Whey protein for weight loss: reviews from girls, review of the best, rules of admission

  • September 23, 2018
  • Sports nutrition
  • Natalya Tikhomirova

Protein is one of the most common sports supplements used for both weight loss and weight gain. This is a concentrated protein that is enriched with vitamins and amino acids. Many consider the supplement to be a “chemical” that only bodybuilders take. But if you take protein correctly, it can significantly improve your body definition and help balance your diet. You can read more about girls’ reviews of whey protein for weight loss and the rules for taking it in this article.

Whey Protein

Protein is nothing but protein that is obtained from whey of milk. Water and most of the fats and carbohydrates are removed from the substance, resulting in a product ideal for athletes. Human muscles are 20% made up of protein compounds, which is why protein is so important for people involved in sports. In what cases is protein supplementation indicated?

  • If you do not get the amount of protein required for full exercise.
  • If you are too underweight.
  • If you want to lose weight. Replacing unhealthy meals with protein will allow you to reduce your caloric intake.

Proteins are divided into slow and fast. Quick ones are made from milk, eggs or whey. They are quickly absorbed and instantly bring nutrients into the blood, so this protein is consumed before and after workouts. Slow proteins (casein or soy) are absorbed much more slowly, so they can replace full meals. They are usually drunk to balance BZHU and obtain the necessary proteins.

Does protein cause weight gain?

The most important question that interests girls. Macronutrients (protein, carbohydrates and fat) should be consumed in moderation. A large spike in any of these three areas can cause weight gain, and vice versa. Reduce your fat intake and you are more likely to lose weight. For example, if your goal is to consume 140 grams of protein per day and you consume 240 grams of protein, you may gain weight. Although you have consumed protein, it is unclear whether it is the culprit.

Some types of whey protein are intended to be used as meal replacements because they have a high amount of protein and are low in calories compared to other meal options. There are also varieties designed for weight gain with more protein and carbohydrates.

If you're concerned about weight gain or want to make sure you're on the right track to losing weight, counting your macronutrients is a great solution. Apps/websites like MyFitnessPal provide an easy to use platform to track this. You can search for the foods you eat and enter them into the app each day, then it will break down your entire diet for you by macronutrients and calories.

Calories received, calories given. Remember this. If you eat more calories than you burn, then you will inevitably gain weight. Otherwise, if you eat fewer calories than you burn, you will lose weight.

Most whey protein shakes contain about 100-200 calories per serving, which is not much compared to the recommended daily calorie intake of 2000-2500. Also watch your carbs and sugar.

For most people, it's very easy to fit that little "calorie chunk" into your meal plan. On the other hand, working out maximizes the results of whey protein by helping in building muscle mass. The amount of time and effort you put into sports is entirely up to you, but remember, there is a direct correlation: the more you do, the more you get. Determine your personal goals and research protein supplements that interest you. Look them up online. Read the nutrition facts.


There are several types of protein, which differ in the method of purification and the percentage of active components. Each type serves a different purpose: some for weight loss, others for weight gain.

  1. Protein isolate is 80-90% pure protein. Thanks to expensive raw materials, the cost of isolate is never low. Most often it is drunk by bodybuilders who want to build muscle mass without excess fat.
  2. Whey protein - also known as Whey protein. The most common type of supplement is made from whey. There are whey isolate, hydrolysate and concentrate. The most effective for weight loss is hydrolyzate, which practically does not contain fat. This type of protein is partially broken down, which makes it suitable for allergy sufferers and people suffering from milk protein intolerance. Reviews from girls about whey protein for weight loss prove that it helps you lose weight quite quickly.
  3. Complex protein contains several types of protein, which are absorbed at different rates. Thanks to this, you can achieve results much faster, and the vitamins included in the complex help you feel more energetic.

Why this particular type of protein?

The isolate earned its fame due to its relatively low price and rapid breakdown. The powder is valuable primarily due to the absence of foreign components and, as a result, low calorie content. This is a concentrated protein that cannot be obtained from regular food in the same amount. In addition, it already calculates the necessary indicators of dietary fat and calories, which is convenient for creating a diet. In addition, the girls note that cocktails help cope with hunger and cravings for sweets. The drug is very common, and you can easily find it in any sports nutrition store.

For the same purposes, you can use other types of proteins, as well as their mixtures. However, the great popularity of whey isolate clearly demonstrates its effectiveness. You can rest assured that this supplement will help you achieve the results you want. But for this to happen, you need to make a proper reception plan.

How to take protein

Why do athletes drink protein? Quite often it is used for two opposing purposes: weight gain and weight loss. How can you achieve different goals using the same product? They use different types of protein and in different quantities. After all, muscles need protein in both cases. How to take whey protein?

  • Take protein one or more times a day, especially if you exercise regularly. In some cases, two or three times a week is enough, for example, if you just want to keep in shape.
  • Protein is a stand-alone supplement that should be taken instead of meals, and not after them. This way protein is absorbed better and faster in the body.
  • If you exercise, drink protein after your workout.

What are the differences between taking a supplement for weight loss and weight gain? If you want to lose weight, then you should take the supplement, providing the body with a calorie deficit. In this case, protein helps preserve muscle, preventing the body from burning it. Reviews of whey protein for weight loss prove that taking it helps you lose weight only if you maintain a 20% calorie deficit from the daily value. If you are trying to gain weight, then protein will help build muscle mass without excess fat.

How to use protein shakes correctly

When choosing a product, do not forget about the main purpose of such nutrition. For example, cutting athletes are recommended to choose a hydrolyzate that will help quickly and effectively burn excess fat and pump up muscles, creating a beautiful relief. And those who plan to lose weight need to take into account a lot of related factors: from additional nutrition to daily routine.

It is important! Pure protein supplements are less easily absorbed by the body, so you should choose products that contain small amounts of fat and carbohydrates, as well as a vitamin and mineral complex.***

For muscle growth.

If your main goal is muscle growth, then protein shakes become an additional source of protein. They can be consumed 1–1.5 hours before training: then the protein will help improve its performance by working the muscles. After physical activity, a protein shake helps you recover faster and prevent microtrauma. In this case, you should pay attention to the “Herbalife 24 Restoring Cocktail”. It is enriched with iron, which saturates tissues with oxygen and accelerates the process of removing lactic acid breakdown products from muscle fibers. In addition, this cocktail is a great tonic and is suitable for those who lead an active lifestyle.

For weight loss.

To get rid of excess weight, you should replace one or even two meals with a protein shake: for example, breakfast and dinner. At the same time, do not forget about other food: you can use fruits, vegetables or nuts as snacks, and for lunch there are familiar dishes: soups, baked meat with side dishes, salads. Taking protein isolate in the morning will saturate the body with energy and give it all the necessary nutrients for active work. Breakfast can be called the most important meal of the day. Having a protein shake instead of your usual dinner will not only help you cope with overeating, but will also normalize your digestive system and calm it down, preparing you for bed. And if you have problems falling asleep, then you should pay attention to “Formula 1. Evening cocktail” from Herbalife Nutrition. The mixture contains L-tryptophan, which ensures healthy and restful sleep.

To consolidate the result.

With proper weight loss, it is important not only to get rid of excess weight, but also to consolidate the results obtained. You can also use protein mixtures for this. Now, instead of two meals being replaced by cocktails, there will only be one left. Choose breakfast or dinner at your discretion, but remember that the first meal may be high in calories, but before bed it is better to choose food that is easily digestible and does not interfere with falling asleep. Therefore, a rational solution would be to take protein shakes in the evening. In addition, to consolidate the effect of losing weight, you need to adhere to a healthier diet. This means that you should not return large amounts of trans fats and free sugars to the menu: fast food, baked goods, store-bought sweets and sweetened sodas.

What and how to mix with

The liquid that is usually used to dissolve the protein may also vary. What can you mix the powder with?

  • Milk.
  • Water.
  • Juice.

Reviews from girls about whey protein for weight loss suggest that for weight loss it is better to dilute the mixture with water. One serving of this mixture contains only 100-150 calories. For those who want to gain weight, you can dilute the powder with milk. Detailed instructions for diluting whey protein are on the packaging. But usually 50 grams of powder requires 200 ml of liquid. The most convenient way to mix protein is in a special shaker, which is sold in any sports store. Shake it vigorously and the mixture will be ready. At the same time, the shelf life of such a mixture is quite long, especially if you made the protein with water. You can easily prepare the drink in the morning and drink it only after training.

Which protein is suitable for weight loss

In order to lose weight, it is recommended to include low-calorie protein shakes in your diet. Pay attention to “Formula 1” from Herbalife Nutrition: depending on the taste, the product contains up to 99 kcal in one serving of dry product, so it is excellent for weight loss*. In addition, the company offers a wide range of original flavors. Thanks to this choice, you can enjoy the impeccable taste of cocktails and use them not only as breakfast or dinner, but also as a component of other dishes. When taking a protein supplement in combination with regular exercise and a healthier diet, the average weight loss is 4-5 kilograms. An additional advantage of a protein shake for weight loss is that it will help cope with the constant feeling of hunger and, as a result, overeating. This is exactly what everyone who wants to lose weight quickly and effectively needs.


The cost of protein depends on many factors. The most expensive protein will be American-made. The Russian analogue is cheaper. Among the types of protein, hydrolyzate is considered the most expensive and most effective. 1 kg of such protein costs from 2,500 to 3,000 rubles. Regular isolate costs a little less - 2,000-2,500 thousand. The most affordable option that can be found in stores is concentrate, which can be bought for 1,000 rubles per kilogram. You can find both small and large packages on sale. Manufacturers recommend storing opened protein packaging in a dark and cool place.

What else is needed for results?

If you think that girls only need protein isolate for weight loss, or any other type of protein, then we dare to disappoint you. Protein is the basis of nutrition, without which it is impossible to achieve results. However, for quality weight loss, you will need another sports nutrition. If you remove all unnecessary things and concentrate on the essentials, then the following will be mandatory:

  • Vitamin-mineral complexes and Omega fats;
  • Complex fat burners;
  • Pre-workout complexes and “pumps”;
  • Fat burner.

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It is clear that without vitamins and minerals, the body will not function normally and many metabolic processes will simply be inhibited, as a result of which excess fat will be lost extremely slowly. They are especially relevant in a serious calorie reduction regime, when getting the full amount of vitamins and other substances is out of the question. Complex fat burners will allow you to specifically “bomb” fat deposits. With intense training, you will be able to remove everything unnecessary much faster. Pre-workouts and pumps are needed in cases where, due to a low-calorie diet, there is no strength for high-quality work in the gym, as a result of which all progress slows down due to insufficient quality training.

If you want to achieve an ideal result, as in the pictures in this article, then you need to use the heavy artillery, that is, the most powerful additives. Most often, they are mandatory for all professionals, although they are also great for those who want to achieve an ideal figure for themselves, and not for competing.

In the West today, almost no fitness model can do without hormonal support. This is what allows us to see them sexy and “tough” all year round. So you shouldn’t expect a similar result just by buying a couple of supplements. Don’t create illusions, but choose an integrated approach!

So, what hormonal supplements can women use in this case?

SARMs are a category of fairly powerful drugs that are not steroids or prohormones and do not have the usual side effects. They act on androgen receptors, as a result of which they help maintain muscle rigidity and muscle volume. They also allow you to reduce the production of cortisol and further stimulate fat burning processes (they go well with fat burners).

Growth hormone boosters . It was Growth Hormone and its effects that created a certain revolution in the sports field. At the same time, it is necessary for both men and women. Such supplements include components that stimulate the production of Growth Hormone in the body, as a result of which you can receive all its “bonuses”.

If you want maximum effectiveness, then you need to take Growth Hormone itself. Unlike boosters, which stimulate the production of GH in the body, its direct intake from the outside allows you to achieve even better results. Among the main properties of Growth Hormone are:

  • Accelerate fat burning;
  • Maintain muscle volume even with the most grueling diet;
  • Improve recovery (especially important during weight loss, as you can train more and more often);
  • Preserve beauty.

It is precisely because of the last point that GR is so popular among Hollywood stars, whose faces at 60-70 years old can be almost without wrinkles and signs of old age. Growth hormone literally rejuvenates cells, which for some is even more important than losing weight.

If you want to learn in more detail about how to lose weight for women and maintain a tight shape constantly, then read this article: How to properly burn fat for women with the help of fat burners - a detailed guide!


Protein is an extremely useful supplement that is included in the diet of not only bodybuilders, but also any athletes in general. Protein, which makes up protein, is a necessary material for building cells, so it is recommended to be taken by ordinary people who, for some reason, do not get animal or plant protein from food. However, protein cannot completely replace whole foods, so it can only be used as a supplement to the main diet. Protein is much cheaper than meat and easy to prepare. It is convenient to use as a “liquid snack” that you can take with you.

Many people are scared of sports supplements and are afraid to take them. But whey protein is made from food raw materials familiar to us: milk, soy, eggs and their derivatives. Therefore, there is no point in fearing any side effects. In general, people tolerate protein intake well, but sometimes allergic reactions occur. This occurs in cases where a person has an intolerance to one of the ingredients of the supplement. For people prone to allergic reactions to casein, there are special formulations that include protein split into peptides or its substitutes. What other contraindications does protein have?

  • Kidney failure. If you have kidney problems, then increased consumption of liquid protein will create a greater load on this organ, so it is better to avoid taking protein.
  • An unbalanced diet with a bias towards protein. Everything is good in moderation, and if you consume more than the required amount of protein, your liver and kidneys may suffer.
  • Soy protein is not recommended for men, as it contains a lot of phytoestrogen, a female hormone that reduces testosterone production.

Minor side effects may also occur when taking protein. But they only appear if you are intolerant to any of the components of the supplement. If you take more protein than the specified norm, symptoms of dysbiosis and bloating may appear. In general, protein is no different from any other product, when taken in moderation.

Top 10 Protein Supplements 2022

Rating of the best whey proteins based on the totality of all indicators.

Optimum Nutrition 100% Whey Gold Standard

For many years, Optimum Nutrition has been producing the best whey protein. It is considered a benchmark in all respects. The most important advantage of the supplement is the highest quality, regardless of the batch.

It is not a pure concentrate, but a mixture of ultrafiltered concentrate and two types of isolate, and also includes special peptides. A serving contains 78 grams of protein per 100 g of product, which is one of the best indicators for supplements in this category. Also contains only 1.8g carbohydrates and 1.1g fat per serving. Other advantages are good flavoring and excellent solubility in various liquids. The only drawback is the high price.

Ultimate Nutrition Prostar Whey

One of ON's main competitors. Made by ultrafiltration, it includes all possible fractions of whey protein. A supplement from one of the oldest and most reputable brands in the industry. A serving contains 25g of protein, 1g of fat and 2g of carbohydrates, representing one of the best ratios in the industry.

In terms of absorption rate, Prostar Whey is not inferior even to pure isolates, which is why it is very popular among all athletes of any level. Also among the advantages is a lower price compared to ON.

Now Foods Sports Whey Protein Concentrate

Although the protein powder industry is one of the most competitive, Now has managed to produce one of the best whey proteins in the industry. In fact, in terms of the degree of purification, it is almost an isolate, which has the cost of a concentrate. BJU is better than most competitors: 25 g of protein per serving, 0.5 g of fat and less than 1 gram of carbohydrates. It is quite possible that in a few years Now will be able to reach 1st place in the ratings, pushing aside such titans as ON and UN.

Scitec Nutrition 100% Whey Protein Professional

A very high quality whey protein that ranks among the best supplements in the industry. In terms of ratio, BJU is no different from its competitors; it has 22 g of protein, 1.5 g of fat and 3.8 g of carbohydrates per serving (the amount of sugars is slightly too high, which is worth considering). The main advantage of the supplement is the formula enriched with Leucine and Glutamine, as well as an enzyme matrix for better absorption.

The only drawback is the high price, considering the number of servings in the package and composition.

SAN 100% Pure Titanium Whey

One of the best whey proteins for gaining muscle mass. It is also a mix of concentrate and isolate. Almost always included in all ratings above the 5th position.

The formula is enriched with BCAA and also contains a peptide and enzyme matrix. Flavors and stirability are also at a high level. The disadvantage of the supplement is that at a slightly lower price, it does not provide any advantage compared to ON;

Mutant Whey

A supplement that every year is getting closer to the best whey proteins in the industry. It has a favorable price and good composition. A serving contains 22 g of protein, 3 g of fat and 5 g of carbohydrates, some of which are dietary fiber. The main benefit is the huge amount of glutamine and leucine per serving.

Syntrax Whey Shake

A supplement with the highest quality and some of the best flavors Syntrax is known for. The portion is standard, BJU - 23/2/4. The use of whey without denaturation ensures high bioavailability of the additive. The big advantage is the high concentration of the most important amino acids. Almost 11% of the serving is leucine, which is the most effective amino acid in protein. Has an average price.

Scitec Nutrition Protein Delite

Scitec line with reduced carbohydrates and fats. It is well suited for cutting and losing weight, as it allows you to replenish protein requirements with less calories entering the body. However, the disadvantages of being overpriced and 19 grams of protein per serving prevent the supplement from becoming a leader in the rating.

How does it help you lose weight

Reviews of whey protein for women clearly show that it helps to quickly acquire the desired shape and lose weight. But most often protein is used to gain muscle mass. Why can you lose weight with its help? Protein itself has no effect on weight loss. But it helps preserve muscles, which are usually the first to “burn” when losing weight. By taking protein, you reduce the percentage of fat in your body while maintaining muscle mass. This is especially true for athletes who are in the “drying” stage.

Taking protein when losing weight is also necessary in order to lose weight correctly. If you don't eat enough protein, the results of a calorie deficit won't last long and you'll quickly gain the weight back. When to drink whey protein for weight loss? Experienced athletes recommend replacing snacks between main meals with protein. In this case, the calorie content of the diet remains the same, but the body receives the necessary protein and microelements. In addition, protein takes longer to digest, so the feeling of fullness from such a snack remains for a long time. Whey protein after a workout for weight loss allows the body to use energy taken from food, rather than from its own reserves. Taking the supplement after exercise helps maintain an attractive body shape.

Protein helps burn fat

An adequate amount of protein for someone losing weight is over 1.5 g per 1 kg of body weight, but not more than 2.2 g. Proteins have a greater thermogenic effect than other macronutrients. Digesting them requires more energy than they contain. Thus, eating more protein is beneficial in terms of creating a calorie deficit.

Scientists conducted a study (the results were published under PMID number: 22258965 on PubMed) on obese patients. Participants were divided into 2 groups, one followed a standard low-calorie diet, the other a diet with increased amounts of protein. The second group lost weight faster and experienced fewer problems with satiety.

Thus, additional sources of protein can speed up fat burning.

How to lose weight with protein

How should girls drink whey protein for weight loss? First you need to calculate the number of calories your body burns during the day. This figure depends on the type of work you do and the number of workouts per week. Then you need to subtract 15% from this figure. This calorie deficit will ensure gradual weight loss and lasting results. If you drink protein while in a calorie surplus, you will not lose weight, but gain weight.

It is better to drink the supplement between main meals, since protein cannot replace lunch or breakfast: after an hour you will still want to eat. It is also good to drink whey protein at night for weight loss. In this case, it can replace a full meal and saturate the body for the entire period of sleep. To avoid discomfort in the intestines, experts recommend taking it an hour and a half before bedtime.

Other types of protein for weight loss

You can use other types of protein isolate for weight loss.

  1. Casein, which is found in cottage cheese, will be a good assistant in this matter. It is better to use it before bedtime. Casein protects muscles from catabolism and satisfies hunger well. Purified casein isolate is good for weight loss. Similar to whey protein, it contains no impurities.
  2. Soy isolate for weight loss is a complete replacement for whey. It is made from soybeans. The advantage is the price and composition of the product. It has minimal calorie content, which is a big plus for weight loss. It can be drunk by people who are allergic to animal protein. The disadvantage is the minimal amount of amino acids and protein (no more than 50%).
  3. Egg protein is known to every athlete or person who watches their figure. It was this substance that was used in bodybuilding in the past to increase muscle mass. It has a lot of amino acids and is part of many protein mixtures. Egg white contains a small amount of carbohydrates and can be drunk at any time, but not before bed.
  4. Milk protein isolate consists of casein and whey protein. It contains a lot of amino acids, and you can drink it throughout the day; there is no clear regimen for taking it. It is often combined with other protein sources.

Whey protein isolate is the best protein option for weight loss

Rating of the best products

When choosing a protein for weight loss, the buyer looks at the price-quality ratio and the brand of the product. Below are proven products that have the optimal composition and cost.

  1. 100% Platinum Whey protein from Vplab is ideal in terms of price and quality ratio. It has a pleasant taste, dissolves quickly and saturates for a long time. One serving contains 118 kcal.
  2. BioTech: Iso Whey Zero is considered the best whey protein for weight loss. It contains no fat or carbs and only 22 grams of protein per serving. Calorie content per serving – 96 kcal.
  3. Syntrax: Nectar is a highly purified protein isolate that contains no fat or carbohydrates. Thanks to this composition, it can be taken even at night as a snack. Reviews from girls about whey protein for weight loss of this brand only prove its effectiveness.

What it is

Whey isolate is obtained by processing milk, namely its whey. This is a useful component that forms the basis of functional nutrition and is recommended for everyone who monitors their own health. The product contains about 1 gram of pure protein and about 10% fat. However, the taste of pure whey is very specific and not everyone likes it. In addition, to obtain a high dose of protein, you need to drink several liters of whey. Isolate wins in all respects: when the product is purified, only protein is extracted from it, so that the dry residue per 100 grams of powder accounts for about 70% pure protein. Fats and carbohydrates are removed as much as possible, so the dry powder is perfect for those who are watching their figure or planning to lose weight.

Expert advice

Experienced athletes confirm that whey protein can help you lose weight fairly quickly. To make the process go faster, it is better to dilute the protein with water or skim milk. On non-training days, you can replace a protein shake with a snack or dinner. If you have a workout planned, it is better to drink protein after it.

When and how much should you drink protein for weight loss?


There is an opinion that protein should be taken strictly before or after training. But since this is the same source of protein as meat or eggs, it follows that cocktails should be drunk when there is a need for protein. For example, for breakfast there was porridge with fruit, only carbohydrates. This is good, it is energy, but it is advisable to add a little protein. Therefore, you can drink a serving of cocktail after the porridge.

The same need for proteins arises after training, as a very resource-intensive activity. Therefore, if it is not possible to eat after exercise, then it is better to drink a portion of protein so that the body has the opportunity to recover.

In general, when losing weight, it is very important to not eat anything for an hour or two after training, since the fat burning processes that started during the training continue. But after the specified time, you can drink the same protein shake or eat something protein.

Reviews of protein for weight loss

With the help of whey protein, you can not only lose weight, but also gain enough energy and strength to complete your daily workouts. The protein supplement helps normalize metabolic processes in the body and eliminate micronutrient deficiencies. Reviews of whey protein isolate for weight loss show that this type of supplement is the most optimal for weight loss. But with the help of whey concentrate, which has the lowest cost, you can train effectively and lose weight.

When choosing a protein, rely on the opinion of experts

Unfortunately, we have to admit that most reviews are written by simply illiterate people, which makes it impossible to understand what they actually meant. The following phrases are often found:

“The consumption of my acquaintances who play sports many times exceeded my needs as an ordinary person.”

It is clear that such reviews should be skipped immediately, they are of no use. Or a conversation in the style of “what to drink after training – whey prot or isolate?” – “drink isolate, the degree of purification is better than whey” – “you suckers, isolate is whey!” etc. in the same vein. If people don’t know that isolate can be not only whey protein, but also soy protein or some other protein isolate, then what good can they hear from them?

Basically, consumers evaluate the product based on the criteria of taste and healthiness, as well as the absence of digestive problems. It is clear that all these are exclusively subjective assessments, which nevertheless could be taken into account if they were at least somewhat continuous and widespread. But if a popular product from a well-known manufacturer in a large online store has accumulated only 15-20 reviews over several years, what kind of representativeness can we talk about here?

( 2 ratings, average 4 out of 5 )
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