Daily calorie intake and BJU per day for a woman, man, teenager, pregnant woman. Normal for weight loss, muscle building

Calories provide the energy we need to survive and carry out daily activities. The calories we get from food and drink allow us to breathe, walk, run, laugh and even pump blood. Calorie needs vary depending on age, gender, height and activity level. The need for them is often much higher during adolescence than at any other period of life. During this period of rapid growth and development, boys need an average of 2,800 calories per day, and girls need an average of 2,200 calories per day.

What is the calorie content of foods, why is it necessary?

The calorie content of foods (energy value) is the amount of energy that is produced after digestion and complete absorption of food.

The unit of energy value is the kilojoule (kJ) or kilocalorie per 100 g of food. All foods have calories. But things like black tea and dried dill are low-calorie foods.

Calories are found in proteins, fats and carbohydrates. Proteins create energy and provide metabolism. Fats break down into acids and glycerol, turning into energy. Carbohydrates create energy for biochemical processes. Therefore, calories are needed to live, breathe, move, and maintain blood circulation.

Adjust the student’s nutrition according to training calculations

If, in addition to school classes, a child attends some other sports sections, then his diet needs to be adjusted taking into account training. When thinking about what to feed a schoolchild who has a lot of physical activity, remember that little athletes need more protein and complex carbohydrates.

Proteins will ensure normal muscle growth and proper recovery after exercise, and carbohydrates will provide energy and strength for training. You cannot eat before training; your last meal should be 1.5-2 hours before training.

After training, you can eat within half an hour, and if the child is hungry, then let him snack on something healthy right in the locker room. It could be a fruit, a cereal bar, or nuts. The diet of athletes should be rich in vitamins and minerals. If a child does not like a particular category of foods, then his diet must be enriched with vitamin and mineral complexes.

Useful and harmful calories

A calorie is a unit of measurement of heat, energy. They are usually divided into useful and harmful, since some of them, when entering the body, are beneficial, while others are sent to the reserve.

Most calories enter the body from carbohydrates.

Complex carbohydrates are found in:

  • cereals;
  • vegetables;
  • saccharides

Fast carbohydrates - in sugar, chocolate and confectionery. In the first case, the body will receive a lot of energy, microelements, vitamins and amino acids. These are healthy calories.

When simple carbohydrates enter the body, it will receive a significant dose of calories with virtually no useful elements, plus they will go into the reserves of adipose tissue. Such calories are called harmful.

Healthy calories come from natural foods, while unhealthy calories come from processed ingredients enhanced with flavoring additives.

Cook in a gentle way

The food of children who study should not only be healthy and balanced, but also properly prepared. A lot really depends on the cooking method. First of all, whether the product will become harmful, and how many vitamins and minerals will be retained in it.

This is why frying in oil and deep-frying are not suitable options for children's kitchens. By absorbing a lot of oil, the dish becomes fatty and higher in calories, and if the technology was violated during frying, the product is also saturated with trans fats.

It is best to boil, steam, stew without oil, grill, bake in the oven, cook in a slow cooker. These methods are completely safe and will not harm the children's gastrointestinal tract.

Norms for women and pregnant girls

A woman needs less calories than a man.

To calculate the calorie intake per day, they need to take into account:

  • activity;
  • age;
  • individual characteristics;
  • health.

With an inactive lifestyle, the norm per day will be:

  • from 18 to 24 years old – 1950 kcal;
  • from 25 to 49 years – 1750 kcal;
  • over 49 years old – 1550 kcal.

At an average activity level:

  • from 18 to 24 years – 2150 kcal;
  • from 25 to 49 years – 1950 kcal;
  • over 49 years old – 1750 kcal.

During an active life:

  • from 18 to 24 years – 2350 kcal;
  • from 25 to 49 years – 2150 kcal;
  • over 49 years old – 1950 kcal.

When a woman is carrying a child, she is forbidden to lose weight, but eating “for two” can also be harmful. We need to remember the golden rule - “eat not for two, but for two.”

Table of daily calorie intake per day for men and women

The daily amount of calories per day depends on the stage of pregnancy. As it increases, calorie intake should also increase, ranging from 2500 to 3200 - in the last weeks of pregnancy.

So, the expectant mother should consume at least 3,500 calories per day. Their third part goes to hormonal changes, to providing the fetus with everything necessary, preparing the woman for future childbirth and breastfeeding.

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Diet menu for every day

Another trouble that becomes a constant companion of the so-called adolescence is a skin problem.

  • At best, it pesters a teenager at the moment of a hormonal surge, mainly for girls during menstruation.
  • And in the worst case, hated pimples and blackheads cover not only the poor man’s face, but also his back and arms.

This business cannot be neglected and the solution to the problem is also a special diet that will allow you to kill two birds with one stone: lose extra pounds and tidy up your skin.

  1. Experts advise creating a daily menu for teenagers in such a way that it is dominated by fermented milk products and cereals, lean meats and fish, and fresh vegetables and fruits.
  2. It is imperative to maintain a drinking regime during the diet, since it is water that removes toxins from the body, which are the main cause of skin problems.
  3. At the same time, in order to get rid of acne (an inflammatory disease of the skin), you will have to radically cut back, or even temporarily give up baked goods, sugar and honey, fatty foods flavored with sauces and mayonnaise.

For a therapeutic diet, it is necessary to create a diet rich in a complex of special vitamins and microelements.

  1. In the fight for a clean face, you need to enlist the help of vitamins A, B and E, as well as foods rich in zinc, calcium, chromium and omega-3 fatty acids. The source of the latter is fish, especially its liver, as well as fish oil. In addition, there are quite a lot of them in flaxseed, which can be bought at any pharmacy and even in supermarkets.
  2. This will be an excellent alternative if the teenager does not like fish and, especially, its fat. Zinc, which is responsible for the proper functioning of the sebaceous glands, is found in great abundance in foods such as nuts and seeds, pork and beef liver, legumes, herring, asparagus, and so on. This element is extremely important because it inhibits the production of large amounts of sebum by the sebaceous glands in the skin.
  3. The easiest way to get group A vitamins is by eating carrots, cucumbers, spinach, black currants, apricots, pumpkin, viburnum, parsley, cream and butter (little by little), sorrel and much more.
  4. B vitamins are found in large quantities in black bread, which, unfortunately, is not recommended for use if you have skin problems. But do not be discouraged, since the content of B1 and other vitamins of this group is also high in the following products: white cabbage, buckwheat and wheat porridge, legumes, soybeans, kidneys, hard cheese.
  5. But group E is found in abundance in various nuts - from the familiar walnut to pistachios and almonds. But it is also not recommended for a teenager to lean too much on them, since, along with the undoubted benefits, they also bring a large amount of calories to the body, which defeats the main purpose of the diet.

Another helper in the fight against pimples and acne is brewer's yeast, as well as bran, in particular oat bran.

  • Brewer's yeast stimulates the digestive tract and pancreas. The body will begin to naturally get rid of the toxins that led to acne.
  • Bran also helps due to its cleansing properties - they are not absorbed by the body, and solid particles cleanse all excess from the walls of the stomach and intestines.

What food must be on the diet menu?

  1. The main core of the diet for teenagers consists of fermented milk products, milk, and cereals.
  2. For bread products, give preference to bread with bran, yeast-free and whole grain.
  3. Try to gradually reduce the amount of salt and sugar in your dishes to a minimum. But do it slowly so that the child, and the whole family, do not notice a sharp change in the taste of the dishes during the diet.
  4. Also reduce the amount of hot spices that stimulate your appetite until completely eliminated from your diet.
  5. You can cook almost anything from vegetables, with the exception of potatoes. Although it is also good to add new potatoes in the spring and early summer to the diet menu, since they still contain useful microelements and do not add extra centimeters to the waist.
  6. If a child really loves pasta, then do not deprive him of this pleasure. Just choose products made from durum wheat and do not cook them often.
  7. Try to use olive oil as a salad dressing, but no more than a couple of tablespoons.

Losing weight will not be an easy process, but in the case of teenagers, diets work much more effectively due to the accelerated metabolism of the growing body. Therefore, the first excellent results will be noticeable within a week or two.

When the excess weight that worries you and your child the most goes away, just try not to change the healthy menu so that the whole family begins to form the habit of healthy eating. In the future, this will allow the teenager to constantly remain in good shape.

To properly create a healthy diet for a child, you need to know that the daily calorie intake for a teenager is much higher than for an adult. The body is still in a state of growth, and therefore it needs more energy.

  1. For normal life, a girl must consume about 2–2.5 thousand kcal per day, and for a boy this figure increases to 3 thousand kcal.
  2. If a teenager is seriously overweight, then if he follows a diet, he should receive about 1800 kcal. This amount is considered safe for gradual weight loss.

Calculate your daily menu like this:

  • so that breakfast accounts for 25% of the daily calorie intake;
  • lunch consisted of 40%;
  • snacks - 10% each;
  • and there was 15% left for dinner.

In order for a healthy diet to be of any use, the mother will have to work hard, since under no circumstances should the child skip meals. It is very important to send your teenager to school well-fed.

If you don't have a lot of time to prepare special dishes, you can limit yourself to oatmeal or a boiled egg, to which add a couple of slices of brown bread, cheese and fruit.

Perhaps one of the most difficult aspects of switching to a healthy diet will be maintaining hydration. Not every one of us consumes the required one and a half to two liters of water a day every day, let alone our offspring. But getting used to this amount is not as difficult as it seems at first glance.

  1. Distribute the amount of daily fluid for your child so that in the morning, immediately waking up, he drinks a glass of clean water. This will put its gastrointestinal tract into operation, which is extremely important for the natural cleansing of the body.
  2. He should also drink a glass of water in the evening, but no later than a couple of hours before going to bed. Otherwise, in the morning he may wake up with swelling on his face.
  3. Morning and evening water intake is half a liter.
  4. The teenager can safely drink the remaining 1 liter during the day at school. To do this, just don’t forget to put in his backpack every day, in addition to fruit, also a liter bottle of non-carbonated mineral water.

Discuss with your teenager the current problem with his physique and enlist his support, because without good will the process cannot get off the ground. If at home you can still control what goes into your child’s mouth, then at school compliance with the diet will rest on his shoulders.

Therefore, you will have to agree with him so that he has a full lunch in the school cafeteria. Give him recommendations on what he should eat for his daily meals.

Norm for men

The daily calorie intake per day for males is significantly higher. To correctly calculate a man’s energy needs, you need to know his lifestyle and the number of completed years.

25 years26-45more than 45
2300 kcal1900 kcal1600 kcal
average activity
2450-2700 kcal2450 kcal2250 kcal
3150 kcal2950 – 3150 kcal2550 - 2950 kcal

If a man wants to lose extra pounds, the daily calorie intake should be reduced, and if building muscle, it should be increased.

How to count calories correctly to lose weight

Remember one simple rule: in order to lose 1 kg of weight, you need to burn 7700 kcal. To lose weight, you will need not only to reduce the amount of food you consume, but also to exercise and lead an active lifestyle. In this case, cellular metabolism occurs more intensely, which means the kilograms disappear faster. Nutritionists give advice:

  • if you want to lose 2-3 kg, then exercise at least 3 times a week and subtract approximately 10-15% of the required energy for your age group. You will lose weight slowly, but effectively, and your body will not experience stress;
  • if you have more than 10 extra kg, subtract 20% from the norm and exercise 2-3 times a week;
  • in advanced cases, when a person is obese, the daily intake should be reduced by 40%. If it is not possible to play sports, then you need to walk more and do gymnastics.

When counting calories, you can eat whatever you want as there are no strict restrictions on foods. Also, nutritionists advise setting up a day once a week when you can allow yourself to eat 20% more than usual, this will not affect your weight in any way, and you will receive moral satisfaction.

Attention! If you arrange a small unloading once every 7 days, i.e. If you reduce the amount you eat by another 40%, weight loss will happen faster.

Norms for children and adolescents

The diet of children and adolescents should be varied and complete, since the teenage body undergoes major hormonal changes and body growth. The daily calorie intake for the younger generation should take into account their physical activity - playing various sports, psychological tension, physical and mental stress per day.

If a girl is active, her norm will be from 1800-2100 kcal. For an active young man, the norm is 2200-2500 kcal. When guys are sedentary, calorie intake should not exceed 2000 kcal.

The daily calorie intake per day for children is determined by age. A small growing organism needs to be provided with a sufficient amount of energy. The growth process of children occurs quickly, so every 6 months the caloric intake must be adjusted.

Taking into account age, the need looks like this:

  • from 12 months to 1 year 11 months – 1250 kcal;
  • from 1 year 11 months to 3.5 years – 1450 kcal;
  • from 3.5 to 6 years – 1850-2000 kcal;
  • from 6 to 9 years – 2000-2400 kcal;
  • from 9 to 13 years – 2850 kcal.

You should not increase your caloric intake to normal by increased consumption of flour, confectionery, soda and other products containing a lot of sugar.

This may result in:

  • gastritis;

  • overweight;
  • allergies.



(memo for teenagers)

Proper nutrition during adolescence (from 10 to 18 years) plays an important role in the formation of a maturing body. During this period, significant changes occur in the body’s response to various environmental factors, puberty occurs, in the period from 10 to 13 years, accelerated growth of the body is observed, from 13 to 16 years, the active formation of endocrine glands is observed, and a number of parts of the brain are formed. According to statistics, about 30% of chronic diseases in adolescents studying in general education institutions are associated with poor nutrition.

The most important principle of rational nutrition for adolescents is ensuring that the caloric content of the diet matches the energy expenditure of the body.

Food is a “building material” necessary for the growth and development of the body. The heat and energy consumption of a teenager is relatively higher than that of an adult. So, an adult needs an average of 40–42 kcal per day, a teenager – 50–52 kcal per 1 kg of body weight. Teenagers should receive at least 2900 - 3100 kcal per day, with the daily caloric intake distributed among meals as follows: breakfast - 25%, lunch - 35 - 40%, afternoon snack - 10 - 20%, dinner - 20 - 25% . It is useful to give a teenager vinaigrette, radishes, radishes with sour cream or vegetable oil, tomatoes, fresh cucumber, green onions with sour cream or herring before meals. Vegetables stimulate the appetite, promote the secretion of digestive juices and improve digestion.

  • Insufficient calorie intake leads to rapid depletion and disruption of the functions of all organs and systems.

The diet of adolescents should be balanced in terms of the content of essential nutrients: proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals.

A teenager's diet should be varied and include products of animal and plant origin. Proteins - the main component of any living cell - are used to build tissues and organs of the body: muscles, nerves, blood, brain, heart, etc. During the period of active growth, an increased amount of calcium is required, which is necessary for the prevention of diseases of the musculoskeletal system, so it is necessary to include dairy products in the diet of adolescents - cottage cheese, milk, kefirs and yoghurts. In addition, the most important building material is animal protein contained in meat. The optimal ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates can be expressed as 1:1:4, i.e. a teenager should receive 4 times more carbohydrates than proteins and fats. They are especially important for the formation of the body's defenses - the so-called immune bodies. Under the influence of digestive juices in the gastrointestinal tract, proteins are broken down into simpler substances - amino acids. In cells and tissues, new proteins necessary for a given organism are formed from amino acids. The daily protein requirement for a teenager is 1g. for 1 kg. normal body weight. Fats and carbohydrates are the main sources of energy. Their amount in a teenager’s diet is reflected in his body weight. The most valuable dairy fats for teenagers are: butter, cream, sour cream. They are well absorbed and are a source of vitamins A and D. The daily diet should also include 10–20 g of vegetable oil, which contains fatty acids that are important for a fast-growing body. To prevent acne, it is recommended to limit your intake of foods high in fat. Carbohydrates are found mainly in products of plant origin - sugar, bread, cereals, potatoes, vegetables, fruits, berries. With proper nutrition, a teenager should receive about 500 g of carbohydrates during the day.

  • An unbalanced diet can lead to obesity and developmental delays, diabetes mellitus and hypertension.

A significant portion of the minerals obtained from food is used for bone growth and teeth formation. The richest sources of calcium and phosphorus are milk, dairy products (especially cottage cheese, cheese) and vegetables. It is useful to prepare cheesecakes, dumplings, porridge with milk, milk soups for teenagers, and be sure to give vegetable side dishes for meat and fish dishes. This will allow you to regulate the correct ratio of calcium and phosphorus. When combining products of plant and animal origin (for example, milk with cereals), calcium absorption increases significantly. Phosphorus salts enter the body from products of animal and plant origin (liver, brains, cheese, fish, beans, nuts, cereals, etc.). They have a beneficial effect on the central nervous system, especially during periods of intense mental work.

  • A lack of calcium and phosphorus salts in the diet leads to improper development of bones, damage to teeth and disruption of the central nervous system.

Food should also contain salts of iron, iodine, potassium, magnesium, sodium, sulfur, manganese, etc. Thus, iron is part of blood hemoglobin, sulfur is part of amino acids (cystine), iodine is part of thyroid hormone. The vast majority of minerals contained in the body are found in the bones. Table salt adds flavor to food and is also used by the body to produce hydrochloric acid, which is part of the gastric juice and plays a large role in the digestion of food. Food must contain very important organic substances - vitamins. They promote chemical transformations of basic foodstuffs and promote normal growth and development of the body. Vitamin A is found in milk fats, butter, egg yolk, milk, fish oil, liver, carrots, tomatoes, pumpkin, apricots, persimmons, lettuce, spinach, rose hips, and yellow corn. Vitamin B 2 (riboflavin) increases the digestibility of food, is involved in metabolism and hematopoiesis, and affects the growth of a teenager. Vitamin B2 is found in milk and dairy products (cottage cheese, cheese), eggs, yeast. Vitamin C is found mainly in fresh vegetables, berries and fruits (onions, black currants, rose hips, lemon, orange, lettuce, tomatoes, cabbage). A varied diet satisfies the body's daily need for vitamins and minerals. Vitamin D is found in egg yolk, caviar, milk, butter and especially fish oil.

  • Deficiency of micronutrients - vitamins, microelements, polyunsaturated fatty acids leads to the development of immunodeficiency states.

Organizing a balanced diet requires adherence to a daily routine - a clear meal schedule.

For normal growth and development, adolescents need a correct diet, which includes strict adherence to meal times, rational distribution of food by weight, calorie content and volume, i.e. Teenagers' meals should be fractional, regular and even. Eating at the same hours maintains a good appetite and promotes the timely release of gastric juice. A teenager should eat at least 4 times a day, i.e. every 3 – 4 hours.

  • Long breaks between meals adversely affect the digestive function of the body and can cause fatigue, decreased performance, headaches, and the formation of functional abnormalities and diseases.

Sample menu for teenagers

Ideally, the ratio of meals should be as follows: breakfast - 25%, lunch - 35-40%, afternoon snack - 15% and dinner - 20-25% of the total daily food volume.

For breakfast you should eat hot meat dishes and snacks. For example, a vegetable or fruit salad, a sandwich with butter and cheese. You can wash it down with hot tea, cocoa drink, jelly, rosehip infusion or compote. Coffee is especially contraindicated for teenagers in the morning. Ideally, this is porridge with milk, stewed meat or fish, or casserole, or vegetable stews.

At lunch it is simply vital to have a first course, soup, chicken broth and so on. The second one is definitely hot. Meat or fish with a side dish of vegetables or cereals. It is also good to eat fresh fruit at lunch. You should not overuse cereals; this dish is enough once a day. But it is advisable to use different cereals in porridges. Buckwheat, oatmeal and millet cereals must be present in the diet.

Teenagers' meals do not necessarily include an afternoon snack. Firstly, it will replace unwanted snacks, and secondly, it will bring a lot of benefits to a growing body. Just as it should consist of dairy and bakery products.

Dinner should be light so as not to overload your stomach at night. It could be a casserole, a light porridge, an omelet. And just before bed, it’s very good to drink a glass of non-cold milk, preferably with honey.

Product groups

There are six groups of products that are simply vital for the full growth and development of a teenager.

1. Complex carbohydrates. These are the main suppliers of energy, which is so necessary for rapid growth. They are found in cereals and cereals.

2. Products containing protein. This includes animal meat, poultry and fish. Protein is the main building material for soft tissues and internal organs. And, by the way, meat, especially red meat, contains iron, a deficiency of which can cause anemia in a teenager.

3. Plant fiber. They are nothing more than vegetables, roots and fruits. Fiber is necessary for normalizing the gastrointestinal tract and cleansing the body of toxins thanks to the natural antioxidants contained in these products.

4. Vegetable fats. These are vegetable oils and various nuts. The use of these products can greatly help a teenager avoid problems with hair loss and brittle nails that are quite common at this age.

5. Milk and fermented milk products. These are essential suppliers of calcium, vitamin D and phosphorus in the diet of adolescents.

6. Clean drinking water. For normal functioning of the body, you need to drink an amount of water per day at the rate of 30 mg per 1 kg of body weight.

And if the younger generation adheres to these simple nutritional recommendations, health and normal development will be ensured.

By the way, if at this age a person does not get used to healthy food and start eating right, then with age it will be quite difficult to change his habits and eating habits. And problems associated with poor nutrition can manifest themselves not only in excess weight, but various diseases can also arise.


14–16 years are a time of active growth, which is accompanied by increased appetite. The task of parents is to explain to the teenager the harm of irregular eating dry food, to find an alternative to chips and buns, for example, dried fruits and nuts.

Meals should be four meals a day:

  1. Breakfast – 25%;
  2. Lunch – 35–40%,
  3. Afternoon snack – 15%,
  4. Dinner – 20–25% of daily nutrient requirements.
  • Breakfast should include a snack, main course and drink. As a snack there can be vegetables or fruits, cheese or cottage cheese, eggs, salads. Used as hot porridge, vegetable stew, meat, fish. A drink in the form of hot tea, compote, jelly, milk.

Breakfast options for teenagers:

  1. Cottage cheese casserole with raisins or chocolate sauce.
  2. Oatmeal porridge, milk with dried fruits or berries.
  3. Millet milk porridge with pumpkin, banana, apple or raisins.
  4. Scrambled eggs, omelet, with meat, green pot or vegetables.
  5. Curd cheesecakes with sour cream or jam and yogurt.
  6. Buckwheat milk porridge with vegetables.
  • The child often receives lunch at school. It should consist of soup, a second course (side dish with meat or fish), a third course may include a drink with cookies, yogurt, etc.
  • For an afternoon snack, you can give your child fruit, cottage cheese, and vegetable salad.
  • For dinner you can cook:
  1. Meat cutlets with vegetables;
  2. Cottage cheese casserole with apples;
  3. Omelette with pasta;
  4. Porridge with dried fruits;
  5. Dumplings with jam or berries and fruits;
  6. Fish soufflé with stewed carrots.

Before going to bed, as an option, you can offer a glass of kefir or milk.

The calorie content of food is calculated as follows: approximately 1.8 kcal should be consumed per 1 kg of body weight. This means that a teenager should eat approximately 3000 kcal per day, and with increased physical activity - 3500 kcal. Boys have a particularly high need for energy during this period, and it is not uncommon for those around them to be amazed by their increased appetite.

Quality food composition

The qualitative composition of food is as follows: the ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates is 1:1:4.


The average protein requirement per 1 kg per day is 2–1.5 g, and 50% of it should be animal protein (beef and poultry, fish, dairy products). It has a primary role because it is a structural material for growth and the immune system, and is necessary for muscle strength. With a lack of protein in the body, the brain suffers, memory and mental abilities decrease, the child gets tired faster, and the immune system cannot cope with infections.

In addition to high levels of protein, dairy products are rich in calcium, and meat is the main source of iron, while fish is rich in phosphorus and minerals.

On a note! Protein content per 100 g of product:

  • Meat – 25 g,
  • Hard cheese – 25 g,
  • Fish – 20 g,
  • Milk – 3 g,
  • Eggs – 12 g,
  • Nuts – 28 g,
  • Bread – 8 g,
  • Beans and peas – 5 g.


The daily requirement for fat is about 100 g. For a teenager, the role of fat is to synthesize sex and other steroid hormones. Vegetable oils, butter and sour cream are more useful. Vegetable fats are beneficial due to the content of polyunsaturated fatty acids, and animal fats – due to fat-soluble vitamins such as A and D. 70% of incoming fats should be of vegetable origin and only 30% of animal origin.

On a note! Sources of vegetable fats:

  • Vegetable oils (99.9% fat),
  • Nuts (50–60%),
  • Oatmeal (7%) and buckwheat (3%) cereals.

Sources of animal fats:

  • Lard (90% fat),
  • Butter (75%),
  • Sour cream (about 30%),
  • Cheeses (15–30%).


The daily requirement for carbohydrates is 10–15 g per 1 kg of body weight (depending on physical activity, ambient temperature, etc.). The main function of carbohydrates is to provide the body's energy needs. Sources of healthy carbohydrates for a child are cereals, vegetables, bread, legumes, greens, fruits, berries, and not buns, cakes and sweets. Vegetables are also the main source of vitamins and minerals, and the dietary fiber they contain normalizes intestinal motility. You can read about how to choose fresh and healthy vegetables and fruits in our relevant articles.


The body's need for water in children and adolescents is higher than in adults and amounts to 50 ml per 1 kg of body weight (in adults - 30–40 ml). It is useful to drink mineral water, teas, decoctions of herbs and dried fruits, vegetable and fruit juices. Carbonated drinks are not able to quench thirst, they irritate the gastric mucosa, contribute to the leaching of calcium from bones and teeth, and can cause allergic reactions.

Consumption standards for vitamins, macro- and microelements for a teenager

A teenager must receive the required amount of macro- and microelements and vitamins from food. In the summer, it is enough to eat a variety of fresh vegetables and fruits (berries), and in the winter-spring period you can take a course of vitamin preparations. It is believed that by eating six fruits of different colors a day, we meet the need for all the necessary vitamins and minerals!

Calcium (1.2 g/day) and magnesium (300 mg/day) are needed for building bones and teeth; magnesium also relieves the excitability of the nervous system, helps cope with insomnia, and has a beneficial effect on the heart muscle.

Phosphorus (1.8 g/day) is necessary for metabolism, normal functioning of the nervous system and brain, muscles, liver and kidneys.

Iron (15–18 mg/day) is necessary for hematopoiesis and saturation of the body with oxygen.

Sodium (4 g/day), chlorine and potassium (4 g/day) normalize water-salt metabolism, acid-base balance, potassium removes excess water and sodium from the body.

Iodine (130 mcg/day) is necessary for the normal functioning of the thyroid gland.

Fluoride (2–3 mg/day) is involved in the construction of bones and teeth.

Vitamins are needed for the normal course of metabolic processes and the functioning of the body as a whole. They participate in various biochemical processes, ensure the physical and mental performance of a teenager, and strengthen the immune system.

Daily vitamin intake for teenagers:

  • A – 1.5 mg;
  • B1 – 1.8 mg;
  • B2 – 2.5 mg;
  • B6 – 2.0 mg;
  • B12 – 3.0 mcg;
  • RR – 19 mg;
  • C – 75 mg;
  • E – 15 mg;
  • D – 2.5 mg.

Lower limits of normal

The calorie corridor is the lower and upper limit of calorie intake per day for weight loss or maintenance. Knowing your individual metabolic rate (basal metabolism) will help you find out the lower limit. There are many equations for calculating your metabolic rate. You need to add 200 to the result of the lower limit of the norm, and you get the upper limit.

To lose weight, you need to calculate your individual calorie range and start reducing it. Doctors advise not to eat less than the lower limit of normal - 900-1000 calories per day. If someone who is losing weight eats less, they will constantly feel hungry and be stressed. At the same time, weight loss will stop, as the body will leave energy in reserve.

Features of proper nutrition for teenagers at home

To begin with, parents and other close people surrounding the teenager should clearly understand all the peculiarities of the period in which the former child is. In addition to providing regular psychological support to their child, parents should ensure that the child eats properly and receives all the necessary microelements and vitamins.

Proper nutrition for teenagers

It is important that parents understand that the teenager’s future depends on them, so you need to gather all your will into a fist and, despite the quarrels and scandals that are guaranteed to arise, still insist on their own and instill in the child the need to follow proper nutrition. To decide at home what kind of diet your child should eat, you need to answer the following questions:

  • How many calories should a teenager consume per day?
  • What should a teenager's diet contain more of: proteins, fats or carbohydrates.
  • Should nutrition be different for boys and girls?
  • Is the diet different for children 12, 13, 14, 16 years old?
  • How to properly organize weight loss or weight gain and so on.

To begin with, the child should show by example what food consumption should be. Therefore, you need to start with yourself: parents need to exclude all junk food from their diet, maintain the amount of calories consumed per day, and also drink a lot of water, while giving up alcohol.

If a child does not have weight problems, then a well-chosen diet will still help, for example, get rid of acne, even out skin tone, normalize sleep and have a beneficial effect on the nervous system.

A well-chosen diet will help get rid of acne, even out skin tone, etc.

At home, it is recommended to plan a teenager’s diet for a week. It is necessary to balance the menu so that it contains a sufficient daily intake of calcium, iron, magnesium, potassium and other microelements that regulate the growth of a young body. You also need to ensure that your child drinks plenty of water. The food served to a teenager must be fresh so that vitamins and microelements are retained in the dish to the maximum.

Important! The basis of proper nutrition is breakfast. It not only gives strength for an active start to the day, but also improves metabolism, stimulates weight loss and maintaining good shape.

Another feature of proper nutrition for a teenager at home is to minimize the use of vegetable oil. To avoid increasing cholesterol levels, it is necessary to reduce the use of oil when preparing food for your child. If you have good frying pans in your kitchen, then cooking without oil will be easy and simple: nothing sticks to frying pans with a non-stick coating, and food leaves no residue.

Why you need to stick to your daily calorie intake

Basal metabolism is the metabolism that occurs when a person sleeps or is at rest.

Caloric intake is spent on natural physiological processes:

  • breath;
  • circulation;
  • maintaining temperature;
  • growth of new cells.

Therefore, when calculating metabolism at absolute rest, the need for calories for active physical activities is not taken into account.

Proteins, fats and carbohydrates, when entering the body, ensure the functioning of all organs and release energy for solving everyday tasks and actions. By providing the body with the required amount of calories, a person significantly facilitates the work of the entire human mechanism. The body will respond with health, stamina, resistance to bacteria and good mood.

Where do calories come from?

As mentioned above, food contains carbohydrates, fats, proteins, vitamins, microelements and water. The last three components do not provide energy to the body. The calorie content of food is expressed in the energy value necessary to maintain life in the human body.

The human body consumes food to perform a variety of functions, such as heat generation, respiration, blood transport through cells, for rest and work, and sports. If a person consumes more than he expends, then some of the calories are stored as fat, and the person gets fat.

Consequences of insufficient and excess calorie intake

Insufficient or excessive calorie intake may be asymptomatic, or may lead to the appearance of visible diseases and the development of pathological conditions in the body.

Poor nutrition can lead to:

  • decreased immunity;
  • mental illnesses;
  • problems with the stomach and intestines;
  • oncological diseases;
  • disorders of the physical development of children and others.

Consequences of eating in excess:

  • obesity;

  • diabetes;
  • diseases of the heart and blood vessels;
  • atherosclerosis and others.

To prevent these consequences, you need to balance your diet, replace high-calorie foods with low-calorie foods, combine proper and balanced nutrition with exercise and spending time in the fresh air.

Meet your daily calorie needs

A child’s diet, regardless of age, should be clearly regulated in terms of calorie content. In the table below you will find the daily calorie intake for different ages:


5 - 6 years1990 kcal
7 – 10 years2380 kcal
11 – 13 years2860 kcal
Boys 14 - 17 years old3160 kcal
Girls 14 - 17 years old2760 kcal

Please note that these are general indicators that are calculated for a child with average parameters in terms of height, weight and physical activity. If you want to understand how many calories your child personally needs daily, it is better to consult a pediatric nutritionist. He will make calculations based on the specific parameters and lifestyle of your student.

You can simplify the task - become your own nutritionist for your child. The Wellness Consulting Academy has a separate proprietary course in this area (we generally have many different courses - take a look


Try to comply with the daily norm of the energy value of the diet. If a child overeats, sooner or later he will face a problem such as childhood obesity. It develops quite quickly with regular excess of caloric intake, incorrect eating habits, and infatuation with unhealthy foods such as fast food, snacks, and sweets.

Do everything possible so that your child does not learn what excess weight is, because losing weight is quite difficult for children - harder than for adults, who can use willpower and motivation.

You should not allow malnutrition, when your daily calorie intake is noticeably below normal. With insufficient nutrition and energy deficiency, the child will quickly get tired, he will have difficulties in learning due to problems with concentration, and the level of physical activity will decrease due to lack of strength. Always monitor how much your children eat.

Noticed problems with your appetite? Try to find out what's wrong. Perhaps the child does not like what you offer him on the menu, he does not feel well, his throat or teeth hurt, or stomatitis has developed in his mouth. Be sure to check whether he has enough sweets to suppress his appetite, whether he has enough physical activity, whether he is under stress, or whether he has eating disorders (for example, prerequisites for the development of anorexia).

Calculation of the norm using the Muffin-Jeor formula

In 2005, the Muffin-Geor formula was introduced to calculate caloric intake per day. The equation was introduced by a team of nutritionists from America under the guidance of outstanding doctors - Muffin and San Jeor. The formula is based on calculating caloric needs to maintain current weight, taking into account activity.

There is a theory in 2 forms - simplified and modified:

1. A simplified method shows calories for the metabolism of men (MME) and women (WOZ):

OOM = (10 * kg (weight)) + (6.252 * cm (height)) – (5 * age) + 5;

TL = (10 * kg (weight)) + (6.252 * cm (height)) – (5 * age) – 162.

2. The modified Muffin-Geor equation provides a clearer calorie figure, taking into account daily physical exertion - the resulting result of BW and TB is multiplied by physical activity.

Activity is divided into 5 stages depending on physical activity:

  • 1.2 – small;
  • 1.38 – weak;
  • 1.55 – moderate;
  • 1.73 – large;
  • 1.9 – super large (includes people who physically work and train every day).

Pros and cons of counting calories

Counting the calorie content of food is a simple process, but a little tedious. He has his supporters and opponents, so before you start losing weight, weigh all the advantages and disadvantages. They are presented in Table 1.

Table 1 Advantages and disadvantages of calculating kcal

Discipline in nutrition appearsThe need to weigh and record the amount eaten at each meal
You can analyze the products consumedTake a lot of time
It’s easy to learn to determine the mass of products “by eye”Gets boring quickly
The habit of eating hastily goes away
The weight comes off quickly
Long-term preservation of the final result

If you are a creative person and cannot sit in one place, then you will soon get tired of this process. Counting is ideal for disciplined people with a calm, measured temperament.

Harris-Benedict formula

The Harris-Benedict equation has been very popular for many decades and has earned approval from experts. It was founded in 1919. Due to its simplicity, the formula is able to determine the individual calorie requirement.

The equation calculates the required caloric volume for metabolism (BOO). After which it becomes obvious how much fewer calories you need to eat to start losing weight.

SBI according to the Harris-Benedict theory (age - full years, height - centimeters, weight - kilograms):

  • female gender: BOO = 655.2 + 9.61 * weight + 1.851 * height – 4.69 * age;
  • male gender: BOO = 66.48 + 13.76 * weight + 5.01 * height – 6.75 * age.

In 1984, the equation was revised and adjusted due to innovations in medicine and people's lifestyles:

  • female: BOO = 447.594 + (9.248 * weight) + (3.099 * height) – (4.331 * age);
  • male gender: BOO = 88.363 + (13.398 * weight) + (4.798 * height) – (5.678 * age).

Counting calories in complex dishes

When calculating the calorie content of a dish, you will have to face a difficulty: after all, it consists of several ingredients. The fewer ingredients there are in a food, the easier it is to calculate its energy value. To begin, weigh each ingredient separately, record the number, and then add up all the readings. Don't forget to consider frying oil, soy sauce for dressing, and other additives. They increase the calorie content of the finished dish. You can calculate anything: how many calories a plate of borscht or vegetable salad contains, or meat cutlets. This method is more accurate, in contrast to the average values ​​​​indicated in reference tables.

Attention! The weight of spices and water can be ignored in the calculation, since they do not affect the final energy value in any way.

Ketch-McArdle formula

The Ketch-McArdle equation is based on calculating lean body mass, which makes it possible to more accurately determine calorie needs per day. The calculation is carried out taking into account muscle mass (MMT), so it is equally suitable for both male and female representatives.

Basal metabolic rate = 370 + 21.6 * muscle mass.

For example, for a person weighing 53 kg, with a fat percentage of 20% (10.6 kg of fat), which means that body weight without fat will be 53 - 10.6 = 42.4 kg, the calorie requirement per day will be:

370 + (21.61 * 42.4) = 1286 calories

In this case, activity should be taken into account, for example, it will be equal to 1.55 (training or physical work more than 2 times a week). Calorie requirement per day = 1.55 * 1286 = 1993 calories.

Healthy weight

A balanced diet and regular exercise will help your child achieve a healthy weight. While nearly 20% of adolescents have a high body mass index, almost 3% of adolescent girls meet criteria for an eating disorder. If you are concerned about your child's weight or relationship with food, seek advice from a registered dietitian or doctor.

WHO formula

The World Health Organization equation is based on daily caloric needs based on activity (weight in kilograms).

For girls and women of age:

  • 18 - 29: kfa * (0.0641 * weight + 2.038) * 241;
  • 30 - 60: kfa * (0.035 * weight + 3.540) * 241;
  • over 61: kfa * (0.039 * weight + 2.756) * 241;

For boys and men of age:

  • 18 - 29: kfa * (0.064 * weight + 2.897) * 241;
  • 30 - 60: kfa * (0.485 * weight + 3.654) * 241;
  • over 61: kfa * (0.493 * weight + 2.460) * 241.

CFA is activity and can take on the following meaning:

  • 1 – low, minimal loads;
  • 1.3 – average, training from 2 times a week, moderate work;
  • 1.5 – high, physical work, constant sports.

For example, a 28-year-old girl weighing 48 kg with a high level of CFA needs: (0.064 * 48 + 2.038) * 241 x 1.5 = 1847 kcal.

Activity levels

There are three levels of activity , each with its own characteristics, and the required amount of calories depends on them. Here they are:

  • Low activity. Denotes minimal movement, a more sedentary lifestyle.
  • Moderate activity. The adolescent participates in activities necessary for daily living, plus activity equivalent to 30 to 40 minutes of sports.
  • High activity. The person participates in activities necessary for daily living, plus activity equivalent to exercise for more than 40 minutes per day.

Formula based on body area

The formula is based on knowledge of a person's height and weight. Tall and thin people will have a higher base metabolic rate. If people with the same weight but different heights (short and tall) consume the same amount of calories every day, then after a certain time a short person will gain weight. In this case, a tall person will remain at the same weight.

Calorie consumption per 1 sq. m body area per hour:


Number of calories

As we have already said the daily amount of calories for teenagers depends on their activity.

For boys
AgeLow activityModerate activityHigh activity
For girls
AgeLow activityModerate activityHigh activity

Norms of BJU per day for women, men and children

Proteins, carbohydrates and fats are important components of food. When following a diet and counting calories, you must take into account their ratio.

When determining the BZHU norm, a person is assigned to one of the following weight categories:

  • Category 1 – body weight in the range of 30–50 kg;
  • category 2 - 51–60 kg;
  • Category 3 - 61-70 kg;
  • Category 4 – 71–90 kg.

Carbohydrate intake:

1 category2nd category3 category4th category
weight maintenance
men220 g235 g255 g265 g
women155 g195 g205 g225 g
men163 g168 g178 g188 g
women135 g145 g160 g170 g
for muscle growth
men280 g295 g325 g340g
women210 g255 g270 g255 g

Protein norm:

1 category2nd category3 category4th category
weight maintenance
men150 g160 g170 g180 g
women125 g135 g145 g155 g
men155 g160 g165 g175 g
women110 g135 g155 g145 g
for muscle growth
men185 g195 g205 g215 g
women165 g175 g190 g195 g

Fat allowance:

1 category2nd category3 category4th category
weight maintenance
men45 g55 g55 g60 g
women40 g45 g45 g50 g
men25 g25 g25 g25 g
women25 g30 g30 g35 g
for muscle growth
men65 g65 g70 g75 g
women55 g55 g60 g65 g

BJU norms for children are affected by age:

Age (years)Proteins, gFats, gCarbohydrates, g
11-13 boys9092390
11-13 girls8284355
14-17 boys98100425
14-17 girls9090365

Food must be balanced for both adults and children. Excess or lack of BZHU affects health and well-being.

The right approach to losing weight for a teenager

To develop a suitable diet for a teenager, it is necessary to make fundamental changes in the daily menu based on proper nutrition.

Many doctors agree that in the case of teenagers, it is important during a diet not so much to reduce weight as to prevent its further increase. The child will grow, stretch out, and eventually the weight will return to normal.

If you are not sure that your child has problems with body weight, do not rush to make calculations suitable for an adult, when 110 is subtracted from height in centimeters. With children, this approach simply does not work.

To see if your child has a weight problem, look at the table showing normal weight levels for children and teenagers.

AgeGirls Height, cm and Weight, kgBoys Height, cm and Weight, kg

Individual calculation of BZHU

To calculate your individual BJU level, you need to calculate your metabolic rate using one of the formulas of famous doctors and nutritionists.

It is known that in 1 g:

  • protein - 4 kcal;
  • fat - 9 kcal;
  • carbohydrates - 4 kcal.

And the proportion of BJU in the recommended diet looks like this:

  • 27% proteins;
  • 23% fat;
  • 50% carbohydrates.

Based on this, an individual BJU is considered (let’s take the number of calories for basic metabolism equal to 1250):

  1. Proteins = (1250 * 0.27) : 4 = 84 g.
  2. Fat = (1250 * 0.23) : 9 = 32 g.
  3. Carbohydrates = (1250 * 0.50) : 4 = 156 g.

The diet should be designed taking into account goals and calorie needs, while maintaining a balanced ratio of BZHU.

Don't miss the most popular article in the section: Morning exercises for those over 40, 50. Gymnastics exercises for weight loss, video lessons.

How many calories should you consume per day to lose 10 kg?

If you want to lose weight very quickly, for example, lose about 10 kg in 2 weeks, then your diet should include 1000-1200 kcal. An approximate list of products for daily nutrition could be like this:

  • any fresh fruit – 250-300 g;
  • raw and boiled vegetables – 350 g;
  • lean meat (chicken, beef) -150-160 g;
  • 500 ml of any dairy product;
  • boiled egg;
  • 40-50 g whole grain rye bread;
  • low fat cheese – 20 g.

Distribute the entire list of products so that it is enough for the whole day. An example of a daily menu is presented below:

  • for breakfast – boiled egg, ½ grapefruit, green tea with milk;
  • for lunch - boiled chicken breast (130-140 g) with fresh vegetable salad (150 g);
  • for dinner - a glass of kefir, fresh vegetables, a sandwich of white bread and lean meat.

To replenish the energy balance, snacks are allowed between meals. You can drink a glass of kefir, eat low-fat yogurt without sugar or any fruit. If you adhere to similar dietary rules, drink at least 2 liters of water daily, you can lose kg of weight per day. At the same time, you will not feel hungry, and over time your stomach will shrink to a small size, which will allow you to eat a small portion.

Attention! When consuming fermented milk products, always pay attention to their calorie content and the absence of sugar in the composition.

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How many calories do you need to lose weight or build muscle?

The daily calorie intake per day is individual for everyone and depends on lifestyle. And the purpose of counting calories is also different, for one - to maintain a diet, for another - to build muscles.

Modern nutritionists highlight the figure – 1000-1200. This is how many kcal a woman and girl need per day to provide the female body with everything it needs. For men – 1200-1500 kcal. By reducing these indicators, you can begin to lose weight. It is not recommended to sharply reduce calorie intake; you need to gradually reduce it by 20%.

Proteins are responsible for muscle growth in the body, fats are responsible for stabilizing the fat layer, and carbohydrates are responsible for producing the necessary energy. The required caloric content of food depends on the specific sport and is calculated per kilogram of body weight. When the goal is to gain weight, the calorie requirement should be 50-63 kcal per kilogram of weight.

Remove all unhealthy foods and drinks from your child’s diet.

According to the standards of pediatric nutrition, a child can eat only 20-25 g of sweets and 5 g of salt per day. This means that all over-salted foods and dishes are prohibited for him. This includes chips, salted crackers and nuts, other salty snacks, pickles and marinades, and store-bought sauces.

As for sweets, 20 g will only satisfy a couple of sweets, a few cookies or a strip of chocolate. However, you can dilute a schoolchild’s healthy diet with natural sweets, for example, fruit marmalade and sugar-free marshmallows, homemade jelly or pudding, cookies without margarine with stevia, and cereal bars without sweeteners.

Also, do everything possible to prevent your child from drinking sugary carbonated drinks, energy drinks, or getting carried away with store-bought juices (they also contain a lot of sugar). Serious restrictions apply to all sausages, fast food, fatty meats, fast food, which contain a lot of trans fats, harmful food additives, and salt.

Rate of weight loss and gain

Excess weight is dangerous for a person, but its sharp reduction is also undesirable. Modern nutritionists believe that losing one kilogram of weight in the first week of dieting will not harm the body. But weight loss should occur not only through dietary nutrition, but also through exercise and an active lifestyle.

In the first 2 weeks, water is lost, not fat reserves. Further, it is recommended to lose weight no more than 600 g per week. To lose weight faster, you need to consume more complex carbohydrates, and your calorie intake should be greater than your intake.

A sharp weight loss does not allow the body to adapt to new conditions. There is a decrease in metabolic rate and a negative effect on the liver and kidneys. A rapid loss of fluid leads to sagging skin and convulsive processes in the muscles and heart.

If you want to gain weight, doctors recommend sticking to the figure of 3 kg per month. A large increase negatively affects the functioning of the entire body and a person’s well-being.

Breakfast is a must

Even if your child has an organized breakfast at school, this does not replace eating at home. Any pediatric nutritionist will tell you that breakfast should be no later than 2 hours after waking up. That is, the child wakes up, drinks water to start the work of the whole body, does exercises, washes his face, then eats and gets ready for school.

If he waits for breakfast at school, then by that time he will be very hungry, and the body without morning nutrition will simply slow down its metabolism (the nutrition system for younger schoolchildren involves an organized breakfast, usually after the first lesson).

Don't know what to feed your schoolchild for breakfast? Give him porridge with fruit or an egg dish with vegetables - this option is perfect for those who do not eat well at school and do not like school lunches. If your child does not experience difficulties with table meals, then in the morning you can give him low-fat natural yogurt, which will allow him to calmly wait for the planned breakfast at school.

Remember that the morning meal must charge children with energy, since they have mental work and an active day ahead of them. Therefore, it is better to feed a schoolchild complex carbohydrates, which can be combined with light proteins. Whole grain bread with cheese, egg dishes, porridge (with fruit or dried fruit), vegetables, cottage cheese casserole, cheesecakes, etc. are suitable.

Advice from doctors and nutritionists on organizing menus with calorie counting

Doctors and nutritionists recommend keeping a notebook when counting calories. In it, you need to plan your meals for each day, taking into account the recommended consumption of dietary supplements, as well as calculate excessively accumulated reserves, or the desired kilograms. Proper nutrition should be accompanied by a psychological attitude towards the benefits and benefits received.

Nutritionists support the idea that a person should not limit himself to any foods. The whole point of dieting and weight gain should be based on calorie counting. You should not start a diet if you have any illnesses, stress, or difficult periods of life.

Recommendations for organizing the menu:

  • daily food intake should be divided into 4 times, with breaks between them of 3 to 4 hours;
  • reduce the consumption of smoked meats and marinades;
  • The final meal should be 2.5 hours before bedtime (preferably earlier);
  • norm for the consumption of simple carbohydrates (pasta, confectionery);
  • the distribution of calories should be as follows: breakfast - 30%, light snack - 10%, lunch - 40%, dinner - 20%, 5-10% - additional dinner;
  • half an hour before meals, drink a glass of water.

Knowing the daily calorie intake per day, it is not difficult to adjust your diet and begin the path to achieving your desired goal - weight gain or loss. Counting the calorie content of foods will help you look at nutrition differently and balance your life.

Article design: Vladimir the Great

There is no need to starve on a diet!

People ignorant of medicine sometimes tend to think that the same food restrictions can work for their children as for them as adults, but this is completely wrong.

Adolescence is characterized by special processes occurring in the human body, for which incorrect approaches to nutrition can be detrimental. Scientists around the world spend years researching this complex issue in order to have the most complete understanding of the problem.

However, there are a number of general recommendations that will allow you to more clearly understand what healthy eating for teenagers is even before visiting a doctor.

A pleasant aspect of the menu designed for teenagers is that it is varied and nutritious food without excessive prohibitions. On such a diet, even sweets are allowed, but in small quantities and in the first half of the day.

Everything is aimed at making the child on a diet feel as comfortable and calm as possible. Once the menu becomes balanced and healthy, the metabolism, which works better in teenagers than in adults, will take precedence over fat deposits.

Here are key tips to help speed up the process.

  1. Drink one and a half liters of clean water a day.
  2. Fractional meals - 5 times a day.
  3. Walking in the fresh air - an hour every day.
  4. Refusal of fast food and snacks.

Fresh fruits are good for snacks, and for an afternoon snack you can give your child tea or compote with a few candies or cookies.

Healthy breakfast

Breakfast has long been considered the most important meal of the day during a diet, when it is necessary to properly load the body so that it has enough energy for a fruitful day.


The best menu for teenagers is porridge: oatmeal or buckwheat.

  • You can cook oatmeal in milk and add dried fruits and honey to it, which will sweeten the dish without using sugar.
  • But buckwheat can be served as usual, or you can add milk to it.

An omelet or scrambled egg fried with tomatoes and bell peppers is also good. Also, if time permits, you can bake cottage cheese casserole with raisins in the oven or prepare cottage cheese pancakes with honey.

For a young athlete who needs a lot of protein, a healthier breakfast consists of boiled chicken fillet with buckwheat and one boiled egg.

Lunch without overeating

A couple of hours after breakfast, you need the child to eat any fruit - the only exception is grapes, the calorie content of which is in no way suitable for the diet.

  1. For lunch, be sure to include a hot dish: soup, lean borscht, cabbage soup, chicken broth, and so on. Don't forget about bread - up to two pieces of black rye.
  2. For the second course, boiled lean meat or fish is perfect. If a teenager does not like them boiled, then it is permissible to bake them in the oven, but under no circumstances should the food be fried.
  3. As a side dish, it is better to give preference to fresh seasonal vegetables, which are good to cut into a salad: tomatoes, cucumbers, radishes, white cabbage, onions, greens, beets, and so on. If desired, you can also make a vinaigrette.
  4. For dessert, serve your child tea or compote with a few cubes of dark chocolate - no more than 25 grams.

Afternoon snack and dinner

The best option for an afternoon snack during a diet would be children's cottage cheese or yogurt, as well as one apple. If the teenager does not get enough of this, it is permissible to give him another piece of rye bread.

  1. Dinner, which should take place no later than three hours before going to bed, is the lightest of the main meals.
  2. You shouldn’t overload your stomach at night, so in the evening it’s good to serve (your choice): low-fat cottage cheese with fruit, a piece of fish baked in foil with a tomato, fresh vegetable salad, kefir or drinking yogurt.
  3. It is also permissible to wash down the dish selected from the list with green tea.

It is very important for parents not to miss the moment when the child’s weight begins to exceed the norm, as this can lead to the development of serious diseases in the future. In the case of teenage girls, extra pounds even provoke menstrual irregularities, which can lead to problems with childbearing.

And if we talk about children of both sexes, obesity has a detrimental effect on the functioning of the heart muscle and vascular system. In addition, excess weight puts undue pressure on the still developing spine and joints.

This can lead to serious eating disorders that are closely linked to psychological problems such as bulimia and anorexia.

In addition, following the wrong diet during adolescence poses a risk of stunted growth.

A lack of the required amount of vitamins and minerals, which is caused by rigid ill-conceived diets, can lead to damage to teeth, hair and nail plates. This will ultimately add problems to an already upset child.

However, there are some cases when resorting to even a very gentle teenage diet is not recommended for medical reasons. These include:

  • disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, including ulcers and gastritis;
  • food allergies (intolerance to certain foods);
  • colds in the acute phase;
  • various chronic diseases;
  • neurological diseases;
  • diabetes;
  • kidney and liver diseases;
  • pancreatitis (inflammation of the pancreas).

In such cases, you should not engage in arbitrariness and regulate the menu yourself, but you should definitely seek qualified help from a pediatrician. The specialist will be able to take into account all the medical problems of the little patient and develop the most suitable diet for the teenager.

Tips for Counting Calories

At first, the counting procedure may seem confusing and difficult. To perform the calculation correctly, follow a few tips:

  • Don't overestimate your physical activity. Some people think that even minor physical activity (walking, slow running, lifting dumbbells weighing 1-2 kg) is a full-fledged workout. In fact, sports last at least 40-50 minutes and involve a lot of physical activity;
  • Don't rely on your eye. After a couple of days of constant weighing, you will find that measuring the weight of a portion is not necessary, since you can do it by eye. Often this opinion is very erroneous, and subconsciously a larger portion will end up on the plate;
  • record the amount you eat or record data in the app. After each meal, enter the indicators and do not put it off until later. In a few minutes you will already forget the weight of the product;
  • don't forget about the little things. Coffee with cream, sweet tea, a glass of juice - all these are additional calories that need to be recorded.

After dinner, breakfast or lunch, draw the end line. Analyze how much energy you consumed and how much more you need to eat to meet your daily requirement.

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