Insanity with Shaun T: Super Intense Workout Review

A real breakthrough in the world of home fitness was the Insanity program with the famous trainer Sean T. In two months of training you will get fantastic results and gain a completely new body. The workout is not designed for beginners in the world of fitness. If you want to train with Insanity, then you must not only be physically prepared, but also seriously focused on results.

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Sean T training Insanity (video)

Fit Test - you can take this program to find out if you can handle further Insanity workouts or if you should start with easier workouts. It is also recommended to complete the Fit Test workout at the end of the 9-week Insanity workout course so that you can evaluate your progress.

Plyometric Cardio Circuit:

Interval plyometric cardio training is a high-intensity workout that promotes endurance and intense fat burning through fast steps, jumping, arm and whole body movements.

Cardio Power & Resistance:

Strength cardio training and stretching is an amazing complex that will help not only lose weight and strengthen the cardiovascular system, but also stretch the muscles. A complex for strength and flexibility at the same time.

Pure Cardio:

Solid cardio - non-stop cario training and abdominal exercises.

Core Cardio & Balance:

Max Interval Circuit:

Max Interval Plyo:

Max Cardio Conditioning:

Max Interval Sports Training:

Upper Body Weight Training:

For those who are reading these lines and have already completed Insanity, Shaun T has already prepared a new even crazier program for you, try watching Insanity Max 30 in which Shaun T has surpassed himself, this is the most killer training ever created.

Video text

I learned about the “Insanity” or “Madness” program from my wife. She subscribes to the channels of many American bloggers. In one of the videos, she heard about these workouts and showed me a video about people who did this program and their results.

The creator of Insanity is fitness trainer Shaun T, a choreographer and host of dance programs. I was shocked by what I saw: in 60 days, people achieve such results? We looked at examples of training and in the end decided to change something in ourselves and prove that we can do the same, and at the same time prepare for the summer season. It would be difficult to start immediately next week. Yes, I myself understood that preliminary moral preparation was necessary, because along with training, the diet must also be changed. Without proper nutrition you will not achieve anything.

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Advantages and disadvantages of the Insanity program from Shaun T

Let's take a closer look at the pros and cons of the program for beginners and more experienced ones.


Insanity is an amazing training, which is endowed by the author with the following advantages:

  • guaranteed results after 60 days of intense exercise (significant reduction in weight and appearance of body definition);
  • increased endurance;
  • improving blood circulation and heart function;
  • discipline training;
  • availability of Russian-language (however paid) translation of the course.


Nothing is perfect, including Insanity. The disadvantages of the program are:

  • heavy load on the knees;
  • incredible stress for the body;
  • excessive complexity of the program.

Shaun T, with the help of Insanity, took the world by storm, demonstrating that it takes hard work, endurance and motivation to achieve results.

Fat Burning Supplements

For better results, you will need sports supplements and vitamins.

'> Features a deep degree of purification from impurities. Contains less lactose and fat, but more pure protein. Taking isolate is recommended for those who want to lose weight.
'> Increases productivity during sports, strength, endurance, recovery speed between approaches.
'> During intense physical activity, vitamins and minerals are consumed by the body faster. They are also responsible for protein synthesis and are the engine of metabolic processes.
'> Allows muscle fibers to recover faster and provides building material for the growth of lean muscle mass.
'> Created to reduce excess fat deposits. Accelerates the breakdown of fat molecules and converts fat into free energy, increasing its consumption.

Insanity Shona Tee Class Schedule

Sean ensured unwavering discipline for those who embarked on his personalized method. Each athlete is required to adhere to a specific training calendar attached to the program. According to the schedule, each week contains 6 workouts and one rest day. Only 1 workout out of six is ​​less intense compared to the rest, and allows you to slow down the pace a little.

An interesting and absolutely innovative thing in the world of online sports was the Fit Test developed by the trainer. Sean recommends that everyone go through it before proceeding directly to Insanity. It is the fit test that will answer questions about the feasibility and physical ability of starting classes and will become an indicator of the result for those who endured and completed the course to the end.

Fitness from Shaun T is not differentiated by gender: classes are intended for both men and women (albeit for those who are physically resilient and purposeful). The course begins with 30-40 minute classes during the first 4 weeks and, progressively, increases not only time of classes, but also their intensity and complexity. At the end of the course, classes lasting about an hour and maximum loads are introduced.

Fitness test from Insanity

The essence of this thirty-minute stage is to self-test your strengths and capabilities before starting classes, by performing the exercises suggested by Sean as many times as possible.

Recording the results is an important stage, because it is thanks to it that each student can determine not only the level of readiness for the intensive course, but also compare the indicators at the end of the course.

Sean points out the need for a follow-up test every 2 weeks throughout the entire period. Comparing results is an additional incentive to continue training and an indicator of their success.

  • Jumping with swings and changing legs.
  • Half squat jumps.
  • Interval running with your knees raised high to your chest.
  • Jumping up with straightening your arms and legs.
  • Push-ups with legs spread wide apart.
  • Plank with arms bent at the elbows and others.

Physical activity, especially strenuous on the legs, introduces serious restrictions on the selection of those involved

Therefore, before starting classes, you need to not only pay considerable attention to the results of the body’s readiness for enormous loads (passing the test), but also carefully study the list of contraindications

Insanity: month 1

The first 4 weeks of training are comparatively less difficult than the subsequent ones, but even these can only be handled by well-prepared athletes. This stage ends with an intermediate weekly course of Core Cardio and Balance, which provides for the restoration of strength after previous loads and preparation of the body for subsequent ones.

Insanity: month 2

This stage involves increasing the complexity of the program complex and increasing the duration of classes. The load pattern itself in the second part of the intensive remains unchanged: 6 days of classes and 1 day of rest.

Every day, in the second month, Sean recommends gradually (1 minute per exercise) adding time to the exercise, thereby increasing the duration of the exercise to 50-60 minutes.

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Shaun Week Workout Composition

What workouts are included in the Shaun Week: Insane Focus program? The complex includes 7 videos that you will complete throughout the week. The load is increasing:

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Day 1: Insane Basics (30 minutes). This workout will be accessible to most students both in terms of pace and set of exercises. The first half will include plyometrics and leg exercises, and the second half will include abdominal and upper body exercises on the floor.

Day 2: Pure Cardio 2 (27 minutes). Intense cardio workout with lots of plyometrics. However, all exercises are performed in a vertical position, which helps to withstand the lesson from beginning to end.

Day 3: Insane Weights (33 minutes). Aerobic strength training, which involves strength training with dumbbells and intense cardio exercises to burn fat. Despite the strength load, the entire session is maintained at a fairly high pace.

Day 4: 25 Abs (28 minutes). Workout for a comprehensive development of the core muscles. Most of the exercises take place on the floor, the pace is quite moderate.

Day 5: Ripsanity (42 minutes). Aerobic strength training in the traditions of Focus and Asylum. Strength exercises with dumbbells replace plyometric loads. Quite a lot of floor work (push-ups, planks, presses).

Day 6: Speed ​​4.0 (30 minutes). A speed-based cardio workout that is a continuation of the Speed ​​series from the Focus T25. Everything is also intense and fat burning.

Day 7: Dig Deep (30 minutes). The most intense and challenging workout from Shaun Week, the intensity level is comparable to Friday Fight from Max 30. Lots of aerobics, plyometrics, kickboxing and hardcore crazy exercises.

How to train according to the Shaun Week program? You can do these workouts for one week or repeat them in several weekly cycles. The Beachbody team also offers a 30-day Hybrid calendar, which includes training from several Shaun T programs at once: Insanity, Asylum, Max 30, Focus T25, Shaun Week. If you love doing intense HIIT workouts, then this calendar is just for you.

Who will enjoy Shaun Week: Insane Focus workouts? First of all, to all fans of the home workout method from Shaun T: intense pace, high speed and a lot of cardio. Of course, it’s impossible to fundamentally change your body in a week of classes, but shaking up your body, moving a plateau, getting rid of the last stubborn kilograms is quite possible. Go for it!

Insanity training calendar

As for the exercises, they are arranged in such a way that during one workout the emphasis is on the development of certain qualities, for example on the circulatory and respiratory systems (for this purpose there is a “Cardio” cycle), circuit training aimed at developing muscle strength (Circuit), jumping training (Plyo), recovery (Recovery), as well as training aimed at developing flexibility in combination with strength exercises for the abdominal and back muscles (Abs).

You need to alternate workouts throughout the week in accordance with the training calendar, six days in a row. After that, one day is your earned day off. The first and last session you do a test, then do a cycle of cardio exercises. Only after a certain resistance to the load appears, it will be possible to begin conquering interval training.

Don’t despair if you have to interrupt your first workout after just five to ten minutes from the start. Don't give up, and by the end of the third week you will definitely be able to reach the end!

Pros and cons of Insanity training

Attention: if already at the stage of the Fit test you have great difficulties with performing the exercises, then you should think carefully about whether you can endure the entire course. You can choose simpler workouts to start with.

For example, check out our selection of cardio workout videos for weight loss from Popsugar.

Pros of Insanity

  • You are guaranteed to lose weight. With such loads it cannot be any other way.
  • Your endurance will increase from session to session. In just a couple of weeks with Insanity you will forget about shortness of breath on the stairs.
  • You will train and develop your heart muscle. A healthy cardiovascular system is the key to your longevity.
  • Each completed workout will bring you great moral satisfaction. Well, of course, on a regular basis to cope with one of the most complex programs currently existing - there is something to praise yourself for.
  • Insenity is high-intensity interval training at its best, and therefore an effective way to lose excess weight and create a sculpted body.
  • After completing the Insanity course, you will understand that any workout will be within your grasp. That same feeling when you realize that your body can do anything.
  • The program has already been translated into Russian!

Cons of Insanity

  • A large number of jumps put serious stress on the knee joints.
  • It is not recommended for people with a weak heart. And in general in poor health, I must say.
  • Some experts question the effectiveness of Insanity. They claim that you will train your endurance, but you will not become physically stronger, because such training contributes to muscle loss.

Get ready to feel overwhelmed and tired: this is a kind of adaptation of the body to stress. You'll be doing things you've never done before, so being a lemon is virtually guaranteed. One thing is certain, your figure will be transformed. Once you've mastered Insanity, you can try Shaun T's even more challenging program, Insanity Max 30.

What Shaun T proposes to do with his body is pure madness! This is exactly how the name of his program “Insanity” is translated.

Do you want to achieve maximum results? Then we present to your attention Insanity with Sean T!

Shaun T - extreme trainer

The video in Russian gives you a unique chance to get acquainted with one of the most difficult, but at the same time incredibly effective programs!

About the Insanity program

Insanity is high-intensity interval training. Unlike regular interval training, your heart rate will increase to 85% of maximum and even higher. This will not be like aerobic training with short bursts of explosive activity. On the contrary, throughout the entire lesson you will work at your maximum, interrupting only for minute breaks.

Insanity is not for people with weak cardiovascular systems. During the workout, your heart rate will soar to its maximum, drop during short breaks and rise again. This kind of maximum interval training allows you to achieve weight loss results in 40-60 minutes that you won’t get even if you work out in the gym for hours.

The Insanity course comes with a schedule that includes 6 days of training and 1 day off. Also, once a week you will find Cardio Recovery training (and Max Recovery in the second), which is not as intense as other classes.

See also: Review of all of Shaun T's popular workouts.

The Insanity program can be divided into 3 parts :

  • The first month your workouts last 30-40 minutes, but within the first 5 minutes you will want to quit the activity once and for all. Be patient, it will become easier in a week. In a month, you will forget that you were exhausted in the first minutes of training.
  • After 4 weeks of the first part, you will have 7 days of Core Cardio and Balance training, which will prepare you for the real tough part - the second month.
  • After 5 weeks with Insanity, you will experience workouts that last 50-60 minutes. It will be even more difficult, even more extreme and even crazier than it was in the beginning.

Before you start performing Insanity, do a Fit test (a video of it is included in the course) and be sure to write down the results. After 2 months, you will truly be surprised at your progress! And you will realize how much stronger you have become.

Tips for those who want to do Insanity

  1. Remember that proper exercise technique is ALWAYS more important than speed.
  2. Exercise only in sneakers!
  3. Slow down the pace if you feel that you cannot maintain the speed set by the coach.
  4. Drink more water during your workout.
  5. Try to stick to proper nutrition.
  6. Don't take on a workout if you feel it's not your level yet.
  7. As a preparatory program, you can try the Focus T25 program from Shaun T.

Cons of Insanity training

  • High intensity exercise can be very difficult for you, you need to be prepared for it; This type of fitness should not be practiced by people with heart or joint problems.
  • To get a decent result, you need to train almost every day, and not when you want or conveniently: skipping even one workout threatens to negate all your achievements (it is recommended to take only one day off).
  • The program is easier for people who are already involved in sports (at least average physical fitness) and can boast of a trained body.

Insanity practice

In addition to creating the mood for achievement and success, before exercising using the Insanity method, visit a doctor: he will check your health and the level of your body’s readiness for powerful sports loads. If all indicators are normal and even tomorrow you can go into space, take care of comfortable shoes and clothes: for example, sneakers should have thick soles so that the foot does not get injured. Create a training schedule.

Now you can begin mastering the insanity program of 14 cycles:

  • FitTest - contains eight exercises to assess physical fitness with achievements as your body develops.
  • PlyometricCardioCircuit - consists of cardio training and plyometric interval strenuous exercises (using the lower body).
  • CardioPower&Resistance – a combination of stretching and strength training (we activate the upper body).
  • CardioRecovery – due to static exercises, the muscles rest a little.
  • PureCardio&Abs – in addition to activating the abdominal muscles, cardio practice is performed (non-stop mode).
  • CardioAbs – we train the abdominal muscles and perform cardio training with intervals.
  • CoreCardio&Balance is a restorative practice that fills the gap between the first and subsequent months of insanity.
  • MaxIntervalCircuit – interval-circular complex training.
  • MaxIntervalPlyo – the load is intended for the legs.
  • MaxCardioConditioning&Abs – extreme type cardio training mode.
  • MaxRecovery – static training.
  • InsaneAbs – active training of abdominal muscles.
  • MaxIntervalSportsTraining – pro-level interval training.
  • UpperBodyWeightTraining – sports practice for shoulders, arms, torso, back.

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Not prevent

If you have already decided to take your health and body seriously, change the menu towards healthfulness: more meat with fresh products (the same fish, milk, fruits). It is worth drinking more pure water, and not just tea or coffee. We would advise beginners to master insanity in a fitness center under the supervision of an instructor, and not just from a YouTube video. Listen to your body, don’t be lazy, and then everything will definitely work out!

Description of the Ripped in 30 program

As a rule, Ripped in 30 is started by those who are already familiar with Jillian Michaels' training videos. This program is in the shadow of the more sensational 30 Day Shred and Body Revolution, but it cannot be called less effective. The principle of “Ripps” and “Shreds” is similar: 3 minutes of strength exercises, 2 minutes of cardio, 1 minute of abs. This interval approach will help you spend half an hour of training very effectively for your figure.

The course contains 4 workouts: from the easiest level to the most complex. The first week you perform a simple level, from the second a more serious load begins, in the third and fourth weeks get ready to sweat a lot. As a result, after a month of intense sports with Gillian, you will lose weight and qualitatively change your body.

The program is perfect for those who have finished doing Shreds, but are not yet ready to move on to more complex training. Moreover, the lesson lasts only half an hour, so you do not need to look for additional time for training. Ripped in 30 is also great for beginners. A gradual increase in load will make your introduction to sports as gentle as possible.

Pros of Ripped in 30:

  • the training lasts only half an hour;
  • every week a new level begins: the body does not have time to get used to the load and the workout does not have time to get bored;
  • with “Ripps” you work all the muscles of your body;
  • The course is suitable even for beginners in fitness;
  • There is no need to be afraid that the program is identical to 30 Day Shred: Gillian uses new exercises.

Cons of Ripped in 30:

  • if you completed Shreds, then perhaps the load in Ripped in 30 will seem insufficient to you;
  • There is no Russian translation of the program, unlike 30 Day Shred.

As always, two athletic girls demonstrate the exercises together with Gillian: one demonstrates a simple version of the execution, the second a more advanced one. Gillian recommends exercising 5-6 times a week. For training, you need two sets of dumbbells (light and heavy), the weight will depend on your physical fitness. For example, 1.5 and 4 kg are considered the optimal figure.

Ripped in 30 is a great course for both beginners and those more advanced in fitness. The training is filled with quite fresh exercises, because Gillian manages to perfectly modify the programs, filling them with new content. Gradually increasing the difficulty of your workouts from week to week will help your body gradually get used to the load, but will also prevent you from getting bored. For the “Ripped in 30” video, Gillian also prepared a meal plan for guaranteed weight loss.

Pros of Insanity fitness

You can practice without any additional equipment. You not only lose weight, but also make your body more defined: in one workout you can burn about 1000 calories (which is comparable to several hours of running at a speed of 10 km/h). Positive results will be reflected in your figure within a couple of months (which is quite fast compared to other techniques). Even very business people will be able to devote time to exercise, since exercises do not require special time or place. When training according to the insanity program, you connect all the muscles, and this is important for improving the body as a whole, not just its individual parts. During the training, a powerful development of the joints occurs, which is beneficial for the heart and blood vessels, the respiratory system and the musculoskeletal system.

What, besides training, requires attention

First, pay attention to your diet. A low-calorie, high-protein diet is best

Personally, I keep a food diary, you can read more about it here.

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Secondly, it is better to study at the same time. For example, before work. I studied an hour before lunch. The morning block of tasks has just been completed, and you can relax your brain. My attempt to make the Focus T25 a morning exercise failed.

Third, analyze execution. Some people write reports for this, others install applications on their smartphones. For some, it’s enough to tick off the boxes on the training calendar. I just devoted a couple of lines to this in my daily notes before going to bed. Here are the applications, by the way.

Shaun T - Insanity

Shaun T's training program - Insanity

Insanity is translated as madness. And this training program from the famous trainer Shaun T will seem like complete madness to you. High-intensity workouts involve a lot of jumping (watch your knees!) and little rest. Few people made it to the end of the program, most dropped out in the very first classes, so assess your capabilities soberly. And, if you are ready to challenge your body, your spirit and your willpower - this workout is for you!

A few words about nutrition... 80% of the success of any physical activity (this also applies to such a crazy program as Insanity) lies in nutrition. If you continue to consume unlimited quantities of fast food, fatty and unhealthy foods, the result that you will see at the end of the course (and it will still be) will not please you as much as it would if you followed the principles of proper nutrition. Avoid harmful things! You can eat tasty and satisfying without sausage, mayonnaise and chips! Find the optimal calorie content for yourself (1200 is the minimum, it’s better to take more, so you will be much more comfortable, and the weight loss process will be no less fast) and start! We hope in 9 weeks you will be showing off your photos and stories of struggle with yourself! We are waiting for your feedback!

Insanity training calendar

Week numberMonWWedThuFriSatSun
1Fit testPlyometric Cardio CircuitCardio Power & ResistanceCardio RecoveryPure CardioPlyometric Cardio CircuitRest
2Cardio Power & ResistancePure CardioPlyometric Cardio CircuitCardio RecoveryCardio Power & ResistancePure Cardio & Cardio AbsRest
3Fit testPlyometric Cardio CircuitPure Cardio & Cardio AbsCardio RecoveryCardio Power & ResistancePlyometric Cardio CircuitRest
4Pure Cardio & Cardio AbsCardio Power & ResistancePlyometric Cardio CircuitCardio RecoveryPure Cardio & Cardio AbsPlyometric Cardio CircuitRest
5Core Cardio & BalanceCore Cardio & BalanceCore Cardio & BalanceCore Cardio & BalanceCore Cardio & BalanceCore Cardio & BalanceRest
6Fit test & Max Interval CircuitMax Interval PlyoMax Cardio ConditioningMax RecoveryMax Interval CircuitMax Interval PlyoRest
7Max Cardio ConditioningMax Interval CircuitMax Interval PlyoMax RecoveryMax Cardio Conditioning & Cardio Abs*Core Cardio & Balance*Rest
8Fit test & Max Interval CircuitMax Interval PlyoMax Cardio Conditioning & Cardio Abs*Max RecoveryMax Interval CircuitCore Cardio & Balance*Rest
9Max Interval PlyoMax Cardio Conditioning & Cardio Abs*Max Interval CircuitCore Cardio & Balance*Max Interval PlyoMax Cardio Conditioning & Cardio Abs*Fit test

Fit test Insanity - where to start

Start your training with a fitness test. Create a tablet (electronically or, if convenient, on paper), turn on the appropriate video, complete the required exercises and write down your first results there. If you decide to take on this program, each subsequent test will delight you with much more serious results. In addition, this fit test is an excellent opportunity to understand whether you are ready for the Shaun T-Insanity program.

Neutral reviews

I was also afraid, BUT THERE IS AN EVEN WORSE TRAINING than this one, but it seems to me that it’s already for super pros, but I saw girls training on it, I’ll definitely write about it and remember, the eyes are afraid, but the hands do

I finished the program today. I really did it not 6 days a week, but 4, and additionally ran on the track in the morning. The results are there, my endurance has skyrocketed. Based on the changes in the body, I can only say one thing: you need to control your diet. While I was going through the first month, I really messed up with it, hence the lack of visible body transformations. But I have to give it my due, I didn’t gain much weight, although I had a huge appetite from intense exercise. In the second month, the results became more noticeable, but I also began to understand nutrition at this time. Now I’m going to go through the new Insanity Max 30. Well, stay on a low-carbohydrate diet. I hope for a couple more months and my six-pack abs. Good luck to everyone.

I was generally a corpse at the end of the workout, and then nothing - I got used to the load) And this is even when I was just before retirement age. If I hadn’t hurt my ankle, I would still be doing it

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