Leg exercisers in the gym for girls. Names, how to use

Scientific work is devoted to improving the body, and fitness experts try to make exercises effective and simple. Not only girls, but also men dream of having slender legs and a thin waist. Thanks to modern devices, achieving this goal is becoming easy, but it is important to choose the right equipment so that it only brings benefits and does not take away strength. Therefore, the editors of the YaNashla website have prepared for you a rating of the best exercise machines for legs and buttocks for 2022.

Two types of simulators

Having visited a sports store, a person is faced with dozens of equipment. Therefore, when choosing a trainer for the buttocks and legs, some people get confused and don’t know which is best. The first thing to remember is that most exercise machines are divided into two types: home and professional.

Professional equipment

Such devices are used exclusively in large sports centers or fitness clubs. The main features of the device are high functionality, easy setup, ability to work with any weight and durability. Only wealthy owners of fitness establishments can buy professional exercise equipment for legs and buttocks, because their cost often reaches 100,000 rubles. In addition, the device occupies a large area and requires special fastening to the floor. The latter is necessary to eliminate the risk of injuries that occur when falling. Also, some models are equipped with a complex display, so it will be unclear to a beginner what settings need to be set for greater efficiency.

Home devices

If you don’t have the time or desire to visit gyms and renew an annual or monthly subscription, then home exercise equipment is suitable. The advantages of the device are its small dimensions, easy assembly and simple operation, which any inexperienced user can understand. Some exercise machines are so small that they can easily fit in a closet. Also, this option has a low price, so everyone can afford them. The only drawback is that you need to choose the right training regimen, otherwise there will be no result.

Criteria for choosing home exercise equipment

Some people eventually give up exercising at home because they do not notice any visible results - this happens because the exercise machine was selected incorrectly or the exercises were performed incorrectly. For training to be beneficial on an ongoing basis, you need to choose the right device.

Criteria for choosing a simulator for home use:

  • purpose of use. Each device is designed for specific exercises, such as:
  • elimination of excess weight (cardio equipment is most effective);
  • figure correction;
  • rehabilitation after an injury (when choosing a tool, you must consult a traumatologist and physiotherapist);
  • endurance training (strength machines are suitable for this purpose);
  • size and weight of the simulator. Before purchasing, you need to understand where the device will be placed, and whether the person plans to carry it or put it away after use;
  • ease of setup. The simulator must perform the necessary functions, but at the same time, its preparation should not require significant time;
  • training time. Before purchasing, you should decide how long a person is willing to exercise, since there is no point in buying an expensive device for short physical activities;
  • price. Do not pay attention to promotions or advice on purchasing expensive equipment. Each person should select a simulator according to their individual needs;
  • additional functions (profile selection, speed and training option, load capacity) - these parameters must be taken into account if the simulator is used by several people.

Which exercise machine for legs and buttocks is more effective?

After dividing the simulators into professional and home ones, it is necessary to find out which device is most effective and guarantees a positive result in a short time. It is not recommended to completely trust reviews on sites where you plan to buy a trainer. Because there are many conflicting opinions. The second thing to remember is that you should not rely on advertising, the only thing that is important is the technical characteristics and capabilities of the device.

It should be remembered that each simulator is aimed at different muscle groups. Of course, some manufacturers produce universal complexes, but the cost of such a device is often too high. Therefore, not everyone can afford it. If you only plan to improve your health and legs, then it is better to buy special devices that will help you do this faster and more efficiently.

Treadmill and elliptical equipment

If a person has a large area, then it is recommended to buy these options; the main advantage of the designs is a good load on the legs and cardiovascular system. This exercise machine allows you to get rid of excess weight, and also warms up your muscles well before strength training. There is also a minus, the main one is that it is almost impossible to get toned buttocks.


If a person has large calves and doesn’t like them, then this device will change them for the better. The design is designed so that the entire load goes exclusively to this muscle group. After a month of hard training, the lower part of the legs will become slender and toned, the hips are also involved, but there is practically no load on the buttocks. It is best to exercise regularly for 20 minutes a day so that positive results come faster.


These simulators are not presented in a wide range and are produced by several manufacturers. The design will fit perfectly into any, even small-sized apartment and will give only positive results. The upper muscles and buttocks are well tensed. The main thing is to perform the exercises correctly and follow the instructions. Another advantage of this model is that not only the hips work, but also the abs. The device folds easily and does not take up space behind the door or in the closet. There is a drawback - the exercise machine does not contribute to weight loss, it only strengthens muscle groups.

Exercise bikes

Efficiency and simplicity are the main features of such models. Almost every manufacturer of sporting goods produces exercise bikes that fit perfectly into an apartment and do not take up much space. The product strengthens the cardiovascular system, lower and upper legs, and buttocks well. If it’s difficult to stay at home all the time, then you can buy a regular bicycle, thanks to which you can explore the entire city, and the efficiency will not be less.

To maintain strength, it is important to remember to take tonic drinks so that the result is even better and you don’t get thirsty during cycling trips. You can find out more about them in this article.

Fitness equipment

There is a very large selection here: from tape expanders to butterflies. Their design is simple, and they don’t take up space at all. At the same time, the cost is at an affordable level, which allows every user to buy them. The only thing you should remember is the right choice of training so that all muscle groups are involved, otherwise there will be no sense in this acquisition.

Hips and butt training program in the gym

In order to achieve maximum results, you must follow this program strictly and as described in this article.

Workout Day 1:

  • Barbell squats - 3 sets, 8-12 reps per set
  • Leg press - 2 sets, 10-15 reps per set
  • Lying leg curls - 3 rounds, 12-15 reps each
  • Hip abduction - 3 sets, 15-25 reps per set
  • Standing calf raises - 3 rounds, 15-20 reps per set

Workout Day 2:

  • Romanian Deadlift - 8-12 reps x 3 sets
  • Lunges with dumbbells - 3 sets, 10-12 reps per set
  • Leg extension - 2 sets of 12-15 reps
  • Hip adduction - 3 sets, 15-25 reps per set
  • Seated calf raises - 15-20 reps per set, 3 rounds

What to look for when buying a leg trainer?

When choosing a product, it is important for a person to choose the right device, because not all devices are designed for weight loss, some only strengthen muscles and give them a bright relief. Therefore, before paying for the goods, you should carefully study some points that will help you make the right choice:

  • For which muscle groups are you planning to purchase equipment? It should be remembered that almost all leg exercisers also engage the abs, some do this noticeably, while others do not. In addition, the buttocks, thighs and calves themselves can be worked in different ways. So in some cases only the legs are involved, and in others the gluteal muscles.
  • Comfort during training is an important criterion. The better the chosen place for exercising, the more time a person can devote to exercise. You should also remember that most products are too loud. Therefore, you won’t be able to study in the morning, as the device will wake up your neighbors or relatives.
  • The next thing to think about is the dimensions, it all depends on the size of the apartment, if there is a lot of free space, then large models are suitable and vice versa.
  • Price. Buying a sports device is a responsible undertaking. In addition, the cost of some models, especially foreign ones, can reach 70 thousand rubles and more. Of course, it’s easy to find domestic analogues, but you should remember about the build quality, which, in some cases, is at a low level.

Anatomy of leg muscles

The leg muscles are considered one of the largest muscle groups in humans. That is why you should not forget to train them. The legs are divided into 4 main zones:

  • The front of the thigh (quadriceps) straightens the leg at the knee;
  • The back of the thigh (biceps femoris) extends the hip joint and flexes the leg at the knee;
  • The pelvic region (gluteal muscles) extends and rotates the thigh outward, and also straightens and fixes the body;
  • The lower leg muscles (gastrocnemius and soleus) flex, extend, and rotate the foot.

Below we will consider each of the zones in detail.

Front thigh

The quadriceps are made up of 4 heads:

  1. The muscle lateralis is located on the outside of the thigh. This is the largest of the heads. It extends from the top of the femur to the kneecap;
  2. The medial is the teardrop-shaped muscle of the inner thigh, which is attached along the thigh down to the inner border of the patella;
  3. The rectus muscle is attached to the kneecap. Of the quadriceps muscles, it has the least effect on knee extension;
  4. The intermedius is located in the front of the femur between the lateral and medial muscles of the thigh.

These four heads at the front of the thigh are the primary extensors (help to straighten the leg) of the knee.

Posterior thigh

The biceps femoris is located at the back of the thigh and consists of two heads

  1. Long;
  2. Short.

Their main task is to bend the legs at the knees, as well as straighten the torso.

Muscles of the Pelvis

The gluteal muscle consists of three paired regions:

  1. Large muscle;
  2. Average;
  3. Small.

It has been proven that the buttocks are the largest muscle in the human body. And this is deserved, because their function is to hold the torso in an upright position, as well as to extend the hip joint.

Calf muscles

The calf muscles are important for the movement of the ankle, foot and toes. They consist of:

  1. The gastrocnemius, in turn, consists of two heads, medial and lateral;
  2. Soleus.

They are responsible for walking, running and jumping.

Rating of the best steppers

Torneo Tempo S-221

Efficient device with autonomous operation. There is an informative display that indicates the number of calories and step frequency. The equipment does not take up much space in the apartment and will fit in any sports corner. There are no special questions regarding the constructive part; everything is done efficiently and reliably. Maximum user weight – 100 kg. For greater convenience, the front part is equipped with racks with support, which can vary in height and length.

The average price is 5,000 rubles.

Torneo Tempo S-221


  • Good build;
  • Efficiency;
  • Load on the legs;
  • Calorie consumption;
  • Autonomous work.


  • There is a lot of noise, so it is recommended to do the exercises during the day.

Sport Elite GB-5106/0722-03

A simple device that is designed for daily use for 30 minutes. To make it easier for the user to understand how many calories he has lost, there is a special display (no backlight) where the relevant information is displayed. The design is simple, there are no complex elements, which is a big plus, as it increases the service life. The weight of the device is 12.5 kg, the dimensions are small.

Sold at price: 3,200 rubles.

Sport Elite GB-5106/0722-03


  • Minimum price and good quality;
  • Good display;
  • Withstands loads up to 100 kg;
  • Easy to use;
  • Reliability.


  • Not found.

DFC SC-5901

A semi-professional device that is suitable for those who put convenience and efficiency first. The device is equipped with special stands, which makes use simple and convenient. The shape is classic, easily fits into an average apartment. There is no independent pedal travel. There are 12 load levels, which are selected based on preparation. The equipment can operate without being connected to electricity, and can also measure pulse, which is a convenient solution. The display shows the number of steps and calories burned.

The average cost is 25,000 rubles.

DFC SC-5901


  • Cardiac sensors;
  • Convenience;
  • Withstands loads up to 130 kg;
  • Strength;
  • Autonomous work;
  • Glass stand;
  • Easy transportation thanks to rollers.


  • Weight – 36.5 kg;
  • Price.

Seated leg extension

We install the seat so that the knee is at the level of the axis of rotation of the simulator. The knees should not stick out too much forward or fall too far back.


  • Sit on the exercise machine. Press your pelvis and lower back tightly against the cushion and back of the machine.
  • Tighten the front of your thigh, and then straighten your lower leg until it is slightly parallel to the floor.
  • Then smoothly lower your shin to the starting position.

What do you need to know?

If we place our toes outward, then the inner part is loaded more, if we put our toes inward, the outer part is loaded more. For better efficiency, lift your legs more slowly and pause briefly at the highest point.

How to properly perform basic exercises with a barbell

Training for men to pump up the pectoral muscles

Rating of the best treadmills

ProForm 105 CST (PETL38817)

An excellent option for a country house, which will help you lose excess weight and also strengthen your cardiovascular system. The device is equipped with all useful functions, which allows you to monitor your health status in real time, as the information is displayed on the display. The proprietary shock absorption system is Pro Shox, this is a good solution. There are 6 preset programs that will help you increase or decrease the tempo. The design is completely foldable, making it easy to move and store in a convenient place. Withstands weight up to 115 kg.

The average price is 39,990 rubles.

ProForm 105 CST (PETL38817)


  • Efficiency;
  • Easy to use;
  • Dozens of useful functions;
  • Good shock absorption;
  • Heart rate sensor;
  • Fast start;
  • Easy tilt adjustment.


  • Not found.

Evo Fitness Integra II

The device is small in size and has good shock absorption, suitable for placement in a country house or apartment. Powered by electrical energy, type of equipment – ​​folding. Engine power – 1.4 hp. The maximum speed is 10 km/h. There is a good display where basic information is displayed.

Sold at price: 24,000 rubles.

Evo Fitness Integra II


  • Efficiency;
  • Strength;
  • Easy to use;
  • Powerful engine;
  • Speed;
  • 12 training levels.


  • The height cannot be adjusted.

UnixFit ST-550L

A beautiful treadmill that will fit into any interior. The design is easy to move and conveniently stored. Withstands weight up to 120 kg. The maximum running speed is 12 km/h. For greater convenience, there is an adjustment of the angle of inclination, which allows you to adjust the equipment to a specific request.

To prevent a person from getting bored when studying, the manufacturer has equipped the device with a stand for books or a tablet; there is also a cup holder where you can place a container with a tonic drink so that you have enough energy to reach the maximum.

Sold at price: 35,000 rubles.

UnixFit ST-550L


  • Durability;
  • Easy to use;
  • There are speakers;
  • Bookend;
  • High-quality depreciation;
  • Transport rollers;
  • Easy to use;
  • Informative display;
  • Adjustment.


  • Not found.

Rating of popular elliptical trainers

Carbon Fitness E304

A magnetic device that engages the muscles of the legs and abs. Thanks to a high-quality flywheel, movements are soft, which increases comfortable use. The number of load levels is 8. The device also supports real-time heart rate measurement. The maximum step length is 31 cm. For greater muscle development, there are 24 training programs, this allows you to develop almost all groups in a minimum period of time.

The average price is 12,600 rubles.

Carbon Fitness E304


  • Low price;
  • Good efficiency;
  • Easy adjustment;
  • Durability;
  • Cardiac sensors;
  • 24 training programs.


  • Not found.

KETTLER 7692-150 Rivo 4

An effective orbit track that will allow you to tighten your muscles and lose extra pounds. The product does not require special knowledge to set up and is immediately ready for use. The load system used is magnetic, which is one of the best solutions, as it ensures smooth operation. Maximum user weight is 130 kg. The minimum and maximum stride length is 23-39 cm, respectively. The display shows information about the distance traveled, calories burned and current speed.

Sold at price: 36,000 rubles.

KETTLER 7692-150 Rivo 4


  • High-quality assembly;
  • Easy to use;
  • Optimal load;
  • Effective user programs;
  • Compensators for floor unevenness.


  • Not found.

Hasttings FS400 Sparta

One of the best, but expensive devices that will help you lose excess weight in a month and also make your buttocks toned. The number of load levels is 24, which will allow training not only for beginners, but also for professionals. For more convenient use, the manufacturer has equipped the product with 22 programs that will make your workout intense. The heart rate sensor is installed on the steering wheel.

Sold at price: 37,000 rubles.

Hasttings FS400 Sparta


  • Suitable for professionals;
  • Easy to use;
  • Can be installed on any surface;
  • Efficiency;
  • Durability.


  • Not found.


An expander is a sports equipment that helps work muscles by compressing and stretching. There are a huge number of expanders (hand, shoulder, tubular, tourniquets, “butterflies”, skier-swimmer-boxer expanders and multifunctional ones), but we decided to focus on some of the simplest and most universal ones - tourniquet and expander tape. It is better to work the arm muscles with a tourniquet, and the tape is ideal for working on the legs.

Video 2. 10-minute workout with an expander

Video 2. Exercises for the whole body

Video 3. Lower body exercises

Top effective exercise bikes

DFC B8508

A budget option that will help make your leg muscles beautiful and your buttocks toned. The device does not require connection to the electrical network, as it operates autonomously. The load system is magnetic, which is a suitable solution. The number of levels is 8. There is an informative display that indicates calorie consumption and the distance traveled.

The average cost is 12,500 rubles.

DFC B8508


  • High-quality assembly;
  • Simple mechanism;
  • Durability;
  • Easy adjustment;
  • Cardiac sensors;
  • 8 load levels.


  • Not found.

ProForm 210 CSX (PFEVEX72916)

A mid-price segment product that features good functionality and an attractive design. Most of the elements are made of durable material that can withstand high loads.

Thanks to the electromagnetic system, there is practically no noise from work, which makes it possible to work early in the morning and not wake up loved ones. The maximum user weight is 125 kg, which is another advantage. Number of training programs – 14.

Sold at a price: from 22,000 rubles.

ProForm 210 CSX (PFEVEX72916)


  • Easy operation;
  • Quiet operation;
  • High-quality compensator for floor unevenness;
  • Stand for books or tablet computer;
  • Fan.


  • Not found.

Oxygen Peak U

An upright exercise bike that will help you lose weight and strengthen your cardiovascular system. The display runs on standard batteries that last for several weeks. The main feature is low price and convenient operation. Warranty duration – 2 years. Number of load levels – 8.

Sold at a price: from 14,000 rubles.

Oxygen Peak U


  • Easy to use;
  • Durability;
  • Inexpensive;
  • Appearance;
  • Good load;
  • Comfortable seat.


  • Difficult to find.


Typically, weights are used for additional load during exercise. These can be leg weights (0.5–10 kg), arm weights (0.5–2 kg), waist weights (3–21 kg), weighted vests (4–64 kg) and even gloves with weighting (mainly used to produce a sharp and strong blow).

In cheaper options, the weight is not adjustable; the filler is special sand. A more expensive and high-quality option is plate weights, the weight of which can be adjusted by adding special plates (the weight of one plate is 50–400 g).

With weights they perform standard exercises that were previously performed without additional weight, such as running and even swimming. In this case, movements should be smooth.

It is advisable to start with a small weight and gradually increase the load. Weight can be either added or subtracted. Reducing the weight increases the load due to the number of approaches performed or due to the distance (if you run) and helps to avoid the habituation effect.

Video 1. Leg weights

Video 2. Leg weights

Video 3. Hand weights

Video 4. Weighted vest

Rating of the best fitness bands

Original FitTools FT-EX-208-22

A durable design that trains every muscle group well, from the arms to the calves, the main thing is to choose the right training program. Weight – 175 grams. The strength of the tape is at a high level, which allows it to withstand high loads and not wear out. Length – 2 meters.

Sold at a price of 910 rubles.

Original FitTools FT-EX-208-22


  • Strength;
  • Doesn't take up much space;
  • Durability;
  • Efficiency.


  • Not detected.

Indigo IR 97627 Light

A standard device that will help warm up your muscles, as well as conduct a full workout on your legs or arms. The product is made of durable material that can withstand loads of up to 4 kg, which is a good result. However, over time, the tape will gradually wear out, and after 3-4 months it will completely become unusable.

Sold at a price of 160 rubles.

Indigo IR 97627 Light


  • Low cost;
  • Efficiency;
  • Easy to use;
  • Trains all muscle groups.


  • Rapid wear.

Original FitTools FT-LBND-1830-04

A good option in terms of price and quality ratio. Withstands loads of up to 5 kg, so you need to treat the product with care so as not to spoil the appearance. Weight – 96 grams, while the product folds easily and does not take up much space.

The average cost is 500 rubles.

Original FitTools FT-LBND-1830-04


  • Good strength;
  • Virtually no wear;
  • Doesn't take up much space;
  • Efficiency.


  • Not found.

Recommendations for creating a program

There are three main leg training options that serve different purposes. For best efficiency, they should be alternated.

For gaining muscle mass:

  • one workout per week is enough;
  • 3-4 sets per exercise, from 8 to 15 repetitions per set;
  • rest between approaches no more than 2-3 minutes;
  • projectile weight 60-80% of 1RM (one repetition maximum);
  • preference for multi-joint exercises;
  • number of exercises: quadriceps 3-4, hamstrings 3.

To increase strength

  • 1 workout per week;
  • number of approaches from 3 to 6;
  • working weight 80-100% of 1RM;
  • number of repetitions from 1 to 5;
  • rest between approaches can be up to 6 minutes;
  • Only basic exercises are used;
  • the number of exercises is identical when gaining weight.

To increase strength endurance

  • 1-2 workouts per week;
  • 3-4 approaches per exercise;
  • number of exercises: quadriceps up to 5, hamstrings up to 4;
  • rep range from 15 to 30;
  • projectile weight 50-70% of 1RM;
  • rest should not be more than a minute;
  • Both basic and isolated exercises are used.
( 2 ratings, average 4.5 out of 5 )
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