Plank exercise: photo and description of the 30 best options

The plank exercise provides a universal load on almost all the muscles of the body and helps to achieve a toned silhouette in record time. The main thing is to do this exercise correctly and add variety to your classes.

Why is the plank exercise so effective? This is a static load that involves almost all muscle groups. You have to hold your body in a rather unusual position for several minutes. This load instantly warms up all the muscles of the body and quickly strengthens the muscles, making you stronger and more resilient.

You just have to start with the very basics and gradually complicate the plank exercise , reducing the fulcrum points, and you will notice how your body changes, fatigue and loss of strength go away, your mood and overall vitality rise.

Another advantage of planks: this exercise does not require any sports equipment or extensive free space. In addition, you can devote a few minutes a day to this exercise. That is, you can do the plank almost anywhere and at any time and keep your abs, buttocks and arms toned.

Plank exercise: photo and description of the 30 best options

Straight arm plank

Perfectly strengthens the muscle corset - the muscles of the back and abdominals.
Plank exercise how to do correctly:

Keep an eye on that. so that the hands are under the shoulders, the legs should be straight, as well as the back.

It is very important to ensure that the buttocks do not sag or ride up too high.

The head does not drop down, the gaze is directed forward.

Even a poorly trained person should be able (on average) to withstand such a bar for 1 minute. Start with this average, increasing the time you perform the exercise by 30 seconds every two days. The maximum time to complete this plank is 3 minutes.

Tip: If you really need a short break during this plank variation, simply move into Downward-Facing Dog. For that. To maintain the effect of the exercise, your knees should never be lowered to the floor.

Elbow plank

This more sophisticated version of the classic plank perfectly works the oblique and rectus abdominis muscles, various muscle groups of the back, arms and legs.

How to do the plank exercise:

We are very careful to ensure that the back remains straight and the butt does not sag or rise. If you stand in this position for a minute, it’s easier than ever. Means. you are doing something wrong.

Side plank

This version of the exercise works well on the external and internal abdominal muscles, using the gluteal muscle and the vastus muscles of the thigh.

Plank exercise how to do correctly:

The tense body is extended in one straight line from the top of the head to the tips of the toes. The legs should be placed one on top of the other, the stomach should be as tense and retracted as possible. The upper hand should be held either as in the photo - extended upward or bent at the elbow, palm on the lower back.

We change sides by standing in a regular plank position with straight arms.

We start with 1 minute on each side. If it is very difficult, rest, but again in the downward-facing dog position. Return to the starting position and hold for a minute. You will notice that each time you need less rest, you will become more resilient. Then increase the time.

Plank test

You may hear about the “plank test” among people who exercise a lot. What does it mean? The most stubborn ones, counting on a quick effect from the exercise, decide to do the plank every day for a month.

Of course, rest time should be included in your training plan.

  • For a month, a person does the plank every day, and systematically increases the time of doing the exercise.
  • You can start with 30 seconds, gradually adding 5 or 10 seconds until you can hold out for five minutes on the last day (you can do more, it all depends on your physical fitness).

This is a very long time, but regularity allows the muscles to prepare for this. This format of the exercise is suitable for men.

4-5. Side plank with two-point support

This plank exercise is a more complicated version that perfectly works all the abdominal muscles, the gluteus medius, as well as the vastus and outer thigh muscles. Stabilizing muscles are also actively involved, helping to maintain balance. This further increases the effectiveness of the exercise.

6. Plank on straight arms with raised leg and arm

This great strength and balance exercise also targets as many muscle groups as possible (including stabilizers) and is a great toning and endurance build for the body.
Do not forget that we must hold all complicated variations of the plank exercise for at least 30 seconds per approach.

Plank exercise - jumping with legs spread to the sides

It's time to add dynamics to our favorite plank exercise and make it even more effective by accelerating the contractions of the heart muscle. While in the “straight-arm plank” position during the jump, spread your legs to the sides and move them shoulder-width apart the next time you jump.

8. Plank with body twist

This magical exercise allows you to get rid of sagging sides and the “caterpillar effect” in a short time. We warn you right away - the exercise is not simple and requires not only preparedness and strength, but also the ability to maintain balance. But if you have mastered all the previous versions of the planks, then there will be no problems with its implementation. Do these crunches for 30 seconds on one side and 30 seconds on the other.

9. Elements from yoga. Complex plank: exercise, photo and description

If you combine the elbow plank and the downward-facing dog yoga asana, you get a very effective exercise for dynamics. By raising and lowering your pelvis at a measured pace for a minute, you will perfectly work your abs, back and shoulders. while the arms rest from the tension of the previous plank variations.

Photo of planks, resistance exercise

The plank exercise is usually done without any sports equipment.
But if you have resistance bands or chest expanders, why not add extra resistance and make the plank even harder and more effective? Spreading your arms and legs to the sides and bringing them to the level of your shoulders and hips at a measured pace for one minute is an excellent workout not only for the core muscles, but also for different muscle groups in the arms and hips.

How to do a plank exercise with leg curls

The plank exercise is beneficial - both the muscles of the rectus abdominus group (the treasured “six pack”) and the transverse abdominus (oblique abdominal muscles) are perfectly worked out.

How to do a plank correctly:

We get into a plank position on our elbows. hold it for 5 seconds. Next, we bend our knees and lower them to the floor, but do not touch it, and maintain the pose at the lowest point for 5 seconds, returning to the starting position.

Thus, we perform the exercise for 5 seconds in a circle for a minute.

The benefits and harms of planks

What are the benefits of the plank exercise? Conventionally, the benefits of it can be divided into several components, such as benefits for the back, legs and abs. Let's talk in detail about each case in terms of the benefits and harms of the exercise.

Benefits for the back

Most people who lead a sedentary lifestyle suffer from back pain. The back is a vulnerable spot for both professional athletes and ordinary gym goers. The main reason for this phenomenon is weak core muscles. The benefit of the plank exercise for the back is to strengthen the muscle groups that are responsible for stabilizing our body. During the plank, large back muscles are worked out: rectus, latissimus, lumbar and neck muscles. This symmetrical load on the abs and back makes your posture correct and your stomach toned. By performing the plank exercise regularly, you can get rid of back pain, notice progress in strength exercises, and minimize the possibility of spinal injuries. The back bar will help prevent osteochondrosis.

However, be careful: the exercise can be harmful if you have any problems with the spine. And poor technique can even lead to back injuries.

Benefits for feet

Almost all leg muscles work in the plank. In various types of exercises, the gluteus medius and maximus muscles are under great tension, and the thigh and calf muscles work. By doing the plank regularly, you will notice that the leg muscles become stronger, more toned, the buttocks become more toned, and the legs become slimmer. The buttock bar has another positive effect - reducing cellulite, due to improved blood microcirculation in this area. When starting the exercise, you should take into account the great tension that falls on your legs.

Although the classic plank is performed in a static position and is gentle on the joints, in some cases, for example, with ankle problems, the exercise can be harmful.

For weight loss

Great news for those who want to lose weight. By doing the plank, you can quickly get rid of extra pounds. As you know, the weight loss effect is achieved in the case of a calorie deficit. That is, you need to spend more energy than you consume with food. By combining proper nutrition and plank exercise, you will significantly speed up your metabolism, which will lead to weight loss. Another benefit for those losing weight is that systematic exercise tightens the skin and makes it more elastic.


We have already found out what the plank does and what the benefits of the exercise are. However, please note that doing planks can also cause harm. It is contraindicated for people with spinal injuries, intervertebral hernia, and pregnant women. During the postoperative and postpartum period, you should also do the exercise with caution. Such people should consult a doctor, otherwise they can cause serious harm to their health.

Recipes for healthy eating

BBQ chicken wings in the oven

  • 17.9 g Protein
  • 11.6 g Fat
  • 0.6 g Carbohydrates
  • 178 kcal

30-40 min

  • #vinegar
  • #mustard
  • #dietary
  • #chicken
  • #dinner
  • #olive oil
  • #mixture of peppers
  • #tabasco sauce
  • #chili sauce
  • #tomato paste
  • #tomato sauce
  • #cane sugar
  • #garlic

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Weighted plank

This is a modified bar for advanced ones.
You can use Velcro weights on your arms and legs, or you can get by with dumbbells or water bottles - it all depends on your equipment and preparedness. You can constantly alternate between raising your arms and legs at a fast pace. You can alternate them for 30 seconds for each pair of arms and legs raised.

Balance plank with leg raised

We stand in a standard plank on straight arms with one leg raised for 30 seconds, then change legs.

Plank exercise: lateral with lifting of the non-supporting leg

How to do plank exercises correctly: 30 seconds on each side at an average pace.

Side kick plank

How to do a plank exercise correctly
We start with a plank on straight arms. We lift one leg off the floor, lift it, moving it to the side and bending it at the knee, and stretch the knee towards the elbow of the arm. Place your foot on the floor and repeat the same on the other side. The exercise is performed from 30 seconds to 1 minute at an average pace.

Side plank with dumbbell curl and raise

How to do the plank exercise: From a straight plank position (not the palms rest on the floor, but the dumbbells that we hold in our hands), we lift them off the floor and raise our arms up one at a time.

Plank on a fitball. Options 19-20

Arm row, dumbbell plank

The plank exercise is beneficial - in this case, we actively engage and work out not only the oblique and rectus muscles of the abdomen, arms, buttocks and thighs, but also the back muscles.

22. Plank on crossed arms

How to do the plank exercise: a more complicated version of the plank on straight arms - the legs are positioned much wider than the shoulders, the arms are crossed in front of the chest and the palms are resting on the floor.

This is quite difficult, but according to fitness experts, this particular plank exercise is one of the most effective: reviews, the results are always excellent.

Body correction with a plank

If you want a clear and clear picture of what the plank exercise will lead to after repeated training, then the results before and after monthly training can be examined in detail not only in the photo, but also read about them here:

  • Posture. A sedentary lifestyle or physically demanding work can lead to back problems: scoliosis, radiculitis, osteochondrosis. Regularly doing the plank will free the body from the captivity of these diseases, strengthening the spinal column and the muscular frame of the back.
  • Legs. Almost all calf and thigh muscles are involved in the work when doing the plank. Their activation will return strength and elasticity to the legs.
  • Hands. Gradually, day by day, confidence will appear in your palms, forearms, and shoulder girdle. Your hands will get stronger and stop shaking from tension. But the result after some 3-4 weeks will encourage further training.
  • Buttocks. The sexiest part of the body will be rounded, gain elasticity, and say goodbye to cellulite.

This is a great exercise for getting yourself in order.

  • Stomach. The plank will force you to tighten your abs and remove belly fat.
  • Waist. The sides and muscle frame around the waist will take shape, and if you also measure the circumference of body parts from the very beginning, then the desire to improve your figure will only increase.

Advice! After the first classes, the muscles of almost the entire body will ache. This is inevitable, but should not be alarming: it means that all actions performed were carried out in strict accordance with the instructions.

Reverse plank exercise

24. One-arm plank

25. Plank exercises for 30 days: Three-point plank with body rotation

26. Plank with twist

Plank exercise with alternating leg curls

28. Plank with alternating leg abduction to the side

29. Walking in a plank

Plank slide up

How to do a proper plank

The plank exercise is performed with your arms extended forward. Do not be deceived by its simplicity - the slightest mistake or deviation from the correct technique will, at best, result in a lack of results, and at worst, cause pain or damage the muscles. Pay attention to the photo - the classic plank looks exactly like this.

The plank technique consists of a few simple steps:

  • Get into a prone position as if you were preparing to do a push-up.
  • Place your hands shoulder-width apart. The shoulders themselves should be relaxed.
  • Smoothly align your body into a straight line so that it resembles a stretched string. The pelvis should be in line with the torso, without sagging down.
  • Stay in this position for the required amount of time. Breathe evenly and deeply, do not hold your breath, look straight ahead.
  • Take a break and repeat the exercise.

Plank exercise before and after photos

The effectiveness of the plank exercise is difficult to underestimate. It gives an excellent load on almost all muscle groups and makes them work much more efficiently.

By holding a position that is unusual for us for a certain time, fighting the force of gravity in a static state, we actually spend more calories. The heart rate increases and fat burning occurs faster.

However, it is impossible to achieve real results without an integrated approach. You need regular exercise and proper nutrition, in which you should reduce the number of calories consumed by avoiding fatty and sweet foods. We wrote more about how to easily and imperceptibly change your diet and well-being for the better in our whitening article, which can be found here.

Only if these conditions are met will you be able to achieve noticeable and fairly quick results. Be patient and consistent and you will succeed!

What muscles are involved during the exercise?

The main muscle group that, in fact, this exercise is aimed at is the core muscles . In this exercise, the rectus, transverse and oblique abdominal muscles work best. The back extensor muscles also work well. The work also includes the muscles of the thighs, buttocks, deltoids, latissimus and trapezius.

In general, a huge number of muscles work. If you do the plank, you will become the owner of steel muscles.

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