How to lengthen fingers at home, surgery

Lengthening your fingers is a complex and lengthy process that involves regular exercise for flexibility, stretching tendons, and strengthening muscle tissue and joints.

There are certain types of labor and creative activity that have a direct impact on the length of the fingers of the upper limbs.

A radical method of lengthening this part of the body is to perform a surgical operation, which involves long-term restoration of the operated tissues and temporary restrictions on the functionality of the hands.

Why make your fingers longer and thinner?

Lengthening the fingers may be required for men and women whose main activity involves performing fine and jewelry work, or playing musical instruments.

It is believed that thin and long fingers are aesthetically attractive. Changing the length of this part of the hands is often resorted to by young girls who initially have short and thick fingers.

The hand is a work of art by Callesen

This work of art was made by the famous Danish architect P. Callesen. To create this masterpiece, he needed a sheet of paper, glue and scissors.

Callesen glued pieces of paper together and formed them into a brush. To complement the composition, he used a sheet of paper with a cut out palm.

Visual lengthening

Independent lengthening of the fingers can be done using a visual effect, the presence of which will create the illusion of thinner and elongated phalanges.

The table below lists several proven tips for implementing this method:

A method for visually lengthening fingersDescription of effective techniques
Formation of the nail plateThe method of visually lengthening your fingers is to grow a long manicure, and then give the nail plate a neat round shape. Visually, you will get the impression that your fingers have become longer, thinner and more graceful. A square-shaped nail plate visually makes the phalanges wider and shorter.
Choosing a manicure colorWhen caring for your nails, you must remember that the manicure should have light or pastel colors, as they visually lengthen your fingers. You should not paint your nail plates with varnish that has dark shades.
Application of decorationsVisual lengthening of the fingers can be achieved by using jewelry with certain characteristics. In this case, it is enough to wear 2-3 thin rings that do not have a large volume. Massive rings and wide rings create the effect of small and short fingers.
Wearing tight glovesIn the cold season, it is recommended to wear tight-fitting leather gloves, which tighten the hand and make the fingers thinner and more graceful.

When using the above methods of visually lengthening your fingers, you must remember that their use allows you to achieve a false visual effect. In reality, this part of the upper limbs does not change and retains its previous size.


There are many different materials available for mold casting. These are paraffin, wax, concrete, silicone, metals, even chocolate can be poured into food form. Nowadays plastic compositions and resins have become available. They all have their own specific casting features. To answer the question of how to make a plaster hand, you first need to understand what kind of material it is. It is also important to understand the technology of its casting.

Gypsum powder is a natural material. It is white or grayish in color, finely ground, and quickly absorbs moisture when water is added. It is obtained by firing gypsum stone and is distinguished by purpose: for medical purposes, for molding, for plastering work and for the production of slabs.

Gypsum for construction has a coarser grind, medical gypsum is the purest, and molding gypsum sets more slowly. A useful property for sculptures is an increase (up to 1%) of the working composition in volume. This extension makes it possible to fill in a small drawing of a form. When preparing the solution, within a few minutes it begins to harden and completely sets within 20 minutes.

Exercises to lengthen your fingers

You can lengthen your fingers with the help of a special set of exercises that are performed over a continuous course.

It is very important that all stretching, flexibility and strengthening exercises for this part of the upper limbs are carried out regularly and without skipping. Otherwise, it will not be possible to achieve a positive result, or it will be insignificant.


Connective tissue stretching is an effective way to actually lengthen your fingers. Moreover, after completing the training course, you will not need to use methods that only create the visual effect of long fingers.

Finger stretching

To use this method of stretching your fingers, you must follow the following algorithm of actions:

  1. Grasp the base of your thumb and then pull it forward as gently and slowly as possible.

  2. Extend your finger for 15 s.
  3. After the specified period of time has passed, release the finger, stopping the process of stretching its tissues.

This exercise must be done for each finger in turn. Each phalanx should be affected 20 times.

All movements to stretch the tissues of the finger should be performed as slowly and without jerking as possible to prevent damage to the joints. This type of exercise can be done daily or every other day.

Rotations of the finger in the girth

This type of exercise is aimed at stretching the tendons of the fingers located at the base of the first phalanx, and its implementation is as follows.


  1. It is necessary to completely clasp the entire finger, holding it in the fist of your free hand.
  2. After this, you should slowly turn the fixed finger in a clockwise direction, without making sudden movements, and also listening to your sensations.
  3. After 15 s, it is necessary to stop physical impact on the upper limb.
  4. The pinched finger is then slowly rotated counterclockwise.
  5. After another 15 seconds, you should stop stretching the connective tissue of this part of the arm.

For each finger of the upper limb, the exercise of everting it must be repeated 10 times. In this case, it is very important not to overdo it, so as not to injure the joints, and also to prevent excessive stretching of the tendons.

Twitching of the last phalanx

This type of exercise for stretching the fingers is one of the easiest to perform, but at the same time it is characterized by an excellent effect.

Lengthening your fingers using this method looks like this:

  1. You need to grab the last phalanx of your finger.

  2. After this, the fixed finger should be lightly but sharply pulled forward.
  3. Then similar actions are performed for all other fingers.

The exercise begins with the little finger. For each finger you need to do 20 repetitions.


You can lengthen your fingers by regularly doing flexibility exercises that are easy to do at home.

Pressing your fingers on your palm

Performing this exercise helps develop the flexibility of all fingers at the same time, making them strong and flexible.

This type of training process looks like this:

  1. You need to place your palm against your palm.
  2. After this, you should relax the hand of one hand.
  3. After this, it is necessary to tense the fingers of the second hand, exerting physical pressure on the surface of the palm of the relaxed limb.

Squeezing the palm with the finger tufts should continue until the relaxed hand begins to bend back. After this, similar actions are performed on the other limb.

Before you begin this exercise, you need to thoroughly stretch your hands to prevent injury.

Fingers Up

To perform this exercise, you must follow the following procedure:

  1. Place your hands on the table surface.
  2. Take your fingers off the tabletop one by one.
  3. Make sure that during this exercise only the finger on the tissue of which physical stress is created is used.

The palm should remain motionless during this exercise. The palms of the hands should not be lifted from the surface of the table, as this will disrupt the technique of the training process. It is recommended to do 20 repetitions for each finger.

Rolling the ball

This exercise allows you not only to lengthen your fingers, but also develops fine motor skills of the hands, and it is performed as follows:

  1. You need to take a small ball or tennis ball in your hand.
  2. This object is alternately rolled between the fingers of the hand so that all phalanges are involved.
  3. The second hand should be in a relaxed state.

This exercise can be continued indefinitely. The main thing is that finger training aimed at lengthening them lasts at least 15 minutes. per day for each upper limb.


You can lengthen your fingers not only by stretching and increasing the flexibility of their tissues, but also by strengthening the muscles and structural elements of the joints. The first positive effect will be noticeable after 1-1.5 months. hard training.

Clenching a fist

The principle of performing this exercise is to spend 15-20 minutes daily. to clench and unclench your fist. At the same time, at the moment of bending the fingers, it is necessary to exert maximum physical effort, as if the muscles are overcoming resistance.

For those who find it difficult to clench an empty fist with force, it is recommended to use a wrist expander. On average, during 1 approach you need to do 40 repetitions for each hand.

People suffering from hypertension or increased intraocular pressure may experience periodic headaches. In this case, training should be stopped.

Support on fingers

This exercise requires good physical shape and coordination of movements, and its implementation proceeds as follows:

  1. A person approaches the surface of a flat wall at a distance of 60 cm.
  2. Feet are shoulder-width apart.
  3. On the count of “one”, you need to move your body forward, fixing your fingers on the surface of the wall.
  4. The body is held in an inclined position for 3 minutes. only due to the strength of the fingers.
  5. After this, on the count of “two”, pushing off the wall with his fingers, the person returns his body to its original position.

This exercise must be performed daily for 10 repetitions in 3-4 approaches, depending on the individual physical capabilities of each person. Before starting the training process, it is very important to conduct a quality warm-up of the hands and phalanges of the fingers.


This type of physical exercise, aimed at strengthening and lengthening the fingers, is considered one of the most difficult.

To perform the workout correctly, you must follow the following algorithm:

  1. You need to get on all fours.
  2. After this, the feet are closed together, and the socks are fixed on the floor surface.
  3. The back is aligned so that it is level with the buttocks.
  4. The body should be held not on the palms, but exclusively on the fingers.
  5. On the count of “1”, the person bends his elbows, lowering his body towards the floor surface.
  6. At the count of “2,” the upper limbs are extended at the elbow joints, and the body returns to its original position.

For people who have not previously engaged in sports at all, performing this exercise will be a very difficult task. At first, it is enough to do 3-5 repetitions in 3-4 approaches. The training should take place every other day.

Features of the technology

Gypsum powder should be stored in a dry place. Wetted or damp material is unsuitable for casting; it does not set. Its characteristics also deteriorate from long-term storage. The gypsum working solution is prepared quickly. Due to prolonged stirring, it “rejuvenates” and sets weaker, which ultimately leads to a loss of strength of the finished product.

If the working solution has hardened before pouring is complete, it is no longer suitable for use. Adding water and stirring it again will not correct the situation. Liquid glue can help slow down the setting of the solution. It (3-4 spoons per bucket of water) is added first and mixed well.

The casting must be dried at temperatures up to 60 degrees. It is not advisable to exceed this limit - the material loses strength and begins to decompose. A do-it-yourself plaster hand is made taking into account all these nuances. To make the finished product stronger, the solution is mixed with lime milk.

Moisture and dampness have a negative effect on gypsum products, so they must be used and stored indoors, especially if they do not have a protective coating.

Activities to lengthen fingers

In order to achieve a positive result in lengthening your fingers as soon as possible, it is recommended to simultaneously engage in the following activities.


  • playing the guitar (long-term work with the strings contributes to more active development of the phalanges);

  • drawing pictures or decorating previously prepared objects;
  • modeling figures from plasticine or clay;
  • knitting things on knitting needles or with a special crochet hook;
  • playing keyboard musical instruments such as piano, accordion, clarinet;
  • embroidering towels, shirts, handkerchiefs.

The best effect of developing and lengthening the fingers is observed in people who play musical instruments for a long period of time, and also draw a variety of pictures.


For lovers, a plaster cast of a pair of hands clasped together can serve as a gift for a significant date. Often this composition is ordered by newlyweds on their wedding day.

Parents order casts of children's hands and feet as souvenirs in addition to photographs and videos of their children. Such a souvenir, decorated in an elegant frame, can be presented to family and friends as a memory of a memorable date: a first or anniversary birthday, baptism, a child’s first independent step, etc.

You can create a whole collection of such casts, made during different periods of active growth of the child. Later, holding them in their palms, children may remember the happy moments of their childhood.

An elegant plaster hand, made and decorated with your own hands, can also serve as a detail of an original composition. This decoration, for example, can also be used as a mannequin for storing rings.

Indications for surgical correction of the length and thickness of fingers

Surgical correction of the thickness and length of the fingers is indicated in the following clinical cases:

  • congenital anomaly of the fingers;
  • genetic disorders of the formation of phalanges that appeared at a certain stage of a person’s life;
  • traumatic amputation of part of a finger that cannot be restored through regular exercise;
  • finger defects caused by burns, frostbite, exposure to other negative factors that led to the effect of shortening or thickening.

Surgical operation to increase the length of the fingers is a complex and multi-stage process of osteosynthesis of bone tissue, which can last for 2-3 years. The decision on the advisability of using this method of therapy is made by the surgeon based on the results of a comprehensive examination of the patient.

Preparation of the solution

A plaster hand is cast with your own hands in a pre-prepared mold. The mixing container is filled with clean cold water in the required quantity. Dry gypsum powder is evenly poured into it. Ideally, it should form a slide above the surface.

The gypsum begins to intensively absorb water. At this time it needs to be stirred well. This should not be done too intensely, as air bubbles will form. They remain in the solution, fall into the mold and, after it hardens, form shells and cavities. Therefore, you can use a drill with a kneading attachment only at low speeds. It's best to do everything by hand using a spoon or wooden stirrer. The goal is to obtain a homogeneous mass without lumps, reminiscent of sour cream in thickness.

The water/gypsum proportions (approximately one to two) are determined experimentally in advance. After mixing is completed, tap the container lightly to release air bubbles to the surface. The resulting foam is collected with a spoon. The prepared working solution is immediately poured into the mold. The time from the start of mixing to pouring is no more than a minute and a half.

Preparation and performance of the operation

Preparing for surgery to lengthen fingers that are too short involves doing the following:

  • undergoing a preliminary examination by a surgeon and orthopedist;

  • donation of peripheral blood for general analysis;
  • collection of venous blood for its biochemical study, as well as laboratory diagnostics for the presence of dangerous infectious microorganisms (HIV, syphilis, hepatitis strain B and C);
  • radiography of fingers that are subject to surgical lengthening;
  • submitting morning urine to check it for general indicators.

A week before the scheduled date of the operation, you must stop drinking alcohol and taking medications that affect the level of blood clotting.

You should arrive at the surgical department hospital 1-2 days before surgery so that the staff of the medical institution have the opportunity to conduct additional types of diagnostics.

The actual process of performing a surgical operation to lengthen too short fingers is as follows:

  1. The patient goes into the sterile conditions of the operating room, or is taken there on a medical gurney.
  2. Then the surgeon carries out an antiseptic treatment of the skin surface of the fingers and hands, which will be his working area.
  3. The anesthesiologist administers a drug to the patient that has analgesic properties.
  4. Using surgical equipment, the doctor dissects the bone tissue of the too short finger, and then carries out actions to stretch it.
  5. After this, the severed parts of the finger are fastened with elements of the metal structure of the Ilizarov apparatus.
  6. Upon completion of the surgical operation, the patient is transferred to the general therapy ward.

Over the next 2-3 months, the process of osteosynthesis occurs, when new bone tissue gradually grows between the cut and fastened parts of the finger, which serves as a connecting link.

Depending on the dynamics of bone growth, periodic adjustment of the Ilizarov apparatus is performed, which is performed by tightening or loosening the fastening bolts. These manipulations are painful, so they are performed under local anesthesia.

Simple clay mold

A trial plaster cast of the hand can be successfully cast into a clay mold. This will not be a full-fledged voluminous copy, but it will provide an opportunity to gain first practical experience. Clay is an affordable material, it can be used repeatedly after unsuccessful attempts, which is just right for beginners.

You need two pieces of board or plywood, 5 cm larger than your palm. Lubricate them and your hand with vegetable oil or Vaseline. This is necessary so that the clay does not stick. Place your hand on the board, press it tightly and begin to apply clay moistened with water and kneaded to a thick dough, pressing it well and compacting it.

The total layer should be at least 5 cm. Its top is leveled flat and covered with another board. The entire structure, together with the hand, is carefully turned over. The bottom board is removed and the palm is carefully released. The form for filling is ready. To obtain ideal castings, plastic molding compounds are used.

Rehabilitation and complications

The rehabilitation period of the operated segment of the finger bone begins immediately after removal of the Ilizarov apparatus. The timing of complete restoration of the functions of the upper limb depends on the complexity and scale of the surgical intervention.

During the rehabilitation period, the following rules must be observed:

  • avoid hypothermia of the operated fingers, keep your hands warm;

  • provide the body with high-quality and balanced nutrition, saturating your diet with fermented milk products, chicken eggs, and meat;
  • stop drinking alcohol, smoking, and taking drugs, as bad habits reduce immunity;
  • take vitamin and mineral supplements as prescribed by your doctor;
  • undergo preventive examinations with a surgeon and orthopedist;
  • Massage the operated finger 2-3 times a week to improve local blood circulation.

Surgeons and orthopedists strongly do not recommend surgical finger lengthening if the problem is only internal dissatisfaction with their appearance. Osteosynthesis of bone tissue is a complex, lengthy and painful procedure.

During the process of surgical finger lengthening, the following complications may occur, most of which are dangerous for the patient's body.


  • infectious infection of epithelial tissues;
  • formation of purulent abscess, fistula;
  • lack of a positive effect on the formation of callus between the severed parts of the finger (a similar complication can occur in patients with metabolic disorders);
  • displacement of the bone to the side, which entails curvature of the tissues of the operated finger;
  • amputation of a finger caused by a progressive form of osteomyelitis, an extensive purulent and infectious process;
  • osteomyelitis of the bone tissue of the finger.

To exclude the occurrence of the above complications, it is necessary to seek medical help only from professionals in the field of surgery and orthopedics, and also follow all rehabilitation rules prescribed by the attending physician.

Finger lengthening is a complex and lengthy process that requires an integrated approach. In this case, you can use the method of performing physical exercises to stretch, develop flexibility and strengthen the tendons and muscle tissue of the joint structure.

If there is no positive result, a method of surgical finger lengthening is used, which involves building up additional volume of bone tissue.

This method is considered very traumatic and requires long-term recovery of the operated areas of the body. Surgical lengthening of fingers is dangerous due to the development of complications that can lead to a large number of negative consequences. The average cost of this operation is 28,000 rubles.

Do fingers get thinner when you lose weight?

Will your arms become visually smaller if you lose weight through exercise or dietary restrictions? The answer is yes, because these are the same parts of the body as muscles, bones, stomach, legs. Therefore, if you have a need to lose weight on your fat fingers, start with general weight loss. By removing excess mass, you will be pleasantly surprised by the elegant, sophisticated and aristocratic look of your hands.

The main steps on how to start losing weight on your fingers is to take care of your body as a whole. You don’t need to completely give up your favorite foods, it’s just important to monitor your diet and remove excess sweet and fatty foods.


How to make a plaster cast of a hand into a finished composition? To do this, it needs to be painted. For some, the ideal option would be tinting with gold or bronze paint. Another will choose nude or white.

Acrylic emulsion is suitable for decorative coating, but its layer, although thin, can smooth out small lines and folds on the cast. Although, if the copy turned out to be imperfect, then this option is quite suitable. If you need to preserve the smallest details, it is better to use spray paint.

Before finishing, the cast is inspected, all irregularities are polished, and defects are corrected. In order for the paint to lay down in an even layer, the workpiece can be pre-primed, allowed to dry and then sanded again with fine sandpaper.

For installation, select a decorative base at your discretion and mount a copy of the hand or a composition with it on glue. After drying, the souvenir can be varnished for greater effect.

Pouring into the mold

A do-it-yourself plaster hand is made by casting into a prepared mold. The solution is added in portions. If you fill a complex form with it all at once, air pockets may form in it. The gypsum solution does not get into such voids; as a result, the finished model will have defects.

To avoid this, the mold is turned in all directions after pouring in the first small part of the working solution. So it spreads over the inner surface and gets into all the recesses. The air inside does not accumulate and is gradually displaced.

With the next portion, the gypsum solution is deposited on the walls more and more, its layer becomes thicker. Once the complex undercuts are completely filled, the remaining plaster can be poured.

How to make your fingers thinner by changing your lifestyle?

You can also make lifestyle changes to make your fingers appear slimmer.

  1. Drink less alcohol. Alcohol can cause swelling and water retention.
  2. Walk more often. Walking in nature not only helps you burn calories and lose weight, but it also helps reduce swelling and inflammation associated with stress.
  3. Take vitamin D. Supplements can help with weight loss. Increasing your vitamin D may help improve your mood and reduce weight.
  4. Do yoga. Poor circulation can increase swelling, making your fingers appear larger than they actually are. You can try yoga to improve your blood circulation.

Contour plastic

Contour plastic surgery will help restore lost volume during skeletonization of the hands. The filler will fill and even out wrinkles, folds, and dips.

When injecting fillers with hyaluronic acid into problem areas of the hands, it allows you to create the effect of smooth, soft and moisturized skin, and hide tendons and veins.

Radiesse and Ellanse fillers are also used to add volume. Radiesse, consisting of calcium hydroxyapatite, similar in composition to the human mineral, launches a powerful process for the production of its own collagen, making the skin dense and taut.

The main component of Ellans is polycaprolactone, a medical suture material that induces the ability of fibroblasts to produce collagen. And it is precisely the one that is actively formed in young people aged 18-20 years, making the skin soft, elastic, and velvety.

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