The Best Push Ups and Racks for 2022

Push-ups strengthen the muscles of the shoulder girdle. All you need to do is do strength training every day. It is enough to choose a flat surface and take a lying position. And so that the exercises are not boring, additional equipment will help. The editors of the YaNashla website have prepared for you a rating of the best supports and racks for push-ups for 2022.

What muscles are developing?

Push-ups were practiced in ancient Europe. The only difference is that only athletes paid attention to strength training. They helped them win victories in the Olympic Games.

Today, this exercise is becoming very popular in home workout complexes. After all, nothing helps to effectively strengthen the connective tissues and muscles of the shoulder girdle like daily push-ups. But many people don't spend enough time on this because they don't understand what muscles are being developed.

During the workout, 7 muscle groups take an active part:

  • Large pectoral muscles. They are located in the upper part of the body (thoracic region). The main purpose is the medial movement of the humerus. Rotation helps a person win in arm wrestling and not get injured if he loses. Also, adduction and abduction of the humerus allows you to easily lift heavy objects and move them in any direction without heavy loads. The result will take a long time, it all depends on physical fitness. At the end of the training course, a person will receive good chest relief.
  • Triceps. Thanks to the good development of this area, it becomes easier for the user to straighten his arms under the influence of power loads, the arms look toned, and there is no sagging in the lower part of the forearm. The triceps are activated during standard push-ups, but professionals recommend using a close grip. From this, the muscle mass of the specified area increases in volume twice as quickly.
  • Deltoid muscles. Create a beautiful contour of the shoulder girdle. The group consists of three beams, which are combined into one system: anterior, lateral and posterior. There is one drawback: if a person plans to develop only the deltoid muscles, then push-ups are not the best solution. Since out of all groups they are involved minimally. However, this does not mean that their development will drag on for months. The first formation will begin after 3 weeks of active training. Then their growth slows down, but does not stop. Thanks to this group of muscles, a person is able to rotate his arms in different directions, spending a minimum of energy.
  • Serratus anterior muscles. They are located in the ribs on the side of the pectoral muscles. Thanks to them, a person is able to raise his arms forward. To develop, you will need to perform standard push-ups with your hands positioned at a level slightly wider than your shoulders.
  • Biceps brachii muscles. The group is located in the front of the shoulders and, like other muscles, improves the rotation of the forearms, and also helps to bend or straighten the elbow under the influence of physical activity. The only drawback is that the biceps will not grow, only the strength that is needed during various work will increase. To form this group, you will need to use auxiliary exercise equipment, plus organize proper nutrition. It is not necessary to eat protein; it is important to be smarter about purchasing foods high in protein.
  • The rectus abdominis muscle is one of the largest in the entire body. Placed in the front of the abdomen. To develop, it is enough to perform traditional push-ups, while not forgetting about proper breathing. When lowering the body, inhale; when lifting, exhale slowly.
  • Large gluteal muscles. Thanks to them, a person is able to hold his body in an upright position for a long time and not experience much stress.

Benefits of training with push-up supports

Every athlete knows that push-ups are one of the basic exercises that allows you to achieve beautiful relief and increase endurance for training. But, what to do if classic push-ups become boring and no longer give the same load as before? To ensure that training does not turn into a boring routine, and that your body continues to develop and improve, you should think about how you can diversify your activities. After all, as you know, even the coolest program stops producing results if you use it year after year.

Today we will talk about push-up supports. Professionals have long appreciated this simple but very useful projectile. While amateurs still doubt the effectiveness of training with this equipment. What is so special about push-ups and how to actually train for them? We will try to answer these questions in detail in this article.

What is a simulator and for what workouts is it best suited?

Push-up supports are supports with a handle that can have different shapes and degrees of inclination. The simulator is convenient and compact, so you can exercise on it at home, on the street and in the gym. Push-ups have taken root well in street sports, such a fashionable trend now as workout. Exercises on this apparatus serve as an excellent training for strength, endurance and development of muscles that require special training to perform a variety of tricks and exercises on the horizontal bar and uneven bars.

By fixing the palms on the handles of the machine, an imitation of push-ups on fists is created, which provides additional stress on the forearms and wrists. You can do many variations of push-ups on the supports, thereby using the muscles of the entire torso, and not just the arms. Push-ups will not be superfluous in any sport, and if you want to perform well, then you need to perform various variations of this exercise.

Please note that the machine is intended for athletes who already know how to do push-ups well in the classic way. If your level of training is still very weak, then it is better to start with the simplest options, push-ups from the wall or from the floor. You can confidently do 10 push-ups from the floor, feel free to complicate the workout by using stops.

We increase the amplitude of push-ups and change the position of our hands.

The most important advantage is the greater range of motion than with regular push-ups. The lowest point when performing the exercise can be much lower than the level of your hands, which will make it possible to work out the thoracic region and trapezius well. For additional load, you can use weights, but even doing exercises without weights, you will get a much greater load than with regular push-ups.

You can change the position of your hands by turning the stops horizontally or vertically in relation to yourself, or change the distance between the stops. For an advanced level, you can perform push-ups from one stop, placing the other hand on the floor. This method is the best lead-in exercise to one-arm push-ups.

Push-up technique.

It is important to understand that push-ups must be performed at the slowest possible pace, preferably with a delay at the bottom point. This method will make it possible to increase the volume of muscle tissue, giving the muscles a beautiful relief and additionally drying the entire torso.

There are several basic methods of push-ups, they differ in different positions of the hands. Of course, all types of push-ups involve the biceps, triceps and upper body, however, each individual type of exercise provides additional concentration on certain muscles.

Wide stance.

It works the chest muscles well and the higher the supports are, the more intense the chest area will be worked out. How wide to set the stops, everyone can determine for themselves. In order to add load on your shoulders, you can place your feet on a hill. In all variations of push-ups, we exhale as we rise, and as we inhale, we bend our arms.

Classic position.

In this position, the press is additionally activated. We place the supports shoulder-width apart, keep the body position straight, and do not allow the lower back to sag.

Narrow setting.

Great for working the triceps. This is the most effective way to get rid of sagging and sagging skin in this area. Want to make the exercise more challenging? Place the supports at an additional height.

Reverse grip.

Triceps, biceps and shoulders. We sit on the floor with our backs to the supports, placing our hands on the racks. Straighten your legs or bend them at the knees (this is an easier option) and perform full extension of your arms.

Vertical push-ups.

Place your feet on the wall, raising them as high as possible from the floor. A simplified version of this exercise is when your feet are on the floor, but not in a plank position, but in a “tailbone up” position, your body, legs and arms should look like a sharp triangle. These push-ups are good for working the shoulder girdle and front delts.

Different grips.

You can strengthen and work your shoulders by combining different types of push-ups in one approach. How to do it? Very easy. The meaning of the technique is that one hand pushes up from the stop with a wide grip, and the other with a classic grip. We place one support strictly under the shoulder joint of one hand, and the second at a distance of 20-30 cm from the shoulder joint and fix the second hand on it. You can also place one hand slightly in front or behind the shoulder joint. This is a rather complex technique and only professionals can do it. Remember to change the position of your hands, in a mirror image, and perform the second set.

These are just the basic methods of push-ups, and there can be a huge number of variations of each of them. Use weights, heights, increase the range of motion, generally develop and experiment. One of the variations of push-ups is alternate push-ups, when the athlete seems to perform a circular movement, transferring weight from one hand to the other. This method will serve as an excellent endurance training.

Basic hand positions in push-ups.

By changing the angle of the handles, you can also increase the load on individual muscle groups. Conventionally, the position of the hands when doing push-ups can be divided into eight positions, which are shown in the picture below. They can be used in a narrow or wide hand position.

1. Performed with a narrow grip, vertical fixation of the racks. The distance between the little fingers is 10-15 cm, between the thumbs 5-10 cm. When bending the arms, the elbows go back, not to the sides. This exercise works the triceps well.

2. Front and rear deltoids. Classic hand placement (under the shoulders). The distance between the inner sides of the handles is less than between the outer ones.

3. Middle deltas. In this position, on the contrary, the inner edges are spread out to the sides, and the outer edges are directed towards the center.

4. Clavicle and upper pectoral. Wide stance of the arms (the hands are located slightly wider than the shoulders), with the handles spread to the inner sides.

5. Clavicle and external pectoralis. We slightly increase the angle of rotation of the outer side of the handles, the outer side remains in position 4.

6. External pectorals. We place our hands at maximum width; when bending, the hands should be under the elbow joints. The inner edges of the handles are spread out to the sides.

7. Internal pectorals. Performed similarly to exercise 6, but slightly increase the angle of rotation of the inner side of the handles.

8. Triceps, deltoids. We unfold the handles horizontally and place them one after the other. The ideal position of the hands in this position is when the little finger of the right hand is opposite the index finger of the left hand. Be sure to change the position of your hands and perform another approach.

How to create your own personal weight training program

Even if you are physically well prepared, you should not immediately rush into battle and do countless approaches. Yes, push-ups must be performed to failure, but the last time must be performed technically correctly and with full amplitude. Remember that if handled improperly, training with supports can be traumatic for your joints. Start with a minimum, comfortable number of repetitions, apply the load smoothly and in doses so as not to harm your own health.

During your first workout with push-ups, do no more than three types of push-ups, three sets each. To simplify the exercises and feel the load well, you can start with push-ups from your knees. Such exercises will be successfully combined with pull-ups on the horizontal bar and push-ups. These exercises fit well into a bodybuilding program and can easily be included in an arm workout.

You can add push-ups to your fitness, crossfit, or strength training program. Only when you can easily perform the minimum number of repetitions can you increase the load and add a couple more types of push-ups.

How to avoid injuries while training on the supports.

First of all, do not make sudden movements and listen to your body. If you experience severe joint or muscle discomfort, reduce the load or stop the exercise. Keep your back straight and do not arch in your lower back. Do push-ups by tensing your arms and shoulders, rather than pulling your weight with your lower back muscles. Make sure that your forearms remain in the same plane at all times, except for circular push-ups. Do not twist your hands, fix them in one position throughout the entire approach. Do not perform the exercise while holding your breath; this will make the task even more difficult and increase the risk of injury. During the entire approach, do not relax your body, try to keep your whole body in good shape, your abs and legs should also be tense.

In conclusion, I would like to say that push-up supports are a good simulator for working out muscles and training strength. At the same time, push-ups perfectly stabilize the spine, activate the abdominal muscles and strengthen the lumbar region. So, exercises with push-ups are perfect for healing and strengthening the whole body.

The main feature of any push-ups is their high efficiency, and with the help of additional equipment it increases several times.
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Types of push-ups

In online stores and large sports hypermarkets there are 3 types of stops. Each differs in functionality and form. Some allow you to focus on the development of the triceps, while others, on the contrary, promote uniform growth of each group.

Beginning athletes are faced with difficult choices and often do not understand the purpose of the product at all. After all, any flat surface is suitable for performing standard push-ups. This is partly true, but effective development is achieved only thanks to the simulator, and its merits are not exaggerated.


The first thing that catches your eye is the unusual shape of the structure. With this solution, the user will be able to give the pectoral muscles more definition in a month of active training. This is achieved due to the depth of push-ups, which increases 2 times compared to the standard method.

Thanks to the good support, the exercise machine does not slip or break even under high weight. This has a positive effect on durability and efficiency. In stores the price starts from 500 rubles. Considering that the device will last for decades, this is a minimal contribution to the development of the body. In addition, the product is intended not only for beginners, but also for professionals who have tried “hundreds of types” of push-ups.


A classic option that is sold in every store. The product is made of hard materials, which allows it to withstand high loads. The legs are made in such a way that during training the chance of them moving is minimal.

All muscle groups are developed, as in classic push-ups, but you can also customize the machine so that all attention is directed to a specific area. Most of these products are equipped with auxiliary instructions with a set of exercises.

The only thing that is important to consider is that the equipment must be placed on a flat surface. If this is not observed, free play will appear, which will complicate the climb.


Stops have appeared recently and have become almost the main attribute of every professional and amateur. The main advantage is versatility. The equipment is suitable for performing workouts of medium and high complexity.

The product allows you to diversify your routine exercises, making them easier or more difficult. The swivel stops are equipped with a rotating mechanism and have a flat surface, which makes it possible to increase the load when lifting.

The machine is intended for professional use, but is also suitable for advanced users who are able to perform 30 lifts in one approach. When purchasing such a device, it is important to pay attention to the maximum weight that they can withstand, since the rotating mechanism is designed for a specific weight.

DIY push-up supports

Many athletes try to save money and make their own accessory for push-ups. In addition, you can make your own simulator with the required parameters. The following inventions are popular among craftsmen:

  1. Two stacks of books of the same height at the required distance. This option does not relieve the stress on your hands, and there is also a risk that the books will simply slip on the smooth surface of the floor.
  2. Some make analogues of plastic store-bought exercise machines from pipes and plumbing fittings.
  3. Others use construction wood trowels, adding height if necessary by attaching wood panels underneath.
  4. You can make stops from wooden cylinders and trapezoidal posts if you have basic carpentry skills and tools.

What to look for when purchasing?

There is nothing complicated in choosing supports for push-ups from the floor. The main thing is to find a suitable option and look at its technical characteristics, which will help you make the right choice. To do this, it is worth considering three main criteria:

  1. Strength.
  2. Design feature.
  3. Maximum load.

To find out the strength indicators, it is important to look at the material of the simulator. Today there are models made from:

  • Metal;
  • Plastic;
  • Rubbers;

Many manufacturers try to combine two materials to reduce the cost of the product or give it high strength properties. The recommended option remains equipment made of steel and rubber. This is due to the fact that these materials are more difficult to deform. While plastic products can lose their original shape from active training.

Proper coverage has a positive effect on ease of use. As a result, training will be much easier, while the load and effectiveness of the exercises will increase. It is desirable that this element be made of neoprene (synthetic rubber) or rubber. The materials have a high-quality coating that does not slip even if your hands are wet with water.

The emphasis and reliability of the grip depend on the design features. Therefore, it is recommended to buy options that have an anti-slip coating. This will prevent accidental falls and possible injury.

The maximum load for each equipment is different. Here it is important to adapt to your own body characteristics. If a person has an average build, it is recommended to buy products with a load of up to 100 kg. They are cheaper and suitable for infrequent use.

If the user has a large mass or plans to train several times a day and do this for weeks without rest, it is best to use exercise machines that hold up to 150 kg. They have decent strength characteristics and high durability.

Why do you need push-up supports?

In almost any sports store you can find special push-ups. This is a simple sports equipment consisting of a support and handles. Many models have special anti-slip pads at the grip area. With such emphasis during training, an imitation of push-ups occurs on fists, but with much greater variations and effectiveness.

This accessory is especially appreciated by athletes involved in workout. Why do you need push-up supports:

  1. They help to diversify your usual push-ups by only slightly changing the position of your hands.
  2. Due to the increase in the range of motion, proper stretching and concentration of tension occurs on the pectoral muscles.
  3. The simulator helps relieve increased stress from the wrist, which is important for an athlete, for example, with a large body weight.

Rating of the best S-shaped stops

Gorilla Sports, push-up supports

Soft non-slip handles and balanced design. The exercise machine promotes the effective development of the pectoral muscles and the entire shoulder girdle. The length of the main element is 10.5 cm, which is suitable for every person. The design is made in such a way that it does not take up much space in the room, making the product convenient to store and transport. The equipment shows excellent stability on various surfaces, the main thing is that it is level.

The average price is 1,200 rubles.

Gorilla Sports, push-up supports


  • Good muscle development;
  • Convenience;
  • Ease of use;
  • Anti-slip coating;
  • Balanced design.


  • Price.


The product is made of soft metal, which makes it unsuitable for intense workouts. However, for novice users this model is best suited. The handles are soft and comfortable, made of neoprene, which has the positive property of absorbing excess moisture, so your palms will not slip. However, there is a drawback - after several workouts, the product will smell of sweat. To prevent this from happening, the handles must be soaked in a special deodorant that will neutralize unpleasant odors.

Sold at a price of 830 rubles.



  • Withstands loads up to 150 kg;
  • Optimal sizes;
  • Does not slip during exercise;
  • Durability.


  • Absorbs odors;
  • Not for intense training.

Starfit BA-301

The product is aimed only at amateurs. The design is standard and convenient. The main element is metal, which is covered with a layer of neoprene (thickness about 5-8 mm). Sold only in blue. The weight of the structure is 750 grams. The dimensions are normal and suitable for every person. The grip diameter is 28 mm.

The average price is 660 rubles.

Starfit BA-301


  • Price;
  • Great option for beginners;
  • Beautiful external design;
  • Compactness.


  • Absorbs odors;
  • Maximum load up to 100 kg.

How to use push-up supports?

The rules for using training supports are simple:

  1. It is important to place the simulator on a flat, non-slip surface.
  2. It is important that when loading the hands, it is comfortable and does not create additional stress on the wrists.
  3. Depending on the position of the arms and hands, different muscle groups will be tensed.

The most effective exercises with push-up supports:

  1. Classic push-ups that can be performed with greater amplitude.
  2. With a narrow position of the hands. The triceps are actively involved in this exercise.
  3. With a wide stance. The exercise is good for working the entire surface of the pectoral muscles and the front of the deltoid.
  4. If you spread your arms wide and turn your hands inward, you can work your collarbones well.

The best arc stops


The product is a whole sports complex that allows you to pay attention to the entire area or train a specific area. Each color indicates an area of ​​muscle that will be stressed. Thanks to this device, a person will be able not to stop only at classic push-ups and diversify them by making the grip wider or narrower. The handles are made of rubber, which has good slip resistance. The design itself is made of durable plastic that can withstand loads of up to 150 kg.

The average price for a set is 2,590 rubles.



  • Universal application;
  • Durable material;
  • The handles do not absorb unpleasant odors;
  • Efficiency.


  • High price.


An arc support that can diversify traditional exercises and make them more effective. The product is made of three materials at once: metal body, neoprene handle, plastic support. Thanks to these characteristics, the product can withstand weights of up to 145 kg. The handles, like the base, have anti-slip properties, which increases safety during training.

The average price is 820 rubles.



  • Convenience;
  • Quality;
  • Do not slip;
  • Relieves stress from hands;
  • Does not absorb odors much;
  • Works the pectoral muscles;
  • Strength.


  • Not found.


At first, it seems that this is an ordinary exercise machine that is sold in any sports store. This is partly true. The manufacturer did not add anything unusual or new to the design. But the strong point is not in the external design, but in the ergonomics. The handles are covered with a thick layer of neoprene, which is impregnated with an antiseptic, which allows it to absorb less odors. The body is made of metal. Yes, it is cheap, but it does not deform over time. The legs are made of plastic and have a stable shape that prevents accidental slipping.

The average price is 470 rubles.



  • Good plastic;
  • Appearance;
  • Low price;
  • Functionality.


  • Marriage occurs.

Types of push-up supports

In sports stores you can find two main varieties of this training equipment:

  1. Stationary
    . Such accessories are reminiscent of old door handles located on a fixed base. The crossbar of the handle itself can be positioned either horizontally or at a certain angle.
  2. Swivel push-up supports
    . Athletes also call them “irons.” They consist of a round base with a rotating mechanism, on which there is a comfortable handle for gripping. Thanks to this design, the push-up supports of the iron are universal and can be used to perform a wide variety of exercises.

Rotary Stop Rating


Excellent design that is efficient and easy to use. The stop rotates in different directions, but does not do this independently, as in some Chinese models, but only if the user wishes. The diameter of the equipment is 20 cm. The lower part is covered with anti-slip material, which provides good stability on any material.

The average price is 550 rubles.



  • Price;
  • Simplicity;
  • Convenient mechanism;
  • Good performance.


  • The plastic smells strong.

Lite Weights 1565LW

A reliable product that can withstand up to 90 kg. Therefore, it is not suitable for intensive use. The product has excellent stability and does not slip even on laminate flooring. In addition, the exercise machine does not leave marks after use, since the load is distributed evenly. It is made entirely of plastic, which does not emit odors when first unpacked.

Sold at a price of 680 rubles.

Lite Weights 1565LW


  • Efficiency;
  • Functionality;
  • Good stability;
  • Durability.


  • Not found.

LiveUp rotary stop

Despite its simple design, the product is able to turn push-ups into an effective and comfortable exercise. Thanks to this, a person reduces the load on his hands, which allows him to perform more approaches rather than getting tired after one. To produce the case, high-quality plastic was used, which can withstand high loads and does not break. The equipment does not take up space in luggage and is convenient to store in a small apartment.

The average price is 790 rubles.

LiveUp rotary stop


  • Durability;
  • Strength;
  • Value for money;
  • Convenience;
  • Compactness.


  • Not detected.

Rating of push-up supports

When choosing push-up supports, you can listen to the feedback from athletes and coaches who have already assessed the advantages or disadvantages of a particular model. The most popular varieties include:

  1. Nike Accessories Push Up Grips
    . This is a plastic stationary model with handles made of a special reinforced alloy. The exercise machine is famous for its excellent anti-slip pads on the stand and handles and its ergonomic shape. Cost about $20.
  2. Torneo Twistmaster
    . Swivel push-up stand, great for home workouts. It features a comfortable rubberized handle and special anti-slip pads for strong grip on the floor. Can also be used as a health disc. Cost about $16.
  3. Domyos PushUp
    . An excellent budget model of a metal exercise machine. A convenient feature is the collapsible design and low weight with a sufficient margin of safety. The only drawback is the low quality of the rubber grips, which is completely offset by the price. The model costs about $7.

( 1 rating, average 4 out of 5 )
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