Turinabol tablets: properties, instructions for use and effectiveness

Turinabol is an anabolic steroid with weak androgenic activity. Oral Turinabol means that the active substance 4-chlorodehydromethyltestosterone is enclosed in tablets or capsules. It is a doping that has been detected in thousands of athletes around the world, since turinabol metabolites are “caught” for 8 months. Albert Stachowiak came up with the formula for turinabol, marking the beginning of the production of the steroid. It is used in various sports: from skiing to bodybuilding. It is also accepted by girls due to the fact that it has weak androgenic activity.

The information in the article is provided for informational purposes only, without any call to action.

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

4-chloro-1-dihydro-17-alpha-methyltestosterone or turinabol is an oral steroid It exhibits predominantly anabolic activity in combination with a relatively weak androgenic effect: the anabolic effect of the drug is twice that of testosterone , while its androgenic effect is two times weaker than that of testosterone .

Like other anabolic steroids and steroid androgens , turinabol penetrates cell membranes and forms a complex that, penetrating the cell nucleus, interacts with its receptors, binds to DNA and, as a transcription factor, determines the synthesis of specific proteins and RNA.

The anabolic effect manifests itself to a greater extent at the level of bones and skeletal muscles, as well as organs and tissues with intensive division (mucous membranes, bone marrow, etc.).

Turinabol primarily causes weight gain and an increase in muscle mass. To enhance the effect, the drug is often used in combination with other anabolic steroids . Many athletes take a course of Turinabol + Deca Durabolin , Turinabol + Sustanon , Testosterone propionate + Turinabol, Turinabol + Boldenone , Turinabol + Stanozolol , Turinabol + Primobolan .

At the bone level, the drug promotes Ca deposition, presumably due to a decrease in the reactivity of bone tissue to parathyroid hormone and/or stimulation of the formation of a protein matrix. Metabolic effects play an important role in the implementation of the anabolic effect:

  • increased protein synthesis;
  • positive nitrogen balance;
  • potassium and phosphate retention;
  • inhibition of amino acid catabolism.

An important property of the drug is its ability to stimulate the formation, development and maturation of blood cells.

Its effect on erythropoiesis . The effect is achieved due to the fact that under the influence of Turinabol, the synthesis of the glycoprotein hormone EPO, which is the main regulator of erythropoiesis .

In fact, turinabol is a derivative of methandrostenolone , in the 4th position of which a Cl atom is added (4-Cl-1-dihydro- 17-α- methyltestosterone ). Modernization has made it possible to maintain the effectiveness of methandrostenolone when taken orally, while the substance is not inactivated during the “first passage” through the liver and does not undergo aromatization (that is, the conversion reaction to estradiol ),

The substance is metabolized quite quickly, and the end products of metabolism are excreted just as quickly: Turinabol is not detected in urine on average a week after the end of the course.

Notes[edit | edit code]

  1. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/1798729
  2. https://base.garant.ru/12158202/#block_3000
  3. Daniels, R. C. (February 1, 2003). The Anabolic Steroid Handbook. Richard C Daniels. p. 80. ISBN 0-9548227-0-6.
  4. The pharmacokinetics of Oral-Turinabol in humans] Pharmazie. 1991 Sep;46(9):650-4. German.
  5. https://forums.steroid.com/showthread.php?199812-Anabolic-Review-Steroid-Profile-Oral-Turinabol-%28Chlordehydromethyltestosterone%29#.Tm0g6ewmRBk
  6. https://do4a.com/threads/%D0%A2%D1%83%D1%80%D0%B8%D0%BD%D0%B0%D0%B1%D0%BE%D0%BB.4347/
  7. Berendonk B. Doping. Von der Forschung zum Betrug. Reinbek bei Hamburg: Rowohlt Taschenbuchverlag. 1992:448pp Clinical Chemistry 43:7. 1262-1279 (1997)
  8. Department of Urology, Universitaetsklinikum "Carl Gustav Carus," Technical University of Dresden, Dresden, Germany
  9. Intratesticular leiomyosarcoma in a young man after high dose doping with Oral-Turinabol: a case report. Cancer. 1999 Oct 15;86(8):1571-5.
  10. https://www.xumuk.ru/encyklopedia/483.html
  11. The experiment was described and performed by Nikolai Krek, “Chemical Blog”

Indications for use

The drug can be used as an adjuvant in conditions caused by protein starvation and characterized by a negative nitrogen balance. Indications for use are:

  • asthenia and cachexia of various origins;
  • extensive burns;
  • osteoporosis;
  • anemia (chronic hemolytic, hypo- and aplastic, associated with tumor processes or chronic renal failure);
  • lymphoma and leukemia ;
  • muscle atrophy in patients with AIDS ;
  • idiopathic thrombocytopenia.

It is considered appropriate to prescribe Turinabol to elderly people with exhaustion or malnutrition, patients who have been receiving GCS for a long time, during the period of convalescence after surgery, injuries and infectious diseases;

In pediatrics, the drug is used for growth retardation, loss of nutrition, and anorexia .

Release form

The pharmaceutical industry produces the drug in a single dosage form, which is represented by tablets. It is not available in any other form.

The tablet is yellow, square in shape with rounded edges. There is an engraving on the surface. One tablet contains 10 mg of active substance. Packaged in blisters of 10 pieces.

The package contains 3 blisters. Packaging can also be carried out in bottles with up to 100 tablets. The composition also includes various excipients.


Contraindications to the use of Turinabol are:

  • breast cancer in men;
  • prostate adenoma and ;
  • malignant tumors of the mammary glands in women accompanied by hypercalcemia
  • ovarian cancer;
  • severe atherosclerosis ;
  • IHD;
  • nephrotic syndrome and nephritis ;
  • functional kidney/liver failure;
  • prostatitis (both acute and chronic);
  • pregnancy;
  • lactation;
  • period before puberty;
  • hypersensitivity to the components of the tablets.

Qualitative sample[edit | edit code]

The presence of halogen (chlorine) in the turinabol molecule makes it possible to detect a fake even at home. There is a qualitative method for determining halogens in a sample - the Beilstein test.[10]

To perform the experiment, you will need a gas burner (or alcohol lamp), copper wire and a sample that we will analyze. The sample is ground to a homogeneous powder. We bend the end of the copper wire, making a loop, and hold it in the flame of the burner until the greenish tint of the flame disappears. Next, remove the wire from the flame, place a dry sample (a grain of sand) on the loop and bring it back into the burner flame. If it turns green, the test is positive.[11]

You can also pre-dissolve the sample, for example in ethyl alcohol. To do this, you need to take a small glass, pour literally a few drops onto the bottom (there should not be a lot of alcohol), and dissolve a small amount of the sample in it (at the tip of a knife). The wire is lowered into the resulting solution, everything else is as described above.

Side effects

Side effects of using Turinabol are most often associated with taking increased doses of the drug and exceeding the recommended course duration. The level of hepatoxicity corresponds to the level of hepatotoxicity of methandrostenolone .

SportWiki has information that over 5 years of using the drug in relatively high doses, only one official review of side effects has been recorded.

Liver disorders:

  • necrosis of liver cells with liver failure ;
  • cholestatic jaundice;
  • liver cancer;
  • changes in laboratory parameters (increased levels of enzymes ALKP, ALT and AST, hyperbilirubinemia).

Cholestatic jaundice is a consequence of toxic liver damage and can appear after 6 or more months. The risk of developing liver cancer increases with long-term (several years) use of Turinabol.

Endocrine disorders:

  • in men, Turinabol moderately suppresses the production of endogenous testosterone . With the use of the drug, impotence , suppression of spermatogenesis , prostate hypertrophy (mainly in the elderly), priapism , and epididymitis .
  • In boys, frequent erections, pre-premature puberty, and sometimes growth arrest were recorded;
  • In women, a decrease in the secretion of gonadotropic hormones ; virilization phenomena , including in a female fetus when taking pills during pregnancy (deepening of the voice, acne , increased libido , muscle development, hirsutism , clitoral hypertrophy menstrual irregularities ).

Neurological disorders:

  • confusion;
  • excitation;
  • depression;
  • insomnia.

Side effects of Turinabol associated with metabolic disorders:

  • violation of cholesterol balance (in particular, increased LDL);
  • decreased glucose tolerance;
  • acceleration of creatinine ;
  • increased concentration of creatine kinase ;
  • delay Ca, K, P;
  • swelling;
  • hypercalcemia (in long-term immobilized patients).

During puberty, premature closure of the epiphyseal (growth) zones of bones is possible, which can lead to growth retardation.

The description of anabolic steroids (and, in particular, Turinabol) on Wikipedia indicates that uncontrolled use of these drugs can lead to mental disorders, the development of tumors in the lungs and liver, liver failure , thrombosis , sclerosis , and genital dysfunction.

In addition, an increase in muscle mass, as a rule, is not accompanied by strengthening of ligaments and tendons, so athletes taking anabolic steroids often experience ligamentous injuries.


This medication has different prices, depending on the area and region of sales.

You can purchase a pharmacological drug at any specialized medical institution or online pharmacy.

Region, regionPackaging/dosagePrice
Moscow, Moscow regionCapsules, 100 pcs.1800-1900 rub.
Saint PetersburgCapsules, 50 pcs.990-1020 rub.
St. Petersburg (suburbs)Capsules, 100 pcs.1650-1900 rub.
Leningrad regionCapsules, 100 pcs.1720-1920 rub.
Novgorod regionCapsules, 100 pcs.1680-1840 rub.

Before using Turinabol, it is recommended to consult a doctor or pharmacist, and carefully read the instructions for use of the tablets. Additionally, it is recommended to read the reviews of those who took the drug to gain muscle mass.

Instructions for use: how to take Turinabol correctly?

Anabolic steroids are used as an addition to primary therapy and do not replace it. The duration of their use depends on the effectiveness of treatment and the severity of side effects.

For an adult, the daily dose varies from 20 to 50 mg. The effectiveness of Turinabol is dose-dependent. The duration of treatment is from 2 weeks to 1.5 months.

How should athletes take Turinabol?

The daily dose of Turinabol for athletes is from 2 to 8 tablets of 10 mg. Typically, for an athlete weighing 90 kg, it is enough to take 5 tablets per day, however, if he has experience using anabolic steroids , the dose can be increased to the maximum.

The first course of Turinabol Solo is designed for beginners who are trying to supplement physical activity with anabolic steroids . It is the most harmless and safe in comparison with other oral steroids

There are 2 pill dosing regimens. The first involves taking the entire dose 1-2 hours before training. In accordance with the second, the daily dose is divided into 2 doses - morning and evening.

The first course of Turinabol Solo includes 200 Turinabol tablets and 1 Clomid for post-cycle therapy (PCT). The latter blocks estrogen receptors and helps restore testosterone .

The dose changes weekly according to the following principle:

  • 1 week - 3 tablets/day;
  • 2 week - 4 tablets/day;
  • 3-5 weeks - 5 tablets/day;
  • 6 week - 4 tablets/day;
  • Week 7 - 3 tablets/day.

Over the next 2 weeks, take Clomid : in the 8th week - 2, in the 9th week - 1 tablet per day.

Another course for beginners is the Turinabol + Boldenone . The use of these drugs is accompanied by a minimal risk of developing side effects (the only side effect athletes in most cases name is an increase in appetite), gaining “lean” mass and making the muscles more prominent.

The course consists of 200 tablets of Turinabol, a bottle of Boldenone and 1 blister of Clomid .

The regimen for taking Turinabol is as follows:

  • 1 week - 3 tablets/day;
  • 2 week - 4 tablets/day;
  • 3-4 weeks - 5 tablets/day;
  • 5-6 weeks - 4 tablets/day.

Boldenone is taken from weeks 2 to 6 inclusive, 200 mg/week. Clomid in the 7th week take 2, in the 8th week 1 tablet per day.

To quickly gain lean mass and improve muscle quality, athletes take a course of Turinabol + Propionate . Testosterone propionate is a drug with pronounced androgenic activity and a long half-life.

The course consists of 200 Turinabol tablets, 20 Propionate and 1 Clomid .

Turinabol and Propionate are taken for 7 weeks as follows:

  • 1 week - 3 tablets/day. + 2 amp./week;
  • 2-6 weeks - 4 tablets/day. + 1 ampoule every other day;
  • Week 7 - 4 tablets/day. + 2 amp./week

PCT after Turinabol with Propionate involves taking Clomid in a two-week course: in the 1st week you take 2 tablets, in the 2nd week - 1 tablet per day.

The Turinabol + Sustanon is also intended for those athletes for whom it is not so much the volume of muscle mass that is important, but its quality.

The course is designed for 6-8 weeks and is suitable, including for beginners. Experienced athletes recommend taking Turinabol 40 mg/day, and Sustanon 250 mg/week. In the last 2-3 weeks of the course, Sustanon is stopped, replaced with Stanazol , which is taken at 50 mg/day, and Propionate , which is taken every other day at 50 mg.

Where is it used?

To understand where this drug is used, you must know what Turinabol is and how it works. The steroid is very suitable for weightlifters and powerlifters. Complete withdrawal of the drug occurs within 7 days, therefore, with its help it is quite possible to prepare for competitions.

Due to minimal side effects and the almost complete absence of suppression of the production of own testosterone, the steroid is very well suited for beginners. Taking the drug helps to gradually prepare the body for a much more serious intervention in the hormonal system. In this case, there are a minimum of side effects.

Experienced athletes prefer to take Turinabol tablets as an intermediate link between the main steroid courses. This gives you the opportunity to take a little break without reducing your main indicators.

This drug is considered one of the most effective and safe steroids for women. If you strictly follow the dosage, you can avoid dangerous complications. In athletics, the most optimal and effective dosage is 20 mg per day.

This product is well suited for quickly drying the body, as it does not retain much moisture in the body. It is often recommended to be used together with Stanozol. Thanks to these properties of Turinabol, you can get good results, build muscle qualitatively and minimize the occurrence of complications.


In combination with corticotropin , glucocorticoid drugs , mineralocorticoids , foods and medications with a high sodium content, the removal of fluid from the body slows down, the risk of developing edema increases, and the severity of acne increases.

Anabolic steroids increase the concentration of indirect anticoagulants and enhance their effect. This requires dose reduction, constant monitoring of prothrombin time indicators and, in some cases, discontinuation of anabolic steroids .

Turinabol can alter the effect of oral antidiabetic drugs hypoglycemia and its level.

Anabolic steroids can reduce the concentration of thyroxine-binding globulin , with an increase in the uptake of triiodothyronine (T3) and thyroxine (T4) , a decrease in the level of total T4 and without changing the free fraction of thyroid hormones .

Pharmacological properties

Turinabol (the medication should be taken in tablets under the supervision of a treating specialist) belongs to the category of anabolic androgenic drugs.

The active substance of the product is the male synthetic hormone testosterone. The medication promotes rapid muscle development and increased physical endurance. In this case, adipose tissue is deposited slowly, and fluid is not retained in the body.

The drug exhibits moderate activity in relation to the pituitary gland, hypothalamus and testicles. The drug also exhibits moderate hepatotoxic effects.

special instructions

When prescribing Turinabol, the patient should be informed about possible side effects. When the first signs of virilization in women, the drug is discontinued to prevent irreversibility of the phenomena.

Turinabol can cause suppression of procoagulants II, V, VII, X, which requires constant monitoring, especially when used together with indirect anticoagulants.

During the period of use of the drug, it is necessary to carefully monitor liver parameters and lipid profile. Elderly men need to monitor the condition of the prostate gland (due to the increased risk of developing its hypertrophy and cancer ).

Due to the risk of premature closure of bone growth plates, the drug should be used with caution in pediatrics. The effect can last for six months after Turinabol is discontinued. In this regard, in patients with radiological monitoring of bone tissue maturation, the rationality of prescribing the drug is decided by the doctor after assessing the benefit/risk ratio.

In patients receiving high doses of anabolic steroids hematocrit and should be determined periodically because of the possibility of polycythemia .

Reception for women

The general dosage of the steroid for women is 12.5 mg per day, but there are no special principles of administration. For sports purposes, it is recommended to drink 1 tablet of 5 mg 1 time per day. The duration of administration is no more than 4-6 weeks to minimize the toxicity of the drug.

With proper use of this remedy, the occurrence of side effects can be minimized.


Level 4 ATC code matches: Dianabol


Turinabol is produced under the trademarks Turinover ( Oral-Turinabol ) Vermodje (Moldova) Turanabol British Dragon (Thailand), Turanabol Balkan Pharmaceuticals (Moldova), Turinabolos Pharmacom Labs Inc. (China), Turinadrol-10 Lyka Labs Ltd. (India), Turinotabs G-Tech Pharmaceuticals (China), Oral-Turinabol Jenapharm (Germany).

Analogues of the drug are Methandrostenolone , Ocasndrolone , Winstrol , Stanozolol.

Which company's drug is better?

Based on reviews from athletes, we can conclude that most of them prefer Turinabol Balkan (Balkan Pharmaceuticals, Moldova).

Steroid profile of the drug:

  • androgenic activity - low (50% of testosterone);
  • anabolic activity - high (180% of testosterone);
  • conversion to estrogens - no;
  • Directions for use: per os (tablet form);
  • suppression of the hypogalamic-pituitary-gonadal system - moderate-low;
  • hepatotoxicity - high;
  • detection time - 6-8 days;
  • Duration of action - 16 hours.

Methane or Turinabol?

The difference between Turinabol (T.) and Methandrostenolone (M.) is the presence of a halogen (Cl) in its molecule, due to which the drug is weaker in conversion to estrogens . In addition, this modernization made it possible to significantly reduce the detection time of T. during doping control in comparison with its analogue.

The drugs are very similar in their action, except that when taking T. the athlete does not gain excess water. Accordingly, weight and strength indicators on T. increase more slowly than on M., but at the same time the muscles look more prominent and almost completely retain their volume even after completing the course.

T. is considered one of the drugs of choice for the first course. More experienced athletes who have experience in successfully conducting pharmacological courses also prefer the less dangerous Turinabol to Methandrostenolone , but in combination with other drugs ( Sustanon , Nandrolone Decanoate ).

Turinabol is also suitable when you need to “dry out”. When preparing for performances, athletes use it in combination with Trenbolone, Masteron , Testosterone Propionate .

Girls at a competitive level combine T. with Stanozolol . Since T. moderately inhibits the production of endogenous testosterone in comparison with more powerful androgenic drugs , experienced athletes take it to maintain shape between courses of high doses of powerful steroids.

The disadvantages of T. are its significantly higher cost than M., as well as the fact that it is more difficult to obtain a prescription for it than for M.

Reception features

To get a good result, you need to know not only what Turinabol does, but also in what dosage you need to take this drug. This steroid helps increase your endurance levels and build muscle much faster. This drug is used by many athletes. However, to get high results from this product, it is important to use it correctly. Among the basic rules, the following should be highlighted:

  • The Turinabol steroid should be taken strictly according to the instructions;
  • This drug should be taken 30 minutes after meals;
  • The pills must be taken with water.

The daily dose of the drug should be in the range of 40-70 mg. This dosage of Turinabol should be divided into several parts. The duration of use should not be more than 10 weeks, since after this the body will begin to react much more slowly to this steroid. He gets used to the active substance during this time.

Many athletes are interested in when Turinabol begins to act, since they want to get the required result much faster. The effect of taking this remedy can be observed literally after 7-10 days from the start of its use. When using it to prepare for a competition, you need to stop taking this drug approximately 50 days in advance. In this case, the athlete will be able to pass doping control without any problems. The half-life of Turinabol is 16 hours, therefore, it can be used once a day. Complete elimination of the drug from the body takes 7 days.

Reviews about Turinabol

The main effects of Oral Turinabol are an increase in speed, endurance, lean muscle mass, as well as an increase in strength.

The drug is produced by different manufacturers. According to reviews, Turinabol Balkan is the most popular among athletes (it is preferred by about 60% of athletes), the second and third places according to estimates are occupied by the British Dragon drugs Turinabol and Turanabol Vermodje (they are chosen by 11 and 13% of athletes, respectively).

Reviews of Turinabol Solo indicate that the drug itself is rather weak, but it works well in combination with other steroids . The weight gain when using it will be small, but 100% high quality, that is, the achieved results are maintained even after completion of the course.

The advantage of the drug is the absence of DHT conversion and, therefore, significant side effects. That is, if all recommendations are followed, the athlete does not have to fear the development of arterial hypertension , fluid retention, gynecomastia and other phenomena associated with hyperestrogenemia .

Reception for men

Many people are interested in what Turinabol is needed for and how to use it correctly for men. The clinical dosage of the drug is 5 mg per day, but there are no specific guidelines for prescribing this drug. For sports purposes, the effective daily dosage is 15-40 mg, with a duration of use of no more than 6-8 weeks, so that the hepatotoxicity of this drug can be minimized as much as possible.

This amount is optimal for increasing muscle growth and strength. The drug is often used before sports competitions or in bodybuilding during the drying period. Athletes in strength sports also find this remedy very useful, as it allows for rapid muscle growth without causing additional fat or fluid retention.

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