How to quickly learn to do the splits (12 photos + 1 video)

How to do a vertical split correctly ( 3 votes, average: 5.00 out of 5)

Vertical splits are the most difficult and complex type of stretching, and many people, trying to do it without achieving results, either give up or simply cannot due to body or health conditions. You think stretching is only about naked girls doing the splits, but it’s not true, it’s an entire art that takes many years to master.

How to do the vertical splits correctly

After all, it has long been no secret that the stretching of a girl under 18 years old is the best, but it will be more difficult for older girls to reach such heights.

Exercise No. 1

Bends to the floor

Stretching, which is usually painful and therefore not very pleasant, is best started with a simple and slightly relaxing exercise, such as bending to the floor. It will stretch the muscles of the back of the thighs well. Stand straight and spread your legs, slowly bend towards one leg, the other and towards the middle. Try to reach the floor and hold there for a few seconds.

Stretching and flexibility training technique for maximum splits

We would like to present to you one of the best techniques for doing this kind of split.

  • Before starting classes, you need to warm up thoroughly and do a short warm-up for about 15 minutes. Rotation of the joints, hip part of the body, spreading the legs while sitting wide, bending (palms to the floor), etc., everything related to stretching your muscles. Warm-up, and training in general, should be carried out in a warm room, and you should be wearing leggings, lacings, in general, anything that stretches, and, if possible, a trowel.

Stretching and flexibility training technique for maximum splits

  • In order to achieve a good result and understand how long it takes to do the splits , you need at least 30 minutes of training 3-4 times a week. If you have the opportunity to exercise more often and achieve results faster, then we suggest that you start exercising at least 5 times a week. So that your body rests from stress for at least two days. But classes should take place every other day, or every other day, if your classes are 5 times a week, for example - Mon, Tue - day off, Thu, Fri - day off, Sun. After your muscles go through the adaptation process, you can safely exercise every day.
  • In addition to the splits training itself, you need to allocate time for simple strength training that needs to be combined with yours. This is done so that during strength training your muscles stretch and contract, which will have a beneficial effect on splits training. This is especially true for muscle building exercises - buttocks, legs, thighs.
  • When performing the exercises themselves, try to relax your muscles as best as possible, although this is very difficult, but real. Then it will be much easier for you to pull them, because tense muscles are almost impossible to pull, and it hurts a lot, you don’t need it.

How to do a vertical split correctly

  • Stand up (possibly against the wall), try to raise your leg as high as possible and now stretch with a straight back, arms and legs, as high and far as possible. Then you will need to simply extend the leg that you are pulling and “hang” in this position for 15-20 seconds. Repeat – 4-6 times. The next step will be - in a standing position, you will need to grab your elbows with your hands, and with your forearm you should lower your torso as low as possible, it would be great if you could reach the floor.

Exercise No. 2

Folds are the basis of splits!

Remember the expression: “fold + fold = split,” and try not to be lazy doing this particular exercise, which is not the favorite exercise for many.

1 fold (for longitudinal splits) , it is important to try to reach for your legs with your stomach and not your head, keep your back as straight as possible. Be prepared that this will take time, but the result will be worth all the effort!

2 fold (for cross twine) with legs open . It will not be possible to lie down with your body on the floor in this position right away. But gradually you should try to touch the floor first with your chest, and gradually with your stomach.

How to do the splits correctly in a few days

With the help of the following list of exercises and recommendations, you, dear ladies, can calmly answer your question - “ How to do the splits correctly?”

How to do the splits correctly in a few days

But first, I would like to tell you that the most important thing is preparation for the splits, you simply can’t do without it... So, let’s begin.

  • First you need to follow the rule “stretching first!” Without preliminary preparation of the body, you will not be able to achieve the desired result. To do this, you will need to do a good warm-up, which should last 10-15 minutes, and you should definitely sweat. Be sure to remember this!
  • The initial exercise is that you need to stand on one and lift the other up as much as possible, which will help you stretch slowly and confidently. Then change legs.
  • Place your leg on any surface (table, cabinet, bar) - and you should bend your body towards the other leg, as low as possible. Then change legs.

The ideal vertical split for girls

  • In a sitting position, spread your legs wide and clasp your toes with your toes, while lowering your body to the floor as low as possible.
  • In a lying position, clasping one leg with both hands, bend your legs towards your face. Then change legs.
  • In a sitting position, reach your toes with your hands as much as possible and freeze in this position for 20-25 seconds. Then you can increase the exposure time.
  • While lying on your back, you need to raise your legs and spread them as wide as possible, freeze in this position for as long as possible, then slowly lower your legs.
  • While standing, you need to take turns raising your legs as high as possible.
  • In a standing position, you need to throw one of the legs on the chair (on the back), then bend the knee and tilt the body either towards the knee or away from it.

Do vertical splits correctly without harm to health

  • In a sitting position, you need to stretch your legs forward, and with your arms you need to tilt your torso, reach as far as possible and try to hold on for at least 10 seconds.
  • In a sitting position, you need to bend one leg at the knee, the other remains straight, now you move your leg forward and backward, trying to stretch your toes as far as possible. Then change legs.

With the help of such simple workouts, you will be able to understand that stretching for the splits is not so difficult. The main thing is to follow all the rules and in 7-10 days you will be able to do the splits safely!! Good luck with your studies, dear girls.

Exercise No. 3

Deep forward lunges and their variations

What could be simpler and more convenient than stretching the leg muscles in such a lunge? In addition, this exercise is even too good for stretching. Lunge forward with your foot. Place your hands on the floor. The leg should be between them. Place your left knee on the floor. If you can, lower yourself onto your elbows. Press your body against your right leg. Stretch your hips towards the floor.

How to distinguish crooked twine

It is quite simple to distinguish the correct position of the body from the incorrect one. With correct splits, the body will occupy the following position:

  • The hips are parallel to the shoulders.
  • The heel of the leg laid back is directed clearly upward.
  • The body weight will be distributed between the legs as follows: 60% on the back and 40% on the front.

Failure to comply with these nuances leads to the body beginning to take an incorrect position.

Here is another criterion by which you can understand whether you are sitting in a position correctly or not. With a crooked pelvis, the practitioner sits on the leg, which is extended forward, and touches the floor with the buttock of the front leg. This is a clear sign that the person is in a crooked position and needs to be corrected. If the pelvis is positioned correctly, then a little more weight is transferred to the leg that is pulled back and the quadriceps femoris is placed on the floor. If a person does the splits and the first thing that comes into contact with the floor is his buttocks, it means he is sitting in a crooked position.

Why is crooked twine dangerous?

Important! Crooked twine not only looks unsightly, but can also lead to back problems. If there are problems with the spine, this can aggravate and aggravate them. Problems with knee joints and ligaments may also appear.

Therefore, you should not get used to the incorrect body position, but immediately correct the crooked twine. It is better to continue to develop the flexibility of the pelvis and leg muscles. After all, many people want to learn how to do the splits not only because it’s cool, but also because it brings great health benefits. But only if the stretching is done correctly.

Exercise No. 10

Classic stretch of longitudinal twine

under your own weight with or without cubes. “Insurance” in the form of a cube will come in handy if you are not yet ready to try to “do the splits.”

Classic cross split stretch under your own weight.

Proper stretching accelerates the effect of training and keeps muscles and ligaments in good shape. We have prepared for you a set of the most effective and most necessary exercises, which if performed on a regular basis, you will definitely do the splits. Remember that you can do the splits at any age, but to make your training more effective, also remember 10 tips for those who want to do the splits faster.

Correct and incorrect splits

A split is a body position in which straight legs, located on the same line, are spread to the sides. Twine can be longitudinal or transverse.

Sitting on the floor with your legs completely spread is possible only due to the flexibility of the pelvis and good stretching of the leg muscles.
Since many people's bodies are not flexible enough, difficulties arise with the correct execution of the longitudinal split technique. Did you know? With a crooked split, the practitioner turns his pelvis, which entails an incorrect distribution of weight between the legs.
Also, the heel of the leg laid back is in the wrong position. It is precisely because with an incorrect split the hips and heel of the back leg are directed to the side, it is called crooked.

Technique for performing longitudinal splits while standing without a wall

Preparation against the wall with hand support

  1. Lightly supporting yourself with one hand on the wall, grab the other ankle of your bent leg and point it up, trying to straighten it.
  2. The supporting leg is without bending at the knee.

Vertical split upside down

  1. With your hands on the floor, lower your body to your supporting straight leg.
  2. Throw the second one back up, performing a longitudinal split in the air.

For advanced people, it is possible to perform without supporting your hands on the floor, with your back slightly bent back and supporting your straight leg from behind with your hands.

Technique for performing cross splits while standing without a wall

  1. Lightly hold onto a wall or support with one hand to maintain balance.
  2. The second, grab the front of your leg by the heel.
  3. Point to the side, performing a cross split in the air.
  4. Try to keep your back and body straight and level, and do not bend your legs at the knee joints.

Why do you need vertical twine?

Achieving the correct classic twine from scratch is quite difficult. But at the same time, transverse and longitudinal twine can still be improved. Don't stop there, because a flexible, beautiful and healthy body is worth it.

More often, the ability to do a vertical split is necessary for dancers, athletes in the field of gymnastics and acrobatics. And yet, anyone can master this skill even at home, doing appropriate exercises for health and pleasure.

Cross twine against the wall

Preparatory exercises for standing cross splits

  1. Place your leg on the support to the side.
  2. Sit down on your supporting leg, increasing the stretch.

Standing cross split: photo and technique

  1. On straight legs, do the same as in the preparatory exercise, throwing one leg onto the wall.
  2. Move your supporting leg closer to the wall, increasing the extension and reducing the distance between your legs and the wall.

Why do the longitudinal splits?

Increasing muscle elasticity reduces the risk of injury

With age, muscle fibers become less elastic, cross-links are formed in the muscles, which make it difficult for parallel fibers to move.
Additionally, over time, muscle fibers become increasingly bound by connective tissue, making them stiff, reducing range of motion and increasing the risk of injury. By stretching the muscles, you remove cross-links, restoring normal structure. During stretching, the production of lubricating fluids in the tissues is stimulated, which makes the muscles more elastic.

This is of great importance for sports that involve jumping and rapid cycles of muscle contraction and compression, such as football, basketball, and crossfit. Such sports require sufficiently pliable muscles and tendons to store and release high amounts of elastic energyStretching and injury prevention: an obscure relationship..

If an athlete does not have sufficiently pliable muscles and tendons, the demands for energy absorption and expression will exceed the muscle's capacity, which may increase the risk of injury.

Stretching improves blood circulation

In the course of the study, Influence of passive stretch on muscle blood flow, oxygenation and central cardiovascular responses in healthy young males. It has been proven that during the stretching process, antegrade and retrograde blood flow increases, as well as the concentration of venous hemoglobin compared to the baseline.

After exercise, the volume of circulating blood and blood flow in the legs increases, regardless of the intensity of the stretch. Also, after stretching, retrograde blood flow remains increased, which improves tissue nutrition and has a beneficial effect on the leg muscles.

Stretching the iliopsoas muscle helps promote good posture.

The third reason to do the longitudinal splits is to stretch the iliopsoas muscle.

In people leading a sedentary lifestyle, this muscle is often shortened, which leads to poor posture - lumbar hyperlordosis. The shortened muscle pulls the lower spine along with it, due to which the deflection in the lower back increases, and the stomach moves forward.

Stretching exercises will help stretch almost all the muscles of the legs, as well as the iliopsoas muscle, which will reduce harm to the back and avoid lower back pain, problems with the spinal discs and hip joint.


  • Spend enough time stretching and preparing your body. Only with full confidence in performing the classic splits on the floor, proceed to the vertical. It can be done only with regular, frequent and high-quality training, and only with an advanced, professional level of training. Beginners shouldn’t even try to do the vertical split. This is very traumatic for the unprepared.
  • When preparing, it is important to constantly perform leg swings. This is one of the main exercises to prepare for the vertical splits.
  • Do not perform the exercise if there are any contraindications. This is especially true for injuries/diseases of the back and neck.
  • It is possible to perform vertical splits in a pair dance. The support of the torso and raised leg by a partner helps to perform the exercise elegantly and clearly.
  • Constantly work on improving your body flexibility and balance. Do balance exercises.
  • Work on strengthening your core and overall muscular system. Give your body regular physical activity.
  • If you overexert yourself during a workout, give your body and muscles enough time to recover . Do not start doing the splits if you feel discomfort.
  • It is very important to alternate working with both legs. If the splits on one leg are easy, be sure to perfect the other.
  • Do not forget about the importance of warm-up exercises.
  • The technique of performing exercises for vertical splits is very important and should not be violated to avoid injury. Perform exercises in front of a mirror or under the supervision of an experienced instructor.

Technique for performing longitudinal splits while standing against a wall

Before performing, perform a classic longitudinal split.

Longitudinal twine against the wall in front

  1. From a standing position, place one leg straight in front of you on a wall or support, pointing upward.
  2. Don't bend your knees.
  3. Place your supporting leg as close to the wall as possible.
  4. Hold at maximum tension for 40 seconds.

Splits against a wall while standing upside down

  1. Place your hands on the floor.
  2. Place your leg with the back of your foot on the wall and point it up.
  3. Move your supporting leg as close to the wall as possible.

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