How to build muscles on exercise machines and at home? Exercises for all muscle groups

  • May 10, 2019
  • Workouts in the gym
  • Artem Komashko

A person who has good muscles is always perceived as strong and healthy. Therefore, many people are interested in how to build muscles. This can be done in the gym and at home. However, to effectively gain weight and work on the relief, an athlete needs to know a lot of subtleties.

What you should know

A person who develops his muscular system becomes not only strong, but also self-confident. Since training is a very complex process that requires overcoming laziness, accepting shortcomings and constant perfection. Before pumping up muscles, a person needs to understand what he wants from going to the gym. There are people who want to tighten their figure a little.

There are also individuals who strive for very high results. Every athlete, regardless of desires, needs to have strong motivation. Since in the future you should go to the gym 2-4 times a week, eat right and rest.

follow me

Stop being afraid, because I am here to show you the way. I will teach you how to exercise and eat right and tell you what nutritional supplements to take. And I will also light a fuse under your ass that will make you move forward even in those moments when it seems to you that you have no strength left. Who knows, maybe in a year you will become a full member of the world of bodybuilding and fitness, but I am going to prove that you can cope with any task.

For the next 365 days, I will become your guide and lead you towards your dream. I will give you clear instructions and teach you what you have been thinking about for many years. You no longer have to buy a magazine every month, and you can save money on the Get Big and Strong course because my program is completely free. Follow my recommendations, and very soon you will see from your own experience that you have a detailed road map that leads to absolute success. But first of all, I want to warn you that the path ahead of us will not be easy. The truth is, you will have to take on an incredible challenge, and it will require willpower that you may not even know you have.

So, you've been warned. Now I want you to promise that from this very moment you will strictly follow my recommendations. Read this oath and say it. Yes, that's right, read it out loud. This way you will hear yourself from the outside, and this will become additional motivation. Now read and repeat:

I promise that from this very moment I will bend over backwards to make my dream come true and create a big, strong and muscular body that will make everyone around me gape and stare at me with wide eyes. I won't give up on my dreams, I won't put it in reverse and I won't give up. I will go all out and give it my 100%, because I know that I can do anything, and I am going to prove it to those who have known me for a long time, and to those who are unfamiliar with me. No misfires, no excuses for failures, because I and only I am responsible for my actions and decisions, and it’s up to me whether I achieve success or remain a failure. Skeptics and envious people will not stop me, because I am stronger than all these ill-wishers, because now I know for sure that I am doomed to success!

Did you read this out loud? If not, do it. I want these words to light a fire in you. You are going to radically change your life, and from now on it will no longer be the same as you know it. You should be burning with impatience, you should feel an unprecedented surge of strength and energy. Are you now ready to explore the map that will lead you to the body of your dreams? Hope so. Let's hit the road!

Define your goals

Before you start working on your body, you need to clearly understand what you want to achieve. Take a piece of paper and divide it into three parts. In the first one you write down “My goals for the coming year.” Next is “Habits I need to break in order to be successful,” and the third item is “Things I will start doing to become successful.”

For example. I'm fed up with my appearance and low self-esteem, so starting today I'm starting to work on creating an ideal body. A list will help me with this, in which I clearly outline my goals and list the things that I need to give up for my own good.

My goals

  • Gain 10 kg of muscle mass.
  • Increase your bench press performance by 25 kg.
  • Reduce body fat percentage to 7%
  • Buy shirts and T-shirts in XL size without increasing your jeans size.

Habits I Need to Break to Succeed

  • Drink soda with meals
  • Go to cafes on weekends and be tempted by junk food and booze.
  • Go to bed late, because from now on I will have to get up early
  • Buying all sorts of nonsense during an on-duty trip to the supermarket
  • Talk about yourself in a negative way

Things I will start doing to achieve success

  • Drink water with every meal.
  • Go to bed early to fully recover before a difficult day.
  • Eat before going to the supermarket so as not to die of hunger and not stare at junk food.
  • If I have to go to a restaurant or cafe, I volunteer to be a sober driver and refuse to drink.

This is just an example. Whatever you consider necessary to do or not do to achieve your goals, write it all down and thereby take on additional obligations.

Write down your goals to increase accountability.

No excuses

Don't forget, you promised there would be no excuses. We'll take care of that now. I'll list the most common excuses and help you deal with them before they become a problem. From now on, you will have everything you need to achieve success, and there will be no excuses for momentary weaknesses.


I’m constantly on the road, I have to eat on the go, and there’s not much to choose from other than “fast food.”


You're wrong! Stores sell protein bars and meal replacement powders that can provide you with quality nutrition during business trips. Plus, cooler bags and food containers aren't that expensive; you can prepare food in advance and take it with you. Over time, you will realize that this saves you a lot of money.

Preparing food in advance and taking it with you can save you a lot of money.


Supermarkets are full of junk food and when I go shopping I want to buy it.


Eat well before going shopping. When you're not hungry, you're less likely to think about buying unhealthy treats, and you focus on your main goals. Make a list, buy everything you need, and get out of the supermarket!


I don't have time to cook every night.


You can dedicate one evening a week to cooking, prepare a bunch of dishes and put them in the refrigerator. When you cook in bulk, you save time both on preparing food and on eating it.


I don't have time to go to the gym.


In fact, 45 minutes is enough for a quality workout. If you really don't have time, try one of the 20-minute training options.


I don't know where to start.


Keep reading.

Principles of muscle growth

The body of any person constantly adapts to stress. Therefore, a person needs to know the basic rules of how to build pumped up muscles. The basic principles of muscle growth are quite simple. For your convenience, they are presented in list form:

  1. The load must progress. Before you pump up all the muscles of your body, you need to understand that the weight of the exercise equipment will have to be constantly increased. Otherwise, the mass will stand still.
  2. Restoration of the body. To do this, a person needs to eat right. Experts recommend doing this at least five times a day. In addition, a person’s sleep should be at least eight hours.
  3. Compliance with exercise technique. A person should learn to feel the load on his body parts. If the technique is not followed, the athlete will strain other muscle joints. As a result, there will be no significant increase in mass.

Experts believe that training is only 30% of success. Everything else is a credit to proper nutrition and recovery. If a person does not have enough nutrients, then the muscles can be destroyed.

Start of training: chest and back

Experts recommend starting exercises by working out the abdominal muscles. To do this, simple abdominal exercises in two approaches will be enough. Before pumping up muscles on exercise machines, a person needs to draw up an exercise program. The optimal number of trips to the gym is 3 days a week. Experienced bodybuilders recommend performing 1 warm-up and 3 working approaches. The first day of training should be devoted to working out the chest and back. Since these parts of the body are among the largest in humans. How to properly pump up your pectoral muscles and back:

  1. You should select a weight that will allow you to do 12-15 clean approaches. The athlete needs to try to do the last exercises with all his might.
  2. Do dumbbell presses. The athlete should perform 4 sets of 12-10 repetitions. The bench should be inclined.
  3. Raising your arms to the sides. The person should lie on his stomach on an inclined bench. Experts recommend doing 3 sets of 10 reps.
  4. Do crossover exercises. This projectile requires technical knowledge. You should do 3 sets of 12 repetitions.
  5. Perform pull-ups with a classic and reverse grip. The athlete must use their own weight. It is best to do 4 sets of 12-8 repetitions.

To fully pump up the back, a person should add lat pulldowns to their program. Weight is selected individually by each athlete. You need to do 3 sets of 10 repetitions. The athlete also needs to pay attention to technique.

First stage (September)[edit | edit code]

September has arrived and you are back at your gym feeling rested, refreshed and full of enthusiasm. You have already appreciated all the benefits that come with having an athletic, muscular body. Now you are determined to jump right into the fight, working out at maximum intensity, so that within a year you will become like a competitive bodybuilder and amaze others with the peak of your biceps or thigh separation.

Do not hurry! Remember that the greatest success in bodybuilding is achieved by those athletes who move forward gradually, step by step, coordinating their training program with proper nutrition


I advise you to exercise healthy caution. After all, you returned to the gym after a three-month break, so it’s quite risky to jump on the barbell and dumbbells like Sailors on a pillbox embrasure. A smooth entry into systemic training is necessary. After all, over the past three months of rest, albeit active, your ligaments have weakened slightly; if you immediately begin to load yourself to the fullest, then injuries will not keep you waiting. Therefore, devote the first month to regaining lost skills and regaining strength.

You will study three times a week using the same complex. It’s only worth changing the number of approaches. If in the first week you perform only one, then in the second - already two, and in the third and fourth - three approaches in each exercise.

Choose medium weights. Your main task at this stage is to remember the correct trajectory of the projectile, restore motor skills and outline working weights for the next stage. Don't train to the point of exhaustion. You should leave the hall tired, but satisfied. Intentionally curb your enthusiasm. During this period, you seem to be pulling back the string of the bow, so that later your progress will rush forward at the speed of an arrow and your efforts will not be in vain, but will hit the target. If you break the string, then the arrow will not fly anywhere...

Gradually begin to introduce your diet into the strict framework of sports nutrition. You will have to forget about the excesses that you could afford in the summer. To provide your body with all the necessary substances, you need to adhere to a fairly strict diet.


The set of exercises will be simple and reliable. By performing it, by the end of the month you will bring your strength indicators to the level of spring and can calmly progress further. Don't forget to warm up thoroughly before training and perform one or two warm-up sets per exercise.

  • Bench press on a horizontal bench - three sets of 8 repetitions.
  • Wide-grip pull-ups to the chest or rows of a vertical block to the chest - three sets of 12 repetitions.
  • Standing barbell press - three sets of 10 reps.
  • Standing elbow curls with a barbell - three sets of 10 repetitions.
  • French bench press - three sets of 10 reps.
  • Leg press on the machine - three sets of 15 repetitions.
  • Raising the torso on an incline bench - three sets with a maximum number of repetitions.

Don't forget to keep a diary. When you compare results achieved in the same month but in different years, you will be amazed at how much progress has occurred over that time. This will boost your motivation.

Pumping shoulders and legs

These parts of the body are the most difficult to pump up. You should start your workout by working out your abdomen. Before you pump up your abs and obliques, you can do some cardio. After this, start twisting the body. You need to do 4 sets of 20 times. Then you can proceed to the main part of the classes. How to pump up your shoulders and legs:

  1. Raise dumbbells forward of the body. The athlete's shoulder girdle will become tense. You should do 3 sets of 12 times. Experts recommend warming up your shoulders before exercise. Since a person can injure ligaments.
  2. Raise the dumbbells to the sides. The exercise should be performed in two sets of 12 or 10 times.
  3. Perform a backward lunge from a height. You should do 3 sets of 13 repetitions. During the exercise, you need to ask the trainer for backup. However, if a person does not have a projectile, then you can do it yourself.
  4. Do deadlifts on a Smith machine. Experienced athletes recommend starting with 4 sets of 11 repetitions.

A person should not have more than one minute of rest between sets. Also, if a person does not know how to pump up his shoulders, then it is better for him to consult a trainer. He will tell you the correct technique, and this will help avoid injuries.

The fourth stage (February, March, April)[edit | edit code]

If you trained hard using the third stage complex and followed a diet, then your strength indicators should have increased noticeably during this time. On average, the increase is 10-15 kg in the bench press, 20-25 kg in squats and deadlifts. Similar progress can be expected in other exercises. Thus, you are gradually approaching serious working weights and moving into the category of advanced athletes.

The fourth stage will be purely mass-gaining. Like last year, it is not without reason that it falls at the end of winter - spring. To stimulate muscle growth, you will use the principle of alternation. Its essence is that approaches to two exercises for antagonist muscles are performed alternately. For example, you will do four sets of bench press and pull-ups. Then after warming up, you perform one set of bench presses, rest for 1.5-2 minutes and do a set of pull-ups, then rest for another 1.5-2 minutes and repeat the cycle 3 more times.

What does this principle provide? First of all, you will be able to work with heavier weights, as the rest time between sets increases. However, this time is not devoted to passive rest, but to training the antagonist muscle, which, in turn, stimulates better recovery of the target muscles both during rest during training and in free time.

Based on the principle of alternation, it is best to train the following pairs: chest - back, biceps - triceps, quadriceps - thigh biceps. These are the most typical antagonist muscles. To make the task more difficult, it is recommended to avoid resting between pairs of approaches. However, this should be avoided in the beginning, because otherwise the intensity of the workout will increase greatly, and this is not yet your level. You will resort to this technique at later stages of your sports career, when you become more experienced and the recovery processes in your body will occur much faster.

Nutrition still plays an important role. It should remain high enough in calories to cover all your body's energy needs. However, you should not get carried away with carbohydrates, because the fat that you build up on your stomach will be difficult to get rid of later.

Provide your body with the necessary amount of vitamins and minerals, since spring vitamin deficiency is just as merciless to athletes as to other people. If you feel like you're chronically sleep-deprived, try taking melatonin. It is an analogue of a hormone that is produced by the pineal gland, located deep under the cerebral hemispheres. The main purpose of melatonin is to regulate sleep. With age, the activity of the pineal gland decreases, therefore the amount of melatonin produced decreases, insomnia appears or sleep becomes superficial and restless. Taking appropriate medications helps eliminate insomnia, which gives way to a healthy night's rest, and also helps restore circadian rhythms. As a result, fatigue and irritability disappear. During a calm, deep sleep, the work of all internal organs and systems is “debugged,” muscles relax, the nervous system rests, and the brain has time to process the information accumulated during the day. The activity of the body at this time is aimed at its improvement, the processes of restoration and rejuvenation are actively included. A person feels cheerful and healthy, which is doubly important for any athlete. It is in your sleep that you truly rest, recovering from stress and stress.

So, let's take a closer look at the training program of this stage. You will study three times a week using three different complexes. Since your working weights have already increased, it will take longer to recover.

Please note that you will train your legs only once a week. This is explained by the fact that medium-sized muscular legs look much more aesthetically pleasing than the elephant-like “hams” of professional bodybuilders.

Although competitive-level athletes without powerful legs today should not even step onto the platform, in everyday life overdeveloped quadriceps are more likely to hinder


Your mesocycle is presented in table.

Training schedule

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
A Rest IN Rest WITH Rest Rest

Complex A

(exercises 1 and 2, as well as 3 and 4 are performed according to the principle of alternation).

  • Bench press on a horizontal bench - five sets of 8 repetitions.
  • Wide grip pull-ups - five sets of 12 reps.
  • Dips with weights - four sets of 10 reps.
  • Bent-over barbell rows - four sets of 10 reps.
  • Seated dumbbell press - four sets of 10 reps.
  • Standing elbow curls with a barbell - four sets of 10 repetitions.
  • Exercise for the calf muscles in the standing barre - four sets of 20 repetitions.
  • Raising the torso on an incline bench - four sets with a maximum number of repetitions.

Complex B

(Exercises 2 and 3 are performed according to the principle of alternation).

  • Squats - five sets of 10 reps.
  • Leg extensions on a lying machine - three sets of 12 repetitions.
  • Leg curls on a lying machine - three sets of 12 repetitions.
  • Deadlift - three sets of 12 reps.
  • Exercise for the calf muscles in a seated barre - four sets of 15 repetitions.
  • Raising straight legs while hanging to the bar - four sets with the maximum number of repetitions.

Complex C

(Exercises 1 and 2 are performed according to the principle of alternation).

  • Incline bench press - four sets of 10 reps.
  • Bent-over barbell rows - four sets of 8 reps.
  • One-arm dumbbell rows - four sets of 12 reps.
  • Bench press - four sets of 8 reps.
  • Standing dumbbell lateral raises—four sets of 12 reps.
  • Alternately bending the arms at the elbow joints with dumbbells - four sets of 10 repetitions.
  • Exercise for the calf muscles in the standing barre - four sets of 20 repetitions.
  • Raising the torso on an incline bench—four sets with a maximum number of repetitions.

The principle of performing the exercises remains the same. This means that only one approach should be truly difficult, maximum the last two.

Hand pumping

Bodybuilders consider this to be one of the most enjoyable parts of training. At the very beginning you need to work your stomach. If a person does not know how to pump up the abs and oblique muscles, then he should start with simple exercises. For an effective abdominal workout, you can raise your legs on the horizontal bar. Also perform crunches, and then begin a full-fledged exercise. How to pump up arm muscles:

  1. At the very beginning of the workout, you should perform a biceps curl. The weight of the equipment is selected individually by each athlete. You should do 5 sets of 12 repetitions.
  2. Perform alternating dumbbell lifts. Beginners do not need to take weight more than 7 kilograms. In this exercise you need to perform 2 sets of 12 times.
  3. Do push-ups on parallel bars. There is no need to use additional weight at the very beginning. Experts recommend doing 4 sets of 5-10 repetitions. The exercises will work the triceps. Therefore, there is no need to move your arms to the sides.
  4. Perform a French press on a flat bench. Use dumbbells that allow you to do 3 sets of 12 reps.
  5. Bend your wrists with a barbell. The weight of the projectile should be minimal. During the exercise, the muscles of the forearm and wrist are pumped. You need to do 3 approaches of 15 times.

Thanks to systematic training, a person's muscles will begin to grow. Professional bodybuilders recommend gradually increasing weight. In order for the effectiveness of exercise to be at a high level, it is necessary to prevent the muscles from getting used to the load. To do this, alternate days with minimum and maximum weight.

Second stage (October, November)[edit | edit code]

After completing the introductory stage of the second year, your body is ready for more significant stress. For active development, they must be wavy in nature.

By the beginning of this stage, you should organize your diet in such a way that your muscles have enough building material for further growth. As mentioned above, nutrition plays an extremely important role. Since the training will be quite intense, providing the body with the necessary energy should come to the fore. Pay special attention to the fact that after each workout you can always take a special drink to close the “carbohydrate-protein window”. This term refers to 30-40 minutes after the cessation of a significant load on the body, during which it uses all the nutrients received during this period to restore glycogen reserves, as well as to create new muscle fibers. By taking an easily digestible carbohydrate-protein mixture at this moment, you significantly increase the effectiveness of your training. If you simultaneously take several capsules of the BCAA amino acid complex, then your conscience is clear: you have done everything necessary for muscle growth. This process is reminiscent of building a wall: if several bricks are missing, holes form and the strength of the masonry decreases sharply. If several components are missing during your training and subsequent recovery, then your overall progress will be greatly slowed down.

As for sports nutrition, you need to continue taking whey protein, linking it with your diet, as well as mass gainers (after training). To prevent colds, I recommend taking glutamine. We should not forget about other additives. At this stage, you can try specialized complexes, which, in addition to the usual vitamins, contain various herbal preparations that stimulate anabolic processes in the body. Among pharmacological preparations, you can take adaptogens containing ginseng.

In general, try to strengthen your immune system in every way possible. Training is stressful for the body, so the likelihood of contracting a virus (especially in the winter and spring) increases significantly. Don't forget to take vitamin C supplements at a rate of one gram per day


Training at this stage will outwardly resemble a spring complex, which served to gain body weight. However, this is only at first glance. The exercises will remain the same, but the load will change. It will become wavy so that the muscles work in the “hard - easy” mode. This will actively stimulate their recovery and further growth. Remember that you should not do all four sets with the same weight.

Your mesocycle will look the same as it did during the third stage of your first year of training.

Complex A

  • Bench press on a horizontal bench - five sets of 6 repetitions.
  • Pull-ups - four sets of 12 reps.
  • Seated overhead press - four sets of 12 reps.
  • Standing elbow curls with a barbell - five sets of 8 repetitions.
  • Leg press on the machine - four sets of 20 repetitions.
  • Exercise for the calf muscles in a seated barre - four sets of 15 repetitions.
  • Raising the torso on an incline bench - five sets of 20 repetitions.

Complex B

  • Squats with a barbell on your shoulders - five sets of 10 reps.
  • Bench press on an incline bench—four sets of 10 reps.
  • Bent-over barbell rows - five sets of 8 reps.
  • Standing barbell press - five sets of 8 reps.
  • Alternately bending the arms at the elbow joints with dumbbells - four sets of 10 repetitions.
  • Exercise for the calf muscles in the standing barre - four sets of 15-20 repetitions.
  • Raising straight legs while hanging to the bar - four sets with the maximum number of repetitions.

When performing complex A, the pectoral muscles, biceps and calf muscles are subjected to serious stress. Light load falls on the back, deltoids and legs.

In complex B the opposite is true. This approach ensures better muscle recovery. Separate exercises are not provided for the triceps, since it receives sufficient indirect load during bench presses and exercises for the deltoid muscle. If you add a direct load, this muscle group will be overtrained. This threatens to stop its growth and reduce results in bench presses, where this muscle takes an active part.

How to properly pump up your body

Stretching plays a very important role in gaining muscle mass. After every workout in the gym or at home, a person needs to do it. Stretching releases lactic acid from the muscles. As a result, they begin to grow. Almost all professional athletes stretch after training. Other rules on how to build muscle:

  1. Increase the intensity of your workouts. There are many methods on how to pump up muscles in simulators. However, most of them are aimed at long-term visits to the gym. The fastest method is to increase the intensity of your workout. Especially if a person has been going to the gym for a very long time.
  2. Plan loads. Most athletes believe that the most effective exercises are high weights and low repetitions. However, this is the wrong approach. You can significantly increase the chance of successfully pumping your body by alternating light and heavy weights. It is necessary to use both high and low weight equipment and exercise equipment.
  3. Increasing volumes. This type of strength training is calculated by the number of exercises and weight used. If a person wants to develop strong muscles, then he needs to increase the intensity and load. However, if you often use this method, a person may become overtrained.
  4. Exercise to failure. This method will allow a person to use both small and large weights. A set is considered complete when the bodybuilder cannot complete it without the help of a trainer. The muscle failure method is considered one of the most effective. With its help, a person can quickly achieve high results. These are the methods used by people who are interested in how to build muscle in a week. All parts of the body are overloaded, as a result of which active muscle growth is activated.

Each athlete must individually choose the system he will follow. Experienced athletes recommend alternating such training programs. This will prevent the person from getting used to the stress. However, a person should take into account the characteristics of his body. If his vision begins to darken and nausea appears, then it is necessary to reduce the stress on the body.

Fifth stage (May, June)[edit | edit code]

The last stage of the annual cycle traditionally occurs at the end of spring - beginning of summer. Unlike last year, I recommend stretching it out over two months in order to completely get rid of the fat deposits that have accumulated over nine months of abundant nutrition. The above set of weight loss measures will help you with this, which describes in detail the set of exercises, the principles of nutrition, and its composition. I won't repeat myself. The only point I would like to focus on is the choice of a fat burner that will help improve your results in the fight against “ballast”.

If you need to lose two to five extra pounds, then you should pay attention to L-carnitine. This is an amino acid vitamin-like coenzyme compound involved in the metabolism of fatty acids. L-carnitine is found in almost all cells of our body, responsible for the metabolism of fats. This substance, synthesized on the basis of two amino acids (lysine and methionine), oxidizes fatty acids and transports the resulting products across the mitochondrial membrane. They are subsequently used as a source of energy.

Taking L-carnitine promotes weight loss due to the fact that the fat entering the body is successfully processed, while providing the necessary energy for building new muscle fibers. At the same time, the endurance of the body increases, which begins to recover faster after exercise, and heart function improves. This result is achieved due to the activation of metabolic processes at the cellular level. This means that vitamins, microelements and other beneficial substances penetrate the membranes more freely, while toxic metabolic products flow in the opposite direction and are eliminated from the body. L-carnitine is recommended to be taken before training, as well as during periods when the body lacks energy (for example, in the morning).

Like any nutritional supplement, this substance cannot replace a balanced diet. Although L-carnitine does not cause addiction, accompanied by withdrawal symptoms, experts recommend taking it cyclically. Of the drugs presented on the Russian market, I can recommend L-Carnitine Liquid produced by Performance, as well as Liquid Amino Complex supplied by Iron-Tek. In principle, this nutritional supplement is offered by almost all sports nutrition manufacturers; the choice in favor of one of them depends only on you.

A more effective drug designed for burning fat is offered by San. It's called Tight!. Although this drug does not contain ephedra, its chemical formula is such that it allows you to burn excess fat quite effectively. Tight! naturally stimulates the thyroid gland, thereby speeding up metabolism and helping the body use burned fat as an additional source of energy. At the same time, it blocks new intake of fat from food, improves brain activity, and suppresses appetite. When using this drug, you must be careful and strictly follow the recommended dosage. Taking two capsules a day is allowed only if this does not affect your well-being in any way.

If you suffer from high blood pressure, diabetes, epilepsy, heart or thyroid disease, or have prostate problems, then taking Tight! it is strictly contraindicated for you. In this case, limit yourself to L-carnitine


In my practice, I used the fat burner Xenadrine NRG. Although its effect is weaker than y Tight!, the effect is still impressive.

Of course, continue with amino acid complexes, whey protein and glutamine. All of the above components together will give an amazing effect, and by the end of June you will look almost like the athlete from the cover - your muscles will be so defined! Of course, provided that during these two years you worked hard and built up enough muscle mass that you could get ripped.

After successfully completing this stage, you can consider yourself an advanced level athlete. You now know how to independently plan your training process, create a diet and predict the growth of strength results. Perhaps some of the readers who have completed two annual training cycles will want to build a competitive career. In this case, I will be glad that it was my work that helped you take your first steps in the world of professional bodybuilding!

Exercises for all muscle groups

Not every person is ready to spend 3-4 days a week to pump up. In this case, experts recommend doing exercises that are basic. Under this program, a person will be able to visit the gym 1-2 times a week. The most effective exercises for all muscle groups:

  1. Squats with weights. This exercise is the basis of all exercises aimed at gaining muscle mass. It forces almost all muscles to work. Thanks to this, it gives the body the opportunity to strengthen the main muscle groups. This exercise activates the work of the buttocks, hips, lower back, and abdomen. Bodybuilders recommend doing 5 sets with 10-15 approaches. Weight is selected individually for each person.
  2. Performing deadlifts. Some bodybuilders believe that this exercise activates almost every muscle in the body. However, in reality, the deadlift forces the hips, lower back, stomach, and games to work. In addition, the muscles of the forearm, trapezius, and lower leg are activated. It is the deadlift that causes the body to produce large amounts of testosterone. Thanks to this hormone, muscles begin to actively grow. Visually, this exercise makes the waist very wide. Therefore, deadlifts are mainly suitable for guys. Professional athletes advise doing 4 sets of 10 repetitions.
  3. Bench press. This exercise can develop the pectoralis major muscles. In addition, during repetitions, the triceps, shoulders and anterior thighs are loaded. A person can change the angle of inclination, due to which different muscles on the body will be activated. It is necessary to do this exercise correctly to avoid injury. To do this, you need to lie on a bench, grab a barbell with a wide grip and do repetitions. It should be raised as you exhale and lowered as you inhale. You need to do 15 times with 4 approaches.
  4. Performing pull-ups. There is a whole direction in sports called “Workout”. Athletes build strong muscles using only a horizontal bar. During the exercise, a person works out the lats, biceps and deltoids. In addition, the triceps and chest muscles are also tensed. It all depends on what grip the athlete will use. If it is easy for a person to pull himself up, then he should take a weight belt or backpack. You should perform 10 repetitions for 5 sets.
  5. Pull-ups on parallel bars. With the help of this machine, a person can pump up his triceps, shoulders and chest. If it is difficult for an athlete to do pull-ups on the uneven bars, then he can do few approaches. Gradually, the muscles will pump up and allow the bodybuilder to fully train.

The most optimal training system will last 2 days. During the first lesson, a person should pump up his legs and shoulders. Squats and deadlifts are suitable for this. The next day you need to pump up your back, chest and arms. To do this, you should perform wide and narrow grip pull-ups, barbell rows, bench presses and dips. Professionals recommend this set of exercises to all beginners who have just entered the gym.

Third stage (December, January)[edit | edit code]

This stage will be somewhat special. After you've spent almost a year and a half building up a decent amount of muscle mass, it's time to think about making a strength breakthrough. Of course, they grew, and your current level is twice as high as where you started. However, you must understand that the real breakthrough will only happen when you start lifting really solid weights. If we take the indicators of competitive bodybuilders, then a working bench press in the region of 180-200 kg is common for them, and in squats and deadlifts - 250-300 kg with 6-8 repetitions. Of course, one could argue that these “chemically engineered monsters” are not capable of such things, but even if you look at the results of “natural” athletes who have had a significant period of training, their working weights are also very impressive.

What can you achieve in two to three years of training without the use of anabolic steroids? With hard training and normal recovery, it is possible to lift a barbell lying down with a weight equal to 1.5 times your own weight for 6 repetitions. In the squat and deadlift, you can achieve 10-15 repetitions. In other words, a person weighing 80 kg is theoretically capable of bench-pressing 120 kg 6 times and squatting the same weight 15 times. However, it should be taken into account that these indicators are strictly individual. If you have a naturally strong lower body, then you can squat with 150 kg, and in the deadlift the working weight for you will be 150-170 kg. Compared to the results of the pros, this, of course, is not impressive, but it is hardly worth emulating them; it is better to take as an example untrained people of your build, weight and age.

This stage is precisely designed to give you the experience of pure strength training.

Strength mesocycles are necessary to stimulate active muscle growth and strengthen tendons. By increasing the weight of the weights you use, you gradually turn from an ordinary gym goer into a trained athlete


Nutrition in this mesocycle should be rich in complete carbohydrates, thereby providing the necessary energy supply for training. In addition, it is necessary to use creatine, which will help significantly improve strength results. The course of admission is divided into two phases: loading and support.

  • Loading phase: for a week, creatine is taken 4-6 times after meals, 5 g of pure powder and washed down with 400 mg of liquid rich in simple carbohydrates. Grape juice, a glucose solution, or a drink made from a tablespoon of honey dissolved in a glass of water are best suited for this purpose.
  • Maintenance phase: the dose is 2-5 g per day.

Your training mesocycle is presented in the table:

Training schedule

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
A Rest IN Rest WITH Rest Rest

Complex A

  • Flat bench press - one set of 12 reps, one set of 10 reps, one set of 8 reps and two sets of 5 reps.
  • Back squats—one set of 12 reps, four sets of 8 reps.
  • Standing barbell press - one set of 10 reps, one set of 8 reps, two sets of 5 reps.
  • Standing elbow curls with a barbell in a set of 10 reps, three sets of 8 reps.
  • Exercise for the calf muscles in the standing barre - three sets of 15 repetitions.

Complex B

  • Deadlift - one set of 12 reps, one set of 10 reps, one set of 8 reps and two sets of 5 reps.
  • Weighted pull-ups - one set of 10 reps, three sets of 6 reps.
  • Bent-over barbell rows - one set of 10 reps, three sets of 8 reps.
  • Exercise for the calf muscles in a seated barre—three sets of 15 repetitions.
  • Raising the torso on an incline bench - three sets of 20 repetitions.

Complex C

  • Back squats - one set of 12 reps, one set of 10 reps, one set of 8 reps and two sets of 5 reps.
  • Bench press on a horizontal bench - one set of 12 reps, one set of 10 reps, three sets of 8 reps.
  • Standing barbell press - one set of 10 reps, one set of 8 reps, two sets of 8 reps.
  • Standing elbow curls with a barbell—one set of 10 reps, two sets of 5 reps.
  • Exercise for the calf muscles in the standing barre - three sets of 15 repetitions.

On Monday, the pectoral muscles and deltoids receive the load. Legs are trained in a supporting mode. On Wednesday the emphasis is on deadlifts. On Friday, the predominant exercise is squats, and biceps are also strength trained. The pectoral muscles and deltoids are loaded in the background. This means that the working weight in these exercises should not exceed 65% of the maximum possible, that is, approximately 30-40 kg less than the working weight used in strength training.

The training itself should proceed as follows: after three warm-up sets, set a weight that you can lift 5 times and perform the set. After this, rest for 3-4 minutes and, getting ready to work, do another approach, trying to complete 5 repetitions. It is possible that you will not be able to achieve this result immediately. Then this will become your immediate goal. Once you can complete 5 reps in two sets of work, increase the working weight the next week by 2.5 kg on the bench press, by 5 kg on the squat and deadlift.

Try to increase your results in these three basic exercises. This will give a powerful impetus to intense muscle gain and increase your strength potential.


Pumping at home. Nuances

A person can build muscles using his body weight and various available weights. It is not at all necessary to visit the gym, spending a lot of time and money. However, at the very beginning, a person may not use equipment at all. How to build muscles without dumbbells and barbells:

  1. Do push-ups. A person can do this exercise almost anywhere. During execution, the muscles of the triceps, chest, back and shoulders are worked out. Many people are interested in how to do push-ups to build muscle. To do this, you need to take a lying position. Place your hands very wide. Then start doing the exercise. You need to do 15-20 repetitions in five approaches.
  2. Squats. This exercise can work almost the entire body. A person needs to place his feet slightly wider than his shoulders, with his toes turned out. During a squat, a person should have a straight back and his buttocks should be pulled back. To balance, you need to stretch your arms out in front of you. Experts recommend doing 20 repetitions over five sets. You can also use various weights.
  3. Do the “Spring” exercise. It will be useful to people who are interested in how to pump up their calf muscles at home. To perform it, you need to stand on a ledge and then slowly raise your heels up. For more effective pumping, you need to take weights. It can be any item that is comfortable to hold in your hands. It is necessary to perform 4 sets of 30 repetitions. Thanks to the "Spring" a person will be able to pump up his calves.
  4. Do a plank. This exercise helps pump up all the abdominal muscles. To perform it, you should take a lying position. The weight will need to be supported using the forearm. A person must remain in this position for 30 seconds. After which you can relax and rest for a while. After this, do 15 approaches again.
  5. Training with dumbbells. If a person can purchase such a projectile, then it can be used in a large number of variations of exercises. At the very beginning, you should perform a classic biceps row. After this, pump up the brachialis muscles. To do this, you need to lift the dumbbells with an overhand grip. The exercises should be performed 15 times with 5 approaches. If you do this systematically, then a person will no longer have questions about how to pump up muscles with dumbbells at home.
  6. Abdominal exercises. It is best to do classic crunches. With their help, a person will achieve maximum relief of his body.

Experts recommend doing exercises 2 times a week. During training, you should do all the exercises. In addition to exercise, a person needs to give his muscles a rest. Bodybuilders advise exercising for 1 hour and 30 minutes. Breaks between exercises should not be more than 60 seconds.

Second year of training[edit | edit code]

If you have persisted with the plan outlined for the first year of training, then an important foundation has undoubtedly been laid. You've learned how to do exercises correctly, have an idea of ​​how to create an effective diet, and have become a little more knowledgeable about sports pharmacology.

However, it is the second year of training that will be the period during which your physique will undergo dramatic changes. The time has come when you will begin to build muscle mass as quickly as possible by working with solid weights in basic exercises. You will go through a strength mesocycle, improving your results, and also gain deeper knowledge in the field of special pharmacological drugs and nutrition.

At this stage, you will need to pay special attention to your daily diet. Since the loads will be quite high, there should be enough nutritional material to withstand them and progress successfully. At the same time, we must not forget about its quality. The use of special food additives deserves a separate discussion. Whey protein can be consumed on an ongoing basis and should be part of your daily diet. If you have a thin physique, it makes sense to continue taking mass gainers. If the desired effect is not achieved, you may need those varieties of these drugs that have a high carbohydrate content.

At some stages it is worth using creatine. This substance is an amino acid that is synthesized from arginine and glycine in the liver, pancreas, and kidneys. It enhances the effect of phosphocreatine in skeletal muscle cells, which, in turn, has a beneficial effect on their performance. The more phosphocreatine in your body, the more noticeable the energy release during short-term work with high load and intensity (for example, during strength training for bodybuilders). Creatine will make it more comfortable to work with heavy weights and significantly improve your strength results.

Many athletes at this stage are tempted to start creating their own training programs. However, experience shows that it is better not to experiment: this is a rather difficult task, the implementation of which requires special knowledge and experience. Mistakes can cost you dearly. On the other hand, do not get hung up on fancy schemes gleaned from glossy magazines, since their scientific validity is often seriously questioned. This is especially true for the load: it can be so high that without anabolic steroids it will not be possible to cope with the task. This will be a waste of money and time for you.


In addition, it is necessary to introduce tableted BCAA amino acids into your diet. This abbreviation refers to a complex of three essential substances: isoleucine, valine and leucine. They make up 42% of the total amino acids present in muscle tissue. During intense training with a heavy load, the supply of these amino acids is the first to be depleted. Therefore, it is advisable to take them regularly (before and after training). This complex of substances will be simply vital for you to ensure that your body recovers better.

Some special techniques have also been developed that will help make your training more effective.

Firstly, the super series. They involve performing two exercises one after the other, without a break. You can combine exercises for antagonist muscles into a super series. For example, standing elbow curls with a barbell (biceps) and French bench press (triceps). A more intense option is to perform two exercises for the same muscle group. For example, exercises designed to work the latissimus dorsi muscles are bent-over barbell rows and overhead block rows (seated - to the chest). Between super series it is recommended to rest 30-60 seconds.

Secondly, cheating. When performing this technique, the athlete, with additional effort (using a body push), passes the so-called “dead point”. For example, cheating is very actively used when doing biceps curls with a standing barbell. In addition to the biceps, the trapezius muscles, back extensors and thigh muscles are also involved in the work. In professional slang, such work is referred to as “beyond the point of failure.” Its meaning is that muscle tension increases if you additionally load them in the negative phase of the movement. To do this, the bar must be lowered down slowly. Cheating is recommended for the last repetitions of the final approach. Unfortunately, the vast majority of amateur bodybuilders misinterpret this principle, applying it to all exercises and all repetitions, thereby removing the load from the target muscles.

Thirdly, negative repetitions. When using this technique in the last reps of the final set, you slowly lower the barbell and lift it up with a little help from your partner. Many novice athletes, again, “pervert” the very essence of negative repetitions, so you can often see how, when bench pressing, they literally drop the barbell on their chest, and their partner pulls it back. From the outside it is not clear whether the first one wants to break his chest, or the second one wants to pump up his biceps in such an amazing way.

Don't turn into such nuggets! Remember that technique is more important than the weight lifted. Only when the exercise is performed correctly does the load put on the target muscle, which receives a stimulus to grow. By practicing the method described above, you will only waste time and, God forbid, get injured. It will be healthier for you to sit on a park bench.

How to pump up girls

Representatives of the fairer sex can use all basic exercises. However, girls, in order to lose excess weight, improve strength and achieve relief, need to build their workouts with light weights. Ladies are also recommended to pump up their lower body more. Deadlifts, squats, and lunges are suitable for this. You should also work out your abdominal muscles. At home, experts recommend doing squats, planks, and push-ups. The most optimal training schedule is 2 times a week.

How to Succeed

If a person does not monitor his diet, then no results should be expected from training. In addition, you need proper rest. To build muscle mass, athletes need to increase the number of calories they consume. Since these substances provide energy to a person. In addition, meals should be regular. In a hungry state, metabolism slows down, causing calories to be stored in subcutaneous fat.

Proteins are also a very important part of the diet. Since these substances act as the building material of muscle tissue. Without them it is impossible to pump up. In addition, fats must enter the body. If you do not maintain balance, this can lead to hormonal imbalance.

Also, slow carbohydrates should be present in a person’s diet. Professional nutritionists do not recommend consuming heavy foods. A girl should eat 2 grams of protein per 1 kilogram of body weight. Men are recommended to consume 3 g. A woman’s diet should contain 1500-2000 calories. A man should consume 2500 kcal.

Live by principle

So, you have a plan, and you must remember the promise you made at the beginning of the article. Don’t give up, don’t let envious people and ill-wishers give you advice and don’t doubt yourself for a second! You must firmly believe that your plan is working, day after day you are moving towards your cherished goal and at the end of the road you will definitely become the owner of the fantastic body that you have long dreamed of. A year may seem like a long time, but trust me, it really isn't. You will see this for yourself after the weeks begin to fly by one after another. And soon you will be able to loudly declare yourself as a successful person in the world of fitness and bodybuilding.

I'm not going to tell you how many pounds of muscle mass you should gain over this one-year period. This could be 5-7 kg of muscle. Maybe even more. It depends on individual characteristics and the strength of desire. The main thing is that you should not doubt yourself, and I never tire of emphasizing this. If you want to make your dream come true, you must stock up on unlimited faith in your victory. Victory is inevitable, and right now you are standing on the threshold of a life that will lead you to your cherished goal - to become the owner of a pumped-up body that everyone will look at with admiration!

And how does it feel?

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