Does casein protein work for weight loss: composition, rules of administration and reviews + rating of the best

Greetings, lovers of sports and an active lifestyle. Today I will talk about casein protein, which is used to burn fat. This supplement is classified as a slow protein, as it is absorbed gradually. Casein protein is ideal for weight loss. It reduces appetite, saturates the body with amino acids, and protects muscles from destruction.

I will tell you how to use the supplement correctly so that it brings only benefits and how to choose a quality product.

What is casein

Casein is a multicomponent protein found in milk. It is extracted from whey during enzymatic curdling. The spherical lumps that appear during souring are casein.

In addition to casein protein, the sports supplement contains gluten (a protein of plant origin), which is transformed into amino acids in the body. Its advantage is that it does not contain lactose and hormones. Sports nutrition is used to nourish muscles and accelerate fat burning.

Once in the stomach, the powder is digested for a long time, gradually releasing the necessary amino acids. Casein reduces appetite and protects muscles from destruction. For this reason, the additive is used during the drying period.

Micellar casein - what is it and what are its features?

Micellar casein protein is a form of casein protein obtained from milk by microfiltration; after entering the stomach, casein is formed into micelles, so-called molecular clots, which attract each other and are absorbed much longer.

This type of casein is produced at low temperatures, preserving the original protein structure. If regular casein is digested within 6 hours, the micellar form can be digested within 12 hours, constantly providing the body with amino acids.

Some manufacturers try to eliminate lactose from the composition as much as possible, making casein available to athletes who are losing weight and lactose intolerant. The main task of such a “slow” protein is to protect the body as much as possible from catabolism by slowly breaking down the protein.

What products contain

Casein is included in the following products:

  • Milk (cow, goat) – up to 80% protein.
  • Cheeses (hard, soft, in brine) – from 25 to 30%.
  • Cottage cheese - from 18 to 22%.
  • Sour cream, kefir – 15%.
  • Natural yogurt – 9%.
  • Dessert made from curd mass – 9%.
  • Yogurt with additives – up to 6%.

However, the protein concentration in these products is much lower than in sports nutrition. Therefore, use them together with the supplement, and not instead of it.

What are the benefits of casein?

If we consider the quality of protein absorption, it is important to pay attention to the rate of its breakdown. So, before training and 40 minutes after it, it is important to provide the muscles with building material to prevent their destruction. The rest of the time, the body requires a steady release of nutrients to maintain metabolism and anabolic processes.

The rest of the time, the body requires a steady release of nutrients to maintain metabolism and anabolic processes.

Benefits of casein protein for humans

Casein exhibits increased sensitivity to the natural pH level of the gastrointestinal tract, so it takes longer to break down and absorb. Slow speed provides the desired prolonged effect, especially since casein is absorbed almost 100%.

According to scientific data, casein stimulates the body's own protein production by 30%, and also maintains a positive nitrogen balance, which is difficult to achieve naturally with a regular diet.

Benefits and harm to the body

If you play sports, then you need protein (especially if you have a poor diet and lack of proteins).

Casein benefits:

  • A high concentration of amino acids that are needed to build body cells and preserve muscles.
  • Rapid recovery and muscle mass gain.
  • Decreased appetite, accelerated calorie burning, provided you follow a diet and reduce the amount of carbohydrates and fats in the diet.
  • Gradual saturation of the body with useful substances, since casein proteins are absorbed more slowly.
  • Casein is suitable for athletes who are allergic to egg and whey proteins.
  • A large amount of calcium, which strengthens bone tissue.

In addition, casein-based supplements are relatively inexpensive.

This supplement is dangerous only if consumed in excess, then the functioning of the liver and kidneys is disrupted. In rare cases, an allergy to the components of the supplement may occur.

Beneficial features

Taking this product brings a person much more benefits than eating plant proteins. It activates the growth of muscle tissue both during and after training in the gym.

The benefits of the dietary supplement are as follows:

  • during weight loss, when the intake of nutrients into the body is significantly reduced, casein stimulates the synthesis of its own protein in the body;
  • ensures a complete supply of protein, which cannot be achieved by eating regular foods;
  • after consuming casein protein, hunger is not felt for 8 hours;
  • The amino acids contained in the supplement stimulate the burning of fat deposits, which leads to weight loss;
  • The product contains calcium, which strengthens bones, which reduces the likelihood of injury during exercise.

The high amount of protein makes this supplement beneficial for men gaining weight. Its use makes muscles grow, increases strength and endurance.

Athletes during “cutting” consume this type of protein in order to reduce the percentage of fat mass and not lose muscle tissue. This product is well digested and takes a long time to digest, so it can be used as a dietary food and become an alternative source of protein if a person is allergic to other varieties.


Sports nutrition based on casein protein should not be taken unless you are allergic to its components. Athletes who suffer from diseases of the pancreas, liver or kidneys need to follow the dosage. In such cases, the likelihood of adverse reactions increases, then it is better to abandon casein or reduce the dose.

Possible side effects

When taking casein protein, athletes may experience the following negative reactions:

  • Redness, rash, itching on the skin.
  • Nausea, abdominal pain, flatulence, diarrhea and other stomach disorders.

Similar symptoms occur with casein allergy or overdose.

To understand how your body reacts to casein protein, perform a sensitivity test. To do this, take 10 g of powder, and then monitor your health throughout the day.

Casein supplements

Casein's ability to gel and coagulate makes it a unique component in a variety of protein supplements. During the digestion of food in the stomach, casein coagulates. The rate of digestion is reduced, allowing protein amino acids to be used more slowly and efficiently. (Amino acids are the building blocks of proteins.)

Essentially this means that your muscles are fueled for a longer period of time.

Slow digestion of food is beneficial because it reduces the rate of protein breakdown and amino acid oxidation. (Burning amino acids provides energy). Casein can even provide a feeling of fullness, meaning you feel like your stomach is full without having to actually fill it.

Casein and whey

Casein is slow to digest, but it is a double-edged sword, especially compared to whey. Pros: Casein's ability to slow metabolism increases the time it takes for amino acids to be released into muscle tissue and provides more stable nitrogen levels. (Good nitrogen balance is important for muscle building).

However, the slow release of amino acids from casein reduces the maximum anabolic process in the body. This means that casein may not activate muscle protein synthesis as quickly as whey does. If we compare a gram of casein to a gram of whey, we see that casein is less anabolic because it is digested more slowly.

In addition, casein protein contains less leucine (8%) than whey protein (11%). Leucine is an amino acid that is responsible for maximizing the anabolic response during protein intake. Leucine signals the body to synthesize protein and build muscle.

In my PhD thesis, I showed that the anabolic response to food is closely related to the leucine content of the food. Casein contains less leucine than whey, so it does not enhance protein synthesis as much.

Casein and whey:

As stated earlier, casein does not provide the same high anabolic effect as whey protein, but it does provide a more consistent supply of amino acids. To enhance this effect and get both benefits, it is worth combining casein with a fast-digesting protein like whey. Thanks to this, you will benefit from high levels of leucine, as well as a constant supply of amino acids.

Making a protein shake will allow you to gain the benefits of casein while avoiding its disadvantages. As an alternative, you can combine casein with fast-absorbing forms of BCAA or leucine to achieve a similar effect.

A protein shake will allow you to get the valuable substances of casein and at the same time improve it and compensate for some of the shortcomings.

Which is better: whey protein or casein protein?

Whey protein quickly saturates the body with proteins, and casein protein evenly saturates it with amino acids. The first accelerates the gain of muscle mass, but is not able to maintain it, and the second protects muscles from destruction, but has almost no effect on their growth.

Therefore, I advise combining both types of proteins to simultaneously reduce fat and build muscle. Casein is suitable for a woman who wants to lose weight. To gain muscle mass, it is preferable for a man to take whey isolate.

Features of taking casein

The optimal time to take casein is once, just before bedtime. The casein protein clot will remain in the stomach all night, gradually releasing amino acids to the body.

If there is a long break in eating during the day (for organizational reasons, due to the specifics of work, etc.), you can take a portion of casein in the morning. This will not give a noticeable increase in muscle mass, but it will help maintain what was previously gained. At other times of the day, taking pure casein is not advisable; for this, there are other types of proteins (“fast”, milk, multi-component).

Daily requirement for casein intake

A single serving of casein (this protein as such, and not a complex protein that includes casein) can be 20-30 g (in some cases up to 40 g). In such quantities, more than two doses of casein per day should not be taken (to avoid slowing down the absorption of other products), and most often, one dose is enough. Advice to take up to four or more servings of casein per day when losing weight should be taken with caution - the benefits are questionable and the risk of side effects increases.

Taking casein protein alone is not advisable. It is better to carry it out in parallel with the use of whey (or other “fast”) protein. The total amount of daily protein intake can range from 2 g to 3.5 g per 1 kg of athlete’s weight. It is clear that when calculating, you need to take into account not only protein from sports nutrition, but also protein from regular food (meat, fish, dairy products, legumes). The exact amount of protein may vary depending on the athlete's goals, training intensity, gender (girls need less), etc.

Taking casein on training days and on rest days

  1. Taking casein for muscle growth. During periods of muscle gain, casein protein is best taken once, before bedtime. During the day you need to take other types of proteins that are quickly absorbed. On training days and rest days there is no difference in casein intake.
  2. Taking casein to burn fat. Casein, due to its very slow absorption, has the ability to dull the feeling of hunger: this quality, along with the ability of a protein diet to activate fat burning, is used for weight loss. To get rid of excess weight, casein intake can be increased to 2-3 times a day, while a single serving for three times a day should not exceed 20 g. It must be remembered that casein is difficult to digest, and large portions will create a stressful load on the gastrointestinal tract and pancreas. The regimen for taking casein during weight loss on training and rest days is also no different.

Compatibility of casein with other sports nutrition

Casein protein goes well with various types of sports nutrition: fast-digesting proteins, gainers, BCAA, amino acid complexes, creatine, vitamins, Omega-3, etc.

The only thing you need to refrain from combining the intake of casein with soy protein, which is also sometimes considered “slow”. Combining a slow-digesting protein with another slow-digesting protein, and even one with not the best amino acid composition, is not advisable. There may be no noticeable harm, but, alas, there is no benefit for muscle development either.

Which is better for muscle growth: casein or whey protein?

A priori, whey protein isolate is the most effective for gaining muscle mass (taking into account also the price-quality ratio). Casein protein is seriously inferior to whey protein in this regard and cannot be a significant alternative. But casein can complement a diet using whey protein, making it more effective.

Whey protein will promote muscle gain, and casein will neutralize the effects of cortisol and protect muscles from catabolism (primarily at night). If whey protein and casein are used in their pure form, they should be taken at different times, since casein protein slows down the absorption of other types of protein.

Is it better to take casein or complex protein?

Casein in its pure form and complex protein, including casein protein in its composition, will differ primarily in the rate of absorption.

If an athlete’s finances allow it and he can purchase both types of protein, a good option would be to combine them. During the day, between meals, consume complex protein (1-2 times to maintain a safe measure), and before going to bed - casein in its pure form. You can supplement all this with whey isolate, which you should drink after waking up in the morning and after training, when you need to quickly supply the body with amino acids.

Types of casein

Types of casein protein, which differ in the way they are produced:

  • Calcium and sodium caseinate. To obtain milk proteins, acids are used that act on milk. This is an affordable option, but such additives do not dissolve well in liquids. The cocktail has an unpleasant taste, a specific aroma, and sometimes causes discomfort in the stomach.
  • Micellar. This type of protein is obtained by ultrafiltration of milk; it is produced without heating, so the structure of the protein does not change. The final product does not contain fats, carbohydrates, and tastes good. However, its cost is high.

Each type of casein has its pros and cons. However, the decision to choose a product is up to you.


This type of protein is considered safe and effective. To make sure of this, I will list its features:

  • Absorbed within 12 hours, which is useful for weight loss.
  • Maintains amino acid levels in the body, protecting muscles from breakdown.
  • It dissolves well in liquid.
  • Pleasant to the taste.

In addition, micellar protein relieves hunger for a long time and is easy to use.

Which type is better

As you already understand, when losing weight, it is better to take micellar protein. This product accelerates fat burning, suppresses appetite, and saturates the body with beneficial substances for 12 hours that protect muscles from destruction. It is more convenient to use than calcium and sodium caseinate. Additionally, the latter supplements contain lactose as they are not as deeply purified as micellar casein. This product is ideal for girls and women who want to lose weight.

There are two main forms of casein protein

Micellar casein

This is the most popular form of casein and is slow to digest, but micellar is slow and provides you with all the nutrients and amino acids you need over the next 7-8 hours. Casein's reduced rate of digestion ensures a steady supply of amino acids to damaged muscle tissue long after exercise, promoting better recovery. Slow digestion also promotes satiety, helping you feel fuller longer and reducing cravings for unhealthy foods.

Casein hydrolyzate

This is milk protein - casein, partially broken down using enzymes, hydrochloric and sulfuric acids. During the hydrolysis of casein, the peptide bonds of the protein molecule are broken, which increases the rate of absorption of amino acids by the body. This speeds up the absorption process. But to some extent this is not an advantage, since the advantage of casein is its slow absorption.

Tips for choosing

There are many factors to consider when choosing casein protein for fat loss. The product must be safe, easy to use, long absorbed and saturate the muscles with amino acids. In addition, pay attention to the sports nutrition manufacturer.

What to pay attention to

The range of casein-based sports nutrition is large, so it’s easy to get confused and choose the wrong product. To prevent this from happening, pay attention to the following parameters:

  • Cleaning method. Give preference to micellar protein, it retains its natural structure.
  • Degree of purification. Choose a product with a minimum content of fat (up to 4 g) and carbohydrates (up to 1.5 g).
  • Ease of use. Buy micellar casein, which dissolves quickly in water.
  • Speed ​​of absorption. Give preference to a product that is digested more slowly.
  • Manufacturer. Before purchasing a supplement, study the ratings of trusted manufacturers who guarantee the quality of the product.

By following these rules, you will not make a mistake in your choice.

Casein Absorption Rate

You have all heard about fast and slow carbohydrates, which differ in the speed of absorption by the body. Proteins also have their own division: there are fast proteins (digestibility from a few minutes to a couple of hours) and slow proteins (digestibility 5-12 hours). So, casein is a slowly digestible protein that is digested by the body for quite a long time. Is this good or bad? This question cannot be answered unambiguously, as in the case of carbohydrates (our body needs both simple and complex carbohydrates), you need to consume one or another type of protein in the right quantities and at the right time.

How to take it correctly

Beginners do not know how to drink casein protein. If you purchased the supplement for the first time, then first of all carefully read the instructions. After all, the dosage often differs from different manufacturers. In addition, the time of use and dose of the powder depend on the goals (weight loss, weight gain).

The supplement is taken only during a diet. After all, if you take a cocktail and at the same time absorb simple carbohydrates and fats, then it will be of no use. Then the fat layer will only increase.

Dissolve the powder in water, milk or juice. I believe that a water cocktail is better because milk or juice based drinks have more calories. To prepare, use a shaker or mixer. Next, a video will be presented that shows how to properly prepare protein shakes.

Follow the rules for taking casein protein to get the most benefits from it.

Dosage and time of administration

Casein protein helps satisfy hunger, so it is best to consume it during the day and evening during hours when you crave unhealthy high-calorie foods.

During the day, drink a cocktail, for example, 1 – 2 hours after training or before exercise. This drink will completely replace one meal. And at night, take the supplement 1.5 – 2 hours before bedtime. This interval is necessary, since 1 serving of the cocktail contains 100 - 120 kcal, which will negatively affect fat burning. A single serving of protein is 15–20 g per 220 ml of liquid. Take up to 40 g of powder per day.

Follow the dosage to avoid adverse reactions.

Duration of admission

Take casein at home for 1 – 2 months, then take a break. However, long-term use is possible if the athlete feels well. If adverse reactions occur (allergies, digestive disorders), discard casein protein and consult a trainer.

How does casein work?

Casein protein is a slow-digesting protein that provides protein to the body for 7-8 hours.

After challenging workouts, especially weight training, our body repairs small tears that have formed in the muscle fibers. Casein supplements provide an additional source of protein that provides the body with the full complement of amino acids needed for exercise recovery, muscle growth, and strength gains. Adequate protein intake and proper sleep patterns are critical in these processes.

Rating of the best casein proteins

To ensure you purchase a quality product, check out the top casein protein supplements:

  • Gold Standard 100% Casein from Optimum Nutrition. One serving contains 24 g of pure protein.
  • Elite Casein by Dymatise. Casein content – ​​24 g per 1 dose.
  • Casein from MusclePharm. One cocktail contains 28 g of protein.
  • Casein Pro from Universal Nutrition. One scoop contains 24 g of casein.
  • Micellar Casein from California Gold Nutrition. Each serving contains 30 g of protein.

The price of these supplements is not low, but the quality is good.

Cons of the supplement

  • Not suitable for post-workout use. Long digestion of this form of casein is not suitable for closing the protein-carbohydrate window, since at this moment fast proteins are needed, for example, whey hydrolysate, isolate or concentrate.
  • Not suitable for use in the morning for quick loading after depletion of glycogen stores during sleep.
  • The supplement cannot immediately prevent catabolism due to long-term breakdown.


Many athletes have experienced the effectiveness of casein-based supplements. Most of them speak positively about their effect in losing weight. Negative reactions occurred only when purchasing a low-quality product.


Anna, 25 years old:

“I cut regularly and buy casein from Optimum Nutrition and Dymatize. I’m pleased with both products, I can’t make a final decision, so I use them one at a time. In a month I managed to get rid of 10 kg of excess weight. The taste of the supplements is pleasant, there were no adverse reactions.”

Maxim, 39 years old:

“I periodically take Casein Pro from Universal Nutrition. This is the best casein that tastes good, accelerates fat burning and helps maintain muscle. I tried the additive with vanilla and chocolate flavors, they are not cloying, just moderately sweet.”

Natalia, 32 years old:

“I took casein from Optimum Nutrition. I drank cocktails at night, diluting them with water and sometimes skim milk. At the same time, I regularly exercised (cardio) and gave up fast carbohydrates and fats. In a month I managed to lose 8 kg. The product reduces appetite and tastes good.”

Which casein is better

Many people are interested in the question, which brand of casein protein is better and why? It is impossible to answer this question unequivocally, since many manufacturers offer good caseins.

The rating will help you choose the best casein protein. We compiled it based on the recommendations of professional bodybuilders who have tried different types of protein products from various companies.

Platinum Tri-Celle Casein

This supplement is offered by the famous sports nutrition manufacturer Optimum Nutrition. It can rightfully be considered one of the best casein proteins in the ranking for 2016, since it contains quite a lot of protein: in a 41 g serving the amount of protein is 30 g.

When this casein protein enters the stomach, under the influence of hydrochloric acid, it begins to form special conglomerates. Moreover, each molecule is large in size, providing a long-term effect of protein on the body.

This casein protein is better than other similar products due to the content of L-theanine, which has restorative functions. In addition, Optimum Nutrition's casein contains half the daily value of calcium in each serving.

Gold Standard 100% Casein

One of the best caseins in the rating, which is also produced by Optimum Nutrition. Characteristic features include the highest quality, as well as the content of calcium caseinate and glutamine. The product is very affordable, and a 33-gram serving contains 24 g of protein.

Dymatize Elite Casein

One of the best casein producers is Dymatize. Elite Casein from this company has been one of the best-selling sports nutrition products on the sports nutrition market for several years. The supplement has an excellent composition, reasonable price and good protein content.

This good casein protein is less well known from the above-mentioned caseins, but in other respects it is in no way inferior to them. There are 24 g of quality protein per 32 g serving.

Weider 100% Casein

Protein containing calcium caseinate. Its distinctive features are high efficiency and good absorption in the body. Good casein is not very popular among bodybuilders, but this does not make it a low-quality product. A 25g serving contains almost 20g of protein.

Syntrax Micellar Creme

Rounding out our rating of casein proteins is micellar protein with a good taste, which is regularly used by many professional athletes and amateur bodybuilders. Despite its high quality, casein has an affordable price, but it is sold only in one packaging option. A 30-gram serving of powder contains 20 g of protein.

Which of the best casein manufacturers to choose is up to you to decide, but all of the casein proteins listed above are good and effective – you can rest assured of that.

Domestic protein

Separately from the rating, I would like to mention casein protein from the domestic manufacturer Pure Protein. It is slowly absorbed and provides the body with essential amino acids that cannot be synthesized naturally.

Casein contains BCAA and glutamine, which create a powerful anti-catabolic effect and accelerate regenerative processes.

The product also has a low content of fat, lactose and carbohydrates, which is important

This protein has very different flavors, including cherry, chocolate, strawberry, banana, orange, mochaccino and some others. Bodybuilders who have tried this Russian-made casein leave different reviews. Some people don’t like the taste, and some complain about stomach upsets after taking the protein, but the majority of reviews are positive. This casein from Pure Protein is inexpensive compared to imported analogues, so you should try it yourself.

What scientists and doctors say

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There have been many studies done on the effects of casein on humans. According to their results, sports supplements do not harm health, provided that you purchase a quality product and follow the rules for taking it. Doctors do not recommend taking casein for people with kidney disease, liver disease, or intolerance to the components of the supplement.

Casein protein is a very useful product for weight loss. To speed up fat burning, take supplements and include foods rich in this substance in your diet. However, remember that results will only come if you combine casein intake with diet and fat-burning workouts. Buy a quality product, follow the dosage, then you will get the maximum benefit from it. This concludes my story about casein protein. Subscribe to the article and share information on social networks. See you again!

Harm of industrial (sports) casein

1 Harm of casein obtained using chemical acids

Unlike casein from whole milk, cottage cheese, and milk protein concentrate, all industrial or sports caseins are obtained from ultra-pasteurized milk through severe temperature and acid treatment.

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In sports casein, the amino acid profile changes: it contains less of the essential amino acid methionine and the conditionally essential amino acid cysteine . These two sulfur-containing amino acids play a key role in the immune system.

In the production of casein, either chemical acids (hydrochloric or sulfuric) or natural acids (lactic acid) are used.

Exposure to acid disrupts the stability of micelles in milk and leads to protein coagulation. This protein is insoluble in water. To improve solubility, it is treated with alkali, which increases the pH. But the result is caseinate.

Most often, in the production of sports casein, it is chemical acids , sulfuric and hydrochloric, that are used, simply because they are the cheapest .

Even in New Zealand, where the chemical industry is very weak, casein producers extract it from milk using sulfuric acid, a chemical produced in large quantities in the production of fertilizers.

Casein, produced using chemical acids, is one of the most harmful and dirty of all commercial proteins .

Casein manufacturers will never tell you that these chemicals are present in the final product , which explains the characteristic unpleasant sour aftertaste of many sports caseins.

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Sulfuric acid is a highly toxic substance found in modern acid rain, a legacy of the Industrial Revolution.

When it comes into contact with the skin, it causes severe burns and also causes erosion of tooth enamel, chronic damage to the respiratory tract, vitamin B12 deficiency and damage to nerve cells.

Hydrochloric acid is no less harmful. It is used in household cleaning products, as well as in the production of plastic. If ingested, they cause tissue erosion, damage to the respiratory system, eyes, skin and intestines.

These are some facts that sports casein manufacturers don't want you to know. But that's not all.

After acid treatment, the intermediate “curd” mass of casein is heated . This causes the protein molecules to break down into smaller pieces that come together to form curds.

They are then dewatered using high-speed centrifugation.

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Casein arrives at the final stage quite “worn” by acids, temperature and centrifugation. This literally destroys the integrity of protein molecules and micelles in which the beneficial properties of casein are hidden.

Finally, hot air drying is carried out, followed by crushing, mixing and packaging.

The output is protein waste containing toxic chemicals—ideal for toilet cleaning and fertilizer production.

The harm of sports casein is mainly explained by the use of toxic chemical acids in its production, which are not completely removed from the final product, and a decrease in the biological value of the protein itself

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2 Harm of casein obtained with lactic acid

The process of making casein with lactic acid uses bacteria to produce lactic acid from lactose.

This is a completely natural process. This “sour milk” has health benefits due to the formation of probiotics that are beneficial for digestion.

However, fermentation also has a significant drawback: during the souring process, fragile peptides (chains of several amino acids), individual amino acids are damaged and monosodium glutamate is formed.

Neither MSG nor the slightly altered amino acid profile poses a health risk . The quality of the protein simply decreases.

The bad thing is that, at the end, such casein goes through the same stages of temperature heating, washing, high-temperature final drying, and grinding as chemical casein.

As a result, the output is casein with damaged protein molecules, destroyed micelles and deprived of the beneficial properties of natural casein for the immune system, enriched with monosodium glutamate.

Casein obtained with lactic acid is not harmful to health, but its amino acid profile is disrupted and the biological value of the protein is reduced

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3 Harm of caseinate: caseinate is a water-soluble version of acidic casein

As noted above, casein, made using chemical acids, is very poorly soluble in water.

In order to make it into a product suitable for commercial use, it is washed in alkali, which improves solubility . The output is caseinate.

The most common caseinates are calcium caseinate and sodium caseinate.

What is the harm of caseinate:

  • alkalis act as anti-nutrients , interfering with the absorption of nutrients.

In German chocolate, for example, caseinate in its composition damages some antioxidants.

  • The manufacturing technology of caseinate requires heating to a very high temperature - 950C.

This is the cheapest way to reduce caseinate viscosity and improve solubility. As a result, we again get coagulated protein enriched with monosodium glutamate

  • The pH drops to 4.6, which causes casein coagulation and disrupts the acid-base balance in the body.
  • According to scientific research, casein that is exposed to high temperatures increases the risk of colon cancer .

The protein in caseinate is denatured (non-functional), cannot be digested and absorbed completely: its undigested remains enter the large intestine, where, under the influence of microflora, they are converted into very carcinogenic phenol-containing compounds, which cause the development of cancer and polyps.

What foods contain caseinate?
bakery products; cream for coffee machines; yoghurts; ice cream and other frozen desserts; baby formula; pasta; semi-finished meat products; instant soups; sports proteins; protein bars; sports protein drinks.

The harm of caseinate is explained by the presence of alkali in its composition and heating to a very high temperature during the production process; its consumption negatively affects pH and causes colon cancer

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4 Harm of casein hydrolyzate: quickly digestible, but with low nutritional value

Casein hydrolyzate is pre-digested casein using enzymes. The protein molecules in it are divided into parts, which speeds up digestion. The rate of absorption of casein hydrolyzate is comparable to the rate of absorption of whey protein.

In terms of health benefits and harms, it has the same problems as other industrial caseins.

Recent research shows that casein hydrolyzate is similar to whey protein only in the rate of digestion.

When it comes to building muscle mass, whey protein is superior to all types of sports caseins , including hydrolyzate, which has very low quality protein.

Hydrolyzed casein shares the same problems as other industrial caseins; it has a high digestion rate, but the protein in its composition is non-functional

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5 Micellar casein is the best casein with low efficiency and stability

The process for producing micellar casein is very similar to the process for producing milk protein concentrate: cold filtration of micelles using microfilters is used.

Micellar casein retains the health benefits of natural casein in dairy products.

However, it has very poor solubility in water , and therefore low efficiency.

Solubility can be increased by subjecting casein to high-temperature treatment, adding salt, sodium caseinate or polydextrose - in all cases, the integrity of micelles and protein molecules is disrupted and beneficial properties are lost.

Another problem with micellar casein is that it is unstable : its properties deteriorate over time. Structural analysis shows that during long-term storage the micelles interact with each other and are destroyed.

Micellar casein is the best among all industrial ones, but nevertheless not as healthy as casein from natural dairy products

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Micellar casein - side effects

There are many myths about casein. Much of the information is fairly accurate, but exaggerated. The vast majority of side effects that we read and hear about are not caused by casein, but by our body. We must not forget that this is a milk protein, and more and more people are allergic to it. It is not surprising that if the ingredient is intolerant, widely understood problems with the digestive system and possible allergic reactions appear. Before you decide to consume casein in any form, make sure that there are no contraindications for it.

Micellar casein may cause unpleasant flatulence and a feeling of fullness due to its long absorption time. The gel-like consistency and digestion time affect its retention in the stomach. This can be dealt with by adding more water.

Casein protein, like any other protein, supports the body and does not impair health (if used as recommended). Finally, casein is not an artificial product that is forcibly extracted from milk. It is also found in all dairy products in a less concentrated form.

Buy casein

The market price for casein protein is approximately equal to the price for whey protein, since the production technology and raw materials used are the same. When choosing products from well-known brands, you are obviously overpaying for packaging, branding, advertising and marketing investments. It’s not a bad idea to save money and buy high-quality supplements by choosing pure ingredients, that is, directly those basic products that are the basis for sports nutrition. The difference in price can reach several times, but the quality of the raw materials will always be better and more stable. The only downside is the lack of flavoring additives.

Reviews from doctors

Rudi Mauer, dietician, nutritionist:

Amy Satrazemis, Certified Sports Nutrition Specialist, Dietitian:

Some diets, including RP, recommend consuming casein protein just before bed because it digests slowly and provides a constant supply of amino acids while you sleep. When you go to sleep, your body releases human growth hormone, which is important for building muscle mass, but this process requires available protein for synthesis. Taking casein at night before bed is thought to support this mechanism throughout the night and lead to an increase in overall muscle growth.

ALLMAX Nutrition, CaseinFX, 100% Casein Micellar Protein, Chocolate, 2 lb (907 g)

3430 ₽

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Casein composition

By its nature, casein is a phosphorylated and glycosylated complex synthesized by the mammary glands []. Casein contains three different polypeptide chains (αs1, αs2, and ß) connected by non-covalent bonds.

Casein fractions are organized into micellar aggregates containing divalent cations (calcium and magnesium)[] with a diameter of 20–300 nm. The formula of casein is shown in the figure:

The amount of casein in whole milk depends on the breed of the animal and the stage of lactation, averaging 24-29 g/l. Casein contains 0.7–0.9% phosphorus bound to the protein via a serine ester[]. Hence, casein protein is known as phosphoprotein[].

Dymatize Nutrition, Elite Casein, Rich Chocolate, 907 g

2770 ₽

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All essential amino acids are found in casein in large quantities, with the exception of cysteine. This explains the high nutritional value of protein. Its micelles consist of molecules of casein, calcium, inorganic phosphate and citrate ions.

More information about micellar casein

In addition to the chemical elements discussed, it is worth knowing how micellar casein behaves. When dissolved, it forms not a homogeneous liquid solution, but a pudding slurry. So we can use it, for example, to spread something or eat it with a spoon. Micellar casein is said to have a good taste, so eating it shouldn't be a problem unless the consistency doesn't bother you. Once in contact with stomach acid, it coagulates to form a thick gel that can remain in the stomach for up to 8 hours and provide a feeling of fullness.

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