Translation of the article by Peter McGough (Muscular Development) “Kai Green: the beginning. Before he was second at Mr. Olympia three times.”

Childhood and youth

The bodybuilder does not like to talk about his biography. Kai was born in 1975 in Brooklyn. The boy's childhood was difficult. The athlete was born into a dysfunctional family.

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When Green was 6 years old, his parents sent their son to a social shelter. Due to his complex character, Kai was unable to get along with any foster family. In his youth, he had problems with the police, Green often got into fights.

Over time, the teenager learned to control aggression and took up strength training. An English teacher noticed Green's abilities and suggested the boy try his hand at bodybuilding. Kai was fascinated by the training, and the teenager quickly got into the desired shape. Already at the age of 14, the young athlete participated in competitions for juniors. At the age of 18, Green's weight was 118 kg, the guy did bench press with a weight of 227 kg.

Features of Kai Greene

Kai Greene is considered the most artistic bodybuilder of all time. Every appearance on stage, every show of his muscles is not just stony poses, but real artistry. He always stood out noticeably from the entire crowd of athletes. His random posing especially attracted attention. He could do a headstand, do various flips and get into an unusual position. Therefore, we can safely say that this is not just an athlete, but also an athlete with the talent of an actor. His braids are not just a desire to stand out, but a desire to prove to everyone that he is not an ordinary athlete, but a talented athlete, especially since the braids were not superfluous. In addition, Kai Green noted that he does not like to stand out, especially on the street and especially in the area in which he lives. Since the area is not entirely prosperous, the athlete, even in the summer, walks almost completely wrapped in clothes so that no one recognizes him.

Igor August 25, 2018


By the time he came of age, Kai participated in 25 tournaments and received professional status from the WNBF federation. But the young bodybuilder’s plans went further - Green wanted to gain recognition in bodybuilding.

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To do this, the guy needed to become an IFBB professional and take part in NPC competitions. The athlete conducted intense training in a gym on Fifth Avenue. Legendary bodybuilders who made successful careers trained here.

In 1999 he comes to Bratislava to participate in the World Bodybuilding Championship. Finishing in 4th place, Green was disappointed with the results. A bodybuilder takes a break from his career for 5 years. In 2004, the guy returned to training, but only in 2007 he won the Colorado Pro tournament. In 2008, he showed a good result at the Arnold Classic competition, where he was ahead of Dexter Jackson and Phil Heath.

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Kai Greene in a mask
An unexpected operation forces the bodybuilder to leave competitions for a while. But already in 2009, Kai participated in the Mr. Olympia tournament for the first time and took 4th place. In subsequent years, the athlete improves his physical fitness. Green's performances wearing a mask are spectacular and unforgettable. In these performances, the bodybuilder combines elements of sports and choreography. In 2016, at the Arnold Classic competition, the bodybuilder won in the Absolute category.

Kai Greene's workouts

Many athletes have changed several gyms during their career. And this is right, because everyone wants a change of scenery, new equipment and new faces. Kai was no exception in this regard. At the same time, all athletes, sooner or later, gather in one hall, which becomes a legend for them. Kai Green himself trained in such a gym, next to such famous bodybuilders as Phil Heath, Dorian Yates, Flex Wheeler and other famous bodybuilders. This hall has always maintained a real Kachkovsky atmosphere and the name of this hall is Power House Gim.

At first, the athlete trained from 3 pm to 7 pm, like most athletes, but then switched to a different regime and began to devote morning time to training until noon. As the athlete himself said, this helps to concentrate properly, since during this period there are not many people in the hall, compared to the evening period. Thanks to this, only fruitful training sessions are always obtained.

Kai Greene worked out his muscles using his own method. He didn't lift extreme weights. Naturally, when performing complex compound movements such as deadlifts, bent-over barbell presses and T-bar raises, all the muscles of the back are used. But under high loads, it is not possible to concentrate on the work of individual muscle groups. In this case, all attention is focused on the lifting of the projectile itself. In addition, lifting heavy weights often leads to injury. Therefore, this approach was not welcomed by the athlete. Often, this athlete used a different method to concentrate on working individual muscle groups: he simply did pull-ups between sets. Basically, this approach to the training process is associated with not only working out all muscle groups, but also maintaining the “brain-muscle” connection at the proper level. When Kai really felt the work of his muscles, he began to apply this philosophy to other movements related to working the back muscles, including such a complex exercise as the deadlift.

While training his leg muscles, Kai Green performed a rather interesting exercise that few people do in modern gyms - the “Jefferson squat” or “Jefferson row.”

This exercise has a strong effect on the buttocks, including the hamstrings and quadriceps. Thanks to this exercise, Kai managed to work out his buttocks as if they were chiseled.

Some athletes try to find ways to make the task easier by lifting weights and not really thinking about the consequences. Kai Greene is not this type of athlete. On the contrary, he always tries to complicate the exercises, and not stupidly lift weights. If you carefully study the video featuring Kai Greene’s training, you can clearly see that this athlete does not work with exorbitant weights, does not use jerking techniques and partial amplitude. He prefers to work in isolation on each muscle group, working individual areas, and this does not require excessive loads.

Kai Greene. Biceps workout. He talks a lot.


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The athlete has repeatedly told the press that he has been passionate about art since childhood. From an early age, Green wanted to become a painter or sculptor. Bodybuilding helped him realize his dream, only the athlete sculpted his own ideal body. Later, the bodybuilder took up painting. In 2011, an exhibition opened where the artist presented self-portrait paintings.

Kai also tried himself as a film actor. In 2013, the film “Generation of Iron” was released, where Green played the role of himself.

Lynnie Bertelsen, Kai Greene and Anna Jacobi-Heron (still from the series “Stranger Things”)

In 2015, he played the role of a stripper in the comedy College Ready, and in 2016 he played the role of Feinshine in the series Stranger Things.

Kai Greene's nutrition

Kai Greene never disclosed anything about his diet because everyone believed that this athlete was a mysterious person. Therefore, it is almost impossible to find any information on this matter in any sources. Even at a young age, this athlete ate quite heavily, eating up to one and a half kilograms of beef a day, ate dozens of eggs, including those with yolks, ate a lot of rice, oatmeal, potatoes, washing it all down with protein shakes. He used chicken breasts as snacks. It was rumored that he could eat up to 30 chicken breasts or up to 200 eggs in one day. It’s hard to even imagine how much food this monster ate per day and how much money it cost. When Kai Greene was preparing for competitions, he did not give up carbohydrates, but he significantly reduced their amount. Kai was sponsored by Muscle Meds and provided him with high-quality sports nutrition. This athlete preferred meat protein concentrate. Either the athlete liked its taste more, or the amino acid composition was more suitable.

Kai Green: One day in the life of a bodybuilder 2012. Full version. (VovaKulakovTV) 2018

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