Established standards of physical training in the army for conscripts, contract soldiers, women

Every man who has completed military service in Russia has the right to continue it, but as a contract soldier. For this purpose, a corresponding contract is concluded with the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation for a certain period of service. But first, a candidate for military contract service must submit a package of necessary documents, undergo a medical examination and pass the established standards for contract employees in the army. The RF Ministry of Defense recruits exclusively healthy, professionally trained, physically developed soldiers into the modern Russian army.

What are the norms?

The All-Russian physical culture and sports complex “Ready for Labor and Defense” (GTO) is the normative basis for the physical education of the country’s population, aimed at the development of mass sports. The “Ready for Labor and Defense” complex was revived in 2014. ...

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What is physical training in the army?

According to Order No. 200, every soldier of the Russian Army must improve his physical characteristics, meeting certain standards. This takes into account demographic indicators, gender and individual characteristics, as well as the requirements for a particular position.

The main areas of military training are:

  1. Agility. It involves a whole range of activities that improve the soldier’s response to changing environmental conditions.
  2. Force. To train this parameter, general strengthening exercises are used that promote the growth of muscle mass.
  3. Rapidity. The classes are aimed at accelerating the fighter’s movement across various types of terrain. This includes both moving on relatively flat surfaces and overcoming various obstacles.
  4. Hand-to-hand combat. Particular attention is paid to methods of self-defense, methods of disarming, and arrest. Fighters must be able to effectively resist an enemy with a knife, evade a pistol shot, and also free themselves from various types of grabs.
  5. Endurance. Soldiers must be able to operate effectively even in uncomfortable conditions.
  6. Swimming. This skill is essential if you are drafted into the Navy or Air Force.

In order to be able to protect themselves and resist an attacker, soldiers are taught self-defense techniques.
Thus, a military man must receive comprehensive development and be prepared for the difficult conditions of service.

Physical fitness standards for conscripts and contract soldiers are defined in the corresponding “Manual on physical training in the RF Armed Forces.” This document was approved by order of the Minister of Defense. Thus, physical training is considered the basis of a soldier's combat readiness. Systematic increase in standards makes it possible to increase the combat readiness of the entire Russian Army.

The main task of physical training of soldiers is to improve the combat readiness of personnel, which makes it possible to carry out the most difficult tasks set by senior leadership.

It should be noted that the standards in the army differ somewhat depending on what profession was chosen by the soldier. At the moment, there are three main categories of military personnel:

  1. Persons serving in the Marine Corps, reconnaissance, airborne forces, airborne forces or various special forces.
  2. Personnel of combat units, military management and support, as well as cadets of military schools.
  3. Members of military bands, persons providing service and medical services to the fleet, cadets of training centers.

What is the world record for abs?

“Record holder Arbi Yakubov did 551 parallel bar push-ups in 22 minutes, and Magomed Dukuev performed 2,780 press reps in 2 hours exactly,” the report says.

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Push-ups in special forces

It does not matter at all to which branch of the military and to which country the special forces belong. All kinds of push-ups are widely used in the training process of various special forces.

As an example, it is worth mentioning the famous “Navy Seals” - an elite unit of the US Marine Corps. In order to get into their squad, a recruit must do only twelve push-ups. But, despite the fact that the standard even for a “mere mortal” does not seem like something super difficult, push-ups in the life of a SEAL recruit do not end there.

It can be said that these twelve push-ups are a type of rest between performing various exercises and solving problems in selection. For example, during selection, soldiers are driven knee-deep into water and forced to do push-ups, carry huge logs, and work with inflatable landing bots. Instructors always choose days with severe weather conditions.

Push-ups also serve as a punishment for all sorts of offenses during the selection process. By the way, after a cross-country race, four miles long, which recruits must complete in thirty-two minutes, the soldiers are expected to do push-ups, and without the opportunity to catch their breath.

It is worth saying that such a program and the use of push-ups is not the only example. Literally every special squad fully implements this exercise both in selection and in training.

How long does it take to get into special forces?

Admission to testing: Running 3 km – 12 min; Pull-ups – 15 times; - test 4x10 (push-ups, squatting, lying down, abdominal exercise, jumping from a squatting position) is carried out in seven repetitions.

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Standards for conscript soldiers

Standards for soldiers called up for military service must take into account the fact that most of them enter the army unprepared for serious physical exertion. Therefore, the requirements for physical training in this case will be lower in comparison with contract soldiers. Specific standards are calculated taking into account the time that will be allocated for training conscripts.

The minimum indicators for conscript soldiers are:

  • The standard for pull-ups in the army is 12 times.
  • Passing the obstacle course - 2.2 minutes.
  • 100 meter dash – 14.4 seconds. Running a kilometer is 3.3 minutes.
  • Ski race at a distance of 5 km - 29 minutes.

In some regions, the list of standards may be updated. For example, swimming tests are held in a number of regions.

The daily routine of modern military personnel is determined in such a way that they are given enough time for physical activity. We can talk about morning exercises or jogging before bed. In addition, planned physical examinations are carried out, the purpose of which is precisely to prepare fighters to pass the necessary standards.

Many barracks dormitories are equipped with special sports corners, where there is all the necessary equipment for practicing strength disciplines. There are horizontal bars, barbells, dumbbells and weights.

Standards for female military personnel

Running is considered the main sports standard for women in the army.
In this case, the standards are formed in accordance with the physiological characteristics of the female body. Therefore, the weekly volume of physical activity for women differs from similar indicators for men.

Fell and did push-ups: what is the main secret of army exercises?

According to the daily routine for conscript military personnel, approved by the Russian Ministry of Defense, personnel rise at 7 a.m. Exactly ten minutes later, morning physical exercises begin in all units and subunits of the Russian army. Its duration is 50 minutes. Just 7 months after taking office on June 3, 2013, Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu stated that the level of physical fitness in the Armed Forces “despite the measures taken, we are not satisfied.”

In Soviet times, things were no better with physical training. The rise took place an hour earlier than today - at 6 am, but the second item in the daily routine was also physical exercise. However, there is a lot of evidence that real physical exercises were replaced by completely different exercises, not much like morning exercises.

Morning exercises for “kamchedals”

The Kamchatka Peninsula is famous for the fact that there is real winter for 9 months of the year. A former serviceman of the Strategic Missile Forces told the Zvezda TV channel about how morning exercises were carried out in one of the units in the early 80s: “I served in an automobile company. In winter, our unit had two types of morning exercises. The first type of exercise was the most favorite - we lined up on the parade ground and... went for a walk around the territory of the unit - to trample snow. In the dark, among huge snowdrifts, with the collars of their greatcoats raised and the “ears” of their hats tightly tied under the chin. The most pleasant entertainment was always the oncoming column of a communications company or utility company. We passed each other in silence, but we could smile, or even wave to someone we knew,” recalls reserve private Kuzma Lemeshev.

The second type of winter morning exercise was the most common - snow removal.

“During the night, snow fell knee-deep, no less. The graders only had time to clear the road to the dining room by breakfast, so all the rest of the work fell on ours. Everyone received a BSL - a large sapper shovel, which we called a shovel. In terms of energy expended, it was not just morning exercise, but also “daytime” and “evening” exercises. True, there was once a table tennis competition; I even have a photo in my demobilization album. Two years of service in Kamchatka were counted as six for the officers, for us as two, but both we and they returned to the mainland as “Kamchedals” seasoned in service. It seemed to us then that it sounded proud,” says Lemeshev.

"Chinese balls" and "mass grave"

Each soldier has his own memories of morning exercises. They depend on the level of physical training that he was able to obtain before the army. There are also original names, such as “Chinese balls” - the most terrible exercise, after a long time of which your legs literally give way and your head begins to spin. It is performed approximately this way: you squat down and start jumping. You do it 150 times and that’s it, walking becomes painful. “Mass grave” is when the whole company hugs, throws their arms on each other’s shoulders and begins to squat. Those who are weaker begin to pull the line down after about a dozen.

But even the usual exercises in the army are performed, as they say, to the point of exhaustion. Pull-ups, push-ups, “stand up one and a half” (this is when you freeze in a static position while lying down) - all this requires some kind of physical training.

Deck volleyball

Probably, according to tradition, morning exercises in our army are carried out not in gyms, in the open air, but on the parade ground. One of the many stands always depicts the poses that a soldier should take during training. In Soviet times, officers and warrant officers, as a rule, did not take part in morning exercises. There were exceptions, mainly only in the navy.

In an exclusive interview with the Zvezda TV channel, reserve lieutenant colonel Nikolai Goretov spoke about his service in the Black Sea Fleet: “I joined the fleet by conscription. He served on the large anti-submarine ship Kerch. In the early seventies, morning exercises were mandatory. It was, as they say now, not fashionable to be weak, so after a few months I was calmly doing handstands.”

Nikolai Dmitrievich claims that officers and warrant officers always took part in morning exercises, of course, except for those who were on watch. According to a retired sailor, seagulls really didn’t like exercise: “I don’t know why, but it was during exercise that the seagulls, like dive bombers, flew right over our heads.” The most favorite sporting activity at Kerch was volleyball. A net was installed directly on the upper deck.

“Once a strong blow caused the ball to fly overboard. Next door to us was the American aircraft carrier Saratoga, and the ball floated towards it. The Americans quickly began to launch the boat, and we launched the longboat. But when they realized that their boat would go down faster, someone quickly lowered the six-oared yawl. We leaned on the oars and swam to the ball first. So we won a small but very pleasant sporting victory over our potential enemy at the very height of the Cold War,” recalls Goretov.

Secrets of army physical training

The main secret of army physical training is the complete absence of any secrets. In addition to the mandatory or optional morning exercises, all conscript soldiers, one way or another, part with extra pounds. And by the end of the service, everyone, without exception, easily does push-ups from the floor and pulls themselves up on the horizontal bar.

A strict daily routine, regular nutrition and, whatever one may say, fresh air have the most positive effect on physical fitness. Perhaps this is precisely the main secret of exercise in the Russian army - yesterday's boys turn into real men.

Author: Oleg Goryunov


How many kilometers do they run in the army?

As a rule, the distance in the morning is the same - 3 km. But sometimes, when grace descends on the sergeant, the distance increases to 5 km. If the sergeant is in a bad mood or does not like the way the soldiers are running, he gives the command to go to a goose step.

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What physical exercises are provided in the Russian Army

To develop a high level of combat training among Russian army soldiers, a special program for passing standards was developed, which includes the following physical exercises:

  • Pull-ups on the bar, standard push-ups from the floor and parallel bars in the army, lift-over on the bar;
  • Training fighters for acceleration (100 meters) and endurance (3 km), shuttle running;
  • The obstacle course is a mandatory standard for all military personnel, regardless of the type of military service, unit, incl. gender of the fighter.
  • Only the options of obstacles (in complexity) and the duration of the strip itself can differ;
  • Complex physical exercises that are designed to improve the overall physical fitness of fighters;
  • Endurance exercise – 5 km ski sprint;
  • Hand-to-hand combat. As a rule, special attention is paid to ground fighting and mixed fighting styles.
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