How to get rid of slouching at home: 5 simple ways to correct your posture

Tables, chairs and computers wage war on our bodies.

Every day they attack our muscles and tendons.

How do they do this?

It's all about the lifestyle of a modern person. Spending endless hours at the computer, it is impossible not to hunch when your shoulders, neck and head try to move forward.

The good news is that slouching, in most cases, can be corrected on your own by regularly performing a simple set of exercises.

How to remove a slouched back at home and why is it necessary?

Stop hunching! Smooth posture in 2 minutes - video.

The main problem with slouching and poor posture is that it all comes unnoticed. At first you slouch at your desk, and a year later you notice that you are rounding your spine at home at the dinner table.

How does this happen?

The main cause of slouching in adults and children is poor posture. As a rule, the main reason for this is too much time on the computer. Many of us can sit like this all day without interruption. Hence the muscle imbalance.

When we slouch, our shoulders, and behind them our neck, move forward, disrupting our posture. This position contracts the pectoral muscles and weakens the back muscles (upper part), creating all the conditions for the appearance of a hump.

Getting rid of such imbalances has a number of advantages. Studies have shown that, in addition to the obvious impact on appearance, correct posture affects our mood, self-confidence and even helps overcome feelings of fear.

But is it possible to correct your posture if you are no longer at the age when your body is actively growing and is easily amenable to corrective measures? Yes. By regularly performing exercises against stooping, you can eliminate the problem, no matter how old you are. Next, we have selected for you a fairly simple workout that can be performed both at home and in the office.


Stretching exercises are the main exercises for correcting stooped posture in any person. Stretching helps release tension in the chest, hip flexors, hamstrings, and quadriceps, allowing the spine to become more upright without having to pull the body forward by hunching the back.

Try to perform each exercise for 20-30 seconds several times a day. If the situation is not as dire as it seems, then just a couple of exercises will be enough to avoid slouching.

Hands behind your back

This is one of the simplest exercises that allows you to open your pectoral muscles and stretch your shoulders. Concentrate on pulling your shoulders back and down, while keeping your neck straight, without moving it forward.

Stand straight, arms relaxed at the sides of the body. Clasp your hands behind your back. Gently move your shoulders back until you feel maximum chest opening and tension in the front of your shoulders.

Hip Extensor Stretch Exercise

Just like spasms in your chest and shoulder muscles, spasms in your hip extensors can cause your torso to move further forward. Relaxing this muscle group will help maintain your posture and counteract the tension of sitting for long periods of time.

Try this simple exercise that you can do anywhere:

Start in a classic lunge position: back straight, right leg bent at the knee in front, left leg extended back. Slowly lower your left knee toward the ground until you feel tension in the back of your thigh. To make the exercise more effective, tighten your calves on your left leg. Hold this position for 20-30 seconds, then do the same with your right leg.

Quadriceps stretching exercise

It would seem that we are talking about stoop. How to correct slouching by paying attention to the lower body? Everything is very simple. Our body is a single organism. Since the quadriceps are located at the front of the body, poor posture causes these muscles, just like the chest muscles, to become compressed. If you spend most of your time at the computer, then doing quadriceps stretching exercises is doubly important for you.

Stand straight, bend one leg at the knee and clasp your foot with your hand. Gently pull your foot toward your buttocks until you feel a slight stretch in the front of your thigh.

Hamstring stretching exercise

Sitting at a computer for a long time can lead to stagnation in the hamstring muscles. This congestion can lead to slouching as these muscles are connected to the pelvic spine.

To perform the exercise, sit on the floor, stretch your right leg in front of you, bend your left at the knee and rest your foot on the knee of your right leg. Lean forward until your chest touches your hips, reaching with your hands towards your right foot.

Hold this position for 20-30 seconds, then repeat on the other leg.

Arm and shoulder stretch: how to do it

Doing exercises to stretch the arms and shoulder girdle is recommended for everyone: from athletes and manual workers to people leading a sedentary or sedentary lifestyle. This will relieve spasms, pain and tightness. What else are useful complexes for the upper half of the body?

Why is arm stretching done:

  • Improved nutrition and blood flow to muscle tissue.
  • Prevention of injuries or damage, diseases.
  • Reducing pain after training or a working day.
  • Development of joint mobility, general flexibility.
  • Strengthening the muscle corset, correcting posture.

The stretching training complex does not require weights, so you can do it at home. All you need is a mat, as well as a wall and a chair for individual exercises. The program will take no more than 15 minutes. If the body is completely inflexible, then you cannot immediately accelerate in amplitude. Let the range of movements be small at first - over time it will increase and plasticity will develop. Remember that excessive stretching (with force and through pain) is harmful to the joints.

Arm and shoulder stretch duration:

  • 10 seconds in each pose on each side => total stretch duration ~5 minutes
  • 15 seconds in each pose on each side => total stretch duration ~8 minutes
  • 20 seconds in each pose on each side => total stretch duration ~10 minutes
  • 30 seconds in each pose on each side => total stretch duration ~15 minutes

Timers for training:

  • Timer for 10 second intervals
  • Timer for 15 second intervals
  • Timer for 20 second intervals
  • Timer for 30 second intervals

You can perform stretching exercises for your arms and shoulders only when you are warm. For example, immediately after the main part of the workout. If there is no strength training on this day, then you need to warm up first. The best option is light cardio for 5-10 minutes or joint warm-up. While stretching, you should not make sudden movements. You need to start smoothly with a gradual increase in amplitude. There shouldn't be any pain.

See also our other stretching selections:

  • Top 10 Exercises for Stretching the Pectoral Muscles
  • Top 10 Quadriceps Stretch Exercises
  • Top 10 Butt Stretch Exercises
  • Top 20 Back Stretch Exercises

Back exercises

As mentioned earlier, slouching can be a result of weak upper back muscles, core muscles, pectoral muscles, hamstrings, and hip flexors.

Back exercises are another way to get rid of slouching as an adult.

Perform these exercises several times a week, in addition to stretching exercises.

Push-ups for shoulder blades

This type of push-up is aimed at working the muscles of the upper back, which are responsible for the correct position of the shoulders.

Start in a standard push-up position. Make sure your shoulders are relaxed and your body is in a straight line from head to heels.

Now bring your shoulder blades together and return to the starting position. The range of motion in this exercise, compared to classic push-ups, is quite small. However, this is a fairly effective exercise for a hunched back.

Perform 5-10 repetitions.

Scapular Raises with Wall Support

Wall-supported scapula raises target the muscles of the upper back and also help return the shoulders to their normal position.

Press your back against the wall. Press your tailbone, lower back, upper back and head against the wall, and move your legs slightly forward. Keep your chin straight, bend your elbows at an angle of 90 degrees and press them against the wall, as shown in the picture above.

Stay in this position for 30-60 seconds. To increase the involvement of the upper back muscles, you can move your arms slightly up and down.

Retracting the shoulder blades using an elastic band

Many people find this exercise difficult at first. Therefore, if you are a beginner, choose elastic bands with minimal resistance.

Wrap the elastic band around a stable object (such as a column or post) at waist level. Bend your elbows at a right angle, pull the band towards you, while bringing your shoulder blades together.

Return to the starting position. Perform 8-12 repetitions.


At 30 years old, not all exercises for stooping are easy. For example, yoga poses require a unique combination of strength and flexibility. If, despite the previously mentioned exercises, you are still wondering “how to correct bad posture at home,” then we have selected several simple but effective yoga poses especially for you.

Cobra pose

Cobra pose not only allows you to open your chest as much as possible, but also works your back muscles. This exercise is great for slouching, helping to straighten your spine and push your shoulders back.

To perform this exercise, lie on your stomach. Tighten your lower back muscles and push away from the floor with your hands.

Focus on pushing your shoulders back as far as possible, tilting your head back slightly. Stay in this pose for 20-30 seconds.

Downward-facing dog pose

This pose not only opens the chest, but also strengthens the front of the shoulders and lengthens the spine.

Get on your knees, place your hands on the floor so that your palms are directly under your shoulders, and keep your back straight. Gradually straighten your legs while lifting your hips up.

Hold the position for 20-30 seconds.

Upward facing dog

Upward-facing dog pose is similar to cobra pose, except that in this case, the hips are lifted off the ground and the arms are fully extended. This pose helps strengthen the muscles of the chest and abs, as well as the lower back and shoulders.

Lie face down on the floor. Straining your lower back, lift your body off the floor and, leaning on your hands, stretch your head up.

Your hips should lift slightly off the floor.

Stay in this position for 20-30 seconds. This pose can also be combined with upward-facing dog.

How to Correct Your Posture with Simple Habits

Adopt some simple tricks and develop healthy daily habits that will help you avoid slouching and maintain proper posture.

Sit on chairs without backrests

Most of us find it uncomfortable to sit for long periods of time without something to lean against, but it's a good way to strengthen your back. You can also practice on a chair with a back, but it’s more difficult to do - you just want to relax and not use your own muscles. Protect yourself from this temptation, at least while you develop good posture.

So, sitting on a stool or chair, imagine that your head is rising towards the ceiling like a balloon. The spine is a rope, and it also stretches upward. Start with 5 minutes in this position and gradually increase the time.

Sit like this when working at the computer, watching TV, or using the phone. Try to look straight ahead without tilting your head and neck down.

Relax in a squatting position

In fact, you have been familiar with it since childhood: small children easily squat down and often sit in this position. It is not customary for us to do this as an adult. But this pose takes the stress off your back and also helps you engage your knees through their full range of motion, which is good for your knee joints.

As you squat down, try to keep your head up and your back straight. Press both feet to the floor, your heels should not rise. At first this will be difficult for you, but with regular practice it will become easier.

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