A simple and effective training system for maximum strength "5/3/1" - Jim Wendler

Jim Wendler is an American athlete, coach and writer. He is known for his delicacy in words (fuck you, pay me - this is how one of his books begins), a gentle training approach (you will see this if you try this training plan), and also his own program “5/3/1”.

It was originally developed to improve performance in powerlifting and has gained great popularity among powerlifters, but now has several variations for developing strength in other exercises.

5-3-1. "Beach" muscles

I was chatting with a friend one day about what a 5/3/1 program would look like to prepare for the summer season. A list of things to work on immediately came to mind:

  • Legs
  • Trapeze
  • Neck
  • Shoulders
  • Forearms

City people, of course, would think about other beautiful muscles, but among us, among the hillbillies, these are the ones that are valued. This is how “Pre-beach preparation 5/3/1” was born. The main goal, however, is still strength, not appearance. I quote specific goals. For example, standing up to squeeze a hundred square meters, jump onto a meter-long box, or run a kilometer in a certain time. They help achieve certain results.

And vague goals like “lose weight” or “become stronger in general” are a great way to waste time in the gym and achieve nothing. Use the following complex but effective scheme:

  1. set a goal
  2. make a plan
  3. WORK

The people in the halls don’t know how to set goals. A bunch of guys have reached 100 kg in the bench press and are choosing the next level - 200 kg. This is not bad, but only as a dream, and for real progress you need to first aim for 105. Small steps lead to big weights.

I also like to choose a goal for each individual workout. I choose, imagine and conquer. Here I don’t mean that you need to kill yourself and set records every time, but you need to find something that helps you train effectively. And setting goals helps me, so this is the 5/3/1 program.

5/3/1 for beachgoers


  • Squat
  • Hanging chest raise
  • Press
  • Thick bar biceps curl


  • Squat
  • Deadlift
  • Press
  • Bent-over dumbbell row


  • Hanging chest raise
  • Squat
  • Press
  • Pull-ups on a rope or towel

As you can see, it's similar to the regular 5/3/1 full body routine, but I've included additional exercises for the forearms.


  1. Introduction. Why do you need the .Net Framework?
  2. System requirements for optimal operation of the .Net Framework. Determining the bit depth of the operating system: x32 (x86) or x64.
  • The latest version of the .Net Framework available for installation on your OS.
      How to install the correct version of .Net Framework
  • Errors during installation or operation of the .Net Framework.
      The .NET Framework Repair Tool will find and fix most crashes.
  • Error installing .Net Framework update 0x80070643 on Windows 7.
  • Error when installing .Net Framework 3.5: 0x800F0906, 0x800F081F, 0x800F0907 on Windows 8 or 8.1.
  • Selecting the hard drive and folder to unpack .NET before installing (the installer can choose the drive, for example drive A:)
  • Comments.
  • 1.

    Sets, reps, percentages

    For hanging cleans, squats, deadlifts and presses, set your training maximum (TM) to 90% of your gym record. For example, if in training you reached 200 kg in squats, take 180 kg as TM. After the first three weeks, increase your training maximum: add 5 kg each to the deadlift, squat and clean. If you take less than a hundred pounds per chest, then 2.5 kg. The bench press is also 2.5. In the next three weeks, all interest is already from the new TM.

    Week 1


    1. Squat 

    • 70% x 5
    • 80% x 5
90% x 5, no additional approaches

    2. Hanging chest raise

    • 70% x max
70% x max

    Two working sets with maximum reps WITHOUT FAILURE! Increase the total number of repetitions. For example, you got 12 and 9, for a total of 21. Next week, try to do more.

    3. Press

    Work your way up to a record-breaking set of training maxes. Try to do more repetitions, increasing the calculated one-time maximum.

    I prefer to start with the minimum weight and gradually increase: 10% x 5; 20% x 5; 30% x 5 ; 40% x 5; 50% x 3; 60% x 3; 70% x 1; 80% x 1; 90% x 1; 100% (TM) x max.

    You can take longer steps or do multiple sets with the same weight. Choose what you like.

    4. Bicep curls with a thick bar: 50-100 repetitions in total. If you don't have a thick bar in the gym, then wrap it with something regular.

    5. Exercise for the neck with a harness (translator's note: apparently, extension is meant, because flexion is another day). Only 100 repetitions.


    1. Squat

    Work up to a record approach with TM. Do enough sets before this to reach a certain volume.

    2. Stanovaya

    • 70% x 5
    • 80% x 5
    • 90% x 5, no additional approaches

    3. Press

    Total 50 reps with 70%. As many sets as needed to get 50 reps. Try to do more repetitions in the first two sets, and then pay better attention to your technique.

    4. Bent-over dumbbell row

    A total of 100 repetitions with each hand. Choose the intensity yourself; You can also alternate this row with a bench press.

    5. Neck Curl : 100 reps total.


    1. Hanging chest raise

    Work up to a record TM set, then add 3 sets of 5 reps at 85% of the TM.

    2. Squat: 70%x15+

    Take 70% of the TM and set a record in the number of repetitions (but not less than 15). Warm up well and get comfortable with this approach.

    3. Press

    • 70% x 5
    • 80% x 5
90% x 5, no additional approaches

    4. Pull-ups on ropes or towels

    A total of 50 repetitions. Do as many approaches as needed. If you are really bad at pull-ups, then reduce the goal (for example, 25).

    5. Neck exercise with harness: 100 repetitions total.

    Errors when installing or running the .Net Framework

    Sometimes incorrect installation or update
    of the .Net Framework can cause the component to malfunction. This chapter provides information on various errors that you may encounter at different stages of using ".Net" . First, you need to download the official utility from Microsoft called ".Net Framework Repair Tool ", which will automatically help solve the problem with the component .
    You will find instructions for this program below. 4.1.

    .NET Framework Repair Tool will find and fix most crashes

    According to the Microsoft website, this utility solves problems when working and installing or updating any version of
    the .Net Framework .
    Microsoft .Net Framework Repair Tool (online version). | 1.22 MB The utility is designed to identify the most common problems when working or installing the .NET Framework, as well as automatically fix them.

    Unfortunately, "Repair Tool" does not support Russian language. However, all the processes occurring in it are simple and intuitive. The user is required to:

    1. Periodically press the “Next” ;
    2. Agree with the application of the proposed changes.

    The program will test the system in several stages

    If an error is detected, actions to eliminate it will be proposed. After confirmation, you must wait until the utility completes and restart your computer.

    Figure 3. Testing process with the Microsoft .Net Framework Repair Tool.

    The next time you start the system,
    the .Net Framework will be corrected, and you will be able to reinstall the required version of the component (if this process was previously accompanied by failures).
    If the problem persists during installation or operation of a component after using the program, please review the detailed information on specific errors described in the following chapters.

    ↑ Return


    Error installing .Net Framework update 0x80070643 on Windows 7

    643 is related to the work of the Update Center . Occurs mainly among Windows 7 users. Attention! It is recommended that you begin the actions described below only after familiarizing yourself with the program from the chapter: “.NET Framework Repair Tool will find and fix most failures.”
    Executable file for restarting Windows Update. | 558 B Attention! Unpack (zip) and run as administrator.

    the “Repair Tool” does not detect a problem, you should restart Update using a ready-made program written specifically for esate.ru or using a command algorithm that you can create yourself using the instructions described below.
    The executable code is the same in both cases .

    The program was created solely for convenience: when using it, you do not have to carry out any manual manipulations. The following will describe the manual method of restarting the system update.

    Carefully follow the following instructions:

    1. Create an empty text document and copy the following code into it:

    @echo attrib -h -r -s %windir%\system32\catroot2 attrib -h -r -s %windir%\system32\catroot2\*.* net stop wuauserv net stop CryptSvc net stop BITS ren %windir%\system32\ catroot2 catroot2.old ren %windir%\SoftwareDistribution SoftwareDistribution.old ren "%ALLUSERSPROFILE%\application data\Microsoft\Network\downloader" downloader.old net Start BITS net start CryptSvc net start wuauserv pause

    1. Save the file with the extension “.bat” ;
    2. Run the created program as administrator .

    In Figure 4 you can take a closer look at the second step.

    Figure 4. Save the file in the “.bat” extension. Now all that remains is to restart the computer and reinstall the .Net Framework .
    ↑ Return


    Error when installing .Net Framework 3.5: 0x800F0906, 0x800F081F, 0x800F0907 on Windows 8 or 8.1

    This issue occurs when you try to install
    .Net Framework 3.5 . Before performing the steps below, it is recommended that you read the chapter: “Error installing .Net Framework update 0x80070643 on Windows 7.” Errors 0x800F0906, 0x800F081F, 0x800F0907
    in most cases appear when installing the .NET Framework 3.5, when the operating system has security updates
    KB2966826 and KB2966828 .
    This is most likely due to the fact that some Windows updates may not be tested to work or interact with the .NET Framework 3.5 installer.

    MS developers assumed that users would use new, more current versions of the Framework, and the .NET Framework 3.5 installer itself was created long before these updates, and does not take into account the changes in policies and security mechanisms that they bring.

    To use .Net Framework 3.5 (and below) on new OSes, you must:

    1. Temporarily disable Windows Update ;
    2. Remove KB2966826 and KB2966828 through the standard Add or Remove Programs tool;
    3. Restart your computer and repeat the installation of .Net Framework .

    After installing the component, you can turn automatic updates back on.
    ↑ Return


    Selecting the hard drive and folder to unpack .NET before installing (the installer can choose the drive, for example drive A:)

    The installer of the latest versions of the .NET Framework selects the destination drive and folder at its discretion. This may be a rather non-obvious choice, for example drive A:, or another drive not intended for these tasks. To get around this problem, just run the installation using the command line (see Figure 5):

    1. Launch the command line: open the “Start” → write in the search bar: cmd → launch the corresponding program by left-clicking the mouse;
    2. Go to the installer package folder using the command “cd C:\my-install-dir”
    3. Run the installation package with the key "/x":
      NDP47-KB3186497-x86-x64-AllOS-ENU.exe /X

      Please note that the name of your installer package may be different!

    4. In the window that opens, specify the path to unpack the .NET Framework

    Figure 5. Installation of .NET Framework 4.7.1 with unpacking into a specific folder.

    Week 2


    1. Squat

    • 65% x 5
75% x 5
    • 85% x 5, no additional approaches

    2. Hanging chest raise

    • 65% x max (no failure)
    • 65% x max (no failure)

    3. Press 

    Work up to a record approach with TM. Try to add clean reps without reaching failure.

    4. Bicep curls with a thick bar: 50-100 repetitions in total.

    5. Neck exercise with harness: 100 reps total.


    1. Squat

    Work up to a record approach with TM. Warm up properly by bulking up.

    2. Deadlift

65% x 5
75% x 5
85% x 5, no additional approaches

    3. Press: 50 reps total at 65%.

    4. Bent-over dumbbell row : a total of 100 repetitions with each arm.

    5. Neck Curl: 100 reps total.


    1. Hanging chest raise 

    Work up to a record approach with TM, after that 3x5 with 85%.

    2. Squat 65% x 15+

    One working approach with a maximum of repetitions (at least 15).

    3. Press

    • 65% x 5
    • 75% x 5
85% x 5, no extras

    4. Pull-ups on ropes or towels: 50 repetitions in total.

    5. Neck exercise with harness: 100 repetitions total.

    How to warm up

    The 5x5 circuit is a very powerful strength load with decent working weights.

    In order to avoid injury and prepare the body for the upcoming loads, be sure to do a warm-up - general and special.

    A general warm-up prepares the entire body for the load: the activity of the cardiovascular and circulatory systems increases, the ligaments, tendons and joints warm up.

    Low-intensity cardio (walking, cycling, jogging) and light stretching of the main muscle groups are good for general warm-up. The duration of this warm-up is 5-10 minutes.

    A special warm-up is designed to prepare muscles and ligaments for performing a specific strength exercise.

    It also improves neuromuscular innervation (the brain-muscle connection), which improves strength performance when performing exercises.

    An example of a special warm-up for squats, if the working weight is 100 kg:

    1 approach – 20 kg for 15 reps

    2nd approach – 50 kg for 10 reps

    3rd approach – 80 kg for 5 reps

    This is followed by working sets of 100 kg 5x5.

    Week 3


    1. Squat

    • 75% x 5
    • 85% x 5
    • 95% x 5, no extras

    2. Hanging chest raise 

    • 75% x max (no failure)
    • 75% x max (no failure)

    3. Press

    Work up to a record approach with TM. As a reminder, this can be as simple as increasing the number of reps or a specific number of reps to increase your calculated maximum.

    4. Bicep curls with a thick bar: 50-100 repetitions in total.

    5. Neck exercise with harness: 100 repetitions total.


    1. Squat

    Work up to a record approach with TM. Warm up more to gain a certain volume.

    2. Deadlift 

    • 75% x 5
    • 85% x 5
    • 95% x 5, no extras

    3. Press: 50 reps total at 75%. A couple of sets with maximum reps, then watch your technique.

    4. Bent-over dumbbell rows: a total of 100 repetitions with each arm.

    5. Neck Curl: 100 reps total.


    1. Hanging chest raise 

    Work up to a record set with TM, then 3 sets of 5 reps at 85%.

    2. Squat: 75% x 15+ (take time to warm up well)

    3. Press

    • 75% x 5
    • 85% x 5
    • 95% x 5, no extras

    4. Pull-ups on ropes or towels: 50 repetitions in total.

    5. Neck exercise with harness: 100 repetitions total.

    Training program for gaining weight

    For anyone looking to gain large amounts of muscle mass, one of their top priorities should be figuring out the best training program. There are many different training programs available, so it is important to choose one that suits your needs.

    It is also important to understand what factors contribute most to muscle growth, what exercises are most effective for gaining muscle mass, and a program based on these principles will be much more effective.

    We have collected for you the best weight training programs that show amazing results with the right approach. Let's take a quick look at the most effective and popular strength training programs and identify the pros and cons of each.

    Pre-beach preparation 5/3/1: weeks 4-6

    After the first three weeks of this challenge, you have the following exercise data:

    • Squat - the maximum number of repetitions with a given weight that you achieved on Fridays with 70%, 65% and 75%. And also the training max you worked on on Wednesdays.
    • Bench – the number of repetitions with a certain weight or the calculated maximum (Mondays).
    • Cleans - total reps for two sets at 70%, 65% and 75% (Mondays).

    Over the next three weeks you will try to break all these records. But, of course, without any technical violations. Use all kinds of recovery and concentration techniques.

    There are two ways to break a record: – maximum repetitions with a certain weight (for example, you did 8 repetitions with 100 kg; now aim for 9), – calculated maximum (determine how many repetitions you need to do with the current TM to raise the calculated record).

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