Jane Fonda aerobics for beginners for every day

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Jane Fonda Aerobics is a unique set of exercises that will help you lose extra pounds and get in shape. Jane is a truly unique person; she actively fought for civil rights and freedoms in the sixties, opposed the military operation in Vietnam, and was involved in charity work and volunteering. However, most women know her as the queen of modern aerobics.

Jane Fonda aerobics for beginners for every day

Jane always paid close attention to her beauty and loved sports and various types of dancing. When she turned forty, she began to actively popularize aerobics in the United States and around the world. Every morning now began with the women turning on the TV and jumping with the queen of aerobics to loud comments and cheerful music.

Jane Foundation is actually considered the inventor of fitness aerobics, a system of exercises aimed at developing flexibility, eliminating excess weight and creating ideal posture.

Jane Fonda aerobics for beginners, how and where to do aerobics

January 13, 2022 Fitness ( 9 5.00 out of 5) Loading…

The skill of American actress Jane Fonda is undeniable. But not everyone knows that her main world achievement is not acting in films, but the invention of aerobics, the creation of exercises for flexibility and the formation of posture. Today we will tell you how and where to do aerobics on the advice of Jane Fonda.

Moreover, the actress’s main advice for women is to prohibit the use of strict diets for weight loss and be sure to exercise regularly.

The most characteristic feature of the system of physical exercises - aerobics for beginners, developed by the progressive American film actress Jane Fonda, is musical accompaniment.

“I simply cannot imagine what it would be like to do aerobics without music,” writes Jane Fonda in her book. “I have created sets of music programs both for beginners in aerobics and for those who already have extensive experience in health-improving aerobic exercises.” training. Wherever I go, I always take a cassette and a small tape recorder with me - I don’t need anything else.

Jane Fonda Aerobics for Beginners

Different aerobic exercises require their own music. I try to use rhythmic melodies where the tempo is constant. The rhythm should be clearly perceptible, and the melodies themselves should be long enough so that there is no need to interrupt and rewind the tape to the beginning and start all over again.

Of course, everyone should choose music to their own taste. You will need to experiment with this. Music should be an important part of all aerobics classes.

Actually, I’m indifferent to the disco style, but it turned out that practicing with this type of light music is very convenient. Since the melodies are rhythmic, have a uniform tempo and are quite long. Although here diversity is not a hindrance: my set of music contains both rock and roll and country.”

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Aerobics for beginners - exercise technique

It is best to do aerobic exercises one after another, in a row, without pauses. Each exercise must be repeated 5-10 times in order to seriously work out all muscle groups and all joints. The number of repetitions is dictated by how you feel, whether you like this exercise or not, as well as the need for it.

If one person is completely unimportant about exercises that actively work the lower back, then another, who is susceptible to radiculitis of the lumbar spine, needs these exercises in large quantities.

Aerobics for beginners - weight training

“For most of us, our own body weight will be sufficient load during exercise, but when you move from beginner level or become accustomed to a particular exercise, body weight may not be enough. In this case, you can use weights - dumbbells that are held in your hands or attached to your ankles.

The photo shows how you can make dumbbells yourself at home using improvised materials.

It's best to start with two and a half pounds of weights (that's about 1,100 grams). Moreover, with dumbbells you will not be able to repeat already familiar exercises many times. This is fine.

Do as many repetitions as you can handle, then move on to the next exercise. You should not be afraid of the appearance of lumpy muscles. Women are not at risk due to their physiological specificity.”

You can find out how to choose dumbbells for training in our previous publication “How to choose dumbbells for home workouts.”

Jane Fonda - how to do aerobics

“Try to choose a regular training time for yourself. I prefer to study early in the morning. It turns out that I start the day with a great boost of energy. But you may prefer evening to morning. If, let’s say, you have a sedentary job that is exhausting with monotony. Or choose the afternoon hours when the child is sleeping.

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Aerobic exercises in the evening will help you relax, relieve stress after a tiring day at work and will make you eat less at lunchtime. By exercising at noon, you gain strength for the entire next day. (coolmassa.com). Choose a time that is most convenient for you and stick to it.

Habit is half the battle. But don't worry too much if you had to miss your aerobics workout for some good reason. Try to catch up the next day.

How and where to do aerobics

Before starting a workout, I recommend turning off your phone. There should be no draft where you will train. The room where you will do aerobics should be spacious enough. If you spread your arms to the sides, nothing should interfere. You must be very responsible about where you do aerobics.

You will also need a mat, a towel, or just some kind of bedding so that it is not so hard to do the exercises. If the floor in the room is carpeted, still lay down a towel - it will remind you of the “training area” and will protect your nasopharynx and hair from dust and lint.

Aerobics clothing

Dress appropriately for aerobics. Sportswear for aerobics is good from all points of view, but, in my opinion, mainly from a psychological point of view: it allows you to get in the mood for exercise. I prefer tights. If I feel like I’m getting a little fat, I put on two more pairs of special pants, they allow me to warm up my body faster.

We advise you to read: How to choose sports activities for weight loss

I always use wool gaiters: they warm my leg muscles. And besides, in them I remind myself of a ballerina. In general, you should like your clothes and you should move in them absolutely freely.

It will be easier for you to do the exercises if there is a large mirror opposite. Consider yourself very lucky if you have it. But if it’s not there, then it’s okay.

Jane Fonda's advice

When taking up aerobics, beginners may find—to their dismay—that their muscles become sore. There is no reason to worry. It’s just that the muscles have a hard time at first. But there is no need to stop studying because of this. The pain will not last long. Especially if you take a hot shower after class.

Try to pay attention not to how many kilograms you have lost, but to how many centimeters. Muscle mass weighs more than fat, so by working on strength, you may not lose an ounce or even gain a little. But your waist will narrow and your appearance will become more pleasant. Well, in order to lose kilos, you need to cut back on your diet...

I’ve already talked about this, but I’m not afraid to repeat it because it’s important: never eat before class. Success requires effort and time. You can only achieve results if you put a piece of your heart into your practice.

Perhaps in just a few days you will become thinner and feel better, but the deep, body-wide and long-lasting effect of aerobics will only come when you train constantly and intensely.”

Jane Fonda, Jane Fonda aerobics for beginners

Source: //coolmassa.com/dzhejn-fonda-kak-i-gde-zanimatsya-aerobikoj/

Aerobics for beginners for weight loss

Sunny summer days are just around the corner. And, of course, on the beach you want to look your best. Your favorite diet will always come to the rescue. But often the use of a diet program alone in the field of struggle for a slim body becomes insufficient.

After all, muscles and skin also require a lot of attention. And if you have never done any particular sport before, then aerobics for beginners for weight loss is perfect for you.

How to start physical activity correctly, what set of exercises to use?

Aerobics for weight loss for free, where to start

  1. To get a good start, first decide on what day you will start training. If you decide to start on Monday, then let it be the next Monday. Don't delay, summer won't wait.
  2. Choose the most comfortable sportswear for training.
  3. Decide on a location for your activities.
    Remember, there should be no drafts.
  4. Choose your favorite rhythmic music that you will enjoy practicing to.
  5. The duration of the first workout should be no more than ten minutes.
    Gradually increase your practice time by 2-3 minutes per day. This will help avoid high tension in muscle fibers and protect against overload.

Online aerobics for beginners, how not to quit

Unfortunately, 70% of people who start doing fitness quit without achieving results. Everyone has their own reasons:

  • elementary “laziness”;
  • emerging muscle pain (soreness);
  • lack of time, etc.

But if you want your figure to look slim and beautiful, regular sports activities are a must. And following these simple recommendations will make your endeavors easier.

  1. Start your morning with a few glasses of pure mineral water without carbon.
  2. Never start exercising after eating; it is best if at least two hours have passed after finishing the meal.
  3. Eat as many fresh vegetable and fruit salads as possible (at least 60% of your total food for the day). This way you will provide the body with the necessary energy.
  4. Sleep at least eight hours a night.
  5. Don't eat at night. Often, after late-night snacking, you feel tired and lethargic in the morning. This happens because the digestive system was forced to work all night.
  6. Keep an optimistic attitude. Only by being “positive” will you achieve good results.

Jane Fonda - aerobics for beginners

American beauty Jane Fonda made a real fitness revolution at the end of the last century and received the honorary title “Lady of Aerobics.”

The star’s secret is a set of home aerobics exercises for beginners that she personally developed. the complex is still very popular among those who want to tighten their figure.

It consists of eight simple exercises, the effectiveness of which has been proven over time.

Aerobics lesson for beginners from Jane Fonda: reviews and contraindications

Judging by the reviews, the above set of exercises is very simple, but at the same time effective. In just a month you will see yourself on the other side in the mirror.

The skin will noticeably tighten and become elastic, and stretch marks will not be so noticeable. Physical activity benefits anyone.

But you should be careful in choosing this load system without first consulting your doctor if:

  • you suffer from chronic diseases of the heart muscle;
  • you have diabetes or other diseases of the endocrine system;
  • you are susceptible to frequent sudden surges in intracranial pressure.

Aerobics for beginners download

It is worth noting that Fonda's lessons are licensed by the US Department of Health and Human Services. That is why you can download the lesson completely free of charge on many Internet portals in excellent quality. And you can be absolutely confident in the safety of using this technique.

How to make physical activity even more effective: simple tips

  1. Daily physical activity should become a full part of your daily life. Only regular exercise can ensure lasting results.
  2. Try to eat properly (5-6 times a day at the same time of day in small portions).
  3. Eliminate fried, smoked, flour and sweet water from your diet.
  4. Try to stop drinking coffee and tea with sugar. It’s better to replace these drinks with freshly squeezed juice or fresh juice.
  5. When preparing food, give preference to the combination: protein + vegetables or grains + vegetables.
    This will greatly simplify the process of digesting food and improve its absorption.
  6. Believe in yourself and never stop.

Aerobics for beginners at home, video

Source: //vesdoloi.ru/aerobika-dlya-nachinayushhih-dlya-pohudeniya

Fitness from Jane Fonda: exercises

The famous American actress and model Jane Seymour Fonda is better known to Soviet women as the inventor and popularizer of aerobics.

In the early 80s of the last century, she published the author’s illustrated edition “Jane Fonda’s Book of Developments ,” which included exercises that are effective in terms of creating a slim figure, improving the functioning of the cardiovascular system and losing weight.

Jane Fonda tried out the exercises on herself, since all her life she had been involved in sports, dancing and rejected strict diets, and in her own aerobics studio, opened in 1979 in Beverly Hills, and later in 4 other cities in the USA. But Jane Fonda’s real fitness journey around the world began with the release of half-hour videotapes on which the “Aerobics Complex for Beginners” (1981) and “Aerobics Complex for Experienced” (1982) courses were recorded.

Despite the fact that 30 years have passed since Jane Fonda created the exercises, they have not lost their popularity because they are still the most effective, balanced and safe . The site for women You-Pretty.net offers you to get acquainted with the most popular of them.

To start exercising, you won’t need to change your usual rhythm of life, buy sportswear, order tailoring, or buy expensive sports equipment. All you need is a little space and rhythmic music.

Exercise No. 1

Starting position (IP): Lie on your left side, lean on the elbow of your left hand. Straighten your left leg, bend your right leg at the knee and place it in front of your left, your right hand lies on the knee of your right leg as shown in the picture.

Slowly raise your right leg up to its maximum height. After completing the exercise 20 times, change the IP and do the same with the other leg.

Exercise No. 2

IP: Stand straight, feet shoulder-width apart. Raise your left hand up, lower your right hand along your body.

Bend to the right. At the same time, stretch your left hand towards the tilt, and your right hand towards your left thigh. Do five inclines. Repeat the same on the other side.

Bend your torso forward parallel to the floor. Do 5 stretches again. Reach over your head to the right with your left hand, and with your right hand towards your left foot. Switch hands. Repeat the exercise 10 times.

Exercise No. 3

IP: On your knees, lean your outstretched arms on the floor, your back parallel to the floor. Look ahead.

Smoothly lift your left leg to the side without straightening your knee. At the highest point of the lift, the leg should be in the same plane with the back, parallel to the floor. The back should remain straight , and the weight should be evenly distributed between the supporting limbs. The body should not fall on your legs or arms. Perform 20 repetitions for each leg.

Exercise No. 4

IP: Stretch your arms out to the sides parallel to the floor, bend your elbows and touch your shoulders with your fingers. Next, lunge forward with your left leg so that your thigh is parallel to the floor.

Perform 10 body rotations in different directions until failure. After this, do 10 tilts in different directions with maximum amplitude. Jane Fonda's fitness involves perfect posture . Make sure your back always remains straight.

Exercise No. 5

IP: Lie on the floor with your arms extended along your body.

Raise your pelvis and torso as shown in the picture. Your hips and torso should form a straight line at the end of the lift. Try to breathe evenly and deeply. Perform the exercise 20 times, increasing the pace towards the end of the exercise.

Exercise No. 6

IP: Stand up straight, extend your arms to the sides parallel to the floor, bend your hands at the wrists.

Bending your knees alternately, rotate your hands forward, and after 20 rotations the same number of times backward. You can make the exercise more difficult. To do this, spread and retract your shoulder blades. For the most diligent, Fjane Fonda and her fitness guarantee a beautiful, sexy back.

Exercise No. 7

IP: Get on your knees, place your arms straight on the floor, look forward. Pull your knee towards your chest as high as possible.

After this, move your leg back as far as possible. Perform 20 swings with each leg.

Exercise No. 8

IP: Sit on the floor, lean back and lean on your arms, bent at the elbows.

Cross your legs, imitating a scissor motion, while slowly lifting your legs up. At the maximum point, the legs should form a right angle with the body. After this, return your legs to their original position in the same way. Repeat the exercise 15 times.

Aerobics is a synthesis of physical exercise and dance. It is no coincidence that Jane Fonda fitness to home exercises, but turned it into a collective hobby. A group of people that moves like a single mechanism and looks like a single whole is a fascinating sight.

Synchronized movements charge you with excitement, make a person more responsible, do not allow you to relax and ask yourself to skip a workout, and the wholesale sale of sportswear allows the entire team to look fantastic, while significantly reducing the cost of sportswear. If we consider that in this way the problem of free time is solved by itself and many friends and acquaintances appear, the question of why Jane Fonda’s fitness is not afraid of decades disappears by itself.

Author – Zavadskaya Inna

Website for women You-Pretty.net

Source: //You-Pretty.net/2011/06/14/fitnes-ot-dzhejn-fondy-uprazhneniya/

Billy Blanks' tai-bo

Seven-time world champion in karate, owner of 5 black belts, star trainer Billy Blanks in the 90s improved aerobics, added movements from martial arts to its basis - this is how tai-bo came about. This workout was very popular. First of all, the exercises do not require any additional equipment (at most, weights for the legs and arms).

Even without this, it will allow you to lose up to 700 kcal per hour. Since combat exercises are involved, in addition to being slim, it is easy to improve body balance, endurance, and work out muscles. In addition, active swings of the legs and arms with imitation of wrestling are very helpful in throwing out accumulated negative energy.


My aerobics. Jane Fonda. – UnderSport – sports, physical education and health

“I was expecting my first child when I was thirty,” says Jane Fonda. “And with pregnancy came a feeling that I had never experienced before—a sense of responsibility for my body. I also realized that profound changes were taking place in me. My body told me how to behave and what to do. Sleep more. Eat better.

I discovered that I began to drink a lot of milk, which had never happened before. I didn't want to drink coffee anymore. I smoked, but with pregnancy the craving for cigarettes disappeared. Since then, I began to listen to what my body was telling me. I felt alone - just me and my changing body.

I needed a doctor who would advise me how to behave in these decisive months, what to do so that the child was born strong and healthy.”

However, American pediatrics did not come to the aid of the expectant mother. Fonda was unable to receive a single, even remotely useful consultation. Not a single doctor warned her about the dangers of cigarettes, alcohol, or overeating.

She writes: “I shudder when I remember the day I went to my pediatrician in Beverly Hills for advice. My four-month-old daughter Vanessa stubbornly refused the food I prepared for her.

The fact is that I breastfed my daughter for only a month and a half, then preparations began for the film “They Shoot Horses, Don’t They?”, and I had no time for feeding.

The pediatrician raised an eyebrow and told me to give Vanessa a special baby milk - Semilac. This was his only advice. If this were a real doctor, he would probably explain to me that my daughter is simply not ready for such concentrated food. He would tell me that there are other natural products that are more appropriate for her age.”

But Fonda was lucky in the end. Oka found people who are well versed in the problems of natural nutrition.

“We did 'They Shoot Horses, Don't They,'” she says. “It's about a dance marathon in the middle of the Great Depression.

At such competitions, people danced for weeks without a break, and the couple that managed to stay on their feet longer than others received prizes, sometimes money.

To get into our roles, Red Buttons and I decided to actually dance for a few days before filming.

When you dance with someone for many hours on end, you start to notice a lot of things. The whole day has passed. I collapsed from fatigue. A-Red Buttons, who was much older than me, didn't seem to be tired at all. Moreover, he supported me. My eyes were very close to his cheek, and I suddenly realized that his skin was incredibly pink and smooth.

“Why do you have such gorgeous skin and where does your energy come from? - I asked. “What are your secrets?”

Ed told me about a doctor, a nutritionist, who advised him. And this doctor was the first to give me the useful advice that I had been waiting for.

The way my family eats now is completely different from how it was before, when I lurched from gluttony to starvation. Over the past years, I have learned a lot about the importance of eating in balance and in moderation. But I also realized that you shouldn’t expect children to be happy when they eat something completely unpretentious while their friends are enjoying Coca-Cola and sweets.

There were birthdays when our festive table was excessively modest. Now I am more lenient towards my family. On holidays, children enjoy cakes and ice cream. But this is only on holidays. My husband loves meat and potatoes, but we try to reduce the amount of meat in our meals, preferring vegetables and different types of grains.

Many Americans do not yet understand the role of nutrition in living a disease-free life. For most, food is either a pleasure or a panacea. We don’t think about the fact that through proper nutrition we could reduce our dependence on doctors and medications.”

However, the vast majority of Americans have little knowledge of the issues of rational nutrition. Fonda offers readers 7 principles for building balanced diets.

“Since Americans began to be stuffed with all sorts of easily prepared, unnatural dishes, significant changes have occurred in their diet,” says Fonda. “The amount of fat consumed has increased sharply.

In 1976, Americans got 42 percent of their calories from fat. This is 31 percent more than in 1910. Sugar consumption has increased. In 1976, 18 percent of Americans' calories came from sugar.

Twice as much as in 1910.

It’s hard to treat your body worse than the average American treats it.”

Jane Fonda believes that restructuring your diet is not difficult at all. Anyone can change dangerous eating habits, even without much effort.

“Neither our friends nor our friends’ children now pay attention to the fact that there is no sugar, white bread, sweet water or sweets in our house (of course, exceptions are possible, for example, birthdays),” she writes. “We We live in California, and therefore we almost always have fresh fruit. If the kids get tired of vegetables, I make salads and the kids gobble them up on both cheeks.

I go to bed a little hungry. I have a hearty breakfast: two eggs scrambled in sunflower oil, to which I sometimes add herbs and onions. Sometimes I allow myself to eat a toasted piece of coarse bread. If you want, I add sprouted wheat grains. I admit, I like this dish, I feel full and after this I don’t think about food until the evening.

During the day, sometimes you really want to eat something. Basically, this means that your blood sugar level has dropped. Such moments are especially sensitive when you are on a diet. The first desire is to find something sweet to quickly replenish energy. And that's the worst thing you can do.

Personally, to protect myself from low blood sugar levels, I always carry an apple or some other fresh fruit with me.

The natural sugar contained in this fruit will raise my blood sugar levels, which will eliminate the feeling of hunger, and it will relieve me naturally and give me energy.

Concentrated sugar leads to a sharp, even painful drop in blood sugar levels after a very short period of time.

A woman who wants to eat healthy and lose weight at the same time must understand that there is only one way to achieve this goal. You need to reduce the amount of food and increase physical activity. That's all

The best and easiest way to change your relationship with food is to give it the place it deserves. What is she really? Just fuel for your body. Therefore, stop fighting with food, declare a truce and perceive food not as an enemy, but as a life-giving friend. Take it easy on food.

Food should be low-calorie, but natural and varied. And always fresh, unspoiled.

Women should eat foods that are natural to the human body. These women and their children will be taught to listen to the needs of the body; the children will begin to eat only what is good for them.

My husband Tom and I spent a lot of time explaining to Vanessa and son Troy why we ask them to eat more of some foods and less of others. We explained why the red dye in the candy they love so much is dangerous to your health.

They said that substances that are added to “hot dogs” (buns with sausages) to preserve them longer, color and smell, can cause cancer, and in the end the children understood what was good and what was bad for them. They began to monitor their own nutrition.

I remember we once went to the cinema with them. We didn’t have time to have lunch, we were hungry, and I asked the guys if they wanted to buy them “hot dogs.” “Mom,” Vanessa said, “you know those things are bad for us.”

Jane Fonda constantly preaches the need to combine a balanced diet with adequate physical activity.

She writes: “According to Steve Kelly, a three-time Olympian and now manager of the Athletic Training Institute in Manhattan, where both famous athletes and people who simply want to stay in shape train, fat reserves begin to be burned only after you vigorously trained for at least an hour. But if fat is used, then its reserves decrease not in one place, but throughout the body.

It also happens: you can train hard, follow a diet - and not lose weight. It's OK. Each body reacts differently to exercise. A lot depends on your diet, how out of shape you were when you started training, and how hard you train. Some people start losing weight right away and then their weight stays the same for weeks.

The fact that weight loss sometimes has to wait has its own explanation. When you start burning fat as muscle fuel, your body tends to retain water. In addition, muscle weighs more than fat and takes up less space.

You may notice that you are losing weight at first, and the weight loss will come later. The secret to losing weight is patience, regular intense training and the determination to force yourself to do today what you were not capable of yesterday.

As you age, the amount of fat in your body increases as your metabolism slows down. And we tend to become less physically active. If at the same time you continue to eat as plentifully as in your youth, this leads to excess weight. Therefore, for women over thirty, it is especially important to find a balance between what the body receives and what it burns.


Jane Fonda is the daughter of the legendary Henry Fonda, but the girl experienced many shocks at a very young age. After her mother committed suicide, Jane was sent with her younger brother to live with her grandmother in New York, then she studied at a famous girls' college called Vassar, and in Paris she studied painting. After her return to America, Jane Fonda starred as a fashion model for Vogue magazine. In 1958, she meets Lee Strasberg and this meeting completely changes Jane's life. It was in his studio that Jane began studying acting. In the comedy “An Incredible Story,” Jane literally played herself: an ordinary American girl who studies in college. The image of a seductive young girl over time threatened to develop into a stage role, but everything was turned upside down by her role in the film “Horsed Horses Are Shooted.” From that moment on, Jane began to be regarded as one of the most talented actresses of her time. In addition, Jane Fonda takes an active part in public life, opposing the fighting in Vietnam. In the 80s, films starring the actress were no longer so popular; it was during this period of time that she created a set of exercises for women.

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