How to get an hourglass figure: a set of exercises, recommendations

Today, every girl and woman dreams of a beautiful and slim figure. Indeed, a beautiful body attracts attention and makes a woman attractive. Naturally, not every girl has an ideal figure from birth. Many people only dream about how they will walk along the beach and receive compliments. Why dream when you can act?

There are 5 types of female figures:

  • "Pear".
  • "Apple".
  • "Rectangle".
  • "Inverted Triangle"
  • "Hourglass".

Most often, the term “ideal body” refers to an hourglass figure. This is the most attractive type of female beauty. Obviously, the question arises, how to create an hourglass figure? Let's look at it in more detail.

Is it possible to get an hourglass figure?

First, you need to understand what a figure is. This is a kind of proportion between nutrition and stress (physical or mental).

This leads to two conclusions:

  1. If you are over- or under-nourished, it will be impossible to get the body of your dreams.
  2. If you have insufficient or excessive exercise, then it is also impossible to achieve an ideal physique.

Therefore, to create an hourglass figure, it is enough to maintain proportionality between nutrition and exercise.

What happens when there is no proportionality? In this situation, the following unpleasant consequences arise:

  • Excess (obesity) or insufficient (dystrophy) weight.
  • Formation of other body types (“apple”, “pear”, “triangle”).

In order for proportionality to be maintained, it is important to understand 2 basic principles:

  • To gain weight, you need to take in more calories than you burn.
  • To lose weight, you need to burn more calories than you take in.

It turns out that any ideal figure is just a proportionality between nutrition and exercise. Next, we will look at other reasons for not having the figure of your dreams.

Fourth day


  • 150 ml of berry broth – 80;
  • 70 grams of boiled eggs – 70;
  • 150 grams of buckwheat porridge – 200;
  • 100 grams of vegetables with herbs – 35;
  • 200 ml milk chocolate – 65;


  • 1 finely chopped pear with the addition of dried grapes – 80;
  • 150 grams of fruit jelly – 120;


  • 100 grams of stewed chicken with vegetables – 105;
  • 250 pearl barley porridge – 200;
  • 150 grams of baked zucchini – 55;
  • 200 ml dried fruit compote – 70;

Afternoon snack

  • 1 grapefruit – 70;
  • 200 ml fresh vegetable juice – 50;


  • 100 grams of boiled shrimp – 130;
  • 150 grams of baked potatoes with vegetables – 75;
  • 100 grams of cucumbers with herbs – 15;
  • 200 ml chicory – 10;

Calorie content per day: 1440 calories.

Exercises for an ideal figure

In order to get an hourglass figure, you will need special exercises.

For a quick and guaranteed effect, you need to use two types of exercises:

  • Targeted exercises are exercises that directly affect the waist and abdomen. The result of regularly performing these exercises will be a toned and flat stomach.
  • Complementary exercises are exercises that work other muscle groups. The purpose of additional exercises is to increase other muscle groups and, due to their size, visually reduce the waist.

If you do both types of exercises, you will achieve maximum results.

Sixth day


  • 150 ml berry juice – 75;
  • 150 grams of pilaf with vegetables – 220;
  • 100 grams of 1% yogurt with berries – 130;
  • 200 ml hot chocolate – 65;


  • 100 grams of dried melon – 64;
  • 200 ml of milk whipped with ice cream – 75;


  • 250 grams of sauerkraut borscht – 50;
  • 200 grams of stuffed tomatoes – 228;
  • 150 grams of classic “Greek salad” – 135;
  • 200 ml fruit compote – 75;

Afternoon snack

  • 1 peach – 65;
  • 125 grams of low-fat yogurt – 85;


  • 100 grams of boiled red fish – 130;
  • 150 grams of vegetable mix with olive oil – 45;
  • 200 ml herbal tea without sugar – 16;

Calorie content per day: 1458 calories.

Targeted exercises

1. "Vacuum". Feet shoulder-width apart, back straight, hands on hips. Inhale slowly through your nose, your goal is to draw in as much air as possible. Exhale all the air and press your stomach towards your spine as hard as you can. Stay in this position for as long as possible.

This exercise must be performed daily – 3 times a day for 3 approaches. In addition, before the exercise you cannot eat for 2 hours, i.e. the stomach must be empty. Attention, be careful, you may get dizzy!

Progress in performing the exercise will be an increase in the delay time of the position. Results should be monitored using a diary.

2. “Twisting.” Lie down on any hard surface, bend your knees. Raise your body towards your knees and return to a horizontal position.

It is important to feel how the abdominal muscles contract (you can put your hand on your stomach). You cannot help yourself with your hands; exhalation is performed at the top point of the amplitude.

You need to perform crunches every other day - 3 times a day, 3 sets in a row with a rest of 60 seconds between sets. Twisting can be done after the “Vacuum”.

3. "Bridge". Lie down, bend your elbows and place them behind your head. Bend your knees, lean on your hands and lift your pelvis up. This exercise stretches the muscles and tones them.

It is important to fully arch your back and fully straighten your arms. You need to feel how the abdominal muscles stretch, this is very important. The bridge must be done after the “Twisting”. The goal is to stand for as long as possible while feeling the tension in your abdominal muscles.

Second day


  • 150 ml vegetable juice (unsalted) – 27;
  • 200 grams of brown rice with shrimp (100 grams of rice and 100 grams of shrimp) – 245;
  • 100 g yellow tomatoes – 20;
  • 200 ml coffee with milk foam – 24;


  • 2 avocados – 75;
  • 125 g low-fat milk – 85;


  • 250 grams of soup with champignons (without adding oil and broth) – 55;
  • 150 grams of boiled eggs with turkey fillet – 300;
  • 100 g vinaigrette – 165;
  • 200 ml compote (unsweetened) – 70;

Afternoon snack

  • 1 orange – 125;
  • 125 grams of curdled milk (from 0.5% to 1.5%) – 95;


  • 100 low-fat cottage cheese – 110;
  • 200 grams of vegetable salad dressed with yogurt – 50;
  • 200 ml herbal tea – 16;

Before bedtime, 200 ml of yogurt - 80;

Calorie content per day: 1542 kcal.

Additional exercises

These exercises are needed to visually narrow your waist. They are aimed at increasing muscles such as:

  • gluteal;
  • femoral;
  • deltoids (shoulders).

The question may arise, why are these exercises necessary? Due to the increase in the above muscles, the contour of the figure seems to stretch. Your waist visually becomes thinner. This will make the figure very similar to an hourglass.

Let's move on to the exercises:

  1. Squats.
  2. "Gluteal bridge."
  3. "Military" overhead press.
  4. Running or any other long-term activity.

This is what a set of additional exercises looks like. Correct execution will add another 25% to your result. We will talk in more detail about the technique below, and we will also look at how to train in the gym and at home.

Fifth day


  • 150 ml vegetable juice – 80;
  • 150 grams of oatmeal in water with dried fruits – 190;
  • 100 grams of low-fat yogurt – 110;
  • 100 grams of fruit salad dressed with yogurt – 55;
  • 200 ml coffee without sugar – 16;


  • 1 grapefruit – 75;
  • 125 g low-fat cottage cheese – 85;


  • 250 grams of soup with vegetables without broth – 105;
  • 100 grams of stewed lean meat with vegetables – 150;
  • 50 grams of boiled beans – 55;
  • 200 ml berry compote – 110;

Afternoon snack

  • 75 grams of dried apricots – 125;
  • 200 ml tea with milk – 20;


  • 100 grams of stewed chicken fillet with champignons – 205;
  • 150 grams of Peking salad, seasoned with lemon juice – 55;
  • 200 ml tea with milk – 20;

Calorie content per day: 1456 calories.

Let's go to the gym

Here are some recommendations for those who decide to make a sand figure for the hall.

For targets:

  • You can do targeted exercises anywhere.

For additional:

  • Squats. This exercise targets the muscles of the legs, thighs and buttocks. This is a basic exercise for your lower body. Squats can be performed with or without weights. You need to choose a weight so that the number of repetitions in 1 approach is 12-15. You may increase the weight in the future, but the number of repetitions should remain the same. Do 3 sets, 3 times a week.

  • "Gluteal bridge." This is an exercise to build the gluteal muscles. Lie down, bend your knees and place your arms along your body. Lift your body up (as in the picture), then return to the starting position. The exercise can be performed with or without weights. The most important thing is to feel how the gluteal muscles contract! In the gym, you need to increase the weight and exercise in the range of 15 to 20 repetitions, 3 sets, 3 times a week.

  • "Army" press. This is the best exercise to increase the deltoid muscles of the shoulder. Stand in a stance, grab the barbell, place it behind your head and, using the movement of your elbows, lift the barbell up. The exercise can be performed standing or sitting. Don't go heavy, start small. You should calmly perform 30 – 40 repetitions. Next, you need to do this exercise in a number of repetitions of 10 - 15. Remember, your goal is not big broad shoulders, but a narrow waist.

Carefully track your progress in all exercises!

Side plank

This exercise is passive, but uses much more muscles than regular running or cardio exercise.

Starting position – lying on your side:

  1. Place your legs on top of each other and straighten them.
  2. Lean on your lower arm, placing your palms perpendicular to your body. Place your other hand on your waist or raise it up. Direct your gaze forward.
  3. Breathe slowly and deeply .
  4. To make the position stable, tighten your muscles.
  5. As you inhale, lift your body off the floor and try to hold this position for at least 30 seconds.
  6. Watch your breathing - it should not be interrupted.
  7. As soon as you feel slightly tired, lower your body to the floor.
  8. Take a short break.
  9. Lie on your other side and get back into plank position.

Side plank

How to get an hourglass figure at home?

What should those who don’t have time to do the “rocking chair” do? In order to get closer to your goal, you don’t have to go to the gym. You can make an hourglass figure at home. The exercises are the same, but you will have to slow down the speed of the exercise in order to simulate the load. In addition, you can use improvised means (bag, backpack, etc.) as a barbell or any other sports equipment.

It is worth noting that the use of additional weight is not necessary. The best option would be to reduce the speed of the exercise and increase the number of approaches.

Seventh day


  • 150 grams of oatmeal on water – 50;
  • 150 grams of low-fat curd mass with pieces of fruit – 132;
  • 200 ml fruit tea – 15;

Afternoon snack

  • 1 banana – 65;
  • 125 g of curd mass – 175;


  • 250 grams of fish soup – 90;
  • 150 g boiled eggs – 130;
  • 100 grams of cucumbers – 25;
  • 200 ml fruit drink – 45;

Afternoon snack

  • 75 grams of nuts and zucchini mix – 250;
  • 200 ml green tea – 16;


  • 100 grams of turkey breast stewed with vegetables – 220;
  • 200 ml tea with milk – 25;

Calorie content per day: 1228 calories.

From the “pear” we get an “hourglass”

Just like with the “apple”, you can easily make an hourglass figure from the “pear” silhouette. In addition to targeted exercises, you need to focus on the shoulders and chest (i.e., military press or lying down, push-ups).

Pay attention to the fat layer on the hips and buttocks. If it is, you need to stick to your diet and just keep those muscles toned. If you actively train them, the hourglass figure will not work out, because the bottom will not keep up with the top of the body.

The third day


  • 150 ml fruit drink – 150;
  • 200 grams of pancakes with vegetables – 220;
  • 30 grams of sauce for pancakes (medium fat yogurt, dried apricots, cinnamon) – 31;
  • 100 grams of muesli and 50 grams of banana – 155;
  • 200 ml fruit tea – 16;


  • 2 peaches – 45;
  • 200 ml tea with honey – 49;


  • 250 grams of fish soup – 95;
  • 100 beef stew – 130;
  • 100 grams of vegetables with herbs – 25;
  • 200 ml of herbal decoction – 52;

Afternoon snack

  • 75 dried fruits – 80;
  • 200 ml green tea – 17;


  • 200 grams of bell pepper with meat (baked) – 232;
  • 200 grams of carrot salad with garlic and homemade mayonnaise – 52;
  • 200 ml tea with milk without sugar – 26;

One hour before bedtime, 200 ml of low-fat fruit drink – 80.

Calorie content per day: 1455 kcal.

Dresses with contrasting color panels

Optical illusions are always interesting to watch and capture the imagination. Especially when it comes to women's dresses. A fitted outfit with side panels in a contrasting color literally paints a new figure on top of the existing one. And it looks damn stylish! Proven by many celebrities.

Diet for weight loss

How to do sugaring at home yourself

When choosing a diet for weight loss, it is important to remember one rule - no diet will help you lose weight in a week.

Important! Magic pills that give you a flat stomach without exercise are complete nonsense. It is possible to get the desired silhouette if you train hard and eat right.

It is necessary to change your diet plan, eating only healthy foods.

Diet for weight loss

It is important to follow the following rules:

  1. The majority of the diet should be vegetables and fruits. If you feel hungry, you should give preference to apples, carrots, nuts, cabbage, rather than pies and burgers.
  2. Increase the amount of fiber. It is necessary to change the diet gradually. The menu should include whole grains, vegetables, oatmeal, beans, Brussels sprouts, etc.
  3. Limit alcohol consumption. It does not bring any benefit, it increases the number of calories consumed.

When choosing a nutrition plan, you should give preference to the following products:

  • fish and seafood;
  • boiled eggs;
  • lean meat and poultry fillet;
  • greenery;
  • fruits and vegetables;
  • fermented milk products with low fat content.

Proper nutrition when losing weight

Limit consumption or completely avoid:

  • sweets;
  • fatty meat;
  • flour products, including white bread;
  • smoked meats;
  • fatty fried foods;
  • seeds and nuts (in large quantities).

It is important to follow the following general guidelines:

  1. There is no need to starve, the diet should be balanced.
  2. It is necessary to do fasting days (on vegetables or dairy products).
  3. Never neglect physical activity.

Important to remember! Exercises for losing weight on the belly and waist will only be effective if they are performed regularly. You cannot do without changing your diet, which is necessary not for one month, but for your whole life.

In addition, eating healthy foods will have a positive effect on your health and appearance. Creating a beautiful figure is not easy, but the result is worth the effort.

Cardigan and fitted jacket looks

Everyone knows that vertical lines make you look slim. An unbuttoned (preferably without buttons at all) cardigan or classic jacket creates just the right vertical lines and hides everything unnecessary. They also fit perfectly into the office dress code.

High-waisted trousers and skirts

If you want a thin waist, raise it. High-waisted trousers and skirts have many advantages: they hide the tummy, visually lengthen the legs and create a beautiful bust-waist-hip ratio. What else is needed? Moreover, such models are now very relevant.

Nutrition rules, diet correction

The “hourglass” is a waist that needs to be maintained not only by training, but also by nutrition. It accounts for 50% of success along with training.

If you are overweight, you need to maintain a calorie deficit. It should be from 10 to 20% of the daily calorie intake. First you need to calculate the calorie intake to maintain your weight. In this state, the weight stays in one place. To do this, you will need data on gender, age, weight, height, and daily activity.

A formula is then used to calculate the number of calories needed per day. Then you need to remove 10-20%. There will be a shortage. You can use special applications that automatically calculate the required amount of kcal per day.

It is also important to maintain a balance of dietary fat - consume the right amount of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. The calculation takes into account intense training. They burn between 200 and 500 calories. To avoid excessive swelling, you need to drink enough water.

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