it. Diets from 7 days contain some low-calorie foods; such diets are not so harmful to the body, and when leaving it, the body does not experience shock, receiving familiar foods again. The main disadvantage of diets is the psychological stress; the more extreme the conditions of the diet, the more difficult it is to withstand it mentally and physically.

    Kefir diet for 3 days

    The diet in this version is the strictest and short-term. During this period, gastrointestinal tract dysfunctions are possible; if side effects occur, the diet should be stopped. The main condition is to consume one and a half liters of kefir per day, as well as up to 2 liters of water. A more loyal option is possible - adding 1 kg of low-calorie product per day. But the effect will not be so noticeable. Estimated weight loss – up to 5 kg in 3 days.

    Fasting one-day kefir diet

    A fasting day is a less dangerous way to lose weight, although it does not always give the desired effect. In one day, the body does not have time to rebuild and burn fat reserves. If on other days you eat high-calorie foods in large quantities. On this day it is recommended to consume one and a half liters of kefir and water.

    Winter kefir diet for 3 days

    Despite the fact that the diet is short-term, unlike the others, it contains a variety of foods rich in vitamins. Kefir is offered as a snack, for an afternoon snack and at night, one glass at a time. Salt and sugar are prohibited. The diet helps you lose up to 1 kg per day. The remaining permitted products, each of which is consumed once every three days to choose from:

    • eggs;
    • semolina;
    • cabbage;
    • hard cheese;
    • chicken soup;
    • boiled vegetables for vinaigrette;
    • chicken;
    • beef;
    • fruits;
    • fish;
    • potato;
    • dried fruits;
    • carrot casserole;
    • honey.

    It’s difficult to call this diet strict, given that the method suggests carrot casserole with honey and potatoes for dinner. Rather, the diet can boast of removing fluid due to cutting down on salt, rather than getting rid of subcutaneous fat.

    Kefir diet for 5 days

    The diet is similar to the three-day diet, longer in duration, but no less strict. Divide 1.5-2 liters of kefir per day into six glasses and add 1 kg of one type of vegetable or fruit of your choice. In order to make the diet easier, it is proposed to add chicken or beef meat and dried fruits to the diet, and you need to eat every 2 hours.

    Diet for 7 days

    This is considered the most popular kefir diet. Every day it is suggested to drink half a liter of kefir 1% and 400 g in finished form from the following products to choose from (one day - only one product):

    1. Potatoes (baked);
    2. Cottage cheese;
    3. Fruits (exceptions are grapes and banana);
    4. Chicken fillet.

    On the sixth day, water fasting is suggested - up to 2 liters. The opinion of nutritionists about the diet is negative; doctors do not recommend doing “fasting” days.

    Important! Gastrointestinal diseases, dysfunction of the endocrine system, pregnancy are contraindications for the kefir diet.

    Kefir-apple diet

    Involves six identical doses per day – a glass of kefir + 1 green apple. Maximum duration – 3 days. The diet is also prohibited in cases of dysfunction of the digestive organs. Kefir-buckwheat diet

    The diet includes a glass of buckwheat, steamed with two glasses of boiling water overnight and a liter of kefir. The products are consumed separately, in six equal servings throughout the day. It is not recommended to stick to this diet for more than three days.

    The option for 5,7 and 14 days involves adding a protein product on the fourth day. The first three days are the same as in the previous version; on the fourth day, a choice of 200 g of meat, cottage cheese or seafood is added to a separate dose.

    Hard kefir diet for 8 days

    A strict mono-diet, the expected result of which is a loss of up to five kilograms. Every day you need to drink half a liter of kefir.

    1Potatoes 400 g
    2Half a kilo of dried fruits
    3Half a kilo of cottage cheese
    4Half a kilo of sour cream
    5300 g chicken meat
    6Fruits to choose from
    73 l kefir
    8Only water

    Diet for 9 days (3+3+3)

    A very strict and long-term diet, on which breakdowns are possible. The first three days consume 1.5 liters of kefir in equal portions, the second three days - 1.5 kg of apples, the last three - 1.5 liters of kefir. Curd and kefir diet for 3 days

    This express diet allows up to 1 liter of kefir and 400 g of cottage cheese. Divide into 6 equal portions.

    Striped kefir diet

    The diet must be followed for 7 days or no more than 21 days. Salt, sugar, spices are excluded. The diet is divided into “dark” and “light” days, which alternate every day. The total calorie content should not exceed 1500 Kcal.

    On “dark” days the following are allowed:

    • lean fish;
    • meat;
    • vegetables;
    • fruits.

    On “bright” days – 1.5 liters of 1% kefir.

    Fruit kefir diet

    The duration of this diet is 5 days. One and a half liters of kefir and 1 kg of fruit (except for fruits with a high glycemic index) are divided into equal portions.

    Diet from Larisa Dolina

    Thanks to this diet, the singer brought her weight back to normal and lost twenty kilograms, according to media reports, although the artist herself did not confirm such a statement. The seven-day diet does not contain salt, sugar, or spices. If you are intolerant to kefir, the product can be replaced with coffee or tea. Products should be divided into 5 servings per day.

    Menu for the week:

    1Half a kilo of potatoes
    2Half a kilo of fish
    31 kg fruits or vegetables
    4Half a kilo of chicken breast;
    5Repeat 3 days
    6Fasting or repeating any day
    7Repeat 3 days

    Menu for every day

    The most optimal of the above is considered to be a lighter version of the diet for a week. It will not bring great results, but it will not harm your health either. A sample menu could be as follows:

    Monday100 grams of steamed buckwheat, half a glass of kefirSteamed vegetable cutlets with buckwheatA serving of buckwheat porridge and a full glass of kefir (250-300 ml)
    TuesdayBuckwheat pancakes, green tea or coffee without cream and sugarSteamed cereal with the addition of dried fruits and honeyA glass of low-fat kefir or yogurt, a green apple
    WednesdaySteamed buckwheat with dried fruitsVegetable salad, porridgeA serving of buckwheat porridge and a full glass of kefir (250-300 ml)
    ThursdayBuckwheat pancakes or store-bought buckwheat breadVegetable soup with buckwheat addedBuckwheat porridge, apple
    FridayA serving of buckwheat porridge and a full glass of kefir (250-300 ml)Vegetable salad, buckwheat cutletsA glass of low-fat kefir or yogurt, a green apple
    Saturday100 grams of steamed buckwheat, half a glass of kefirSteamed cereal with the addition of dried fruits and honeyA serving of buckwheat porridge and a full glass of kefir (250-300 ml)
    SundayBuckwheat pancakes, a glass of kefirVegetable salad, porridgeA glass of kefir, an apple or buckwheat bread

    For snacks, you can use fruits, dried fruits, add some nuts and yogurt to them.

    How to get off the kefir diet

    You need to understand that express diets are strict restrictions, usually there are not many foods in the diet, diets work due to restrictions on the calorie content of foods. With a return to normal eating, that regime of restrictions will be in vain. If you eat wrong all the time, no diet will save the situation. Therefore, after leaving the diet, continue to moderately limit your diet, give preference to a varied, but at the same time low-calorie menu.

    Vegetables, fruits, and cereals are added in small portions once a day. Continue to eat six small meals a day. Add just a little salt to your dishes; excess salt will retain liquid and lead to swelling. Sweets, baked goods, alcohol and carbonated drinks remain prohibited. Let proper nutrition be constant, then you won’t have to return to strict diets with questionable results.

    Cons and contraindications of the kefir diet

    Any short-term mono-diet will not have time to bring high-quality results for weight loss. Basically, this is a loss of fluid, since all diets exclude salt, and the body will not have time to burn a lot of subcutaneous fat in 3-7 days. Most likely, all the lost kilograms will return.

    No matter how much has been said about the benefits of kefir for the intestines, about the bifidobacteria that normalize its work, doctors have come to the conclusion that kefir, on the contrary, continues to ferment, and this can even cause thrush. However, individual tolerance to the product is present; in case of high acidity, kefir is prohibited. Diets have a psychological burden and stimulate the nervous system. The diet is prohibited with any disorders and inflammations of the digestive organs - gastritis, ulcers, colitis, as well as during pregnancy.

    Tips and tricks

    • Tip #1 . When starting any diet, you should consult your doctor. The specialist will prescribe the necessary tests and check the condition of the body before starting the diet. And only then, with his permission, can you start a diet.
    • Tip #2. Always check individual sensitivity and tolerance of the main diet products. Drink 0.5 kefir over a few days and see how your body reacts. If you do not experience pain in the abdomen and intestines, bloating or indigestion, you can safely try the diet.
    • Tip #3. Some versions of the kefir diet suggest adding fruit or protein foods of your choice. Protein foods do not contain carbohydrates or sugar, unlike fruits. Therefore, give preference to protein foods, they do not cause the release of insulin, and weight loss will be more correct and faster.
    • Tip #4. Play sports. Any physical activity helps diets work faster. Increasing energy expenditure through physical activity will speed up the results and help improve your mood.
    • Tip #5 . If you want to stop the diet in advance, especially to eat something tastier as quickly as possible, think about the desired result, imagine yourself more beautiful and thinner, then positive visualization will help you endure hunger more easily.

    Doctors' recommendations : No sane doctor or nutritionist would recommend a kefir diet in any form. Doctors have an extremely negative attitude towards rapid weight loss. The main instructions in this case will be the following: a balanced diet, gradual weight loss, constant maintenance of the result.

    There is no way to gain five kilograms of subcutaneous fat in three days, so there will be no sudden weight loss without consequences over such a period. Fats accumulate and disappear gradually. If you have been gaining excess volume for a year, then how can you get rid of it in a week? Now try to carefully monitor your diet, start eating foods rich in fiber and protein, remove excess sugar and fat. This diet will ensure smooth but healthy weight loss.

    Once you get used to it and it becomes a habit, you will not overeat high-calorie foods and will stop gaining weight. Naturally, the result will not go away, and you will constantly maintain good shape without strict diets.


    Due to the fact that carbohydrates in cereals are complex, their breakdown takes a long time, so the feeling of fullness comes quickly and lasts for a long time.

    With a lack of nutrients, the body begins to draw energy from fat reserves, thereby losing extra pounds. You can lose up to 10 kg in a week, but the first few days may not go away due to the sufficient amount of carbohydrates. The greater the initial weight, the greater the loss as a result of the diet.

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