What protein is used in the production of sports nutrition?

Don't know which protein to choose? Stop by products from Weider! Their protein complexes with a unique composition are popular with bodybuilders around the world!

The well-known Weider protein is one of the top five complex proteins. If you are looking for suitable sports supplements for yourself, then pay attention to this manufacturer. Weider Protein is popular among bodybuilders around the world! Want details? Then read our article!

If you have at least some connection to the world of sports, then the name Joe Weider (who launched the Weider brand into the sports nutrition market) already tells you something! This is a famous trainer and bodybuilder, thanks to his help Arnold Schwarzenegger became famous! Weider sports nutrition is an amazing combination of high quality and affordable price. Of course, protein 80 plus from weider is no exception and athletes around the world choose proteins from this particular brand!

Protein weider 80 plus

The composition of protein weider 80 plus is designed specifically for athletes. By taking this protein, your muscles will receive exactly the amount of trace elements, vitamins and minerals they need for rapid growth and development. Weider 80 plus protein contains 4 main components: milk protein (casein), whey protein isolate, egg white (albumin) and whey protein. This powerful composition makes Weider protein 80 plus an ideal post-workout sports supplement. Protein weider 80 plus will perfectly restore your muscles, ligaments and tendons, because that’s exactly what it was created for!

One serving of weider 80 plus protein contains 30 g of product (this is 2 scoops). To prepare a protein shake, you need to mix 1 serving of weider 80 plus with 300 ml of juice, milk or water. It is best to take this sports supplement after training and in the morning before breakfast.

Lactomin 80

The Russian translit is often used - Lactomin 80. This is a whey protein concentrate (WPC), obtained from sour and sweet whey. The manufacturer is the German plant LACTOPROT Deutschland GmbH, operating since 1979.

The main advantages of Lactomin 80 are a high percentage of protein in the composition (actually 80%) and a high rate of absorption. Lactomin 80 serves as a natural source of amino acids and has long been successfully used by athletes around the world.

The product is available in several versions. The most popular is Lactomin 80 without additional markings, this is a regular ultrafiltered WPC. Lactomin 80A is positioned as an instant modification of regular Lactomin. Lactomin 80LF - WPC, from which lactose is excluded, is suitable for athletes intolerant to this substance.

Weider gold whey protein

Weider gold whey whey protein, reviews of which are mostly positive, contains almost 80% pure protein and a minimum of fat and carbohydrates. The basis of this sports supplement, like Weider's 80 plus protein, is whey protein isolate. This is a source of the purest protein, the protein concentration in it is more than 90%, and it is absorbed by the body almost instantly and almost completely! Thanks to this, weider 80 plus protein can be taken with any diet and for gaining muscle mass and, conversely, for losing weight

Effects of taking

Using the supplement helps:

  • an increase in lean muscle mass and an increase in strength indicators;
  • increasing the speed of recovery processes;
  • improving performance and endurance in training;
  • suppression of catabolic processes;
  • improving muscle definition.

High efficiency is achieved due to long-term action, because the protein nourishes the body of the trainee for another 5-6 hours after administration.

Protein weider premium whey

The manufacturer recommends drinking Weider 80 plus protein immediately after training, and for best results, also an hour before training.

This sports supplement is considered one of the best protein products. And for good reason! After all, this high-quality Weider protein is made from whey. Taking weider premium whey protein will give your body all the necessary amino acids, including BCAAs. At the same time, the sports supplement is easily absorbed by the body, serves as an excellent source of energy, and the glycomacropeptides included in its composition reduce appetite! In addition, glutamine, of which 100 g of Weider premium whey protein is 83.6 g, becomes simply irreplaceable during heavy physical activity. In addition, it helps muscles recover faster after training.

Weider premium whey protein is recommended to be taken in the morning and between meals.

As you can see, these three supplements from weider, thanks to their unique composition and highly effective components, will help every bodybuilder achieve their goal! We wish you success in your training!

Lactomin 80. Reviews from professionals

Lactomin 80. Reviews from professionals

Lactomin 80 has been used by athletes for a long time and has accumulated many reviews from consumers.

Lactomin 80 is a whey protein from a German manufacturer - Lactoprot Deutschland GmbH. It is used as a single product and as a food ingredient in the production of dairy products, baby and sports nutrition, flour and confectionery products.

New technologies are used in the production of protein products. Whey is used, which remains after the production of cheese products. Often, sports nutrition manufacturers add emulsifiers, leavening agents, flavorings and flavoring agents to products, but this negatively affects human health.

Lactomin 80 contains a full range of essential amino acids, which are similar in composition to human muscle tissue. In addition, the composition includes beta-lactoglobulin, which contains BCAA amino acids.

The use of the supplement improves the functioning of the immune system and helps protect the body from the development of cancer.

The product has a slight milky taste.

According to the manufacturer, the advantages of Lactomin are:

  • Easily absorbed by the human body
  • Provides fast and effective results
  • Does not cause allergic reactions (completely hypoallergenic product)
  • Does not cause problems with the gastrointestinal tract

The main advantages of Lactomin 80 are that it does not contain the following components:

  • Sweeteners
  • Gluconate
  • Vegetable cream

A separate advantage of the sports supplement is its price, which is significantly lower than popular brands (comparison with prices from other manufacturers

we will do below).

Comparison of Lactomin 80 with food

One kilogram of this supplement contains the same amount of protein as:

  • beef meat - 4.2 kg
  • chicken fillet - 3.8 kg
  • milk - 28.5 l

Who should use Lactomin 80?

It is recommended to use this supplement to build muscle mass. It is also useful when the body needs additional protein.

If a person pursues weight loss goals, then the supplement should be taken as a partial food replacement. Due to this, the following effect is achieved - muscle cells receive building material and the necessary level of energy without meals high in calories.

Taking protein increases the metabolic rate, which in turn accelerates the breakdown of fat, and also improves human immunity.

In addition to the main functions that Lactomin 80 performs, the following positive aspects of the product are observed:

  • Is a catalyst for biochemical processes
  • Strengthens the nail plate, bones, hair and connective tissues
  • Involved in muscle contraction

Does Lactomin 80 supplement harm human health?

Consumption of this protein for its intended purpose helps normalize the digestion process and does not cause negative effects on health

human body.

How to take Lactomin 80? Rules for using the drug.

  • In order to increase muscle mass, you should take whey protein 30 minutes before starting physical exercise. The dosage is 30-40 grams of product, which corresponds to 2.5-3 tablespoons (provided in the kit). This amount of protein consumed promotes the formation of optimal conditions for recovery processes in muscle tissue, and also affects the formation of the necessary nitrogen balance.
  • 15 minutes after completion of the training process. The dosage is 3.5-4 tablespoons of the product, which contain 35-50 grams of protein. This amount of protein consumed helps increase the rate of muscle tissue recovery after intense physical activity.

In addition, it is recommended to take the following during the day:

  • In the morning (30-40 grams) to combat the development of catabolic processes.
  • In the daytime (30-40 grams of product) to increase the daily requirement of consumed protein in the human diet.
  • In the evening, you should combine this product with casein in order to activate anabolic processes.

Rules for preparing the product

For preparation, Lactomin 80 should be diluted in filtered water (250 ml). It is allowed to use food additives such as cocoa and jam to improve taste or use milk in preparation. Lactomin 80 is highly soluble in water.

Can be taken together with other sports nutrition supplements.

Comparison with other proteins

The cost of protein most often depends on the protein content in the product, i.e. the higher its content per 100 grams of supplement, the higher the cost of the product. Some manufacturers, to reduce the price of the product, use other components in the composition, for example, flavoring additives or fiber (Pureprotein) and

other cheap components.

Let's conduct a comparative analysis of Lactomin 80 with the well-known Mutant protein - “Whey”.

Mutant Whey is a high protein blend designed to help you gain muscle mass. Tastes great. Is this really true?

Let's figure it out together!

The cost of Mutant Whey in a sports nutrition store today is 2,599 rubles per 2.27 kg package

The price for 100 grams of product is 114.5 rubles.

The cost of Lactoprot Laktomin 80 – per 1 kg bag today is 1,050 rubles

The price for 100 grams of product is 105 rubles.

Let's look at the composition of Mutant Whey:

We see that the product contains only 60% protein. This quantity is not enough for a high-quality “WHEY” product, except perhaps for a gainer with a high protein content.

Now let's look at the composition of Lactomin 80

The protein content of this protein is about 80%. At the same time, the supplement does not contain any additives.


For a price that is less than a well-known protein, we get a product that is higher in quality and protein content in the supplement. For what

pay more?

Beware of fakes!

  • The front side of the bag must contain GOST markings and company details.
  • Only the company logo and emblem should be present on the left edge of the bag.
  • The batch number and logo must be indicated on the right side
  • The reverse side must be marked with the “Repasack” symbol. The image is a cow and spikelets, which means that the product is environmentally friendly
  • German laws.
  • The name of the company must be indicated on the bottom of the bag.
  • You should pay special attention to the details that are indicated on the main side of the bag.

Example -

  • Some other inscriptions, signs and pictures of the product seller are already pasted in Russia and they do not always display reliable information about the product.

You can always buy Lactomin 80 at an affordable price at Atletic-Food!

Nutritional table

The nutritional value1 dose 30 gper 100 g
Energy value121 kcal / 511 kJ399 kcal / 1670.5 kJ
Squirrels24 g80 g
Carbohydrates2.2 g7.2 g
Fats1.8 g5.9 g
Amino acids
Isoleucine2 g6.5 g
Leucine3.2 g10.6 g
Lysine2.9 g9.6 g
Methionine0.7 g2.2 g
Phenylalanine0.9 g2.9 g
Threonine2 g6.7 g
Tryptophan0.5 g1.4 g
Valin1.8 g5.9 g
Arginine0.7 g2.2 g
Cystine0.7 g2.2 g
Histidine0.5 g1.6 g
Tyrosine0.8 g2.7 g
Alanin1.5 g5.1 g
Aspartic acid3.3 g11 g
Glutamic acid5.4 g18 g
Glycine0.4 g1.4 g
Proline1.7 g5.6 g
Serin1.4 g4.6 g

WPC Fonterra 80

Fonterra 80 protein is manufactured at the factories of Fonterra Co-operative Group Limited, an international concern headquartered in New Zealand, founded in 2001.

WPC Fonterra 80 has long been one of the most popular bulk proteins in the Russian Federation, but in 2013, as a result of independent research, the bacteria Clostridium botulinum, which causes botulism, was discovered in Fonterra products. For several months, the brand’s products were banned from import into Russia, but the restriction was lifted as it turned out that the research results were false.

Today, the main production of Fonterra protein has been transferred from New Zealand to Lithuania, two identical whey proteins are produced under different brands - WPC Fonterra 80 and WPC Rokiskio 80. The second brand got its name from the new plant in Lithuania - Rokiskio Pieno Gamyba. Popular as protein in bulk.

There are other productions, we focused on the most popular ones, including those with which we work ourselves. The protein we present and products based on it (gainers, protein pancakes) are made from raw materials from Fonterra, Ingredia, Hochdorf, Arla Food, Lactoprot, Lactalis. We work with the Dutch manufacturer Alpha Milkpowders Holland BV, the French company Eurial and the Polish Ovopol.

Consequences of uncontrolled use

Not only the quality of the product, but also the correct intake are the key to ensuring that only beneficial changes will occur in your body. First of all, taking high doses of protein can cause serious damage to human health. As a result, the amount of magnesium, iron and sodium, vitamin A and nicotinic acid in the body sharply increases. This leads to a number of unpleasant phenomena, the consequences of which can be stomach pain and nausea, fatigue and visual disturbances. Excess protein in the body increases calcium loss, which can affect bone strength.

Ask the seller for a license, check the quality of the product and do not forget to consult a sports nutrition specialist.

Protein properties

According to reviews, “Lactomin 80” contains a large amount of proteins that are quickly absorbed by the body. It must be used if there is a need to ensure accelerated entry of amino acids into the blood to close the so-called protein “windows”. Among other things, also after intense training and sleep.

The protein is characterized by a weak milky taste, is easily digested and does not lead to intestinal disorders. In addition, Lactomin 80 quickly dissolves in water. To improve the taste of the cocktail, it is recommended to prepare it with milk.

Is protein harmful to health?

Surely this is an important question for anyone who has decided to seriously engage in sports. Without good nutrition, muscles will not grow, and it is the concentrate that makes it possible to get a portion of pure protein without additional admixtures of fat and carbohydrates. This means that the fat layer will decrease, and relief muscles will appear underneath it. However, many people mistakenly confuse protein with synthetic anabolics and steroids. In fact, these are completely different things, however, when talking about whether protein is harmful to health, you need to remember that you need to take it correctly, under the guidance of a sports doctor. But prescribing proteins for yourself, based on the advice of friends, can be harmful to your health.

Possible problems with the purchase

Since Lactomin 80 is manufactured in Germany, it is quite difficult to buy in the CIS countries. More precisely, it is easy to do, but most often you can get a fake of low quality. The comparative cheapness attracts a large number of athletes, and many underground manufacturers take advantage of this and sell their own products under the guise of “Lactomin 80”. Lactomin 80 reviews in these cases, of course, do not receive the best. By the way, even the packaging of counterfeits is similar in appearance to the original ones, and sometimes it is simply impossible to distinguish them.

To avoid such situations, you should simply look for trusted suppliers or buy more expensive proteins from well-known sports brands. So, we looked at a protein such as Lactomin 80.

Lacprodan 80

Lakprodan 80 is the trade name of a whey protein concentrate produced by the Danish-Swedish dairy company Arla Foods ingredients. The company was founded in 2000 and is the largest in Europe.

Based on the name of the manufacturer, Arla protein is sometimes called Arla Lacprodan 80, or simply whey protein Lacprodan 80. In the English version, the name WPC Lacprodan 80 is often found, where WPC is an abbreviation for Whey Protein Concentrate (milk protein concentrate).

The product contains 80-84% protein (real content 76-80%), the rest is lactose, fats, minerals, moisture. Almost all whey proteins have a similar composition, the difference lies only in the percentage of the protein itself. Lacprodan has a complete amino acid composition and is popular among athletes.

WPC Milkiland 80

WPC Milkiland 80 is a whey protein produced by the concern of the same name. “Milkiland” is an association of a number of dairy industry enterprises (including the Polish “Ostrowia”, the Russian “Ostankinskaya”, the Ukrainian “Kolyada” and others).

In the name WPC Milkiland 80, the abbreviation WPC stands for Whey Protein Concentrate; similar abbreviations are used by many manufacturers. Particularly popular is the protein WPC Milkiland 80 Ostrowia, manufactured at the factories of the Polish company of the same name, which is part of Milkiland.

WPC Milkiland 80 Ostrowia contains 80% whey protein, 8% carbohydrates and fats, 5.5% moisture, 3.5% minerals. Often sold as protein by weight, it is part of KFD Nutrition and OstroVit sports nutrition.

Price range

How much will it cost an athlete to take Lactomin 80? The price per kilogram has already been announced - approximately 800 rubles (without flavoring additives). If you find it too tasteless (in fact, the taste is quite neutral, like diluted milk), then you can purchase other options, with various additives. The cost of such products is already 1100 rubles. At the same time, analyze your need in advance. For some, it’s easier to buy a kilogram of powder by weight. But since it takes a lot of protein to eat, it’s easier to immediately buy a 15-kilogram bag in branded packaging. There is no difference between “Laktomin 80” (reviews from almost every consumer testify to this) and well-promoted brands, but the savings are almost double. Therefore, for athletes this is an excellent choice, a high-quality and not too expensive product.

Ledor 80 and Ledor 85

Ledor Milk Protein Concentrate (MPC) is produced by the Swiss company Hochdorf, one of the oldest dairy industries in Europe, founded in 1895. Particularly popular are KMB Hochdorf Ledor 80 and Hochdorf Ledor 85; the difference between the two products is their protein content (in the first - 80% by weight, in the second - 85%).

Hochdorf Ledor is the sweetest protein on the market, with a lactose content of up to 9%. Proteins Hochdorf Ledor 80 and Hochdorf Ledor 85 are known for the high quality of raw materials, which is confirmed by the certificate of the International Organization for Standardization 9001/14001.

Hochdorf produces Ledor MI 85T casino protein, which contains 80% casein proteins and 20% whey proteins. The manufacturer's assortment includes whey protein concentrate Ledor MO 80 T and a number of other products (Ledor MOMO, Ledor MPC, Ledor MCC, Ledor MMP), they are widely used in various areas of the food industry.

The original or a fake

In fact, if you buy powder not in branded packaging, then there is a high chance of stumbling upon a fake. At the same time, the consequences can be very different, given that they can take money from you for a natural product from the leader in the production of sports nutrition in Europe, for example, Lactomin 80. A fake can be a cheap Chinese concentrate or, at best, skimmed milk powder. How to recognize a fake? Of course, it is best to purchase goods in a company store, where a trusted seller will definitely give you exactly what you want. If this is not possible, then purchase the concentrate only in original packaging, where the label will indicate that the contents are 80% whey protein.

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