The path to youth with Evgenia Baglyk: face building - exercises and videos all series in a row

Even in ancient India, they noticed the beneficial effects of gymnastics not only on physical and mental health, but also on the external condition of the skin. Since that time, the practice has undergone multiple transformations, dividing into different directions. The online school of face-building by Evgenia Baglyk has received great recognition, she has developed a channel on YouTube, posting videos with facial exercises, introducing subscribers to the technique while watching all the episodes in a row. Evgenia tries to diversify the material, inviting guests who are happy to share with a wide audience the secrets of care, massage - everything that helps maintain a young, blooming appearance.

Facial gymnastics become 10 years younger

prerequisites for the emergence

The skin on the face is thinner than on the rest of the body. For this reason, she begins to age earlier. Over the years, the production of collagen and elastin decreases and then stops altogether, and the oval of the face begins to “slide” down. In addition to physiological changes, ultraviolet rays, bad habits and incorrect facial expressions age the skin.

It has long been noticed that the skin on the body of an athlete and a person who regularly experiences physical activity remains elastic and taut for a long time. Following this logic, people thought: what if the facial muscles can be trained like the muscles of the body?

It is known that under the skin the skull is completely entangled with muscles that are responsible for closing/opening the eyelids, chewing, speech and facial expressions. If at a young age they are elastic and of normal size, then later the muscles shorten and become thinner, and some atrophy. To avoid this, facial gymnastics was invented.

a brief excursion into the history of facial gymnastics

Now it is not known for certain when exercises for the facial muscles were first invented. There is evidence that the inhabitants of Ancient Egypt practiced facial gymnastics. Scientific study of the effect of exercise on the condition of the skin began in the second half of the 19th century, when it was already known in detail about the anatomical structure of the person.

One of the first books devoted to facial exercises was Sanford Bennett’s book “Gymnastics in Bed,” published in 1907, in which the author detailed 35 exercises that he personally developed and tested over 20 years.

S. Bennett aged 50 (left) and 70 (right)

Then, in 1912, he published another creation - a book called “Old Age, Its Causes and Prevention,” which also talked about facial gymnastics.

Another researcher of facial exercises was Katherine Murray, who over several decades of the twentieth century published several books on this topic, including “A System of Exercises for Facial Beauty,” as well as newspaper articles.

1906 Illustration from a newspaper article “Make faces to preserve beauty”

1937 Newspaper publication by K. Murray “How to look like a young girl”

Speaking about the history of facial gymnastics, one cannot fail to mention Senta Maria Runge, who published the book “Facelift with Exercises” in 1961, on the basis of which many facial techniques are based.

1961 Illustration for the book “Facelift with Exercise”

Currently, several dozen different practices for the facial muscles are known. The most popular of them will be revealed in the following sections of the article.

what is the essence of facial gymnastics

A young face can be mentally placed in an inverted triangle with the apex at the bottom: the muscle frame is strong, the skin is elastic. Over the years, under the influence of the earth's gravity, the facial features move downwards, and the triangle becomes the top at the top. Facial gymnastics is aimed at slowing down this process by strengthening the muscle frame.

Whatever technique you choose, they are all aimed at working the facial muscles through exercises. They need to be done daily throughout your life . Depending on the type, a set of exercises takes from 15 to 30 minutes a day. But for beginners at the beginning of the journey it will take much longer to master the exercises.

Each technique contains exercises for different groups of facial muscles: forehead, neck, area around the eyes and lips, cheekbones, etc. One exercise trains one muscle, sometimes using neighboring ones.

With the help of facial gymnastics you can:

  • tighten the skin and oval of the face as a whole;
  • remove wrinkles or make them less noticeable;
  • eliminate the consequences of unsuccessful plastic surgery;
  • restore the functioning of facial muscles after injury or stroke.

The main advantage of exercises for facial muscles is their versatility: they are suitable for both women and men.

Anyone can do facial exercises, regardless of gender.

To perform them for the first time you will need a mirror. Later, once you have mastered the technique, you can do them in the car or while lying in bed.

Is it possible to look 10 years younger by doing facial exercises? Quite! Many women who practice it note an improvement in their skin's condition and overall appearance. For some ladies, the difference between “before” and “after” is colossal. But to get a good result, the correct choice of technique and its implementation, as well as consistency of practice, are important.

what you need to know before starting classes

First of all, you need to decide whether you currently need facial gymnastics or not, because... If you start doing exercises, you will need to exercise for the rest of your life to maintain and improve the results. Examine your face carefully in good lighting. If you have pronounced wrinkles and folds, or you notice that your skin has lost its elasticity and tone (for example, with sudden weight loss), or you want to eliminate/reduce the consequences of unsuccessful plastic surgery/rhinoplasty, or restore the functioning of your facial muscles after an illness, you can Feel free to choose a method that is convenient for yourself and practice according to it. But if you have a toned face and no wrinkles (even if you’re over...), then it’s better to wait with the exercises. Please note that we do not recommend starting classes at any specific age, but only when needs are identified. Everything here is individual: you can be a young girl, but have far from “fresh” skin, and vice versa, there are women of Balzac’s age with an ideal face.

Further, if you open a book by any author on facial gymnastics, you will see that at the beginning there is always a theoretical part about the anatomy of the face and neck. And it’s not easy: you can’t work on what you don’t know. The exercise will give the best effect if you clearly understand which muscle is involved in it. This will help avoid runtime errors in the future.

The structure of the human facial muscles

You also need to know that when training one muscle, you need to block the work of others. For example, if you are doing an exercise to strengthen your chin, then make sure that your eyebrows do not rise and the nasolabial fold area does not tense.

The emergence of an idea

Evgenia Baglyk began working on facial exercises during the period when she was a fitness trainer. One of the clients complained to the girl about the short-term results she received from cosmetic procedures. But how wonderful it would be if a person’s face matched his toned body after training!

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This conversation made the girl think. After all, the muscles of our body become stronger thanks to physical activity. How do they differ from those located in the facial area? And if you choose the load correctly, you can achieve an increase in their volume. And this will allow the skin to tighten, preventing its age-related “draining”.

And despite her still immature age, Evgenia Baglyk began to develop the idea of ​​prolonging her youth. At first, the girl shared it with her mother and received full support from her. In addition, she also agreed to become the first model for the novice coach. This was the beginning of the path to developing a new teaching methodology. Evgenia began studying the structure of each muscle, as well as the synergy of their action during active facial expressions. She also attended various practices teaching rejuvenation techniques, which contributed to her knowledge of the world experience accumulated by humanity in this direction. And only after obtaining the necessary knowledge and conducting personal research, Evgenia Baglyk created her own method, unlike others, of eliminating age-related changes in facial skin. Each movement of the technique she created was developed based on the structure of the muscles and taking into account the optimal load necessary to obtain a positive result.

Facial exercises by Carol Maggio

California cosmetologist Carol Maggio developed a set of exercises for herself to improve the condition of her skin after the scorching sun of Arizona, where she spent her youth, and also to reduce the defects of unsuccessful rhinoplasty. But unexpectedly for the author, her technique became widespread and helped many women around the world literally turn back time. Now Carol is over seventy, but looks much younger than her age, assuring that this is largely due to gymnastics.

Carol Maggio

In the 80s of the twentieth century, she published a book entitled “Aerobics for the muscles and skin of the face,” containing the theory of facial muscles, a set of exercises for beginners, a set of exercises for advanced levels and for training while driving, as well as useful recommendations for skin care . It was first published in Russia in 2002.

In 2011, Carol released a new book of advanced facial exercises called The New Facial Aerobics.

To perform the exercises you need to remember 4 rules:

  1. Pose: sitting on a chair, back straight, stomach pulled in, buttocks squeezed, forming the so-called. "anchor".
  2. Visualization: you need to imagine how energy flows through the muscle and how the latter rises during work.
  3. Lactic acid burning. During exercise, feel the burning sensation in the muscle that occurs as lactic acid is released as a result of exertion.
  4. Relaxation: After each exercise, pass air through closed lips, making a sound like a horse snorting.

Having learned the rules, let's start doing the exercises!

Having mastered the basic course, you can move on to advanced level exercises.

Finally, we can’t help but highlight a few more points:

  • Facial aerobics from K. Maggio is really very effective when done correctly. However, according to the author himself, 70% of beginners do the exercises incorrectly, as a result of which their results are either zero or negative.
  • Despite their apparent simplicity, the exercises are difficult to master, so before you start practicing them, it is better to master simpler techniques from other authors in order to learn how to feel and correctly use the facial muscles.
  • Due to its high effectiveness, the complex is best used by older women or those who have serious muscle dysfunction as a result of illness. For the rest, it is advisable to start with simple techniques.
  • Those with thin faces should be careful with these exercises, because... As a result, the face may begin to lose even more volume.

Training for the eye area

Very effective exercises by Evgenia Baglyk, according to user reviews, are those that eliminate sagging of the upper eyelid. They also work great to eliminate puffiness under the eyes. In this case, you should use the fingers of both hands. They are placed on the bones of the orbital openings, located directly above the cheeks.

We continue to hold the skin with our fingers. At the same time, you should close your eyes and roll your pupils upward, as if trying to see something on the ceiling. Next, the pupils are lowered down. If the exercise is performed correctly, then under your fingers you will be able to feel how the soft tissues have tensed. It is recommended to do this exercise 15-20 times. It will be especially relevant for those people whose eyes swell after sleep.

Facebook building for the face Evgenia Baglyk, Facebook building with pictures

The term “face building” appeared in the late nineties of the twentieth century and means a facelift by pumping up the facial muscles. In Russia, one of the first founders of the face-building school is Evgenia Baglyk, who developed her own set of exercises for the face, with which you can achieve:

  • tightened oval face;
  • young and plump lips;
  • reducing wrinkles;
  • disappearance of edema;
  • highlight cheekbones beautifully.

Initially, Evgenia developed a set of exercises for herself and, having achieved excellent results, began teaching them to other people.

We suggest that you familiarize yourself with ten simple face-building exercises that can be performed from the age of 25.

Do the exercises daily, and within a couple of weeks you will see the first results.

Cheek work

The starting position for performing this exercise for Evgenia Baglyk’s face is the same as in the previous case. That is, the lips should form an oval, and the lower part of the face should be relaxed.

Next, you need to bend all the fingers on both hands, except for the index and middle. They need to be pressed to the inner surface of the cheeks, adhering to the direction from the corner of the mouth to the corner of the lower jaw. In this case, it is necessary to retract the cheeks, pressing on them with your fingers. There should be a working masticatory muscle under the middle finger. You need to perform the movements 25-30 times, making 2-3 approaches. It is important to ensure that the oval shape of the lips is maintained and a feeling of tension arises.

Effective exercises for the face, exercises with pictures, photo comparison results

If you don’t have time to attend a face-building school and study practices, we offer simple but effective facial exercises.

1. To eliminate a double chin

Many people develop a double chin before wrinkles, making them appear older than their age. The reasons for its occurrence may be excess weight, loss of skin elasticity, or a physiologically small chin. By doing 5 minutes a day according to the scheme below, within a week you will notice the first results.

2. Gymnastics for all facial muscle groups

If you need to tighten your face, reduce wrinkles around the eyes, add volume to your lips and tone your skin, we recommend doing the following exercises daily.

A noticeable result will be noticeable after 1-2 months of regular training, and you can feel an improvement in complexion and skin appearance after the first days of training.

Before the first lesson, take a profile and full-face photo, next time take a photo two weeks later and two months after the start of training. This will help you see the result in comparison.

In order not to be unfounded, we suggest you compare photographs of different women before and after regular facial gymnastics. They practiced using different methods, but they all had an excellent result in common.

And here are the photographs of the aforementioned Evgenia Baglyk.

Evgenia Baglyk. Photos "before" and "after"

As you can see, by spending 15-20 minutes daily, you can slow down the aging process or even reverse it.

Useful tips for patients

Before classes, you should cleanse your skin of makeup; no creams or oils should be applied. It is advisable to exercise for 10-15 minutes in the morning and evening 2 hours before bedtime. Hands are moisturized with nourishing cream. To check the correct execution of exercises during the first training sessions, you need to use a mirror.

The back should be straight, breathing should be correct, and there should be no painful sensations. You can’t stretch your facial skin too much, because new wrinkles will appear. While performing the exercise, you need to feel the tension of the facial area and the muscle that is being trained.

If there is no tension or pain occurs, it means that the exercise is being performed incorrectly. After finishing the exercise, you need to take a break for 1 minute before the next one. After a set of exercises, it is recommended to wash your face and apply a cream suitable for your skin type.

To achieve the maximum effect from the selected face fitness complex, it should be performed regularly and according to the instructions of the trainer. Stick to proper nutrition, follow a diet and watch your posture.

Particular attention should be paid to the fact that most wrinkles are formed on the face not due to weak muscles, but due to hypertonicity, that is, strong tension. Taking this into account, the facial muscles should not be trained, but properly relaxed by using facial massage.

Don't miss the most popular article in the section: Facial massage according to the system of the Japanese doctor Asahi Zogan.

Video: Anastasia Burdyug face building for the face

Another popular face-building teacher is Anastasia Burdyug. After training with facial gymnastics guru Carol Maggio, Anastasia opened her own school, where she teaches the art of extending youth to those who wish.

Carol Maggio and Anastasia Burdyug

How to learn face building and become an instructor or coach

In search of a way to regain the former beauty and freshness of their skin, women are ready to do a lot. There are thousands of fans of fejbuilding, who prove the real positive results of the exercises. There are no scientific studies that refute this.

Despite all the contradictions, interest in this technique is growing and it is gaining popularity. Now anyone has the opportunity to become a face-building trainer and teach in this area. In order to obtain an instructor certificate, you must take training courses from qualified specialists. Typically, training lasts from 2 to 4 weeks. This makes it possible to acquire not only new professional skills, but also to see first-hand the effectiveness of the program.

Anastasia Burdyug is learning Facebook building from Carol Maggio

Irina Belskaya face building for the face

Irina Belskaya is a Facebook building instructor from Odessa. She conducts her classes within the framework of Evgenia Baglyk’s school, both in person and via Skype.

Irina does not yet have her own methodology and teaches through systematic Facebook building courses.

According to her, regular training of the facial muscles will allow:

  • improve the oval of the face;
  • give elasticity and tone to the skin;
  • maintain a youthful face for many years.

Advantages of the technique

Having familiarized yourself with the minimum set of exercises, you can already come to the following conclusions:

  • The technique is completely universal, applicable to different age categories;
  • Face building classes for the face after 50 years are simply necessary to resist the impending changes;
  • Training the neck muscles helps in the fight against osteochondrosis;
  • The stability of the fixation avoids the formation of creases;
  • The nutrition of tissues and their saturation with oxygen improves, which helps get rid of wrinkles and increase elasticity.

Gymnastics for the face Galina Dubinina

At the beginning of the 2000s, former fitness instructor Galina Dubinina began trying to use exercises to train her facial muscles. Having studied a lot of literature on this topic and using the experience gained, she created gymnastics for the facial muscles, which she later began teaching at her own “School of Youth”, opened in St. Petersburg.

In addition, Galina Dubinina is the president of the International Association of Professional Facial Gymnastics Trainers.

One of the few, Galina Dubinina, created sets of exercises for different ages. In terms of effectiveness, her gymnastics is comparable to plastic surgery, but much safer than the latter.

Galina Dubinina is categorically against “beauty injections”, the consequences of which are difficult to correct. In her opinion, the facial muscles atrophy as a result of Botox injections; accordingly, the muscular frame of the face weakens, and the skin, without support under the influence of gravity, will steadily “creep” down.

Gymnastics, on the contrary, helps strengthen the muscle frame, as a result of which the skin will remain tight and youthful for a long time.

Below we have presented Galina Dubinina’s exercises for the muscles of the face and neck, as well as her recommendations.

Facial gymnastics by Galina Dubinina

Facial gymnastics by Galina Dubinina

By doing the exercises daily, within two weeks you will notice improvements in your skin condition.


Like any aerobic exercise on the body, exercises from Evgenia Baglyk have their limitations:

  • Women who have fillers or use Botox injections should not start the complex, since due to increased blood circulation, the drugs will dissolve faster;
  • After plastic surgery, you should also not start classes;
  • Diseases associated with the facial nerves;
  • Hypertension;
  • Feverish conditions accompanying ARVI.

Important! For diseases of the thyroid gland, it is necessary to select exercises for the neck with caution so as not to provoke exacerbations.

Fitness for the face Alena Rossoshinskaya, essence

Alena Rossoshinskaya
Alena Rossoshinskaya's path to creating her own method of training facial muscles began with the desire to eliminate the appearance of a double chin. By studying various facial practices, Alena not only achieved a beautiful oval face, but also developed several other effective exercises. She reflected all her knowledge in her first book, “Face Culture,” released in 2014. Later, Alena wrote 4 more books on facial fitness.

Cover of A. Rossoshinskaya’s book “Face Culture”

The main principles of the Rossoshinskaya technique are:

  • regular use of all facial muscles by performing exercises;
  • self-massage;
  • control over facial expressions and posture.

According to Alena Rossoshinskaya, before starting work it is advisable to warm up the skin with a warm-up. The exercises presented below will teach you to feel the muscles of your face.

After warming up, you can begin exercises for each muscle group, videos of which are in the next chapter.

Elimination of nasolabial folds

How to deal with such age-related changes? To do this, you will need to open your mouth and lower your lower jaw. The lips should take the shape of an even oval. This will cause the skin in the nasolabial area, upper cheeks and cheekbones to become stretched. When performing this movement, it is important to ensure that the lower lip and chin are not tense. You must remain in this position for 10 seconds. After this you can relax. Performing this exercise requires 5-6 repetitions. It needs to be done daily. It is recommended to perform facial exercises (face building) at home in the morning. However, additional benefits will be obtained if such movements are performed several times a day when there is a free minute for this.

Revitonics Natalya Osminina, essence

Revitonics is based on influencing the skin through manual and hardware therapy, as well as through a set of exercises for the facial muscles. Revitonics was developed by Natalya Osminina, a former plastic surgeon, specialist in facial and musculoskeletal restoration.

The essence of revitonics is to prevent skin aging by performing sets of exercises designed for different groups of facial muscles. You can master the course yourself by watching training videos.

As a result of practicing revitonics, many people experience:

  • restoration of a clear oval face;
  • reduction of wrinkles;
  • definition of cheekbones;
  • increasing skin elasticity;
  • disappearance of edema.

Although reviews about revitonics are quite contradictory, it is nevertheless very popular.

Eliminating crow's feet

The culprit in the appearance of these wrinkles is the orbicularis oculi muscle. This is what you should work on when doing this exercise.

To eliminate crow's feet, you will need to relax your face and open your eyes as wide as possible, moving them forward a little. You should remain in this position for several seconds. After this, it is important to relax and blink. Perform the exercise 25-30 repetitions several times during the day.

Main types of aging

There are 5 types of aging:

Aging typeSignsRace
Tired facereduction in the volume of soft tissues, hollows, shadows on the face. The roundness of the cheeks and the softness of features disappear Europeans
finely wrinkleddry skin covered with fine wrinkles. Muscle tone is reduced, the fat layer is weak. Over time, the face turns into a baked apple. Europeans
Deformationfull, fleshy face, pronounced fat packets. Gravitational ptosis: cheeks float, jowls hang down, nasolabial folds are pronounced. There are no small wrinkles. Slavic women
Combinedincludes signs of the first threeall races
Muscularthick skin, developed facial muscles. They age later, maintaining a clear contour of the chin, cheeks, and cheekbones. Asian

The benefits of Facebook building after 40-50 years, advantages

In older women:

  • a healthy, fresh complexion is restored. Blood flow, nutrition, and cell regeneration increase. The tired look goes away;
  • swelling and bags under the eyes decrease. The face loses weight by improving blood circulation and lymph outflow;
  • The oval of the face is tightened, the double chin disappears. Flabbiness of the neck, jowls, and turkey cords are reduced;
  • creases and folds are smoothed out, cheeks and cheekbones are tightened. The upper eyelid and eyebrow droop less, the gaze becomes open;
  • posture, condition of the spine in the cervical region, mobility improves, the “withers” on the neck decreases;
  • facial expressions are controlled during exercise and in everyday life. By removing muscle tension from the eyes and mouth, relaxing the jaw, the woman erases the usual expression of grief, dissatisfaction, irritation, replacing it with a light half-smile. The face becomes more relaxed, softer, younger, more attractive. Smiling makes it difficult to think about bad things. The outlook on life changes.

Facebook building is not a way to quickly rejuvenate, but a means to look good. Proud posture, beautiful head carriage, open eyes, and a smile mean no less for beauty than tight skin and lips pumped up with fillers. Struggling with individual shortcomings, women often do not see the main thing.

It is not deep eyebrow wrinkles or nasolabial folds that age you. A tired look, a dull look, a dissatisfied expression, and bent shoulders make you look old.

Gymnastics, unlike cosmetic procedures, has advantages:

  • naturalness and safety. There are few contraindications and restrictions, unlike cosmetic procedures;
  • availability. No equipment or simulators are needed. You can practice at home or anywhere using a book or video course;
  • saving. Most programs are open access;
  • quick result. The first improvements are visible after 10-14 days.

General rules of classes

In face-building and fitness, the principles of training are the same: consciousness, systematicity, consistency, individuality.

Facial aerobics does not replace care, especially after 40-50 years, and helps better under the following conditions:

  • healthy lifestyle, routine, good sleep on a flat pillow;
  • to give up smoking;
  • dental health, treatment, prosthetics;
  • proper nutrition;
  • protection from the sun, harmful external factors;
  • high-quality cosmetics, constant care;
  • good posture, correction of spinal deformities;
  • drinking water at least 1.5-2 liters per day;
  • bath, sauna, contrast washes.
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