Are vegetables carbohydrates or fiber? Tables of starch content in vegetables

Vegetables are an integral part of the human diet. The indispensability of the product is explained by its excellent taste and nutritional properties, therapeutic and preventive effects on the body. The carbohydrates, amino acids, vitamins, and active elements contained in vegetables are easily digestible, so the product has a high nutritional value.

Analysis of the energy value of a product gives an understanding of how many calories are in vegetables. The low calorie content of most fresh vegetables allows them to be included in the diet of people who lead a healthy lifestyle and watch their figure.

Heat treatment of the product promotes the destruction of dietary fiber, which increases the rate of release of carbohydrate energy. Therefore, the calorie content of stewed vegetables increases.

Meat products

Meat products contain practically no carbohydrate component; they are rich in proteins and fats.

Animal fat, if consumed in excess, can cause increased cholesterol levels and the development of atherosclerosis. However, you should not give up meat products - meat and eggs contain a full range of essential amino acids that the body requires to form muscle mass.

For a healthy diet, choose lean meats and egg whites. Calorie table for meat products:

Meat productsCalorie content per 100 g of raw productCalorie content per 100 g of prepared product
Beef187Stewed: 232 Fried: 384
Pork265Stewed: 350 Fried: 489
Mutton294Stewed: 268 Fried: 320
Chicken breasts113Boiled: 137 Fried: 157
Chicken legs158Boiled: 170 Fried: 210
Duck308Baked: 336
Goose300Baked: 345
Eggs155Fried: 241 Boiled: 160
Egg white52Boiled: 17 Fried: 100
Egg yolk322Boiled: 220
Boiled sausage250
Smoked sausage380


Milk is a source of protein and some fat-soluble vitamins and minerals.

Fermented milk products supply the body with beneficial probiotics that improve intestinal function.

Cottage cheese provides the body with the slow-moving protein casein, and cheese is the record holder among all products for calcium content. Calorie content of dairy products per 100g:

DairyCalorie content per 100 g of product
Skim milk31
Milk 3.2%60
Milk 6%68
Low-fat cottage cheese80
Cottage cheese 2.5%103
Cottage cheese 9%159
Yogurt 1.5%51
Hard cheese370
Hard cheese with reduced fat content260
Processed cheese215
Full fat kefir60
Kefir 1%38
Sour cream 10%115
Sour cream 20%210

Calorie content of oils, table

Rendered fat0,2099,80899
Pork bacon5,51,392,90819
Milk margarine15,60,282,40,9745
Creamy margarine15,70,5862,2815
Vegetable oil0,1099,90901

Fish and seafood

Fish is rich in proteins and fats, however, as opposed to fats from meat, fish oils are beneficial for blood vessels and the heart due to their significant content of omega-3 fatty acids.

Seafood contains almost no fat - it is a high-quality protein product. Calorie content of fish and seafood in the table:

Fish and seafoodCalorie content per 100 g of raw productCalorie content per 100 g of prepared product
Red caviar250
Black caviar235
Shrimps95Boiled: 95
Squid75Boiled: 75
Cancers75Boiled: 75
Carp45Roasted: 145
Chum salmon138Roasted: 225
Salmon142Fried: 155 Smoked: 385
Bream48Boiled: 126 Dried: 221
Pollock70Roasted: 136
Perch95Stewed: 120
Herring57Salty: 217


Almost all vegetables are low in calories, with the exception of starchy vegetables such as potatoes and corn.

Vegetables contain insoluble fiber, which is not absorbed in the digestive tract, but makes it work properly. Give preference to fresh vegetables or process them minimally. Calorie content of vegetables:

VegetablesCalorie content per 100 g of raw productCalorie content per 100 g of prepared product
cucumbers15Salty: 11
Tomatoes20Salty: 32
Onion43Roasted: 251
Zucchini24Stewed: 40
Eggplant28Stewed: 40
Potato80Boiled: 82 Fried: 192 Baked: 90
Cabbage23Stewed: 47 Salted: 28
Broccoli28Boiled: 28
Carrot33Stewed: 46
Mushrooms25Fried: 165 Pickled: 24 Dried: 210
Corn101Boiled: 123 Canned: 119
Green pea75Boiled: 60 Canned: 55
bell pepper19

Table of negative calorie foods

Cucumbers are a negative calorie food
Nowadays, you can hear about negative calorie foods for weight loss on TV or among people. What are these foods and what does negative calorie mean?

These are food products for the processing of which our body spends more energy resources than it receives. This all happens because our digestive tract has to work hard to digest the dietary fiber and fiber from these foods.

Table of foods with negative calorie content:

bell pepper26
Sea kale5

Important: Create a menu for weight loss and include these products in it. They will help you lose excess weight without any effort.

Fruits and berries

Fresh fruits, like vegetables, contain a large amount of fiber. In addition, fruits and berries are rich in beneficial vitamins and antioxidants, which support the proper functioning of all systems in the body and prevent the development of many diseases.

Fruits contain natural sugar - fructose, so if you are watching your carbohydrate intake, the amount of fruit in your diet should be reduced. See the table for the lowest calorie fruits and berries:

FruitsCalorie content per 100 g of raw productCalorie content per 100 g of prepared product
Apples45Jam: 265 Dried: 210
Pear42Jam: 273 Dried: 249
Apricots47Dried apricots: 290
Bananas90Dried: 390
Oranges45Candied fruits: 301
Tangerines41Candied fruits: 300
Lemons30Candied fruits: 300
Grapefruit30Candied fruits: 300
Cherry25Jam: 256
Plum44Jam: 288 Dried: 290
Raspberries45Jam: 273
Strawberry38Jam: 285
Currant43Jam: 284
Gooseberry48Jam: 285
Grape70Raisins: 270
Kiwi59Dried: 285
Mango67Dried: 314
Peaches45Jam: 258
Melon45Candied fruits: 319
Watermelon40Candied fruits: 209
A pineapple44Dried: 268


Water, coffee and tea without milk and without sugar have zero calories.

All other drinks are quite energy-intensive and should be taken into account when calculating daily caloric content. Pay attention to the calorie content of alcoholic drinks. The alcohol contained in them has an estimated energy content of 7 kilocalories per 1 gram. This is less than fats, but almost twice as much as proteins and carbohydrates.

VegetablesCalorie content per 100 g of product
Apple juice without sugar42
Orange juice without sugar36
carrot juice28
Tomato juice21
Fruit compote85
Tea with milk and sugar43
Coffee with milk and sugar58
Coca Cola42
Dry wine68
Sweet wine160

Mushroom calorie table

Calorie content of mushrooms per 100 grams
If you like to pick and eat other mushrooms, then use this calorie content table per 100 grams:

Fresh oyster mushrooms752,50,36,538
Fresh chanterelles721,61,12,319
Dried chanterelles1522,37,523,5259
Fresh boletus822,30,41,58
Fresh honey mushrooms782,11,12,915
Portobello raw742,30,13,523
Fresh morels651,50,34,125
Fresh truffles675,80,45,250
Fresh champignons814,10,90,826
Shiitake fresh794,20,90,925
Dried shiitake2219,2062,5330

Important: Now you can cook even the most delicious dishes that contain mushrooms in your recipe.

Please note: Any dried mushrooms are very high in calories, so use them in your diet in minimal quantities. At the same time, fresh mushrooms should not be eaten in large quantities, despite their low calorie content, since they contain a lot of carbohydrates.

Nuts and seeds

Nuts and seeds are rich in plant proteins, fats and fiber.

This is a very high-calorie product, but you should not completely abandon it, since nuts contain many nutrients.

You can sprinkle the seeds on your salad, and you can take a handful of nuts with you and use them as a healthy snack. How many calories are in available nuts and seeds:

NutsCalorie content per 100 g of raw productCalorie content per 100 g of prepared product
Almond600Roasted: 578
Walnut650Roasted: 654
Hazelnut670Roasted: 657
Pistachios620Salty: 556
Cashew643Roasted: 572
Sunflower seeds580Fried: 578
Pumpkin seeds556Fried: 550
Sesame565Roasted: 582
Peanut470Roasted: 578
Cedar620Roasted: 673

Vegetable side dish “European”

In European countries, especially in Great Britain, the side dish that we will prepare is very popular. All components for it are available at any time of the year. It’s delicious, and it gives us so many “benefits”! Be sure to try cooking it!


  • carrots - six fruits (small size);
  • potatoes - two root vegetables;
  • Brussels sprouts – 150 g;
  • red onion - head;
  • bell pepper – three pieces;
  • garlic cloves – three pieces;
  • beets - one root vegetable;
  • mushrooms - five pieces;
  • salt (preferably sea salt) – one teaspoon. spoon;
  • olive oil – 25 ml;
  • pepper blend;
  • honey - one table. spoon;
  • balsamic vinegar - three tablespoons. spoons.


  1. We will prepare the products we need. It is better to take peppers of different colors, then the dish will play with bright colors.

  2. Clean the peppers, rinse and dry.
  3. Chop medium-sized peppers into strips.

  4. Peel and wash the carrots. We do not cut off the tails completely (as in the photo).

  5. Remove the top leaves from the cabbage (this way it won’t taste bitter). Let's cut the heads of cabbage down to the ground.

  6. Clean and wash the beets. Let's cut it into circles.

  7. Clean, rinse and dry the mushrooms.

  8. Cut the mushrooms into not too small slices.

  9. Let's clean the onion. Let's chop it into half rings. Let's separate them from each other.

  10. Peel the garlic cloves and cut them into slices.

  11. Let's peel the potatoes. Cut it into bars along the root crop. By the way, you can complement the taste of the side dish with parsnips and pumpkin pulp.
  12. Let's prepare salt and a blend of peppers. Sea salt is needed, since under its influence vegetables will not change their color.

  13. Place assorted vegetables and mushrooms on a baking sheet.
  14. Salt and sprinkle with pepper.
  15. Pour the workpiece with olive oil. Let's stir well.
  16. Place a couple or three sprigs of rosemary on top of the assorted vegetables.
  17. Bake the side dish at one hundred and seventy degrees for thirty minutes.

  18. In the meantime, let's make the sauce. For it we need honey and balsamic vinegar.

  19. Combine vinegar and honey in a deep bowl and stir until smooth.

  20. After thirty minutes, pour the prepared sauce over our side dish. Stir well and bring the mixed vegetables to readiness.

  21. Serve our side dish while it is hot.

Cereals and legumes

Cereals supply the complex carbohydrates the body needs for a balanced diet.

Consuming slow-acting carbohydrates prevents a sharp rise in blood glucose and keeps you full for several hours. In addition to carbohydrates, legumes contain a large amount of vegetable protein. Calorie content of cereals and legumes per hundred grams:

CerealsCalorie content per 100 g of dry productCalorie content per 100 g of prepared product
Buckwheat346Porridge on water: 132
White rice330Porridge with water: 97 Porridge with milk: 116
Brown rice330Porridge on water: 97
Lentils310Boiled: 111
Beans328Boiled: 123
Millet351Porridge with water: 100 Porridge with milk: 135
Semolina340Porridge with milk: 98
Pearl barley342Porridge on water: 106
Oats374Porridge with water: 88 Porridge with milk: 102
Cereals365Porridge with water: 76 Porridge with milk: 100

Pastries and sweets

These products have virtually no nutritional value, but they are very energy-intensive.

When losing weight, it is recommended to reduce the amount of flour products and sweets to a minimum or avoid them altogether. Such products do not contain nutrients, have a significant glycemic index, and supply the body with fast carbohydrates and “empty” calories, which are likely to be stored as fat. Calorie content of sweets:

BakeryCalorie content per 100 g of product
White bread265
Rye bread210
Butter pastries300
Chocolate candies569
Milk chocolate550
Bitter chocolate539
Condensed milk320
Ice cream220

Calorie content of mushrooms, table

Mushrooms are a low-calorie food product.
Mushrooms contain many useful substances and microelements. This product is high in protein and some types have little or no carbohydrates.

Important: Nutritionists always include mushrooms in protein diets. But, if a person monitors his weight and wants to consolidate the results obtained when losing weight, he needs to know the calorie content of this food product.

The most popular types of mushrooms that residents of our country like to eat are porcini mushrooms, boletus mushrooms and aspen mushrooms. Many lovers of quiet hunting also collect russula.


Sauces and various dressings are usually added to salads or used with meat. Since many of them are quite high in calories, this fact should be taken into account when calculating your daily calorie intake. Calorie table for sauces:

SaucesCalorie content per 100 g of finished product
Sunflower oil900
Olive oil824
Mayonnaise light260

The best foods for weight loss

The main goal when losing weight is to saturate the body with nutrients without adding unnecessary calories.

Pay attention to products with low fat content; the method of preparing the dish also matters. It is preferable to steam, boil or bake food in the oven.

The best foods for weight loss in the table:

Product categoryRecommendations
Meat productsChoose boiled chicken breasts or cook lean beef or lean pork in the oven. The egg white should be separated from the yolk to reduce the calorie content of the product. Avoid all processed meats.
DairyOpt for low-fat milk, cottage cheese, yogurt and kefir to fill your body with protein without extra calories.
Fish and seafoodSteamed or grilled fish and seafood can be added to the diet without restrictions.
VegetablesReduce your consumption of potatoes and corn. Prefer using fresh vegetables for salads or steaming them.
FruitsEat fruits only fresh. Fresh fruits are low in calories, with the exception of avocado and banana, but contain a lot of fructose, which is a fast carbohydrate. If you want to lose weight, consider this fact.
BeveragesWater, coffee and tea without milk and without sugar in unlimited quantities. Other drinks should be avoided during weight loss.
Nuts and seedsNo more than 10 nuts per day, taking into account their calorie content in the daily diet.
Cereals and legumesCook porridge in water. You should not avoid complex carbohydrates when losing weight - without them, you will quickly break down and break your diet.
Pastries and sweetsAvoid while losing weight and limit after this period.
SaucesTo dress the salad, just sprinkle it with vegetable oil, vinegar or lemon juice.

Video about the health benefits of vegetables

We invite you to watch a short but very informative video about the beneficial properties of vegetables.

We think that you will be interested in learning about the calorie content of white cabbage and what you need to do in order to reduce the calorie content of the finished dish.

  • The calorie content of boiled corn is relatively low, so it is recommended for consumption by all its lovers. But remember that only what is consumed in moderation is beneficial.
  • The calorie content of potatoes is low, but due to the fact that they have a large amount of starch, it is recommended to exclude them from your menu during weight loss diets.
  • The calorie content of bell pepper is low, this product is very useful for the human body, therefore it is recommended for consumption by almost everyone.

Tell us how you feel about vegetables, have you ever tried a vegetable diet, what plants do you like best?

Author of the publication

The Best Foods for Mass Gain

To build muscle mass, you should increase your daily caloric intake. This, however, does not mean that you need to eat all high-calorie foods in a row.

For a healthy diet, focus on complete proteins and complex carbohydrates.

Product categoryRecommendations
Meat productsAlong with boiled breasts, make scrambled eggs, as well as steaks and chops from lean meat.
DairyAny dairy products are allowed, but it is better to focus on whey protein and cottage cheese as a source of casein.
Fish and seafoodBoiled, fried and steamed fish and seafood.
VegetablesLimit your consumption of fresh vegetables, as fiber will prevent the food you eat from being absorbed.
FruitsLimit sugary fruits for fast carbohydrates or use them post-workout.
BeveragesAvoid alcohol - it suppresses protein synthesis in the body and reduces the ability of muscles to recover after exercise.
Nuts and seedsLimit your serving size as nuts are difficult for the body to digest and will cause discomfort in the digestive tract if consumed in large quantities.
Cereals and legumesOatmeal, buckwheat and lentils have a moderate glycemic index and provide the body with many beneficial microelements.
Pastries and sweetsLimit these foods due to fast carbohydrates. Can be used as a cheat meal or immediately after training.
SaucesGive preference to vegetable oil - artificially prepared sauces contain a lot of preservatives and salt.

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Calorie content of alcohol, table

Alcoholic drinks are high-calorie foods.
Alcohol is high-calorie drinks. Therefore, nutritionists advise not to drink alcohol while losing weight.

Important: Of course, you won’t be able to completely limit your alcohol consumption. A person can afford to drink a glass of wine on a holiday or 50 grams of strong drink.

To find out which alcoholic drinks are best to choose for a celebration, the table of calorie content of alcohol will help:

Beer 1.8% alcohol280,204,2
Beer 4.5% alcohol440,503,8
White wine 10%65004,3
Red wine 12%75002,2
Champagne 12%870,204,9
Sweet white wine 13.597005,8
Sherry 20%125002,9
Sake 20%1330,504,9
Madera 18%138009,5
Sherry 20%151009,6
Vermouth 13%1570015,6
Port 20%1660012,8
Schnapps 40%198003,8
Whiskey 40%221000
Gin 40%221000
Rum 40%221000
Brandy 40%224000,5
Tequila 40%2301,30,225
Vodka 40%234000,1
Cognac 40%239001,4
Sambuca 40%2390039
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