How many calories are in chicken breast, and how to cook it correctly

Updated: December 26, 2022, at 09:34

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  • Chicken breast is one of the most popular dishes in almost any diet. Due to its chemical composition, low calorie content and affordable price, it is often a guest on the dinner table of many people. Its only drawback is that after cooking the meat becomes a little dry. But skilled chefs find various options to avoid this.

    By the way, after cooking, poultry meat becomes white, so chicken breast, or as many are accustomed to say, chicken breast, is often called white meat. Let's take a closer look today at how many calories are in a raw, boiled, baked chicken breast, and how the calorie content changes depending on the cooking method.

    Chicken breast calories

    • 100 g of boneless chicken fillet has 113 calories, with bones - 137 kcal, with skin - 164 kcal.
    • The calorie content of boiled skinless chicken breast is 95 kcal per 100 grams, the remaining calories come from the broth.
    • The calorie content of smoked chicken breast is 119 kcal per 100 g. Remember that after such processing the meat contains preservatives and various substances that are harmful to the human body, so you need to eat in small portions. With proper nutrition, such a dish should be excluded altogether.
    • Fried chicken breast has a higher calorie content than boiled chicken breast, it will give you 197 kcal. In addition, fried meat is full of carcinogens, so for those who adhere to weight loss diets, the food will not be the best choice.

    Proteins, fats and carbohydrates

    100 g of white chicken meat has 23 g of protein (94 kcal), almost 2 g of fat (17 kcal), and 0.4 g of carbohydrates (2 kcal). BZHU has the following energy ratio:

    • proteins – 84%,
    • fats – 15%,
    • carbohydrates – 1%.

    This composition allows everyone to create a balanced nutrition menu during weight loss diets. Due to the minimal fat content, the body will begin to burn its reserves, and the amount of carbohydrates will need to be supplemented by eating other foods - cereals, vegetables.

    Nutritional value and composition of chicken meat

    In gutted chicken, the edible part accounts for 67-72%. This is less than in beef and pork, but more than in fish. The composition and quality of chicken depends on many factors, including the breed, age, sex, feeding conditions, and pre-slaughter housing of the bird.

    The amount of protein in the carcasses of category II broilers is 19.7%, and in category I chickens it is 18.2%. The composition of amino acids in chicken meat proteins is very favorable - it contains enough essential amino acids (6963-7310 mg/100 g). Data on amino acids are given in mg/100 g:

    • Valin – 877
    • Isoleucine – 693
    • Leucine – 1412
    • Lysine – 1588
    • Methionine – 471
    • Threonine – 885
    • Tryptophan – 293
    • Phenylalanine – 744

    The sum of all types of fats in chicken meat ranges from 11.2 to 18.4 g/100 g. The lipid complex of chicken contains more valuable polyunsaturated fatty acids than beef and lamb. They account for about a quarter of all fats. Half of the lipids are monounsaturated butyric acid.

    At the same time, in terms of the amount of cholesterol (54 mg%), chicken does not differ from the meat of other land animals (beef, pork, lamb). There are also no fundamental differences in vitamin and mineral composition between these types of meat products.

    The amount of carbohydrates in chicken, like in any other meat, is minimal. On average, this figure is 1.11 g/100 g. The high amount of protein and low carbohydrate content allows you to include chicken meat in the menu of protein and low-carbohydrate diets when losing weight.

    Among the biologically active compounds in dietary chicken meat are vitamin A (0.03 - 0.07 mg/100 g), vitamin B6 (0.52-0.60 mg/100 g), niacin (6.4 - 7.7 mg/100 g), choline (76 – 111 mg/100 g), folacin (3.6 – 4.3 mcg/100 g).

    Chemical composition

    Chicken fillet is a champion in terms of easily digestible protein content. Its low fat content makes it ideal for the daily diet of athletes who want to build muscle without fat.

    Contains vitamins B6, B12, PP, A, C, H. Mineral components include potassium, zinc, copper, magnesium, selenium, manganese, chlorine, cobalt, iron, sodium, phosphorus, sulfur. Thanks to this mineral composition, with regular consumption of white meat, you can maintain normal functioning of the cardiovascular system, fill the body with strength, and make it easier to endure the consequences of operations and other diseases. Probably many people know that it is very useful for any sick person to drink broth from skinless chicken breast.

    What are the benefits of chicken breast?

    • Due to the high content of B vitamins, white meat is very useful for women, especially pregnant or nursing mothers, it affects the positive development of the child, improves the quality and quantity of breast milk.
    • Thanks to the presence of vitamins A, H, C, PP, it normalizes the functioning of the adrenal glands, cleanses the liver, activates hematopoiesis, and normalizes the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.
    • Thanks to its amino acid content, it improves the functioning of the central nervous system.
    • Thanks to its chemical composition, it prevents cancer.
    • Can be used for diabetes, does not affect the increase in blood sugar levels.
    • Stimulates the process of weight loss, satisfies the feeling of hunger well.

    But we also want to tell you about the possible harm that can be caused to the body by regularly consuming large amounts of white meat. It does not contain mineral salts, so if you stick to a mono-diet on such meat, you can weaken your teeth, bones, nails, and your hair will become brittle.

    • Low fat content can also be harmful. It is impossible to leave the body completely without vegetable or animal fat; various pathologies may develop.
    • When raising chickens, some farmers feed them with various antibiotics and growth accelerators. Such nutrition affects the chemical composition of meat, which can harm the human body.
    • It is recommended to eat chicken breast 3 times a week. Dilute your diet with other types of meat, such as veal, rabbit, turkey or fish.

    • You shouldn’t give up boiled chicken skin altogether. It contains vitamins A, D, K, so you can eat it a couple of times a week.
    • Chicken legs have a large number of blood vessels, which means they contain useful minerals. They should also be included in your diet, especially for those who lead an active lifestyle.

    What nutritionists recommend

    Nutritionists recommend using chicken breast to obtain your daily protein intake, which is a building material for building muscle tissue. Due to its chemical composition, it is often prescribed by doctors or trainers to their clients or patients to restore the physical condition of the body; it is recommended to eat it after prolonged physical activity, training, and during the rehabilitation period after serious illnesses.

    Chicken meat fibers reduce the acidity of gastric juice, so nutritionists recommend eating white meat for those who suffer from stomach ulcers and gastritis.

    Due to its chemical composition, meat food is an excellent remedy for the prevention of heart attacks, strokes, and the prevention and treatment of cardiovascular diseases. Food cannot be the main lifesaver, but in combination with other foods and medications, positive dynamics are observed.

    Steamed, boiled or baked breast in foil retains vitamins as much as possible . This cooking method allows it to preserve macro- and microelements as much as possible. It is better to serve raw, boiled or stewed vegetables as a side dish for meat, so that with protein a person receives fiber, which cleanses the body of toxins and waste.

    The benefits and harms of chicken

    Nutritionists recommend consuming domestic chicken, since artificially bred birds are often raised with hormones and treated with antibiotics. Among all the methods of preparing chicken, preference is best given to boiling, steaming, stewing or baking, but in no case frying. The fact is that during frying, protein molecules are damaged, the amount of fat increases, and carcinogens are released.

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    It is also not recommended to eat smoked chicken, since, in addition to natural smoking, there is another way to obtain this tasty meat - chemical processing, during which phenols and carcinogens are formed.

    It is important to remember that the most dangerous part of the chicken is the skin, as it acts as a kind of garbage can for birds. It is in it that toxins, metals and other harmful components present in polluted air accumulate. Therefore, the skin must be removed.

    Delicious recipes

    Baked chicken breast

    This dish is suitable for everyone for everyday meals or treating guests. To do this, take a whole chicken breast, rinse well, remove skin and bones, and rub with your favorite seasonings. This could be a mixture of Italian herbs with lemon, soy sauce, honey, mustard.

    Leave to marinate for a couple of hours, then wrap with foil and place in the oven for 40-50 minutes at 180°. You can serve immediately after cooking with a salad of fresh vegetables. The calorie content of oven-baked chicken breast is 113 kcal per 100 g.

    Chicken with mushrooms and pineapples

    Fillet200 g
    Mushrooms300 g
    Vegetable oil2 tbsp. l.
    A pineapple200 g
    Salt1 pinch
    Spices1 pinch

    It is better to use olive oil for frying. Heat the oil in a frying pan, fry the mushrooms, cut into small cubes. When all the moisture has evaporated from them, add the diced brisket and simmer over low heat for 20 minutes. Drain the juice from the pineapples, cut them into cubes, and place in a frying pan. Leave to simmer for another 3-4 minutes, add salt and spices to taste.

    The calorie content of the finished food is 77.3 kcal.

    Vegetable salad with chicken

    Boiled fillet50 g
    Tomato1 PC.
    Vegetable oil1 tbsp. l.
    Cucumber1 PC.
    Salt1 pinch
    Dill1-3 branches

    It is necessary to boil and cool the chicken breast in advance. Wash the vegetables and let them dry. Then cut all the ingredients into small cubes, sprinkle with finely chopped dill, season with salt and olive oil.

    Calorie content 81.7 kcal.

    How long to cook chicken fillet until done

    The standard boiling time for chicken meat is 40 minutes, but it can deviate back or forward. It all depends on what it will be boiled in - in a saucepan, slow cooker, pressure cooker, double boiler, microwave or any other appliance, and what kind of fillet is used, fresh or frozen, also plays an important role.

    In a saucepan

    Often chicken fillet is not boiled in the pan correctly. Many people immediately put it in cold water and put it on fire. First, you need to heat the water in the pan, it should boil, this will take about 10-15 minutes, it all depends on the volume.

    You need to add the necessary spices and salt to boiling water, and then you can put the fillet in. It must be boiled for 20-25 minutes, but no more. It is completely boiled, there is no blood or red streaks left in it.


    You may need to remove foam from the broth during cooking.

    In a pressure cooker

    A pressure cooker is a convenient tool in the kitchen; it significantly reduces the cooking time of many foods, including meat. The fillet is lowered to the bottom of the container, spices and salt are added, then hot water is poured in, it should cover the meat by 1-2 cm.

    Then the lid is sealed and put on fire. Store-bought fillet is boiled for 7-10 minutes, and from home-made chicken - 30-40 minutes. After the required time has passed, you need to release the pressure; it is better to remove the meat after 10-15 minutes.

    In a slow cooker

    Unlike a pressure cooker, the cooking process will take several times longer. It is recommended to cook in the “Stew” or “Soup” mode.

    No special preparation is required, you just need to wash the meat, put it in a container, add spices and add hot water, it should cover a little. In the “Soup” mode, the fillet should be cooked for 15-20 minutes; in the “Stew” mode, the chicken should be cooked for about 30 minutes.

    In the microwave

    Chicken fillet can be quickly cooked in the microwave. The prepared meat is placed in a small container, seasoned with salt and spices, and filled with hot water. Cook in the microwave for 25 minutes at a power of 900-1000 W.

    In a steamer

    A steamer is a convenient kitchen appliance that is used for preparing healthy and proper food. You can boil chicken fillet in it quickly and without any problems. To begin with, it is prepared, placed in a steamer container, and seasoned with spices. You need to pour water into the tray, then set the time for half an hour.

    Boneless thigh fillet

    Chicken thighs take an average of 40 minutes to cook, but boneless fillets cook much faster. The first step is to separate the meat from the bones. Water is poured into the pan, put on fire, salt is added. After boiling, place the meat in the water and cook for 20 minutes.

    Breast fillet

    White breast meat cooks very quickly. First, heat the water in a saucepan until it boils; add salt and seasonings to it. The prepared boneless, skinless breast should be placed in boiling broth. Cook for 15-20 minutes.


    Before boiling, the meat needs to be defrosted; this can be done on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator or at room temperature. Defrosting will take about 1-2 hours.

    Afterwards you should put the water on the fire, it will be salted. As soon as the broth begins to boil, defrosted meat is dropped into it and boiled until tender for 20 minutes.


    Fresh fillet is boiled after boiling. The meat is placed in the boiling broth. Cook the chicken for 20-25 minutes.


    The whole fillet should be boiled in boiling water. Salt and spices are added to the broth. After the meat is lowered, you need to cook it for half an hour.


    Before boiling, the fillet should be washed, prepared and cut into medium pieces. They should be placed in boiling broth. The cooking process takes 15-20 minutes.

    After boiling

    It is recommended to cook chicken meat in boiling broth, but if it was placed before boiling, it is better to time it. After the water begins to boil, at least 20 minutes must pass, and then the fillet can be removed.

    For the salad

    For salad, fillet can be boiled whole; it is allowed with skin and bones. Pour water into a saucepan and put it on fire. Then you can add spices, bay leaf, salt.

    The meat should be placed in boiling broth. You need to boil store-bought fillet for 15-20 minutes, and homemade fillet for 1.5-2.5 hours. It is necessary to cook over low heat, it is better to cover the top with a lid.

    For soup

    Boil the fillet for soup for 15-20 minutes. Before immersing the meat, the broth must be salted and seasoned with spices, and during the boiling process, foam should be removed from the surface.

    For jellied meat

    Chicken fillet is often added to jellied meat, and this dish takes a long time to cook. But the chicken should be placed on time, for example, if it is placed at the same time as the beef, then by the time cooking is finished the fillet will fall apart into fibers.

    Store-bought chicken fillet should be added to the pan with jellied meat 40-60 minutes before the end, and homemade chicken fillet should be added 3-4 hours before the end.

    Useful video

    In this video, Zina Rudenko analyzed in detail the composition of not only chicken breast, but the whole chicken. After watching the video, you will find out why breast meat is recommended for athletes or those who want to lose weight and have a beautiful figure. You will also find out what other chicken parts are recommended to be included in your daily diet.

    Whether you play sports or not, you need to know about the calorie content of the food you eat. Counting calories, monitoring the quality and benefits of the food consumed is important not only for a beautiful figure, but also for good health. We think you will be interested to know what the calorie content of the cutlet is and how it changes depending on the cooking method.

    Many people already know about the relatively low calorie content of salmon, but not everyone knows how to consume it correctly to get the maximum benefit. The calorie content of coconut is quite high, so it should be consumed in very small doses, especially for those who are watching their figure and counting calories. There are undoubtedly benefits, but they can only be obtained with proper use.

    When choosing chicken breast, we advise you to give preference to the freshest possible meat; it is better to buy it from trusted sellers. The best chicken will be a farm chicken that is fed only natural food. Share your opinion about the benefits of breast meat. How often is she a guest at your dinner table? What changes in your body have you noticed after using it regularly?+

    Author of the publication

    Cooking options

    There are simply a huge number of recipes with chicken breast. It can be fried in the form of steaks, stewed with vegetables, made into cutlets and vegetables, added to pilaf and used in gravies - the list goes on and on.

    But not all recipes are suitable for weight loss.

    Regular readers of our site know that I recommend chicken breast as the main source of protein in the first weeks of losing weight. But, just boiled. This is important because boiled chicken breast is a hypoallergenic product. If we add spices, oil, fry or bake it, then these properties may be lost.

    Later, when weight loss stabilizes, we begin to add other chicken meat options, observing weight dynamics. If one is not suitable and causes weight loss to stop, then we cross it off our menu forever.

    Boiled chicken meat should prevail in our menu. And believe me, there are also a lot of recipes with it.

    As I said at the beginning, not everyone knows how to cook chicken breast correctly, and today I will share with you two of the best ways.

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