Rapid growth in Japanese style. Part 1. Fukutsuji method.

Growth hormone or somatotropin is produced in one of the areas of the brain. In children and adolescents, it is produced especially actively; sharp jumps in growth and development are associated with it; after puberty, production gradually decreases and after 25 years, very little secretion occurs.

In most countries of the world, recent generations are significantly taller than their ancestors. This is mainly due to the fact that the standard of living increases, a person generally has enough food, consumes much more protein than before, and the food itself is quite varied.

Somatotropin affects not only human growth, it is responsible for such important functions as:

  • helps increase bone length;
  • promotes protein synthesis - the main building material of body tissues;
  • reduces fat deposits, promotes their “burning”, thereby regulating the ratio of muscle and fat mass;
  • participates in the regulation of insulin and glucose production;
  • there is evidence that somatotropin helps calcium to be better absorbed in the bones;
  • stimulates the production of immune cells.

In order to identify problems with growth, you need to consult a doctor. After examination and history taking, he may prescribe the following studies (for children and adults):

  • blood test for prolactin, cortisol, thyroid hormones and growth hormone;
  • it is possible to prescribe molecular genetic analysis to detect mutations in genes;
  • assessment of the adrenal glands;
  • MRI of some areas of the brain (pituitary gland, hypothalamus).

It is better to identify problems as early as possible, especially in childhood, because it can cause not only stunting, but also retardation in the physical, sexual and mental development of the child.

Why are we growing

A person grows by increasing the length of his bones. And this process lasts until the bone growth zones - the cartilaginous zones in the spine and at the ends of the tubular bones - are completely closed. As long as there is uncoarsened tissue in these areas, a significant increase in body length is possible under the influence of growth hormones. When the cartilaginous zones ossify with age, this will inhibit further growth.

It turns out that it is no longer possible to grow by lengthening the bones after 25 years, unless with the help of surgical intervention. But it is possible to “stretch” your body a few extra centimeters. And it's not too difficult.

Is it possible to grow

With the right approach and identifying the cause of low stature, a person can increase it. No one can guarantee exactly how much height can be increased - by 5 cm, 10 cm or 1 cm, but it is possible. The most important thing is an integrated approach to solving the problem, preferably with the participation of a specialist who controls the process.

If the cause is an endocrine disorder, it is necessary to find out what kind of disorder it is and what is causing it - only an experienced doctor can help with this. If there are no deviations or the causes have been eliminated, it is necessary to prescribe special medications, improve your diet and daily routine, and allocate time for physical activity and special exercises to achieve results.

The average height of Eastern Europeans is just over 176 cm for men and almost 165.5 cm for women.

How can you increase your height through exercise?

It is a proven fact that growth hormone is more actively produced in the body during physical activity, so it is important to pay attention to this every day and exercise. The choice of sport depends on the individual, but the most successful are swimming, cycling and powerlifting.

Currently, there are special exercises that help increase body height:

  • Lonsky exercises
  • Palko method, etc.
  • Calm method;
  • Norbekov method;

Drug therapy

Since somatotropin is the main growth stimulator, it can be administered additionally. These drugs can be prescribed as replacement therapy if the amount of somatotropin produced by the body is small, or prescribed in a course. Drug therapy can be prescribed to everyone: children, adolescents, people over 18 years of age and people over 30 years of age.

There are many HGH medications available, all of which have different side effects and are intended for people with different medical histories, so they are prescribed by a doctor and taken under his supervision.

Surgical interventions

Nowadays it is possible to increase height by lengthening the leg bones. The operations are quite complex, require long postoperative recovery, cost a lot of money and therefore are not very popular.

The most effective surgical method is the Ilizarov method. Special rods are inserted into the leg bones and a mechanism is installed. Slowly, with the help of a mechanism, the rods move apart, thereby stimulating the growth of the bone itself. The entire process takes about a year (depending on how much you need to lift), during which time you must walk on crutches.

Natural Ways to Increase Self-Totropin Production

A person at any age should follow the principles of a healthy lifestyle: at 16 years old, at 17 years old, at 20 years old, at 30 years old and beyond, in order to prolong his life and not lose its quality.

As mentioned above, sport is a good stimulator for the production of COGT. It is also produced in large quantities during sleep, which is why children sleep so much at an early age, but adults often neglect sleep and later pay for it in the form of illnesses and fatigue.

Nutrition plays an important role in maintaining the normal functioning of the entire endocrine and hormonal system. It should be as varied as possible, rich in protein and healthy fats, and sugar intake should be limited. Particular attention should be paid to parents who are interested in how to increase their child's height without drugs.

You should also not neglect annual visits to your doctor. Specialists will be able to make assumptions about the presence or absence of diseases only based on examination and assessment of lifestyle. It is important to monitor the functioning of the thyroid gland: carry out hormonal tests, ultrasound and consult with a specialist.


In order to provide the body with sufficient nutrients and activate the growth process, the following products must be included in the daily diet:

  • Lean meats: beef, chicken, rabbit, veal. This product is rich in protein, iron and zinc, which are the building blocks of the body. They help the body develop properly.
  • Barley is a source of fiber and free carbohydrates. Oatmeal, buckwheat, lentils, millet and barley are especially useful.
  • A small handful of nuts. They can be eaten as a snack or added to other dishes.
  • Chicken eggs prepared in any way. It is recommended to eat them in 2 parts - morning and evening.

Lack of vitamins can impair growth. However, taking vitamins B, A, C and D along with a healthy lifestyle can help the body grow. They can be purchased individually or as a complex in capsules. It is recommended to consult a doctor before taking them.

How to increase height

This can be achieved by stretching the intervertebral discs. The thing is that the human spinal column consists of 24 vertebrae, the sacrum and the coccyx. Between the vertebrae there are intervertebral discs, which absorb and absorb the load and provide flexibility to the spine due to the fact that they consist of cartilage-like tissue. And if it is cartilage, then it can be stretched, which will lead to an increase in the length of the torso.

In fact, most people are 2–6 cm (or more) below their maximum possible height. This is due to the spongy nature of the intervertebral discs, which are compressed under the influence of gravity and high pressure, which can be caused, for example, by poor posture or lifting heavy objects over the head.

Therefore, even if you do regular spinal stretching exercises, your growth will not remain constant unless you correct your posture, stop lifting weights overhead, and strengthen your core muscles.

Indications for use

A set of physical exercises will be useful for those who want to correct their posture and achieve average or above average height.

You can assess the compliance of body length with accepted standards, taking into account age and gender, using Table 2.

Growth indicators for children and adolescents: 5-18 years:

Age, yearsHeight, cm (at the beginning and end of the year)Age, yearsHeight, cm (at the beginning and end of the year)
Below the averageAverageAbove averageBelow the averageAverageAbove average

When analyzing a person’s physical development, growth parameters, proportions of body parts, body abilities and weight are taken into account. An objective assessment can be carried out by a specialist by considering these criteria together and establishing a connection between them. If a deviation is noticed, consultation with an endocrinologist is recommended.

Exercise will help stimulate growth zones and the production of growth hormone. Tissue formation occurs in response to stress caused by stretching of the bone and surrounding soft tissue. Regular exercise allows you to gain natural flexibility and improves your overall fitness.

Classes contribute to the formation of the correct structure of the spine in children and adolescents, strengthening the muscles of the back, abs, and buttocks. Performing special exercises prevents injuries associated with strained muscles and tendons. As a result of training, joint mobility and coordination improve, body movements become freer and easier.

What exercises help increase height?

There are a large number of different exercises for stretching the spine; I will highlight only a few of the simplest and most effective ones. They will be quite enough to get started.

Hanging on the horizontal bar

This is perhaps the simplest of all exercises. All you need to do is hang on the horizontal bar and stay in this position for 15-30 seconds. The force of gravity will do the rest of the work for you. It is recommended to practice 2-3 approaches daily.

This is what it looks like:

Lying spine traction

To perform this exercise, you need to lie face down on your stomach and extend your arms and legs so that a straight line is formed. Now raise your left arm, followed by your left leg. Hold this position for 20-30 seconds and then switch arms and legs. Do 2-3 approaches.

Cat stretching

Exercise "Cobra"

Useful tips

Before training, you need good rest, and you should start it 2-2.5 hours after eating. If the exercise is difficult to perform, then you should be patient. Excessive persistence can cause injury. Regularity and moderation of physical activity is the key to success. Long, but not constant exercise will only cause overwork.

Between performing individual exercises, a short rest (no more than 1 minute) is desirable , especially at first, when the body adapts to a new activity.

After performing the exercises, do not lift weights

Immediately after training, it is not recommended to lift heavy objects or perform strenuous physical work. Free hanging on a bar or horizontal bar is a big load for overweight people, so it is necessary to use any support for the legs.

Emotional tension, stress, anxiety negatively affect the performance and functions of the body as a whole. A positive attitude is an integral part of proper preparation. It is important to learn to control your mental state.

Pleasant music can be an excellent accompaniment to classes. Clothes and shoes should be comfortable and not restrict movement. In good weather, it is better to train outdoors.

Weekly training program schedule

Days of the weekExercise stress
MondayMain complex
TuesdayAdditional classes
WednesdayMain complex
ThursdayMain complex
FridayAdditional classes
SaturdayMain complex

Additional activities or exercises include any physical activity that promotes body height and development. Among them are: running, swimming, volleyball, basketball, football, tennis, stretching muscles and ligaments, jumping rope, cycling.

Consolidate the result

In order to understand how to maintain an increase in height, you should determine the reasons for its decrease.

The main factors are:

  • loss of bone density;
  • changes and disorders in intervertebral discs;
  • loss of muscle volume and mass;
  • decrease in the amount of water in the body;
  • diseases of the spine and joints;
  • aging of the body.

The growth process slows down in children and adolescents, and in adults, body length is significantly reduced if there are: excess weight, hormonal disorders, weakness and poor muscle stretching.

The following will help maintain the achieved results and slow down age-related changes: a balanced diet, drinking regimen, healthy sleep, moderate physical activity, disease prevention or timely treatment, and eliminating bad habits. Psychological comfort is also necessary.

Which doctor should I contact?

If a person has complexes about his height and wants to increase it, then first of all it is necessary to consult a doctor to find out whether there are drugs for increasing height that are suitable specifically for him, whether surgical intervention is possible, etc. Any drugs, hormonal or not, should be taken only after consultation with a doctor, who will examine the patient’s medical history and make a conclusion about the advisability of their use.

I, Georgy Nikitich Romanov, am a qualified endocrinologist with more than 20 years of experience. My area of ​​expertise is the endocrine system and hormones. In my practice, there were patients with growth problems, and we solved them using effective modern methods. I have classical and modern knowledge in the field of medicine, I consider each patient as a separate unit, thoroughly study the history and draw conclusions based on it and a number of diagnostic studies.

At the moment, I provide face-to-face consultations in a private clinic in Gomel, as well as paid online consultations, which you can sign up for directly in any of my accounts: Viber, Skype, Instagram, Vkontakte, WhatsApp.

As part of an online consultation, I can evaluate diagnostic results, study symptoms and refer you for the necessary examinations, adjust treatment, and more.

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