What weight of dumbbells should a man choose depending on his goals?

The only thing better than dumbbells is a barbell, and even then, it can never replace dumbbells, because you can train with them in order to achieve both mass growth and weight loss, both to create a better relief and work out the muscles, and for the endurance of the muscles and the body as a whole . In general, using dumbbells you can train your entire body and perform a large number of exercises. It’s not difficult to choose the weight of dumbbells for developing physical fitness, but you still need to understand the nuances. So, let's find out what weight of sports equipment will be optimal for different training purposes.

Types of dumbbells

According to their design, these projectiles are divided into solid and prefabricated. The first type looks like two metal balls or hexagons connected by a short crossbar. Among dumbbells of this type, hex dumbbells are more convenient; they are stable and do not “run away” during training. They are made of cast iron or steel, sometimes painted or covered with a rubber shell on top. Dumbbells with rubberized tops are more convenient for training.

Collapsible dumbbells consist of a bar and weights. The neck is a grooved handle on which pancakes are strung. A pancake is a removable weighting disc; they come in different weights; for dumbbells, weights from 0.5 kg to 10 kg are often found.

The advantage of collapsible dumbbells is that to increase the weight of the projectile, you will need to purchase additional discs, rather than a whole new dumbbell.

Bodybuilder Rules

Now it’s quite easy to find information on the question: “What weight of dumbbells should a man choose?” But there are unwritten rules of bodybuilding that you can’t find almost anywhere. So, many professionals advise starting with endurance exercises. This is what will help you achieve the desired results in the future.

Many gym newbies ask the question, “What weight should I use for arm dumbbells?” - because they want to develop these muscles. Professionals sometimes joke about such representatives, because, as practice shows, nothing good comes of them.

But for those who ask the question: “What weight of dumbbells should a man choose?” - they will always meet you halfway, tell you, show you, and also provide backup if necessary. In the process, you can get quite a lot of good, effective advice that will help you easily switch to a new weight when working with dumbbells in the future.

Which dumbbells to choose

Girls make the first mistake. When choosing solid equipment, they buy mini dumbbells and expect that 2 kg will last them a long time. If a girl is not purposeful, then such a purchase will last her a lifetime. For girls who approach sports responsibly, such equipment will be enough for two weeks or a month.

Therefore, the first advice for girls is to stop thinking of yourself as a weak woman and pick up dumbbells like an athlete.

The second mistake everyone makes is not calculating a training plan and level of load for two to three months or six months in advance. Having bought cast shells, after six months you will find that you need to completely change the assortment.

The best equipment for home use is prefabricated. Savings are just one of the benefits.

Also, prefabricated projectiles using 0.5 and 1 kg disks allow you to precisely regulate the load. This will affect the results of training and the speed of physical development. Collapsible equipment allows families to train in one set. Solid dumbbells are ideal only for a child; he will not have to increase the weight of the equipment in the near future.

When choosing a bar, please note that in the future you will need to buy sets of plates. All the plates need to be strung on one bar, that is, it needs a standard bar suitable for most discs. Also pay attention to the length of the bar ; this parameter needs to provide comfort and ease of training, rather than discomfort and irritation. To find the perfect bar for your home, try two or three exercises right in the store.

Don't underestimate the impact of little things. A grooved or rubber-coated surface will give your workouts additional convenience, and even the bright color of the bar will make exercise fun. When purchasing a bar, be sure to find out the weight; this indicator will be needed when adjusting the load.

Set of plates for the bar

If you have been involved in sports before and simply decided to train at home, do not think that small 0.5 or 1 kg weight plates will not be useful. These discs will allow you to select the appropriate weight of the projectile and change it smoothly. With 5 and 10 kg pancakes, a heavy total weight is gained. Remember that for training at home on two bars you will need at least four plates of the same weight (2 plates per dumbbell). For some exercises, the wide diameter of the discs is inconvenient, so it is better to constantly keep a lot of 2 kg plates in stock.

The set of pancakes for beginners is as follows:

  • 5 kg – 4 discs;
  • 2 kg – 8 discs;
  • 1 kg – 4 discs;
  • 0.5 kg – 4 discs.

The kit for professionals looks like this:

  • 10 kg – 4 discs;
  • 5 kg – 8 discs;
  • 2 kg – 8 discs;
  • 1 kg – 4 discs;
  • 0.5 kg – 4 discs.

An amateur kit will last beginners for six months or a year. Calculate, the total weight is 21 kg per dumbbell, and to increase the amount to a professional level you need to buy 4 weights for 5 and 10 kg.

Choosing dumbbell weights for experienced athletes

How to choose the weight of dumbbells for men who have been training for quite a long time? Experienced athletes use training programs and their own tactics. The following scheme for choosing dumbbell weights works for such people.

  1. Select the required number of repetitions (10, 15, 20).
  2. We take dumbbells according to the weight that we expect to lift the required number of times.
  3. We do a set and see if the number of repetitions is done and there is strength left, then it is necessary to increase the weight. If the intended number of times is not completed, then it is worth reducing the weight of the projectile.

Thus, the choice of dumbbell weights is made according to the scheme, and this allows you to immediately determine the optimal equipment for training.

Projectile weight for men, women and children

When training at home, men often overestimate their strength, while women underestimate it. Men who have not been involved in sports should start with the same equipment as women (2–7 kg). If a woman intends to engage in fitness, then the appropriate weight for the vast majority of exercises is 1–5 kg.

But if a girl is thinking of building muscle, then over time she will need a mass of 10–15 kg or more. To select the appropriate value, remember that when training to increase muscle volume, 3 sets of 8–10 movements are done in each. In the last set, the last movements according to the rules are difficult. It is impossible to achieve this with 2–3 kg dumbbells.

Girls should not be afraid that their figure will become pumped up during training. This will take a lot of time, because you control this process 100%.

To get a “pumped up” figure you will need a dumbbell of 15–20 kg, which cannot be ignored. And her appetizing, toned shape will cause envy and admiration in any man. Therefore, the set of disks at home for women copies the set for men, except that you start training with less weight.

The choice of equipment for a child deserves special attention. The first thing to remember is that weight training is allowed from 12-14 years old, and is completely safe and even desirable from 16-18. Training is carried out in the gym under the supervision of a trainer, and not at home. But this only applies to heavy equipment; a child is allowed to play with dumbbells of 1–2 kg even at 8–10 years old. Let him repeat the exercises after mom and dad and get involved in sports.

In addition, the benefits of weight-bearing exercises in the treatment of scoliosis have been proven.

There are four rules for training a child:

  • The total weight of the equipment for one exercise does not exceed 10% of the child’s weight;
  • Children under 7–8 years old are trained with dumbbells up to 1 kg;
  • Increase the projectile by 5–10% of the previous mass (counting in grams);
  • To complete the previous point, buy children's dumbbells that are filled with sand or water.

General points

Hexagon shape

Strength training is usually interval training, involving multiple sets. When resting, the dumbbells should be lowered to the floor. To prevent them from rolling away and forcing you to run after them, their ends are made in the shape of a hexagonal prism. If they offer you completely round ones, without corners, don’t choose them. Models in the form of brass knuckles and S-shaped are comfortable to grip, do not fly out of the hand, but are usually light in weight and intended for women.

Weight step

When looking for collapsible models, look at the weight pitch - this is the difference in the weight of the pancakes. If it is more than 5 kg, do you need such a scope? 1-2 kg is the best option.

Mounting diameter of pancakes

It is usually 25 or 30 mm and can correspond to the cross-section of a barbell, which is often also included in strength training. That is, if you select the same values ​​for these two projectiles, you will be able to hang additional weights on the bar in the form of pancakes - pure savings.

Optional equipment

Men may need a special bench or rack to exercise with dumbbells. There are home retractable models (for squats and bench presses). Despite their compactness, they take up a lot of space and are quite expensive (a bench starts at $125, a stand starts at $160, and these are the cheapest models). Either include them in your expenses to increase the effectiveness of your training, or make them yourself.

Place of purchase

You should not order goods from online resources. To purchase, go to a specialized sports store. Feel free to ask any questions you have about the model you like from the sales consultant. Take the projectile in your hands, work with it, evaluate its convenience.

With these tips, choosing dumbbells will be much easier even for a beginner.

Rules for training with dumbbells

When training at home, you should follow a number of recommendations for the effectiveness of your training:

  1. Don't chase other people and stop trying to impress;
  2. Train initially with light dumbbells, develop your technique;
  3. Warm up not only the muscles involved in the workout, but also the entire body;
  4. Choose comfortable dumbbells;
  5. Follow the exercise technique;
  6. Between approaches, do not sit, walk, warm up;
  7. During training, do not get drunk; if you are thirsty, take a sip between sets;
  8. The time between meals and training is 1 hour;
  9. Record the number of approaches, movements, weight of the projectile.

Consequences of choosing the wrong weight for dumbbells

Of course, it is worth considering that an incorrectly chosen weight will lead to not very good consequences. The worst thing that can happen is that the dumbbell jumps out of your hand and falls on your leg.

But what is much more tragic is that newcomers unknowingly carry too much weight and want to be considered Hercules. After this, muscle wasting or sprains occur, which take a long time to heal. And this, accordingly, is a missed workout, and more than one.

There have been cases when the wrong weight of dumbbells chosen led to dislocations and also fractures of the arm bones. Therefore, it is worth clearly defining the maximum working weight. This will not only help build muscles, but also keep your arms intact.

It is worth understanding that any injury entails a long rehabilitation process, and naturally, you will have to start again with the smallest weight. Thus, in order not to undergo treatment after stupid things, it is recommended to continue working with the maximum allowable weight. This way you can quickly switch to heavier dumbbells.

How to determine the dumbbell weight for a specific exercise

Let us repeat that to train for strength, you need to perform 3 sets of 8–10 movements each. The dumbbells should create such a load that the last movements in the last approach are difficult. It is worth making a reservation here - “with difficulty” means that the movement is performed, but it is difficult or impossible to maintain the correct technique of the exercise.

To more accurately control this condition, remember what “muscle failure” is. This is the point that indicates the inability to perform the movement with proper technique. It is the correct execution of the exercise that gives the result. At home, monitor the position of your shoulder blades, elbows, knees, hips and shoulders. If you feel unable to do a repetition without breaking the exercise technique, rest. You have selected the appropriate weight of the projectile if this feeling occurs on the tenth repetition of the 3rd set.

To select the appropriate weight, start doing the exercise with minimal weight. This is also very useful because you will initially learn how to perform the exercise correctly using the technique. The weight of the projectile depends on how many muscles are involved in the exercise. To train your back or abdominal muscles, you will need a weight 2-3 times heavier than to train your biceps or triceps. Also, the wider the muscle, the heavier the dumbbell required to train it.

A feeling of lightness after completing a set of approaches indicates that the projectile is too light. The projectile must be increased by 5–10% of the previous mass. Moreover, it is necessary to increase the projectile, and not the number of movements. Maintain the same number of sets and movements throughout your workouts.

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