What are sumo squats and what muscles are targeted?

Sumo squats are a variation of squats that involve a wide stance with your toes turned outward. This position allows you to give maximum load to the inner thighs and buttocks. Sumo squats are very similar to plie squats. Many people even consider them to be the same exercise. We can consider that with sumo the legs are placed as far apart as possible, while with plie the stance of the legs is less wide. In any case, this is a great way to work out such a problematic inner thigh and tighten the buttocks.

Features of the exercise

Speaking about what sumo squats are, it is worth remembering its history. We associate the word “sumo” with overweight people of Asian descent and their struggle. It is from them that the exercise gets its name, since when performing it we take a pose similar to the pose of a sumo wrestler in the arena.

Sumo wrestlers seem very clumsy, but in fact their physical shape is very good. They devote several hours a day to training, including stretching and strength training. Sumo wrestlers also do similar squats while holding a large stone at chest level. Due to the fact that sumo wrestlers constantly stretch their muscles and ligaments, they can squat very low. In any case, a good stretch will benefit no one, especially women.

Sumo squats help work the muscles in your lower body , targeting areas that traditional squats don't work. They have the following advantages:

  • They provide a comprehensive study of the muscles, in particular, the traditional female problem area - the inner thighs.
  • Develop flexibility of the hip joints and improve mobility.
  • Improves blood circulation in the lower body. This helps improve the condition of the skin and has a beneficial effect on the pelvic organs.
  • The exercises are not demanding on space and equipment. They can also be performed at home.

Sumo squats are more difficult than classic squats. In order to squat wide and not bring your knees inward, you need sufficient physical preparation. The exercise loads the knee joints. You need to take less weight for it than for classic squats. And to practice the technique, it’s better to do without weights altogether or use an empty bar.

What muscles work?

In the case of wide squats, the load on the muscles is somewhat different than with regular squats. Sumo squats, which muscles work in which we will now look, are ideal for girls, since it works the inner thighs, and this is a problem for many. When performing the exercise, the following muscles work:

  • Adductor muscles of the inner thighs.
  • Quadriceps are the front muscles of the thighs.
  • The gluteus maximus muscles are the muscles that are responsible for the shape and size of the buttocks.
  • Biceps femoris - posterior surface.
  • The work also includes the calf muscles, back and abs.

As already mentioned, sumo squats are very useful for girls. They correct the shape of the hips, tighten the buttocks, and make the legs attractive and slender.

Newbie mistakes

Below are the most common mistakes of inexperienced athletes that you can observe in the gym. If you recognize yourself in any of these areas, seek the help of a qualified personal trainer to correct your technique and prevent possible injury.

  1. Use the correct deadlift shoes. Barbells are a great thing, but they are more suitable for squats, snatches and clean and jerks; for deadlifts you need shoes with the thinnest possible soles - this way you will shorten the amplitude, and breaking the barbell will be easier. The ideal option is wrestling shoes; they have a thin but rigid sole.
  2. The bar is too far from the shin. This will make it much more difficult for you to control the position of the body, since the bar will change.
  3. Using wrist straps and an athletic belt , starting with light weights. Yes, using this equipment makes the task somewhat easier, but it is advisable to learn the correct technique without using it.
  4. Do not place your feet too wide if you do not have enough stretch for this - this way you risk developing a sprained adductor muscle.
  5. The back should remain straight throughout the entire exercise. Rounding of the lower back or hunching is unacceptable.
  6. Respect long-standing traditions - do not step over the bar . Many people think this superstition is stupid, but by not stepping over the bar you will earn credibility with the “old-timers” of the gym. The tradition dates back to the Soviet school of weightlifting, but is still relevant today.

Sumo squats: technique of execution

First you need to stand up straight, maintaining a natural arch in your lower back. Spread your legs to the sides, turn your feet outward. The width of the legs and the angle of rotation are selected individually, but try to spread your legs as far apart as you can and turn your toes out 45 degrees. Sit down like this several times without weight. If you manage to bring your thighs parallel to the floor and you do not feel any discomfort, you can use this position.

The sumo squat technique involves the following sequence :

  • Take the starting position with your legs wide apart and your toes turned out to the sides. If you are doing sumo squats with a barbell, pay attention to the placement of the bar. It should lie slightly below the neck, on the back muscles. If you are using dumbbells, you can lower them in front of your body with your arms outstretched so that during the squat the weight passes between your legs, or you can take one dumbbell by the disc and also lower it in front of your body. The second option is considered more convenient.
  • As you inhale, try not to lean forward too much. Squat until your thighs are parallel to the floor. The knees should be in the same plane as the toes and not move inward - this is very important. Try to move your pelvis back as far as possible with your flexibility.
  • Exhaling, slowly rise from the lowest point.

The exercise is recommended to be performed in 3-4 sets of 10-15 times .

If you squat below parallel to the floor, you can better work your gluteal muscles. But keep in mind that this seriously increases the load on your knees, so perform moderately deep sumo squats.

The place of this exercise in training the buttocks and thighs plays a role. If you do regular squats, you can alternate them with sumo squats, for example, do them weekly. If you avoid classic squats, then sumo can be used as a basic exercise to work the lower body. In a comprehensive program, it is recommended to do this exercise at the beginning of your workout.

General recommendations

To get the desired result and avoid injury, athletes should adhere to the following recommendations:

  1. It is important to sit as low and deep as possible. If you sit down not deep enough, your buttock muscles will be poorly developed.
  2. Socks should be turned to the sides. Since if the socks are positioned incorrectly, the load will fall on the quadriceps and not the gluteal muscles.
  3. To reduce the stress on your back, you need to include back exercises in your program.
  4. The maximum load on the buttocks occurs if you concentrate all the weight on the heels.
  5. The shins should be parallel to the feet, this reduces the risk of injury.
  6. To maximally work the gluteal muscles, you should do at least 8 repetitions in one approach.
  7. You can speed up the process of tissue growth by increasing the weight of dumbbells, kettlebells or barbells. However, you should not forget about safety measures: you should not suddenly increase the weight of the dumbbells, as this will lead to injury; In addition, it is important to choose the right weighting material; if you choose it incorrectly, the equipment will suffer. Beginners should use dumbbells and kettlebells, but professionals can switch to a barbell.

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These recommendations must always be followed, otherwise the desired result will not be achieved.

It is also important not to forget about proper nutrition, since protein and carbohydrates are needed to build muscle tissue.

After exercise, body tissues are damaged and need building blocks to repair.

Execution options

Exercises can be performed with dumbbells, kettlebells, barbells . If you do squats with sumo dumbbells, you can hold them in your arms down or at chest level.

Sumo squats with a kettlebell are done in a similar way, but it is better to keep it at the bottom. The barbell can be placed on the shoulders or also lowered down.

You can do exercises without weights at all. This option is suitable for beginners who are just mastering the technique of the exercise or cannot perform it with weights. It is difficult for an untrained person to maintain balance during a wide squat, especially with a weight.

Contraindications and precautions

These exercises can be dangerous if you have problems with the lower back, spine and knees. Also, do not overuse them if you have weak core muscles. In any case, the load must be increased gradually.

There are a number of common mistakes you can make with plie squats. This includes straightening the legs at the top, arching the back, lowering the head and gaze, knees extending beyond the line of the toes, and using too much weight. To correct errors and make the exercise effective and safe, follow these recommendations:

  • When rising from a squat, try not to straighten your legs completely, as this will put undue stress on the knee and reduce tension on the active muscles.
  • Proper technique is very important. It is better to use lighter weights, but from a technical point of view, do everything perfectly.
  • The knee joint should move in the direction of the toe of the foot, not limited to its plane. Avoiding this mistake is quite simple - move your pelvis back, as the exercise technique suggests.
  • When performing squats, look straight or slightly upward. This will help control the stability of the body.
  • If your back position is incorrect, there is a risk of injury to your lower back. To prevent this, try to keep your spine straight.
  • The vertical position of the columnar spine is characteristic of plie squats. The correct sumo squat technique involves moving the pelvis as far back as possible, as if you were trying to sit down on an imaginary chair, while the body can be slightly tilted forward.

Also adhere to the following recommendations :

  • The amplitude span is an individual parameter. Sumo squats allow for a deep squat and a reduced amplitude. The main role in this case is given to the purpose of the training. If you want to tone your butt muscles, squat low and deep. If you move more than parallel, the quadriceps will be worked out more.
  • Also, the muscles that will work depend on the rotation of the knees and feet. The external orientation works more on the adductor muscles, and when bringing the toes together, the load is placed on the quadriceps, which is why the exercise loses its meaning. Focus on turning your toes at an angle of 45 degrees, but this parameter can be adjusted in accordance with the correct technique.
  • As with other squats, the sumo technique places significant stress on the lumbar region of the back, so if you perform this exercise, it is recommended to strengthen this area through hyperextension.
  • You don't need to use too much weight. You can determine that you have overdone it as follows: if during the positive phase of the exercise you involuntarily jerk your pelvis, the weight is too much for you.
  • At the lowest point, it is recommended to linger for 2-3 seconds, and you need to rise quickly and sharply.
  • When squatting, the weight should be transferred to the heels. This will provide optimal stimulation of the gluteal muscles and will be biomechanically efficient.
  • To prevent knee injury, make sure your shins are parallel to your feet.
  • You need to keep your back straight, arching at the lower back.
  • Before exercise, do a short warm-up and stretching. It is important to pay special attention to stretching the inner thigh.
  • Breathe correctly. The main effort is performed on exhalation.

Important points

In conclusion, it is worth adding a few recommendations to make wide squats as effective and safe as possible:

  • During the movement, the body weight is on the heels. When you push from the bottom of a squat, you do so with your heels on the floor.
  • Watch the position of your legs. Your shins are in a plane parallel to your feet. Otherwise, knee injury is very likely.
  • Keep your back straight, arching at the lower back. Try not to bend your body forward more than 45 degrees.
  • Before performing the exercise, be sure to warm up and do some stretching. Pay special attention to stretching your inner thighs.
  • Sumo squats with a barbell or dumbbells use less weight than classic squats. For girls, it is recommended to start without weight or with an empty bar.
  • The gaze is directed forward while performing the movement. There is no need to lower your head.

Following these simple rules will help you perform the exercise correctly. And the ideal technique, in turn, will allow you to thoroughly work out the inner thighs, strengthen the muscles of the legs and buttocks. By performing this exercise with a barbell or one or two dumbbells, you will achieve maximum results.

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