The Best Postures for Healthy Sleep, Science-Based (Complete Guide)

Plunge into the kingdom of Morpheus, go into hibernation or lie down on the side. Whatever sleep is called, it is extremely significant for the body.

Whether your nightly dream is traveling through Manhattan, flying to the moon, or riding atop the shiny scales of a Tyrannosaurus rex, your sleep position has a profound effect on the quality of your sleep (and your dreams).

People prefer to sleep in different ways: on their back, with their arms under their head, on their stomach or on their side, curled up.

Everyone does it differently, and any option is considered the norm. It's up to you to decide which position is best to sleep in. However, some sleeping positions are considered healthier than others.

The healthiest sleeping position

Each person sleeps differently: on his back, on his stomach, on his side - depending on who you are used to. However, comfort is one thing, but health is another. The healthiest sleeping position is considered to be lying on your back. Although doctors consider it the healthiest, it also has its drawbacks.

First, let's talk about the benefits of sleeping on your back:

  • This pose helps to avoid pain in the neck and body in general. The spine and muscles rest.
  • Sleeping on your back has a positive effect on digestion. If you have eaten too much food at night or are experiencing heartburn, this pose will provide relief.
  • It has been proven that if a person sleeps in this position, his skin does not sag during sleep and wrinkles do not form.

And next to the pros there is one minus - if you are prone to snoring or suffer from apnea, then you should avoid this position.

Sleep apnea is breathing problems. It may stop for a short time. It is sleeping on your back that can lead to such a problem - breathing may be disrupted and cannot be restored.

And yet, compared to other poses, this pose has more advantages than disadvantages.

Let's sum it up

So, there is no one correct position for proper sleep so that you wake up refreshed and energetic, and not groggy. The main thing is that during sleep the spine, neck and large muscle groups are relaxed, which will not compress the internal organs.

I strongly advise against sleeping on old mattresses that do not hold their shape. They destroy the spine and joints.

For most people, a medium-firm mattress is optimal. And what is most important - how do you sleep? Share this information in the comments. Have a sound and healthy sleep!

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About the importance of the correct sleeping position: how should you sleep?

A comfortable position plays one of the main roles in ensuring quality rest. Your favorite pose is familiar to you, but it is not a fact that it is good for your health. There are several options for sleeping positions:

  • Sleeping on your back. Creates the least amount of problems and is suitable for those who suffer from back pain. For a comfortable sleep, you need to use the right pillow. There should be no tension in the neck and upper back. For greater comfort, you can place a pillow under your knees. If you experience frequent pain, it is better to consult a doctor. Get examined, treated, and at the same time find out which position will be most beneficial..
  • Sleeping on your side. It is recommended to use a pillow to properly support the head. The pose is suitable for people suffering from snoring. Ideal for pregnant women and people who have problems with the lower spine. The lower back is most relaxed in this position, especially with a pillow between the knees.
  • Sleeping on your stomach. Doctors recommend not sleeping in this position at all or doing it as little as possible. When sleeping on your stomach, you turn your head to the left or right so that you can breathe without difficulty. There is a lot of pressure on the chest, which can lead to problems and harm your health. Headaches will begin to bother you.

The correct sleeping position is the key to comfort and health. And sleeping on your back is considered the healthiest.


Sleeping partners touch different parts of each other's body, thus showing their feelings.

Types of behavior:

  1. Embracing is a strong desire to completely possess your soulmate, this is how jealous people relax.
  2. Under the arm, between the thighs. Such hugs indicate a desire to find protection from a companion or companion.
  3. Touch is a symbol of trust, openness, intimacy. Timid people keep their hands to themselves, but try to touch their legs.

The best poses for expectant mothers

During pregnancy, taking care of comfort and health is especially important, so pregnant women should have adequate sleep.

If a woman is used to sleeping on her stomach, this is acceptable in the initial months. At 5 months you won’t be able to sleep like that anymore. Yes, and doctors allow sleeping on the stomach, since it does not pose a danger to the baby, who is reliably protected by the walls of the uterus. But the pose is the most “unhealthy”.

Doctors categorically do not recommend sleeping on your back during pregnancy. This is due to the fact that blood is pumped less well by the heart, flow to the uterus worsens, and oxygen levels drop - this has a bad effect on the baby. A miscarriage may occur.

The ideal position for pregnant women is to sleep on the left side. Blood circulation is good - the baby receives oxygen and does not put pressure on your liver. The process of removing fluid is also improved - arms and legs will not swell.

From this it follows that sleeping on the left side is comfortable and safe for mom and her baby. Resting in the correct sleeping position is essential to your overall well-being.


Sometimes the position of sleeping spouses may indicate emerging problems and disagreements.

Alarm markers:

  1. One of the partners moves to the edge of the bed. It signals strong resentment and feelings; this phenomenon often occurs after adultery.
  2. Sliding down from the bed. A one-time incident only indicates a nightmare. But if the situation repeats often, this is a sign that the partner is trying to get rid of the oppressive relationship.

If one of the partners gradually moves away, and the second strives for intimacy, this is a clear sign of resonance in the relationship.

Male sleep: correct posture

What is the best position for a man to sleep in?

  1. Lying on your back. It is recommended to sleep on a small pillow to ensure good blood supply. With poor blood supply, the production of hormones deteriorates - this is harmful to the reproductive system. Elevating your legs a little will benefit your veins.
  2. Lying on your side. This option is considered neutral. Straight legs have a positive effect on men's health, while bent legs have a negative effect.
  3. Lying on your stomach. The most harmful position for men's sleep. Internal organs are compressed.



The sleeper lies face up, limbs spread, is in the very center of the bed, prefers to rest alone. Characteristics: high self-esteem, desire for power, rudeness, suppressed secrecy and vulnerability.


Face up, legs fully straightened, arms at your sides. Characterizes the individual as a closed, overly straightforward person, demanding of himself and others, with a huge burden of complexes.


A sleeping person lies with his stomach up, palms on the back of his head, lower limbs extended and slightly spread. This is how prudent people relax, they always calculate everything, but at the same time they are slow, withdrawn, and it is difficult for them to establish new acquaintances and connections.


The body is on its side, elongated. It means openness and good nature, sociability, gullibility. Such individuals easily make new acquaintances, are decisive in their intentions, always try to finish what they start, but often become cynics and egoists.


The sleeper lies face up or slightly on his side, one leg and arm extended, the other limbs bent. Personal characteristics – irresponsibility, carelessness, inability to plan time.

Correct sleeping position for women

The best position is considered to be “on your back”. Benefits of this pose:

  • the spine is in the most comfortable position - a neutral position, beneficial for the back;
  • thanks to this position, the mattress provides better support to the body;
  • when you sleep on your back, your face does not press into the pillow - wrinkles do not appear, the skin is even and smooth;
  • If you suffer from heartburn and sleep on your back, then the likelihood of it occurring is less – your chest and head are elevated.

Division of territory

The desire to conquer more territory on the bed often turns into a real battle, especially among experienced couples.

The spouse who occupies most of the bed dominates the family, demonstrates his superiority in every possible way, and displays the qualities of a tyrant. Harmony is possible only if the wife prefers the fetal position and feels comfortable next to her husband.

If one of the partners lies exclusively like a king, in the middle of the bed, without hugging the other half and allowing himself to be hugged, then such a relationship is often doomed to failure.

In order to have harmonious relationships in the family, it is necessary to choose a large bed so that each spouse can occupy approximately the same territory.

How to sleep comfortably on the road?

Finally traveling abroad, but there's a long flight ahead. You will have to sit for a long time, and at night you will want to sleep. Which sleeping position to choose:

  1. If your seat is by the window, you can lean on it. This method is far from ideal - it is uncomfortable and unsafe, you can get a few bumps.
  2. If you get motion sickness, then a “curl” will do. Legs crossed, hands on knees. Also not the most convenient option, but it will cause a little less motion sickness. If you want to get up, do it slowly.
  3. Airplane seats have reclining backrests. Quite comfortable. The main thing is to be lucky with your neighbors on the flight, otherwise they will start grumbling, complaining and knocking on the seat - then you will no longer have a normal rest.
  4. A pose that is only suitable for a private jet is the “crab”. You sit in the aisle, and you can throw your legs over the armrest. It’s better not to do this on a regular plane - think about the comfort of workers and passengers.
  5. If you are lucky and there is no neighbor nearby, you can ask to remove the armrests and sit comfortably. The main thing is not to fall on the floor while sleeping.
  6. For a comfortable sleep on an airplane, you can purchase a special pillow. Your holiday will be pleasant with her.
  7. If you are flying with your significant other, friend or relative, you can lean on the strong shoulder of a loved one. Very good.

Relaxing on the road, although not very comfortable, is still possible.

Selecting a mattress

There is little scientific research on which mattress will help you support your back in a horizontal position that allows your body and spine to rest. The right mattress will allow you to get a good night's sleep and wake up refreshed and refreshed, without pain or fatigue. If you do not have a medical reason for choosing a mattress, then choose a mattress that will support the natural curve of your back. And don’t forget about the comfort of your posture while sleeping.

If you sleep with a partner, you should have enough space to get into a natural, comfortable position. You need to change your mattress every 9-10 years. If you are concerned about back problems, ask your doctor for help choosing a mattress.


Eating before bed largely determines your posture. Not only the number of extra pounds depends on it, but also the presence of sleepless nights. Science has long pointed to the fact that a serious dinner with cutlets guarantees at least a restless night, and in the worst case, nightmares with insomnia.

It is important to understand that you cannot take the correct position on a full stomach. You will constantly toss and turn from side to side until your stomach gives the go-ahead to sleep. And this will happen no earlier than three hours after a hearty dinner.

Here you need to either push back your bedtime or snack on the right foods that will in no way affect your posture in bed. Experts recommend eating bananas, cheese and nuts before bed. These products contain a considerable amount of beneficial amino acids, including tryptophan, which causes drowsiness.

A glass of warm milk also helps. And all this must be done no later than an hour before bedtime. Caffeine will have to be completely eliminated. After it, it is very difficult to fall asleep, no matter what comfortable position you choose. As for alcohol, it is also better to exclude it. Yes, small portions help you fall asleep quickly, but this is only a temporary effect, and if you get used to it, you will only harm yourself.

Experts also advise against sitting in front of the monitor or your favorite TV series before going to bed. Scientists found that those who abused this activity most often suffered from sleep disorders and depression. The best option is a book, and a paper one, not an electronic one. It will put you to sleep better than any sleeping pill.

What does it depend on

The condition of the body depends on various factors, psychological and emotional state.

What affects:

  1. External conditions – room temperature, noise, light.
  2. An unfamiliar environment - an individual can only feel completely relaxed in his own bed.
  3. Health status. Injuries, fractures, severe pain, serious illnesses do not allow you to assume your usual position.
  4. Character and psycho-emotional state.
  5. Having a partner in bed, a child, pets.

Pregnancy, especially in the later stages - a large belly does not allow a woman to lie down comfortably, the husband needs to adapt, be extremely careful, and control himself.

Time needed

The time for complete mental and physical rest at night is about 7-9 hours on average. The figure varies for different categories of people. The duration indicator is largely dependent on age.

  1. The baby spends most of his time sleeping - up to 20 hours a day.
  2. A child of primary preschool age sleeps 10-13 hours.
  3. For a schoolchild - minimum 8, maximum - 11.
  4. During adolescence – 7-9, but more than 10 is not recommended.
  5. An adult needs 7-8.5 hours to restore the body.
  6. With old age, the need for night rest may decrease; a person needs 6-7 hours.

The duration of somnia reaches a maximum in infancy and decreases as a person grows older.


As mentioned above, the pillow should not be thick and raise your head too much. It should support your neck without disrupting the actual curve of your spine. In this case, blood circulation will remain normal, eliminating hand numbness.

For those who experience problems with the spine, experts recommend placing a pillow between the legs. This solution allows you to stabilize the back and relieve it from the lower back and hips. In particularly difficult cases, a specific recommendation from the attending physician is necessary.

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