Improve your body quality with Jillian Michaels' No Problem Areas program

“No More Trouble Zones” is a popular program from American trainer Jillian Michaels. The workout is performed with light weights and at a calm pace, but don’t expect an easy walk. Get ready to work out all the muscles in your body and create a beautiful figure.

For training at home, we recommend checking out the following articles:

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Who is Jillian Michaels?

Fitness trainer Jillian Michaels is a fairly famous personality in the United States , where the problem of obesity has been brought to the state level.

In addition, she has an extremely inspiring life story, in which a girl suffering from excess weight, thanks to her determination, became not only slim and athletic, but also began to train others and give a fat-burning boost of vigor during her workouts.

Gillian's video lessons are very popular due to her charisma and special energy - she gives her all and, by her example, encourages others to do the same.

Lesson structure and exercises

The lesson is divided into 7 segments. Each segment contains blocks of 5 exercises (blocks are repeated 2 times). There are no breaks between segments, only 5 seconds to restore breathing.

During the lesson, all muscle groups are pumped, the body is in constant tension. There are quite a lot of exercises that involve different parts of the body. For example, bench press in a low squat or lunge, exercises in the plank position, crunches with weights. Gillian considers most of the exercises to be “old school” (which she states more than once in the video) - time-tested and guaranteeing results.

No more trouble zones complex itself was until recently freely available on YouTube on the BeFit channel.:) But it was removed. Now you can buy access to it. Well, or download on torrents

General characteristics of the training

“No problem areas” is a training program that consists of 7 segments , which in turn consist of 5 exercises. Each exercise is repeated for two rounds. Gillian trains at a fairly high pace with short intervals - this approach is aimed at burning subcutaneous fat and at the same time maintaining muscles in good tone.

The workout is quite long (about 50 minutes), and a number of exercises are performed with small dumbbells weighing from 1.5 to 3 kilograms. The program is not designed for complete beginners in fitness - for this, Gillian has a training program for beginners.

Worth paying attention

The undeniable advantages of this program include the fact that it already includes a warm-up at the beginning and a cool-down at the end of the workout . After all, it is very important, before starting the exercises, to thoroughly stretch all the muscles that will be used later.

An equally important point is to relax and stretch the muscles that were stressed during training. In addition, there is a study that reflects the interest of scientists in the effect of the presence or absence of a warm-up and cool-down on the overall process of losing weight. These scientists found that when a warm-up and cool-down are added to a training program, it helps you lose weight faster. And this is already an excellent reason to include them in your exercises. This will also protect you from injuries that may occur if you start exercising right away.

This workout is suitable for those who like to exercise at home, the main thing is to do it regularly and not forget about your diet, which should be varied and healthy. For these purposes, you can keep a separate notebook and write down everything you eat and count the number of calories. There are many resources on the Internet that will help you calculate your daily calorie intake, which depends on age, gender, occupation and physical activity.

It is important to remember that training alone will not help in losing weight, and if there is constant overeating, then you may not see the result. Therefore, you need to solve the problem of excess weight comprehensively by adjusting your diet and adding exercise .

To perform some of the exercises in this training program, you will need dumbbells. To begin with, you can use a weight of 1 kg and gradually increase it, bringing it to 3 kg. If you don’t have such a wonder in your home sports equipment, you can replace them with water bottles. To increase the load, replace water with sand. For convenience, it is better to use bottles whose shape is slightly curved towards the center, which creates a comfortable recess for the hand.

Benefits of the program

The program is popular due to the following advantages:

  • The absence of cardio will be a significant advantage for those who are contraindicated for heavy loads on the cardiovascular system;
  • Emphasis on working out all muscle groups in one workout , which allows you to burn more calories in one workout and speed up your metabolism - this, in fact, is the essence of proper fat burning;
  • Minimum equipment - apart from a mat, small dumbbells and a lot of determination, you don’t need anything.

Video No more problem areas (Jillian Michaels) - reviews

Just D

Advantages: all muscle groups work, the result is visible after 2 weeks, the result is what you need

Disadvantages: not for beginners

As I wrote earlier, I have known Gillian and her programs for a long time and quite well. My review of the “Appetizing Buttocks and Hips” program can be found here.

This time I want to write about another cool and effective program “No More Problem Areas”

As Gillian herself promises: “This lesson will help you find an ideal figure in the shortest possible time” And it’s true! If not ideal, then at least much better than it was.

First, I advise you to watch the workout from start to finish to figure out how to properly perform certain exercises. The lesson itself lasts 57 minutes, including warm-up and cool-down. The lesson consists of several parts, each part contains five exercises, we repeat them twice. Those are called circles)) You can do an easier or more difficult option (repeating after Gillian’s girls assistants)

After the first lesson, all your muscles will probably ache, but at least you will definitely feel tension in them. load on all parts of the body and thorough development of all muscles. lunges forward, backward, to the side, squats with arms raised up with dumbbells, abdominal exercises, scissors, bicycle, push-ups...... a lot of things in general, but even if it’s hard for you, don’t quit training! change the pace, either take lighter dumbbells, or do a simplified version, just don’t give up)))

I alternated this workout with another of Jillian’s classes - “Burn Fat, Speed ​​Up Metabolism.” (if it seems difficult, you can take half an hour of cardio from the second phase of “Body Revolution”, it’s easier there. Sometimes I replace it when there’s no time to jump for an hour)

I studied according to the scheme -

Mon, Wed, Fri – no problem areas,

Tue, Thu, Sat – speed up your metabolism (it’s more aerobic, no dumbbells),

Sun is a day off.

After class - take a shower, with a coffee scrub, after the shower - anti-cellulite cream.

If you are not yet familiar with Jill, I advise you to start with her “slim figure in 30 days” program and then take on this one, you definitely won’t regret it.

I’ll make a reservation that I didn’t change anything in my diet, I didn’t go on a diet. Well, I can’t limit myself to treats!

The photo shows my results for the month.

PS: if you don’t have the opportunity or desire to exercise, try the Maggi diet, it’s very effective!


I just worked through it... it didn’t seem particularly difficult to me, apparently I had a good workout on a flat stomach and a thirty-day period) somehow everything was calmer, I didn’t even get sweaty) although maybe because the air conditioner in the room was blowing at 18 degrees))) In short, I need the program I liked it, it’s perfect for maintaining tone!!


It’s unlikely that the volumes could have changed in a month due to training, so under no circumstances should you deviate from the path! the day will come and these jeans will hang on you! Just forward and don’t look back))) Well, listen to Jill, eat right, don’t overeat... What program are you following?


Thanks to Jill's video workouts, you can sculpt your dream body in the comfort of your own home. She is an excellent trainer who motivates with her appearance with a bang. I went through almost all of her training. Perhaps this training is the most unsuccessful, because many mistakes were made in its construction.

1, and the most important thing is cardio warm-up before the strength part. You can’t do this - you’ll waste all your energy on cardio and, as a result, the strength part of the workout will be incomplete. The optimal warm-up should be joint - that is, we must warm up the joints of the body so as not to injure them directly with strength exercises.

2. Jill does not change the weight of the dumbbells throughout the entire workout. It turns out that for the arms, and for the glutes (which for a moment are the strongest muscle in the body), and for the quadriceps - for all the muscles she has these barbie dumbbells. Hilarious)

I change dumbbells during the workout - I do squats with 10-16 kg (according to my mood) and on my arms (I like fragile, unpumped arms) I use 3 kg each.

What I really liked is that in many exercises we kill two birds with one stone - we pump up the lower abs by lifting the legs and at the same time lifting the dumbbells with the pecs. Healthy exercise!)

How to achieve maximum results? Proper nutrition will help you here - https://ru/content/edinstvennaya-deistvennaya-dieta-foto-do-i-posle

and a cocktail for muscle growth https://ru/content/moi-vernyi-pomoshchnik-fotki-posle-zanyatii. Also in these reviews you will see photos of the results of my home workouts.


BackgroundHi my name is Lera and those who want to fight their shortcomings with me, I will ask you to stay. This review is not a recommendation for weight loss. This is just my experience, my story and maybe a little help for beginners. So, how did it all start?…

Oksana Skrund

My favorite workout! It gave an excellent result!



Positive changes can be seen after just a few sessions


Time: You need to set aside about an hour daily

I started doing Jillian Michaels' No Problem Areas program about a month ago. This is a strength training session lasting about 45 minutes. Just like the rest of this trainer’s programs, “No Problem Areas” begins with a warm-up, then 6 blocks of the main part, which are repeated in 2 sets, and a cool-down.

For classes you need dumbbells, I have 1 kg. You can use plastic water bottles instead of dumbbells.

All exercises, as the name of the program suggests, are aimed at working specifically on problematic female areas: hips, buttocks, abdomen and arms. The workout consists of a variety of lunges, squats, push-ups and plank position exercises.

What I liked most is that each exercise is complex, that is, attention is paid to several muscle groups at the same time, which allows, according to trainer Gillian, to burn the maximum number of calories.

To say the workout is hard is an understatement. The first time it took me about 20 minutes, although before that I did callanetics, which also belongs to strength gymnastics. The muscles trembled and refused to obey, the sweat poured out like hail - the clothes were wet through. It would seem that my attempts should have ended there, but to my own surprise, probably thanks to the positive energy of the coach, I continued to study. Throughout the program, Gillian motivates you to continue exercising no matter how difficult it is and promises excellent results for hard work. Only after two weeks of regular classes was I able to complete the program completely.

Now, by the way, about the results themselves. Firstly, all the muscles were remarkably toned, the butt became elastic, the irritating fold disappeared from the bottom of the tummy, and the arms became more prominent. Secondly, your posture has naturally improved by strengthening your back muscles.

I didn’t take any preliminary measurements because I didn’t think I’d get involved like that, but I can roughly say that in a month it took about 4 cm in volume. In general, the results inspired me.

Gillian recommends exercising 5-6 times a week with a break of 1-2 days. I took one day off on Sunday and one on any day when it was unbearable to study. It is better to train 2 hours after eating, and after training not to eat for at least an hour.

If you make an effort, then after a while it will become easier to practice, and the image in the mirror will only please you.



It took 3 cm from the sides, waist, hips. I lost 4 kg in a month. It’s especially noticeable how my legs and arms lost weight. The skin tightened/cellulite went away. I gained stamina.


I did not notice


Girls, I want to share my impressions about training with Jillian Michaels. I want to say that after the second birth I began to weigh 74 kg and it was devastating for me; before my daughter I weighed 60 kg. After 2 years, the weight remained the same. Purely by chance, in conversations on forums with girls, I learned about training with Jillian, spending 20 minutes a day will help you lose weight.

At the beginning it was very difficult, this was my first training at all. My arms hurt a lot, these jumps were killing me, but I endured and jumped. The first result was noticeable on the third day, taking a closer look at myself I noticed, lo and behold... my waist!! And I realized that this course of physical therapy was just right for me. I won’t describe much about how everything happened, I’ll say the final result is -4 kg and this is for a month of training. Now I already weigh 66 kg, having tried all the courses with Jillian little by little. So girls, go for it and you will succeed!



efficiency, accessibility to everyone



The best selection of exercises and combinations for all types of muscles, + cardio loads. I tried it for the first time on the advice of a friend, who lost 7 cm on her waist and hips in 7 days, but I didn’t have such a result, but my health improved noticeably, it became easier to carry a child:) no shortness of breath, no heavy breathing - only advantages, but In addition, smartness.

bad girl


Well-chosen exercises, original program, all muscle groups involved, effective, good trainer


requires some physical training

I started working on myself at the end of February. Like everyone else, I started my journey with “slim figure in 30 days.” After 30 days of classes, I did not see any special effect. True, the oblique abdominal muscles began to “see”, but this is not at all what I expected. As it turned out later, I became much more resilient, so without giving my body a break after my first month with the sweet sadist Jillian, I immediately started “burn fat, speed up metabolism”, worked out for 1.5 weeks and, without seeing any changes, decided to alternate her workouts. Her most effective programs are on my list, so it’s impossible not to lose weight with them. Before I started training, I looked through a bunch of sites where girls unanimously insisted that the training was excellent, effective and that in principle I had nothing to be afraid of. So, from my inventory I have 2 kg dumbbells (although Jill herself works out with 1.5 and recommends no more than 1.5 kg) and instead of a mat I used a blanket. 1. Let's relax! Let's start with the fact that this is not cardio, so we can still rest slightly between circles. I put a mug of water next to me and drink from time to time, it helps me cope with the workout a little better. 2. Proper dumbbells. I strongly advise you to train with dumbbells from 0.5kg to 1.5kg. As Jillian herself said, “the main thing is not the weight of the dumbbells, but the correct technique!” I can bench press 10 kg but I bench 1.5 and I do it right!” Therefore, do not chase heavy weights, it is better to pay attention to the technique of doing the exercises. 3. If it’s difficult for you, simplify the exercises. Don't try to jump over your head. For example, at first I did squats, lunges, etc. without raising my arms. It seems like such a small thing, but it can greatly simplify your task. First circle with dumbbells: Squats with a press Lunges back with arms raised, on each leg in turn (it is important to watch your knees, the knee should be at a right angle, if done incorrectly the joint will hurt) Squats with arm raises “Hands away from you” Second circle: exercises on the mat for the chest and abs: Chest lift “Super set for the chest” Bicycle Crunches Push-ups Third circle with dumbbells: bending exercises for the biceps lunges forward on each leg in turn Side lunges Fourth circle with dumbbells for the quadriceps (front part thighs) and triceps (back of the arms): Triceps press Wheel squats Lunge for triceps and quadriceps Fifth circle for the abs: Double lift Crunches “Toes to the side” in turn with each leg “Windshield wipers” Sixth circle for the abs, buttocks, inner and outer thighs: Lifting dumbbells (push-up pose) “Superman” Scissors Lifting the pelvis on each leg The seventh circle is final: Exercises for the oblique muscles of the abdomen Leg raises Swings back Swings to the side Next comes stretching. The workout lasts 56 minutes and can be endured if you try hard, of course) I worked out for a month, twice a week (in between Zumba) and achieved good results. OT-66 OT-59(waist volume)-7 OB-98 OB-93(hip volume)-5 OB-83 OB-78(sides)-5 OB-59 OB-56(hip volume)-3 For me the result impressive, especially since in appearance I have noticeably tightened up, which is good news. Practice and you will succeed) Good luck!



The ultimate training course



Hello! Today I want to share my impressions of the video course “Lose Weight in 30 Days” from one of the most famous trainers, Jillian Michaels. I want to say right away that it won’t be easy! The program is very balanced and really produces results, and as you know, “beauty requires sacrifice,” and in this case, strength and perseverance. In the first days of classes with Jillian, your whole body will ache, but I assure you that you will quickly get used to the stress and the classes will begin to bring you real pleasure. Overall the course is good and gives excellent results. But like any exercise, without proper nutrition, the result may not be what you would like to see.



Good figure, you can work out at home


You get tired quickly, you don’t exercise every day because your whole body hurts.

During pregnancy, I gained 20 kg, in the maternity hospital I lost 7 kg, I came home, breastfed, the weight went away, then when the milk disappeared, I began to eat everything, my sisters were visiting, and here we are in the evenings, either pizza, or sushi, or sausages in dough xd I gained extra weight, my stomach hung... It was terrible. Then I saw a video from Jmlian Michaels, started working out, plus I was on a proper diet, the weight began to go off, now I weigh 60 kg, I can put on a swimsuit and not feel embarrassed about myself) At the moment, I have completely given up fried foods, flour, bread, respectively, too eat. In general, work out with Jillian Michaels and you will have a good figure, and most importantly, slim.



100 percent weight loss


Did not find

After pregnancy, I weighed 99 kg. I completed this program within a month. weight decreased by 5 kg. I worked out 3 times a week. The program is excellent. Duration about 50 min. I worked all muscle groups with Jillian. I lost 5 kg without really following a diet. She ate everything, including sweets. I really like that Jillian motivates and supports Michael throughout the entire program. It is very remarkable that one of Jillian’s assistants performs the task in an easier version, the other shows a more complex modification. This program mainly presents strength exercises, with virtually no Karl


Without knowing me, Gillian simply enveloped me with her energy, positivity, made me strong, active, cheerful!

The training lasts almost 1 hour. The first time I tried to work out, I was already a slightly prepared person and knew what kind of training this trainer does, but I could only stand it for 20 minutes, then I just practically fell exhausted. Only the second time I was able to master it and at the end I was simply shocked, but very invigorating! Despite the fact that the training lasted almost an hour, the time flew by quickly.

The training is circular, each set is performed 2 times, before training, as always, warm-up (I also warm up for at least 5 minutes myself), after training, stretching, which I also do additionally. All muscles are worked, there are a lot of exercises with dumbbells, which I successfully replaced with bottles. The exercises are all clear and doable. Jillian conducts the training very easily, positively, among her assistants you can follow the one who does exercises for beginners, although it is difficult to follow her at first. Personally, training does not cause me any pain either during or after.

After training I feel all my muscles, very cool! Immediately after, it seems that you won’t have enough strength for anything else that day, but after about 30 minutes the energy becomes 100 times more than it was. I have been doing this particular workout for 3 months, 1 or 2 times a week, which is enough for me personally (of course, on other days I just do other activities, without rest). The result is excellent! The body has become toned, cheerful, more resilient, problem areas become very beautiful, positivity is overflowing. I saw the first effects from the training very quickly, less than a month passed.

Of course, I also changed my diet. Before training, I try not to eat for at least 1 hour (preferably 2 hours). During training, if you want, I drink water. After training I don’t eat for 2 hours. I can also lie down for at least 20 minutes.

What else I want to say is that the main thing is to start and not miss it, just get over the moment of laziness at least the first few times, and then you yourself will be waiting for the training! There will be a lot of energy, you will be able to do even more things in a day, this is my personal experience.

Good health and great workout to everyone!


Hello everyone!)

Although I no longer participate in Jillian's programs, this woman has forever occupied a place in my heart, reviving my love for the sport, which I abandoned in high school.

My acquaintance with Gillian and with home training in general began with the program

"Lose weight in 30 days." And the results that I got from this training motivated me so much that once I started training, I haven’t been able to stop for four years!!!))

The 30 days of my first program were completed, the first results were obtained, and I began to think about what next training I should move on to. I found half an hour a day for sports and decided that I could devote a little more time to this good activity.

That’s when I started getting acquainted with the “No More Problem Areas” program. I bought dumbbells weighing 1.5 kg and started training.

The duration of this program is just over fifty minutes. This includes a short warm-up and stretching. Many people complain that not enough time was allocated to these parts of the workout, but I did not experience discomfort during the workouts and, in general, I also did not have the desire to warm up longer. Of course, you won’t be able to do the splits with such a stretch, but if you have such a goal, you need to choose a slightly different type of training))

The workout consists of seven sets, each containing five different exercises and each set performed twice.

An hour of training goes by surprisingly quickly. During these seven circles, all major muscle groups will be involved. Perhaps this program can show even a little easier than

“Lose weight in 30 days” due to the lack of cardio jumping, but to correct this situation it is enough to take a little more weight))

And don’t be afraid to take on more weight for training! We are girls, our bodies are not naturally designed to build muscle. You can’t even imagine what weights girls have to squat with and how much protein they eat to gain muscle definition. Training at home with dumbbells of 6, 4, and even more so 1.5 kg will never deprive you of your femininity and will not “turn you into a man.” A toned butt, strong legs and arms without dangling fat will definitely give you beauty and, most importantly, health!

I combined this workout with another workout from Jillian.

“Speed ​​up your metabolism” (performing it as a cardio workout) and did them one by one throughout the week, depending on my strength and mood))

Now this workout already seems too simple to me, due to the small repetition of each exercise and the measured pace of the lesson. But for beginners and people of intermediate training level, it will be an ideal home workout option.

It’s a shame that there is only one, and therefore after some time you get tired of the monotony, but this workout is definitely worth doing.

Love yourself, be beautiful and healthy, and Gillian will help you with this!

Thanks to all!)

  • My reviews of other favorite fitness programs:
  1. Lose Weight in 30 Days by Jillian Michaels
  2. "Speed ​​Up Your Metabolism" by Jillian Michaels

  3. Blogilates POP Pilates channel
  4. Fitness Blender Channel.


Let me start by saying that I came to this amazing program after I had lost almost 40 kg (later I will tell you a secret). It was such a wonderful feeling that I didn’t want to overshadow it with sagging muscles, and no less sagging skin, reminiscent of the skin of a Shar Pei. After many unsuccessful attempts to return my body to its former contours, after a bunch of tried remedies, recipes, huge amounts of money spent on salons and cosmetics , I came to the conclusion that the problem cannot be solved “externally”. Something else is needed... radically different. I read a lot of articles and looked at a lot of materials. And I found it! I found this magnificent beast - Jillian Michaels. This is really a beast, not a woman. And clearly not from mere mortals! You really (after a certain time) begin to perceive her as your personal trainer. And indeed, it is impossible to treat her indifferently. At first, when I just started working out with her, by the end of the workout (lasting only 30 minutes), I began to quietly hate her... I just wanted to kill the smiling woman who wasn’t even out of breath, and with a smile says that there’s nothing complicated about it. these exercises do not exist. Then, when I began to see real results, this woman, who knows firsthand what motivation is and what it is used for, began to inspire my admiration... which has not disappeared to this day.

So about the program itself. I found this “trilogy” on the Internet. "Great figure in 30 days." The classes have 3 stages (levels), each of which lasts about a month. Then you must move to the next level. But... personally, for me, each level took about 3 months. And I want to note, this workout is something amazing! You spend only 30 minutes a day on yourself, and the results are the same as after many hours of sports. in the gym (I have something to compare it with!). Yes, it’s not easy, in half an hour you can squeeze out of a workout everything that your body, your muscles ask for... Only after some time, you suddenly begin to understand that you need this extreme, that you need to feel muscle tension, feel tone and unprecedented emotional satisfaction. You begin to miss these activities, and if you miss a couple of days, you begin to catch yourself looking forward to starting training. And this, of course, is the undeniable merit of Gillian. That's what... and she knows how to create motivation!

And now the MOST IMPORTANT part! Surely each of you is familiar with this thing - we light up, we dream of a beautiful body, we are burning with an idea and make firm decisions... for the time being. And then... the fuse passes. The desire to “torment” ourselves disappears and we find 1000 reasons to postpone training. And then... we just don’t return to them. Sound familiar? I'm very familiar with it! But I’ll try to tell you a few small, but very important tricks that will help you not give up everything halfway. If it helped me, a pathological lazy person, then it will help you too!

1. Aesthetics! Yes, yes... we are women! And everything that happens around us, and especially with us, should be beautiful! When I just started studying, my daughter was 1.5 years old... So: when there are toys scattered all over the house, when there is chaos around, when the place (room) where you should study is not conducive to forgetting for half an hour about For everyone in the world, it will be very difficult to devote yourself to sports and get in the mood for training. So, tip number 1 - tidy up, make the room cozy and beautiful, or at least the place where you are going to start your transformation! Important! The air should be as fresh as possible, otherwise it will be difficult for you to breathe and fatigue will come much faster. But after you have brought beauty around you, you should pay attention to your beloved...

2. Appearance! If you stand in front of the mirror, shaggy, unwashed, in shorts and a bra (no one can see...), then your mood will be appropriate. Speaking about myself, I want to note that an appropriate hairstyle (I have a ponytail), comfortable and BEAUTIFUL clothes (cool shorts and a white T-shirt, for example. Good sneakers. Even just a smile!) help to get in the right mood in advance. The main thing is that you like yourself in the mirror! You should see in yourself not a “slipper ciliate” (that’s a jellyfish), tired of life and swollen with fat, you should see in yourself an attractive athletic woman, so that the fire burns in your eyes, so that you admire yourself! And your weight at this moment does not play any role! I started training barefoot, wearing home pants and some kind of faded T-shirt. That was my fault! Yes, when studying at home, we are deprived of “spectators” and often try to save money on it... We can’t do this! A month later, I went to the store (very inexpensive, by the way) and bought myself two cool T-shirts, sports shorts, fitness pants and sneakers. And you know, this is what served as the impetus for further studies. I dressed up, looked at myself in the mirror - well, damn, beautiful! And I was sooooo drawn to training! Wow!... ))))))

3. Respect your time! Let me explain: these 30 minutes of training should belong to you and only you!!! "AND LET THE WHOLE WORLD WAIT!" This is what you should know and remind others about! You deserve 30 minutes for yourself! Turn off your phone. Let your husband or mother look after the children. Put things aside and forget about responsibilities. Just 30 minutes! Just think about it! Half an hour a day, which will give you: a magnificent figure (I guarantee!), a toned, beautiful, sculpted body, tone, self-confidence, physical and psychological endurance (strength of spirit in general), excellent mood, vigor, and confidence that You are awesome! You will forget about depression, you will become easy-going, your gait will become light and springy... YOU WILL CHANGE!!! In just 30 minutes a day. Well, isn't it worth it?!

Let me remind you: I am not an athlete. I have 2 children. I have a job (my own business, which requires a lot of time and effort). I weighed 104 kg (now 60 kg)! I COULD! ( Here

Here is the story of my weight loss with photos) EASY AND WITH PLEASURE! Well, are you worse than me? You can too! Good luck, girls!!!

ps August 2014 : Now these workouts are not enough for me. I'm working out at the gym! Here's a new review:…


Hello, dear readers! I have long wanted to write a review about this workout! After the “New Dimension” gymnastics with Cindy and a set of exercises with Jillian

“30 days”, I decided to complicate the task for myself and train for an hour a day. If you decide to do this too, then I will say right away that after a week of this complex, half an hour of exercises

Jillian Michaels "30 day shred" will seem like just "baby talk" to you! Firstly, “No more problem areas” is almost 2 times longer in time, secondly, a more intense warm-up and more intense main exercises, thirdly, there are no breaks between strength exercises as in the “30 day shred” complex, even you will have to repeat them in a circle! Therefore, for beginners or those already a little trained, I suggest you follow my path: start with Cindy’s “New Dimension” to prepare for heavy loads, then, after 2 months, try Jillian Michaels “30 day shred” and do not as she indicates: 10 days, but 14 days for each level and then you will not die from each exercise and will be able to prepare both mentally and physically for the next level. From my own experience I will say that it would be advisable to do it in 1-2 days a break, if it’s really bad. I won’t say that after “30 day shred” I became ideal, as the coach said, but the fact that the muscles tightened and internal strength and endurance appeared, that’s for sure! Then I suggest you try “No more problem areas.” I’ll say right away that provide for your “workplace”: you should have enough space! Don’t forget about the mat (I have a non-slip German yoga mat; I bought it in a special yoga store for about 2,000 rubles). Agree, the price for a beautiful figure and convenience is not that high. I chose it because of its strong non-slip properties (I have laminate) and because the material is pleasant to the touch and of high quality. I also purchased a set of dumbbells for 1000 rubles. For this complex, bottles are a little inconvenient, as it seemed to me. Now specifically regarding the exercises: they are in some places similar to the “30-day course”, but more complicated, repeatable and do not give rest to a certain muscle group due to the time of their action. I don’t know about you, but for me the most killer exercises (as in “30 day shred”) are for the quadriceps, especially those where you need to put one leg back, hold it like that and also pump your arms! I’ve been in this position for a couple of minutes now, my legs are pounding so much that no words can describe it! At first, I even cried during THIS exercise, and when I lifted my leg back, the pain went all the way up, making me groan! Until now (and I’ve already been doing this for 2-3 weeks) I’m so afraid of this exercise! In exercises for the abs and triceps, yes, it’s hard, and sweat pours into the eyes and nose, but not lethally, like with the quadriceps! Slowly some stamina appears. At the end of the hour, new breath and energy arise in the literal sense of the word and you want more, but that’s all. Now I do this complex for an hour a day and after two days I take a break day (sometimes I do yoga on this day). Externally, there are already changes: my arms have become stronger, the fat on my arms has turned into muscles, and serious dense muscles have appeared under the fat on my tummy! Alas, the weight is safely in place, but I already care about my appearance, not my body weight. Of course, don’t forget about HEALTHY eating (there are no diets, just a lifestyle), don’t eat after 6, give up at least some foods once and for all.

After 2 years, a lot has happened: I was losing weight and gaining a little weight, I worked out with Gillian and there were months of inactivity, but I invariably returned to this program because I saw a real result that can be obtained in a fairly quick time and without additional equipment and fitness -subscription. And I want to give a few more tips that I think will be useful both for beginners and those familiar with this program:

1. Dear ladies! Don’t exercise if you feel very bad: your muscles don’t obey, dizziness, severe pain in joints and muscles, etc. (not to be confused with laziness and excuses!). I once didn’t listen to my body and dislocated my shoulder and, as a result, forgot about training for 2 months.

2. Provide yourself with access to fresh air, do not study in a stuffy room! A ventilated room without drafts will give you a surge of strength, vigor and improve your well-being!

3. From my latest observations: everything good sooner or later gets boring, so add variety to your workout: change your clothing, the environment, combine with exercises from other Jllian complexes, and also add your favorite energetic music in the background, which will not only charge you with a great mood, but it will help you endure even the most difficult exercises with pleasure!

I sincerely wish everyone endurance, patience, health and strength, so as not to stray from the right path!

Recommendations for successfully passing “problem areas”

  • Do not take on this program if you are a beginner or are overweight, start with beginner workouts;
  • Follow the exercises exactly and do not overdo it. If an exercise requires a moderate pace, this means that this is its essence or it was done for the purpose of a break before a more active phase;
  • Remember that the optimal number of repetitions in one exercise is 10-15, and the maximum time for performing the exercise is 30 seconds;
  • The pause between circles should not exceed 30 seconds, and if you are very tired - a minute;
  • Do not take dumbbells that are too heavy - three kilograms is the maximum allowable weight.

Recommendations before starting classes

At the same time, Jillian Michaels' workout isn't exactly suitable for complete fitness newbies. And if someone needs to strengthen their heart, they will have to pay additional attention to this themselves. For this there is a separate cardio workout, for which Russian dubbing has also been created.

Basic tips that you should familiarize yourself with before starting classes:

  • this Jillian Michaels program is not intended for those who are just taking their first steps in the sport;
  • You don’t have to worry about your muscles taking on a “pumped” appearance. The exercises are aimed at creating relief, not muscle mass;
  • you can successfully alternate this program with other types developed by Gillian;
  • you should carefully observe the technique of execution so as not to cause injury to yourself;
  • At first, you can try to do exercises without dumbbells, or reduce the duration of training segments.

Elements of the training program

What result will the program give in the end? Gillian herself will tell you about this in the video below.

The workout begins with a warm-up, which consists of stretching exercises:

  • Neck stretch, which consists of circular movements and tilting the head to the side (30 seconds);
  • Stretching the pectoral muscles - extend your arms behind your back, clasp them and begin to slowly lift them up until you feel tension in your chest (30 seconds);
  • Stretching the oblique abdominal muscles – bending to the sides; one hand on the belt, the other stretching up in the opposite direction (30 seconds);
  • Stretching the anterior thigh muscles – we walk, raising the ankle high towards the hand (30 seconds).

First training segment

Includes the muscles of the arms and legs (shoulders, buttocks and thighs). To do this, perform squats with dumbbell presses and lunges back with arms raised. It is worth noting that the first segment is quite energy-intensive, and after the first round of exercises you can feel a noticeable load. But these exercises are specially placed at the beginning of the workout, since the legs are the largest muscle group, so they should be fully loaded first. In addition, the load on the legs will provide additional warming up of the body.

Second segment

Focuses on the pecs and abs and includes leg raises and dumbbell flyes.

Third segment

Again he uses his arms and legs, but this time more isolated. The circuit involves pressing dumbbells on the biceps muscles. You will probably think that pressing a dumbbell weighing one and a half kilograms looks frivolous, but here it should be noted that you will be pressing a dumbbell not 10 times, but for 5 minutes. The focus on time rather than reps is designed to burn fat and eliminate arm flab, not to bulk up your biceps.

Fourth segment

Isolates the load on the quadriceps (front of the thighs) and triceps of the arms. The exercises in this block are quite specific - plie squats and triceps presses.

Fifth segment

Entirely dedicated to the abdominal muscles - there are double crunches, leg abduction, as well as a “plank”.

Sixth element

Consists of dumbbell lifts in plank pose, scissors and glute raises.

Seventh segment

The least mobile and is a side plank with leg lifts.

A cool-down is a series of short aerobic exercises to restore breathing. Below is a video with clippings from Jillian Michaels’ course “No Problem Areas” (there is no Russian voice acting in the video). The video shows that most of the exercises require dumbbells.

Let's move on to the 2nd half of classes

Next we move on to working on pumped up quadriceps - this is the front of the thigh. We kneel down, holding dumbbells in our hands above our heads, and rise up. It also works the arm extensor muscles (triceps), which are usually underdeveloped. We place our arms raised with dumbbells behind our backs and do a half squat.

There is no such set of classes that would not pay attention to the abs, and, in other words, to a toned and elastic abdomen. On the mat we will perform double lifts of the legs, moving them to the side and swinging them in the air. In a lying position, training is less painful, so the most difficult exercises are already behind you.

The time has come to perform exercises from the so-called “plank” pose, raising the buttocks from a lying position and the well-known “scissors”. These exercises can be difficult for beginners, but for experienced athletes it is something akin to relaxation. And finally, at the last stage, we raise our legs from lying positions, and also make swinging movements with them while kneeling. Jillian Michaels' workout has come to an end, and with it, a reward for those who completed it completely.

Before and After: More Workouts from Jill

As already mentioned, No Problem Areas is not designed for beginners, so if you have just decided to start doing fitness, try the Beginner Shred program, where Gillian will gradually prepare your body and spirit for the more serious loads in No Problem Areas.

On the other hand, if you have already mastered this program and want something new, try “Body Revolution”. This is a more intensive program that consists of six sessions per week.

A special feature of the program is the presence of cardio training, which is quite difficult for beginners, but if you have already completed the “Problem Areas”, this is the next step on the path to your ideal body!

Transformation from a bun into a sexy mommy! Declaration of love by Jillian) + Photos before and after)

Hello, dear readers!

Before losing weight - after 3 months.

September - now

A little bit about yourself.

I am a young mother. I was never prone to being overweight, I never had a big hanging belly, but the lower part was always voluminous. Since school I had a big butt with a little cellulite. But if before she was fit despite the lack of sports, then after giving birth my Brazilian girlfriend became flabby and unattractive...

During pregnancy I gained 11 kg, 5 immediately remained in the maternity hospital. The remaining 6 were so noticeable as if they were all 15 kg....

I decided to take care of myself only after a year...

Naturally, I started by studying the information and for good reason! I thought that “to lose weight you need to starve,” but how wrong I was...


Before we talk about training, I want to say a few words about NUTRITION! Sports will not help you 100% until you sort out your nutrition! Don't go on diets, please! This is detrimental to the body! EAT RIGHT (PP)! It's good for your health, your skin, and overall well-being! The body does not experience stress. PP is not tasteless boiled breasts with vegetables. Believe me, it is very tasty and varied!) The main principle of pp is to eat often, i.e. 5 times a day. The body understands that there is no need to stock up and calmly says goodbye to the excess. Sports tone the muscles, the body becomes fit and beautiful) 70% of success is your nutrition.


I just read that training doesn’t help... Then it turns out that no one adjusted their diet or they were simply on terrible diets.

My review of the anti-cellulite wrap

Now about Gillian. Since childhood, she herself has been prone to being overweight and, like no one else, she knows what it is! The 30 day workout didn't work for me... It was very hard. The front of my thigh hurt a lot, I just couldn’t get up... Oddly enough, “no problem areas” was PERFECT! I felt my muscles, I saw how my body was changing after a week. The hour with Jill flew by. I worked with the child)

She was the one who opened the way to sports for me! I had enough for a month of classes!

Here is the result of nutrition and exercise for one month.

Aug. Sept

I could continue to study according to this program, but I was missing something. Therefore, I found other strength exercises (especially for the legs and butt), mixed them with exercises from the “No Problem Areas” program and brought my body to a beautiful one)

August - September - October

Jillian Michaels instilled in me a love for sports. Thanks to her training, I developed willpower! I have no desire to look for excuses and not study.... Besides, you don’t need to go anywhere, I studied at home all the time!)

Now 2 months have passed, I’m still in the same shape, 2 times a week I work out for one and a half to two hours (including warm-up and cool-down) and I thank this woman for my results!)

January 2016

And I believe in you! You need to love it all, and not do it under pressure! Don't expect to see a bubble butt and perfect abs the next day! Don't look at the scales! Your goal is the reflection in the mirror! Take photos, write down measurements!) And don’t stop! No inclinations, big bones, etc. will hinder you!)

If I forgot anything, write and ask. I’ll answer or add it to the review!)

To everyone, toned legs and flat tummies)


  • there is warm-up and stretching
  • motivates
  • in Russian
  • excellent video quality
  • flies by quickly
  • simple and clear
  • all muscle groups work
  • the result is visible after 2 weeks
  • the result is what you need
  • the best
  • balanced workout
  • effectively accelerates metabolism
  • effective


  • not for beginners
  • not enough swings in the last set
  • Additional equipment required\

Fedyanina recommends


“No problem areas” is an excellent program for average people, that is, those who have already started regular fitness classes, but are still far from peak fitness. Due to the lack of cardio, the result may not come immediately, but it is guaranteed to come if you exercise regularly and monitor your diet. Try working out with Gillian!

Have you decided when you will start classes? If you are interested in Jillian Michaels and her “No Problem Areas” - leave reviews with your first results in the comments.

A few final words

After a few days of regular exercise, muscle pain will go away, but your arms and legs will become stronger, your buttocks will tighten and your abdominal volume will decrease. Be sure to watch the video technique for performing the “no problem areas” technique, which has been translated into our language. This will avoid traumatic situations.

Use sneakers as shoes - training in them is much more convenient and comfortable. Don’t give in to the first setbacks, especially if you haven’t often had to subject your body to regular stress before. And ensure a flow of fresh air in the room where the workout takes place - this way the muscles will not experience oxygen deficiency.

What is this program

“Slim figure in 30 days” is a video course for beginners. You need to exercise every day, but only for 20 minutes. The course has three difficulty levels, each level takes 10 days. It is expected that in a month the muscles will become stronger, vitality will increase, and volumes will decrease. However, a lot depends on your initial data.

Each workout begins with a warm-up and ends with a short cool-down and stretching. The main part is built according to the 3−2−1 principle. This means that you do 3 minutes of strength training, 2 minutes of cardio (essentially aerobics ) and 1 minute of abdominal exercises. In essence, this is a typical high-intensity interval aerobics exercise with weights.

Equipment you will need is a gymnastic mat and dumbbells: for beginners 0.5–1 kg, for those with experience in fitness – 1.5–2 kg.

( 1 rating, average 5 out of 5 )
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