Bench leg press in a machine: what muscles work, how to do the exercise correctly

The leg press machine allows you to work with amazingly large weights. A striking example of this is the leg press of eight-time Mr. Olympia winner Ronnie Coleman, captured on video. This professional bodybuilder worked with a weight of 1040 kilograms! Of course, the ability to lift such mind-boggling weights is not the main advantage of training on this machine, but it has a lot of advantages, and now we’ll talk about all of it.

The benefits of the leg press exercise in the simulator

The main advantage of the simulator is the removal of stress from the spinal column, but also:

  • This simulator removes pressure on the venous network. Compression on the veins is reduced and blood flows out. Therefore, the bench press is an excellent solution for people with varicose veins.
  • Another advantage is the ability to instantly fix the platform with a load using rotary levers.
  • The ability to emphasize the load on various leg muscles.
  • Using a machine to train the calf muscles.
  • The machine allows you to train with heavy weights.
  • Fixed body position.

Exercise machine for chest and abdominal muscles

What is dangerous: in addition to the fact that the body position is not entirely comfortable, this exercise machine can cause muscle asymmetry.

Tip: Use the old-school push-up or bench push-up. The load on your arms is distributed evenly, since otherwise you will lean somewhere and will not be able to complete the exercise. In addition, push-ups work the core muscles of the core, which are responsible for stability and balance. Plus, in addition to beautiful hands, you are guaranteed a beautiful abs.

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Disadvantages and contraindications of the platform leg press

The simulator does not have any disadvantages as such. If we talk about the benefits and harms of training with free weights, namely the inclusion of spinal stabilizer muscles, then a leg press machine eliminates the development of this type of muscle. On the one hand, this is a minus, so we can consider this a disadvantage for a certain circle of athletes.

But for amateur athletes who train to strengthen their muscles, increase their physical fitness, improve their well-being, as well as people with injuries to the spine and shoulder girdle, a leg press machine will be more relevant.

Like other exercises for developing leg muscles, the leg press machine is contraindicated for athletes with injuries to the ankle, knee and hip joints.

Also, who have troubling leg muscle injuries, such as sprains or bruises, should not perform the exercise It is also important to take into account the fact that when working with heavy weights, a compression load appears on the hip joints and lumbar spine.

Those who have problems with the lumbar region and hip joints should individually limit the working weight to a comfortable one.

Important points to pay attention to

The technique of any exercise has its secrets that will help you avoid injury and achieve the desired results. The leg press is no exception. So, consider a few important points that will help when performing the press.

  • Your feet should be firmly pressed against the platform to reduce the load on the spine. If the entire foot is not under control, take a break and be distracted by another exercise. Start only when you are focused on your feet;
  • The platform is squeezed out with the heels. There is no need to overpower yourself and press your fingers into the platform - this will do nothing but harm. The correct execution of the exercise is to press with the foot and press with the heel, then it will become much easier to do it;
  • The knees are directed parallel to the feet. When the hips deviate outward or inward, the quadriceps does not work and smaller muscles become tense;
  • By lowering the platform, you need to move towards the ideal - ninety degrees of bend at the knee. But if your legs are not yet holding the platform in this position, you should not continue, because The depth of the bench press is very individual. And if the neighbor in the hall did this exercise correctly, this does not mean that everyone can do it. After a few practices, you can achieve the correct position without effort;
  • Try to get double benefits from the machine - when squeezing the platform upward, tense your lower abdominal muscles - this is a great way to pump them up;
  • Keep your head on the headrest and don’t lift it , don’t talk to other visitors to the gym, don’t turn around towards the noise - stay focused on the exercise;
  • Proper breathing will help make leg presses easier. It is difficult to establish breathing the first time you perform a bench press - gym goers are so focused on squeezing the platform that they forget to breathe altogether. It is important to remember that oxygen plays a key role in the body, and during physical activity it is doubly necessary. Therefore, you need to accustom yourself to such a rhythm - when squeezing the platform, you exhale, and when lowering, you inhale;
  • The under-seat grab handles aren't designed to be forgotten. When pressing with your hands, you need to firmly squeeze the handrails, which will relieve the lower back;
  • Try to go through the entire amplitude. Even if it becomes difficult, and you don’t have the strength to squeeze the platform, it is better to break the exercise into more approaches with fewer repetitions, but do these approaches with high quality;
  • It is better to start the bench press without canopies, idle. After the muscles get used to the weight of the platform itself, then you can add kilograms;
  • If you feel that your strength is on the verge and you can no longer squeeze the platform, do not throw it suddenly. Smoothly lower the platform, bend the lock and the platform will return to its original position. Otherwise, you may injure your legs, even if the lock of the machine is bent.

What muscles work in the leg press in the simulator?

In the leg press exercise in the simulator, all gluteal muscles and leg muscles are involved, namely:

  • Gluteus medius, maximus and minimus.
  • Piriformis muscle.
  • Superior and inferior gemellus muscles.
  • Obturator internus muscle.
  • Quadratus femoris muscle.
  • Biceps femoris (to a lesser extent).
  • Quadriceps femoris (lateral, medial, rectus).
  • Adductor muscles of the thigh.

Quadriceps training machine

Why it's dangerous: Since most of the load is on the knees, this machine increases the twisting of the knee joints, causing faster wear and pain.

Tip: By doing step exercises or lunges on a bench, you force your quadriceps to work much more efficiently than with any machine, and you also use your glutes and knees more actively. When a large number of muscles are involved in the work, the joints do not wear out, but rather become stronger.

Leg position during leg press

Using the simulator, you can specifically train all of these muscles. To do this, you should choose the correct placement of your feet on the platform of the simulator.

  1. To train the quadriceps (medius and rectus muscles), hamstrings and gluteal muscles of the foot, place them in the center of the platform at shoulder level . This is the basic or classic foot position. By the way, the gluteal muscles are always involved, with any placement of the feet on the platform.
  2. The next nuance is to shift the feet from the center of the platform to its upper or lower edge. So, when placing the legs close to the upper edge, the athlete transfers the load to the gluteal muscles. The work also includes the hamstrings. Please note that you need to lean on your heel (under no circumstances should you lift your feet off the platform!). Another very important point when working with this position of the feet is to fully press the lower back to the bench. Severing the lower back from the backrest can cause serious injury.
  3. When placing your feet closer to the bottom of the platform of the simulator, the load is accentuated on the quadriceps femoris muscle. This option is dangerous for the knee joints, so you should not place your feet on the very edge of the platform. By the way, it is impossible to bend your knees completely without lifting your heels, and this is already the wrong technique for performing the exercise.
  4. Another nuance of the leg press in the simulator is the width of the feet. When doing a narrow leg press , when the feet are practically in contact with each other, the emphasis of the load is on the outer (vastus lateralis) and middle part (rectus). This version of the press, or more precisely, how narrowly the athlete places his feet to each other, depends on his individual characteristics, since with such a position the load on the hip and knee joints increases. To determine a comfortable distance, you should work with minimal weight.
  5. When doing a wide leg press, the main load will be directed to the adductors, sartorius, gracilis and vastus medialis muscles. When performing such a press, you should turn your feet with your toes apart at an angle of 45 degrees. This increases the load on the adductor surface of the thigh and reduces the load on the knee joints. The knees should also “look” outward. In this case, the bench press should be as deep as possible.


Each person has their own goal in the gym. Some need to increase, others reduce. Depending on this, your training program will change.

If you have a lot of fat and you are reducing it, you need high repetitions. That is, without weight or with minimal weight, you do a large number of repetitions of 50-100. But 1-2 approaches.

If you want to build up your buttocks and legs, then use more weight, 3-5 sets. The number of exercises in a set is 8-15. Depends on your training tactics.

Let’s not forget the main thing, dear girls, if you want to build a big butt (buttocks), then by lifting heavy weights, you will also build up big legs!

Types of leg press machines and their features

Although leg press machines are aimed at performing the same exercise, they have some differences.

They are structurally divided into:

  • Lever - such exercise machines are also called hummers.
  • Sliding ones are the most common options. Typically, the platform moves at an angle of 45 degrees along the guides.

According to the angle of inclination:

  • Verticals are a rare beast, but they can still be found in the gym. Such exercise machines place an increased load on the spine. Platform weight may vary. Typically the platform weighs from 27 to 40 kilograms.
  • Horizontal - in this machine, the leg press is performed in a horizontal plane. The target muscles for the horizontal leg press remain the same, but the compression load on the lower back, knee and hip joints is noticeably reduced, which makes this exercise option safer. This is most often a block exercise machine or with the ability to add plates of the required weight, so the minimum load is 5 kg.

In principle, all models are effective and work approximately the same. An important difference for an athlete is the angle of movement of the platform and, most importantly, the position of the back.

The more vertical the back is, the less the load on the spinal column.

There is also an option to adjust the tilt angle. The tilt is needed in order to transfer the priority of the load to the quadriceps muscle. However, based on my experience in using the simulator, I can say that this feature does not make a noticeable difference, but the possibility of the feet sliding along the surface of the platform with a large deviation of the back of the simulator greatly increases. Basically, the ability to adjust the inclination of the bench is needed for comfortable work, rather than for transferring the load to the quadriceps.

By the way, the platform is one of the most important elements of the simulator. A lot depends on its coverage. For example, when working on the Interathletics simulator, the shoes do not stand securely on the metal platform. In more expensive versions, the platform is coated with an abrasive compound.

Pull behind your back

What is dangerous: this position is extremely traumatic for your body. By doing the exercise this way, you overload the joint capsule of the shoulder, which can lead to a tear of the rotator cuff muscle.

Tip: try doing pull-ups on a special platform machine. This exercise will help strengthen the muscles of your shoulders, back, core, legs and arms. You can also do these exercises with your hands in front of you. This option is even safer.

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Leg press technique

The exercise technique is very simple:

  1. Having taken a comfortable fixed position in the simulator, place your feet on the platform. This will be the starting position.
  2. Afterwards, remove the weight clamps using the levers (usually located on the sides of the seat).
  3. The next movement is to lower the weight of the platform by bending your knees. When performing this movement, you should inhale. At the lowest point of the movement, the legs should form a right angle. It is very important not to lift your feet from the platform, and your lower back from the back of the machine.
  4. Then, from the lowest point of the amplitude, exhaling, push the platform up with your feet (do not straighten your knees completely).

It is very important to adjust the headrest so that it is in line with the back of the machine. If the headrest is tilted back or brought forward (toward the platform), when working with weight, the load on the cervical spine will increase. With such head restraint positions, there is a high risk of neck injury.

Contraindications to using the simulator

Despite all its undoubted advantages, the presented sports equipment has a number of contraindications that make it impossible to use it in everyday training. The most significant contributing factor is a previous injury to the knee joint. As a rule, after such situations, excessive stress on the joint is prohibited for medical reasons, so as not to provoke a relapse.

Another nuance that prohibits the use of this simulator is various diseases of the spine. In particular, it is worth noting hernias and protrusions of intervertebral discs, which impose a complete ban on serious physical activity.

Effective training is, of course, good. But not when they harm their own health. Do not neglect the recommendations and prohibitions of doctors. With the help of a trainer, you can always choose a safer load.

Platform leg press with emphasis on the buttocks

To train the gluteal muscles, the exercise technique does not change. The only difference is the placement of the feet, which must be placed as close as possible to the upper edge of the platform. With this exercise, the front of the thigh can touch the chest. That is, the leg press with the feet placed at the upper edge of the platform is performed with greater amplitude. I will repeat once again about the danger of lumbar separation with this version of the exercise.

How to choose a bench for bench press?

When choosing a bench press bench, you need to pay attention to the following indicators:

  • materials used - the main parts and frame must be made of high-strength steel. It is better to choose a seat with vinyl upholstery, since it is considered the most durable and reliable;
  • functionality - standard benches are designed for highly specialized exercises. However, the presence of rollers can significantly expand the capabilities of the device - they are suitable for performing leg exercises, training the lower back and abs;
  • transformation possibilities - if home conditions do not allow installing several exercise machines, you should pay attention to transformers. To develop strength indicators, you can stop at a standard monoblock;
  • safety - the bench must be strong and stable enough to withstand heavy weight. The best bench presses have a weight limit of up to 700 kg, but a model with a weight limit of 300 kg is also suitable for home training;
  • the adjustment system is an important point, with which the user will be able to independently adjust the equipment to the required parameters. The design must have a system for adjusting the tilt and position of the seat.

Smith machine vertical leg press

This exercise replaces the bench press on a vertical machine, but its benefits are questionable .

  1. Firstly, the exercise is unsafe - there is a possibility of your feet slipping off the bar, which, by the way, is not intended for this.
  2. Secondly, in the simulator it is impossible to adjust the emphasis on certain muscles by placing your feet, as on a platform, further or closer.
  3. Thirdly, the exercise can only be performed with an assistant who will remove the barbell from the locks.

How to do it correctly:

  1. Place the loaded bar at a height that can be reached by your feet.
  2. Lie on the floor, having previously placed limiters to break the barbell.
  3. Place the basin under the bar.
  4. Place your feet slightly wider than your pelvis under the bar.
  5. Press your lower back firmly into the floor.
  6. An assistant removes the bar from the locks.
  7. As you inhale, lower your hips and knees to the sides of your body without twisting your pelvis.
  8. Exhale and straighten your legs, keeping your knees slightly bent.

Smith's bench

What is dangerous: due to the fixed trajectory of load changes, our joints move in a certain way, which is completely unusual for their nature. Therefore, when using this exercise machine, the health of your joints is at risk, and you can also get quite serious injury.

Tip: the classic squat and bench press can be performed without a machine, using dumbbells or a barbell. However, if you set the minimum height, there will be no risk in execution.

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Recommendations for men and women

You can include the bench press in your workout either as the first exercise or as number 2 after basic exercises with free weights, it all depends on individual preparation.

  • To grow muscle mass, you should select a working weight for 10-12 repetitions and perform 4 sets.
  • If the goal is muscle relief and strengthening , especially at the initial stage of training, perform 15-20 repetitions in 3-4 sets.

Which is better – squats or leg presses?

Of course, squats with a barbell work much better and develop the athlete than the leg press, but this exercise is simply irreplaceable for those athletes who have a back injury. Also, the leg press machine will be an excellent addition to training your legs after doing squats. It is important to include this exercise second in training after squats with a barbell. The leg press can be performed with an emphasis on the adductors.

Basic exercises

The weight bench is designed to perform various types of pressing, but is not limited to this type of exercise. The simulator is ideal for comprehensive training of the muscles of the arms, chest, and back. It does an excellent job of training the gluteal, calf muscles and abs.

Barbell bench press

The best basic exercise that should be included in all upper body training programs is performed using a bench with special barbell racks. It involves the serratus, brachialis, pectoralis, anterior deltoids, and triceps. If an athlete has the opportunity to purchase not a fixed, but an adjustable bench model, this will make the training as effective as possible and will allow you to comprehensively work out all the listed muscle groups of the upper body.

Dumbbell flyes and presses

An alternative to the barbell bench press if the bench is not equipped with a rack. The amplitude of arm movements with dumbbells can be adjusted independently, which is especially important for those who are just starting to engage in strength training, as well as for representatives of the fair half of humanity. A shift in emphasis to working out different areas of the muscles is carried out by changing the angle of inclination of the simulator.

Push ups

They vary in degree of difficulty. For beginners, this type of push-up is ideal, when the emphasis is on the bench. Thanks to this, the torso located at an angle allows you to reduce the load and prepare the muscles for building up. Push-ups are considered a complex variation of the exercise, suitable for advanced athletes, if the emphasis is on the legs. Reverse push-ups performed from a bench provide effective training for the triceps.

Abs training

This universal strength trainer is an excellent sports equipment for working out the lower abs. The difficult-to-achieve result of working out the abdominal muscles with the main emphasis on the lower part can be easily achieved by performing reverse crunches with a lift of the buttocks on this machine. Thanks to the soft rollers that secure the legs, you can do classic (ordinary) crunches on the apparatus.

Bulgarian lunges

An excellent exercise for the formation of rounded beautiful buttocks. It is done both with and without weights. In this case, you need to stand on the floor with one foot, and rest the toe of the other on the exercise machine.

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