Bodyflex: breathing exercises for weight loss with Marina Korpan, 5 best video lessons

Nowadays, the problem of excess weight is becoming more and more common among people of different genders, ages and professions. The reasons for this phenomenon are too fast a pace of life, poor nutrition, bad habits, a lot of stress, and lack of physical activity. Many overweight people are looking for different ways to solve the problem of losing weight. They use fasting, grueling workouts, and strict diets that completely ruin your health. The consequences of such weight loss can be the most disastrous. Don’t be discouraged, because there is a solution to the problem of losing excess weight and it is effective and simple. Bodyflex with Marina Korpan effectively helps in the fight against extra pounds. We’ll talk more about this technique and its features in this article.

What is bodyflex?

Bodyflex is a unique training system that helps fight excess weight. The technique consists of aerobic breathing exercises and stretching of all muscle groups.

This type of training was developed by Greer Childers. She is not a professional athlete, fitness trainer or doctor. Greer Childers is an ordinary housewife who has tried a bunch of different weight loss methods. As a result, she developed a number of techniques that effectively get rid of excess weight.

Bodyflex breathing exercises were improved by Marina Korpan, who recorded video lessons on this technique and developed another one - Oxysize. Online boliflex lessons from the author can be found on the Internet. In addition, she has written a number of books that describe in detail all the exercises, lifestyle, useful tips, and recommendations.

First of all, bodyflex will teach you how to breathe correctly. Oxygen plays an important role in the process of burning fat deposits. As soon as you manage to improve your breathing, your metabolism will noticeably speed up, the removal of fluid from the body and getting rid of extra pounds.

Interesting fact! Bodyflex for the abdomen is one of the most effective and popular methods of fat burning.

Interesting Facts

  1. After living in Peru for several years, little Marina thought that she was not Russian. Living in Russia, she did not understand many words, so the girl’s mother got a job at the school where she studied to help her adapt to new conditions.
  2. Now Korpan, with a height of 164 cm, weighs 59 kg.
  3. To do what she loved, she received a higher education, studying at the Russian State University of Physical Culture, Sports, Youth and Tourism (RGUPK), and then completed graduate school.
  4. Marina has written 15 books and several scientific articles on breathing techniques and exercises. Her works have not escaped the attention of supporters of a healthy lifestyle and are in great demand among them.
  5. Korpan's original breathing techniques have been awarded more than once. In 2022, the trainer also received an award for the “Best Author’s Method” - the “Bone Impulse” technique.
  6. Many flight attendants take her manuals with them on flights.
  7. Marina has given interviews many times and been published in various well-known publications, such as: Cosmopolitan, PeopleTalk, Harper's Bazaar, Tatler, Moda topical and others.

How does bodyflex work for weight loss?

Many people do not believe that bodyflex effectively helps to lose weight. After all, as Greer Childers advises, you only need to exercise for 15-20 minutes a day. In addition, the exercises are incredibly simple and do not require special physical training. First of all, bodyflex is good for the waist and abdomen. Naturally, it’s worth asking those who have experienced the technique themselves, and reviews of bodyflex are almost all positive.

Let's look at how bodyflex works for weight loss. As stated above, oxygen is an important participant in the process of burning fat deposits. When performing the techniques, belly breathing is used. The air is retained for 8-10 seconds. Strength exercises combined with this method of breathing give an amazing effect. The arteries dilate and the cells are intensively saturated with oxygen. The main thing in this matter is regularity.

If you perform a set of bodyflex exercises every day for just 15-20 minutes, the result will be noticeable after 2 weeks of training. The most difficult thing is to learn how to breathe correctly with your stomach. Thanks to this breathing, bodyflex for losing belly fat is so effective.

Oxysize training

Oxysize is a technique similar to bodyflex, but more gentle. She will come to the aid of those who want to remove extra centimeters from their waist, get rid of cellulite, constant fatigue and depression. Like bodyflex, the technique is based on diaphragmatic breathing. Most people breathe through their chest, which leads to a lack of oxygen and related diseases. You can change your breathing system even in adulthood, and oxysize will help with this.

  1. Take a position that is comfortable for you, place your left hand on your stomach, your right hand on your chest. Tilt your pelvis slightly and tighten your gluteal muscle. Inhale deeply through your nose. With proper breathing, the stomach should swell noticeably.
  2. Take three more “dow breaths” - short breaths, during which you tighten your stomach. Relax.
  3. The next step is to exhale deeply. Purse your lips and forcefully release all the air from your lungs, remembering to squeeze your muscles.
  4. Take three more strong “exhalations.” Repeat the exercises four times.

Saturating the body with oxygen significantly accelerates fat burning

Exercises can be performed not only standing, but also half-crouching. To do this, you will need a regular chair with a backrest. Stand behind a chair, spread your legs wide and bend your knees. Do the whole complex in this position. Another exercise will help remove fat from the waist area. Stand perpendicular to the table, take one leg back, lean your left hand on the back, lift your right up. Inhale, tilt your pelvis and lean towards the chair. You will feel a stretch in the waist area.

Breathe a little with your diaphragm - and you will notice how the body is filled with oxygen and blood circulation improves. To say goodbye to two or three sizes in a month, devote a quarter of an hour a day to gymnastics, repeating the entire cycle of exercises at least four times. As in bodyflex, breathing exercises can be further complicated by simple gymnastics.

Bodyflex technique

The basis of bodyflex training is proper breathing (diaphragmatic). By the way, this is how babies breathe. You can learn it by doing the following exercise: you need to lie on the floor, on your back.

A book is placed on the stomach. Inhale through the nose, exhale through the mouth. If breathing is done from the stomach, the book will rise and fall with it.

Greer Childers advises doing this in his book. The main stance in the technique is the pose of a volleyball player (feet shoulder-width apart, torso tilted forward).

Breathing technique

The bodyflex breathing technique can be described as follows: first, exhale deeply; then inhale; exhale again and pause; at the end there is a period of relaxation. To begin, you need to perform a series of deep breaths and exhalations. As soon as you start doing this without much effort or problems, you can move on to the exercises themselves.

Here is a complex of breathing exercises by Greer Childers:

  • Exhale through the mouth with effort, sharply;
  • Take a deep breath and draw in your stomach. The technique is performed in the position of a volleyball player;
  • Deep breath. Performed through the nose. Thus, we inflate the stomach.

This exercise opens the lungs.

Bodyflex exercises for beginners

  • The first exercise is called Lev. A person takes a volleyball player's pose and performs a breathing cycle. Then he detains him and begins to perform the movements. The gaze is directed upward, as high as possible. The lips are brought into a circle with a strong movement; the tongue sticks out as far as possible. Bodyflex exercise Leo is aimed at the muscles of the face and neck.
  • "Side stretch." This technique is beneficial for the abdomen and sides, and shapes the waist. It becomes more pronounced, and the sides are tightened.

The exercise begins with an inhalation-exhalation cycle. The breath is held and a bend to the side is performed, one arm stretches above the head along with the torso; and the second hand rests on the knee. Breathing is held for 10 seconds. Starting position - volleyball player's pose.

  • A very good bodyflex exercise for the hips and buttocks:

Starting position: stand on your knees and elbows. We inhale and exhale. Next, we time it for 8-10 seconds, raise our leg back and hold it. At the end, we return the leg to its original position and inhale.

  • Bodyflex exercise for legs. Starting position: sitting on the floor, spread your legs to the sides as far as possible. We inhale and exhale. We stretch forward for 10 seconds. At the end we inhale.
  • Reception for the back “cat”. Kneeling stand. A breathing cycle of inhalation and exhalation is performed. As you exhale, bend your back upward and remain in this position for 8-10 seconds. Then take a deep breath.

All techniques are performed with repetitions 4-5 times.

All these techniques can be included in your daily morning body flex express course. Below we suggest studying a fifteen-minute online video lesson for beginners with the founder of the technique, Greer Childers.

In total, the technique includes 12 exercises. Marina Korpan examined each of them in detail in her video tutorials and reviews.

Greer Childers herself advises:

  • exercise in ventilated, clean rooms, or outdoors - in a forest or park, where there are few people;
  • You should not perform a set of bodyflex exercises after eating. It is best 2-3 hours after eating;
  • clothes must be comfortable;
  • each exercise must be performed 4-5 times;
  • training should be carried out alone, that is, so that no one interferes or observes the process. This will make it easier to relax.

Bodyflex successfully copes with extra pounds. Before starting, measure your waist, hips, and buttocks. During the first week of classes, a decrease in volume by 2-5 centimeters is possible.


Exercises become dangerous without consulting a doctor for the following categories of people:

  • those suffering from heart failure and arterial hypertension;
  • asthmatics, allergy sufferers (especially during exacerbations);
  • pregnant women (regardless of the stage of pregnancy);
  • having problems in the thyroid gland;
  • during colds and respiratory infections accompanied by elevated body temperature;
  • suffering from renal failure and other chronic pathologies.

The list of contraindications is very standard. The trainer encourages you to definitely undergo qualified medical consultation before starting training.

The benefits of bodyflex exercises

Bodyflex breathing exercises have significant benefits for the body.

  • Firstly, the process of digestion and metabolism accelerates;
  • The process of burning excess fat starts;
  • The body, all its tissues, organs and cells are saturated with oxygen;
  • The overall well-being of a person improves;
  • Those who practice this technique feel a charge of vivacity and a surge of vital energy;
  • The immune system is strengthened;
  • The body looks toned and elastic;
  • Muscle mass grows.

This is not a complete list of possible results from bodyflex. It is worth remembering that classes must be regular and stable. In addition, the load should be from simple to complex. It is necessary to start bodyflex classes with breathing exercises. And gradually master the rest of the exercises. If you honestly perform the complex every day for 15-20 minutes, the results will follow after a few weeks.

If you add proper nutrition to bodyflex exercises, the result will please you doubly. After all, the effect will be noticeable even faster. You need to start drinking more water, eating protein, fruits, vegetables, greens and less unhealthy, fatty, fried foods. Aerobics goes well with bodyflex. After a difficult aerobics workout, bodyflex will relax you well and speed up the process of breaking down fat deposits. The effectiveness of bodyflex training has been proven all over the world. They are rightfully considered one of the most popular and effective in losing weight.

Greer Childers is an ordinary housewife who achieved her cherished goal with the help of bodyflex. Anyone can repeat her achievement. After all, nothing is impossible!

For pregnant

This technique is not suitable for pregnant women, because it can provoke an attack of hypoxia and a lack of oxygen for the fetus, and tone the uterus. During breathing exercises, the diaphragm tenses and puts pressure on the uterus, which can result in smooth muscle tone, which is dangerous for the mother and fetus. An alternative to bodyflex for pregnant women would be:

  • yoga for pregnant women
  • oxygen gymnastics oxysize.
  • swimming

In any case, train under the guidance of an experienced trainer.

Bodyflex with Marina Korpan: 4 best video lessons

The best video lessons from the “Lose Weight with Marina Korpan” series can be watched on video for free in the public domain. The express course techniques are suitable for both beginners and experienced practitioners.

We recommend watching a six-minute video with valuable recommendations from a trainer for practicing bodyflex at home. Let's just lose weight with Marina Korpan!

Tags: breathing, Excess weight, training

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Discussion: there is 1 comment

  1. Pauline:
    05/15/2019 at 1:47 pm

    Of course, if there is such an opportunity, then it is better to exercise in the fresh air. Ideally, if there is a pine forest or forest nearby. In a closed room, breathing exercises may cause dizziness.


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