Mr. Olympia 2022 results: winner in the open category and results in other categories

The long-awaited Olympia 2022 has ended. This is probably the most difficult year in the history of the legendary tournament. At first it was completely in jeopardy, then not only the date was moved, but also the location of the competition. Many athletes refused to participate, and some jumped on the last “car” on the eve of the tournament. Overall, this only made this Olympia more anticipated. Some were rooting for Heath, some for Kerry, some predicted victory for Bonac and Big Ramy. And finally the most worthy of them received the title.

Open Category Winner

Big Ramy won the 2022 Olympia!

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Big Ramy also became the "people's champion." The most viewers voted for him.

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Final result in the Open category.

  1. Big Ramy ($400,000).
  2. Brandon Curry ($150,000).
  3. Phil Heath ($100,000).
  4. Khadi Choupan ($45,000).
  5. William Bonac ($40,000).
  6. Akim Williams.
  7. Iain Valliere.
  8. Hunter Labrada.
  9. Dexter Jackson.
  10. Justin Luis Rodriguez.
  11. Lukas Osladil.
  12. Seung Chul Lee.
  13. Maxx Charles.
  14. Antoine Vaillant.
  15. Regan Grimes.
  16. Juan Morel.

Share your impressions of the past Olympia in the comments!

How to become a participant in Men's Physique competitions?

To get into the beach bodybuilding competition, you need to know when and in what place it will be held. The next step is registration, the completion time of which depends on the level of the competition:

  • for a regional event , held in a small city or at the regional level, on the same day it begins.
  • For a regional one , if we are talking about a large populated center, you should go through the registration procedure the day before the start.
  • You can participate in the championship, national cup and above

To qualify, you must successfully perform at a regional or regional level tournament. It is usually assigned by the president of the federation or the chief judge.

The competition is held in several stages. First there is a presentation, during which the athletes come out one by one to the judges. The competition then begins with athletes in groups of five demonstrating four different poses. The winners ceremony takes place after all bodybuilders have finished their performances.

Men's Physique Motivation

Results in the category Men's Physicist

Brandon Hendrickson is first in his category.

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The top five looks like this:

  1. Brandon Hendrickson ($35,000).
  2. Raymont Edmonds ($12,000).
  3. Kyron Holden ($8000).
  4. Jeremy Potvin ($4000).
  5. Andrei Deiu ($2000).
  6. Andre Ferguson.
  7. Carlos Deoliveira.
  8. Ryan Terry.
  9. Rodrigue Chesnier.
  10. Anthony Gilkes.
  11. George Brown.
  12. Charjo Grant.
  13. Daniel Ammons.
  14. Steven Cao.
  15. Bhuwan Chauhan.

Chest workout:

Warm-up jog (10 minutes)

  1. Bench press on a bench at an angle of 30 degrees 2x15.3x8
  2. Bench press on a horizontal bench 3x8
  3. Raising the barbell “negative tilt” (upside down) 3x10
  4. Super set (alternately, without rest) Dumbbell chest press 3x10, dumbbell lateral raises 3x10
  5. Pullover with dumbbells 3x10
  6. Super set (alternately, without rest): Crossover 3x12 top, 3x12 middle, 3x12 bottom.

Dips with additional weight have a very good effect on the lower chest, but I don’t try to do them on the same day as the main workout - my arms get clogged. By the way, for those who have just started training, I do not recommend repeating my program, it can be harmful to your health! The main thing in this matter is the ability to feel your body, to know its capabilities.

Yura Ilyin - preparation for the autumn tournaments Mens Physicist 2014Evaluation criteria in the “Men's Physique” nomination at the Grand Prix “Fitness House-PRO”

Results in the category Classic Physicist

The winner was Chris Bumstead.

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Top 5 Classic Physicist winners and prize money.

  1. Chris Bumstead ($30,000).
  2. Terrence Ruffin ($10,000).
  3. Breon Ansley ($5,000).
  4. Alex Cambronero ($3000).
  5. Bryan Jones ($2000).
  6. Dani Younan.
  7. Rickey Moten.
  8. Divine Wilson.
  9. Logan Franklin.
  10. Deontrai Campbell.
  11. Wesley Vissers.
  12. David Hoffman.
  13. Jose Marte.
  14. Jason Brown.
  15. Christopher Hunte.

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What does competition mean now?

Yes, he succeeded, because today the tournament is a world competition in bodybuilding. He is constantly discussed, watched and looked up to. It is no secret that the first six athletes who take prizes at the Olympia are the strongest people on the entire Planet. And of course, the winner is the strongest representative of our Earth.

Despite the fact that the prize fund of the competition is not the highest among similar competitions. For example, if you compare it with Arnold Classic, then there is much more money there. At Olympia, the main thing is the title, because once taking one of the 13 places, an athlete goes down in the history of bodybuilding.

Participating and winning a tournament opens up new opportunities, so the reason to make money here is not in the first place. The winners are awarded advertising contracts, offered to appear in films, etc. Title holders become world famous and we guys also know their names.

Results in Fitness Bikini category

Janet Layug won her category.

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Top 5 Fitness Bikini and prize money.

  1. Janet Layug ($50,000).
  2. Jennifer Dorie ($20,000).
  3. Etila Santiago Santos ($12,000).
  4. Angelica Teixeira ($7000).
  5. Lauralie Chapados ($6000).
  6. Elisa Pecini.
  7. Ashley Kaltwasser.
  8. Ashlyn Brown.
  9. Jasmine Gonzalez.
  10. Breena Martinez.
  11. Jennifer Ronzitti.
  12. Monica Ellis.
  13. Nittaya Kongthun.
  14. Daraja Hill.
  15. Sara Choi.

Mandatory poses.

During bodybuilding competitions, competitors very often deviate from the requirements and standards of the IFBB for Men's Physique. Poses presented by participants in competitions are not subject to evaluation. Judges give assessments only according to international standards, that is, according to the IFBB rules for competitions.


Face. Turn to the judges: You must stand straight, with the direction of your head and gaze coinciding with the direction of your body. One hand is on the hip, and the leg on the opposite side of the body is slightly back. The second arm hangs freely along the body. For a more natural pose, you can bend it slightly at the elbow, with your fingers straight. You need to keep your knees straight, tighten your abdominal muscles, but do not allow excessive tension. The head is raised. This pose is required for the competition; performing it incorrectly will result in lower marks.

Turn left: The first turn that participants imagine is to the left. When demonstrating this pose, you must face the judges with your left side. The torso and head are slightly turned towards the referee team. The left hand is on the hip, and the right hand, bent at the elbow, is in front of the upper body, in the center. Keep your fingers straight. The left leg must be bent at the knee, resting it on the floor. The second leg should be slightly bent at the knee, placed on the toe, but set back.

Back. U-turn to the judges:

You need to stand straight. The gaze and head are directed along the same axis of body direction. The position of one hand is on the hip, and the second is along the line of the body, slightly turned out and bent. Keep your fingers straight. The leg is set back, resting on the toe. The second is bent, but stands straight. On the back, the latissimus muscles should be toned. The head is raised.

Right turn:

When demonstrating this pose, it is necessary to stand with the right side of the body at the place where the judges sit. The head and upper body should be turned slightly towards the judges. The right hand is now placed on the thigh, and the left hand, bent at the elbow, is located in front of the body, in the center. Keep your fingers straight. The right leg must be bent, resting it on the floor. The left leg is also bent, but placed on the toe, set back.


  1. When performing the required poses, one hand should always be placed on the hip line.
  2. Excessive muscle tension is contraindicated, since this demonstration is close to bodybuilding.
  3. The frontal pose, as well as the back one, is demonstrated so that one leg, on which the body weight is transferred, forms a straight line with the body, descending at right angles to the stage. The other one has been abandoned.
  4. Sideways poses also require proper leg placement. The leg closest to the judges is not moved back. The main thing is not to confuse.

Notes that may lead to a low rating:

  • The hands are not in their proper places, but spontaneously perform movements not prescribed in the IFBB requirements.
  • The demonstrated muscles are too tense by the competitor.
  • The participant's posture changes too quickly. The judges do not have time to assign points.
  • Presence of deformities on the body.
  • Enlargement of the male mammary glands (gynecomastia).
  • Disqualification is inevitable if the Chief Judge has many comments and corrections to the competitor.

During the competition, participants must go on stage in shorts: the size of the shorts is just above the knees and below the navel; spandex and any logo is unacceptable. Athletes find themselves on stage barefoot and without a T-shirt. There you need to behave as decently as possible. Judges prefer balanced individuals and value the ability to convey their personal characteristics to the competition spectators.

Olympia 212 results

Sean Clarida won.

212 lb weight class results.

  1. Shaun Clarida ($50,000).
  2. Kamal Elgargni ($20,000).
  3. George Peterson ($10,000).
  4. Derek Lunsford ($6000).
  5. Ahmad Ashkanani ($4000).
  6. Oleh Kryvyi.
  7. Angel Calderon Frias.
  8. Derik Oslan.
  9. Bo Lewis.
  10. Guy Cisternino.
  11. Jason Lowe.
  12. David Henry.
  13. John Jewett.
  14. Hidetada Yamagishi.
  15. Errol Moore.
  16. Junho Kim.
  17. Seonghwan Kim.

Muscle mass

In big bodybuilding, the more mass, the better - provided the quality of the muscles is good, of course. Thus, the competitive weight of Mr. Olympia Phil Heath is 111 kg with a height of 175 cm. If he competed in Men`s Physique, the maximum allowable weight for his height would be only 78 kg (175-100+3). The competitive weight of the most titled Russian beach bodybuilder Denis Gusev is 93 kg with a height of 186 cm.

Small muscle volumes are much easier to maintain, so the off-season weight of Men's Physique athletes is only 2-3 kg different from the competition weight. Thus, Denis Gusev weighs about 95 kg in the off-season. Due to this, beachgoers can perform throughout the year.

Heavyweight bodybuilders cannot stay in peak shape for long, and in the off-season they gain much more, often 10 or more kilograms. Phil Heath weighs up to 125 kg in the off-season, that is, 14 kg more than on stage.

Miss Olympia 2020 results

Ms. Olympia is Andrea Shaw.

Results of the competition in the Miss Olympia category.

  1. Andrea Shaw ($50,000).
  2. Margie Martin ($20,000).
  3. Helle Trevino ($12,000).
  4. Mayla Ash ($7000).
  5. Irene Anderson ($6000).
  6. Monique Jones.
  7. Asha Hadley.
  8. Nicky Chartrand.
  9. Reshanna Boswell.
  10. Margita Zamolova.
  11. Kim Buck.
  12. Ladawn Mcday.
  13. Yaxeni Oriquen.
  14. Theresa Ivancik.
  15. Janeen Lankowski.


Beach bodybuilders perform in wide knee-length shorts. They completely cover the hips, so they don't have to pay much attention to pumping up the legs. But in Men`s Physique they evaluate things that are not looked at in big bodybuilding - skin condition, hairstyle, general attractiveness and presentable appearance.

The posing process is also different. If in bodybuilding there is a clear set of poses, each of which demonstrates certain muscle groups, then in Men`s Physique the proportionality and symmetry of the entire body is assessed, so the poses are of a general nature: facing the judges, left side to the judges, right side to the judges and back .

Another difference in the performance process is the free program, thanks to which a bodybuilder can be remembered and show his artistry, flexibility, charisma and other personal qualities. There is no free program in Men`s Physique and any frivolity is prohibited.

Fitness results

Missy Truscott won. Oksana Grishina took second place.

List of results in the Fitness category.

  1. Missy Truscott ($50,000).
  2. Oksana Grishina ($20,000).
  3. Whitney Jones ($12,000).
  4. Ariel Khadr ($7000).
  5. Jaclyn Baker ($6000).
  6. Tiffany Chandler.
  7. Aurika Tyrgale.
  8. Minna Pajulahti.
  9. Darrian Borello.
  10. Derina Wilson.
  11. Sally Kendall-williams.
  12. Terra Plum.

How Frank Zane dried out

Cutting was never a problem for Frank because he never got fat in the off-season like other athletes. Traditionally, he “rested” in the winter, and in the spring and summer he gained strength for the autumn competitions.

Moreover, as the muscles filled, calorie consumption increased and fat burned throughout the body. Frank didn't even have to do cardio like other bodybuilders. He noticed that cardio burned his muscles too much, so he put more emphasis on strength training and diet. The athlete did cardio only just before the competition in order to get into ultra-lean shape. For example, in 1976, in preparation for a competition, he added two-mile runs four times a week, which allowed him to get bone-dry. In general, Frank still believes that it is better for jocks to walk quickly than to run because it reduces the stress on their ankles and ligaments.

When it comes to training, Frank Zane believes in the traditional routine. Large weight and small volume - for muscle growth and strength. Moderate weight and high volume of load - to increase relief and work out muscles. The most important thing is to take your time. Most modern athletes want to get in shape too quickly. This is their mistake. There is no need to prepare a month or two in advance. Give yourself at least 3-4 months to gain competitive dryness - that's Frank's advice.

Frank Zane is known for his proportions (symmetry) and slender waist, not typical of other bodybuilders. What's the secret? There are no secrets. It’s just that Frank, when preparing for competitions, performed up to 1000 repetitions of abdominal exercises in one workout. This usually took up to 30 minutes of live time. Frank used supersets to train his abdominal muscles. For example, he did crunches for 50 repetitions, and then, without rest, leg raises. Afterwards he did hanging knee raises along with seated diagonal crunches. In general, no miracles. Just a lot of work.


If you want to look like Frank Zane, then first of all, don't lose yourself in the off-season. Keep your carbohydrate intake to a minimum (less than protein). Don't get carried away with cardio exercises so as not to burn muscles. Use push-pull splits in your workouts. Frank also does not approve of newfangled things like CrossFit, because they create too dangerous a load on the cardiovascular and ligamentous systems. Your body should have a hard time working out, but it shouldn't die doing it. Be smart!

Results in the category Women Physicist

The category was won by Sarah Villegas.

All results in the category Women Physicist.

  1. Sarah Villegas ($40,000).
  2. Shanique Grant ($18,000).
  3. Natalia Abraham Coelho ($12,000).
  4. Barbara Menage ($6000).
  5. Ivie Rhein ($4000).
  6. Daniely Castilho.
  7. Rachel Daniels.
  8. Anne-lorraine Mohn.
  9. Valentina Mishina.
  10. Brittany Watts.
  11. Ruiying Bian.
  12. Laura Richards.
  13. Laura Pintado Chinchilla.
  14. Trish Wood.
  15. Tanya Chartrand.
  16. Jeannie Feldman.
  17. Victoria Myslik.


If in big bodybuilding pharmacology is an indispensable component of success, and without its use in competitions there is nothing to do, then the muscles necessary for Men`s Physique can be developed without the use of pharmacology.
Another factor preventing the active use of pharmacology in Men's Physique is a large number of side effects, many of which, for example, hair loss or skin problems, can cause defeat in competitions. Denis Gusev, winner of Arnold Classic Europe and Neva Pro Show in the Men's Physique category:

— At the beginning of my career, I competed in classical bodybuilding - this is a discipline in which there are restrictions on the height-weight ratio. But if classical bodybuilding is quite popular in Russia, in the West it has long died due to the lack of a professional league. Therefore, the emergence of the Men`s Physique category came in handy. Its advantages over big bodybuilding are smaller volumes, greater aesthetics and, of course, the fact that you can prepare for competitions much faster. But this doesn’t mean that Men’s Physicist is easy; you have to put in no less effort in training than heavyweight bodybuilders

Any professional sport is working to the limit, and it doesn’t matter what discipline you compete in

As you can see, there aren't that many differences. In any case, everyone in the gym has to work the same way. Well, it’s up to you to decide who to look up to, huge bodybuilders or slender beachgoers.


External links [edit]

vteMr. Olympia competition
  • 1965
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