How to become a strong man: a man’s resources are natural strength

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Category: Current, Video, For men, Psychology, Male development, Articles Tags: male development, natural strength, development, male development, resources

Hello, Roman Vinilov is here! Today we’ll talk about how to become a strong man, we’ll discuss what resources are needed for this, how to obtain and develop these resources.

A car needs fuel, otherwise the car simply won't move. A person also needs fuel - he needs resources in order to move, achieve goals and, in general, somehow exist. These resources, so necessary for a person, can be divided into two categories

Fuel categories and pilot experience

The first is something relatively primitive, the need for food, water, and some basic knowledge about the world around us. Everything we need to survive in this difficult life, and often we consume it unconsciously, intuitively. The second category of fuel is our internal powerful core, what a person relies on - this is our insides.

If we take any powerful sports car, for example, a Lamborghini, Ferrari or McLaren, and put an inexperienced driver in it, for example, a guy who just got his license, then, most likely, he will simply crash into rubbish on the track. An experienced pilot will be able to get the most out of this car and show off a cool track. But to become an experienced pilot, both knowledge and development are important.

For a person, so that he can have goals, strive and achieve what he wants for himself, our consciousness is a kind of “pilot”, and the body is a “car”. And, of course, we need an experienced pilot and good fuel to get the most out of life.

The best sport for girls

With the guys, everything is as simple as ever. But few people know how a girl can strengthen herself physically. It is difficult for a woman to choose a sport for her body that will not harm her health, but will only emphasize its natural beauty.

Here is a list of 10 activities that are best suited for the fair sex. So, sports for girls:

  1. Crossfit.
  2. Yoga.
  3. Team sports (volleyball, football, basketball, handball, etc.).
  4. Athletics.
  5. Gymnastics.
  6. Great tennis.
  7. Figure skating.
  8. Dance.
  9. Ride a bike.
  10. Acrobatics.

They all have their own specifics, but in no case do they have a detrimental effect on a woman’s health, but rather strengthen it and guarantee excellent health.

Personality types: strength and weakness

A strong personality is a person who is able to withstand any stress. Life is structured in such a way that it never happens without stress and crises; in general, a lot happens in life. So, a strong person always has the resources to overcome a crisis, to overcome any depression and difficult situations, to survive all these difficult moments.

A weak personality, on the contrary, cannot let go of the situation for a long time, worries very much and gets stuck in one negative point. He may have a lot of negativity about his ex, considers her a traitor, and cannot simply let go of the situation and survive this difficult crisis.

Perhaps he watches a lot of Maxim Verdict’s videos and does “endless total ignore” and this lasts for a very long time. Such people can suffer for years - if after a breakup you feel empty, that woman was your resource, an external resource.

Yes, you lived at her expense, thanks to her, and it doesn’t matter here whether she is a traitor or left for some real reason. The important thing is that now you have absolutely no resource for life without her, you are simply no one and nothing, an empty place.

General points

When organizing homework, questions often arise regarding:

  1. Frequency and intensity of training.
  2. Types of suitable exercises and their quantity.
  3. The need to use dumbbells, barbells and other equipment and their parameters.
  4. Clothing and optimal conditions (temperature, humidity, etc.)

In general, these are individual questions. For example, if you have a barbell or treadmill at home, there is no point in ignoring them.

But for starters, complexes without shells have been proposed.

“Locus of control”: internal and external

“Internal” is when we look at ourselves, first of all inside ourselves, and think: how can I help myself in this situation, what can I do for myself - to solve a specific problem, to get out of the crisis.

If we wait for someone to help us and think that someone owes or is obliged to us, then our “locus” is “external”. And we are not pumping up our resource here, but only spending it on all these expectations.

When the “locus” is “internal,” then the resource begins to be pumped, even if it is not there at all. As, for example, in the case of exes, when we expect that the ex owes us something, should return to us, then suddenly it will become easier for us, our problems will be solved. Here we are, like a beggar, with an outstretched hand, waiting for a handout from this ex of ours.

Exercises with dumbbells for biceps

Standing dumbbell curl

  • 4 sets of 15,12,10,8 repetitions
  • Body part: Biceps Equipment: Dumbbells

Bicep curls with dumbbells while sitting on an incline bench

  • 3 sets of 10 reps
  • Body part: Biceps Equipment: Dumbbells

One-arm dumbbell biceps curl with emphasis on an incline bench

  • 3 sets of 10 reps
  • Body part: Biceps Equipment: Dumbbells

Alternating dumbbell curls while standing with a Hammer grip

  • 3 sets of 10 reps
  • Body part: Biceps Equipment: Dumbbells

Add to Calendar * Add to My Workouts * Print Workout

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Perform each workout no more than once a week.

An effective approach: turning your attention inward

We clearly understand for ourselves that she has left, she has her own life and we draw a line, draw boundaries, separate our lives. We understand that there is only “me” here, there is “me” here, and I need to help myself.

First of all, understand how I got into this situation, what led me to this, and what to do now to get out of this situation and never get into this again.

In order for us not to have similar problems in the future, we need a resource, and in its development this resource begins precisely from the moment when we forget about our ex and begin to look inside ourselves.

Example of “external locus of control”

A man who sits on the couch all day, he's in debt, and he doesn't do anything about it. He cannot get out of the crisis and expects that someone will help him, someone will do something to him, or something will fall from the sky, and everything in his life will change.

He is very dependent on circumstances, he constantly whines and complains about his life and fate, but for some reason he does nothing about it. Or I could go, learn something, upgrade my skills, do some useful work and get paid for it.

This is how our world works - to get something, you need to try hard, and this is true. But he doesn’t work on it at all, he simply has no resources, no motivation, and, of course, it’s stupid. I think you understand who we are talking about.

What resources are there: 12 types

• Image – how you look and how you position yourself in society;

• Economics – how you handle finances;

• Study – gaining new knowledge;

• Family – your parental family and position in it;

• Art – your creative development;

• Health – your health status;

• Love – do you feel loved and wanted, your relationships, your family;

• Sex is an intimate resource;

• Altruism – do you help people around you;

• Work is your self-realization;

• Friendship – your environment and interactions with people around;

• Trance – the ability to relax and enjoy life alone.

Three resource states: what they are and how they work

Each resource has three states: it is a blocked resource, partially pumped up and fully pumped up. Blocking is a kind of frustration when a resource is completely inaccessible and any connection to it leads to worsening problems in a person’s life. Leads to consumption and waste of his energy, the remnants of his remaining resources that he may have.

A partially pumped resource is a resource that exists and provides energy, but a person cannot fully control it. This is often an “external” resource that depends on external circumstances, the same “external locus of control”.

And a fully pumped resource is when the resource itself is under control and a person clearly understands what he needs to do in order to receive this resource, develop it and pump it.

The last described state is a resource that is fully pumped up - this is an “internal locus of control” and the formation of a powerful internal core, when there is confidence in the presence of the resource and in the understanding that this is the energy that gives us the opportunity to overcome any crises in our lives. This is very cool and all people should strive for this - resource development.

Sport is the source of life

Professional doctors from all over the world have been searching for a miracle cure for many years that will allow them to stay young and healthy. Various elixirs, vitamins, healthy and proper nutrition are good, but nothing can replace proper physical activity, which normalizes all the life processes of the body.

Many studies show results suggesting that even minimal physical activity in a person reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease. New Orleans scientists have published data showing that jogging just 30 to 60 minutes a week reduces the risk of premature death by 30% and the risk of death directly from a heart attack or stroke by 45%.

External and internal resources

Each resource can be “external”, that is, given to us from the outside, or “internal” - pumped by us. “External resource,” for example, is the money that our parents gave us, this work “through connections,” this is our beautiful appearance.

This is all that we receive from the outside, and which we can really lose in this life. But it will always be very difficult to replenish this resource, and not always quickly.

“Internal resource” is, first of all, our skills and abilities, this is what we invest ourselves in, what we develop and upgrade.

This is what gives us energy and the opportunity to have strength in overcoming stress, in overcoming depression, in experiencing various difficult life situations. What happens to us with the same ex-girlfriends and wives.

When we have an “inner resource,” then, of course, we can rely on it, we understand that thanks to these difficult situations it is pumped up, our powerful inner core is strengthened. And we are no longer afraid of all these difficulties; on the contrary, they strengthen us.

Exercise machines or free weights

Many athletes mistakenly believe that preference should be given to deadlifts, bench presses and squats with a barbell, and then the question of how to become physically stronger will disappear by itself. This opinion is erroneous because each person’s body is structured very individually, and deadlifts, for example, should absolutely not be done by people with weak back muscles. First you need to train them, and this can be done with the help of pull-ups and exercise machines.

A beginner who has just joined the gym should give preference to exercise machines, at least until he has properly pumped up his stabilizing muscles. The simulators are designed in such a way as to provide maximum load, eliminating the possibility of injury. On the simulators, a muscle corset and stabilizers are formed, and the technique of basic exercises is also practiced. After two to three months of active training on exercise machines, you can move on to free weights.

Who is an “alpha”, and how does he differ from an “omega”?

“Alpha” is the one who has his own inner core, the resources on which he relies to solve his problems in life. This includes career growth, personal energy for development, and solving health problems. He doesn’t whine while sitting on the couch at home, and doesn’t expect anyone to help him solve his difficulties, and doesn’t blame everyone for his troubles.

He clearly understands what he needs to do, how and when to solve any of his life problems. He enjoys the attention of women, knows how to treat them, and clearly understands the meaning of his life - what, why and how.

The example of weak men, in turn, is clearly shown to us today by empirical psychologists.

My goal is to have more strong men, which means there will be much fewer problems in society, because the whole world rests on us!

Teen question

At this age, a person’s physiology changes seriously. And classes should be designed taking this factor into account.

The first thing that will help a teenager become physically stronger is his focus on achieving results and strict self-discipline. After all, at this age there are a lot of distractions.

In this regard, teenagers involved in sections and professional clubs have great advantages.

Teenagers who decide to develop their strength at home and on their own must adhere to the following criteria:

  1. Drawing up an optimal schedule and strictly adhering to it.
  2. Alternating load and emphasis on different muscle groups. For example, on Monday - emphasis on developing the arms and abs, on Wednesday - legs and back.
  3. In the initial stages, work is done without equipment or with light weights.
  4. Push-ups, squats, crunches and pull-ups are mandatory components of every workout in the initial 2 weeks of the schedule.
  5. A sharp increase in load and the use of special chemicals for this are not allowed.
  6. The selection of equipment and exercises is based on physical condition. Gradually their mass and frequency increases.
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