The safest anabolic steroids with minimal side effects: list of drugs

Bodybuilders all over the world practice the use of approved drugs from the pharmacy during their sports activities. In addition to vitamins and medications that are aimed at protecting and restoring the body’s performance, athletes are interested in legal drugs that have an anabolic effect.

The list of such drugs includes very different drugs that are available to both athletes and ordinary citizens. The difference between pharmaceutical steroids and their chemical prototypes is that they are practically harmless to the human body. At the same time, their acceptable effectiveness is noted, which makes it possible to increase up to 15 kg of muscle tissue in 3-4 months.

Many athletes regularly use legal pharmaceutical steroids during the competitive season, since they are not prohibited and are not detected during doping control.


This drug blocks extragen receptors and stimulates the production of gonadolebyrin, which results in increased testosterone production. As a result, a person who regularly takes tamoxifen, according to the instructions, experiences significant growth in muscle tissue, which contributes to a certain definition of the body.

Tamoxifen is taken 20 mg, 1-2 times a day for 2 weeks. The drug acts, although slowly, but steadily.

When taking this drug, you should expect side effects such as nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite, and possible development of venous thrombosis.


The basis of this drug are natural hormone-like substances that are secreted by some arthropods. In addition, a similar substance is released from plants such as Leuzea safflower. Entering the human body, this substance causes protein synthesis, which leads to an increase in muscle volume. In addition, this product has an antioxidant and anti-catabolic effect, and also triggers fat burning mechanisms, while simultaneously reducing cholesterol levels in the blood.

Side effects are possible only in cases of overdose, which causes allergic reactions in the form of skin rashes, disturbances in the digestive tract, and headaches.


This is a combination drug based on herbal components that has a positive effect on the human body. It is used by bodybuilders to increase muscle volume, which is associated with the activation of metabolic and neuroregulatory processes, as well as stimulation of repair processes and improvement of myocardial function.

The drug is taken 2-4 times a day, 1-2 tablets after meals. The course of treatment can be about 5 weeks, with a minimum period of treatment of up to 7 days. There must be a break of at least 3 weeks between each course of treatment.

While taking the drug, a negative effect is possible, which manifests itself in the form of skin itching, insomnia and irritability. If such negative effects occur, the dose of the drug should be reduced or discontinued completely.


This is also a combination drug based on herbal components, which has a pronounced anabolic effect. At the same time, there is a drug obtained on the basis of artificial components.

The basis of the drug are vital amino acids, which help increase the volume of muscle tissue as a result of stimulating protein synthesis and controlling this process.

The drug is administered into the human body intramuscularly or intravenously, although the latter option is more preferable. The dose of this drug is limited to 400 ml, divided over 2-3 days. It is possible to take the drug in courses of 5 weeks, with breaks of 3 weeks or no less.

About the leaders

The leaders on the list of safe steroids have the most gentle effect on the body, but at the same time cope well with the assigned tasks. Oxandrolone, Stanazolol and Oral-Turinabol are the most popular among athletes. Despite this, it should be borne in mind that when taking even the most harmless anabolic steroids, it is necessary to follow the rules of administration and the duration of the course. After all, a remedy that is harmless, on the one hand, can turn into a slow destroyer of health.

Potassium orotate

The drug has a metabolic effect, with the regulation of endogenous processes in the athlete’s body. The product is not highly effective, but is used very actively in bodybuilding. This is due to its stable effect, which helps to increase muscle volume and increase endurance.

In general, it has a very positive effect on humans, improving protein metabolism processes, restoring liver function and stopping some changes in the myocardium.

Potassium orotate intake is limited to a dose of 3 grams per day. The substance is taken 3-4 times a day 1 hour before meals. In order for the effect of taking this drug to appear, it should be taken for up to 40 days. In case of severe overdose, side effects may occur in the form of dermatoses and disruptions in the digestive tract.

Non-androgenic fat burning agents[edit | edit code]

Men and women differ in the so-called “problem zones” - places where subcutaneous fat is especially difficult to burn. If for men it is the abdominal area, then for women it is the buttocks and thighs. Therefore, clenbuterol and ephedrine, which primarily burn fat in the abdominal area, may be completely useless for women.

A shift in favor of testosterone will make getting rid of fat in problem areas more effective. Secondly, local injections of a drug such as lipostabil. True, this drug has yet to prove its effectiveness.

Mention should be made of drugs that reduce insulin resistance - metformin and moxonidine (Physiotens). For most women, metformin causes nausea, at least in the first 4-5 days of taking it. In men, this phenomenon is observed extremely rarely. Finally, topiramate is very promising in this regard, but experiments with it are still very far from being completed.

Other hormonal drugs[edit | edit code]

Increasingly, growth hormone, insulin, insulin-like growth factor - IGF-1 and other peptides are beginning to be used in female bodybuilding. Naturally, we must remember that these drugs also have side effects, and very serious ones. The fact that they do not cause virilization phenomena does not mean that they can be used, turning a blind eye to other side effects.

Interestingly, the effective dosage of growth hormone for women is approximately one and a half times higher than the dosage for men. In relation to IGF-1, however, nothing similar was observed.

Thyroid hormones (T3, thyroxine) have a powerful fat-burning effect.

Liv 52

A combined drug based on herbal components, which has a hepatoprotective effect and an anabolic effect. Bodybuilders use this drug because of its versatility. The drug Liv 52 helps restore liver function by cleansing it of harmful components that may remain in the liver after taking anabolic drugs of “chemical” origin. In addition, protein metabolism processes are normalized, which helps to increase muscle mass.

The drug is taken half an hour before meals, 2-3 tablets 3 times a day. The course can last from 20 to 40 days, after which you can take a break of up to one month and repeat taking the drug.

There may be side effects of the drug, which include: loss of appetite, gastrointestinal disturbances, vomiting, nausea, etc.

Steroids in tablets

Most athletes' introduction to testosterone analogues begins with tablets. They have a powerful and rapid effect on the body, dramatically increasing the rate of cellular metabolism.

In most cases, in the first year, pills containing artificial testosterone allow you to gain up to 8-10 kg of weight in just 4 weeks.

The main disadvantage of oral use of anabolic steroids is that the most popular drugs (methandrostenolone, stanozolol) have a 17-alpha alkyl group in their formula, which allows them to retain most of the active substance during the initial passage through the liver. With long-term use, steroids for muscle growth in tablets contribute to damage to this organ.


The drug is one of the safest and harmless anabolic steroids for muscle growth. Firstly, it does not contain a 17-alpha alkyl group in its chemical formula, so it does not cause liver damage even with long-term use. Secondly, the drug suppresses the production of its own androgen to a much lesser extent than other oral anabolics.

Side effects characteristic of steroids when taking Andriol occur much less frequently or their manifestation is less pronounced.

The following adverse reactions are possible:

  • acne;
  • hair loss on the head;
  • increased erection and libido;
  • gynecomastia;
  • processes of masculinization in women.

The drug should not be taken by people with prostate or breast cancer.

You won’t be able to gain 8 kg in a month with Andriol. The maximum increase can be 2-3 kg. But this will be muscle mass without fat and water, which will remain even after stopping the drug.


Initially, the medicine was created to speed up recovery processes after operations, fractures, burns, and treat anemia. However, like most other steroids, it later began to be used to stimulate athletic performance.

Medicines based on the active substance stanozolol can increase muscle endurance and strength, and activate hypertrophy of muscle fibers. Compared to methandrostenolone, this anabolic practically does not aromatize (does not convert into female sex hormones estrogens), which avoids side effects such as swelling, water retention, and gynecomastia.

Stanozolol tablets have high bioavailability. With long-term use, the drug can lead to liver dysfunction.

The product has the following effects on the body:

  • increases appetite;
  • increases the rate of metabolism and fat burning;
  • removes excess water from the body;
  • enhances the effect of other anabolic steroids;
  • allows you to increase the duration and intensity of your workouts.

The most significant side effects while taking stanozolol are:

  • baldness;
  • acne;
  • hypercalcemia;
  • obstructive jaundice;
  • in women - enlargement of the clitoris, deepening of the voice and increased hair growth throughout the body.

The anabolic agent should not be used for liver pathologies and oncological diseases of the mammary glands and prostate glands.


A synthetic analogue of the male sex hormone can only be purchased with a doctor's prescription. You should not take the product without the advice of a specialist.

Methandrostenolone preparations allow almost every person to gain up to 6-8 kg of weight per month. However, after completing the course, at least half of the weight gained will be gone. Another disadvantage of the drug is its ability to quickly saturate steroid receptors, as a result of which the effect of the anabolic on the body begins to significantly decrease after 5-6 weeks.

The following side effects are possible when taking the drug:

  • acne;
  • changes in blood pressure;
  • gynecomastia;
  • increased libido and stronger erection;
  • fluid retention and swelling;
  • hair loss on the back of the head with simultaneous hair growth on the arms, back, chest and abdomen.
  • obstructive jaundice and liver cirrhosis;
  • enlargement of the clitoris and deepening of the voice in women.

The medicine is contraindicated for cancer of the prostate and mammary glands.

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