Ideal figure after 40. Motivational stories and photos from bloggers

September 15, 2022 Admin Home page » Interesting

Find out about fitness models over 40 that even 20-year-olds will envy. After all, their forms amaze, attract and motivate.

People have long been accustomed to the fact that fitness models always have a beautiful figure, because their shapes are truly amazing. However, many women notice that after 30, the figure begins to lose its youthful outlines, not to mention the age of 40+.

However, there are those who have not come to terms with age and have proven to the whole world and, above all, to themselves that age is just a number and a figure can be maintained in excellent condition, much longer than many people think. More precisely, not just to maintain, but to have stunning forms that the entire beautiful half of humanity would not mind possessing.

After all, all mature women want to maintain their slimness and beauty throughout the years. Take their achievements as an example, because these beautiful girls proved that the impossible is possible.

Natalie Gil, 47 years old

The page of the 47-year-old American is followed by almost half a million people.
This is because she looks like she’s in her thirties at most. The path to this form was not easy for the California resident. The woman decided to lose weight after a family drama. During pregnancy, Natalie, like many, gained excess weight. After this, the husband told the woman that she had become too fat and left her. The husband did not even wait for his wife to give birth to their child.

After the birth of the baby, the abandoned woman did not want to live and even tried to commit suicide. But then she pulled herself together and decided to lose weight to prove to her husband how wrong he was. Before this, Natalie had never gone to the gym in her life.

Today Natalie Gil is 47 years old. She is a successful blogger with a perfect figure. The American started training herself, trained as a nutritionist, constantly appears in magazines and even writes books about fitness training.

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Posted by NATALIE JILL Age In Reverse (@nataliejillfit) Aug 21, 2022 at 7:02 am PDT

The blogger publishes recommendations to his followers from all over the world on the social network. She promises that if you follow her recommendations and spend at least half an hour a day training, you can lose excess weight in just three months.

You can follow her advice without leaving home. Many exercises do not require sports equipment. The habits that a woman should have at 40 to remain young will help enhance the effect.

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Posted by NATALIE JILL Age In Reverse (@nataliejillfit) Feb 15, 2022 at 6:32 am PST

Walking and Nordic walking

Cardio training is equally important. The easiest type of exercise in this category is walking. Walking at a brisk pace increases your heart rate, makes your blood circulate faster, and oxygenates your circulatory system. It helps control high blood pressure and also improves overall heart performance. In addition, like all types of physical exercise, walking helps burn excess calories and keeps muscles toned.

For those who are looking for more intense exercise, but are not ready to start running, Nordic walking is an excellent alternative. Its main difference from the usual one is the use of specially designed sticks. They help engage your upper body and burn 46% more calories than regular walking. That is, it is comparable, for example, to jogging, but the load on the joints and lumbar spine remains minimal. In addition, Nordic walking helps improve posture, coordination, and reduces pain and muscle tension in the neck.

Joan Peters, 43

The 43-year-old Australian also inspires women from all over the world with her will to win. More than 200 thousand people follow the account of teacher and fitness blogger Joan Peters. She gained such popularity after she was able to lose a lot of weight and start a new life.

When Joan was 36 years old, she gave birth to her second child. After giving birth, the woman looked at her reflection in the mirror, discovered extra pounds and fell into depression. In an interview, Peters said that back then she was very embarrassed about her body and hated herself for how much she had neglected herself.

The blogger was encouraged to take up fitness by a friend who lost 10 kilograms. Joan decided to repeat her success, started going to the gym 5 times a week and registered on a social network.

Now the fitness blogger works out in the gym with a trainer, eats right and periodically does short daily fasts. At over forty years old, she looks much younger than at twenty!

The life of an ordinary teacher from Melbourne has changed radically. Joan proved that having children is happiness, and even after that, at 43 years old you can have an ideal sexy figure. Joan gained cubes and lost her cheeks and sides.

Recently, the fitness girl wrote on her page that there is nothing better than no longer being afraid to step on the scale, becoming even stronger, especially with age. If you still decide to start going to the gym, we suggest reading how to choose fashionable sportswear for fitness classes.

Fitness bikini: conditions for success

Body type plays a big role in the success of a fitness bikini, says trainer Lauren Drain Kegen, fitness model WBFF bikini pro (USA). “It’s easiest for girls and women of asthenic build (ectomorphs) to prepare,” says Lauren. - These are those who naturally have a small percentage of body fat, long legs, thin waists, narrow shoulders and pelvis. Even in untrained skinny fat girls, I am targeting only 17-18% body fat. Gain muscle mass, adjust your diet - and you don’t even need to dry out too much.

<<Normosthenics find it difficult to maintain the shape they need for a fitness bikini for a long time. After all, you don’t need huge muscle mass, what’s more important is overall slimness and a low percentage of fat. And since fitness models are often invited to photo shoots, etc., you can’t be in competitive shape for one month out of the year. It’s even more difficult for hypersthenics; it’s better for them to choose more “muscular” competitive categories,” says Lauren Kegen.

The older a woman is, the greater the role nutrition plays in all this. You must not only adhere to the general plan, you must describe each meal for yourself: so many grams of this product, so many of that. And finally, the question of cosmetological support arises. Breast! As you lose weight, it loses volume and sags with age. Through training there is no way to achieve a size that looks impressive on the catwalk. It is not surprising that even young bikini women have implants all over them. Sooner or later you will have to do something: breast enlargement or tightening. Do not forget that in the USA, where such a sport as fitness bikini came from, plastic surgery is much more popular than in Russia, and is often considered the norm.

“It’s normal to walk on the podium for the first time at 40+,” says Belinda Benn. “You just have to understand that before that you’ll have to do a lot of work on yourself.” Some may find it more beneficial to focus on training for health reasons. The choice is yours >>.

Belinda Benn, 54

This popular American woman, at 54 years old, never leaves the covers of glossy magazines. Fitness trainer Belinda Benn looks at least 20 years younger due to regular training. Although for most of her life she never played sports either. Belinda was constantly hospitalized as a child due to chronic asthma, so she didn’t even think about training until she was 37 years old. The woman was an official, she drank liters of cappuccino and ate kilograms of cookies.

One day an American woman saw herself in a swimsuit, discovered terrible cellulite, and had a nervous breakdown. Divorce from my husband added even more fuel to the fire. Having finally fallen into depression, Belinda sold all her property and went on a trip to the USA. During the trip, the woman tried surfing for the first time and started eating right. Upon her return, Benn went to the gym and began to actively train.

By the age of 44, Belinda decided to compete in a fitness bikini competition. Then the woman’s dreams began to come true. The beautiful athlete was noticed and began to be invited to filming. This is how she became a famous fashion model. In order to quickly lose weight and get in shape, the star advises her fans to give up alcohol and sweet drinks: juice, tea with sugar and coffee. According to Benn, it was because of this that she gained so much weight at one time.

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Posted by Belinda Benn (@belindajanebenn) Aug 15, 2015 at 6:02 am PDT

Belinda admits that she found true harmony with her body only at the age of 50. After 40, a woman does not advise exhausting herself with hard training. You need to approach classes very thoughtfully and pump up the most problematic areas. How to build muscles without losing your femininity?

Stacy Naito

AGE: 53 years old

Instagram: @staceynaito

At her age, she looks so chic that she attracts the glances of guys of different ages who cannot believe that her age has exceeded half a century. She reached the competition podium at the age of 44, when others were already losing their form.

In 2013, she took gold at the NPC Team Universe tournament, where there were athletes over 40 years old, and then received professional status. She actively uses her fitness forms, developing Instagram and Youtube.

Despite the fact that she devoted all her free time to sports, she has 2 higher educations. The first is, of course, physical education, but the second is medical. It turns out that she is a good specialist in the field of dermatology.

Do you want slim figures? Read: fat burning: TOP 10 obstacles

Peggy Gilbert, 71

Some women over 40 don’t need motivation to exercise. Fitness blogger Peggy Gilbert proves it's not too late to exercise at 70! The American first opened a gym for herself at 50. The woman’s husband was diagnosed with a terrible incurable disease - amyotrophic sclerosis. The couple decided to live the remaining days very eventfully, forgetting about years and illnesses, and went to the gym together.

Powerlifting attracted the woman so much that she began to prepare for competitions. The pensioner has repeatedly won prizes. Her life began to sparkle with new colors. By her example, the bodybuilder proves that you can remain beautiful and fit even at age.

Peggy says that no one gives her a real age. Thanks to constant training and proper nutrition, the fitness model has shed several decades, externally and internally. Her health improved very quickly.

Peggy really enjoys lifting weights in the gym; she gets real pleasure and energy from it. The powerlifter feels very vigorous and does not feel at all like she is 70 years old.

And although Peggy’s husband died several years ago, she did not give up and continued her active life and sports. She even began teaching group strength training and aerobics herself.

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Posted by Peggy Hilbert (@rockandrollpeggy) Feb 22, 2022 at 11:38 am PST

Jennifer Nicole Lee

AGE: 45 years old

Instagram: @jennifernicolelee

The American model, known far beyond the borders of the United States, is the author of many books on fitness training, and at the same time works as a fitness trainer. Her peculiarity is that she came to the world of fitness after the birth of 2 children and lost about 30 kg, becoming the winner of the “Miss Muscle & Fitness” and “Bikini Universe” competitions.

In addition, according to the authoritative CBS channel, she is the most beautiful sexy mother of two children.

He attributes his success and youth to strength training. She owns the company JNL LNC, which produces swimsuits and a variety of sportswear. It is known that she developed her own training system, called JNL Fusion. Her sexy photos adorn the covers of many magazines, of which there are at least 40.

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Evelina Musina, 55 years old

There are motivating examples in Russia as well. Evelina Musina radically changed her life and turned from a curvaceous woman into a fit woman. At 55, she looks 35 or even younger. Her ex-husband pushed her to such a feat. The husband was dissatisfied with Evelina’s shapeless figure, beat her, and then completely left for a younger and slimmer lady.

Evelina was tormented by complexes due to extra pounds, she tried all the diets, but there was no effect until her daughter saw an advertisement for the recruitment of participants for the Miss Bikini competition. This test helped the Russian woman lose weight from size 60 to size 42.

When training began in the gym, Evelina was very shy to train with 20-year-old beauties. She couldn't even sit down normally. Evelina went to the gym 3 times a week. First, I ran on the track for half an hour, then worked out with a trainer. The woman combined all this with work, gardening, children and grandchildren.

After a month of exhausting training, the result was almost not visible, Evelina almost gave up, but still continued her training. And a miracle happened. The woman's swelling and other pain in her legs went away, and she began lifting 50-kilogram weights.

As a result, she lost 16 kilograms, won the championship title and inspired dozens of women to take up sports. Now Evelina still continues to play sports and maintains a page on the social network, where she shares tips on nutrition and training.

Are you ready to take charge of yourself in order to get an ideal figure after 40 years?

City Style

Pay attention to modern fashion, it is universal. In cool summer and spring, you can choose a combination of jeans or light trousers with a stylish T-shirt and blazer.

An ivory or milk-colored jacket is suitable for denim, and a brighter tone, for example, blue or peach, is suitable for light trousers. This ensemble is worn with sneakers, moccasins or simple clogs.

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