Guidelines. Athletic gymnastics

Athletic gymnastics occupies a special place among sports activities, since a set of exercises allows not only to improve strength indicators, but also teaches how to use them correctly. It is not for nothing that athletic gymnastics is considered a health-improving sport, since it is permissible to engage in any type of load. This sport is available to citizens of all categories with different levels of physical fitness. Thanks to this factor, every person can work on improving and strengthening their body in any conditions, either at home or in the gym.

How to start gymnastics

First of all, you should understand that gymnastics is the basis of a healthy lifestyle and changes can affect all areas of life. Even proper nutrition, without an appropriate load on the body, will not give a noticeable effect. Leading a healthy lifestyle means keeping your spirit and body in constant shape, which will require correcting your figure and correcting your outlook on life in general. Athletic gymnastics has a number of advantages, which is expressed in various forms and options for classes, as well as accessibility. This allows you to choose the appropriate option that allows you to effectively train and move towards your goal, regardless of the training conditions.

The location of the sport is of no small importance. There are many options. Now it is fashionable to visit fitness clubs or gyms, where experienced trainers will select the necessary exercises and monitor how the classes are going and how correctly all the movements are performed. In addition, in the gym there are also those who like to start life anew, which will serve as an excellent example and direct all the work in the right direction. There is another compelling argument not to miss classes at the gym - this is a purchased subscription. As a rule, for classes in such conditions you need to pay money in advance, and a lot of money: what’s the point of paying money and not attending classes.

There is also another, simpler and cheaper option - studying at home. This is especially important when finances are tight and time is running out, as they say. Still, to visit the gym you will have to spend not only money, but also a lot of time. In addition, there is a category of people who do not want to appear in public, or even make any movements. To exercise at home, you don’t need expensive exercise equipment, and the effect can be the same: it all depends on motivation. Not everyone goes to the gym to achieve a fitness goal. For them, the main thing may be the presence of an audience where they can simply chat and have a good time. To practice at home, it is enough to have several dumbbells with different weights.

Working out at home requires special motivation and awareness that you need to radically change your life. It is necessary to exercise regularly, otherwise the proper and desired result is unlikely to be achieved. This can lead to disappointment and negative psychological consequences, leading to depression.

Where should beginners start?

Exercises in the gym have their advantages, since a personal trainer will help you choose exercises so that the load on the body is carried out gradually. Naturally, in such conditions, high results can be guaranteed. When exercising at home, you need to choose the training course yourself so as not to overstrain your body.

To do this, you can pay attention to the general rules that apply regardless of where a person trains - at home or in the gym, for example:

  • All gymnastic exercises begin with a warm-up. Its task is to prepare the muscles and joints for the action of loads, otherwise you can easily get injured in the form of muscle strains or dislocations.
  • A set of gymnastic exercises is carried out without stopping, that is, it is continuous.

Naturally, at the initial stage it is better to use a complex for beginners, which is designed in such a way that the muscles are not overloaded. It is enough to carry out this type of training for 1 month. Only after this is it possible to increase the intensity of training, increasing the load on muscles and joints.

The main thing is not to overtrain!

Everything needs moderation, and strength gymnastics is no exception. The main symptoms of overtraining include:

  • lack of strength;
  • constant muscle pain;
  • tachycardia;
  • high blood pressure;
  • irritability;
  • sleep disturbance;
  • lack of appetite;
  • diseases.

If an athlete discovers at least a few symptoms, he should see a doctor quickly. If overtraining occurs, it is also necessary to adjust the training regimen, but it is not necessary to reduce their duration. Walking in the fresh air or following a daily routine will help.

If some illnesses or injuries occur due to overtraining, it is recommended to consult a doctor for a prescription for medications. Usually these are restorative complexes or multivitamins. Such medications and supplements can restore a person’s strength and performance, lift his spirits and normalize sleep and appetite. After therapy, the practitioner will not have the desire to give up this sport.

General rules

As far as we know, any sport is useful not only for men, but also for women. This is especially true when doing athletic gymnastics. Mostly women engage in this sport in order to lose extra pounds and make their figure more attractive by pumping up their leg muscles and removing their belly, as well as making their buttocks more elastic. Unfortunately, the rules are the same and they apply to both men and women:

  • Include running in place and jumping rope into the complex. When performed for a short duration, these exercises are highly effective in the fight against excess weight.
  • Choose exercises aimed at correcting problem areas. This individual approach to training increases their effectiveness.
  • Drink water during training; an imbalance in water balance will not only reduce the effectiveness of your workouts, but will also lead to health problems.
  • Eat no earlier than 2 hours after finishing your workout. Eating earlier will reduce all efforts to zero. Before classes, but no later than an hour before them, eat foods high in protein - legumes or soy products.

On a note! Regular exercise reduces physical stress on the body as a whole. By increasing calorie consumption, weight loss occurs much faster.

Types of exercises

All exercises in athletic gymnastics are divided into the following groups:

  1. Overcoming the resistance of your own body, without the use of weights and additional sports equipment. For example, push-ups. Such exercises do not require special training and can be performed even by beginners.
  2. Moving your own body using “classical gymnastics” equipment – ​​rings, bars, parallel bars, pommel horse, ropes, gymnastic wall. Various muscle groups are involved here, the intensity of the load can be varied, you can load a small muscle group or many muscles at the same time.
  3. The third group includes movements with objects that have certain characteristics of heaviness and elasticity (for example, medicine balls, expanders). At the same time, there are group gaming and also competitive types of exercises.
  4. Organizational and methodological actions using standard weights: weights, barbells, dumbbells. It is very important to monitor the strict dosage of the weight of the sports equipment. For example, with dumbbells, various arm movements, bends, and squats are performed, allowing you to use the maximum number of muscle groups. Training with kettlebells is similar, but due to their design and the fact that they have a significant weight, the variety of possible movements is reduced.
  5. When working with a barbell, weightlifting techniques are used, mainly training exercises are used. Here, the key role is played by the correct selection of weight when working on an underdeveloped muscle group with a high number of repetitions.
  6. The following set of exercises is performed by small groups of athletes by creating active or slight resistance to each other.
  7. Training using block-type simulators that have the ability to change the load. At the same time, it is important to “work” at a moderate pace, starting with small muscles, gradually moving to large ones.

Auxiliary physical exercises are also widely used to develop flexibility, agility, and speed, based on stretching and relaxing muscles.

Sample training program for beginners

Such exercises are performed with additional weight, which can be dumbbells or any other suitable load.

Sample exercises:

  • Feet are placed shoulder-width apart, and arms are raised above your head, holding the load. The next movements are bending down so that the hands with the load pass between the legs. This exercise is repeated up to 15 times.
  • Position - standing straight, holding your hands with a load at chest level. The arms are straightened, after which the load is lifted above the head. You need to keep your back straight. The movements are repeated up to 15 times.
  • The legs are placed at a level wider than the shoulders. The load and arms are raised above the head, after which bends are made, now in one direction, then in the other. The arms do not bend. The number of such movements is up to 12 times in one direction and the other.
  • Position: lying on your back. The legs can be secured by sliding them under a sofa or under a closet. The arms are extended above the head and the torso is raised. The number of such movements is up to 12 times.
  • Feet are together, and arms with a load are lowered in front of you. Raising your arms up and spreading your legs to the sides, you perform a low jump. The jumps are repeated about 15 times.

Oriental techniques classes

Japanese gymnastics is most suitable for people who avoid hard training and going to the gym. Of course, with such training it is quite difficult to get rid of a large amount of fat, but it is quite possible to make your waist thinner, and at the same time lift your chest and correct your posture. Static gymnastics for stretching the spine was proposed by the Japanese doctor Fukutsuji. He wrote a special book describing his technique, and it quickly sold out in huge numbers.

To perform this gymnastics, you need to stretch your arms behind your head and place them on the floor, palms down, with your little fingers touching. It takes about 5-7 minutes to lie in this position. After this exercise has been mastered, you can place a cushion under your shoulder blades. The first option will define the waist, and the second will improve posture and allow you to lift your chest.

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