13 books about sports that you should take with you on vacation. Recommended by Sports.ru staff

Andre Agassi: “Frankly”

Who advises: Pavel Kopachev, producer of non-football verticals

What's cool about the book: It's a real adventure. There are no prefaces, long digressions or cutesy phrases: Andre presses the gas and rushes to the finish line at fifth speed. He writes as he played - from the heart, diversely, powerfully, talentedly: • about the despot father who invented the “dragon” tennis gun and infuriated him with his nagging; • about illegal pills, rivers of whiskey and tequila, which were stopped only by the iron will of Steffi Graf; • about denim shorts as a challenge of the era; • about playing giveaway with Chang and disliking Sampras; • about novels/sex with actresses; • and, of course, about his bald head, which he hid under a bandana.

Sergey Belov: “Moving up”

Who advises: Kirill Sviridov, basketball author

What's cool about the book: Sergei Belov's autobiography gave the title to the highest-grossing Russian film, but nothing more. It has everything that is not in the movies - merciless characteristics of partners, detailed details of famous stories, the horror of life of Soviet athletes, a chilling love for the game and extreme honesty, which eliminates any doubt that this is exactly how everything really happened. Sergei Belov is the best basketball player in our history, and in the book this is present on every page: directness, willingness to discuss any situation, the absence of any reverence for sacred figures all the time make you feel a unique strength of spirit, much more significant than any achievements.

This is a very simple book, but it contains the history of the country, the underbelly of sports, and the tragedy of one life. Sergei Belov is also the best among all our writing athletes. If everyone were so sincere, so bold in their assessments, so meticulous in their analysis of what happened, so tough on themselves and others, then Russian sport would definitely become different. But nothing like this exists anymore.

Motivation for Teens

No. 1. “It’s not harmful to dream” - Sher Barbara

(Practical psychology, personal effectiveness)

About the Author: Barbara Sher is a contemporary speaker, business owner, career coach, and writer specializing in popular psychology.


“Dreaming is Not Harmful” is a book that gives advice on how to push yourself and other people to fulfill long-forgotten (childhood) dreams.

The author describes very simple but effective exercises that will allow you to structure your own goals and develop a strategy on the way to them.

Despite the simplicity of the exercises, they “dig so deeply” that awareness and conclusions spill out like a wave. The picture of a personal mission emerges more and more clearly.

This would be a great book to read in school. Thanks to her, we would see many more outstanding people behind whom the future lies.


“The only person you should please is yourself.”

Buy at Litres for 449 rubles

No. 2. “What do you really want?” – Beverly Batchell

(Personal effectiveness)

About the author: Beverly Batchell is an American actress, screenwriter, film producer and singer.


“What Do You Really Want” is a guide for teens with detailed steps on how to get closer to their goal. In it you will find answers to the following questions:

  • What are goals?
  • How to understand what you want?
  • How to set correct, clear goals and go towards them?

Many books write that teenagers need to start their own diary for writing, but it is not clear what to write there. This book describes everything in detail about this.


“Hopes and dreams live in our heads and souls. They can stay there as long as you like until you give them a specific form.”

Buy at Litres for 399 rubles

Daniel Jay "Done deal"

Who advises: Pavel Tikhonov, football editor

What's cool about the book: Daniel Jay is not a writer or storyteller, he is a lawyer who has been working with Premier League players since the 90s. There will be no veteran tales or insights here, this is a textbook on the nuclear submarine ecosystem, but very concise, extremely understandable and filled with examples. You will learn the technology of buying players (it’s a little more complicated than pressing the “make a deal” button in a football manager), the price (in pounds) of a goal in the Premier League and the degree of influence of instant messengers and social media on football (all agents have long lived on WhatsApp, and in the players’ contracts there is a clear set of rules for behavior on Instagram).

Done deal can be read from any chapter, depending on what nuance of the football system interests you right now.

Final list:

  1. "Drive: What Really Motivates Us" - Daniel Pink
  2. "The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari" - Robin Sharma
  3. “Bring out the giant within you” – Tony Robbins
  4. "To hell with all of it! Take it and do it!” – Richard Branson
  5. "Life's Greatest Lesson, or Tuesdays with Morrie" - Albom Mitch
  6. "The Magic of the Morning" - Hal Elrod
  7. "Life Without Borders" - Nick Vujicic
  8. "Chicken Soup for the Soul" - Jack Canfield
  9. “Simple truths. How to live for your own pleasure” - Alexander Kazakevich
  10. “Who will cry when you die?” – Robin Sharma
  11. “It’s not harmful to dream” - Sher Barbara
  12. “What do you really want?” – Beverly Batchell
  13. “The subconscious can do anything!” – Kehoe John
  14. “NO SY” – Jen Sincero
  15. “Try it - it will work!” – Godin Seth
  16. "Go where it's scary" - Jim Lawless
  17. “Conor McGregor. Life without rules - John Kavanagh
  18. "Remember all. My Incredibly True Story - Arnold Schwarzenegger
  19. “Unstoppable. My life" - Maria Sharapova

Elena Dokic "Unbroken"

Who advises: Lera Lee, tennis editor

What's cool about the book: The latest and scariest in a line of high-profile tennis autobiographies - from the former fourth racket of the world. "Unbroken" is not as psychological as Agassi's "Frankly" or as provocatively detailed as Sharapova's "Unstoppable." It is written in extremely simple language and it hits so hard that it is difficult to breathe.

The story of a girl who was kicked for years by her own father begins with a corpse in the river, goes through the heights of world sports and the unspeakable depths of human despair. It's painful to read, and sometimes you want to look away, but that's what makes this book so poignant, important, and amazingly life-affirming.

Ivan Kalashnikov "The World of English Football"

Who advises: Nikita Kiselev, football author

What's cool about the book: In any case, I would be interested in a book from a person who recently found himself in Gibraltar for football. “The World of English Football” was born when Vanya made less extreme travels: he spent several years in England, visiting, it seems, all the stadiums and parks.

Vanya is obsessed with football culture. He enjoys unraveling the connections between history, geography and the game itself more than examining the payrolls of Premier League clubs.

The book is divided by region: Yorkshire, Midlands and so on. If you are used to reading quickly, in one evening you can visit both depressive Sunderland (being glad that you are not the one to have fun looking through the windshield at the yellowish water of the North Sea), and the resort of Bournemouth, where Real Madrid once visited .

Bestsellers on motivation

No. 1. "Drive: What Really Motivates Us" - Daniel Pink

(Business psychology, employee motivation)

About the author: Daniel Pink is a contemporary American analyst, author of business literature on career, management and behavioral science. He has written a number of bestsellers that have been translated into 32 languages.


Daniel Pink devoted several years to writing his own book, in which he introduces us to a completely new method of motivation.

The title fully conveys the entire content and essence of the book. Using facts and examples, the author shows exactly how and why internal motivation arises. I will not explain the essence of the method itself, since it is explained perfectly in the book.

Daniel cites hundreds of psychological studies that support his conclusions: material motivation negatively affects a person.


“Try to encourage a child to study mathematics by paying him for each problem he solves, and he will probably become a more diligent student, but he will lose interest in mathematics for the rest of his life.”

Buy at Litres for 379 rubles

Who among you would not like to learn how to read effectively? Reading up to 500 words per minute or 1 book a day, understanding everything you read, is a very useful skill. Get acquainted with this training program and change your life.

No. 2. "The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari" - Robin Sharma

(Spiritual quest, esoteric knowledge)

About the Author: Robin Sharma is a world-renowned writer and humanist thinker. He is among the world's leading experts on leadership and personal success. In this article we will look at two of his books.


“The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari” is a global bestseller on motivation and psychology. He will answer at least three of your main questions:

  • How to develop superpowers and control fate?
  • How to find your calling?
  • And how to start living a harmonious life?

The plot was chosen very well, because... makes it possible, among the many little things in life, to discern truly important aspects, including health, family, well-being and prosperity.

The book is written in the form of conversations between the main character and his friend Julian Mantle, whose amazingly successful career as a lawyer comes to an abrupt end when he has a heart attack.

After reading it, like the hero of the book, Julian’s lessons saved me from falling into the abyss, helped me rethink my own life and start all over again.


“Learn the art of small steps - and they will lead you to big victory.”

Buy at Litres for 209 rubles

No. 3. “Bring out the giant within you” – Tony Robbins

(Popular psychology, leadership)

About the Author: Tony Robbins is the world's leading business coach and motivational speaker. His trainings, where he shares the secrets of achieving success, cost $1 million, and the recordings go 2 years in advance.


In his own book, Tony Robbins touches on all areas of life. In simple and understandable words, he tells how to act in difficult life situations that befall each of us.

The book is replete with great stories from real life that can't help but inspire. It is full of challenges that point to the author's life experiences.

I recommend this book to people who have already gone on a diet a million times since the New Year and started a new life on Monday. In general, for those who put off building a happy life until later.


“We are digging our own grave with our own teeth, because we stuff our bodies with very fatty, nutrient-deprived foods, and we poison our bodies with cigarettes, alcohol and drugs.”

Buy on Litres for 499 rubles

Dave King “King of Russia. One year in the Russian Super League"

Who advises: Alexey Belov, deputy editor-in-chief

What’s cool in the book: Dave King coached the Canadian national team for almost ten years and fought with the “Red Machine” (unsuccessfully), and in 2005 he came to Russia. Over the course of a year, he accumulated enough impressions to fill a book. And it's good even if you're not immersed in the context. These are classic stories by a foreigner about Russia, but in a hockey setting, written lightly and ironically. Just one quote: “Our doctor Mikhail Novikov, or SuperDoc, as I call him. Over the years, he had accumulated a wealth of orthopedic experience, but his specialty was, believe it or not, gynecology.”

Why do you need to eat right?

For some, PP is a way of life, and for others, it is a modern influence. But in fact, by following the basic rules of a healthy diet, you can significantly improve your quality of life.

  1. Reducing the amount of fat deposits in the body;
  2. Gaining muscle mass;
  3. Maintaining body shape (calorie intake per day);
  4. Strengthening immunity;
  5. Excellent digestion. If you follow the PP there will be no problems with the gastrointestinal tract, because the balance of fats/proteins/carbohydrates will be maintained;
  6. Good dream. If you follow the rules for eating (times) of food, then falling asleep will not be a problem. There will be no feeling of sleep on a full stomach;
  7. Improved skin condition. The expression is perfect here - we are what we eat. After all, all junk food provokes rashes, redness and other imperfections on the skin;
  8. It is easier to restore the body after serious shocks (training, illness).

Proper nutrition is a guarantee of well-being and good health.

Stephen King "The Long Walk"

Who advises: Artyom Stepin, news editor

What's cool about the book: King is called the king of horror, but basically he's just a king and knows how to tell great stories, even if he doesn't scare the reader half to death. “The Long Walk” is a dystopia about a totalitarian state, where, for public amusement, someone’s fevered mind came up with an annual and rather wild walking competition for survival. Young guys from all over the country take part in it, and the prize is the fulfillment of any wish of the winner.

This is a powerful and very sad mix of determination, the heroes’ faith in their own strengths, despair and hopelessness (strange as it may sound in relation to a book about walkers). A book in case your vacation is going too civilized.

Simon Critchley "What We Think About When We Think About Football"

Who advises: Ivan Kalashnikov, editor of international projects

What's cool in the book: English philosopher, author of a couple of dozen books with hard-to-digest titles, biographer of David Bowie, debater with Slavoj Žižek, Liverpool fan - football literature was waiting for just such a person to take a look at the simplest and most popular game on the planet, armed with maximum wide-format optics. Football is often unfairly marginalized, trying to portray it as a dubious minority hobby, but Critchley successfully counters this by connecting the game with everyday life - he sees football as a performance, football as a collective unconscious, as a manifestation of intelligence and stupidity at the same time.

In short, if you have ever not only yelled obscenities at the TV, but also thought about something like “why am I so selflessly rooting for this particular club doomed to failure” or “all my failures in relationships are due to the fact that that I behave like Cristiano Ronaldo,” then this book is for you.

Best inspiring stories

This section presents autobiographies of amazing people who inspire with their example, encourage you to believe in yourself and start changing something in this life.

Nick Vujicic “Life without borders. The path to an amazingly happy life”

  • Electronic version on liters.ru
  • Paper version on labirint.ru

Nick Vujicic is the most memorable motivational speaker and preacher born with a very rare disease that results in the absence of arms and legs. Despite his situation, he lives the most fulfilling life: he graduated from two universities, enjoys surfing and music, plays golf, and types on a computer on his own.

He managed to become one of the most amazing personalities of our time, with a huge number of people coming to meet him. He is the one who gives you hope and makes you believe in yourself.

In this book, Nick formulated the rules of life that helped him not only survive, but also find the meaning of existence.

Richard Branson “To hell with everything! Take it and do it!”

  • Electronic version on liters.ru
  • Paper version on labirint.ru

It is simply impossible to list all of Richard Branson's credentials in one sentence. This is multi-personality! He is a writer, the creator of a talk show, and the owner of a multimillion-dollar corporation that unites almost 400 companies in a variety of areas - from a cellular operator to space tourism. The public knows him as a lover of extraordinary and extreme actions, repeatedly trying to break world records.

His motto for life is literally given in the title of this book. The main thing is to take everything from life! And it doesn’t matter whether you have enough knowledge, experience, or confidence. If you have a head on your shoulders and enthusiasm in your eyes, then everything will work out.

In his book, Branson offers his own rules of life that will motivate any skeptic, charge him with optimism and faith in his own capabilities.

Albom Mitch “Tuesdays with Morrie, or Life's Greatest Lesson”

  • Electronic version on liters.ru
  • Paper version on labirint.ru

This book is a description of the author's meetings with his teacher, 78-year-old Morrie Schwartz, who is dying of an incurable disease.

Every week Albom Mitch came to his friend and had long philosophical conversations. And then he published a book telling about these meetings in order to pay the bills for his teacher’s treatment.

The book was reprinted several times, was translated into 40 languages, and even became the basis for filming a film of the same name.

This touching story makes you think about how often we forget about the simple joys of life, immersed in the daily routine and considering ourselves unhappy and unloved. And only in the most difficult and sometimes tragic situations do we remember that life is the most priceless gift.

Hansen, Canfield, Newmark “Chicken Soup for the Soul”

  • Electronic version on liters.ru
  • Paper version on labirint.ru

Here is a book that received 144 rejections from publishers, but later became one of the most successful projects in the history of book publishing.

This is a collection of small heartfelt stories about ordinary and outstanding people. Here you will not find advice on how to achieve results, accomplish more and do better. This is literally “chicken soup” that heals mental wounds, inspires, makes you kinder, gives you wings and awareness of what is actually most valuable and dear.

Hal Elrod "The Magic of the Morning" How the first hour of the day determines your success"

  • Electronic version on liters.ru
  • Paper version on labirint.ru

When Hal Elrod was 20 years old, he was hit by a car, leaving the young man with numerous fractures, a prognosis for disability, and shattered hopes for a bright future. But he managed to prove that nothing is impossible. Not only was Hal able to walk, but he became an ultramarathon runner, as well as a renowned coach, speaker, and the author of several best-selling books. One of them is right in front of you.

This book describes simple morning rituals that at first glance may not impress and cause thoughts, like, I already know all this. But the author manages to choose words that you begin to believe and be motivated by.

And of course, you should understand that you can read hundreds of books, but still not change anything in your life if you nod your head skeptically and do not act.

Niki Lauda, ​​Voelker Herbert "My Destiny"

Who advises: Dmitry Fedotov, editor of the Auto/Moto section

What's cool about the book: Niki Lauda is one of the most underrated Formula 1 champions. He has written several books, but this is the best. There are no complex technical details in it - everything is told in simple and understandable language: how he beat money out of the legendary Enzo Ferrari, survived a terrible accident at the Nurburgring, left racing and came back and was ahead of the fast guys. Lots of great stories (told with a lot of humor) about the lives of racers that no one sees.


Thorsten Gehrke. "Sports Anatomy"

Publication No. 1 for parents of child athletes, which will help you understand how all human systems work, what happens to the child during training, and how the growing body reacts to increased loads. Many illustrations clearly demonstrate all processes. The issues of injuries and rehabilitation after them are considered separately.

The book was written by a professor, doctor of medical sciences, author of many works on sports medicine. At the same time, all information is presented in the most accessible way, in simple language, understandable even to those who are far from the topic. All information is strictly systematized - each section is dedicated to one part of the body.

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Hunter Thompson "Our people are being beaten!"

Who advises: Alexey Simchenko, head of club editorial staff

What's cool about the book: Summer is a time for sleepless breaks, not for books about records/points/goals. During breaks, if you like real rock and roll, I recommend looking through the dying grumblings of Hunter Thompson (yes, the same creator of gonzo style and “Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas”).

“They’re beating our people!” — a fiery collection of author’s columns about sports. There's a lot of American football, basketball, trolling the Winter Olympics and the writer's favorite hobby - betting. And there is also a lot of politics, intolerance, boobs, alcohol, illegal substances and a bonus in the form of an insane Sean Penn. It is felt that the old man wrote all this practically with one hand - the other is constantly clutching either a shotgun or a glass.

Alex Ferguson "My Autobiography"

Who advises: Mark Ten, CEO of Sports.ru

What’s cool about the book: “The first half was difficult, we’ll try to improve in the second half,” you’ve probably read or watched hundreds of such interviews. Most athletes are afraid to talk about their personal feelings because of journalists, teammates, agents, federation officials, advertisers, wives and husbands. Alex Ferguson is not one of those people. The purchase of Ronaldo, the conflict with Beckham, the finals lost to Barcelona - all this is interesting not as facts (especially since we already know them), but as material for the reflection of the great Manchester coach.


Laughlin Terry. "Full immersion. How to swim better, faster and easier"

One of the most popular books about swimming, leading the sales charts for over 20 years. The author created and presented to the world a system of effective training. This is not just a training program or a set of exercises, but a whole concept with the help of which athletes learn to solve many problems and overcome difficulties. Terry Laughlin writes about many aspects of competitive swimming technique that are often overlooked or even unknown to most coaches. For example, about the principles of movement in water, the basics of hydrodynamics.

In addition, the author offers specific solutions that will allow you to quickly master effective techniques. As a result, the athlete will be able to swim a longer distance in less time, without getting tired, but, on the contrary, having fun. Terry Laughlin's book can be considered one of the most effective textbooks on swimming techniques, and also helps to understand many of the laws and rules of this sport.

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Ivan Nechunaev. "Swimming. Book-trainer"

The book is for those who want to learn all the intricacies of swimming techniques to the maximum - it will be useful for experienced athletes, beginners, and parents whose children play this sport. The publication contains more than 1,000 photographs and 3D images that clearly demonstrate all aspects of different swimming styles. In this sense, the book is absolutely unique.

The author also presented specific exercises aimed at increasing endurance and speed, honing certain skills, as well as exercise options outside the pool. In addition, the publication includes sections on the history of swimming and the most famous athletes.

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