4 signs that an athlete is taking steroids: 100% ways to distinguish a “chemist” from a natural

Author Natalia in . Published Blog

Achieving the desired results in sports is not as easy as it seems. Due to the physiological characteristics of the body, an incorrectly designed training program and poor nutrition, active people lose hope of becoming happy owners of a beautiful body. Many people are now pursuing the goal of pumping up and getting rid of excess fat deposits. Nowadays, it is not “dry” bodies that are in fashion, but appetizing and attractive forms. Becoming ripped and muscular without outside help is quite problematic. Supplements for muscle growth can speed up the transformation process. Sports nutrition products are absolutely safe for health. Each position has its own specific impact, so you should approach your purchase responsibly so as not to have the opposite effect. What muscle growth supplements are there on the market today? Read on.

Creatine is a source of energy and a reliable assistant in pumping

What supplements should you take for muscle growth if you feel exhausted after a workout? We recommend including creatine, which is so necessary for the modulation and production of cellular energy. The results of using this sports nutrition product are as follows:

  1. Activation of glycogen synthesis.
  2. No feeling of fatigue after training.
  3. Rapid muscle development.
  4. Increased muscle cell volume.

Creatine is very popular among bodybuilders and gym enthusiasts. The supplement activates the forces to the fullest, as a result of which the muscles begin to work several times more intensely than before.

Amino acid "Beta-Alanine"

When discussing the topic “Best Supplements for Muscle Growth,” we can’t help but mention cortisol levels. The higher it is, the worse the result. Only effective muscle growth supplements such as products called Beta-Alanine can stabilize cortisol levels. They are sources of nonessential amino acids supplied during the consumption of high-protein foods. After taking sports nutrition, the active production of lactic acid will stop, which causes the following consequences:

  • slowing down the transmission of nerve impulses;
  • severe fatigue;
  • decreased muscle performance.

By combining supplements for rapid muscle growth “Beta-Alanine” and “Cretin”, with active training, you can achieve a gorgeous body in just 3 months (of course, if you are not initially obese).

At what age can you take steroids and how to do it correctly

If you don’t know how to take steroids as a beginner and whether you have reached your genetic limit, which you can no longer step over, then you can check this by applying the following formula: subtract 100 from your height, add another 10% of your height to the resulting number . The specified verification method is conditional. When calculating, indicators such as genetic predisposition and the amount of subcutaneous fat are not taken into account.

If you are going to use steroids for the first time, then it is better to opt for one drug; a combination of several types is not the most ideal option for a beginner. Seek the advice of a qualified sports physician before use.

Active use of sports pharmacology is not recommended until the age of 21. This is due to the fact that before this age the endocrine system is not sufficiently developed. If you have already crossed this age threshold, then before starting treatment, be sure to take the required tests and visit a therapist and endocrinologist. It would be a good idea to check your hormonal levels.

Whey Protein – Source of Protein and Minerals

In pictures of athletes in the gym, you can often see a shaker with a “miracle filler”. Many people think that there is “chemistry” there, thanks to which they have become so powerful in appearance. In fact, shakers often contain whey protein. Sports supplements for muscle growth or protein sources have nothing to do with chemical composition. Such mixtures compensate for nutritional gaps, produce a restorative effect on the body, are easily digestible and suppress appetite.

Whey protein blends are the most effective supplements for muscle growth. Is this really true? Most athletes will answer the question positively, while others will add a few more sports nutrition items. What are the benefits of these supplements? They provide protein synthesis due to a huge amount of amino acids. If there is a lack of the latter, the muscles will not increase in volume in any way.

When talking about which supplements are best for muscle growth if you have a slow metabolism, it is again worth mentioning whey protein. It improves metabolism, as a result of which calories begin to be burned and the feeling of hunger disappears. Proteins are supplements for muscle growth that improve metabolism and serve as a source of energy, which is so important for athletes.

How to build muscle without chemicals? 11 simple rules

Many novice athletes ask a simple question: is it possible and how to build muscle without chemicals? Vitaly Argat, a personal trainer at our fitness club, has compiled a list of 11 rules by following which you can build up your muscles without using third-party drugs.

For a natural, the only way to gain decent muscle mass is to continually increase strength.

This means that the result of your training should be stable progress in increasing working weights. If you lift the same weights for three months in a row, then there is no progress. The truth is simple: working weights increase - muscle mass increases. No other way.

Avoid the training programs of “chemists”.

Paradoxical as it may seem, since a “chemist” and a “natural” gain muscle mass, these are completely different things. If a chemist can perform 6-12 exercises per workout, a natural person cannot. More precisely, for a straight person, this will not give anything, only overtraining.

Watch your diet.

This is the most difficult and most important point. You can work as hard as you want in the gym, but if you don't provide your body with the right amount of nutrients, then your workouts are in vain. Always remember that training only starts the process of muscle growth, and muscles grow solely due to nutrition.

Put all your strength into basic exercises.

Since a natural person has a much lower overall reserve of strength than a chemist, he needs to spend his strength and energy correctly. There is no point in doing 2-3 biceps or triceps exercises for a straight person. This will give him absolutely nothing. The natural way is basic exercises with heavy weights. By basic exercises we mean not only the bench press, squats and deadlifts. Basic exercises in bodybuilding also include wide-grip pull-ups, weighted dips, standing barbell press (military press), barbell rows, barbell chin rows, standing barbell (or dumbbell) bicep curls. There is always one basic and most effective exercise for any muscle group. How to define it? It's simply the exercise in which you use the most weight. For example, with a “standing barbell curl,” you will lift more weight than, for example, with a “Scott bench curl.” It follows that “standing biceps curls” are more effective for gaining muscle mass.

Provide yourself with good sleep.

We recommend experimenting here. Try to go to bed early for at least one month so that when you get up in the morning you feel well-rested. Don't worry about having trouble falling asleep at first or waking up in the middle of the night. Over time, the body will get used to this regime and will sleep fully for its 8-9 hours. So the result of this experiment will be one hundred percent increase in results in training. Previous weights that seemed heavy to you will become light, and you will be able to gain weight. Of course, all this has already been scientifically proven, but in order not to get lost in the jungle of theory, just try it. During training the feeling is completely different.

Forget about nutritional supplements.

The only nutritional supplements that are recommended for naturals are protein and vitamin-mineral complexes. All. He doesn't need anything else at all. Nutritional supplements do not help you gain muscle mass in any way. This is just a boost and not too significant. No supplements can replace full-fledged meat, fish, porridge, potatoes, rice and other products. Unfortunately, very often you see people in sports nutrition stores choosing some kind of creatine, arginine, BCAA. They read the labels carefully, and sellers are only too happy to sell them some kind of canoe (and not a cheap one), citing the fact that “yes, this will help you.” You don’t need any of this; it’s better to go to the store and buy oatmeal, pasta, potatoes, meat, chicken eggs, cottage cheese, and milk. And rest assured, purchasing good products at the store will cost you much less than buying sports nutrition. Even the protein mentioned above makes sense only with a complete diet (protein is only a supplement).

Reduce and eliminate other loads.

What's the point of gaining muscle mass if you go jogging or some other sport the next day after training? Yes, this is, of course, a huge plus that you run - running is a great exercise. But when it comes to gaining muscle mass, you should completely forget about other exercises except in the gym. The maximum is 1 aerobic light workout. It's better to leave running for later, when you're not gaining muscle mass. Provide your body with maximum rest, with the exception of training. When you are working hard, running will not allow you to recover properly after training. Although remember that running is beneficial for a bodybuilder. The heart and respiratory system also need to be trained.

Set yourself a goal and go towards it.

When you have a goal, it is easier for you to move. With a purpose, your workouts will become more meaningful. Set yourself any goal that you like best. It can be anything. For example, bench press 120 kg for 10 repetitions or increase the volume of your biceps to 45 cm. Or perhaps compete in some competition and become a winner. There is complete scope for your creativity. The only thing that is important is that the goal must be real and specific (and not generalized). For example, “gain a little muscle mass” is not a goal, because it is impossible to clearly formulate what “gain” and “a little” mean. But, for example, achieving a biceps girth of 40 cm is already a specific and quite “tangible” goal. By the way, you can set a grandiose goal. For example, become a world champion in bodybuilding. But at the same time, having a “big goal”, you must definitely create “small goals” for yourself, which are described above. By the way, it is worth noting that the legendary Arnold Schwarzenegger was once asked: “Did you have any goal in your training?”, to which he replied, “Of course! I wanted to become the greatest bodybuilder in the world." Well, it’s no secret where this goal led him.

Treat bodybuilding not as a hobby, but as a sport.

In sports you constantly need to achieve something, while a hobby is just a pastime. We often see guys who do not progress from year to year and motivate this by the fact that “I supposedly keep in shape” or “I don’t strive for great results, I work out for myself.” So, I’m always very surprised by those guys who study “for themselves” and achieve nothing at all. After all, absolutely everyone does “for themselves,” and even the aforementioned Arnold studied exclusively “for himself.” So, achieving some results is the most important thing when working “for yourself”. Because is it bad to invest energy, time and money not in someone, but in yourself? Remember that by achieving your goals (even in bodybuilding), you experience real personal growth. And not only in sports, but also mentally. When you win in sports, you don’t “win in sports,” you just “win.” And in your personality an image of yourself is formed as a “winner” and not a “loser”. Therefore, do not be surprised when good athletes achieve success not only in sports, but also in careers, business and other areas.

The main thing is to remember that the opportunity to develop is given to absolutely all people - do not miss it.

Set yourself up before each exercise and approach to the machine.

An extremely important point in training, namely natural. The mood for a natural person is the only alternative to “chemistry”. Every approach should be a winner. Older comrades in the gym sometimes say the following phrase: “You did 8 repetitions, but if you were angry, you would do all 10 repetitions.” So this “getting angry” is called a mood. Getting ready for a heavy approach is quite easy. In principle, any person knows perfectly well what “turns him on” best. Here are some options for setting your approach. Before your approach, walk around the gym or just stand and repeat to yourself phrases like “I can do it,” “8 reps, no matter what,” “Now I’m just going to tear this bar apart,” “Today I’m especially strong,” “I’m the best.” strong,” “This barbell doesn’t weigh anything, it’s very light,” and so on. There is also complete space for you here. For some, imagining the image of a loved one in their head helps, while for others, on the contrary, the image of an enemy helps. Someone remembers their family, children, republic, nation. Someone remembers some bright events in their life. Some people find it very helpful to realize that other people are looking at them as they approach. In general, there are many options, but each one is purely individual. Use this very useful technique in your training.

Regular training and discipline.

Training “anyhow” will give you absolutely nothing. Yes, it is possible that you will achieve some result, but it will be extremely low. Like any business, bodybuilding requires discipline. Moreover, if you are seriously involved in bodybuilding, then without discipline you will get nowhere. There is no need to create illusions that missed workouts are normal. If you want to achieve results, then you need to train regularly. You can't skip workouts. Of course, if you miss a workout due to illness or some other personal circumstances, then there is nothing you can do about it. But if you skip a workout because you don't feel like working out. Then it’s better to either quit training altogether, or force yourself to go to training through volitional efforts. There is no other way.

At the end of the article, I want to say that in order to build up more muscle mass you will have to work very hard. Workouts should be short but hard. Try to regularly increase your working weights, but do not forget about the correct exercise technique. Train your entire body, not just your chest and biceps. Also remember that muscle mass either grows throughout the body or does not grow at all. Therefore, do not expect that your biceps will grow if you only train them. Practice and you will succeed

Down with muscle tears or the benefits of glutamine

Working too hard sometimes also does not bring positive results. After overcoming your own strength barriers, you should consume glutamine. This supplement works as follows:

  • softens muscle tissue tears;
  • activates the fat burning process;
  • increases growth hormone levels;
  • enriches muscles with nitrogen.

This effect on the body will accelerate the growth of muscle mass, preventing the production of harmful lactic acid.


I will now talk not about digestive enzymes, but about ENZYMS, which accelerate chemical reactions in the body.

I’ll go over those that will help us to one degree or another in bodybuilding.


Improves the functions of the gastrointestinal tract, has a moderate anabolic effect, restores damaged cells of the pancreas and liver.

Reception scheme:

  • 2 tablets 2-3 times a day;
  • Course 2-3 weeks;

Carsil (silymarin)

It has hepatoprotective properties and leads to the restoration of damaged liver cells, as well as protecting it from the harmful effects of other drugs. I always buy this particular drug.

Excellent composition, up to 300 mg of milk thistle (main active ingredient)! You can buy it at a huge discount at a low price using this link. I always take it there. I haven't seen anything cheaper yet.

Reception scheme:

  • 1 capsule 3 times a day;
  • Course 4-12 weeks;

Cytochrome C

Or cytomac. An enzyme preparation that participates in the processes of tissue respiration and improves the course of oxidative processes. Serves in sports, as a rule, to improve endurance.

Reception scheme:

  • 2 tablets 4 times a day;
  • Course 50 days;

Nitric oxide

I will not dwell on it in detail, since I already wrote a separate article about nitric oxide.

Let me just say that nitrogen is transferred by donors (for example, arginine) to enzymes (enzymes), so that the enzymes produce NITROGEN OXIDE. Read the separate article. You will learn a lot of interesting things.

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