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A course of steroids for weight. If you want to take the fastest route to bulking up and building strength, you should consider anabolic steroids. However, with so many bodybuilding drugs available on the market, how do you determine which anabolic steroids are the best for building muscle?

Don't worry, we will write everything down for you! In this article, we will provide a comprehensive rundown of the best steroids for use available on the market - from their benefits to side effects to appropriate dosage.

  • Steroid courses for athletes, swimmers, boxers, runners
  • A course of steroids for strength and mass for beginners
  • Treatment of joints and ligaments with medications
  • Safe steroid cycle for a beginner
  • Courses for drying and relief, gaining dry mass.

Combined courses for gaining muscle mass[edit | edit code]

Yuzhakov Anton First year. Selection of drugs, doses, esters and PCT


Do4a: Jan 14 2014

Below are classic combined courses for gaining high-quality muscle mass, built on the principle of maximum safety and effectiveness. The authors of the 10th edition of William Llewellyn's Anabolics book write that combinations of steroids are most often resorted to by professional bodybuilders who are faced with a training plateau. In most cases, however, combination allows one to achieve only a cumulative effect (increase in the total concentration of anabolic steroids in the blood) necessary to further overcome tolerance.

Rational combination involves the combination of highly androgenic substances with drugs of predominantly anabolic action. The anabolic category conventionally includes: boldenone, methenolone, nandrolone, oxandrolone and stanozolol. Androgen drugs include testosterone and oxymetholone. Methandrostenolone and turinabol occupy an intermediate position and can serve as both androgenic and anabolic components.

On the one hand, this approach allows you to reduce androgenic side effects (baldness, acne, prostate hypertrophy, oily skin, etc.). The popularity of combinations came in the 1960s, when antiestrogens were not available, so another reason was to reduce the likelihood of developing estrogenic effects when aromatizing substances were introduced. In addition, the use of androgenic drugs allows you to achieve a synergistic effect and increase the effectiveness of the course, compared with the use of only anabolic components.

Now that powerful and safe aromatase inhibitors are available, testosterone-based cycles (cypionate and enanthate) have become prevalent, while avoiding fluid accumulation, gynecomastia and other side effects. However, the wisdom of including anabolic components remains relevant, especially at the beginning of the cycle (for quick loading). In addition, a reduction in the frequency of androgenic side effects throughout the cycle is achieved. However, the authors emphasize that for most athletes, solo courses are suitable to obtain a pronounced anabolic effect.

Basic information:

Best steroid cycles

Who are these steroid courses suitable for?[edit | edit code]

For men of thin build, over the age of 25, to gain lean muscle mass, in the absence of contraindications to taking anabolic steroids.

Read the main article:

Anabolic steroid

If you want to get maximum results, then each course should also include:

  • Diet for gaining muscle mass - keep in mind that during the course you need to gain about 10 kg of mass (of which 2-3 kg will then be lost), so be sure to weigh yourself every three days and control your weight gain through diet. If your weight is not growing fast enough, then you need to increase your caloric intake, and vice versa, otherwise you will be wasting your time. The total amount of protein in the diet should be at least 2g/kg of body weight, which can be more accurately calculated using a calculator.
  • Digestive enzymes
  • Sports nutrition for weight gain
  • Specialized training

How anabolic steroids increase muscle growth - a course of steroids for mass

Steroids are compounds that share a common chemical structure. Anabolic steroids are just one of many types of steroids that play a role in how our body functions and performs. When you consume anabolic steroids, your body breaks them down into molecules, which are then transferred into your cells. Here, steroid molecules chemically bind to androgen receptors, which are structures whose actual purpose is to bind to testosterone, which is naturally produced by the body.

Antiestrogens on course | description and application

In other words, synthetic steroids essentially trick your body into thinking they are testosterone. Once the steroid molecules are in place, they activate the androgen receptors. Depending on the type of cells that the steroids reacted with, this activation can lead to changes in the behavior of certain genes—especially those responsible for changes that occur during puberty.

Steroids affect normal metabolism in the body in two main ways, the combination of which leads to increased muscle mass. Activation of androgen receptors causes some cells to increase the amount of proteins they produce, which the body uses to create more cells. This phase of the metabolic cycle is called “anabolism,” where energy is stored and small molecules are converted into more complex ones.

Anabolism is also the phase in which muscle is stored by your body, which explains why these steroids are known as “anabolic steroids.” During anabolism, your skeletal muscle cells (muscles attached to bone) begin to grow, resulting in rapid gains in mass and strength.

However, not all androgen receptors cause this response when they are activated. Some androgen receptors inhibit hormones known as glucocorticoids, which are another type of steroid. These inhibitory hormones speed up the breakdown of complex molecules such as proteins into smaller units such as energy-providing amino acids.

Online training program: order the program

This entire breakdown process is known as “catabolism,” and it represents the other half of the metabolic cycle.

Anabolic steroids interfere with glucocorticoids, which shorten the catabolic phase of the cycle, thereby reducing muscle recovery time, allowing for shorter rest periods between workouts. Now you know how anabolic steroids improve muscle growth and athletic performance.

A study conducted in 2004 found that the use of mass enhancement steroids over a 10-week period resulted in an increase of 2-5 kg ​​of lean body mass among men. In addition to a 5-20% increase in strength, study participants reported that they gained more muscle mass in the neck, chest, and shoulders compared to other areas of the body. It wasn't because the other muscles in the body weren't as trained. The actual reason is that the muscles of the chest, shoulder and neck have a higher number of androgen receptors. It is therefore not surprising that participants identified the bench press as the exercise that provided the greatest improvement in terms of benefit. A course of steroids for weight.

Tests before a course of steroids, here's everything you need to know!

Short courses for gaining lean muscle mass[edit | edit code]

A weekTurinabolTestosterone propionateAnastrozoleTamoxifen
130 mg100 mg every other day
230 mg100 mg every other day0.5 mg every other day
330 mg100 mg every other day0.5 mg every other day
430 mg100 mg every other day0.5 mg every other day
530 mg100 mg every other day0.5 mg every other day
630 mg100 mg every other day0.5 mg every other day
  • Turinabol
    - neutralizes the androgenic effect of testosterone, and also, through combination, reduces the load on the liver. Used in 2 doses: morning and afternoon. Turinabol is toxic to the liver, and it is best to take the drug after meals.
  • Testosterone propionate
    - a short ester allows you to quickly launch anabolism, while the cycle time is significantly reduced. If side effects occur, it is possible to quickly discontinue the drug. Propionate has an inconvenient administration schedule and painful injections. It is worth noting that propionate is more often used in cutting courses with Winstrol; when gaining weight, it is preferable to use enanthate (see below). The differences between these esters lie not in the mechanism of action, but in the half-life and ease of administration. It is permissible to reduce the dosage to 50 mg every other day.
  • Aromatase inhibitors
    - required even at low dosages of testosterone, since the level of aromatization of testosterone is high, so there is a need to prevent estrogen side effects (fluid accumulation, gynecomastia, suppression of the hypothalamic-pituitary-testicular axis). Low dosages of anastrozole are used to maintain the level of estrogen necessary for the body, while increasing relief and speeding up recovery. This is confirmed by numerous reviews from Western athletes and qualified specialists. Ideally, taking AIs is carried out under the control of tests (prescribed if estradiol levels are elevated), but it should be remembered that gynecomastia is often irreversible. An indirect sign of excessive estrogen suppression is a decrease in libido and erectile dysfunction, in which case the dosage of AI should be reduced.
  • Tamoxifen
    is the basis of post-cycle therapy, which begins 3-5 days after the final injection of propionate. Tamoxifen can be replaced with the less toxic clomiphene or toremifene.

A similar course can be carried out with methandrostenolone (20 mg every day, in 2 doses), the cost of which is much lower, and counterfeits are less common. In this case, the need for aromatase inhibitors increases, since methandrostenolone can aromatize to form methylestradiol, which binds to estrogen receptors 30% more strongly, which is why many people report the “flooding” phenomenon. Many believe that the combination of methandrostenolone with propionate is not optimal, since most of the mass is lost, but not everyone shares this opinion.

Also, to gain lean muscle mass, propionate can be combined with short nandrolone ester phenylpropionate (50 mg/every other day). In this case, it is advisable to use Cabergoline (Dostinex) to block the secretion of prolactin.

The best steroid cycles for beginners

I would like to draw the attention of beginners to the fact that in order to achieve good results in bodybuilding, you should not immediately turn to heavy steroids. We, of course, have not reviewed all the current drugs, but the main part can help achieve certain results without resorting to complex combinations of steroids. Do not forget that the athlete’s body, which has not yet encountered heavy sports pharmacology, must gradually harden. Therefore, to begin with, it is necessary to use light pharmacology, gradually preparing the body for serious sporting achievements, if of course they are necessary.

Chemistry for beginners: mistakes

The mistake of almost all beginners is to choose light steroids, and contrary to the recommendations of experts, start taking them immediately with maximum dosages. Remember that long-term abuse of even the most harmless androgenic and anabolic steroids can cause serious and sometimes even irreversible side effects. Women who take even light steroids in doses exceeding the recommendations of specialists may notice signs of virilization, while in athletes abuse can cause side effects of a progestogenic, estrogenic and androgenic nature. Of course, experienced athletes can afford to take the drug in a dosage of up to 800 mg per week, this will allow them to achieve specific goals, but a beginner who takes a similar dosage can instead get serious health problems, and in some cases, an overdose of sports pharmacology drugs usually leads to lethal consequences.

The website provides information for informational purposes only. IronSet does not sell or encourage the use of potent substances, including anabolic steroids. This information was collected from publicly available sources and cannot serve as a basis for making a decision on the use of certain drugs. The information presented on the site does not encourage the use or distribution of potent substances.

Long-term courses for gaining muscle mass[edit | edit code]

When the duration of the course increases beyond 6-7 weeks, the risk of developing irreversible testicular atrophy and incomplete recovery increases. This problem can be solved by using gonadotropin. It should be noted that the maximum increase in athletic performance and muscle mass is observed only in the first 6-8 weeks and then begins to gradually decrease, along with an increased risk of some side effects. Thus, there is no need to extend the course beyond 10-12 weeks.

A weekTurinabolTestosterone enanthateAnastrozoleGonadotropinTamoxifen
130 mg/day500 mg/week
230 mg/day500 mg/week
330 mg/day500 mg/week0.5 mg every other day
430 mg/day500 mg/week0.5 mg every other day
5500 mg/week0.5 mg every other day
6500 mg/week0.5 mg every other day
7500 mg/week0.5 mg every other day250 IU, twice a week
8500 mg/week0.5 mg every other day250 IU, twice a week
9500 mg/week0.5 mg every other day250 IU, twice a week
10500 mg/week0.5 mg every other day250 IU, twice a week
110.5 mg every other day250 IU, twice a week
1320 mg/day
1420 mg/day
1510 mg/day
  • Turinabol is used as a front load for the first 2-4 weeks, to quickly increase the concentration of anabolic steroids in the blood, until the absorption of enanthate reaches high values. Taken in 2 doses (morning, afternoon) on an empty stomach.
  • Testosterone enanthate
    can be replaced with cypionate
  • Aromatase inhibitors
    - anastrozole can be replaced with other analogues. The advisability of including AI is the same as in the previous course; it is advisable to take it under the control of tests.
  • Human chorionic gonadotropin
    has many controversial administration protocols.[1][2][3][4][5][6][7] However, recent studies have shown a clear need for the use of gonadotropin in long courses (more than 6 weeks). This allows you to recover much faster after the course. Recommendations in the courses are based on the experience of Western andrologist specialists. If gonadotropin was not administered during the course, blast therapy is necessary according to Dr. Michael Scally.
A weekMethandrostenoloneTestosterone enanthateAnastrozoleGonadotropinTamoxifen
120 mg500 mg/week
220 mg500 mg/week
320 mg500 mg/week0.5 mg every other day
420 mg500 mg/week0.5 mg every other day
5500 mg/week0.5 mg every other day
6500 mg/week0.5 mg every other day
7500 mg/week0.5 mg every other day250 IU, twice a week
8500 mg/week0.5 mg every other day250 IU, twice a week
9500 mg/week0.5 mg every other day250 IU, twice a week
10500 mg/week0.5 mg every other day250 IU, twice a week
110.5 mg every other day250 IU, twice a week

A course similar to the previous one, replacing turinabol with the more accessible methandrostenolone (also used in 2 doses, on an empty stomach).

A weekMethandrostenoloneBoldenone or PrimobolanTestosterone enanthateAnastrozoleGonadotropinTamoxifen
120 mg400 mg/week250 mg/week
220 mg400 mg/week250 mg/week
320 mg400 mg/week250 mg/week0.5 mg every 3 days
420 mg400 mg/week250 mg/week0.5 mg every 3 days
5400 mg/week250 mg/week0.5 mg every 3 days
6400 mg/week250 mg/week0.5 mg every 3 days
7400 mg/week250 mg/week0.5 mg every 3 days
8400 mg/week250 mg/week0.5 mg every 3 days500 IU, twice a week
9400 mg/week250 mg/week0.5 mg every 3 days500 IU, twice a week
10400 mg/week250 mg/week0.5 mg every 3 days500 IU, twice a week
110.5 mg every 3 days500 IU, twice a week
12500 IU, twice a week
  • Methandrostenolone
    is necessary as a front load for a rapid increase in the concentration of anabolic steroids, since injectable forms begin to work only by 2-3 weeks. Methandrostenolone can be replaced with Turinabol (30 mg per day). If necessary, the front load can be abandoned without any additional changes to the course.
  • Boldenone (Equipoise)
    can be replaced with
    (200-400 mg per week).
  • Testosterone enanthate
    can be replaced with cypionate or Sustanon or Omnadren.
  • In this case, many recommend not taking aromatase inhibitors, since the dosage of testosterone is low. However, they should be on hand for emergency use at the first signs of gynecomastia (itching and swelling of the nipples).

The best steroids for beginners: first course of steroids

Let's take a closer look at why experts recommend these steroids for beginners.

Taking turinabol for beginners

The drug is especially often recommended for beginners. The fact is that turinabol is one of the most effective drugs tested by time and many novice athletes.

The very first version of the drug was purposefully developed for use in sports. Note that most of the other drugs from sports pharmacology were intended for use exclusively for medical purposes. True, in sports the drug was supposed to be an excellent addition to methandienone, but in practice it showed completely different results.

The developers of turinabol are East German specialists. The first modification of the drug became available for use in 1965, and even then tens of thousands of athletes began to use it to achieve specific results.

So what effect should beginners expect from taking turinabol?

A beginner, following the recommendations of a specialist, can get the following effects associated with taking turinabol, namely:

  • Increase in physical indicators;
  • Acceleration of muscle growth;
  • Increased performance and endurance;
  • Correction of muscle relief;
  • Increasing the density of the gained mass.

It is impossible not to note the high index of anabolic activity from testosterone equal to 180%, while androgenic activity is only 50%. This explains the rapid effect of the drug on the body - from 6 to 8 hours. The drug has a noticeable effect on the body of a novice athlete almost from the first days, but the visual effect appears gradually.

However, one cannot fail to note the manifestation of some side effects associated with taking Turinabol. Taking the drug in accordance with the recommendations of a specialist may cause rare side effects. In some cases, athletes note the appearance of the following androgenic negative consequences, namely:

  • Increased aggression;
  • The appearance of acne;
  • Increased greasiness of the skin.

Taking the drug can also cause side effects of an estrogenic nature, such as:

  • Gynecomastia;
  • Increased blood pressure;
  • Swelling.

The advantage of taking the drug is considered to be a slight or completely absent rollback effect.

However, beginners should be aware of the most optimal dosage. Experts recommend that novice athletes take no more than 60 mg of the drug per day. Considering that the drug is an oral steroid with a short period of action, it must be taken daily. On average, the course of treatment can be up to 8 weeks. It is worth noting that athletes can also take Turinabol, but in this case the dosage will not exceed 15 mg per day, and the duration of the course will accordingly last up to 6 weeks.

It is also worth noting that beginners can also use turinabol in combination with drugs such as stanozolol, boldenone, etc. The mild effect of the drug on the athlete’s body and the almost absent side effects allow the drug to be used with almost any modern anabolic and androgenic steroids. The steroid is also recommended for use in cutting courses to correct muscle relief. In other words, the drug is ideal not just for a beginner, but also for an experienced athlete.

Is testosterone propionate suitable for beginners?

Testosterone esters can be found in many effective courses designed for bodybuilders. Moreover, experienced athletes prefer to use long-acting esters, while the ideal solution for a beginner would be to use short-acting testosterone propionate. This drug practically does not retain fluid in the body and is the most effective, fast-acting and safe.

Beginners taking the drug do not have to worry about side effects, since with proper use they are practically absent. In rare cases, when using testosterone propionate, unpleasant moments such as:

  • Acne;
  • Increased libido;
  • Swelling.

While taking testosterone propionate, you don’t have to worry about the appearance of signs of gynecomastia. However, after this drug, experts recommend that you undergo a course of post-course therapy to restore testosterone production.

The main disadvantage of taking the drug is the frequent need for injections. On average, experts recommend administering the drug once every two to three days, which explains the low popularity of the drug among athletes.

Thanks to its pronounced androgenic and anabolic activity, the drug allows the athlete to achieve the following results, namely:

  • Gain of high-quality muscles;
  • Endurance;
  • Increase in physical indicators;
  • The appearance of beautiful, sculpted muscles;
  • Increased libido.

On average, experts recommend that beginner athletes take no more than 100 mg of the drug every two to three days. A bottle of the drug can be extended up to 30 days of use, despite the fact that the cost of the drug is within reasonable limits.

Experts recommend combining methandienone, turinabol, boldenone, nandrolone phenylpropionate and some other steroids with this drug in accordance with the task. Basically, throughout the course, athletes do not complain of swelling, which allows the drug to be used for drying, and not just for increasing muscle mass and strength. Of course, a solo course of the drug is also effective, but in combination with other drugs, testosterone propionate is more effective. To achieve specific results, you must complete a course of 6 full weeks. The drug is allowed to be taken not only by men, but also by women in slightly smaller doses. If you take the drug in a higher dosage, you may experience virilization.

Boldenone and the aspiring bodybuilder

Not only beginners, but also experienced athletes have heard about this drug. In addition to solo, the drug is often used in combination with testosterone propionate and turinabol. In sports, the steroid ether undecylenate has gained particular popularity, which differs from similar drugs in its long-lasting action, which allows the drug to be used by athletes who have a negative attitude towards frequent injections.

For beginners, to achieve their goals, it is enough to use 400 mg of the drug every 7 days. On average, depending on the individual characteristics of the athlete’s body, the dosage can vary from 400 to 600 mg per week. The course usually lasts up to 8 weeks, and both men and women can take boldenone. Typically, the dosage for women ranges from 50 to 100 mg per week.

Of course, boldenone undecylenate does not belong to the category of strong steroids, but it is an ideal option for beginner athletes and an excellent complement to other courses for experienced athletes. The components of the drug increase appetite and perfectly complement courses to increase muscle mass. Boldenone does not retain fluid in the body, allows you to gain high-quality muscle mass, and at the end of the course, athletes note a slight rebound. At the moment, boldenone is one of the most harmless steroid drugs. Due to low aromatization, minor estrogenic side effects may occur. There is also a slight androgenic activity, which compared to testosterone is 50%. Athletes with a predisposition to one or more components of the drug note the following disorders:

  • Acne;
  • Greasiness of the skin;
  • Aggression.

The advantage of the drug is the virtual absence of toxicity to the liver, and minimal impact on the natural production of testosterone. Experts recommend using the drug in almost any course; it is important to correctly plan the dosage regimen, dosage and duration of the course.

It should be noted that the drug has long occupied a leading position in the world market and it is not for nothing that it has gained the status of an absolutely harmless steroid.

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