The importance of physical culture and sports in human development

Family sports life

Parents are unlikely to be able to instill in their child a love of sports if they do not engage in it themselves. Personal example is the best motivation. Participation in sports clubs is good, but if they are imposed on children by parents indifferent to sports, they can cause a backlash, rejection of sports.

A child’s positive attitude towards physical exercise should be developed from an early age through active and energetic activities together. To begin with, this can be running, playing with a ball, and as the child grows older, it can be riding bicycles, rollerblading, skating, or jumping rope.

Parental ambitions

Having decided to send their child to big sports, especially at an early age, parents make a choice for him. As a rule, they are driven by good intentions: their beloved child will grow up healthy and strong in spirit, professional athletes earn good money, and everyone dreams of becoming a champion.

This is where the catch lies. Ask yourself a question: are you passing off your dreams as the dreams of a child? Are you turning it into a tool for satisfying your own ambitions? After all, there are many stories about broken destinies and childhood taken away. If your child does not succeed in sports or an injury ruins everything he has worked for over the years, he will most likely blame you for this.

Of course, not everything is so bleak: as practice shows, the dedication and support of parents has helped many successful athletes overcome themselves, not give up and achieve impressive results.

And yet, so that a childhood devoted to professional sports does not turn into a family tragedy in the future, take care of the prospects and prepare “escape” paths for the child. Listen to the desires of the little athlete, help with his studies and develop him in all directions, so that after sports he does not find himself in a dead end, but can realize himself in something else.

Sports and mental health

Exercise is also beneficial for maintaining mental health. A few important points about the positive effects of physical activity:


Exercise is an effective tool for improving your mood. The main reason is that during physical activity the human body intensively produces the pleasure hormones mentioned above. To improve your attitude towards life, it is not at all necessary to set Olympic records - a light load is enough.

Energy charge

Exercising not only improves your mood, but also makes you more energetic. Thanks to physical activity, more oxygen and beneficial nutrients begin to enter the body. This in turn improves the functioning of the lungs and heart muscles. Consequently, the body begins to perform its functions as efficiently as possible, which makes a person more energetic, and, therefore, mentally balanced.

Improving sleep quality

Sport will help those who suffer from insomnia and various sleep disorders. Those who love sports fall asleep easily and sleep well. And quality sleep improves mental health.

Correct daily routine

To begin with, what is a daily routine? This is the most rational distribution of time of day, for periods of work, sleep and rest.

The basic principle of the lifestyle is a clear and strict implementation of the routine, the inadmissibility of frequent changes, overloads that exceed the limits of the body's performance. A person’s daily routine is built based on biological rhythms.

Therefore, using literature and hygienic recommendations on the distribution of time when drawing up a schoolchild’s daily routine, I compose my approximate daily routine. (see Appendix No. 4).

Which sport should I choose?

If you want to play sports, you need to take into account several important features.

Financial opportunities

Sport is an expensive pleasure. Classes often require special clothing and, in some cases, equipment with a hefty price tag. Don’t forget about paying for classes with a coach and mentor, regularly purchasing a subscription and going to various sports sections.

Taking into account the fact that such activities require serious material investments, it is necessary to carefully consider whether this is really necessary and whether such an investment is justified. Sometimes amateur activities are a more successful and expedient approach to the matter. A treadmill in the gym can easily be replaced by a street, which is much healthier, and exercise machines are horizontal bars, which are located in almost every yard.

Purpose of the lesson

It is not only possible, but also necessary to choose purposefully, depending on the task at hand. If it is important to strengthen the muscles of the lower extremities, it is better to go jogging. If you need to develop your arms and chest, swimming is suitable.

Another priority could be making new friends and expanding your circle of acquaintances. In such situations, all team games - football, basketball, etc. - will come to the rescue.

Another important factor in modern life is maintaining stress resistance. Martial arts and yoga are the best choices. Dance classes are suitable for developing a sense of rhythm, and athletics are suitable for improving body flexibility and dexterity of movement, coordination and balance.

Temperament and character

Each person is individual. For people of a melancholic and phlegmatic nature, in other words, balanced, calm, unhurried, “their” sports will suit them. These should be activities that do not require crazy speeds and excessive loads. The best choice is board games such as chess and billiards. Jogging, ballroom dancing, and cycling are also suitable.

Severe choleric people, “explosive” and fickle, should choose exercises for themselves that would become a tool for releasing the energy accumulated inside. This, for example, includes all strength and extreme sports.

For sanguine people, people who value sports that allow them to communicate with like-minded people, volleyball, hockey, tennis and other doubles or team games are suitable.

Health status

You shouldn’t “jump over your head.” If you have a weak level of initial physical fitness and if you have diseases incompatible with sports, it is better to refuse exercises associated with impressive loads.

Such sports are not recommended for teenagers and older people. But there are also universal activities that have virtually no contraindications. This includes alternating walking and running, swimming in the pool, and daily morning exercises.


Mental and physical performance depends on many factors:

  • time of day, week, health status, biological rhythms of the body.
  • Most teenagers are most productive in the morning from 8 am to 12 pm and in the evening from 4 pm to 6 pm.
  • All living organisms, from the simplest to the highly organized, such as humans, have biological rhythms that manifest themselves in periodic changes in life activity and measure time like the most accurate clocks. Every year scientists find new internal rhythms.

Dynamics of weekly rhythm performance:

  • on Monday, work takes place after the weekend;
  • maximum performance is observed in the middle of the week;
  • By Friday, fatigue accumulates and performance decreases.

Therefore, on Monday and Friday the load should be reduced at the expense of other days.

When distributing the workload, consider the following:

  • do not plan work feats on Monday (this is the day of conflicts, heart attacks and strokes);
  • active days - Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday;
  • Friday is a calm day that does not require stress or stress.

The undeniable importance of sport

Playing sports is certainly important - we have known this since childhood. However, knowing and understanding are not the same thing. We need to be fully aware of all the benefits that exercise brings us. We must understand, with pleasure, and appreciate the role of sport for our lives. We must be aware that the reluctance to exercise can sooner or later result in major health problems for each of us.

Let's sum it up

Well, it's time to sum up. Should children be turned into professional athletes? Not always. Of course, big sport offers serious prospects, the opportunity for self-realization, as well as good physical and psychological health. However, this lifestyle is not suitable for all children: sometimes, in order to become the best, a child objectively lacks physical data, sometimes lacks a sporting character.

If you are faced with just such a situation, under no circumstances should you “break” your little personality and forcefully take him to training. If your aspirations coincide with your children’s desires, then once again weigh all the pros and cons and answer your question: would you send your child to professional sports?


What role does sport play in a person’s life? All over the world people see it differently. Some people are very cool about sports (some even consider it a waste of time). Other people understand the importance of sports, and, fortunately, there are more of them than the first. Moreover, each of them may have a different attitude towards sports: some prefer to watch on TV, some prefer to engage in some kind of sport or general physical training, and for some, sport is a means of livelihood. Among the latter there may be active athletes, coaches, doctors, directors of sports societies, sports trustees, etc., and each of them contributes to the development of sports on our planet.

Sport has amazing properties. It can unite people, introduce them to each other, in most cases, sport strengthens the health, character and even mental abilities of the people who engage in it, developing skills such as speed, agility, reaction, coordination, endurance, patience and strength. .Sport makes people more resistant to negative environmental factors. This often brings people a lot of positive emotions, for example, when their favorite team wins or when a person achieves some result in it.

A person always tries to simplify his life. Physical labor ceases to matter to him due to the development of technology. Man gradually loses the physical potential inherent in him and becomes decrepit in comparison with his distant ancestors. He is greatly influenced by temptations such as alcohol, tobacco and drugs. Sport is the opposite of these evil factors and serves as an alternative that prevents a person from becoming an alcoholic, smoker and drug addict. The role of sport in our life is very important.


Perhaps the most accessible sport, because apart from a pair of sneakers, you don’t need any equipment. Running invigorates, perfectly strengthens your cardiovascular and respiratory systems, and also tones your whole body. If you want to improve your health, first of all, try running. You’ll lose excess weight, become healthier, and improve your mood. Your exercise-starved heart will thank you.

The typical runner's body can look different. But, as a rule, everyone has one thing in common: slimness

Sprinters who train explosiveness often look quite muscular

How does this affect life?

While running, you can take your mind off the hustle and bustle, think about something, or just listen to your favorite music.
Immediately after a run, a feeling of euphoria comes over you. The body is hot, energy is seething in it, and it begins to seem that you can handle anything. In everyday life, you will become more energetic and will feel lightness and increased tone throughout your body. Remember that running also has a correct and incorrect technique. Running without technique means accelerated wear of the knees and constant micro-concussions for the internal organs. At first, you don’t have to bother and run as best you can, but if running becomes a part of your life, I advise you to go to special schools or sections where they will teach you how to run effectively and without harm to your health. Try to run more on a special elastic surface (this usually happens in stadiums), and less on asphalt. And of course, choose your shoes responsibly.

This is what your first runs will look like


  • simplicity and accessibility;
  • excellent general health effect;
  • for free!


  • without the supplied equipment, the body will wear out;
  • Not everywhere you can run comfortably all year round. You can run in winter, but few are ready for such an extreme;
  • If you are overweight, it is better to hold off on running. Instead, it's better to walk a lot.

Running is right for you if:

  • Your priority is health;
  • you want to be slim and mobile, instead of carrying around kilograms of beautiful, but unnecessary muscles for life;
  • you don’t want/can’t spend money on a gym class.
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